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BS: Where did John McCain go?

15 Sep 08 - 06:04 PM (#2441474)
Subject: BS: Where did John McCain go?
From: Little Hawk

We need a new name for him: the Invisible Man.

All I hear about anymore is Sarah Palin. What a remarkable scenario the Republicans have precipitated.

Hillary Clinton must be mad enough to spit nails at this point.

15 Sep 08 - 06:10 PM (#2441482)
Subject: RE: BS: Where did John McCain go?
From: pdq

Also, where is Joe Biden? This is starting to sound like Tom Lehrer's song about Hubert Humpfrey.

15 Sep 08 - 06:17 PM (#2441491)
Subject: RE: BS: Where did John McCain go?
From: Little Hawk

Christ! Good point, pdq. If McCain is the Invisible Man now...and it seems to me like he is...then Biden is more like "The Man Who Never Was".

It's downright hilarious. I feel like I'm watching a new version of American Idol here, not an election campaign.

15 Sep 08 - 06:21 PM (#2441495)
Subject: RE: BS: Where did John McCain go?
From: curmudgeon

Don't you two follow the   news?

15 Sep 08 - 06:22 PM (#2441498)
Subject: RE: BS: Where did John McCain go?
From: pdq

Do you know the Joe Biden actually apologized this weekend for being a dud and offered to get off the ticket so that Hillary could be the VP candidate?

15 Sep 08 - 06:23 PM (#2441500)
Subject: RE: BS: Where did John McCain go?
From: GUEST,jack the Sailor

Curmudgeon beat me to it. Both made news today.

15 Sep 08 - 06:26 PM (#2441503)
Subject: RE: BS: Where did John McCain go?
From: Little Hawk

Of course they did. I am not talking in literal absolutes here, guys. I am talking in the general impressions that are being conveyed out there...and on this forum.

15 Sep 08 - 06:34 PM (#2441510)
Subject: RE: BS: Where did John McCain go?
From: GUEST,Jack the Sailor


You aren't making any sense. McCain is getting mentioned a couple of times a day. Biden a couple of times a week. That's about right for their positions in the world I think. There is one person who is, however getting way to much attention, both positive and negative. Someone with way too little experience and an odd animal appeal to our animal natures.


15 Sep 08 - 06:40 PM (#2441515)
Subject: RE: BS: Where did John McCain go?
From: Little Hawk

Not at all. Chongo has been almost completely shut out by the corporate broadcast media, Jack, and you know it. It's true that he is getting a fair bit of Internet time, and that's because he is really the ONLY candidate offering genuine change, but as far as ABC, NBC, CNN, FOX and all the other networks go, you'd think he didn't even exist.

They're scared, man. Scared.

15 Sep 08 - 07:27 PM (#2441552)
Subject: RE: BS: Where did John McCain go?
From: GUEST,Jack the Sailor

He doesn't offer change, being able to light a cigarette with his toes isn't change. Its a circus act. ;-)

15 Sep 08 - 07:44 PM (#2441568)
Subject: RE: BS: Where did John McCain go?
From: GUEST,Don Firth (computer still in the shop)

I don't think Joe Biden has been exactly idle all this time. It's that the media is ignoring him and spending all their time drooling all over Sarah Palin.

I believe there is a Biden-Palen debate scheduled in the near future, isn't there? Methinks that during that debate, Sarah is going feel like she's being fed into a chipper.

Don Firth

15 Sep 08 - 07:46 PM (#2441572)
Subject: RE: BS: Where did John McCain go?
From: GUEST,Jack the Sailor

I don't know how she will feel. But I expect her answers will be as deep as her experience allows.

15 Sep 08 - 08:08 PM (#2441587)
Subject: RE: BS: Where did John McCain go?
From: Bobert

Biden is right up the road from where we are stayin'... Like in North Carolina... Ain't like he's missin' er nuthin'... Jus' the medai couldn't care less... They would rather send out their top reporters to here Ms. Sarah tell her "Bridge to Nowhere" lie for the 37th time in 14 days... Much more newsworthy, you know...

As for her running mate, John Boy, done real good today and got over a half an hours media time on MSNBC retelling the same old lies about Obama's tax plan...

Yeah, it seems we are down to just a couple candidates at best and they are Ms. Sarah and Ms. Sarah???

Go figure???

That liberal eastern elite media sho nuff ain't all that liberal these days... Hope they like President Sarah when she gets US in a friggin proxy war that we will lose in Georgia, or Iran, or, or...

No matter, McCain will do the same thing...


15 Sep 08 - 08:10 PM (#2441589)
Subject: RE: BS: Where did John McCain go?
From: curmudgeon

"...liberal eastern elite media..."

Listen to NPR - Tom

15 Sep 08 - 10:59 PM (#2441681)
Subject: RE: BS: Where did John McCain go?
From: Little Hawk

"I don't think Joe Biden has been exactly idle all this time. It's that the media is ignoring him and spending all their time drooling all over Sarah Palin."

Yes, that is exactly the problem I'm really alluding to here. It's the media who are being irresponsible in their coverage. The media is playing the "entertainment" game as if this were an American Idol show search for a sexy new "star", not a national election. They similarly basically ignored Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul, both of whom have had a great deal of useful stuff to say.

They pay lots of attention to whichever candidate is "sexiest" (in the very general sense of the term). For awhile that was Obama and/or Hillary Clinton. Right now it's Palin.

That is an irresponsible way for the national media to present a national election to the general public, but I bet their sponsors love every minute of it.

16 Sep 08 - 06:54 PM (#2442558)
Subject: RE: BS: Where did John McCain go?
From: The Fooles Troupe


US media long ago stopped pretending to give facts, it's all about 'newstaintment' and ratings (and money)....

17 Sep 08 - 06:07 AM (#2442886)
Subject: RE: BS: Where did John McCain go?
From: Richard Bridge

This appears to be what he has been doing

17 Sep 08 - 03:55 PM (#2443381)
Subject: RE: BS: Where did John McCain go?
From: Stringsinger

The Republicans are selling this campaign as if it were American Idol and some people
are falling for it. The Republicans can't sell McCain so they create this apparition known
as Palin to activate their biased and intolerant base.

McCain doesn't have to exist. He is the ghost of Republican past.

McBush and McPalin, over a hundred million sold?   I hope not.

17 Sep 08 - 06:04 PM (#2443495)
Subject: RE: BS: Where did John McCain go?
From: Donuel

I found him I FOUND HIM
he is the one in the banana suit

Second banana suit