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The Heart Of Thomas Hardy (BBC TV doc)

19 Sep 08 - 10:01 AM (#2444998)
Subject: The Heart Of Thomas Hardy (BBC TV doc)
From: Bonnie Shaljean

I've searched and can't find a Mudcat thread on this, so: Does anyone know whether they plan to re-broadcast Griff Rhys Jones' TV documentary The Heart Of Thomas Hardy which originally aired on 7th September on BBC1? I missed even knowing about this programme until I read a letter praising it in this week's Radio Times. It's no longer on the iPlayer either (though living in Ireland I'm not allowed to use it anyway).   

It sounds like prime BBC4 stuff, at the very least - if enough other folks are interested, is it worth writing en masse asking for a repeat, do you think? Did anyone see it?

Interview about it with GRJ here (yes I know it's the Torygraph but he does most of the talking so it's worth a read):
19 Sep 08 - 10:14 AM (#2445008)
Subject: RE: The Heart Of Thomas Hardy (BBC TV doc)
From: Manitas_at_home

I saw it. Quite interesting but I think it was really an extended advert for the new production of Tess.

19 Sep 08 - 10:33 AM (#2445023)
Subject: RE: The Heart Of Thomas Hardy (BBC TV doc)
From: GUEST,Snoopy

I didn't see the programme, but read once that, when TH's heart was removed in order to embalm it for burial in Dorchester (or elsewhere) separate from the body itself, a cat found it and had half of it eaten before the remainder was rescued. Sounds like something out of one of his poems or novels - one of life's little ironies.

19 Sep 08 - 11:05 AM (#2445059)
Subject: RE: The Heart Of Thomas Hardy (BBC TV doc)
From: Fred McCormick

Very good programme which covered the facts of Hardy's life extremely well and showed convincingly why he has earned such an important place in literature. Much better than I'd have expected, given the tendency of tv to pepper every half way interesting subject with jokey personalities and talking heads.

I don't know of any plans to repeat it, but watch the BBC 4 listings.

19 Sep 08 - 11:35 AM (#2445089)
Subject: RE: The Heart Of Thomas Hardy (BBC TV doc)
From: Harmonium Hero

Snoopy: I've heard that story too, and if I know anything about cats, it's probably true!

19 Sep 08 - 12:11 PM (#2445138)
Subject: RE: The Heart Of Thomas Hardy (BBC TV doc)
From: Liz the Squeak

Apparently true... the programme (which I still have on digital recording and will watch again later) gave the impression that it was at his home the heart was cut out by the aged and trusted family doctor but it seems to have happened at the surgery and a young assistant actually took it out. The doctor's maid found a biscuit tin to keep it in and put it in the shed (outside, in January, better than a fridge) but the doctors' cat found it....

The programme did get his increasing coldness towards his wife right, but it didn't mention that his stinginess became borderline abuse. An adopted grandfather of mine was a delivery boy and knew him. Said he was one of the meanest men he ever met; he would put out the fire in a room if it was going to be empty for more than a few minutes, never gave Christmas tips or goodies to his staff or the delivery boys, dustmen and the like and had an outside lavatory even though his wife requested one inside.

Having said that, the programme was very good, lots of shots of rural Dorset, including my own 'patch', it didn't over sweeten the romantic bits but gave the impression of a man totally engrossed in the idea of romance, but so painfully shy and incapable of showing how he felt.

It didn't mention the fact that he knew William Barnes and T E Lawrence, both authors, or that he was a long time friend of the Kings' Surgeon Sir Frederick Treves (he took out King Edward VII's appendix in 1902, delaying the coronation and at great risk but is more famous for 'discovering' and installing the Elephant Man in the London Hospital). All in all, it could have been twice as long and still been enjoyable for me, but I agree with Manitas (there's a first!) it was rather more an advert for the new adaptation of 'Tess', even featuring the same actress as Emma/Bathsheba/Tess.


20 Sep 08 - 02:49 PM (#2446067)
Subject: RE: The Heart Of Thomas Hardy (BBC TV doc)
From: GUEST,someone involved in making it

It was definitely not the same actress, and was made with no knowledge of or connection with the Tess adaptation! The BBC decided to broadcast it as a tease even though they had had it for months.

20 Sep 08 - 02:53 PM (#2446070)
Subject: RE: The Heart Of Thomas Hardy (BBC TV doc)
From: Fred McCormick

Well, the broadcast was obviously timed to trail the Tess adaptation, and that's presumably why the BBC sat on it for so long. And really who could blame them? But it was just too well made and too comprehensive to be regarded just as an advert for the main feature.

20 Sep 08 - 03:05 PM (#2446076)
Subject: RE: The Heart Of Thomas Hardy (BBC TV doc)
From: Bonnie Shaljean

Someone, please can you use whatever influence you have to persuade the Beeb to repeat this programme - on BBC4 if not the main channels. Surely after all the attention garnered by Tess, a lot of people would be interested, who may have missed it first time around. Please?

Or else tell me whom to write to. If you want to email me privately, my address is my name as it appears above, no spaces or dots, {a t } g m a i l   {d o t}   [c o m]

Many thanks for anything you can do -

20 Sep 08 - 03:08 PM (#2446077)
Subject: RE: The Heart Of Thomas Hardy (BBC TV doc)
From: Fred McCormick

All right. PM me with your email address and I'll send you a DVD copy.

20 Sep 08 - 03:08 PM (#2446079)
Subject: RE: The Heart Of Thomas Hardy (BBC TV doc)
From: Fred McCormick

Sorry. I meant snailmail address

20 Sep 08 - 03:10 PM (#2446080)
Subject: RE: The Heart Of Thomas Hardy (BBC TV doc)
From: Bonnie Shaljean

Wow, thanks Fred! PM coming up. Let me know if there's anything I can send you in return - a CD or book or something (can't do DVD's).

Bonnie    xxxxxxxxx

26 Sep 08 - 02:51 PM (#2451064)
Subject: RE: The Heart Of Thomas Hardy (BBC TV doc)

My very dear friend told me about this program and I didn't get a chance to see it. Has anyone found a place that I could watch it?

14 Oct 08 - 03:05 PM (#2465567)
Subject: RE: The Heart Of Thomas Hardy (BBC TV doc)
From: GUEST,Hardy Enthusiast

I am eagerly seeking a copy of this on dvd. I am willing to cover any expenses involved if someone could send one to me.

29 Oct 08 - 09:42 AM (#2478970)
Subject: RE: The Heart Of Thomas Hardy (BBC TV doc)

I, too, am mortified to have missed the programme, especially as I have actually stayed at Max Gate.

If anyone can sell, lend or swop me the DVD, I would be very grateful.

29 Oct 08 - 12:04 PM (#2479067)
Subject: RE: The Heart Of Thomas Hardy (BBC TV doc)
From: GUEST,Jim Martin

Have only just picked up on this thread and am amazed the prog seems to have apparently gained so little publicity.

29 Oct 08 - 02:30 PM (#2479180)
Subject: RE: The Heart Of Thomas Hardy (BBC TV doc)
From: Liz the Squeak

Alright, person involved in making it. I watched it again. It's not the same woman.

However:~ The same actress is credited for Tess/Bathsheba/Young Emma but it is not made clear that the clips from the series 'Tess of the D'Urbervilles' included in the programme under discussion is a different actress and they were very similar to look at.


01 Oct 09 - 05:56 AM (#2735677)
Subject: RE: The Heart Of Thomas Hardy (BBC TV doc)
From: GUEST,Ken Rowe

Any chance anyone could get me a DVD (all expenses paid) of this documentary?

01 Oct 09 - 04:59 PM (#2736138)
Subject: RE: The Heart Of Thomas Hardy (BBC TV doc)
From: Bonzo3legs

Any music from the Mellstock Band in the documentary?

07 Mar 11 - 03:04 AM (#3108692)
Subject: RE: The Heart Of Thomas Hardy (BBC TV doc)

I am a bit late.

Can someonw send me DVD.

Willing to pay all expenes upfront.

08 Oct 11 - 01:15 PM (#3235853)
Subject: RE: The Heart Of Thomas Hardy (BBC TV doc)

I would enormously grateful for a copy as well, if anyone still has it. or twitter @willowhisperrs

Thank you so much in advance x