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Gizmo's thread for kids!!

10 Jun 99 - 09:54 PM (#85720)
Subject: Gizmo's thread for kids!!
From: Lonesome EJ

If there are any Mudcaters out there with kids under the age of 14 who wanna chat come to Gizmo's thread for kids!:)

11 Jun 99 - 12:48 AM (#85776)
Subject: RE: Gizmo's thread for kids!!
From: Lonesome EJ

I just thought I'd add just a bit more info. on me. I live in Evergreen,CO, I go to school at Wilmot Elementary School, I'm in 5th grade and I'm turning 11 on October 28th.I'm a girl with blonde hair and grey eyes. My best friends name is Allie she has a brother named Andy and a little sister named Abby.Whenever I send a message it comes up as Lonsome EJ 'cause he's my dad and he is really addicted to this and never gets off unless he has to go to work!! So, I decided to create this to drive him nuts like he drives me nuts!! I used to have 5 cats, but now I only have 1 , cause they all got eaten by Mountain Lions!! My only cat left is named Madonna and the other 4 are Timmy, Baby, Mufasa , and Jeffery. I know the Mudcat is dedacated to Folk and Blues so, I guess I'll tell you wich bands I like: Alanis Morrisette,AQUA Aqarium, Britney Spears,Cher,Savage Garden,Salt'N'Pepa,Chumbawamba,and Sheryl Crow. I probably made everybody fall asleep so, I'll leave you with that:)


11 Jun 99 - 10:09 AM (#85866)
Subject: RE: Gizmo's thread for kids!!
From: MMario

Gizmo - I'm not under 14 -- but in two weeks I'll be helping with a summer camp with 66 kids, most of whom will be under 14.

Stand up for your rights to use the computer...*grin* I have your problem, except in my case it's the kids who hog the computer and I almost never get on.


11 Jun 99 - 10:48 AM (#85873)
Subject: RE: Gizmo's thread for kids!!
From: Bert

Welcome aboard Giz. We are planning a whole 'Mudcat for Kids' forum. Let us know that things you'd like us to put in it.
Bert. (Who is an old fogey, even OLDER than your Dad)

11 Jun 99 - 11:47 AM (#85884)
Subject: RE: Gizmo's thread for kids!!
From: Shane

Hi Gizmo. I am 11 and I live in Sacramento CA. I don't go to school I am in home school. I was sorry to hear you had mountain lions that ate your cats, but I still think its cool to have mountain lions around! We have a laberador dog named Sarge who is very funny and always trys to get on my bed when I am sleeping! I like to play soccer and baseball. My favorite music groups are Back Street Boys and Smashing Pumkins. Shane.

11 Jun 99 - 12:07 PM (#85887)
Subject: RE: Gizmo's thread for kids!!
From: Margo

Hi Gizmo! I am another ooooold person (44). I am in Vancouver Washington, way over on the west coast. I am going to be directing a children's choir this summer, ages 11 through 16. We're going to do songs of the sea, and its going to be fun, fun, fun!

Sorry about your kitties. We have a german shepherd who is very large, even for german shepherds. We also have a little kitty with a lot of spunk. The dog (Czar) likes to play with the Kitty (Tasha). But if you didn't know their game, you might be alarmed to see them play. Czar corners Tasha, and at the right moment, he takes her head in his mouth and chews on it! Many a visitor has been alarmed until I say, "Oh, they always do that."

Tell your dad to get another computer and a proxy server. I have no idea what a proxy server is, but my husband is a computer whiz, and he is getting us a proxy server so that we can both go on the internet at the same time, and not have to be on the same page. (Even on the same phone line!) It might be too expenseve for you. I have no idea.

Glad you're here at the Mudcat!


11 Jun 99 - 12:41 PM (#85894)
Subject: RE: Gizmo's thread for kids!!
From: Lonesome EJ

This is amazing for me!! I did'nt think anyone would respond!So, Bert you wanted to talk about adding your own kids thread!! Great idea! I also think the Mudcat should have graphics to have your thread more exciting to read and look at!! I was also amazed that some Adults came on and only one kid!!


11 Jun 99 - 12:51 PM (#85898)
Subject: RE: Gizmo's thread for kids!!
From: Lonesome EJ

Shane It is neat you have a dog!! My mom would never have a dog in the house:(


11 Jun 99 - 02:21 PM (#85927)
Subject: RE: Gizmo's thread for kids!!
From: Bert

Giz, Yes we're hoping to have graphics, stories, how to build and play instruments, featured songs and so on. We need lots of feedback from younger folks though.

I'm going to get myself into trouble now.
GizzezMom, You don't know what you're missing. Just think! you could have someone in the house that... is trainable, listens to you, loves you all the time, will look at you with adoring eyes and will follow you everywhere - even into bed.

When our dog sneaks into our bed she pretends to be asleep (she even snores) so we won't throw her out.


11 Jun 99 - 03:56 PM (#85963)
Subject: RE: Gizmo's thread for kids!!
From: Lion (Giz

11 Jun 99 - 03:59 PM (#85965)
Subject: RE: Gizmo's thread for kids!!
From: Lion (Gizs' Mum)

OOps! got excited and sent the message before the brain had finished engaging! Now, Bert you're supposed to be on the side of the grown ups! Besides, when you started talking about all those wonderful things, like big eyes and adoring companionship, I thought you meant LEJ! And I don't have to scoop up after him!!!!

11 Jun 99 - 04:12 PM (#85968)
Subject: RE: Gizmo's thread for kids!!
From: MMario

Lion, you mean Leej is HOUSE-TRAINED? wow! (Sorry, I couldn't resist.)

Plug for MudKids....Gizmo - feedback from kids is needed so that the 'Cat can make itself an enjoyable place for all ages. Of course we ALL like to play, as you can see, the adults have no problem jumping onto your thread. Likewise, if you see something intersting elsewhere, don't be afraid to comment.

MMario -
voted "honorary kid" by campers

11 Jun 99 - 04:37 PM (#85969)
Subject: RE: Gizmo's thread for kids!!
From: Bert

Sorry Lion, I am normally on the side of the grownups, but since I've been delegated to help with MudKids I have to take the kids' side sometimes.


11 Jun 99 - 04:52 PM (#85975)
Subject: RE: Gizmo's thread for kids!!
From: LEJ

MMario- Yes, I am house-broken but they still don't let me up on the furniture.


PS...Hi Gizmo!!!!

11 Jun 99 - 07:21 PM (#86018)
Subject: RE: Gizmo's thread for kids!!
From: Lonesome EJ

Hey!! Who said you guys could talk to my old fogies!! Besides,They arent that interestin'!!


11 Jun 99 - 07:51 PM (#86031)
Subject: RE: Gizmo's thread for kids!!
From: Bert

hey Giz, I'm on your side

12 Jun 99 - 12:13 AM (#86086)
Subject: RE: Gizmo's thread for kids!!
From: Lonesome EJ

Thanks Bert!! At least someone is!!!! My idea for the kid's forum is to have a chat room and a "15 yr. or younger policy" and have a sign up sheet and also have a comment sheet.I'll give you an' Max the rest of my ideas on his thread:)


12 Jun 99 - 07:23 PM (#86224)
Subject: RE: Gizmo's thread for kids!!
From: Shane

to Giz. My mom says that we will never have another dog everytime Sarge makes a big mess. We also have a cat named Murph too, who is sstriped like a tiger. I think it would be cool to have a Mudcat Kid Page someday!Do you play any insturments Gizmo? I am taking guitar lessons.Shane

12 Jun 99 - 09:43 PM (#86255)
Subject: RE: Gizmo's thread for kids!!
From: Lonesome EJ

Hey Shane!! Yes I play many insturments such as: Drums,bongos,sax,and piano. I also love to sing!! Do you sing at all Shane?
