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BS: Will Obama Win???

18 Oct 08 - 08:35 PM (#2469498)
Subject: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Bobert

Well, well, well...

Looks as if John McCain has an uphill fight but...

...there is always the Bradley Effect and all sorts of things that can happen so...


I think that Obama will win...


18 Oct 08 - 08:39 PM (#2469504)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Peace

I think he pretty much has to win, Bobert. There's no one else running.

18 Oct 08 - 08:45 PM (#2469506)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: emjay

Late on the 4th of November we will know. Until then work, work, work and hope!
I have donated, written postcards to voters in swing states, put signs in my front yard, participated in sign waving.
I don't know if any of those things work but they are what I can do.
I will be a poll watcher on election day.

18 Oct 08 - 08:54 PM (#2469511)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: CarolC

I don't know, but I'll be making some phone calls for him tomorrow, in this swing state.

18 Oct 08 - 09:00 PM (#2469513)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Little Hawk

Just wait and see. You'll find out when it happens.

18 Oct 08 - 09:07 PM (#2469520)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Alice

Yogi Berra - "The other teams could make trouble for us if they win."

18 Oct 08 - 09:08 PM (#2469521)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: McGrath of Harlow

McCain's only real hope now appaears to be "the Bradley Effect". In other words, racism to the rescue. That must be a very depressing thought for decent Republicans. I think I'd sooner lose than be dependent on that kind of help.

18 Oct 08 - 09:11 PM (#2469525)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: CarolC

Republicans have won elections by playing on peoples hatred and/or fear of Blacks for decades. Which is kind of sad, considering the origins of the Republican party.

18 Oct 08 - 09:27 PM (#2469533)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Donuel

Sadly he will not.

Over 10 million democrat party votes have already been purged from the rolls nationwide. Colorado has 2.5 million alone and the numbers will only frow higher.

The army has been brought into this mess with the depoyment of a brigade to apprehend terrorists who would have formerly been called protesters due to te Patriot Act and other new laws of repression.

The stage is set bu McCain calling the ACORN FBI investigation "uncovering the the biggest scadle that will shred our entire democracy...when actually the Republican party with the help of US attorneys are quietly purging legitimate voters with new WHite House definitions of qualified voters.

Why 15% if the US voters will be denied to vote.
Investigation by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
and Greg Palast

Don't worry about Mickey Mouse or ACORN stealing the election. According to an investigative report out today in Rolling Stone magazine, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Greg Palast, after a year-long investigation, reveal a systematic program of "GOP vote tampering" on a massive scale.

- Republican Secretaries of State of swing-state Colorado have quietly purged one in six names from their voter rolls.

Over several months, the GOP politicos in Colorado stonewalled every attempt by Rolling Stone to get an answer to the massive purge - ten times the average state's rate of removal.

- While Obama dreams of riding to the White House on a wave of new voters, more then 2.7 million have had their registrations REJECTED under new procedures signed into law by George Bush.

Kennedy, a voting rights lawyer, charges this is a resurgence of 'Jim Crow' tactics to wrongly block Black and Hispanic voters.

- A fired US prosecutor levels new charges - accusing leaders of his own party, Republicans, with criminal acts in an attempt to block legal voters as "fraudulent."

- Digging through government records, the Kennedy-Palast team discovered that, in 2004, a GOP scheme called "caging" ultimately took away the rights of 1.1 million voters. The Rolling Stone duo predict that, this November 4, it will be far worse.

There's more:

- Since the last presidential race, "States used dubious 'list management' rules to scrub at least 10 million voters from their rolls."

Among those was Paul Maez of Las Vegas, New Mexico - a victim of an unreported but devastating purge of voters in that state that left as many as one in nine Democrats without a vote. For Maez, the state's purging his registration was particularly shocking - he's the county elections supervisor.

The Kennedy-Palast revelations go far beyond the sum of questionably purged voters recently reported by the New York Times.

"Republican operatives - the party's elite commandos of bare-knuckle politics," report Kennedy and Palast, under the cover of fighting fraudulent voting, are "systematically disenfranchis[ing] Democrats."

The investigators level a deadly serious charge:

"If Democrats are to win the 2008 election, they must not simply beat McCain at the polls - they must beat him by a margin that exceeds the level of GOP vote tampering."

Add another 5% of electronic voting machine schenanigans and Obama has a 20% margin to overcome.

McCain speaks not of winning the election but he uses the words "If I manage to pull this off"

He also spoke of the JFK assination face to face with Obama and called it an "INTERVENTION". Obama McCain debate quote

I think we can all see the writing on the wall.

18 Oct 08 - 09:35 PM (#2469539)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Little Hawk

It's not the real result that counts, folks, it's the officially announced result. The official announced result (after all the blah-blah and mutual hatred) decides an election. It'll be interesting to see what the powers that be decide to make the official result this time. Whichever way they decide, many people on the losing side will cry "fraud!", and the chances are quite good that they will be right about that...regardless who "wins". They'll also cry "disaster!" They have to in order to justify maintaining their accustomed state of partisan hatred for another 4 years.

You can't govern a nation sensibly or reasonably, given such an attitude. It's simply not possible.

18 Oct 08 - 09:40 PM (#2469548)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Rapparee

Donuel, if what you say is true and actually happens there will be literally blood in the streets.

Bought your bullets yet?

18 Oct 08 - 09:42 PM (#2469549)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Donuel

The McCain TV ads here end with "Americans, Stand up and FIGHT!"

there will be fights all right. Once again into the justice department. The Bush Justice Dept. is pronounced Just Us.
Oberman and Obama's lawyer on purging democrat votes.

18 Oct 08 - 09:58 PM (#2469565)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Donuel

Even the president of Iraq has been notified of the coming domestic "crisis" in the US.

Such information is not privy to US citizens even though we are the ones who will be playing it out as McCain, Bush and Cheney perpetuate the take over of the 'Untied' Satans of amerika.

The possibility still remains that the best and brightest behind the Obama campaign dould still head off the worst of the Bush McCain election coup.

We are still operating under a Rovian strategy that is designed to insure an uninterupted Republican White House for decades.
Only the economic disaster is ironicly on our side.

18 Oct 08 - 09:59 PM (#2469566)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Donuel

Now I better lighten up a watch Palin on SNL tonight.

18 Oct 08 - 10:03 PM (#2469570)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Amos

I take exception to the scenario you predict, Donuel. It will be a strong majority win for Obama.


18 Oct 08 - 10:06 PM (#2469571)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Rapparee

I think with Amos. I think Idaho might even send a Democratic Senator to DC -- there's a chance of it this year, in place of Larry "Wide Stance" Craig.

18 Oct 08 - 10:17 PM (#2469578)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Little Hawk

I would make no bets and I can make no predictions, because you can't predict what the "controllers" will do...and they have the power.

If it were a relatively fair and honestly conducted election this time, yes, Obama would win. Will it be? Well, we'll have to wait and see.

They would have to be insane to blatantly steal an election for John McCain this time in the face of the subsequent dire reaction in America itself and in the world in general...or they would have to be arrogant beyond belief, and insane to do it.

They may be both of those.

We'll see.

18 Oct 08 - 10:18 PM (#2469579)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Rapparee

Lock...six rounds, ball ammunition, load....

18 Oct 08 - 10:28 PM (#2469584)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Little Hawk

And then? It's 1775 all over again...only King George is in Washington.

18 Oct 08 - 10:43 PM (#2469594)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: katlaughing

Ditto here, Amos.

For anyone who would like to read the entire article, it available online at Rolling Stone.

18 Oct 08 - 10:50 PM (#2469597)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Amos

Testimony on vote rigging.

Regiszter anyway.

Double check your registration NOW.

Vote for Obama if you can. But Vote.


18 Oct 08 - 10:50 PM (#2469598)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: GUEST,Dani

"Wait and see"

Hell, no!

Keep writing letters, talking to people, knocking on doors, dispelling lies and rumors, feeding staffers, working.

Did you vote yet? Our early voting started this week...

Don't dare sit back if you have any hope at all of his winning.


18 Oct 08 - 10:50 PM (#2469599)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Ebbie

"Even the president of Iraq has been notified of the coming domestic "crisis" in the US." Donuel

Where is your documentation for that statement, Don? You are making serious charges- even if it is just passing them on - and I, for one, weary. Conjecture, fears and paranoia are all very well but put a foundation under it, please.,

So. Again. Where is the documentation for this statement: Even the president of Iraq has been notified of the coming domestic "crisis" in the US.

18 Oct 08 - 11:16 PM (#2469613)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: John O'L

If Obama doesn't win it won't be just another eight years down the toilet, it will have been a fifty-to-a-hundred year opportunity that will have been wasted and the whole world will suffer immensely for it.

(Needless to say, we don't have a spare fifty-to-a-hundred years to lose.)

18 Oct 08 - 11:22 PM (#2469617)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: GUEST,number 6

He'll probably win ... can't wait until this damned never ending carnival leaves town.


19 Oct 08 - 02:34 AM (#2469668)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: CarolC

As I said somewhere (can't remember where), a lot of provisional ballots don't get counted. From the Rolling Stone article...

'In 2004, an estimated 3 million voters who showed up at the polls were refused regular ballots because their registration was challenged on a technicality. Instead, these voters were handed "provisional" ballots, a fail-safe measure mandated by HAVA to enable officials to review disputed votes. But for many officials, resolving disputes means tossing ballots in the trash. In 2004, a third of all provisional ballots — as many as 1 million votes — were simply thrown away at the discretion of election officials.'

19 Oct 08 - 02:40 AM (#2469669)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Barry Finn

This will be the biggest Democratic landslide in recent history.
The "the Bradley Effect" will be over whelmed by the "reverse Bradley Effect". There have been reporters crawling though the rural & mountainous regions through out the US & beyond & they are reporting that most of what the rest of the US considers 'backwoods folks' are quietly saying that they're signing up as independants but they are voting for Obama but don't want anyone to know & it's even been discovered that a whole segment are telling others that they're voting MaCain but when they get to the polls they're gonna vote Obama, they just don't want their neighbors to know until after the vote. Obama bumper signs have been spotted on the backs of pickups that carry rifle racks with mooseye in the back of the bed. There's been a swelling campain that's aimed at saving the wolf & bear & another against vampires, even some tall ships with figure heads silver harpooning Palin through the heart, stone cold, isn't it!
Really & searingously now, it seems that many of the republican seats are gonna be lost to dem's along with the White House. The repub's are shaking & their fear is turning to deportation (they'll be singing about this one). As long as Bush & company don't start WWIII or pull off another 9/11 then they will be kissing their collective asses good-bye. This is a snowball effect, a falling of domino's, a groundswell building. Come the 5th of November we'll all wake to a whole brave new world & we will have our cake & we'll be eating too, & some of the old heads will roll red. The reports are coming in from every state that an overwhelming majority of the amazing amount of new young voters are signing up in droves as dem's, my 2 kids just registered as dem's along with all their old High School chums, it's going crazy up here in the once "Red State".

OK, call me crazy, call me batty, call me a dreamer you can even call me Willy but all my life I've been called pathalogicly affirmative but all my life I've been right. I was told 4 x's I'd die, I said NO, I'm still here, I said the war would be the biggest mistake since Viet Nam (check my posts) & that was on the day the second Bush got first elected, I said that the economy would be as bad when Bush was leaving office as it was good when Clinton left office. I just took a trip up to the north country, in my swing state of NH & where the Old Man in the mountain's face had recently fallen off there was the new face of Barack there instead. Way out west just north of the Badlands there was a report of a new 5th face on the side of Mt Rushmore, yup, it was the face of Obama, no one knows how it got there. At the Museum of Science, in Boston, they're opening up a new exhibit at the planetarium's observatory. They're focusing attention on the moon & the flag that the US planted there, it's saying "Vote for Obama, the man who'll save the Universe". If that's not a positive sign then God's gonna have to come down personnaly to the Mount & hold up 2 tablets that says "Fuck the Christen Right & Vote for Barack" & God's a black man, won't that be a shocker to some Christens, that'll drive the fundmentalist crazy, they won't know weither to shit standing up or rolling over. I'm saying it here & now, it's gonna be a brand new day. The Devil's gonna pay dearly come the dawning of the 5th, he's gonna rain hell all over the place, boy will he be pissed, & wait till some of those politicans fine out that the Devil's not red, he's white, they're gonna freak, he's gonna be keeping some pretty funny company, what a hot party that's gonna be.

Remember, you heard it here first at Mudcat,

from Barry

19 Oct 08 - 02:49 AM (#2469672)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Sawzaw

Hell Yes! It's in the bag or O. Why waste the gas to go out and vote? Just stay home an watch it on TV. All yer doin' is making Exxon richer and they just turn around and give it to the Republicans.

19 Oct 08 - 06:28 AM (#2469752)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: kendall

"Those who vote decide nothing. Those who COUNT the votes decide everything." )Josef Stalin)

19 Oct 08 - 08:25 AM (#2469805)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: GUEST,Dani

"pathalogicly affirmative"

I love it, Barry! I knew there was a word for fools (I mean folks) like us!

I just got a report on early voting here, and it seems real good : )

We won't be partying until the DAY AFTER election, but..... what a party it will be, here in North Caroina.


19 Oct 08 - 08:47 AM (#2469815)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Richard Bridge

Barry - we believed that in the UK when we got the first Labour government in decades. But the conservatives would have been worse. RIght now is the time for the USA to stand against evil, or forget that it ever thought about the difference between good and evil.

19 Oct 08 - 09:24 AM (#2469838)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: CarolC

The little islands of ignorant racism in this country are getting smaller and smaller. The racist holdouts are going to be finding themselves very isolated in the not too distant future. And then they're going to look just plain silly to everyone.

19 Oct 08 - 09:31 AM (#2469845)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Bobert

The problem with yer thinkin', Justin, is that is based on the false premise that there is all this evil that can be conquered with yet more wars...

If we do a little review of Bush's foriegn policy:

1. Invading Iraq for no reason

2. Spurning Iran's overtures for diplomacy in 2003

3. Turning our back on the Isreali/Palestinian situation

4. Withdrawl from the Anti-Billistic Missile Treaty

5. Antagonizing Russia with the NATO Defense (haha) System

6. etc. would appear that to most of the folks in the world that most of the "evil" is within "The Beltway" (you know, I495... Ahhhhhh, Washington, D.C.)...

So the best 1st step in dealing with evil is not vote for any more of it... Yeah, that's a good starting place...



19 Oct 08 - 09:39 AM (#2469853)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: kendall

Evil is relative. Give us some specifics, and why you think they are evil.

19 Oct 08 - 10:14 AM (#2469873)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Amos


Go ahead and vote for Obama, man. You'll be right proud of yourself later on.


19 Oct 08 - 11:01 AM (#2469908)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Alice

guest Justin is trolling from the UK, evidenced by other awful comments he posted yesterday that have been deleted.

19 Oct 08 - 11:05 AM (#2469915)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: curmudgeon

Justin says, " Wrong colour..." and   "... looks to me to be a shade lighter."

Can you say "Racist?"

19 Oct 08 - 02:40 PM (#2470100)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Little Hawk

Dani....when I said "Wait and see", I sure as hell did not mean "sit on your ass and DO nothing while you're waiting"!

Geez. What I meant was that it's a bit vain to go stating absolute certainties about an uncertain future, but people do it because it makes them feel good.

As I've said, if the election is conducted fairly and honestly, Obama will win. If Bush doesn't engineer another 911 or another major war, Obama will win. If Bush doesn't declare martial law and suspend the elections, Obama will win. And there are other "ifs" too...but best left unsaid.

NEVER be so proud as to count your chickens before they are hatched, that is all I'm saying when I say "wait and see". Never assume entitlement is yours, but keep on keepin' on!

I hope that Barry is dead right. I hope to God that Obama wins and that none of the above hypothetical scenarios I alluded to above occurs.

19 Oct 08 - 02:53 PM (#2470104)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: artbrooks

We voted this morning...and he will take New Mexico easily.

19 Oct 08 - 03:13 PM (#2470125)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: beardedbruce

He will probably win. The question is whether this is better for the US than having McCain win.

I will say we have a 30% or better chance of having a nuclear war ( two sides using WMD) before 1 August 2009 if he (Obama) does win.

Just my opinion- I hope all here vote for the candidate of their choice.

19 Oct 08 - 03:14 PM (#2470126)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: CarolC

Seems like the closer we get to the election, and the more it looks like Obama will win, the more vicious and virulent is the racism we see oozing up from the muck.

19 Oct 08 - 03:14 PM (#2470127)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Peace

IMO, it would be a good thing if Mudcatters denounced this guy from the UK. And it would be nice if he was banned from posting here.

19 Oct 08 - 03:38 PM (#2470145)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Peace

That was a reference to Guest, Justin U. He posted racist crap that has been deleted. He is from the UK.

19 Oct 08 - 04:02 PM (#2470164)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: GUEST,heric

Obama will win by a strong margin.

(Unless he does something crazy honest such as betraying Farm Subsidies, Inc., Archer Daniels Midland and the ethanol lobbyists before the election, or lets the cat out of the bag on budget realities.)

19 Oct 08 - 04:05 PM (#2470166)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: McGrath of Harlow

Why not 90% while you're making up figures, bearded bruce? I suppose the point is 30% is a figure that sounds scary, but not crazy scary.

The only two countries with a history of conflict, both of which have nuclear weapons, are Pakistan and India. Neither have governments which are certifiably insane at present.

AS for Iran and Israel, there is no possibility of Iran having developed nuclear weapons by that time, even if they are trying to do so, for which the evidence is about as confidence-inspiring as the stuff about Saddam's WMDs.

There are frightening possibilities obviously, there always are. But I'd feel a whole lot safer with Obama in the White House rather than with McCain. Or, God forbid, Sarah Palin. (And I see that General Colin Powell thinks the same.)

19 Oct 08 - 04:10 PM (#2470170)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Bobert

Ahhhhhhh, as fir chances of a nuclear war, McCain's recent sabre rattlin' over the Gerogian/Russian situation gives some indication of just how quick triggered McCain would be as president...

If, with Obama, there is 1 30% chance of a nuclear war than it has to push 100% with McCain...


19 Oct 08 - 04:16 PM (#2470172)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Little Hawk

I have no idea what line of reasoning BB uses on his probability of the WWIII scenario link to Obama...he had the same worries regarding Hillary, as I recall, and his line of reasoning there was that she would be much more likely to trigger such a war because of her psychological need to demonstrate to people that she's "tough" even though she is a woman... ;-)

I wonder what would be the supposed triggering factor that BB sees in Obama's case?

Anyway, it proves, as always, that the partisan mind sees whatever it believes in.

In McCain, I see a man who believes in confrontation and conflict and war. In Obama, I see a man who believes in negotiation, diplomacy, finding common ground, and maintaining one's cool when under pressure.

I know who I'd risk in the presidency, and it ain't McCain. He's still trying to win the war in Vietnam, and he sees life strictly in terms of fighting "evil enemies" as far as I can see. That makes him, in effect, a potentially quite evil man....very comparable in his psychology to the worst fanatics among the Islamic jihadists. Such people start wars, and they do it with absolute faith in their own rightness and great enthusiasm. They lead their own people to utter disaster.

19 Oct 08 - 04:51 PM (#2470202)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Peace

Thinkers present scenarios that could happen, perhaps with the fervent wish those things don't.

19 Oct 08 - 05:22 PM (#2470215)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Ebbie

"I will say we have a 30% or better chance of having a nuclear war
( two sides using WMD) before 1 August 2009 if he (Obama) does win." bb

"Why not 90% while you're making up figures, bearded bruce? I suppose the point is 30% is a figure that sounds scary, but not crazy scary." McGrath

BeardedBruce, with the world in the mess it is in and with the extraordinary effort it will take to get us out of it, I would say that it is far more likely that there will be nuclear action because of it than from when Obama is in office.

In my opinion we have created or are responsible for an awful lot of the mess; as has been noted many times before, no one can envy anyone the job of trying to undo it.

If McCain should get into office it seems very likely that not only will the spiral downward continue but there will be new stresses added.

Why not 90% while you're making up figures, bearded bruce? I suppose the point is 30% is a figure that sounds scary, but not crazy scary

Go, Obama!

19 Oct 08 - 05:26 PM (#2470220)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: McGrath of Harlow

He's still trying to win the war in Vietnam Perhaps even more significantly, McCain evidently still thinks that it would have been better if the USA had won in Vietnam, and that it was a right war to fight.

A good recipe for making mistakes in the future is an inability to recognise mistakes that have been made in the past.

19 Oct 08 - 05:51 PM (#2470230)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: artbrooks

He's still trying to win the war in Vietnam? Come on, now - there is enough about McCain's positions on various issues to dislike, without adding that one. McCain has always been a leader in the US government on regularizing relations between the US and Vietnam and putting the past behind both nations. He told USA Today in 2004: "I'm sick and tired of re-fighting the Vietnam War. And most importantly, I'm sick and tired of opening the wounds of the Vietnam War, which I've spent the last 30 years trying to heal."

19 Oct 08 - 06:17 PM (#2470249)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: katlaughing

But he is stuck on "winning" and declares we are and will continue to "win" in Iraq. As if we, as interlopers and after hundreds and hundreds of years of regional conflicts, can do anything to bring peace, esp. in just a few years. In that sense, I would think he may trying to make up for the loss in Viet Nam.

19 Oct 08 - 06:22 PM (#2470251)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Little Hawk

I'm just making a guess, Art, as to the subconscious factors that may be driving John McCain. I'm not saying that he consciously wants to continue fighting the Vietnam War, but it's very common for career soldiers who served in a war that ended in failure to carry in themselves the bitter determination to wipe out that old stain of defeat with a future victory...against someone.

So I'm suggesting that McCain's bellicose attitude toward all the "foreign enemies" he sees out there in the world is driven to a great extent by the old ghosts of a failed war in which he served. He wants to win it this time. There is no way to win it this time, because the present war has no realistic objectives (other than controlling various oil sources on foreign ground...that's semi-realistic, at least). It also has no definable boundaries, since the "enemy" this time is not a nation-state and is not confined to any specific geographical area.

The enemy, in fact, lives inside the neocon American mind...not out there in the world somewhere. The neocons ARE the enemy they look to destroy when they attack others, and they ARE the enemy of America and the world in general. The Islamic terrorists are the wasps that come out of a nest when the neocons choose to go and attack it with a baseball bat. The wasps are small, but they can sting, and you'll never kill them all with that baseball'll just make one hell of a mess of the general area with it, that's all. Everyone in the vicinity will pay the price.

19 Oct 08 - 06:33 PM (#2470261)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Bill D

Hmmm...Little Hawk, I have been contemplating saying something like that for months now, but was afraid I'd just get jumped on for implying that McCain had a 'hidden agenda' or was lying to himself about his reasons for continuing our presence in Iraq.

   This is not a 'winable' war in the common sense, and Bush's assertion that we CAN win it is a pretty weak argument.

19 Oct 08 - 06:37 PM (#2470267)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: artbrooks

LH, I was a soldier in Vietnam...McCain was just a squid.

19 Oct 08 - 06:48 PM (#2470283)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Little Hawk

Sure, Art, I'll buy that.... (grin)

But what is John McCain in his own mind?

19 Oct 08 - 08:40 PM (#2470346)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Bobert

Well, yeah, LH, you have hit the proverbial nail on the head... I would bet that John McCain will get upwards of 80% of the Vietnam vet votes for the reasoning you have laid out as...

...Vietnam continues to take its toll on US...

But nothing happens in the past so voting for McCain thinking that he will have "Johnny come marchin' home again" in victory to the cheers of all is a pipe dream not founded in reality...

Johnny ain't comin' marchin' home again... That was a long time ago and now is now... I'm sorry for all my brothers who even today are so messed up over Vietnam and I'm sorry for the generation that is doing the brunt of the fighting in Iraq because when I look at the burned out Nam vets today I see these folks in a couple decades dealing with the same situation...


19 Oct 08 - 09:02 PM (#2470358)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Alice

not an arab?

19 Oct 08 - 09:16 PM (#2470367)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Ebbie

Militarily speaking, what is a "squid"?

19 Oct 08 - 09:25 PM (#2470377)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Amos

McCain's world view is of a jigsaw of adversarial maneuvers predicated on force. He was born to it, trained into it, pressured into by his upbirnging and traumatized into it so deep he cannot get out by his experiences in 'Nam and the validation they received from a "grateful nation".

I believe his thinking is canalized into militarism as the primary face of nationalism, and into nationalism as the sole face of patriotism, and patriotism as the only test of character.


19 Oct 08 - 10:41 PM (#2470406)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Little Hawk

That is a masterful summary, Amos, as well as a masterpiece in brevity. You have described exactly what the problem is with John McCain, in my opinion.

19 Oct 08 - 11:30 PM (#2470420)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: artbrooks

A squid is a sailor.

20 Oct 08 - 10:11 AM (#2470705)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Little Hawk

McCain was a flying squid, then.

20 Oct 08 - 10:22 AM (#2470710)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: McGrath of Harlow

Well, squids are jet propelled - "ink-squirts make squid swim for their lives"

20 Oct 08 - 10:55 AM (#2470748)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Alice

Grandmother sues McCain for hate speech

"A Kansas City grandmother is suing John McCain and Sarah Palin for promoting hate speech. Mary Kay Green told KSHB that some statements at McCain campaign rallies terrify her as much as the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

"I know the secret service is on this case, but John McCain and Sarah Palin can stop some of this by a statement that they abhor these death threats and will not tolerate them," said Green."

read the rest here

20 Oct 08 - 11:49 AM (#2470803)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: McGrath of Harlow

It's a bit late for that now. If you light a fire, just saying "I didn't mean to light that fire" doesn't put it out.

20 Oct 08 - 12:27 PM (#2470852)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Alice

Two ACORN offices vandalized and death threats to Obama being left on their voice mail.

20 Oct 08 - 12:30 PM (#2470855)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Alice

"The clips and email headers have been edited only to remove personally identifying information, like the name of the Cleveland-based ACORN staffer who "is going to have her life ended," according to one email.

"Hi, I was just calling to let you all know that Barack Obama needs to get hung. He's a fucking n*****r, and he's a piece of shit. You guys are fraudulent, and you need to go to hell. All the n*****s on oak trees. They're gonna get all hung honeys, they're gonna get assassinated, they're gonna get killed."

link here
ACORN deluged with hate and threats

20 Oct 08 - 12:30 PM (#2470856)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: CarolC

Looks like the civil war has already started, and McCain and Palin are responsible for starting it. What a disgraceful pair.

20 Oct 08 - 12:58 PM (#2470890)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Donuel

"Even the president of Iraq has been notified of the coming domestic "crisis" in the US." Donuel

Where is your documentation for that statement, Don?

This was reported about 3 weeks ago on MSNBC as part of a story about Bush adopting the timeline that Obama first suggested. Then it was discovered by reporters who interviewed the president of Iraq in early September and the he said that he was told by the US State Department in writing that the agreed upon 2010 completion of US troop pull out was being changed to 2011 due to US domestic problems.

One one hand we could look at how we honor our own treaties with our Indian population or we might see an ominous possiblity of an expected US domestic problem in 2009-2010 due to economic collapse or civil unrest due to any number of reasons.

The interpretation of our communique' to the Iraq president is up to the reader.

20 Oct 08 - 01:22 PM (#2470911)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Donuel

The Civil War that I have feared is not merely due to the campaign tactics of of Atwater or Rove or McCain advisors but the NEOCON military industrial agenda which does indeed have an exit stategy that is bolstered by their domestic spying, secret ppolice, homeland security, intelligence agency czar and legislation of Patiot Act #1 and #2. Their exit strategy is to complete the take over of the US and not allow any impedence of their plan by something so bottom feeding as a populace movement. Neocons feel emboldened by all their new tools, troops, laws and media control.
IF they actually activate a code RED for the country is still uncertain in my opinion.

The word Neocon is merely a kinder gentler sounding title rather than neo-fascists.

On a micro scale...
The tension that was nearly unbearable between my lower middle class neocon neighbors and myself which used to havea rather sparse exchange of ideology and opinions has moved into a new phase of total and complete non communication. This total silence by the now extremely "concerned" Republicans is a red flag.
When I say silence it does not include their rumors of slander which I have personally heard the GOP captain across the street describing people of different opinons as being "..he's insane, I mean it, I'm serious he's insane!"

It is the first step in dehumanizing people who are to be punished, imprisoned or executed beneath the banner of partiotism, religion and Pro Americanism.

We need a Civil War like a hole in the head, unfortunately the Neo Republicans have plans for both.

20 Oct 08 - 04:16 PM (#2471072)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Donuel


I heard on npr
3,500 early votes in DC have already disappeared.

20 Oct 08 - 04:23 PM (#2471079)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Little Hawk

Yes, Donuel, "neo-fascist" is the real term for it. I've seen this coming for decades now, the attempt to build a neo-fascist New World Order. Oddly enough, it is primarily the English-speaking world that is behind it this time....not the Germans, Italians, and Japanese...they learned their lesson last time, in the ashes of WWII. The English-speaking countries have yet to learn the full price of so grand a folly.

20 Oct 08 - 04:37 PM (#2471104)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: heric

There will be no civil war and no fascist world order. Everybody take a chill pill.

20 Oct 08 - 04:53 PM (#2471113)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Donuel

civil war and fascist world order extremeists will continue a more heated political argument should Obama win.

civil war and WASP fascism need not be an all out drop your job and pick up a gun full blown war, it will most certainly be a smoking pot that will continue to simmer and smoke.

The NWO or neocons or whatever name you wish to call it is now positioned with virtually all the money, all the weapons, media and governmental infrastructure to do the job.

Their best strategy would be to allow Barack a year or two before jumping on a scape goat to blame a great tragedy.
sorry I do not wish to be explicit.


we all live happily ever after.

one of the two.

20 Oct 08 - 04:54 PM (#2471115)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Little Hawk

Oh, I keep hoping there won't, believe me...

20 Oct 08 - 05:07 PM (#2471132)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: PoppaGator

The last two Presidential elections have been decided by factors besides, and/or in additoin to, the ballot box.

The optimistic position is to believe that a more celar-cut Democartic majority will trump any such efforts this time around.

The more pessimistic stance is to believe that, by hook or by crook, a clear victory for Obama will not be disclosed, not matter how much machine-rigging or ballot-burning might be required.

Me, I don't know what the hell to believe.

20 Oct 08 - 05:10 PM (#2471139)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Little Hawk

Nor do I. That's why I say we are forced to wait and see what happens (even while we do whatever can be done).

20 Oct 08 - 07:21 PM (#2471246)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Bill D

Can't resist a racist dig, can you?

20 Oct 08 - 07:23 PM (#2471247)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: kendall

Will he win? Not if Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh have their way. The desperation is really showing now, even McWar is yelling, "Socialist"

20 Oct 08 - 07:27 PM (#2471251)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Amos


Your bigotry and hatred are verging on the subhuman. I suggest you get an education.


20 Oct 08 - 07:29 PM (#2471256)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: McGrath of Harlow

Here's a YouTube clip I just posted in another thread above the line . Watch past the first ugly minute (from a town called Bethlehem, God help us), and it gets pretty beautiful.

20 Oct 08 - 08:07 PM (#2471297)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: DougR

I'm such a poor predictor I hesitate to guess. A week or so before the 2000 election I predicted Al Gore would win, and think I so predicted here on the Mudcat. In 2004, I predicted John Kerry would win. In both instances I was wrong. Oh well, I'll go on and take a chance. I think Obama will win.


20 Oct 08 - 08:12 PM (#2471301)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: McGrath of Harlow

I predicted Al Gore would win You weren't exactly wrong there...

20 Oct 08 - 09:43 PM (#2471366)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Donuel

Obama just went to Hawaii for some fun in the sun until Saturday and probably spend soe campaign funds.

(I thought I might try to beat Riginslinger to the lieing punch)

truth is...
Barack's grandmother is seriously ill in Hawaii.

20 Oct 08 - 09:57 PM (#2471375)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: CarolC

That's a powerful video.

20 Oct 08 - 09:59 PM (#2471379)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Alice

Thanks for the video link (I hope you clicked on the digg logo).

20 Oct 08 - 10:22 PM (#2471388)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: GUEST,heric

The video is divisive. A person can choose not to vote for Obama without being a klansman.

You can watch marginalized fringe people on either side to your heart's content, but it is not good for you or the process.

20 Oct 08 - 10:26 PM (#2471391)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: GUEST,number 6

Just to show there is some sanity in all the this madness ....

muslims for McCain

I'm not posting this for any endorsement for McCain ... but to show that there is not all madness and hate in the campaign.


20 Oct 08 - 10:41 PM (#2471403)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???

You can watch that video, and tell who is being divisive.

20 Oct 08 - 10:45 PM (#2471406)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Alice

In today's news:

Cullowhee, N.C. -- The carcass of a black bear that had been shot in the head was found wrapped in Barack Obama campaign signs on a North Carolina campus on Monday.

Western Carolina University Campus Police Chief Tom Johnson said that officers were called about a dead bear on campus at about 7:45 a.m.

When the officers found the bear carcass, they said it was covered with two campaign signs that had been taped together.

20 Oct 08 - 10:48 PM (#2471411)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: GUEST,heric

I honestly believe it is destructive to go down this path. Look up. Those people can not and will not control us.

20 Oct 08 - 10:54 PM (#2471414)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: GUEST,number 6

I like our boring Canadian election campaigns ... in fact they where so boring people didn't even know there was an election going on.

Maybe all of this hateful, violent nature kind of crap can be blamed on the election carnival going on way, way too long ... you know, how kids get sort of unruly and out of control after being at the midway for too long. Too much cotton candy, too many fast rides, too many chances taken at the games booths, to much noise, too many shifty carnies, too much money spent.


20 Oct 08 - 11:13 PM (#2471424)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Little Hawk

Darn right it goes on way too long. Furthermore, the primary battle is a very bad idea, because it causes the people in each party to damage their own people very badly before the main event even begins. That is very foolish and counterproductive.

And it is not the way it's done in most parliamentary systems at all. Most of them establish the party leaders at times quite separate from the national election process...not as the first act in a 2-part melodrama based on character assassination, rumor, and innuendo.

20 Oct 08 - 11:19 PM (#2471429)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: GUEST,number 6

Kinda like shaking a pop (soda for you yanks) bottle for too long ... AND THEN POPPING TH LID.

20 Oct 08 - 11:20 PM (#2471430)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Amos

RCP Average        10/13 - 10/19        --        --        49.8        44.0        Obama +5.8
CNN/Opinion Research        10/17 - 10/19        LV        3.5        51        46        Obama +5
ABC News/Wash Post        10/16 - 10/19        1336 LV        2.5        53        44        Obama +9
Rasmussen Reports        10/17 - 10/19        3000 LV        2.0        50        46        Obama +4
Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby        10/17 - 10/19        1211 LV        2.9        50        44        Obama +6
Hotline/FD        10/17 - 10/19        789 LV        3.5        47        42        Obama +5
Gallup (Traditional)*        10/17 - 10/19        2340 LV        2.0        50        45        Obama +5
Gallup (Expanded)*        10/17 - 10/19        2271 LV        2.0        52        43        Obama +9
IBD/TIPP        10/15 - 10/19        1086 LV        3.0        47        41        Obama +6
GWU/Battleground        10/13 - 10/19        1000 LV        3.5        49        45        Obama +4

20 Oct 08 - 11:20 PM (#2471431)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: GUEST,number 6

.. what popping the lid is ... November 4th.

No matter who wins there is going to be some pretty angry people.


20 Oct 08 - 11:25 PM (#2471437)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: GUEST,number 6

oh Gawd ... there goes Amos again and his messy unformatted statistics.

Can't you import them into an Excel spread sheet and post them as an attachment?

biLL :)

20 Oct 08 - 11:28 PM (#2471439)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: CarolC

I didn't get the message from the video with the clan people in it that it was suggesting that everyone who votes for someone other than Obama is a racist. The message I got was that there still is a residue of racism in this country that has oozed into our election process in this election, and that those of us who think Obama should be our president should stand up to that.

20 Oct 08 - 11:30 PM (#2471443)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???

Thanks to the repeal of the Fairness Doctrine, and the rise of Right Wing (formerly) AM radio, the campaign season vitriol now goes on 365/24/7. When exactly is it NOT campaign season in the USA? All government activities are now aimed at the campaign, not at the best interests of the nation.

20 Oct 08 - 11:31 PM (#2471445)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: CarolC

Bread and circuses.

20 Oct 08 - 11:33 PM (#2471446)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: GUEST,number 6

Not just Obama supporters ... all Americans should stand up against rascism Carol.

This really worries me. Don't know about you guys.


20 Oct 08 - 11:40 PM (#2471449)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: GUEST,heric

". . . and that those of us who think Obama should be our president should stand up to that [racism]."

Perhaps. If you're in a position to have an effect. Watching a video is not one of them. Making a video for people to sit around and watch is not one of them either.

Frankly, and maybe I'm wrong, I would like to ignore those wretched dregs, and move forward. They're coming along. Let whatever few such people really exist kick and scream.

20 Oct 08 - 11:52 PM (#2471459)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: CarolC

Watching the video can inspire people to work toward the goal of eliminating racism. I don't know why it's hitting me differently than perhaps some other people, but it kind of takes me back to remembering the 60s and the civil rights movement that I was peripherally involved in as a child through my mother having been a civil rights worker. It doesn't strike me as being divisive at all.

20 Oct 08 - 11:55 PM (#2471461)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: CarolC

One thing that struck me about it is the beautiful way it highlighted Obama's humanity. The message I got is that even in the face of the kind of hatred and hate and fear mongering we're seeing coming to the surface in this election, our humanity can still shine through and be the more powerful force than hatred and division.

21 Oct 08 - 12:13 AM (#2471472)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: GUEST,heric

One distinction comes to mind. In the 60's, racism was entrenched - insidious - mainstream. There was power and inertia behind it.

Now, those people in the video are weak and marginalized. They may have believed they had a little celebration in 2004, but we're trew wit doze guys.

The Republicans need to compose an entirely new song to re-capture the independents and the mainstream. That's how it feels to me, anyway.

21 Oct 08 - 12:23 AM (#2471476)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: CarolC

I understand that, but what I see, and maybe what the video seeks to address, is that it appears to be becoming mainstream again. There's nothing marginalized about the racism that is being practiced by the McCain campaign. He and Palin and their campaign are working hard to bring racism and hate mongering back into the mainstream.

21 Oct 08 - 01:47 AM (#2471495)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: DougR

McGrath: In the U.S., winning the popular vote doesn't even win you a hamburger.


21 Oct 08 - 06:42 AM (#2471594)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: McGrath of Harlow

True enough, Doug, you've got a flawed electoral,system. So have we, just flawed in a different way.

So far as the slide show accompanying Dolores Keane singing in that link I gave, I don't think it in any way implies that all, or even many, Republicans are Klansmen. It seems to me that a truer way of reading it is as reminding us that hatred of people we disagree with is a terrible thing, and it can lead to even more terrible things, and that the target of that hatred in this case is a decent man, and one who should be treated with respect, even by people who disagree with him.

Which is after all what McCain himself reminded his supporters a few days ago, when he became visibly alarmed at the hatred that was being stoked up. And I see that Sarah Palin as well has now spoken out against the hate phone calls that are being made targetting Obama, by those who McCain is surely ashamed to have as supporting him.

And as I pointed out in that other thread, anyone who doesn't like the pictures should maybe just turn them off and listen to Dolores singing "Let it Be", the way it deserves to be sung.

21 Oct 08 - 06:23 PM (#2472224)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Little Hawk

"In the U.S., winning the popular vote doesn't even win you a hamburger."

So true. It is the electoral college that decides the issue. If they can't, the courts decide it.

22 Oct 08 - 09:23 AM (#2472676)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Donuel

McCain will win Colorado, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky and Florida by use of the computer architecture that shunts the tallies to a GOP computer Tallahasse Tennesee and sending the adjusted totals back to the states.

Other states will have Premiere Voting System (formerely called Diebold) electroinc vote flipping on site of polling places.

Purging votes of newly registered, homeless, foreclosed, soldiers and the regional poor is the other half of the Republican strategy.

Listen UP

When casting your vote if you use the "one button" to vote for all democratic dandidates at once, the vote will be deemed an undervote and will not be counted.

You must vote for each person on the ballot seperatly for the votes to ve counted! (GOP voters are urged to do this in thier newsletters too.)

The magic McCain comeback will be excused as a Bradley effect.
People will shrug their shoulders and assume this country is mostly racist and stupid.
This is not the case. Karl Rove strategy has been to control the voting process. His plan is to assure a Republican victory FOREVER.

It is a shame that his ctrategy will once again work...unless certain loyalists sabotage the sabotage that is already in place.

22 Oct 08 - 09:46 AM (#2472702)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Amos


Blame Max--he set the policy against using tables in posts.


22 Oct 08 - 10:01 AM (#2472721)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Donuel

To restore democracy there are basicly 3 wires that could be cut which left intact, will change the outcome of the election by criminally changing and eliminating votes.

They are in

Tallahasse TN, San Francisco CA, Tyson VI

But are you willing to cut them?

I thought not.

IT would not be considered a protest, misdeameanor or destruction of private property... it would be considered an act of treason or terrorism by the new Patriot Act statutes.

Freedom is just not that important to Americans.
Its worth about a hundred stongly worded letters but thats it.

Thats why McCain will win.

22 Oct 08 - 10:19 AM (#2472739)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Donuel

savvy computer experts would monitor the data from those cables and present it to the press and all relevant authorities, at more peril to their lives than cutting the cables. But there would at least be evidence that could be used to expose the criminal theft of democracy.

22 Oct 08 - 10:45 AM (#2472772)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: freda underhill

here we go again..

Al-Qaeda Supporters Endorse McCain
from Huffington Post PAMELA HESS | October 21, 2008

WASHINGTON — Al-Qaida supporters suggested in a Web site message this week they would welcome a pre-election terror attack on the U.S. as a way to usher in a McCain presidency.

The message, posted Monday on the password-protected al-Hesbah Web site, said if al-Qaida wants to exhaust the United States militarily and economically, "impetuous" Republican presidential candidate Sen. John McCain is the better choice because he is more likely to continue the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

"This requires presence of an impetuous American leader such as McCain, who pledged to continue the war till the last American soldier," the message said. "Then, al-Qaida will have to support McCain in the coming elections so that he continues the failing march of his predecessor, Bush."

SITE Intelligence Group, based in Bethesda, Md., monitors the Web site and translated the message. "If al-Qaida carries out a big operation against American interests," the message said, "this act will be support of McCain because it will push the Americans deliberately to vote for McCain so that he takes revenge for them against al-Qaida. Al-Qaida then will succeed in exhausting America till its last year in it."

Mark Salter, a senior McCain adviser, said he had heard about the Web site chatter but had no immediate comment. The message is credited to a frequent and apparently respected contributor named Muhammad Haafid. However, Haafid is not believed to have a direct affiliation with al-Qaida plans or knowledge of its operations, according to SITE.

SITE senior analyst Adam Raisman said this message caught SITE's attention because there has been little other chatter on the forums about the U.S. election.

SITE was struck by the message's detailed analysis _ and apparent jubilation _ about American financial woes. "What we try to do is get the pulse of the jihadist community," Raisman said. "And it's about the financial crisis."

Al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden issued a videotape just four days before the 2004 U.S. presidential election directly addressing the American people.

22 Oct 08 - 10:56 AM (#2472780)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Bill D

Tallahassee is in Florida, not Tenneesee. But I'll cut dem wires if you'll buy de gas

22 Oct 08 - 11:03 AM (#2472785)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Ebbie

"To restore democracy there are basicly 3 wires that could be cut which left intact, will change the outcome of the election by criminally changing and eliminating votes.

They are in

Tallahasse TN, San Francisco CA, Tyson VI

But are you willing to cut them?

I thought not."

Ha )Editorial comment

22 Oct 08 - 11:30 AM (#2472808)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Donuel

(the Tennesee part is accurate. It is the location of a clandestine GOP computer center in cooperation with voting machine manufacturers)

the city is    "pardon me boys is that the ____ choo choo.

The San Frnacisco location has the NSA internet intercept/recording installation in cooperation with microsoft.

As dubious as it sounds if I actually knew the precise locations and published them, I could be a lot of trouble.


22 Oct 08 - 11:31 AM (#2472810)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Amos

Ya know, when they are not accompanied by source references of some kind, statements like these lose their credibility.


22 Oct 08 - 11:43 AM (#2472816)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: katlaughing

McGrath, thanks for the video link. Made me cry...that is a beautiful rendition of that song and I was inspired by the images.

heric, I basically agree with you that we need to look to the positives, etc., but I do think videos such as that can be educational and inspiring.

Donuel, Obama is going to take Colorado and he WILL win the election.

22 Oct 08 - 11:46 AM (#2472818)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: katlaughing

Even McCain knows Obama will take Colorado: click here.

22 Oct 08 - 11:47 AM (#2472822)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Donuel

22 Oct 08 - 11:49 AM (#2472823)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Bill D

I am a clever Google user:

more than you ever want to know

22 Oct 08 - 11:54 AM (#2472825)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Donuel

btw contrary to popular belief , excons are allowed to vote in all but a very few states.

election officials disregard the law and routinely turn excons away from the polls and the Democratic Party will not bring up the issue for obvious political reasons.

the few exceptions to refusing ex felons to vote are minor techicalities such as one can or cannot still be on parole etc.

Since 86% of felons vote , the propoganda that they can not vote is better understood.

22 Oct 08 - 12:07 PM (#2472833)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: kendall

So, who will mop up the blood in the streets?

22 Oct 08 - 12:12 PM (#2472837)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Donuel

I did a cartoon of that very thing... it was a Mexican.

22 Oct 08 - 12:12 PM (#2472838)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Bill D

"..who will mop up the blood in the streets?"

Why, I assume there'll be a new W.P.A.....

22 Oct 08 - 03:30 PM (#2473033)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Little Hawk

Blackwater and the other hired killers like them will mop up the blood in the streets.

22 Oct 08 - 04:26 PM (#2473067)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Donuel

You say that as if it were a bad thing?!

but seriously

The NEW McCain talking point and campaign sound bite is


(never mind the state attorney generals behind your curtain)

22 Oct 08 - 04:58 PM (#2473107)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: kendall

I fear that if the republicans steal this election too, hell will be to pay. It may make the Watts riots look like a tea party.

22 Oct 08 - 07:40 PM (#2473250)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: McGrath of Harlow

Any number of riots and insurgencies, and indeed many civil wars, have started with allegations about elections being stolen.

22 Oct 08 - 08:02 PM (#2473282)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Little Hawk

Hmmm. Well, I honestly think you've had two stolen already in the past 8 years. Three might be the straw that breaks the camel's back.

23 Oct 08 - 10:14 AM (#2473701)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Ebbie

Has anyone read the Washington Times recently?

"*** McCain vs. Bush: Be sure not to miss McCain's exclusive interview with the Washington Times, in which the Arizona senator lashes out at President Bush. "Sen. John McCain on Wednesday blasted President Bush for building a mountain of debt for future generations, failing to pay for expanding Medicare and abusing executive powers, leveling his strongest criticism to date of an administration whose unpopularity may be dragging the Republican Party to the brink of a massive electoral defeat. 'We just let things get completely out of hand,' he said of his own party's rule in the past eight years." A very senior GOP strategist emails Politico's Mike Allen in response: "Lashing out at past Republican congresses instead of Pelosi and Reid, and echoing your opponent's attacks on you instead of attacking your opponent, and spending 150,000 hard dollars on designer clothes when congressional Republicans are struggling for money, and when your senior campaign staff are blaming each other for the loss in The New York Times [Magazine] 10 days before the election, you're not doing much to energize your supporters." Oh snap."

McCain Lashes Out (?)

23 Oct 08 - 10:40 AM (#2473729)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: GUEST,heric

He can sure construct a sentence:

"Spending, the conduct of the war in Iraq for years, growth in the size of government, larger than any time since the Great Society, laying a $10 trillion debt on future generations of America, owing $500 billion to China, obviously, failure to both enforce and modernize the [financial] regulatory agencies that were designed for the 1930s and certainly not for the 21st century, failure to address the issue of climate change seriously," Mr. McCain said."

("I reject categorically the concept that . . . any number of people would vote on the basis of race," he said.)

He could have accomplished this mission if he hadn't been smothered by the social conservatives and religious right.

23 Oct 08 - 02:59 PM (#2473994)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Little Hawk

It almost sounds like he's running for the wrong party, doesn't it?

I find it incredibly ironic that the neo-conservatives have increased government and national debt catastrophically in their last 8 years of rule. They delivered the diametrical opposite of what they claim to stand for.

23 Oct 08 - 04:07 PM (#2474040)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: McGrath of Harlow

He can sure construct a sentence.

I take it that is heavy irony. Nothing wrong with what he's saying there, but that's not actually a sentence. No verb.

23 Oct 08 - 04:32 PM (#2474063)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Bill D

"...that's not actually a sentence. No verb. "

The way the campaign is going, with only public financing available to him, he can't afford to buy a verb.

(arcane reference to silly American quiz program)

24 Oct 08 - 07:08 AM (#2474658)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: CarolC

Lifelong Republicans (and one Independent) talk about why they will be voting for Obama...

Conservatives for Change

24 Oct 08 - 08:06 AM (#2474699)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Little Hawk

"No verb." is also not a sentence, then. Nyah! Nyah! ;-) (Karl Rove asked me to say that on his behalf.)

24 Oct 08 - 08:20 AM (#2474721)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Bobert

Most "verbs" imply some kind of action... Perhaps that is why McCain is avoiding them???

Where's Bill Clinton to straighten this out???

24 Oct 08 - 08:23 AM (#2474726)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Ron Davies

Excellent clip, Carol.

I particularly liked the point about how we can't tell the world what drum to march to anymore.

"Simple reason: our drum is broken."

24 Oct 08 - 10:51 AM (#2474886)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Donuel

There is a earthen dam 5 miles away from where I live downstream. When the dam began to leak badly and the national media turned its eye on the sad shape it was in, I went to look for myself.

No one else I knew went to look or study elevation maps.
They just swallowed whatever the media was told to say by the groups who had the most at stake for their careers and bank accounts.

The economic dam for the country and world is washing away and precious few people are going to look for themselves. Instead they just swallowed whatever conservative stew was served them for the last 20 years. The stew had a policy of no regulation, no cops, no courts, no midnight watchmen and people bought and ate it since they got a sugar high that was intoxicating
The stew was seasoned with family values, trust in God, patriotism , a undieing loyalty to the Republican party and a vast new police state security over the citizens of America.

Now we all have food poisoning to some degree and many people will die, but not CEOs. Not the neocons. The rest of us will have some pretty chilling bouts of vomiting in times to come. Yet while most of us will suffer, some people who swallowed the most and will have the most to lose will swear to thier last dieing gurgling gasp that the stew was good. they will say it was those who critisized the stew that made them sick.

Folks, its only stew. IT was made by people like me and you. The cooks crafted its flavor and presentation for one reason. Profit.
The culture of corruption set a nice table but their were rats in the kitchen and fleas on the rats.

The next stew that is now being prepared by Barack Obama will be for mere survival. There will be new standards for cleanliness that will be hard for some people to learn but we need to learn about the new economic sanitation and enforce the rules.

Dinner may be meager and we will have to clean our plates but it will be wholseom and home made. We will be wary of any new stew in a can

Like my mom said , you should eat to live, not live to eat.

24 Oct 08 - 11:39 AM (#2474920)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: GUEST,heric

You mean we're not the fleas? I like it.

24 Oct 08 - 12:54 PM (#2475004)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Bill D

I can't decide whether there were 6, 8, 12 or more metaphors in that parable, Don...but I liked it.

But I think I'll have strange images in my head the next time I make stew.

25 Oct 08 - 01:44 AM (#2475602)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

He probably will...but I imagine all his most avid supporters, will cringe, to think that they actually voted for the smooth talkin' stone face liar....and at the same time defend him, stubbornly....Just watch!

25 Oct 08 - 08:20 AM (#2475744)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Ron Davies

So, "Insanity"--you are a wholly owned subsidiary of Rig's Smears R Us?

Otherwise, perhaps you wouldn't mind providing the first iota of evidence or logic behind your last slander. With sources and exact dates--not just yet another absurd conspiracy theory, please.

Thanks so much.

Not that any of your postings so far have given the slightest hope to the forlorn notion that you can think clearly.

25 Oct 08 - 11:47 AM (#2475867)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Amos


Don't mind her. She's always been an arm-waver with hopscotch conclusions thrown about like shards of broken glass.

Stone face? What a misnomer. You want a stone-face, watch John McCain try to smile without breaking his face!


25 Oct 08 - 12:02 PM (#2475874)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Charley Noble

This flash from Maine (October 23rd polling results):

In the presidential race, Democrat Barack Obama leads Republican
John McCain in both districts. McCain trails overall with 35
percent to Obama's 56 percent.

Not bad for a small redneck state! And Obama hasn't campaigned here for months. Maybe the McCain/Palin appearance 10 days ago helped people clarify their thinking; the race was much closer then.

However, the race appears closer in my small town of Richmond.

Charley Noble

27 Oct 08 - 04:24 PM (#2477468)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: beardedbruce

Took a quick count of signs from Sterling Va to the Beltway ( at MD/VA border:

25 McCain
12 Obama

I counted "clusters of more than one sign obviously in the same yard as 1 sign each cluster- 2 clusters for McCain, one for Obama

As good as the polls, I guess- showing a landslide for McCain!

Actually, I think this will be a tossup in Viginia...

27 Oct 08 - 04:31 PM (#2477477)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Amos

RCP on Virginia:

Poll Date Sample MoE Obama (D) McCain (R) Spread
RCP Average 10/19 - 10/26 -- -- 51.3 43.5 Obama +7.8
SurveyUSA 10/25 - 10/26 671 LV 3.9 52 43 Obama +9
Reuters/Zogby 10/23 - 10/26 600 LV 4.1 52 45 Obama +7
Washington Post 10/22 - 10/25 784 LV 3.5 52 44 Obama +8
VCU 10/20 - 10/22 817 LV 4.0 51 40 Obama +11
NBC/Mason-Dixon 10/20 - 10/21 625 LV 4.0 47 45 Obama +2
CNN/Time 10/19 - 10/21 647 LV 4.0 54 44 Obama +10

27 Oct 08 - 05:01 PM (#2477524)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: DougR



28 Oct 08 - 03:56 AM (#2477868)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: CarolC

The only thing the signs demonstrate is that it's been very difficult for Obama supporters to get signs. This is because the demand has been very high. And also, a lot of Obama signs are being stolen (likely by McCain supporters, as some video footage of some of the culprits would seem to indicate).

I saw a string of signs for Republican candidates the other day with McCain among them. Then a little further on, I saw a string of signs for local Democratic candidates, and the metal frame on which, no doubt, an Obama sign once hung.

But Obama doesn't need the signs as much as McCain does, because Obama's got a lot of people on the ground canvassing neighborhoods, and McCain doesn't.

29 Oct 08 - 12:08 AM (#2478736)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Art Thieme

Yeah, he will.

29 Oct 08 - 12:20 AM (#2478739)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: beardedbruce

"The only thing the signs demonstrate is that it's been very difficult for Obama supporters to get signs."

I guess that explains the cluster of 4-5 signs in one yard...

So, the lack of McCain signs in other areas demonstrates that they are so hard to get because everyone wants them?

29 Oct 08 - 12:38 AM (#2478745)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Sorcha

Sure beginning to look like it...all bets are off tho....

29 Oct 08 - 12:40 AM (#2478748)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Barry Finn

In my part of NH there are no MaCain signs, the moosies are walking all over them, on the other hand we have deer wandering around with bulleyes on their asses & painted on their sides are slogans saying "vote Obama & save our friends"


29 Oct 08 - 12:53 AM (#2478752)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Sorcha

Well, so far in all my life, I have NEVER put a sign for ANYONE in my yard....that 'may' change if the Mr actually runs for county sheriff....LOL

29 Oct 08 - 01:46 AM (#2478757)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: CarolC

We have three signs. One is left over from the primary, one we ordered from the Obama people, and we had to wait for about two months for that one, and the third one was made by some local volunteers in Georgia (I think it was Georgia) who JtS met in a Walmart parking lot, and they gave it to him. There's a lot of people who want signs and haven't been able to get them or have had to wait a long time. There is definitely a huge demand for them. We know this because we have been in communication with the Obama organization about it. And then there is the problem of people stealing the signs once they're put up.

I have no idea what the absence of McCain signs signifies. I guess the way to find out would be to try to get one and see how easy or difficult it is.

Either way, I don't think one can accurately predict the outcome of this election based on the number of signs one sees for either candidate. Ron Paul has the most number of signs of any candidate, and look what happened to his campaign.

29 Oct 08 - 09:31 AM (#2478964)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: artbrooks

Based on what I saw walking away from the Obama rally here the other night...I was in the area but not at the rally; I don't care for crowds...I'd say that the way to get a sign is to go to a rally. There were, at least according to one newspaper estimate, 45,000 people at that rally, and I'd guess that half of them came away with a large sign.

As a matter of contrast, only 1,500 (yes, fifteen hundred) showed up for a McCain rally earlier that day. Of course, you had to get advance tickets for the McCain rally - I really don't know if the pledge to vote for him is still being required to get a ticket or if yard signs were being given away - but only half of the available tickets were given out.   It was a much smaller venue, I'd guess in anticipation of a much smaller crowd.

04 Nov 08 - 06:42 PM (#2484981)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Bobert


04 Nov 08 - 07:03 PM (#2484993)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Amos

The question tonight, as the voters roll through in their several states, is not whether Obama will win, but will he win by a landslide with an unequivocal mandate for the kind of change he envisions.


04 Nov 08 - 07:15 PM (#2485000)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Bobert

Man, I hope yer right, Amos... Livin' in a very Republican area of the world, I am hopeful but righyt now kinda nervous... Yeah, I'm sittin' here playin' on the pudder and listenin' to some fine blues on my headphones (Richard Johnston) and leavin' the TV alone for an hour or two...

Plus, I'm still beat from canvassin' today...


04 Nov 08 - 11:19 PM (#2485185)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Don Firth

Will Obama Win???

I'm watching John McCain deliver his concession speech right now.

Don Firth

04 Nov 08 - 11:28 PM (#2485192)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Don Firth

Good speech. Pretty glum crowd (some downright surly), but McCain himself was quite gracious and generous.

Don Firth

05 Nov 08 - 02:18 AM (#2485282)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Ron Davies

Yes, McCain is at heart a decent person--except for how he treated his first wife. Too bad somebody convinced him of the necessity to run such a seamy campaign.

But now that it's over, he can relax and go back to being an open-minded person--exactly the kind that Obama needs to work with across party lines. Who knows, they may become partners in getting policy through.

05 Nov 08 - 02:40 AM (#2485290)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Barry Finn

Obama not only won the election, with his acceptance speech he just won the hearts & minds of those that he didn't have before tonights election, the world over


05 Nov 08 - 10:05 AM (#2485582)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Amos

He's a beautiful, intelligent, gracious, compassionate man with very high organizational skills.

Yeah--he won. This nation will never be the same; nor should it. And the rest of the world will see Good CHange in consequence of this historic election.

I am deeply proud of my nation.


05 Nov 08 - 11:09 AM (#2485667)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Sawzaw

I am happy for you Amos. And everybody else.

05 Nov 08 - 11:14 AM (#2485675)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
From: Amos

ANd I for you, Sawz. Despite our clashes, I see you. I know you are striving for the best. And I respect that spark.