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BS: UFO spotted over the UK after WW2?

22 Oct 08 - 01:00 AM (#2472460)
Subject: BS: UFO spotted over the UK after WW2?
From: Gulliver

A friend said there was something on the TV about this, according to RAF papers that were released recently by the UK government.

Anybody know anything about this report?


22 Oct 08 - 10:11 AM (#2472731)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO spotted over the UK after WW2?
From: freda underhill

here's something from the Brisbane Times (Australia)
Ex-US pilot 'ordered to shoot down UFO'
October 21, 2008 - 4:10PM

An American jet fighter pilot has spoken of they day he was scrambled to try to shoot down a UFO in British airspace more than 50 years ago.

Lieutenant Milton Torres was based in Britain on May 20, 1957 when he received the order: get up there, arm all weapons and fire on sight. He climbed into his Sabre jet, took off from a Royal Air Force base in Kent and headed east, spotting on his radar the blip that his superiors had judged to be hostile and probably Russian.

The dot indicated an object about the size of a B52 bomber about 24 kilometres away and Mr Torres set a course, rockets at the ready, to catch it. But the aircraft vanished. The blip on the radar was gone too.

Mr Torres has finally spoken of his top secret mission following the declassification of Ministry of Defence files, cited by The Times newspaper, that relate to reported incidents of unidentified flying objects in British airspace.

Mr Torres, now 77, told The Times that the day after he was scrambled from the RAF base he received a visit from an American in a trenchcoat who waved a National Security Agency identity card at him and warned him that, if he ever revealed what had happened, he would never fly again.

He took the warning to heart and said nothing until 1988 when, through a solicitor with an interest in ufology, he sent the Ministry of Defence a report giving a full account of the incident.

That narrative has now been released by Britain's National Archives.

"I shall never forget it, and for the last 50 years I have been waiting for an explanation, but I've never had one," he told The Times. "On that night I was ordered to open fire even before I had taken off. That had never happened before.

"I was ready to hit the target with all 24 rockets: it would have been like buckshot out of a shotgun. I asked for authentication of the order to fire and I received it." Neither Mr Torres, who was 24 at the time, nor the pilot of a second Sabre flying behind, actually saw what was making the strong blip on their radars.

Since the incident, Mr Torres has become more convinced that the object, travelling at speed and performing manoeuvres beyond the capability of any known aircraft at that time, was an alien UFO.

"The blip was burning a hole in the radar with its incredible intensity. It was similar to a blip I had received from B52s and seemed to be a magnet of light. It had the proportions of a flying aircraft carrier," he wrote, according to The Times.

But David Clarke, a UFO expert and lecturer in journalism at Sheffield Hallam University, has offered an alternative explanation.

He said that in the 1960s it emerged that the CIA had been engaged in a secret project codenamed Palladium, in which advanced equipment was used to create simulated radar blips close to Soviet airspace.

Dr Clarke told The Times that he thought it was linked to clandestine flights over the Soviet Union of the American U2 spy plane.

But he added, "this doesn't explain why Milton Torres was scrambled and ordered to open fire".


22 Oct 08 - 10:26 AM (#2472746)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO spotted over the UK after WW2?
From: freda underhill

it must be the season, here's another unrelated one from Turkey today

Video 'shows UFO, aliens flying over Turkey'By staff writers
October 22, 2008

A VIDEO has been released that claims to show aliens and their spacecraft with one UFO researcher calling it the "most important images of a UFO ever filmed".
The vision was taken by 42-year-old night guard Yalcin Yalman in a compound in Turkey earlier this year, The Sun reports.

"I don't know what these things are. We filmed them several times and they are totally unknown to us. I was very excited when I saw them and I want the world to know that UFOs do exist," Mr Yalman said.

Almost two-and-a-half hours of footage was filmed featuring a variety of objects ranging from incredible flying saucer-type 'craft' to clustering orb-like lights hovering in the night sky, the Sirius UFO Space Science Research Centre in Turkey said.

The centre's UFO researcher Haktan Akdogan said physical forms of UFOs and their metallic structures were clearly noticeable in the video. "What is more important is that in the close-up of some footages of the objects, entities in them can be distinctly made out," he said.

Mr Akdogan said he had analysed the video and come to the conclusion that it was "100 per cent genuine". "The objects filmed are structured objects and are not the result of misidentification or natural phenomena, aircraft or astronomical objects," he said.

"They are not the results either of any kind of computer animation. Now is it a time for world governments to acknowledge the reality of UFOs."

"The images captured on film are expected to have a tremendous impact throughout the world and they are the most important UFO images ever caught on camera.",23599,24535676-2,00.html
"What is more important is that in the close-up of some footages of the objects, entities in them can be distinctly made out."

He continues: "We have spoken with all of the witnesses and had detailed analysis conducted on all two-and-a-half hours of footage.

"After conducting all of the analysis we came to the conclusion that this video footage is 100 per cent genuine.

"The objects filmed are structured objects and are not the result of misidentification or natural phenomena, aircraft or astronomical objects.

UFO Data Magazine editor Russell Callaghan said: "This video footage from Turkey, if authentic, represents a serious challenge to science. I can honestly say that this footage is truly unique."

22 Oct 08 - 11:39 AM (#2472814)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO spotted over the UK after WW2?
From: Bill D

"...we came to the conclusion that this video footage is 100 per cent genuine."

um-hmm.... I'll bet they did.

22 Oct 08 - 12:58 PM (#2472878)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO spotted over the UK after WW2?
From: Nigel Parsons

I believe in UFOs.

Only yesterday two landed in my garden and started digging in the earth & eating worms.

I know they weren't magpies!

22 Oct 08 - 01:06 PM (#2472893)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO spotted over the UK after WW2?
From: Little Hawk

It's always the "season" for this...but it isn't always in the news for some reason. Just now and then. Odd, considering that it's potentially the single most important matter presently in front of mankind.

Well, people always have a great resistance to change...just like my dogs. They want everything to remain predictable and familiar. They feel safer with the devil they know than the devil they don't.

22 Oct 08 - 01:33 PM (#2472925)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO spotted over the UK after WW2?
From: GUEST,Volgadon

"The objects filmed are structured objects and are not the result of misidentification or natural phenomena, aircraft or astronomical objects," he said.

Aircraft and astronomical objects AREN'T structured objects???

22 Oct 08 - 01:39 PM (#2472935)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO spotted over the UK after WW2?
From: Nigel Parsons

The clue is in the name, 'Unidentified' Flying Objects

22 Oct 08 - 02:34 PM (#2472988)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO spotted over the UK after WW2?
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

"people always have a great resistance to change...just like my dogs. They want everything to remain predictable and familiar. They feel safer with the devil they know than the devil they don't. "

That is one interpretation.    Some people tend to have a need for an answer, and when they cannot explain something, they MUST have an answer so they will accept a fanciful and unproven explanation that will wrap things up in their mind. People are gullible and cannot except that they cannot answer ever question. Belief in UFO's, ghosts, conspiracies, etc. are a comfort zone for those folks. It is far easier to accept this rather than question and dig further - or accept that they do not have an answer for everything they see.

It is not a question of things remaining "predictable" or "familiar", it is a question of NOT jumping to conclusions until proven.

22 Oct 08 - 03:19 PM (#2473024)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO spotted over the UK after WW2?
From: Little Hawk

When you have the unusual experience itself first, Ron, prior to having had any interest in the subject, then the powerful interest in the subject just follows naturally, as does the search for explanations? No. Not explanations, Ron. Theories and probabilities. I am looking for the most probable explanation.

People who haven't had the unusual experience, however, can comfortably remain skeptics all their lives without a single breath of air to ruffle the calm expanse of their certainty.

In that respect, such people act just the way my dogs do. They enjoy their sense of normalcy immensely, and will defend it if it appears threatened in any way.

One always digs deeper into an unusual matter if one is interested. But one must have very powerful resources to do any substantial the time and money to devote to the search full time...if one is to dig deeper into questions about AFOs. (Alien Flying Objects)

I don't have the money to privately fly in my Lear jet to the locations of recent sightings around the globe and look for evidence, nor do I have military aircraft and radar stations at my disposal, nor do I have access to the vaults of national security forces, nor am I allowed to tour classified sites and see what they're doing there in secret.

Thus, you see, I am hardly in a position to "dig further" in any way that could convince you of anything. What I have to go on is merely my own past direct experience, and a tremendous amount of literature and info in the public realm, most of it deriving from other people's direct experiences.

So....sorry! ....that I am not NASA or the RAF or someone else like that. If I was, I guess then I would have your respect?

And if I was, do you think I'd waste my time talking to you about it on Mudcat Cafe? ;-) Hardly. I'd have much more important things to do.

22 Oct 08 - 04:28 PM (#2473070)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO spotted over the UK after WW2?
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

It isn't a question of respect, it is perspective. It has nothing at all to do with being a skeptic. Based on definition, you cannot deny that there are UFO's.   If YOU have the unusual experience first, then as I stated above - you are more inclined to determine the cause - in which case YOU accept what is the most probable explanation that YOU can accept. You are no longer a disinterested party if you had the experience.

A UFO is simply UNIDENTIFIED flying object. I am not doubting that people have seen something they cannot identify. That is not an acknowledgement that the object is from another galaxy far, far away. It can very simply be a natural phenomenon or an object of earthly origin.   UFO's are real, but they are not necessarily from another planet.

22 Oct 08 - 04:49 PM (#2473093)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO spotted over the UK after WW2?
From: Little Hawk

No kidding. ;-) Look, I wasn't talking about UFOs, Ron. I don't even use that term anymore, because as you have indicated it simply means ANY flying object that is seen but not positively identified...and we have all seen thousands of such objects in our lives (most of which were nothing unusual). No big deal.

No, I used the term AFO. Alien Flying Object. What I mean by AFO is not just an object that I can't identify. No...I mean an object that I can plainly see is some kind of unknown vehicle, built by some intelligent beings, maneuvering in the sky in what must by all appearances be a purposeful manner. I'm talking about a technological vehicle of highly unusual sort.

It is clearly one of two things:

1. a secret vehicle built by a government on this planet...
2. an alien vehicle built by aliens from who knows where?

Given what I saw, and for a variety of other reasons, I think it more likely that the vehicles I and many other have seen are mostly of non-Earthly origin, but I don't doubt that some of them are of Earthly origin too. I'm sure some of them (a fairly small minority of such sightings) are classified military vehicles.

In other words, there are a large variety of things going on up there in our skies with unusual vehicles, and there isn't just one simple answer to what it is. There are multiple answers to what it is, and probably multiple sources of these vehicles both on the Earth and elsewhere.

UFO is a useless term, Ron. That's why I don't use it anymore. It contributes nothing useful to the discussion, but simply provides a petty semantic target of opportunity for people who want to pooh-pooh the entire subject of the possibility of extraterrestrial visitors.

22 Oct 08 - 04:59 PM (#2473108)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO spotted over the UK after WW2?
From: Bill D

On first glance, the video from Turkey is quite impressive. He has trouble holding his camera steady on the extreme zoom he seems to be using, but you DO see something with fairly clear outlines & structure....(I sure don't see any 'being' or whatever in the 'windows, though!)

I opened the vid in a player on my PC and watched it several times...stopping, zooming, and studying. It's interesting that these multiple sightings..(see dates) all seem to be in the same area of the horizon, aimed the same way, and all moving 'slowly', if at all..(see subtitles). Usually the object just 'hovers'... This goes on for several months. It doesn't say whether he looked for it on other nights, or whether he just managed to find it on all the nights when he looked.

It is ALWAYS over water..... so... a slow moving ferry? that he is seeing the upper deck of? No data on exact location, so hard to check.

*shrug*.... fascinating, but I'd want some questions answeder.

22 Oct 08 - 05:00 PM (#2473109)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO spotted over the UK after WW2?
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

It is semantics - alien or unidentified, it means the same. Origin unknown. The laws of probability would favor earthly origin, but there is always a chance that it is from another world. It certainly is possible.

22 Oct 08 - 07:17 PM (#2473224)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO spotted over the UK after WW2?
From: GUEST,hg

The possibility of traveling faster than the speed of light would have to be a given....This technology will be so interesting when it is finally revealed! Perhaps many thousands of years hence! But why not in our lifetime?

22 Oct 08 - 07:39 PM (#2473248)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO spotted over the UK after WW2?
From: Don Firth

I am an agnostic on this subject. But this agnosticism comes from a combination of strong lifelong interest in astronomy and the possibility of extraterrestrial life, up to and including the possibility of galactic empires (à la Isaac Asimov and others).

Right from the start, with private pilot Kenneth Arnold's sighting on June 24, 1947 of nine disc-shaped objects flying in formation near Mt. Rainier in Washington State (he described them as "flying saucers," and the news media picked up the phrase), I have read up on the subject extensively, starting with Donald Keyhoe's book, Flying Saucers are Real, in which he poses some very interesting theories.

Arnold's sighting was not really the first, of course. All through history there have been sightings of unidentified objects in the sky, from Biblical times (Ezekiel's "wheels within wheels"), to the sighting of a silvery disc-shaped object over Yorkshire, England in 1290, to the mysterious "foo fighters" that U. S. Air Force, RAF, and Luftwaffe pilots spotted over Germany toward the end of World War II, and many more such reports.

Over the years I have talked with people who said they had observed such phenomena first hand, such as a man who had worked at the White Sands proving grounds shortly after the end of WW II, testing first captured German V-2 rockets and later the American-made Vikings. He said that every time they had a test launch, almost predictably, silvery disc-like objects would appear and seemed to be observing and pacing the test rockets as they were launched. They registered on the radar, and at times planes were sent up in an attempt to intercept them, or at least observe the objects, but they proved too elusive for our fastest interceptor jets. Maury was a solid realist with both feet on the ground, and he was not given to BS-ing anyone. He said, "We have no idea of what they were or where they came from. It's a cinch the Russians didn't have anything like that, and we sure as hell didn't!"

I also talked a bit with an older man (a Boeing engineer, in fact) who said he'd had an encounter while driving on a country road, but he became so agitated when he mentioned it that he broke off by saying, "I'm sorry! I just can't talk about it!" And he, too, was not the sort that was given to flights of fancy or to BS-ing.

I have also talked to some real flakes. And read stuff written by flakes.

I would be very surprised if we were to learn beyond a shadow of a doubt that we are the only intelligent (!??), technological species in the universe. Or even in the galaxy. I am acquainted with a person who works in the Astrobiology department at the University of Washington, and have read a lot on the subject. It's amazing the amount and variety of life on this planet that not only lives, but thrives, in extreme conditions right here. Example: the great concentrations of life surrounding volcanic vents ("black smokers") on the oceans' floors. These life forms draw their energy, not from sunlight, but from heat. The temperature of the water they live in is over 700 degrees, and that would kill most "life as we know it." What prevents the water from simply vaporizing at that temperature is the pressure at those depths. And the area is teeming with a whole variety of life-forms.

Undoubtedly there are many planets orbiting stars similar to our own sun, and G-type main-sequence stars are not that rare. In fact, the vast majority of stars are "main-sequence," hence the name. That includes some very nearby stars. Alpha Centauri, a triple-star system, contains two stars similar to the sun, one of which could easily host a planetary system, and it's only 4.3 light-years from us. It is possible, indeed likely, that there are a plethora of earthlike planets that would be just as hospitable to life as Earth itself is. All one need do is spend a bit of time perusing the Drake equation to get an idea. The formula comes up with a very conservative set of figures, but which predicts the probability of there being some 10,000 planets with intelligent and possibly technological societies within this galaxy.

Studying the Drake equation is very enlightening—and downright exciting!

Is it possible that Earth has been—is being—visited by intelligent, technological extraterrestrials? Most assuredly! Has Earth been, or is it being visited?

There are claims, and a plethora of conspiracy theories, all intertwined like a snake's nest, but no one has yet been able to provide credible evidence that this has happened or is happening. I think it's quite likely—for reasons that Donald Keyhoe gave in his magazine articles and subsequent book (Flying Saucers are Real, 1950)—that we have been visited from time to time and during the past several decades, we are being scrutinized rather closely.


This is pure speculation, with no actual evidence or proof!

An Unidentified Flying Object is exactly that:   an Unidentified Flying Object. Many Unidentified Flying Objects have subsequently been identified, and the mystery disappears. They turn out to be quite mundane, merely initially unidentified, or misidentified. Some Unidentified Flying Objects have not been identified, and they remain a mystery. Kenneth Arnold's "flying saucers," or the WW II "foo fighters."

But to change the "U" in UFO to an "A"—A for Alien—and then make the leap that a UFO is, ipso facto, an AFO or "Alien Flying Object" flatters the case and commits the fallacy of Begging the Question.

Begging the Question does not mean "insisting that a question be asked" as many members of the news media have been misusing it lately, but refers to a commonly found logical fallacy:   attempting to prove that something is true by using the assumption that it is true as one of one's premises. It is a sort of logical "Trojan horse." In the context of this discussion, of course, "alien" is assumed to mean "extraterrestrial." Nor can one hedge one's bets by claiming that "alien" is merely a synonym for "unidentified." It isn't.

Neither Aristotle, nor any first-year logic student would find that argument acceptable.

So, on the subject of alien visitations to earth, I think it might very well be true. But I don't know.

And neither do you.

And if you claim that you do know for certain that we have been visited, don't expect to be believed unless you have evidence.

I am open to being convinced. So convince me.

But remember:    extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.

Don Firth

22 Oct 08 - 08:24 PM (#2473296)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO spotted over the UK after WW2?
From: Little Hawk

Good post, Don. Excuse me on the AFO acronym...that was an error. I was in a hurry and I didn't get that right. The acronym I favor is AFV (Alien Flying Vehicle)...a "vehicle" being a machine or an artificial conveyance (like a canoe, for example, or a wagon or a car or an airplane) that someone has built for purposes of travel.

I hope that makes it clearer. What I saw were not mere objects, they were clearly manufactured vehicles of a highly technological sort.

Whether they were ours or someone else's, I can't say, but I very much doubt they were ours. That's my best guess.

Some of the stories you recount, like the man who was at the White Sands testing site are extremely interesting. They suggest to me that we may have alien visitors who are more than a bit concerned about our growing expertise in weaponry and rockets. God knows, I'd be concerned if I were them! This is a very warlike planet. On the other hand, maybe they're just curious...and gathering research data.

I don't claim to know anything for certain, except this: I know I saw some very unusual vehicles in the sky on a couple of occasions. I don't think they were ours, but I can't be 100% sure about that.   That's it. Period. The rest is merely theory and conjecture, and I theorize about it because I find the subject very intriguing and potentially quite important as well, in regards to our collective future on this planet and in space.

We are clearly destined to do distant space travel. When we finally do, I think we'll find that many others have done so before us, and are doing so around us. Those again are simply theories.

22 Oct 08 - 08:29 PM (#2473299)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO spotted over the UK after WW2?
From: GUEST,number 6

It was probably a spaceship from some planet inhabited by 'socialist humanoids' bringing the gift of socialism to the world ... little did they know that by the time the word reached the U.S.A. a few decades later it would cause such confusion and turmoil amongst it's citzens.


22 Oct 08 - 09:50 PM (#2473339)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO spotted over the UK after WW2?
From: Little Hawk

My guess is that you would find a good deal of socialism in any reasonably advanced and complex society. We have a good deal of it in place in the USA and Canada, for example, but Americans don't seem to have any idea what it is.

Here's a clue: Without socialism you would not have -

the police force
the government (at all levels right down to the town council)
the courts and justice system
the structure of laws that regulate a society
public libraries
community centres and public athletic facilities
public drinking fountains
park benches
public buildings of all sorts
a public school system
a fire department
hospitals and ambulances
roads and highways and bridges
networks of hydro and other utility lines
networks to carry communications media
satellites in space
shelters for the homeless
traffic lights and street signs
national, state and provincial parks
legal protections for the environment
a bill of rights
a coast guard
a constitution
a postal service

NONE of those things in their present forms could exist without socialism in place to first create and then sustain them, because they were all put in place by people on a public payroll...public servants...people who earn a living from public funds collected through taxes.

That's socialism. You cannot NOT have it! Americans don't seem to know that. Amazing. It is no enemy to capitalism, it simply does the various stuff capitalism doesn't apply to or can't be bothered with because it ain't profitable!

Yes, I'm sure our friends in space (if they are there at all) have socialism...and probably quite a bit more of it than we do.

22 Oct 08 - 09:56 PM (#2473343)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO spotted over the UK after WW2?
From: GUEST,number 6

One of the finest examples going today of a socialist country is Denmark.


22 Oct 08 - 09:59 PM (#2473349)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO spotted over the UK after WW2?
From: Little Hawk

Yes, indeed. And I recall that when they did a study last year of which countries people were happiest in, Denmark ranked number 1.

Most Americans seem to have no frikkin' idea what socialism is. It's like trying to tell the Spanish Inquisition about a concept like "freedom of religion" or "not torturing people" just does not compute between their ears!

22 Oct 08 - 10:04 PM (#2473350)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO spotted over the UK after WW2?
From: GUEST,number 6

Good one L.H. !!

22 Oct 08 - 10:19 PM (#2473360)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO spotted over the UK after WW2?
From: Don Firth

Great list, Little Hawk! It's hard to get a lot of people to realize just what they would have to do without, or go through, if it were not for these little "socialistic" benefits that they take for granted.

Imagine, for example, if the fire department were privatized like health care in the United States:   You discover your house in flames. You call the fire department. And the first thing they ask you is, "Do you have fire insurance? Which company? Full or partial coverage? What's your policy number?" Etc., etc., while the fire is spreading from room to room.

Toll bridges. Toll roads. Toll sidewalks. . . .

Don Firth

22 Oct 08 - 10:32 PM (#2473371)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO spotted over the UK after WW2?
From: DougR

And the RAF reported that the sky is falling, right? (Greg F.:I hope you see my post. I know how much you appreciate my humor. :>))


23 Oct 08 - 03:04 PM (#2473998)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO spotted over the UK after WW2?
From: Little Hawk

No, have the RAF confused with Chicken Little.

You've done this repeatedly for some reason. It's Chicken Little, Doug! No one else in (or out of) recorded history has ever claimed the sky is falling except Chicken Little. Get the book.

23 Oct 08 - 03:16 PM (#2474005)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO spotted over the UK after WW2?
From: Ed T

Your Co-worker Could Be a Space Alian, Say Experts

...Here's How You Can Tell

By Michael Cassels (for the NE)

Many Americans work side by side with space aliens who look human - but you can spot these visitors by looking for certain tip-offs, say experts.

They listed 10 signs to watch for:

    * Odd or mismatched clothes. "Often space aliens don't fully understand the different styles, so they wear combina- tions that are in bad taste, such as checked pants with a striped shirt, or a tuxedo jacket with blue jeans or sneak- ers," noted Brad Steiger, a renowned UFO investigator and author.
    * Strange diet or unusual eating habits. Space aliens might eat French fries with a spoon or gobble down large amounts of pills, the experts say.
    * Bizarre sense of humor. Space aliens who don't understand earthly humor may laugh during a serious company training film or tell jokes that no one understands, said Steiger.
    * Takes frequent sick days. A space alien might need extra time off to "rejuvinate its energy," said Dr. Thomas Easton, a theoretical biologist and futurist.
    * Keeps a written or tape-recorded diary. "Aliens are constantly gathering information," said Steiger.
    * Misuses everyday items. "A space alien may use correction fluid to paint its nails," said Steiger.
    * Constant questioning about customs of co-workers. Space aliens who are trying to learn about earth culture might ask questions that seem stupid, Easton said. "For example, a co-worker may ask why so many Americans picnic on the Fourth of July," noted Steiger.
    * Secretive about personal life-style and home. "An alien won't discuss domestic details or talk about what it does at night or on weekends," said Steiger.
    * Frequently talks to himself. "A space alien may not be used to speaking as we do, so an alien may practice speaking," Steiger noted.
    * Displays a change of mood or physical reaction when near certain high-tech hardware. "An alien may experience a mood change when a microwave oven is turned on," said Steiger.

The experts pointed out that a co-worker would have to display most if not all of these traits before you can posi- tively identify him as a space alien.

23 Oct 08 - 05:03 PM (#2474102)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO spotted over the UK after WW2?
From: Little Hawk

LOL! Well, there are a lot of things to worry about in this life, I guess...but far worse than that, your co-worker could be a Republican! ;-)

Or an @sshole.

Or both.

23 Oct 08 - 05:43 PM (#2474148)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO spotted over the UK after WW2?
From: Don Firth

My God, Ed!! I read the list! I can't believe this!!

I just discovered that I'm a space alien!!

Don Firth

23 Oct 08 - 06:06 PM (#2474169)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO spotted over the UK after WW2?
From: Ebbie

Don! My brother!

23 Oct 08 - 06:36 PM (#2474198)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO spotted over the UK after WW2?
From: Little Hawk

Ah...well, that may account for your reasonably open-minded approach to the entire subject, Don. ;-)

I have suspected that I was an alien since shortly after birth. Not a space alien, mind you. Just an alien, period. I find the social norms around me irritating, irrational, and nonsensical in the extreme. I don't fit in with the mainstream, and never wanted to. Yup, I somehow reincarnated on the wrong planet, that's all there is to it.

23 Oct 08 - 07:58 PM (#2474289)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO spotted over the UK after WW2?
From: Don Firth

I can't recall offhand where I originally came from, but I do have occasional dreams of a former love. We used to spend hours not saying anything, just sitting quietly in the light of the triple moons and holding tentacles. She was beautiful. She had gorgeous wire wheels and a pair of headlights you wouldn't believe!!

Don Firth

23 Oct 08 - 08:21 PM (#2474299)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO spotted over the UK after WW2?
From: Little Hawk

Hmmm. That could be Regulus Five....or...maybe one of the inner ring worlds in the Sarkassian Quadrant? ;-)

I'll have to ask Gr'zelb! next time I see him...her...well, "it", I guess.

23 Oct 08 - 08:31 PM (#2474308)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO spotted over the UK after WW2?
From: Don Firth

I may be gone for a bit. I'm going to have myself a cup of tea (Earl Gray. Hot) and see if I can figure this out.

Don Firrthsxzz

23 Oct 08 - 09:37 PM (#2474344)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO spotted over the UK after WW2?
From: GUEST,beardedbruce

Only 5 out of the 10 for me- I will have to see which of my parents is the alien...

24 Oct 08 - 01:03 AM (#2474478)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO spotted over the UK after WW2?
From: The Fooles Troupe

"You call the fire department. And the first thing they ask you is, "Do you have fire insurance? Which company? Full or partial coverage? What's your policy number?"

Now, it's funny you should say that... Yoe see there is an active group of collectors who collect certain plaques. Many years ago, certain insurance companies did fund fire brigades to put out fires in the buildings that they insured, so a plaque was put on the front of the building so that the brigade would be sure they were fighting the correct fires...

After a while, the brigades were 'nationalised' for the Public Good...

I'm not making this up, you know...


24 Oct 08 - 03:36 AM (#2474530)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO spotted over the UK after WW2?

This must have caused quite a few UFO sightings. It's a prototype Lockheed XB 49 from the late 1940's. Remember, the current technology of the period was Flying Fortresses and Lancasters..

24 Oct 08 - 08:03 AM (#2474697)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO spotted over the UK after WW2?
From: Little Hawk

It sure would have if anyone saw it, KP. There was a similar plane called the Northrop Flying amazing looking beast. I think they only built (and flew) a couple of them in the prototype stage and never put it into active service.

At any rate, the vehicles I saw were of two distinctly different types. One of them looked a great deal like the saucer-like vehicle in Isane Beard's link over on the "Weekly Walkabout Part 2" thread. The other looked completely different from that. They both shared some interesting common features though: they made no sound whatsover while doing their manuevers in the sky, and they had no visible propellors, jet intakes, exhaust outlets, wings, or other such devices which would suggest flying vehicles of Earthly manufacture.

If they were ours, they were using some form of propulsion which is completely unknown to the public...and this was back in the late 60s, so it would still be completely unknown now...40 years later.

I doubt that they were ours, but there's no way I can be sure.

A great many other people had similar sightings in my area over a period of a few days, and it got brief mention in the local newspapers, then was soon forgotten, except by those persons who actually saw the phenomena.

It's always soon forgotten. That's how the common public mind works. They soon forget almost everthing, because their attention is fixed on what's happening today. ;-) My dogs are like that too, only even more so. They forget something if it happend more than 3 minutes ago.

24 Oct 08 - 03:21 PM (#2475149)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO spotted over the UK after WW2?
From: Ed T

We all got to eat, now don't we. Best place to start looking for space aliens is not in the sky, where they used to be, but where they eat and work when not on night time fly-bys to spook and "probe" us Earthlings

25 Oct 08 - 12:24 PM (#2475889)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO spotted over the UK after WW2?
From: GUEST,Shimrod

I wonder if the aliens tried to sell the Turks any carpets? That would be ironic, wouldn't it?

Did the Turks try to sell the aliens any carpets? Lots of Turkish people try to sell me carpets whenever I go to Turkey. Mind you, I don't mind too much as they usually give me a nice glass of apple tea or cup of Turkish coffee in the process (I've drunk lots of tea and coffee but never bought a carpet yet). I wonder if alien digestive systems can cope with apple tea or Turkish coffee?

Something else occurred to me - a Turkish carpet might look quite nice in a flying saucer - although you'd probably have to stick it down with double-sided tape in zero g ...

25 Oct 08 - 06:04 PM (#2476072)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO spotted over the UK after WW2?
From: Little Hawk

Zero G wouldn't be a problem. They have developed a means of generating self-contained gravitational fields inside their vehicles and operating independently of outer gravitational and inertial effects. At least that's what I would assume, given the maneuvers I saw that AFV do back in the late 60s. If they weren't entirely independent of the Earth's gravitational field, the ship would have been destroyed and everyone in it killed (assuming it had a crew on board, which seems very likely to me).

25 Oct 08 - 07:26 PM (#2476119)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO spotted over the UK after WW2?
From: Don Firth

". . . self-contained gravitational fields inside their vehicles. . . ."

We call that, "duct-taping yourself to the wall. . . ."

Don Firth

25 Oct 08 - 07:46 PM (#2476134)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO spotted over the UK after WW2?
From: Little Hawk

Ha! ;-) No, I think this would take more than duct tape.

26 Oct 08 - 04:44 AM (#2476287)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO spotted over the UK after WW2?
From: GUEST,Shimrod

"They have developed a means of generating self-contained gravitational fields inside their vehicles and operating independently of outer gravitational and inertial effects. At least that's what I would assume ..."

That's one whopper of an assumption, LH!

26 Oct 08 - 08:04 AM (#2476367)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO spotted over the UK after WW2?
From: bobad

"the maneuvers I saw that AFV do back in the late 60s."

Hey, I saw a lot of weird shit in the late 60s too, man.

26 Oct 08 - 04:02 PM (#2476683)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO spotted over the UK after WW2?
From: DougR

The government at one point must have put some stock in the existence of UFO's. I was in the Army in 1948, based at then Camp, now Ft. Hood near Killeen, Texas. For about a month fellow soldiers from several battalions , some from my outfit, including two of my best hometown friends, were trucked into the hills surrounding the base during the early evening. Their mission: search the sky for UFO's. They were equipped with BC scopes and powerful field glasses and they scanned the sky until daylight. As far as I know, they never saw anything of interest (if you don't count the bedroom windows of civilian workers they peeked into at a secluded secret facility that, until that time, no one knew existed). Maybe if they had not been so busy window peeping they might have seen something in the sky.


26 Oct 08 - 05:44 PM (#2476770)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO spotted over the UK after WW2?
From: Ed T

Some of this stuff makes me really nervious on the alien menace and what I may have missed.

26 Oct 08 - 05:56 PM (#2476786)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO spotted over the UK after WW2?
From: Bill D

Oh, MY! What frightening revelations!! I didn't realize there was such...umm.. compelling evidence. I think all mankind should...snort.. read these warnings and ...giggle... keep a sharp eye on their ...gasp.. neighbors to guard against hee-hee.. localized takeovers by ..uncontrolled chortles alien invaders....


26 Oct 08 - 06:03 PM (#2476793)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO spotted over the UK after WW2?
From: Little Hawk

Wonderfully amusing! ;-) Useless, though, in terms of providing any kind of relevant information.

26 Oct 08 - 06:18 PM (#2476802)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO spotted over the UK after WW2?
From: Bill D

Well, yes....but good reading!

26 Oct 08 - 07:53 PM (#2476863)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO spotted over the UK after WW2?
From: Ed T

Ok, How about this?

Maybe this"

Or, this?

26 Oct 08 - 07:57 PM (#2476868)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO spotted over the UK after WW2?
From: Ed T

Sorryu, the last one seems to be a dud
Here it is

26 Oct 08 - 08:09 PM (#2476879)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO spotted over the UK after WW2?
From: Little Hawk

All I can say, Ed, is...keep working on ferreting them out! Check under the bed, behind the curtains, on the roof...they could be anywhere.

26 Oct 08 - 08:12 PM (#2476881)
Subject: RE: BS: UFO spotted over the UK after WW2?
From: Bill D

The 2nd link is quite fascinating!

I need to read more of it and see how it all relates....