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BS: Even here in Maine

31 Oct 08 - 08:44 AM (#2480762)
Subject: BS: Even here in Maine
From: kendall

We have a very competent, nice and decent woman running for Congress in my district. While in the Maine Senate she took on the drug companies and when they took it to the big court, she won.
Now she has a challenger who just crept out of the woodwork with an attack ad claiming she voted to tax Social security benefits, and the fact is she voted AGAINST taxing Social security!

Are all republican politicians born nasty and mean spirited, or do they go to some sort of school to learn to lie?

31 Oct 08 - 09:32 AM (#2480807)
Subject: RE: BS: Even here in Maine
From: Rapparee

"What is 'Truth'? asked jesting Pilate."

I admire Olympia Snow, from what I know of her.

31 Oct 08 - 10:29 AM (#2480849)
Subject: RE: BS: Even here in Maine
From: Sawzaw

How about some details?

31 Oct 08 - 10:34 AM (#2480850)
Subject: RE: BS: Even here in Maine
From: Midchuck

Are all republican politicians born nasty and mean spirited, or do they go to some sort of school to learn to lie?

Delete "Republican" and you got it.


31 Oct 08 - 10:47 AM (#2480859)
Subject: RE: BS: Even here in Maine
From: jacqui.c

Details here.

Another liar focusing on taxes, just like McCain.

31 Oct 08 - 11:51 AM (#2480904)
Subject: RE: BS: Even here in Maine
From: kendall

Midchuck, politicians are noted for being liars, but it seems to me that the really nasty ones tend to be republicans.

31 Oct 08 - 12:40 PM (#2480949)
Subject: RE: BS: Even here in Maine

Pingree is ahead in the polls and as he gets more desperate Summers gets nastier.
I can't wait for Wednesday to arrive. Damn! I hope they all pick up their signs and take them home.

By the way, I find it outrageous that South Portland was not allowed to display yellow ribbons but the streets can be littered with hideous political signs and that's OK.

31 Oct 08 - 12:47 PM (#2480955)
Subject: RE: BS: Even here in Maine
From: kendall

Sinsull, it's ok to support lying politicians, but it's not alright to support an illegal war. Go figure.

31 Oct 08 - 04:06 PM (#2481102)
Subject: RE: BS: Even here in Maine
From: Leadfingers

Wasnt it Al Capone who said the definition of an Honest Politician is one who stays bought ??

31 Oct 08 - 05:03 PM (#2481139)
Subject: RE: BS: Even here in Maine
From: artbrooks

Showing a yellow ribbon has nothing to do with supporting the, or any, war. Anyone who thinks they do is probably still blaming the Vietnam war on the soldiers.

31 Oct 08 - 06:01 PM (#2481178)
Subject: RE: BS: Even here in Maine
From: Bee

SINSULL, what was the reason for banning yellow ribbons? Aren't they just an indicator that one has a family member serving?

31 Oct 08 - 07:11 PM (#2481233)
Subject: RE: BS: Even here in Maine
From: Becca72

Bee, if I recall they were to remember 2 young men from So Portland who were killed in the war. I guess the City Counsil thought it was too political to display yellow ribbons for some twisted reason.

31 Oct 08 - 07:13 PM (#2481234)
Subject: RE: BS: Even here in Maine
From: jacqui.c

South Portland lost two young men, in Iraq, in quick succession a couple of years back and the yellow ribbons started going up on every tree in the neighbourhood. This being Maine, that was a lot of trees. The local council reckoned that they were a distraction to motorists or some such nonsense and the edict went out to have them removed.

31 Oct 08 - 07:27 PM (#2481245)
Subject: RE: BS: Even here in Maine

The first ribbons were put up by the soldier's mother who lives on Broadway. The ban was because they put ribbons on telephone poles (public property) and some local pain in the ass complained.

Needless to say the political signs are on public property (as are the hand painted signs on cardboard for some local low life selling mattresses from his garage) but someone we know is running for the town council and the worm will turn.


31 Oct 08 - 07:38 PM (#2481254)
Subject: RE: BS: Even here in Maine
From: kendall

Originally the yellow ribbons were the subject of a song about a guy coming home from prison. Things do change, don't they?

31 Oct 08 - 07:52 PM (#2481262)
Subject: RE: BS: Even here in Maine
From: artbrooks

I would have thought that the more direct connection would be to She Wore a Yellow Ribbon, where the woman wears a ribbon in memory of her "lover who is far, far away, in the US Cavalry", than to Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Ole Oak Tree, although the tying the ribbon around the tree certainly comes from the latter.

31 Oct 08 - 08:35 PM (#2481280)
Subject: RE: BS: Even here in Maine
From: Charley Noble

Getting back to Democrat Pingree vrs. Republican Summers for the vacant Congressional seat here in Maine, I was feeling confident that Pingree was well ahead in the polls (and she was by double digits). But now I'm not so certain because there was a statewide election by high school kids that heavily favored Summers. The other outcomes were as expected: Obama winning by a wide margin. Sen. Collins winning by a wide margin. Only the Pingree/Summers race was an anomaly. Maybe things are changing here to the dark side.

And it's probably not productive to say what I think about yellow ribbons.

Charley Noble

01 Nov 08 - 08:03 AM (#2481529)
Subject: RE: BS: Even here in Maine
From: GUEST,Dani

Reluctant to call it a Republican phenomenon, but look what's happening in NC:

Elizabeth Dole sounds a lot like John McCain here, and Kay Hagan (her Democratic challenger for Senate) is proceeding with her lawsuit, but has gotten over her (justifiable) fury over the Dole tactics and re-focused on her message.

I haven't seen the ad, but just the thought of what they're trying to do makes me sick. Reminds me of folks in divorce battles, where one party would rather burn down the house than work it out, and never sees the effects on the children.


01 Nov 08 - 08:15 AM (#2481534)
Subject: RE: BS: Even here in Maine
From: kendall

Dani, I have seen the ad and it is despicable.Typical right wing nasty crap. How the hell can anyone claim to be a Christian and support this sort of gutter attack?
Christians give Christianity a bad name. Same with some republicans.

01 Nov 08 - 08:18 AM (#2481537)
Subject: RE: BS: Even here in Maine
From: Bobert

Listen, ya'll...

The next 3 days are gonna bring out the slimiest of the slime and the feariest of the fear and the smeariest of the smear... So here's my advice: turn off your TV's, drive ot walk to yer nearest camapign office and ask what they need you to do... You will not be turned away... Someone will have you up to speed in less than 10 minutes and you'll be doing something, other than voting, for the candiadtes that you like...

And, plus, it will get you away from the negativity...


01 Nov 08 - 04:08 PM (#2481825)
Subject: RE: BS: Even here in Maine
From: MaineDog

Vote early and not too often, or you'll get caught.
Then when some political volunteer calls you on the phone, you can say "I already voted!" and they will hang up politely really quickly.

01 Nov 08 - 04:19 PM (#2481831)
Subject: RE: BS: Even here in Maine
From: GUEST,Dani

"feariest of the fear and the smeariest of the smear": that's priceless Bobert : ) And, you're absolutely right.

We just passed our early-voting deadline, and there were lines!lines!lines! of people waiting to vote.

But there is STILL plenty of work to be done. I can assure you, if you are an Obama supporter, the machinery is in place to put you to work doing something meaningful and useful almost immediately. This morning one of our volunteers noted the difference in Kerry's campaign, where "they just told us to host fundraisers!"

"... of the people, by the people, for the people".

Finally, someone who GETS it.


01 Nov 08 - 04:30 PM (#2481835)
Subject: RE: BS: Even here in Maine
From: McGrath of Harlow

Of course, if you are feeling mean, having voted already, you can wait until someone from the other sides rings up, and then you ask them to take you to the polling station, and don't answer the door when they come. Or you do answer the door and go for a nice ride.

Elections should be fun.

01 Nov 08 - 06:35 PM (#2481952)
Subject: RE: BS: Even here in Maine
From: Cluin

The point of the yellow ribbon is about remembrance and support.

01 Nov 08 - 11:07 PM (#2482130)
Subject: RE: BS: Even here in Maine
From: Charley Noble


You're correct of course.

There are times when I focus more on the $50 million a month that goes down that rathole and I forget about remembrance and support.

We should be able to do better, and we will!

Charley Noble

02 Nov 08 - 11:55 AM (#2482505)
Subject: RE: BS: Even here in Maine
From: kendall

Charlie, I believe that figure is 10 billion a month.

02 Nov 08 - 12:38 PM (#2482530)
Subject: RE: BS: Even here in Maine
From: Charley Noble


You're probably closer to the right figure. It's one big rat-hole!

Well, it's time to make another circuit of the sign distribution network here in Richmond, Maine. Let no green space be under-occupied!

Charley Noble