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A Song for Obama?

04 Nov 08 - 08:38 PM (#2485062)
Subject: A Song for Obama?
From: Les in Chorlton

Who will write the first song for Obama?

04 Nov 08 - 10:16 PM (#2485140)
Subject: RE: A Song for Obama?
From: Ythanside

I thought there already is a song for Obama, although it won't be sung until January 2009.

I believe it's called 'Hail To The Chief'


05 Nov 08 - 02:42 AM (#2485292)
Subject: RE: A Song for Obama?
From: VirginiaTam

Whew! What a relief. I can sleep tonight.

05 Nov 08 - 03:09 AM (#2485309)
Subject: RE: A Song for Obama?
From: Jim Carroll

Doesn't need one - he's written his own.
Maybe the rest of us can come out of our underground shelters now.
Congrats all
Jim Carroll

05 Nov 08 - 09:15 AM (#2485541)
Subject: RE: A Song for Obama?
From: nutty

When I wrote this song I was told I was being an optimist. However, I found out today that 'dreams' do come true so perhaps Obama can be instrumental in this .......


First verse and Chorus
One day the wars will be over
One day our troubles will cease
One day we'll find the whole of mankind
Has learned to live in peace

One day the dark clouds will vanish
One day the sun will shine bright
One day we'll live, we'll love and forgive
One day we'll all walk in the light

One day there'll be no more fighting
One day there'll be no more pain
One day there'll be such unity
The world will be one again

One day in every country
The rich and the poor will unite
Despite colour or creed, they'll all see the need
To put an end to the fight

05 Nov 08 - 09:23 AM (#2485550)
Subject: RE: A Song for Obama?
From: McGrath of Harlow

There are already over 1000 songs for Obama on YouTube - se this thread.

Good songs, not so good songs, some pretty terrible, and some better than good. And there'll be more to come, that's certain.

05 Nov 08 - 09:28 AM (#2485553)
Subject: RE: A Song for Obama?
From: Cstargazy

What you're looking for is the epic Ballad for Americans. Here's Paul Robeson's classic reading:just to remind him and us of the original promise........ America!

05 Nov 08 - 09:56 AM (#2485572)
Subject: RE: A Song for Obama?
From: Fred McCormick

On Prime Ministers Questions today Gordon Brown was asked whether the election of Barack Obama would signal an end to extraordinary rendition and the torture of terrorist suspects. Brown replied that Obama has already announced that he'll be closing Guantanomo. That is welcome news and I've no doubt Obama will close the book on the whole grisly business of torture and rendition.

However, Brown's response ignores the silent culpability of Britain and other countries in not denouncing Bush's regime of torture in the first place. Why the USA never became an international pariah over this I do not know. Well, perhaps I do. In the words of Woody Guthrie, "Uncle Sam got every nation in this world in his long old leather money bags".

05 Nov 08 - 10:43 AM (#2485627)
Subject: RE: A Song for Obama?
From: topical tom

Congratulations, America! You have restored hope to a great country.
                From a happy Canadian!

06 Nov 08 - 04:24 AM (#2486318)
Subject: RE: A Song for Obama?
From: GUEST,Mark Gregory

Peggy Seeger wrote Obama is the One for Me

you can see hear it on the Union Songs website at

Union Songs

great victory for so many around the world!

06 Nov 08 - 04:28 AM (#2486319)
Subject: RE: A Song for Obama?
From: GUEST,mark gregory

Obama also gets a mention in Peggy Seeger's Sarah's Hard Rock Candy!


Sarah's Hard Rock Candy

on Union Songs website

06 Nov 08 - 05:06 AM (#2486347)
Subject: RE: A Song for Obama?
From: GUEST,Lanfranc at the Orifice

I was reminded of this song, which was around back in the 1960s, posted on this thread
to see if anyone else remembered it, and, by the wonder of the 'cat, a few hours later, there it was, together with the names of others who had sung it (David Campbell and Hamish Imlach).

One Day Old (Langston Hughes / (Archie?) Fisher)

Hush little baby, don't be forlorn
Though you were lynched before you were born
Your skin is black so it's understood
Though you're one day old you're no damn good

Hush my baby, though you're right to bawl
Your skin will creep before you can crawl
You'll live just as long as some people think you should
For you're one day old and no damn good

Some day you may be the President
And have the White House for your residence
So dry your tears and don't you frown
The rope and the whip can't keep you down

This nightmare, baby, can't last the night
We'll end it soon, the black and the white
We'll mark its grave with a cross of wood
Saying, One day old and no damn good

(I've done a bit of a tidy-up on the lyrics, based on listening to my almost worn-out sleeveless copy of Paul McNeil's LP, which I rooted out from the depths of my mathoms closet!)


06 Nov 08 - 09:19 AM (#2486512)
Subject: RE: A Song for Obama?
From: Amos

words, melody Peggy Seeger©Peggy Seeger 2008
administered by Harmony Music Ltd.

A light, jazzy, rag tune

Obama is the one for me
Listen up - and you'll agree.
Some say he began too late
But just watch him accelerate

Obama is the one for me
Got the youth and energy
Knows the ropes, how to steer
States the issues loud and clear

He's a member of the team
AND a one-man band

Obama is the one for me,
Ask the birds, ask the bees
He won't rest upon his tush
He's a tree, not a Bush

Obama is the one for me.
If it's locked, he's got a key
A cup of coffee in a time of need
He's down to earth and up to speed

He's a member of the team
AND a one-man band

Some folks wanted somebody else, somebody else
And Hilary she took it like a woman
She said

Obama is the one for you
For us, for me, for the whole county
If anybody can Obama can
Get the USA out of the quicksand

He's a member of the team
AND a one-man band

Many thanks to Peggy Seeger for permission to add this song to the Union Songs collection.

Peggy writes:
'It is intended to help Obama's campaign for the presidency. The song is light, a bit over-idealistic and expresses my preference for the the person I feel is the best of the only two candidates that are running for the office. I don't normally push my political preferences via e.mail - so if you are absolutely against even hearing it, just delete the whole e.mail (although you might find yourself singing along with it: it's kind of catchy).

vocals: Peggy Seeger (lead) and Cathy Fink (harmonies)
arrangment: Cathy Fink, Marcy Marxer and Peggy Seeger
all instruments played by Marcy Marxer

09 Nov 08 - 07:35 AM (#2488936)
Subject: RE: A Song for Obama?
From: evansakes

The excellent Tom Pacheco's written a pretty good one...."The Man From Illinois"

Someone recently set it to a slide show and posted it on You Tube. They did a nice job too

Tom Pacheco's "Man From Illinois"

09 Nov 08 - 09:25 AM (#2488996)
Subject: RE: A Song for Obama?
From: oldhippie

Really good song from Tom Pacheco; great follow up and contrast to his "When You're Back On Your Ranch In Texas"

15 Nov 08 - 11:25 AM (#2494587)
Subject: RE: A Song for Obama?
From: oldhippie

Found another song that mentions Obama, "Looking For A Leader" by CSNY (Crosby?stills/Nash/Young). Its on the Deja Vu Live CD.

15 Nov 08 - 12:28 PM (#2494615)
Subject: RE: A Song for Obama?
From: melodeonboy

What about "Oui, on peut!"?, a zydeco pro-Obama song. I can never get these bloody links right, but just type "obama" and "zydeco" in the search engine and it'll give you the the youtube address.

This one really swings!