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BS: That time of year: apple cake recipe?

11 Nov 08 - 02:10 PM (#2490936)
Subject: BS: That time of year: apple cake recipe?
From: greg stephens

OK, the kitchen is full, as usual about Poppy day, of cooking apples off the tree.Some in good nick, that will keep, some windfalls, squirrel chewed, slug nibbled, bruised etc. Time to eat them. Not a great amount, not enough to get the big pan out and do the herb jelly making. I thought I'd try an apple cake for starters, and I am no cakemaker by any means. Anybody got a surefire apple cake recipe? Maybe one of those loafy kind of cakes you can cut a slice off and put a bit of butter on for tea? Or any recipe that pleases you.
Or anything good to do with apples really.

11 Nov 08 - 02:15 PM (#2490945)
Subject: RE: BS: That time of year: apple cake recipe?
From: Jean(eanjay)


275g plain flour
1 ½ level tsp baking powder
150g butter
150g light soft brown sugar
450g cooking apples, peeled, cored and finely chopped.
1 egg
3 tbsp milk
a little Demerara sugar

1)        Heat oven to 400ºF, 200ºC, gas mark 6.
2)        Well grease a 27.5x17.5x2.5 cm tin.
3)        Put the flour and baking powder in a bowl.
4)        Add the butter, cut into small pieces, and rub in until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs.
5)        Stir in the sugar.
6)        Add the apples.
7)        Blend the egg with the milk and stir into the mixture until well blended.
8)        Spread into tin and smooth top.
9)        Bake for about 35-40 minutes until well risen and golden brown.
10)        Remove from oven and, while still hot, sprinkle with demerara sugar.
11)        Cool in tin.

This is my favourite apple cake recipe which I make all the time. I don't bother with the demerara sugar on top.

11 Nov 08 - 02:21 PM (#2490957)
Subject: RE: BS: That time of year: apple cake recipe?
From: Jean(eanjay)

This is another recipe that I like, especially since everything goes into the bowl at once!


225g SR flour
1 level tsp baking powder
grated rind of 1 lemon (or orange)
½ tsp mixed spice
100g light muscovado (brown) sugar
100g sultanas
100g soft margarine
1 egg, beaten
4 tbsp milk
450g Bramley apples, peeled, cored and chopped.

1)        Heat oven to 350ºF, 180ºC, gas mark 4.
2)        Lightly grease a 20cm loose bottomed-round cake tin.
3)        Measure all ingredients into large bowl and work together until thoroughly blended.
4)        Turn into tin.
5)        Level top.
6)        Bake for about 1h 20min until golden and shrinking slightly from the sides of the tin.
7)        Cool for a few moments in the tin, then turn out.

11 Nov 08 - 02:31 PM (#2490966)
Subject: RE: BS: That time of year: apple cake recipe?
From: Maryrrf

I used to make fresh apple cake a lot, haven't done it in a while but it sure sounds good this time of year. My recipe was something like this:

Very easy and tasty.

11 Nov 08 - 03:50 PM (#2491056)
Subject: RE: BS: That time of year: apple cake recipe?
From: greg stephens

WEll, I'll be trying one or two of these. There's plenty of apples.
Keep them coming!
Probably a crumble totmorrow as well, I like them with an oats/flour mix.
I'm told there's some sort of apple cake with a crumble top....anyone tried this?

11 Nov 08 - 05:00 PM (#2491121)
Subject: RE: BS: That time of year: apple cake recipe?
From: Sorcha

Apple sauce, apple butter...dried apple chips (dunk in lemon juice then cinnamon and sugar before drying) PIE!

Come back bring PIE!

11 Nov 08 - 05:06 PM (#2491125)
Subject: RE: BS: That time of year: apple cake recipe?
From: Stilly River Sage

We need a translation of weights into U.S. measures. I imagine there is a site that does that. . . the apple cake sounds wonderful!


11 Nov 08 - 06:15 PM (#2491191)
Subject: RE: BS: That time of year: apple cake recipe?
From: Liz the Squeak

Dorset Apple cake

8oz self raising flour
4oz butter
4oz caster sugar
8oz apples - peel and cores removed
grated rind of 1 lemon
1 egg
20z sultanas (opptional)

Rub the butter and flour together until resembles fine breadcrumbs. Stir in the sugar, the fruit and the rind. Beat the egg well and add to mix. Stir well until it's all combined. Put into a well greased 7" cake pan (a loose bottomed or spring sided round pan is best) and spread evenly. It should be a thick, lumpy mixture, not a runny batter.

Bake in a moderate to hot oven (375 F, Gas Mark 5/6) for 30-40 minutes or until a skewer comes out clean.

Can be served hot or cold with cream, custard or spread with butter.



11 Nov 08 - 08:39 PM (#2491301)
Subject: RE: BS: That time of year: apple cake recipe?
From: Rapparee

This is a VERY famous recipe, that of the notorious OCLC Apple Cake:

pt. 1. Slice 6 med. apples (do NOT peel). - Mix with 5 T. sugar and 2 T. Cinnamon. - Set aside.

pt.2. Mix in second bowl 2 c. sugar, 2 c. flour, 1 t. salt, 1 T
baking powder. - Make well in center and add 4 eggs, 1 c. oil, 1
T. vanilla, and 1/4 c. orange juice (milk or water). - Mix well.

pt. 3. In a tube pan (greased) put 1/3 of the batter, 1/2 apple
mixture, repeat. - Bake at 350 degrees for 1 1/4 hrs. (Possibly
covering for the last 1/2 hr in case it gets too brown.)

Some feel it could use less oil, but it's supposed to be very, very good.

11 Nov 08 - 08:44 PM (#2491303)
Subject: RE: BS: That time of year: apple cake recipe?
From: GUEST,Dani

See if you can scare Janie up. Her apple cake is soooooooooooooo good.


11 Nov 08 - 09:44 PM (#2491345)
Subject: RE: BS: That time of year: apple cake recipe?
From: GUEST,pattyClink

Don't have a great apple cake or bread for you, but as for other things to do with a riches of apples:

Add some chopped apple and walnuts to any regular or bran muffin recipe you have lying around. That would be as good as bread to butter, with much less grief.

Peel and mince a tart one, and stir into your pancake batter with a
little cinnamon or pie spice.

Peel and grate one (or just a half of a good sized one) into a small pot of oatmeal while it cooks, with a a spoonful of raisins and some cinnamon.

Make homemade applesauce, it's like pie without the calories, and keeps well for a while in the fridge. Peel, chunk or slice any kind of apples, mixed bags and leftovers are the best. Put in a covered pot with maybe 1/3 cup water, not much. Cook down, and about halfway to soft, stir in sugar to taste (doesn't take much, go easy), cinnamon is optional but good. When the slices are very soft, use a potato masher to break them down sort of half-heartedly. You want to leave plenty of little chunks, not puree the stuff.

11 Nov 08 - 10:16 PM (#2491375)
Subject: RE: BS: That time of year: apple cake recipe?
From: GUEST,leeneia

I'm with Rapaire on the question of peeling the apples. The flavor in an apple is in a very thin layer just below the peel. (So are the vitamins, I think.) When I cook with apples, I slice them very thinly, leaving the peel on. The thin slicing makes the pieces of peel hardly noticeable.

12 Nov 08 - 03:51 AM (#2491493)
Subject: RE: BS: That time of year: apple cake recipe?
From: greg stephens

I leave the peel on, except for really scabby looking bits. Thanks so much to everyone for all these ideas. They are giving me food for thought, which I will shortly translate into food for my stomach.

12 Nov 08 - 08:21 AM (#2491615)
Subject: RE: BS: That time of year: apple cake recipe?

Bisquick used to have an apple cake recipe on the box. It was painfully simple and delicious. I will have to see if I can find it in my file. Been years since I made it. Always used Granny Smith's - nice and tart.

12 Nov 08 - 09:17 AM (#2491666)
Subject: RE: BS: That time of year: apple cake recipe?
From: Rapparee

If you want to slice anything REALLY thin, use a potato peeler. You can get things so thin they're translucent. You can also use a mandolin, but I've never been able to get things as thin. (Yes, of course you can use a guitar, a banjo, a viola, a bass, a lute, a cello....)

12 Nov 08 - 09:35 AM (#2491685)
Subject: RE: BS: That time of year: apple cake recipe?
From: Monique


1 plain yogurt
3 eggs
3 pots of self raising flour (or plain four + baking soda)
1 ½ pot of sugar
½ pot of oil (sunflower or peanut...)
Vanilla sugar (or vanilla extract)
2 or 3 apples

Preheat the oven (moderate ~250°F, 180°C)
Pour the yogurt in a bowl then rinse and dry the pot to measure the other ingredients.
Mix them, then peel the apples and cut them into big pieces, add to the dough.
Butter a deep cake pan, pour in the mixture and bake for 25 to 30 minutes. Wait a few minutes before turning it out.

The best apple cake I've ever tasted is Swedish apple cake but it's fit to fight the Swedish cold... quite rich!

12 Nov 08 - 09:51 AM (#2491695)
Subject: RE: BS: That time of year: apple cake recipe?
From: Maryrrf

Another good way to use up apples is wash, slice, add some sugar, cinnamon, raisins and walnuts. Microwave till soft and cooked, then crumble a graham cracker into the bowl. Kind of like a very quick apple pie substitute. All kinds of variations are possible - honey or maple syrup instead of sugar, granola cereal as a topping...

12 Nov 08 - 12:47 PM (#2491867)
Subject: RE: BS: That time of year: apple cake recipe?
From: Rapparee

Another way to use up apples is to just stick 'em in the microwave and see if they'll explode when you turn the machine on and if so, how long it takes.

12 Nov 08 - 01:13 PM (#2491899)
Subject: RE: BS: That time of year: apple cake recipe?
From: Rasener

My Dutch wife does a lovely Dutch Apple Pie. hmmmm yummy :-)

Dutch Apple Pie

12 Nov 08 - 02:20 PM (#2491966)
Subject: RE: BS: That time of year: apple cake recipe?
From: Irene M

I am through the month or so it took me to deal with the 120lbs of apples of the one tree. Apple jelly, bramble apple jelly, apple clove jelly, applesauce, apple cake.
Just as well it only fruits alternate years.

12 Nov 08 - 02:29 PM (#2491971)
Subject: RE: BS: That time of year: apple cake recipe?
From: Will Fly

For God's sake, somebody lock this thread - I'm dribbling and drooling just reading it! I first tasted Dorset Apple cake about 30 years ago - that first taste...I've been hooked ever since.

A more serious question: I have an apple tree (an old Sussex apple called a Crawley Beauty) which produces pounds and pounds of fruit each year. When we've made all the pies, crumbles, juice, jelly and chutney that we can store or give away - when we've given away as much as we can - what's the best way of storing apples? We usually wrap ours individually in old newspaper and lay in trays in the garden shed.

Any better ideas?

12 Nov 08 - 03:40 PM (#2492065)
Subject: RE: BS: That time of year: apple cake recipe?
From: Monique

Don't forget to store them upside down. Make compote and freeze or sterilize it.

Here is a recipe from Desserts, Cheesecakes and Gateaux from Jenny Allday (not really a cake but I like it)


1 lb (1 pound) (500g) chopped apples
½ lb (1 1/3 cup) (500g) carrots
1 lb (3 cups) (500g) chopped raisins
½ lb (1 1/3 cup) (250g) cleaned currants
½ lb (1/2 pound) (250g) candied orange peel
½ lb (1 ½ cup) (250g) dried apricots (previously soaked)
4 oz (1 cup) (100g) almonds
½ lb (1 1/3 cup) (250g) dark Muscovado sugar
1 teaspoonful sea salt
2 lemons, grated rind and juice
1 level teaspoonful allspice
1 level teaspoonful cinnamon
1 level teaspoonful nutmeg
1 level teaspoonful mace
½ level teaspoonful ground cloves
¼ ping (2/3 cup) (150ml) brandy or rum to moisten

Chop and core the apples but do not peel
Peel the carrots
Put the apples, raisins, currants, orange peel, apricots, carrots and almonds through the mincer or the shredder
Mix in sugar, salt, spices, lemon rind and juice and moisten with brandy or rum
Turn into a screw-top jar. Eat within 2 months of making.
This will make 4.5 to 5 pounds (2.250-2.5kg).

Makes flan, pie or tart filling. I actually kept it much longer at the bottom of my fridge.

13 Nov 08 - 03:27 PM (#2493056)
Subject: RE: BS: That time of year: apple cake recipe?
From: RangerSteve

SINS - I just made a Bisquick apple cake the other day. I have the recipe - it's from a Bisquick cookbook. I'll get it later and put it on this thread tonight.

14 Nov 08 - 01:16 PM (#2493934)
Subject: RE: BS: That time of year: apple cake recipe?
From: greg stephens

Soime great stuff here. Keep them coming...we've nearly got a book's worth!

14 Nov 08 - 04:29 PM (#2494107)
Subject: RE: BS: That time of year: apple cake recipe?
From: maeve

Will Fly- I like to dry as many as possible. Just wash, core, and slice. I leave the skins on for the flavor, vitamin, and roughage value; some prefer to peel them. Use a dehydrator, a rack over a cooker, strung on string hanging over a heat source, or even in a low-temp oven. They're tasty to chew on , good in porridge or granola, and rehydrated, make lovely cakes and pies in the cold, dark winter.

You can also make your own pectin.

Enjoy them.

15 Nov 08 - 03:22 PM (#2494705)
Subject: RE: BS: That time of year: apple cake recipe?
From: George Papavgeris

Only the Villan's and Monique's recipes are worth it, in my view. The rest of you, how could you possibly make apple pie without cinnamon?

15 Nov 08 - 09:20 PM (#2494867)
Subject: RE: BS: That time of year: apple cake recipe?
From: Monique

Here is the recipe of the Swedish apple cake

Swedish apple cake

1kg (2 pounds) apples – 300g (10.5 oz – 1 ½ cup) unsalted butter – 360g (12.7 oz – 1 5/6 cup) fine granulated sugar- 150g (5.25 oz – 1 ½ cup) dry breadcrumbs, 80g (3 oz – 2/3 cup) flour – 120g (4.25 oz- 1 1/5 cup) ground almonds – cinnamon (to taste)

Mix the softened butter with 160g (5.6 oz – 5/6 cup) of sugar. Add the almonds, the breadcrumbs and the flour. Butter an oven dish. Line the bottom of the dish with half of the mixture. Peel and core the apples and shred them, spread them in the dish. Sprinkle the cinnamon and the sugar left. Top with the other half of the mixture. Bake in moderate oven (180°C – 325°F) for 30 minutes.

I'm sorry but I could do no better converting the weights into oz and cups.

16 Nov 08 - 10:53 AM (#2495120)
Subject: RE: BS: That time of year: apple cake recipe?
From: Will Fly

I like to dry as many as possible. Just wash, core, and slice. I leave the skins on for the flavor, vitamin, and roughage value; some prefer to peel them. Use a dehydrator, a rack over a cooker, strung on string hanging over a heat source, or even in a low-temp oven. They're tasty to chew on , good in porridge or granola, and rehydrated, make lovely cakes and pies in the cold, dark winter.

You can also make your own pectin.

Great ideas there which had never occurred to me. Many thanks, Maeve!

19 Nov 08 - 01:33 PM (#2497762)
Subject: RE: BS: That time of year: apple cake recipe?
From: RangerSteve

Here's the apple cake recipe that I think Sinsull was referring to.

2 cups Bisquick baking mix
1/3 cup sugar
2 eggs
1/2 cup whipping (heavy) cream
2 medium unpeeled apples, thinly sliced (2 cups)
1/4 cup sugar
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 tsp ground nutmeg
1/4 cup margarin or butter, melted

heat oven to 400degrees F. grease springform pan 8x1 1/2 inches

Mix baking mix, 1/3 cup sugar, eggs and whipping cream. until dough forms. Spread dough in pan. Top with apples, pressing slightly into dough. Mix 1/4cup sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg, sprinkle over apples. Pour butter over top. Cover with aluminum foil.

Bake 15 minutes, remove foil. Bake about 20 minutes longer or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Remove side of pan. Serve warm.

Note: I didn't use a springform pan as I don't own one. It's not necessary. The cake is still good at room temperature. I also didn't have any heavy cream. I used non-dairy coffee creamer, about the consistency of half and half and it worked fine. I'm pretty sure my Mom used milk when she made this recipe.   I also peeled the apples, I liked it better that way. I also used pre-mixed apple pie spice. It's an excellent cake.

19 Nov 08 - 01:39 PM (#2497768)
Subject: RE: BS: That time of year: apple cake recipe?
From: Maryrrf

I think I used to make this bisquick cake when I was a teenager. I remember it as being delicious. I'm going to try it. Thanks for posting the recipe Steve! I don't have a springform pan either so good to know it isn't necessary, and I'll probably just use milk rather than the cream.