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BS: It's Snowing...!

23 Nov 08 - 05:01 AM (#2500552)
Subject: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Sleepy Rosie

Weeeeeeee, it's snowing here in Essex this morning. Big fat fluffy flakes. By the time we get out for a stompity, all that'll be left is nasty sludgy grass. Pretty for now though...

23 Nov 08 - 05:09 AM (#2500559)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Wolfhound person

Snow here too on the North-East coast. About 1" on the dunes when we walked the dogs, and some nasty showers out to sea - as predicted.


23 Nov 08 - 05:11 AM (#2500562)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: My guru always said

Just a smattering here in Surrey, not even enough to surprise the kitten. Had to break the ice on the bird-baths though...

23 Nov 08 - 05:11 AM (#2500563)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Jack Blandiver

It's cold & wild here on The Fylde; wind rumbling in the chimneys and sleet lashing the windows. In the Moorbrook on Friday they had the fires lit, and out 'n' about in Blackpool yesterday I declared that Winter was well and truly with us - though actual snow, they tell me, is rare in these parts. No Cleveley's constitutional today; which means no ham & cheese toastie in Sassy's, unless we drive... Too cold either way; so needs must we batten down the hatches and do some music.

23 Nov 08 - 05:11 AM (#2500564)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Megan L

we have had snow lying for a couple of days now.

23 Nov 08 - 05:13 AM (#2500565)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Acorn4

In boring old Leicester it's just raining!

23 Nov 08 - 05:26 AM (#2500571)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Sleepy Rosie

The first snow, even just a smattering, is always and forever worthy of a tiny bit of childish glee.

23 Nov 08 - 05:35 AM (#2500573)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Leadfingers

Got home from last nights Gig before it started thankfully - It was just BLOODY cold !

23 Nov 08 - 06:34 AM (#2500599)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Phot

No snow here in Aldershot, just rain. Not fair!

Almost Wassail!! Chris

23 Nov 08 - 06:51 AM (#2500605)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Will Fly

Snow in Sussex? Not yet. The Ditchling Morris and their weekend visitors, Les Polletais from Dieppe, are dancing at various points around Lewes toda - in cold, driving rain and freezing temperatures. I filmed them for 20 minutes yesterday afternoon and went home frozen to the bone. But no snow...

Driving up to Congleton tomorrow afternoon - wish me a snow-free journey!

23 Nov 08 - 01:10 PM (#2500615)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: GUEST,astro

It's in the 80's here in Tucson, little chance of snow. It was snowing ash from the fires in Los Angeles this last week, air was horrible. Car still covered with the ashes...

no chance for snow there either...miss snow...

astro in Tucson...

23 Nov 08 - 02:48 PM (#2500662)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: goatfell

here in Ayrshire Scotland, it's raining, but you never know

23 Nov 08 - 02:59 PM (#2500670)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: bubblyrat

Had about 1 micron of something resembling snow on the car this morning in Marlow Bottom (Bucks) and a lot of very cold drizzle . Weather forecast not too good for Bedworth either !Am taking thermals and down-filled jacket,and possibly some sloe gin ,if it's ready !

23 Nov 08 - 03:54 PM (#2500709)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: John on the Sunset Coast

If only!   Rain would would be better though.

23 Nov 08 - 04:05 PM (#2500718)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Stilly River Sage

I suspect Rapaire in Idaho has snow stories by now, but many other MOABites have little or no chance for snow until deep in winter. Here in North Texas it is heavily overcast, but it is warm and looks like a preamble to rain later.


28 Jan 09 - 11:18 AM (#2551040)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!

Again - up to 2' in Maine. SIGH

28 Jan 09 - 11:23 AM (#2551048)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: John MacKenzie

But Maine's so wonderful!
Such nice neighbours too.

28 Jan 09 - 11:31 AM (#2551056)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Jeri

I woke up this morning and wondered why I wasn't uncomfortably warm. A trip to the basement revealed a small puddle of water and a cold, silent furnace. Popped the reset button and things got warm and the leak stopped, then the button popped again.

So then I shoveled a path to the basement door and called the oil/funace guys, then came upstairs and popped some aspirin just because I'm paranoid about being a statistic. Now I'm eating a bowl of cheerios with a ton of milk because of the aspirin and my stomach.

Hey--at least I have electricity! And water! And space heaters!

28 Jan 09 - 11:45 AM (#2551076)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Stilly River Sage

We have a bright shiny morning today in North Texas after a couple of days of freezing rain. There is a slippery crust on everything and lots of puddles as it melts off the roof.


28 Jan 09 - 11:55 AM (#2551087)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: maeve

Snow here too, of course. Jeri, Sinsull, Kendall and Jacqui send it to us, and we send it along to gnu in due course. Snow is what gnus like best.

Brought in wood and Envi-blocks, tended to the bantams, filled water bottles, took care of online jobs. Now I'm baking a pie, making mushroom soup, starting the bread, and hoping for a nice long winter's nap.

28 Jan 09 - 12:00 PM (#2551098)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: jacqui.c

Got to get to the beach this morning, just as the first flakes started falling, so the boy's had his walk and won't look at me with THAT look.

I can cope with staying in and watching the world get whiter by the hour.

28 Jan 09 - 12:07 PM (#2551106)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: frogprince

Just a very light, "talcum powder" snow falling steadily this morning in SE Michigan, but it's just right to make driving kinda hairy; touch the brakes at anything above a creep, and the ABS chatters.

28 Jan 09 - 12:55 PM (#2551146)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Bill D

We here in the Greater Wash DC area (and Maryland) finally had our turn yesterday and today.... snow, followed by sleet & freezing rain. Not a fit world for man or beast out there right now!
It is supposed to turn too all rain soon, and I sorta feel guilty about how easy we have had it this Winter. Not willing to trade, you understand...just guilty.

We spent all day in Baltimore Monday so Rita could have a medical thing done at Johns Hopkins to 'make life better'..(went fine) then came home and....AFTER we got home, we got the snow. Once in awhile you guesses right....

28 Jan 09 - 01:08 PM (#2551159)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Jeri

I'm not dead and the guy fixed my furnace which only needed some scraping off of a sensor thingie and a time adjustment on my blower (it was shutting off too soon).

I'm going to make some hot chocolate. I practically plowed my whole driveway out with my shovel, and I'm TIRED.

28 Jan 09 - 01:12 PM (#2551166)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Liz the Squeak

Jacqui - are we talking about Seamus or Kendall here? They are both masters of THAT look!

No snow here but it's not nice out... Candlemas is only just around the corner, better start digging out your gopher holes.

If Candlemas be dry and clear, there'll two winters yet this year.


28 Jan 09 - 01:13 PM (#2551167)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Liz the Squeak

Sorry, I meant ground hog holes... hey, it's a brown furry rodent that lives in the US, what would I know?


28 Jan 09 - 01:20 PM (#2551171)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Big Mick

Would some of you kind folks stop by and take a load of this Southwestern Michigan lake effect snow home with you, please? I just made a pot of chili, the teapot is full and the cozy is keeping it just right, so we can have a bite, make some music, then you can take some of this off me. I would love to share it with you!!!! PUUUULLLLLLEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAZZZZZZZZEEEEE?

It's so cold that an exhibitionist stopped and told me what he wasn't wearing under the coat. It's so cold you can freeze eggs on the sidewalk. It's colder than a teacher's wit. (thanks, Utah. I will rob anyone's lines)


28 Jan 09 - 01:21 PM (#2551175)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: gnu

Maeve.... yes, indeed, I do appreciate the fact that youse send the snow on up here. I recall the last time. You got over two feet and only sent about 5" up here. Just looked at the radars and see you are up to your's in snow again. You say anothet two feet? Gosh, same deal again... we are to get 4" and then some sleet and then rain. Youse guys are greedy!


28 Jan 09 - 02:39 PM (#2551238)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!

The office is closing at 4PM - still daylight so the drive home should be slow but easy. Looking forward to Ghosthunters and a glass of wine.

28 Jan 09 - 02:45 PM (#2551243)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: maire-aine

Where's my January thaw? I want it, and I want it NOW! And I'm going to sit here on the floor and cry until I get it.



28 Jan 09 - 02:46 PM (#2551245)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Big Mick

Move over, homey. And have some of this chili, it will help the tears flow.

I am going to make up picket signs demanding our right to a January thaw.

Michigan Mick Lane

28 Jan 09 - 02:49 PM (#2551247)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: jacqui.c

Yes, Liz, they both have that look, but only one of them wants to go walkies on a daily basis, which is why I get that look from Seamus - he knows I'm more likely to give in!

28 Jan 09 - 03:13 PM (#2551266)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: gnu

We had a short one last storm, and, +5 tomorrow morn.

From the Banana Belt of NB, keep all the snow in Maine if you want. Don't make no never mind a me.

28 Jan 09 - 03:32 PM (#2551284)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!

Sorry gnu. It is blowing sideways and not hitting the ground. Heading straight for Canada. Get out the snowblower.

28 Jan 09 - 03:46 PM (#2551301)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: GUEST,Bob Ryszkiewicz

SNOW FOR SALE! Will sell by the flake...MASSIVE Discounts for Bulk Purchases...All currencies taken. No Cheques. No Credit. No Delivery. Pick-up at the Cash only. Contact the above for pricing...PLUS - Bonus discounts for all Mudcatters,,,Former Wall Street Executives pay DOUBLE...BR/Montreal, CANADA, eh...

28 Jan 09 - 03:52 PM (#2551311)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Joybell

Sorry to bust in on your thread about snow, Sleepy Rosie, but I thought it might make me feel cooler.
We're in the middle of a once-in-a-hundred-years heat wave. On top of 13 years of drought. The last few days have been 110 and today it's 100 already and it's 7.30 in the morning. There's little relief in sight and no rain. Our water is limited to tanks. I'm sharing with the wild birds and animals. Yesterday a bird bathing dish caught sunshine for about an hour and I found a dead Tree Frog in the scalding hot water. Today I'll brave the heat to top up the many dishes every few hours. My precious vegetable garden is all crisp despite the covers.
Please post icebergs to Western Victoria, Australia.
Cheers, Joy

28 Jan 09 - 04:05 PM (#2551320)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Charley Noble


Happy to hear you get your furnace burner repaired before you were snowed in.

We're getting another foot or so of light snow up the Kennebec River in Maine. Nothing much to worry about, and not much point in worrying if I did.

Judy is here at home. The State offices did not open this morning.

Charley Noble

28 Jan 09 - 04:08 PM (#2551328)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: gnu

My post went gone???

I said... SINS... which one? I am CANUCK.

28 Jan 09 - 04:10 PM (#2551332)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: gnu

And, SINS, that wine sounds good. Red wine is good for the heart, they say. Just what you need before shovelling.

28 Jan 09 - 04:40 PM (#2551362)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: skarpi

yes its snowin , 30 cm just in one day ? jayyyyyyy just fun .

and more to come

fun fun fun

ALl the bst Skarpi

28 Jan 09 - 04:46 PM (#2551367)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: curmudgeon

With 8"+ of snow on the ground, it's now rain/freezing rain. Just moved the cars so that the neighborly plowman could do a pre-emptive sweep of the driveway before the more heavy shit descends Firewood is in, flashlights and candles at the ready - Tom

28 Jan 09 - 05:45 PM (#2551404)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!

Came home from work to find the pre-emptive sweep made it possible for me to get into the driveway. Now it is ice and sleet. The morning will show the damage and the prognosis on getting my car out of the driveway.

Joybell, If I could send you the snowdrift on my back porch I would. I will take ice and snow over humid heat any time. Hang in there.

28 Jan 09 - 05:54 PM (#2551412)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Becca72

working for another hour and then headed to my sister's for the night as she only lives a couple miles from my work (instead of the 17 miles to get to my own home). Luckily I keep an emergency overnight bag in the car all winter for just such occasions.

28 Jan 09 - 05:59 PM (#2551414)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: maire-aine

I'm running out of places to put the snow. I have 2-foot retaining walls on both sides of my driveway, so the only option is to blow it ahead. And the piles of snow are now higher than the snowblower can throw it. There's a pile about 3-ft high between the sidewalk and the road.


PS: Thanks, Mick, for the offer of chili. I'll bring the corn chips.

28 Jan 09 - 06:09 PM (#2551417)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Liz the Squeak

See now, here is where Spaw is missing an opportunity to make big bucks..

All he need do is eat some of Big Mick's chili and then go stand near the pile of snow that needs to be removed.

A couple of good blasts should do it, and if the chili is that good, you won't even need to light 'em...


28 Jan 09 - 06:40 PM (#2551454)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Amos

Sigh. I am soooo jealous. Out here the hills are streaming with light and the skies are brilliant blue. Around 68 F at sea level.

Of course we've had some cloudy days where there was actually a light frost on the car windshields, but we've learned to tough it out.

Every now and then, when we get weary of the m orning chill, we threaten to move to Southern California.


28 Jan 09 - 06:40 PM (#2551456)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: McGrath of Harlow

Snowing on Mars too apparently - NASA Mars Lander Sees Falling Snow,

28 Jan 09 - 07:07 PM (#2551486)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!

Liz! Tsunami!

Amos! Cellar!

28 Jan 09 - 07:11 PM (#2551489)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Bat Goddess

Do-It-Yourself Snowmen kits available REAL CHEAP (you pay shipping...).

No January thaw this year -- unless that's what that one day last week with above freezing temperatures (by a degree or two) and the sun out was.

A February thaw would be nice...SPRING would be nice...

This winter's weather pattern seems to be bad weather on my day off. The upside of that is I don't have to fight lousy roads to or from work. Downside is that it makes it considerably more complicated to schedule lunch or get-togethers with friends.

Two weeks ago on my mid-week day off it wasn't snowing, but it was well below zero (F.) with a brutal wind. I think my eyelids froze open twixt car and restaurant. After lunch I drove down to the beach to make sure the ocean was still there. It was, but the horizon line looked scribbled instead of flat. And the Isles of Shoals were floating mirage-like well above the ocean as was Massachusetts' North Shore curving south of Hampton/Seabrook.


28 Jan 09 - 08:00 PM (#2551527)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: gnu

Amos!!!.... you know. Twice. You too, Art!

28 Jan 09 - 08:16 PM (#2551540)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Bill D

a repost from Winter 2004....thread 65933

"one of the greatest inventions of mankind is the microwave, because you can take cloth bags of rice, beans, Bulgar wheat, etc...and zap 'em for 2-3 minutes and have a warmy-bag that will last for 30 minutes to 2 hours, depending on size and where you stash it. I had one inside my jacket as I drove tonight and I could slip my gloved hand in like Napoleon and un-chill de fingers! And for the feet at night! Oohhhhh!

Take my word for is worth having a small microwave unit if you do NOTHING else with it!

(we also have a commercial plastic thing with a pouch that can be either zapped with microwave in winter or frozen in the summer)"

and SRS's reminder

Bill D--a small clarification for anyone not familiar with those wonderful bags--the grain is otherwise uncooked! "

(I just made two more with old socks...doubled.... 3/4 filled with plain rice)

29 Jan 09 - 06:10 AM (#2551779)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: gnu

Almost exactly like our last snow... only about 5", then some sleet and some freezing rain, and it's gonna start raining soon.

Hope youse guys down south didn't get it as bad as last storm.

29 Jan 09 - 08:52 AM (#2551903)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Big Mick

I have a number of those bags, Bill, and I am quite sure a good portion of my electric bill goes to warming them nightly. Cherry pits are a great filler for these things and they retain the heat a long time.

Amos ........... you are a musician, so count off with me ...... ready??......... 1 and a 2 and a 3 and a 4 ...........BITE ME!!!!!!!.

Mick, missing SoCal.

29 Jan 09 - 11:06 AM (#2551999)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Bill D

I draped my car with a large 3 mil. sheet of plastic Tue. night...and this morning I started slowly bending and breaking up the 1/2" of ice coating it; all the while standing on about 1" of icy 'stuff' on a sloping drive. I 'almost' fell down, but survived. Will finish the job later....

(That trick with the plastic has worked well on several occasions when the predictions were accurate about the weather. Sure beats chipping ice directly off the car!)

29 Jan 09 - 01:30 PM (#2552120)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Bat Goddess

Since Curmudgeon's under doctor's orders to not shovel snow, I went out and got rid of the snow cover on the fuel oil vent pipe. An inch of white ice over the snow, too. Bit dicey trying to break up the ice, remove the snow, all the while reaching OVER another mound of snow.

And, of course, I had to actually FIND where the pipes were, since there's about 3 feet of snow next to the house and steps and stuff.

Our plowperson (neighbor) and another neighbor shovelled out the path to the driveway and the steps and part of the deck yesterday just before the precipitation (by then it was mostly sleet or freezing rain) stopped.

Gotta go upstairs now and change clothes before heading to work. At least I didn't have to drive in the muck yesterday.


29 Jan 09 - 05:03 PM (#2552291)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Charley Noble

We didn't get a s much snow here in Maine as expected, only about 6 more inches with a top glazing of ice. Unfortunately, the combination of weather this year has conspired to create massive ice dams in the gutters, and we now have water trickling down the walls and ceilings in several areas. Today we went up on the roof and showeled channels in the valleys, two feet of snow off the perimeter of the roof, and sprinkled "snow melt" pellets all around. The gutter are frozen solid and there doesn't seem to be any way to clear them unless we get more sun. I am tired!

Charley Noble

29 Jan 09 - 09:27 PM (#2552494)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Joybell

Water? Snow? Cold? Ice? What are these things?

30 Jan 09 - 03:56 AM (#2552633)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: goatfell

it uslly does in winter

30 Jan 09 - 06:08 PM (#2553268)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: maire-aine

Until the sun set, we had sunshine and snow at the same time. But, the good news is that there's no snow in the forecast for next week. And I even heard one weather guy use the word "spring-like" for next weekend.


31 Jan 09 - 11:18 AM (#2553714)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Charmion

Watch yourself on that roof, Charley. Strong men die in this town every year falling off the roof while trying to break up those ice dams in the inevitable mid-winter thaw. If you live in a three-storey house (as I have lo these 20 years) it's a job for professionals -- pros with major accident insurance, that is.

01 Feb 09 - 06:06 AM (#2554273)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Sleepy Rosie

Here it comes again for me toooo....
And this time it's fairy dust. And it will settle!
Especially as it's forcast for the whole week.

01 Feb 09 - 06:22 AM (#2554287)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Liz the Squeak

Candlemas tomorrow... watch out if it's clear and sunny, we're in for another blast of winter before too long!

It's lovely here in London today... sunny, small fluffy clouds but the air is as cold as charity and those small, fluffy clouds are coming straight out of the east.


01 Feb 09 - 06:56 AM (#2554302)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Liz the Squeak

I was right... those small fluffy clouds brought some friends and now, less than an hour later, it's snowing. It's been dry here the last couple of days so it's likely to settle. At the moment it's not much, but it's only just started...


01 Feb 09 - 07:22 AM (#2554323)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Arnie

What a joke! There's a few flakes of snow here in S.East England and the local radio BBC Kent is whipping itself into a frenzy of snow reports and phone-ins about the weather. Just been to the supermarket and it looks like it's under seige - people are stocking up just in case they're not able to make the shops for a day or two this week. I've just bought the usual amount of stuff and refuse to partake of this seige mentality! However, my wife is making some delicious tomato soup from our summer toms and this will no doubt sustain us whilst we cope with 2" of snow for the next couple of days. I hate to think what would happen in the UK if we had to cope with the sort of conditions our US friends are experiencing - our trains grind to a halt with only the lightest sprinkling of snow and we are totally unprepared for anything more serious.

01 Feb 09 - 07:31 AM (#2554328)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Rasener

A few flakes here in Market Rasen, Lincolnshire UK

01 Feb 09 - 07:38 AM (#2554334)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Liz the Squeak

The wind is shifting round to the Nor-east and those fluffy clouds have brought all their friends and relations along. Now there are no blue patches and much smaller snowflakes... I love snow!!


01 Feb 09 - 07:47 AM (#2554341)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Rasener

I hate snow. not good for people with leg problems.

01 Feb 09 - 07:55 AM (#2554346)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Sleepy Rosie

Snow is a goodly thing. Still get that kick when seeing a virgin blanket covering the ground in the morning. Though of course it does have a disturbing side effect of bringing out the 'evil big brother' personality that lies lurking secretly beneath the surface niceness of otherwise civilised boyfriends, male mates/colleagues and uncles... Who abuse their superior snowballing skills against us rubbish girlies (well, I'm a rubbish shot in any event) for all they are worth while the snow lasts.

01 Feb 09 - 09:50 AM (#2554424)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Liz the Squeak

OOOh!! A veritable blizzard outside now... hard, dry snow pellets coming in at an angle of about 45degrees... and a sudden drop in temperature - either that or the heating just cut out.

We could be in for an interesting evening...


01 Feb 09 - 11:02 AM (#2554475)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Sleepy Rosie

Looking out of my window and listening to Childrens Corner

In town earlier, and watching the little kids getting excited was so sweet!

01 Feb 09 - 11:25 AM (#2554491)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: VirginiaTam

Just started and stopped again in Chelmsford. Light dusting like sugar over cornflakes. Blue sky in the distance. Such an odd thing to see while it is snowing.

01 Feb 09 - 11:47 AM (#2554503)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: VirginiaTam

Up to 6 inches predicted. Damn! I should have gone shopping. Now I may be forced to cannibalise my partner.

I am safe. He's a vegetaqrian.

01 Feb 09 - 12:06 PM (#2554511)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Liz the Squeak

It's been off and on all day with this snow... fat flakes, thin flakes, hard flakes, soft flakes, everything but corn flakes has fallen out of the sky today, out of a variety of white, grey, brown and yellow puffy, fluffy, streaky and hazy clouds, blue sky and now a solid grey-blue sheet.

There's a light 'doughnut' frosting on the houses opposite, but I want more!!!

I would cannibalise my partner but a) I'm on a low fat diet and b) eatin' people is wrong! Or so say Flanders and Swann!


01 Feb 09 - 12:17 PM (#2554522)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Amos

Oh, dear. My iPhone has weather forecasting in it and it tells me the projected daytime temperatures will be between 65 and 75 degrees F. next week, but it will rain on Friday. SIgh. Rain!! And the temperature will plummet to 61!!

I hate winter.


01 Feb 09 - 01:05 PM (#2554557)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Charmion

Amos, please shut the f*** up. Or I may have to come down there and kill you.

Any excuse for a winter holiday in a warm climate ...

01 Feb 09 - 01:36 PM (#2554578)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: VirginiaTam


If ya kill Amos, would you mind sending a 10 pound package (partial to rump) this way? Then I can save my partner for other emergencies like keeping warm when the power fails.

01 Feb 09 - 01:50 PM (#2554590)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Bill D

The disgusting thing about where Amos lives is that it is ALSO usually temperate and reasonable in Summer!

But, since that area is susceptable to catching fire, I am not TOO jealous.

01 Feb 09 - 01:50 PM (#2554591)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Llanfair

The kids are getting really excited. It takes about three inches of snow for a "snow day" to be declared here, because the school buses can't negotiate the steep hill up to the high school.
There are few hills between us and Siberia ( Chernobyl resulted in contaminated sheep on our hillsides), so we've no idea what to expect. There have been flurries all afternoon, and a bitter wind...

01 Feb 09 - 03:25 PM (#2554686)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Phot

WE HAS SNOW!!!!!!!!!

Ahem,.......It is now pecipitating in a semi frozen format,and giving a faint Dickensian hue to the grubby town of Aldershot.........Merry Christmas!

Wassail!! Chris

01 Feb 09 - 05:03 PM (#2554770)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Mrs.Duck

We've got our 3 inches now. Trouble is we don't have any hard and fast rules about snow days and I will probably have left home before they decide to declare one! Booked a trip later this week to see new born lambs on the farm so hope it warms up!!

01 Feb 09 - 06:42 PM (#2554832)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Liz the Squeak

I got my snow too!!

It's been hurling itself down at a rate of knots since about 6.00pm and now at 11.30pm there's about 2-3 inches - not bad for a sprawling metropolis!

The cloud cover is so low down that the street lights are being reflected back onto the brilliant white snow which is resulting in the most amazing light. I took a picture with no flash, at about 11.15pm. The world is a sort of bright tangerine colour and there are children out there even now, playing in it. Judging by the amount of camera flashes punctuating the evening, many of my neighbours children haven't seen snow like this ever.

The wind has veered round to the north and dropped a lot from this afternoon, so this cloud is here for a while. Getting to work tomorrow is going to be 'interesting'. I suspect there will be a lot of people calling in 'sick'...


01 Feb 09 - 07:01 PM (#2554846)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Phot

we have around three inches too! Sod work, I'm staying in bed! But if the old Disco was still on the road,......FUN TIME! But I have front wheel drive, boring, Skoda Octavia 20 valve turbo, wheelspin at 60 MPH in third(in the dry)

Anyone got a seres 111 I can borrow?

Wassail!! Chris

01 Feb 09 - 07:08 PM (#2554850)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Liz the Squeak

No but my army boots and I are going for a stomp tomorrow... :D


01 Feb 09 - 07:09 PM (#2554851)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Ebbie

"one of the greatest inventions of mankind is the microwave, because you can take cloth bags of rice, beans, Bulgar wheat, etc...and zap 'em for 2-3 minutes and have a warmy-bag that will last for 30 minutes to 2 hours, depending on size and where you stash it. I had one inside my jacket as I drove tonight and I could slip my gloved hand in like Napoleon and un-chill de fingers! And for the feet at night! Oohhhhh! Take my word for is worth having a small microwave unit if you do NOTHING else with it!

Bill D--a small clarification for anyone not familiar with those wonderful bags--the grain is otherwise uncooked! (I just made two more with old socks...doubled.... 3/4 filled with plain rice)

Bill, thanks. During our cold weather earlier this winter I've been wondering how much it would cost me to buy hand warmers to hand out to the homeless on the street. I contacted REI a few weeks ago and they wouldn't give me a price break, but they do have a bulk rate...

Utilizing your method is something I can do. I can get old socks from the local thrift store. I already have the rice and strong cord. I can even use the conventional oven when I know that I'm going out, and will be meeting them. Since I walk my dog three times a day I meet them frequently.

Our current weather isn't cold, just sloppy. But cold is sure to return.

Again, thank you.

01 Feb 09 - 07:26 PM (#2554862)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Bat Goddess

Gee, Liz, if I'd known you wanted snow, I'd have sent some back with Micca! Maybe a couple feet worth...

Meanwhile, I have plenty of do-it-yourself snowman kits that I'm willing to sell cheap -- shipping and handling extra.


01 Feb 09 - 07:32 PM (#2554866)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Bill D

Oh, yes, Ebbie! You will love those. You can make them in 2-3 sizes, and filled to YOUR specs. I just leave room to tie a knot in the end of the sock.

(I do suggest 2 socks,one inside another, if they are not tightly woven & sturdy. Loose rice can be bothersome.

01 Feb 09 - 08:03 PM (#2554886)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Amos


Please come down. I'll talk you out of homicide and we can go see the sea lions sleeping in the surf at La Jolla, catch a tan, and see the zoo.


01 Feb 09 - 08:13 PM (#2554888)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Bill D

Ebbie..(and anyone who's curious) here's our collection of rice-filled warmers/ The cute ones were gifts....the socks are my creation.

I used them recently after removing the plastic sheeting of ice from our car.

Been chipping at the ice in our drive for 3 days now. It's not real thick, but sure was hard and slippery!

BTW-- a moderate size sock gets maybe 1 1/2 to 2 min in microwave. Err in side of caution until you get it calibrated.

02 Feb 09 - 12:59 AM (#2554998)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Liz the Squeak

Sorry Linn, no taker today!


Yes, the UK, (or at least the South East bit of it) has proper snow for the first time in decades!

It's STILL snowing, about 12 hours in all now, and although it can't compete with most of the US and Canada, we've really not had snow this deep, and certainly not in London since I moved here nearly 20 years ago.

In fact, I don't remember snow ever getting beyond 4" since the early 1980's.

But today, we have about 6"! It's not looking good as far as travel is concerned, England isn't used to coping with this amount of the stuff, but I'm hoping to get out there with a camera before the kids wake up and start tramping in it.


02 Feb 09 - 02:15 AM (#2555023)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Catherine Jayne

Got 6-8 inches here in Hornchurch. Cars have got stuck in the street as it hasn't been cleared or gritted. Paul has dug out the landrover where the snow has drifted. The trees look beautiful!

02 Feb 09 - 02:34 AM (#2555025)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Phot

We have a good foot of the stuff! Now we are watching the muppets trying to drive in it! I've phoned work and been told to stay put!

Khatt can I borrow one of Pauls Landies?

Wassail!! Chris

02 Feb 09 - 02:39 AM (#2555026)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: skarpi

happy for you all , enjoy it .

we have snow here 50 cm high here my home town .

all the best Skarpi

02 Feb 09 - 03:12 AM (#2555030)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: VirginiaTam

I suspect there will be a lot of people calling in 'sick'

It is official LTS - just heard on the radio that today is National Sickie Day.

I have emailed my boss.   I am off sick, because I am in masses of pain. I love the snow, but my arthirtis doesn't. I have been awake since 2:45 am and that is with pain killer. If I feel better and less drugged later I have some work I brought home on flash drive I can do and claim back some time.

Bus service in Chelmsford suspended, so loads of people will not be going in to work today. My husband's work Chelmsford College closed.

02 Feb 09 - 03:25 AM (#2555035)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Rasener

Glad I don't live down London area anymore. Wouldn't like to be doing the M25 today.

The kids are moaning becuase the school hasn't shut (yet).

02 Feb 09 - 03:41 AM (#2555039)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: VirginiaTam

I used to do big snow sculptures. piccie of one of my snow sculptures

Wish I was well enough to do so again.

02 Feb 09 - 03:54 AM (#2555044)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Will Fly

The Russian snow has arrived! I thought something was up when I peeked out of the bedroom window this morning and saw men in fur hats serenading the street with balalaikas (just had to join in) and a stout lady hailed me with a cheery "доброе утро"... I'm now just heating up the samovar while Mrs. F. dances a troika in her nightie with the postman and the milkman.

VT - so sorry to hear of your woes. Hope some relief comes soon...

02 Feb 09 - 04:04 AM (#2555049)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Richard Bridge

Apparently there are NO mainline trains from Kent to London, or Kent to Sussex. My lectures today that I was due to give at London South Bank uni are cancelled. I suspect the one main and one back road on and off the Grain peninsular will be closed before long so then I will be irretrievably here.

02 Feb 09 - 04:33 AM (#2555061)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Phot

I have been told not to go to work! Hurrah!!

Just waiting for the pub to open now.......................

Wassail!! Chris

02 Feb 09 - 05:06 AM (#2555077)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Wolfhound person

I've hardly Northumberland, on the coast. I think it's gone past us to land on the hills.

But "I wish the ca'ad East wind would nivvor blaa"


02 Feb 09 - 05:51 AM (#2555097)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Richard Bridge


02 Feb 09 - 07:32 AM (#2555138)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: manitas_at_work

Actually, it's LTS at home...

Snowing again, I measured it earler at 7"...

All the schools in the area are closed, there are no buses and limited train/tube travel so everyone is at home and getting under my feet.

But I had a fun half hour shovelling snow off the path - haven't shovelled snow since the early 80's!


02 Feb 09 - 07:38 AM (#2555142)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: GUEST,Jim Martin

I had the pleasure of starting my first job (a railway Signal & Telegraph Dept. as it was called then, trainee engineer) at Bletchley, Bucks, in the big freeze Feb 1963.

One of my first jobs which I got paid extra money for (snowing duties it was called), was clearing out the points (switches in USA) of snow and ice. We (or rather the Permanent Way Dept.) used to paste a de-icing fluid on them which I think they still do, but it couldn't always cope with the most extreme conditions, especially if they were located underneath bridges and never got any sun on them). Things were so bad on that day that I worked for 12 hours but it was the only time that I felt that I was doing a really worthwhile job helping the wheels to keep turning. In that winter, freight trains (a lot of them coal then) were stacked up on the West Coast main line in all available passing loops & sidings as the coal got frozen and couldn't be unloaded, so power stations went without and there were power cuts but I quite enjoyed the excitement of it all.

I remember having conversations with friends and colleagues about how mad the government (Tory) were getting Dr. Richard Beeching to permanently close down half the system and that in years to come there would be choas on the roads .............sure enough! Now they're re-opening and building new lines (even a new steam loco, see the 'Newly Built Class A1 Steam Loco' thread!

02 Feb 09 - 07:45 AM (#2555146)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: manitas_at_work

The real manitas here:

I decided I ought to try to get in despite my cold as I was more likely to make out than the rest of the support team but was turned back at the station. It appears that 90% of the company has decided to telecommute, we have managed to set up an additional terminal server to cope with the strain but the telecomms companies are struggling with the extra bandwidth being used.

Still snowing but the main roads should be clear enough for the buses tomorrow.

02 Feb 09 - 08:05 AM (#2555163)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Rasener

Just for you Guest Jim Martin

02 Feb 09 - 08:54 AM (#2555193)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Den

We've had snow on the ground since Christmas here in Nova Scotia. I now have about 50cm in my front yard and I hear we have another 10 to 15 coming tomorrow.

02 Feb 09 - 09:21 AM (#2555222)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Catherine Jayne

Got a good foot of the white stuff here now. Harry has been out in the snow this morning but I had to bring him inside when it was up to his waist!

Chris I'm sure you can borrow a landie if you can get here!! LOL!!

Here is a link to some photos of the little fella out in the snow this morning.... Photos

02 Feb 09 - 10:16 AM (#2555238)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Stu

Always interesting to see the amount of coverage the weather gets if it occurs inside the M25 as opposed to anywhere north of Milton Keynes.

On BBC News 24 they've had helicopters flying over the motorway (snow everywhere!) and the underground (which as it's name suggests is largely subterranean and perhaps not as susceptible as other rail networks to the wrong kind of snow) is grinding to a halt. They've even got a rolling ticker telling you which buses are running in the city. We've got snow here near Macclesfield and I can't see the 14 to Langely being mentioned . . .

Those poor southern jessies . . . ; )

02 Feb 09 - 10:43 AM (#2555259)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: gnu

+5, sunny, no wind. Thank goodness winter is over! >;-)

02 Feb 09 - 11:56 AM (#2555317)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Maryrrf

I had a look at your photos, Khatt. All I can say is those kids are adorable! And you're looking great too!

02 Feb 09 - 12:13 PM (#2555328)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Mrs.Duck

I woke up to 8" this morning (lucky me ;0)) and hoped school would be shut but when I rang the head she said they hadn't had more than an inch or two in Rotherham so it was work as usual. Had a really easy journey as all the roads had been gritted and there weren't many cars. My own kids schools were both closed so they have spent the day building snowmen and having snowball fights. The blizzards hit Rotherham by lunchtime so after parents were contacted the kids were sent home and we got to come home too. Its still snowing but wetter. I'm hoping it will continue over night and I can curl up under the duvet but won't know until 7.30 tomorrow morning.

02 Feb 09 - 12:22 PM (#2555336)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: GUEST,lox

No Buses, no trains, no school.

This was my week off and I was looking forward to taking the opportunity to get a few essential tasks done while my daughter was at school.

Well who cares!

Today we have been tobogganning and building snowmen and throwing snowballs at each other and generally marvelling at the beauty ofit all ...

... and the stupidity of some drivers ...

... the word "eejit" was created to describe them ...

I live on a steep road and it astounded me to witness the drivers of cars, wheels spinning, yet remaining motionless, stubbornly continuing in their fruitless pursuit.

Of course thats the ones trying to go up the hill ...

It pissed me off no end to see cars whizzing down the hill at top speed and then braking in the face of oncoming traffic ... only (surprise surprise) to keep sliding down the hill, only just missing the cars that were (not) coming up.

Anyway, fun fun fun.

02 Feb 09 - 01:18 PM (#2555388)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: paula t

School as normal today in sunny Northamptonshire - although we had an extended morning break to make snowmen.Some of our little ones went out first thing and used their first real experience of snow to do some "writing" later.
Don't know if we'll be open tomorrow though as the snow is falling thick and fast.

02 Feb 09 - 02:23 PM (#2555445)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Penny S.

I learned to drive in 63, and the instructor insisted on taking me out on the ridgy frozen slush roads and learning to cope. Not much opportunity to practice since, and you are right, there are many muppets, who have never driven on the stuff. Some drive very cautiously, others overtake on the bus lane from Bluewater. Someone's gone into the barrier on the way up from the place. Not down! I stay off the roads as far as poss, because of them.


02 Feb 09 - 03:04 PM (#2555469)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: JohnInKansas

We've had no significant local snow, althugh a half inch or so lasted a couple of days; but in the past couple of weeks the "high for the day" has ranged from 65F (18.3C) to 22F (-5.6 C) and has gone through the cycle about 3 times. Lows have been 45F (7C) to 14F (-10C).

An unusually large storm has mostly passed through the mid-central states in the US, and there have been some really gruesome pictures in the weather reports, especially for Kentucky and nearby where quite a few people are still without power after more than two weeks.

There are reports of large areas where "support" has not reached, so there are still many whose survival status is unknown.

Since that storm ran sort of slantwise across the country, both East-West and North-South major highway routes were pretty much shut down for about a week, but it appears to have cleared enough that fresh supplies were dispatched from Kansas bound for Quebec in the care of our family long-hauler on Saturday.


02 Feb 09 - 03:50 PM (#2555506)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Liz the Squeak

John Martin - are you sure you don't mean Feb 1964? The big freeze then lasted from December '63 well into March '64 - by which time my mother had discovered she was pregnant with me!

It seems to come in 20year cycles... 1943/44 was harsh (so I'm told), then 1963/64. 1982/3 is the last time I remember having more than 3" and now, just over 20 years later, we're back with snow, snow, deep, deep snow.


02 Feb 09 - 04:29 PM (#2555541)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Richard Bridge

If you are trying to emulate the quickstep, that is "Snow, snow, thick thick snow"

02 Feb 09 - 04:39 PM (#2555546)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Liz the Squeak

What's a quickstep? See above - I was only conceived in winter 1963/64....



02 Feb 09 - 04:51 PM (#2555549)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Will Fly

conceived in winter 1963/64....

...the year (64) I started to play guitar...

Now - if we're talking snow, the winter of '49 (in Glasgow) was immmense. Drifts that blocked up the front door, coal shortage, taking up the lineoleum floor covering and tearing it up to burn in the grate... It was hell, I tell you, hell...

02 Feb 09 - 11:19 PM (#2555827)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: GUEST,Jim Martin

Liz the Squeak - it was definitely 1963, I wouldn't forget when I started work! The freeze started on Boxing Day 1962 and didn't end until the beginning of March 1963. It finished the canals' cargo carrying activities to all intents & purposes, it was the last straw that broke the camel's back!

03 Feb 09 - 02:35 AM (#2555878)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Joybell

Just watched the news. London and buses lined up going nowhere. Trains at a standstill. Funny -- that's just like Melbourne except for the snow and the woolly clothes on the people. If you'll send us some cold and wet we'll send you heat and sunshine. Should work. Warm air rises -- cold falls down.
Cheers, Joy.

03 Feb 09 - 07:47 AM (#2556034)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Mrs.Duck

I have photos of me taken in 1963 up to my knees in snow. Set off to work this morning and as I got into the carpark Geoff rang to say he'd had a message that school was shut! 50 mile round trip for nowt!

03 Feb 09 - 08:03 AM (#2556044)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!

If you haven't checked out Ms Tam's snow sculpture, take a look. The Lion and The Lamb in all their glory. Beautiful.

03 Feb 09 - 08:13 AM (#2556054)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: GUEST,LTS pretending to work

I just wish people wouldn't use buckets of water to defrost their cars/windows/doorsteps. Especially in the evening. A cafe on my way to work, last night washed its windows and step down and left puddles of water on the pavement. This morning I found them... luckily not with my ass, but that might have been preferable to my knee (a rather pretty genuflect facing east actually...) as it has a little more padding.


03 Feb 09 - 08:27 AM (#2556064)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: GUEST,Chris B (Born Again Scouser)

I'm jealous. We heard about all this snow coming so I rang round on Sunday night to cancel the Monday evening Comhaltas lessons. By Monday night there was hardly any snow on the ground at all. Oh well, better safe than sorry. You don't want carloads of kis getting stuck going home at 9pm on a school night.

What little there was was gone this morning. My nine-year old was most disgruntled. Wrong side of the pennines (or right side, depending on the context). I didn't even get the day off work. Bloody teachers.

03 Feb 09 - 08:37 AM (#2556069)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Den

Schools closed again today. Its starting to really come down outside. We may have to finish work early. There's talk of maybe 25cm followed by freezing rain. I hate winter.

03 Feb 09 - 01:48 PM (#2556344)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Charmion

The sun is shining in Ottawa and the 50 cm on my front garden bed is piled up very fetchingly. Unfortunately, I don't get to see it in broad daylight as I am incarcerated at the office. We've had five (I think) major snowstorms so far this winter, plus a 51-day public transit strike, and the bloody Department of National Defence just keeps ticking, and ticking, and ticking ...

Maybe I will go to sunny California and visit the sea lions with Amos.

03 Feb 09 - 03:03 PM (#2556406)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: jacqui.c

It's snowing again in Maine. We just got back from a shopping trip in time. Kendall now has a new toy and a lovely new dark blue shirt.

03 Feb 09 - 03:21 PM (#2556417)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!

Kendall Groupie Group Sigh

1...2...3...SIIIIGGHHHHHHHH! Does is match his eyes?

03 Feb 09 - 05:38 PM (#2556514)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Liz the Squeak

Can they make bloodshot patterns on flannel???

I'm heading for the cellar now....


03 Feb 09 - 05:47 PM (#2556520)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: skarpi

need more snow Liz I can send you some

03 Feb 09 - 10:46 PM (#2556716)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: ranger1

Liz, if you like shoveling snow so much, you can come visit SINSULL. She needs a new snow elf now that I'm working year-round.

I've spent a couple of days moving the white stuff around with the tractor so that we'll have more room in the parking lot at work. I still haven't found the edges, but I'm working on it. I also headed out on the trails to check on a couple of things and neglected to take my snowshoes (figured I was staying on the snowmobile trail and I wouldn't need 'em). When I stepped off the edge of the trail to let a snowmobile go by, I went hip-deep into the snow. I managed to haul myself out by spread-eagling my upper half on the packed snow of the snowmobile trail and kicking with the leg that hadn't slipped all the way off the packed snow. Bet it looked funny, but all I could think of was "Gee, I hope someone doesn't come zipping down the trail at this moment!"

04 Feb 09 - 06:49 AM (#2556903)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: gnu

Winter has returned. Must be that damn hog! We only got about 25cm and the wind wasn't bad at about 60kph.

But, I see it's to be around +5C again by the weekend. Once again, winter will be over.

This was storm number 9 but we haven't had any big ones yet. I think we've had almost that number of thaw cycles which included rain. VERY rough on the wildlife.

04 Feb 09 - 08:32 AM (#2556967)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!

I did miss my snow elf this year and finally had to break down and hire someone to deal with the back porch and walk. I can handle the front withj he snow blower Kendall gave me but the back door has a drift against it and the electric cord doesn't reach so...
He does good work though and is reasonable.

04 Feb 09 - 09:42 AM (#2557014)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Girl Friday

"If only!   Rain would would be better though. "

Rain I am looking forward to after eight inches of snow in Orpington... trouble with rain is... it freezes!

05 Feb 09 - 06:34 AM (#2557800)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Penny S.

It is raining, and I am debating how to get out - walk into Bluewater, getting wet. Or try with the car, with the access area glassy last night and therefore horribly slippy now. The roads are OK, so's the drive, but manoeuvering on that stuff seems risky.


05 Feb 09 - 08:46 AM (#2557898)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!

Rain and a thaw expected this weekend. Hopefully the ice columns hanging from my roof will go away without pulling the house down.

05 Feb 09 - 08:51 AM (#2557902)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Rasener

Took my daagters into school this morning just after it had snowed. About 11:00am, I got a call from my daughters to pick them up as the school was closing. The reason was that the bus company that ships all the kids in and out, had phoned and said they would not be collecting the kids at 3:30 becuase of the weather but would be coming to pick everybody up at 11:00am.

So its not always the school themselves.

05 Feb 09 - 09:33 AM (#2557939)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!

What do you do if you are working? it would have been easier to cancel the day than have all this mid-day pick up nonsense.

05 Feb 09 - 08:36 PM (#2558547)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Leadfingers

We were told the snow would hit West London about midnight ! Its now 01.35 , and all we seem to be getting is a bit of drizzle . NOT that I want any snow , but it seem churlish not to be able to join in with all you people who are buried in the stuff .

13 Feb 09 - 03:10 AM (#2565672)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Sleepy Rosie

My two little lads (furry child kind) have been having great fun running about in the snow this morning.

And then of course, they come in all excited and want to chirrup at you and tell you all about their big adventures 'out there' when they get in.

Little muddy wet pawprints dab-dancing all over the paperwork on my desk...

13 Feb 09 - 04:43 PM (#2566259)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: maire-aine

Well, it took 2 weeks, but we finally got our thaw. Several days of mild weather (mid-40F) and rain yesterday, and almost all of the snow is gone. Lots of mud now.


13 Feb 09 - 04:58 PM (#2566278)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Ebbie

Here in Juneau, Alaska, we still have plenty of snow on the ground and on roofs but streets and sidewalks are bare and the sun is brilliant. We're supposed to have a couple more days of this clear weather and then who knows what will happen.

22 Feb 09 - 08:28 PM (#2573365)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!

More snow.
We had some Thursday into Friday and I did not know it was coming.
Now it started as rain, turned to ice and now wet, heavy snow. My house is warm and dry. I have little to complain about.
SIGH I am so tired of this.

22 Feb 09 - 08:50 PM (#2573383)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Jeri


22 Feb 09 - 09:25 PM (#2573401)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Jeri

And my power just went out. Time to call it a night and go read by flashlight.

22 Feb 09 - 11:30 PM (#2573456)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Amos

The first edge of Spring has crept into San Diego after a really wicked series of cold rainy days when even the surfers were beginning to get depressed. We are all feeling hopeful.


23 Feb 09 - 04:29 AM (#2573540)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: gnu

Yup. This IS a storm. A real Nor'easter. Comin down sideways and heavy. The radar pic is real pretty. >;-)

23 Feb 09 - 07:25 AM (#2573602)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Yup- we got about 8 inches last night. I guess we'll take the Jeep when I go to mother's today.

23 Feb 09 - 07:51 AM (#2573628)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: jacqui.c

Amos - shut up and get back to the cellar.

Looks like, instead of the promised 3-6" we got about a foot.

Kendall's out there with the snowblower right now.

I took these about 30 minutes ago.

23 Feb 09 - 08:07 AM (#2573640)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Jeri

My power came back on about 1:30 AM. The snow is lovely and all the young birch trees are flopped over (and will likely stay that way forever). My squirrel-proof bird feeder isn't snow proof, and it's now bird-proof as well, so I must go out and liberate the seed. The hell with the car - I ain't goin' nowhere, but it's going to be a challenge to open my door.

23 Feb 09 - 08:58 AM (#2573671)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: gnu

I like storms like that. I looked out at 02:30h and it wasn't bad. Must have started up around 3 or so. I looked out at 5 and it was bad. I shovelled the doors clear at 5:30 and the drifts were about 2 feet. And the wind was gusting around 50mph. Dunno how much snow we got, but I went back out at 8 and the drifts were 4 feet on the lee side of the house.

"Like?", you ask. Yup. 3AM to 8AM. Nice and short.

23 Feb 09 - 09:07 AM (#2573675)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Rapparee

No, right now it's raining.

23 Feb 09 - 09:12 AM (#2573679)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Jeri

Bird feeder's working. I did a half-assed job porch, driveway and car. I'm considering waiting for it to melt. Hell, I have water, power, food and toilet paper. I could do it. The snow weights about 50 lbs a shovel-full and doesn't come off the shovel without a fight. It's the perfect packing snow for ... Hey! Anybody ever tried making snow flamingos? Maybe a snow whale or a shark or something.

23 Feb 09 - 11:02 AM (#2573777)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: gnu

Yes, Rapaire. Here too... gonna be an awful mess when it turns back to snow late afternoon.

Jeri... like... God put it there so God can take it away?

23 Feb 09 - 11:04 AM (#2573780)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!

That about sums it up.
I had one more day of vacation left from last year and took it today. Good thing. I couldn't have got out of the driveway anyway - a power line is dangling there and i am not about to see if it is live.
Dug out the front walk and the back. Dug out the car.
Amos, it is official. I hate the state of California.
BUT...there is a large yellow dog asleep on my couch - he refused to go home on Saturday. He loves the snow and loves to steal the mittens right off my hands while I shovel. You have to laugh.
Maybe I will make a snowman later. Why not?

23 Feb 09 - 11:14 AM (#2573799)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!

To add insult to injury, both bridges in and out of South Portland/Portland are closed.

23 Feb 09 - 12:41 PM (#2573885)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: gnu

Oh SINS! Had to take a vacation day! That reeeeally sucks. And then to find out about the bridges... insulting to say the least.

I am dreading tomorrow morning... or even tonight if I wake up... when I will probably have crab hands. My poor arthritic fingers are in pain with every move.

23 Feb 09 - 12:48 PM (#2573893)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Rapparee

Oh, you people need to see some REAL snow. Just a couple of miles from here there between four and six FEET. No power, no water, no nothin', either. Nobody's getting out or getting in.

Of course, it's on top of Scout Mountain and Kinport Peak and...down here it's 40+ and the snow is rapidly melting.

23 Feb 09 - 12:58 PM (#2573908)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: gnu

Yeah, Rap? Well, take a look at this pic of my cat Snowball walking away from me across the front yard earlier today....


23 Feb 09 - 01:10 PM (#2573923)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: gnu


23 Feb 09 - 01:47 PM (#2573956)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Jeri

Hope you got enough toilet paper, gnu. Hang in there!
(Crabs got hands? I didn't know crabs got hands!)

I think I might mix up some cranberry juice. I need something to put the rum in - at least the first glass. I'm on a low fat diet, but happily, rum is 100& fat free. My only regret is that I don't have any of those little umbrellas.

23 Feb 09 - 02:56 PM (#2574021)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Charmion

Make the drink in a big enough bucket and you can use your regular umbrella.

23 Feb 09 - 04:48 PM (#2574111)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: gnu

Jeri... swipe? I got swipe ass deep. I can swipe and more for well over six months. I am a boy sprout, always prepared.

On the other hand, it's snowing a banshee again.

23 Feb 09 - 06:14 PM (#2574176)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Rapparee

How (chuckle chuckle) awful for you. It's actually raining a little bit here and a lot of the snow has melted away.

23 Feb 09 - 06:33 PM (#2574196)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!

Gnu - warm wet heat helps. Try wrapping your hands in a wet warm towel if nothing better is available.

23 Feb 09 - 07:46 PM (#2574232)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: MaineDog

They canceled my Sunday pm gig. Beat the storm home. Woke up this AM to 8 inches of heavy wet. I have about enough room for 3 more storms, then I'll have to start selling used cars.

24 Feb 09 - 05:23 AM (#2574484)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: gnu

The plow just winged the snow banks and then cleaned the street. He put one "chunk" of packed snow in the driveway that is over three feet across. And, there's a fair sized drift in the driveway. Hot wet heat, eh SINS?

24 Feb 09 - 05:01 PM (#2575005)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: maeve

Here in midcoast Maine we have 16" of heavy wet snow on top of the 2-3' already on the ground. We will be shovelling and using the snow rake all week. The snow banking all around the house foundation is now four to five feet high. We can walk up the drift behind one shed all the way up to the roof. We enjoyed rye bread baked in a Dutch oven on the wood stove.

Central Maine Power has worked hard restoring power to the 130,000 people and businesses reporting outages across Maine at the height of the storm. I have no idea how many are still waiting; ours was out for only 36 hours.

I love the quiet while all the power is off.


24 Feb 09 - 06:01 PM (#2575081)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: gnu

Love the quiet.... I love it.

24 Feb 09 - 06:04 PM (#2575086)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: curmudgeon

When we lose power here, which we did yesterday for seven hours, the silence is broken by the noise of the neighborhood generators.

24 Feb 09 - 06:27 PM (#2575122)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: maeve

A neighbor up the road toward the village has a generator, but we haven't needed one in the ten years we've been here. Nearer to town there are many generators, and it gets noisy.

Here, we listen to the quiet and the birds and put another log on the fire while the bread bakes.


24 Feb 09 - 06:34 PM (#2575134)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: gnu

My Gramma Owens used to be shocked at the people scurrying to clear the snow and get to work in the busy city... back in the 60s. She told me that when a storm would sock in, it meant some more carrots and turnip in the stew on the back of the wood stove and more time to enjoy company.

Your "listening to the quiet" reminds me of Gramma, Maeve. Thanks.

24 Feb 09 - 08:14 PM (#2575199)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Rapparee

48.6F and sunny today. The snow is going away, away (at least in the valleys).

24 Feb 09 - 08:15 PM (#2575201)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Rapparee

"Valleys" is a relative term, I guess. The town is at 4,400 feet above sea level and my house is at about 4,800 feet.

24 Feb 09 - 08:22 PM (#2575206)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Amos

I don't understand that at we are offering the sole hope for Spring, the first glimmer of renewal and hope, and we get castigated. You guys enjoy suffering, don't you? Admit it, now!! It makes you feel big and brave.


24 Feb 09 - 08:50 PM (#2575215)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!

It makes me feel old and fragile. I dread falling on the ice. Have avoided it this far.

24 Feb 09 - 09:32 PM (#2575239)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Rapparee

I know what you mean, Sins. Back in January I was wearing Yaktrax as I cleared the driveway. (If you don't know what Yaktrax are....)

28 Feb 09 - 11:26 AM (#2577846)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: gnu

It's snowing.... March flakes. Ya know them there HUGE flakes what comes down real fast cause they are just barely snow and make a "splat" noise when they hit yer forehead and melt right quikc and run down yer face? That's them.

It was +8 and raining, but someone upstarirs messed with the thermostat, I guess.

Since yesterday morn, our snow shrank over 60cm.

28 Feb 09 - 11:32 AM (#2577849)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: gnu

Rats! +8 was just a ruse by Mom Nature. -19C tonight and 40cm of snow beginning tomorrow night.... sooooo...


28 Feb 09 - 01:54 PM (#2577955)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: number 6

Hopefully that snow will miss New Brusnwick blow over to Nova Scotia gnu.

This has been one hell of aa long cold, harsh winter.


28 Feb 09 - 02:20 PM (#2577971)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: gnu

Actually, sIx, it's been darn good here in Moncton. Yes, we got a few nasty storms and yes, -30 to -40WC for a while, but, for the most part, Moncton dodged a lot of bullets... so far. The snow and heavy ice storms seemed to split in the Albert County hills and pass us to the north and south... so far.

28 Feb 09 - 02:45 PM (#2577997)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: maeve

The path to the chickens is solid ice, but there's sun coming your way, gnu. Still that cold northerly wind blows.


28 Feb 09 - 06:30 PM (#2578148)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Amos

I'm telling you guys, it's coming on Spring. You can't tell yet, up where you are, but it's surely here!! Why today, I went over the border to a Mexican dentist and it was so warm I had to take off me jacket, and there was bright sunshine all over, so deep and high it was running into the gutters in torrents. Toasty and bright!!


28 Feb 09 - 06:50 PM (#2578157)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: maeve

Thanks, Amos. We've had plenty golden sunshine...I do love your description. You make the sunshine sound like a flood of honey!

Spring is here. Bantams are laying their creamy white eggs, the chickadees are singing, magnolia buds are swelling. Soon the flowers will open and the mud will flow freely once again.

You really need to visit Maine. Mwahahahaha


28 Feb 09 - 10:19 PM (#2578257)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Alice

Just saw that Memphis, TN, is getting a snow storm of up to 7 inches of snow.
Stay off the roads down there, folks, it's fender bender weather!

Alice in Montana

01 Mar 09 - 09:44 AM (#2578521)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Tinker

Big fluffy flakes and their predicting 6 inches over night .... but I saw signs of daffodils peeking through earlier this week...

01 Mar 09 - 09:48 AM (#2578526)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: gnu

Maeve... I am waaaaaiting.... while watching the fluffies and wind increase.

01 Mar 09 - 09:54 AM (#2578529)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: number 6

Starting to see some damned fluffies here in SJ right now.

"Now you know what they say about snow flakes
How there ain't no two the same
Well, all them flakes look alike to me
Every one is a dirty shame
My ears are cold
My feet are cold
Bermuda stays on my mind
And I'm here to say that if winter comes
Then spring is a ways behind"

.. excerpt from the song Snow by Jesse Winchester


01 Mar 09 - 10:17 AM (#2578537)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Janie

We are waiting/hoping for a decent snow that is predicted to move in late this afternoon and tonight. Haven't had enough snow for a sled ride in 3-4 years, nor enough to cover the ground by more than a dusting in 2 years.


01 Mar 09 - 10:18 AM (#2578539)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: maeve

This is a spring snow storm we're expecting, gnu...Only 12 inches of snow expected here tonight.


01 Mar 09 - 10:19 AM (#2578540)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: jacqui.c

Janie - you're welcome to come share our snow anytime!

01 Mar 09 - 10:35 AM (#2578547)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Janie


I confess that while I look forward to an occasional good snow, I could get real sick of it real fast if it 'twere a common thing.

By the time you and Kendall and here will be hoping for blue spring skies and dogwoods in bloom. There is nothing so lovely as a Carolina spring.

02 Mar 09 - 08:53 AM (#2579208)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!

West Virginia got dumped on last night. Our turn this morning. High winds tonight to blow it all into nice neat little drifts against my front and back doors.

All the local and state offices are closed - wusses! Private companies can't afford to close.

02 Mar 09 - 09:24 AM (#2579217)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: curmudgeon

About eight inches here now, with the possibilty of double that before it ends.

The plow made the first run of the driveway an hour back; don't know how many more he'll need to do.

Surprisingly, this may be the first really accurate prediction in the OFA. Its forecasts are usuayy more or less correct in some small part of the Northeast, but this was right on, "March 1 - 6. Snowstorm, then sunny, cold."Also, "The biggest snowstorm will occur in early March..."

02 Mar 09 - 09:24 AM (#2579218)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Jeri

More than 12" here, but it's light and fluffy. See, when this shit first starts in November or so, it takes about a day to dig out from 4". At this time, there's traffic on the road outside. Not much, but some, and I could get out if I wanted to... HAD to... once I got the igloo off my car.

02 Mar 09 - 09:31 AM (#2579222)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: jacqui.c

We have no need to go out right now so are not going to think about clearing the driveway until the white stuff stops.

Take care if you have to be out there today.

02 Mar 09 - 09:33 AM (#2579224)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!

LL Bean is closed - go figure. At least that's what the Portland Press Herald reports.

My little car negotiated the plow poop in my driveway on the second try. The van would still be sitting there, wheels spinning. Neat!

02 Mar 09 - 09:42 AM (#2579228)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: ranger1

I am now officially sick of this s***. Sick of plowing, sick of shoveling, sick of climbing over snowbanks when I try to walk the dog 'round the neighborhood, sick of spending the day on the John Deere knocking the snowbanks at the park over. And I'm sick of the ice, I've taken Mary's share of the falls this year, I think.

I left my poor boss to deal with this storm on his own. He lives there, I have a 22 mile commute and my dear old dad always used to tell me that no job is worth my life or my vehicle.

02 Mar 09 - 09:48 AM (#2579236)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Maryrrf

We finally got it here in Richmond, Virginia. We'd escaped all the other storms that hit the East Coast, but this one is pretty significant. I'd say there's about 8 inches on the ground outside and still coming down a little bit. Some people don't have electricity, mine flickered but didn't go out. A line went down outside my son's apartment last night, and he lost power, so he came over here to ride out the storm. Couldn't get the cars out of the driveway this morning so he called in and said he wouldn't be going to work (not many people are out and about anyway). I've got plenty of food and as long as the power stays on I'm quite happy to have a day at home. Must have a look outside, I think a tree is down but happily it did no damage.

02 Mar 09 - 10:01 AM (#2579244)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: gnu

We are dodging the bullet yet again. Forecast was changed from 16"+ to less than an inch, 4" of ice pellets and an inch of freezing rain. On the radar, the nasty stuff is passing 20km SE and 60km NW of us.

Of course, an inch of freezing rain can be far worse than the snow, but the wind isn't expected to be bad, so it should be fine.

Speaking of falls... Maeve... how is your wrist?

02 Mar 09 - 10:08 AM (#2579250)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Barry Finn

10" of the shit in the driveway & it's still coming down. I'll go out in a couple hrs & clear out my & my "old" neighbor's driveway. My wife left for work last night before the storm hit (she has to be there) & stayed with her sister whose a mile & a half from her job, even though I'm sure they are closed today, I doubt she'll be back until tomorrow. "I'll have the driveway cleared by then, I promise"!
I'm heating up the meat stew for a warm breakfast before I wake the 2 boys & tell them at 19 & 20 they can both go out & shovel the walkways,,at both houses. I think there's a session in Boston tonight, I hope they'll have the roads cleared by then.


02 Mar 09 - 10:51 AM (#2579285)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: curmudgeon

The snow seems to be all but stopped, and there's a hint of brightness in the grey sky. But the wind has come on to blow, and drifting is sure to occur.

Its odd how that being just below the crest of the hill, less snow seems to fall in the yard. Last storm, there was only three or so inches here, but 100 ft up the hill where we park the cars during snow, there ws nearly a foot on top of them.

02 Mar 09 - 10:56 AM (#2579288)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: number 6

We had about an inch of the 'shit' (good description Barry) on the ground this morning ... not enough to warrant me to get out the snow thrower ... the forecast now is for freezing rain.

regardless ... just plain crappy weather.


02 Mar 09 - 11:08 AM (#2579298)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Jeri

I'm going out for round 2 of shoveling and will take a yardstick out to see exactly how much we got.

02 Mar 09 - 11:10 AM (#2579302)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: curmudgeon

"...they can both go out & shovel the walkways..."

I was talking with a friend in Halifax yesterday who allowed that living in an apartment was so frustrating as she had no snow to shovel and was tempted to wander the neighborhood looking for some to dig up.

02 Mar 09 - 11:44 AM (#2579325)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Amos

Well, one sure sign of Spring is that I have shifted to the short-sleeve shirts in the old wardrobe.   It's gotten so Springlike that long-sleeve shirts won't do. Too warm, you see...


02 Mar 09 - 11:59 AM (#2579344)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: number 6

curumidgeon ... do you think your friend in Halifax would want to move to Saint John .... she can rent our house ... we're catching the first plane to San Diego !!


02 Mar 09 - 12:23 PM (#2579370)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Bat Goddess

Geez, I've been OFFERING Do-It-Yourself Snowman Kits for months now to all you southerners yearning for an old fashioned winter experience...

(I suppose the shipping WOULD be a bit excessive.)

I declared today a snow day and called my boss at the optical shop I should have been at today -- alone. Like there's going to be a mob at Fox Run Mall today... I'll let HER deal with the manager of the host store. (That's why she makes the big bucks.)

Nope, it's definitely not worth risking my life or car for a job that pays $8.55/hour + 1% commission.

I'm on my way out the door, though, right now to shovel off the deck and steps, etc. And then go up to clear off the cars.


02 Mar 09 - 12:23 PM (#2579371)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Midchuck

Here (western Vermont, a little below halfway up) it's cold and windy, and snowing lightly, but just blowing around, no real accumulation so far.

Since snow has economic value to us, and no one else wants it, naturally it misses us.


02 Mar 09 - 12:42 PM (#2579400)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Ebbie

Juneau, Alaska. has had a pretty winter so far. Lots of snow, lots of sunshine, not so much ice. With my dog I do a lot of walking up and down and round about for a mile in four directions and there are times when I've worn grippers (chains) and other times when I just watched where I stepped.

Last May I moved down the hill where it's mostly all flat, knowing that I shouldn't have to worry about falling, in contrast to where I lived previously. But of course, I did. Pure carelessness. I knew the ice was there, forming on the slope from the run off of the parking lot above and had gone around it for some days but one night in the dark it just slipped my mind. I did some fancy footwork but went over hard flat on my back anyway. Didn't hurt myself but was sore for a couple of days.

Today it's snowing again, just light stuff.

02 Mar 09 - 01:12 PM (#2579432)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Bill D

We finally got 5-6 inches in MD/DC area...but it is light & easy to clear. It closed schools for one day, but it will be only a temporary inconvenience. Main roads are fine. And warming over the next 5-6 day will see it disappear. We've been lucky, except for the one that gave us 1" of snowy stuff covered by 1" of ice...which lasted for 3 weeks.

02 Mar 09 - 02:03 PM (#2579480)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: maeve

I'm sharing some of Mary's allotment of ice falls with you, Tami.
Gnu- Doctor's visit tomorrow; splint and ice today. It hurts.


03 Mar 09 - 04:06 AM (#2580057)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: GUEST,Jim Martin

The snow's forecast to return here (Ireland) today.

03 Mar 09 - 11:47 AM (#2580325)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: ranger1

I ended up going for half a day yesterday, once I got the car uncovered. Spent the four hours going 'round and 'round in the plow truck. It got a bit dicey in a few spots, with the inch of ice underneath the snow. I called it quits when the truck almost slid sideways into the maintenance shop. The good news is: the four hours I worked will be comp time and I get paid for the whole eight hours because government offices were closed.

03 Mar 09 - 12:06 PM (#2580344)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Ebbie

As I said, we haven't had as much rain/snow turning to ice as some winters (imo. I don't know the actual stats.) but we have a phenomenon that seems larger than usual.

Along our sidewalks (pavements) and in parking lots, snow has been pushed and piled up 6 to 30 feet and become rock hard ice dense enough to hold DC 3s. If they are not still there in June, I will be surprised.

03 Mar 09 - 12:10 PM (#2580347)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

I. Am. Officially. Sick. Of. Winter.

Just dug myself out of the latest foot. Pretty, yeah. Daffodils are pretty, too!

03 Mar 09 - 12:47 PM (#2580383)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Ebbie

According to the 'wallpaper' I currently have on my desktop in Juneau, Alaska, willow trees are blooming! I have no idea as to when they normally bloom.

Mountain Goats and Willows

03 Mar 09 - 01:30 PM (#2580413)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: gnu

1/2" of ice on the truck windshield wasn't bad. I had cleared it yesterday. But, I didn't clear the top of the truck. Ford F150 Supercab, so the sheet on top of the truck was about 4 feet long and it was 3" of ice pellets solidified by the freezing rain. First time I slowed to make a corner... WHOOSH!

Oh, the wipers still work but there's about 3" of play and an awful noise.

I think it has been said on this thread previously, but, in this instance, it bears repeating... FUCK WINTER!

And, Amos... nahhh, nevermind.

03 Mar 09 - 01:36 PM (#2580420)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!

I finally gave up. My plow guy is coming (at 2:30AM, if you can believe it) to shovel out my front and back paths and porches. 2:30 AM - gives you an idea of how much snow he has to shovel after this storm.

But good times are ahead. I have decided to head up a workshop at the Getaway about shovelling and the men who do it. I plan to bring several chests of snow and ice, a few shovels, multiple lyrics - and stand Amos in the middle of the circle. Hopefully Barry has a shovelling shanty to get us started. A human snoaman by the time we are done!

09 Mar 09 - 12:36 PM (#2584743)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: curmudgeon

It's Monday, so it must be snowing!

Another four inches, so far, of the white abomination on top of the two inches of mud that was the driveway, not to mention my once uncovered woodpile.

Linn got off to work when it was still falling lightly. I thought about going to the store, but thought better of it when I got to the car, and instead shifted it up the hill to make way for the plough.

But there are shrimps in the freezer, Basmati in the sack, and all manner of garlic, ginger and spices. I think we'll survive, grumpily though - Tom

09 Mar 09 - 01:10 PM (#2584782)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!

Woke up this morning to the most spectacular sunrise - the time change does that to you. The sky was a dazzling magenta. And in the back of my mind a niggling little voice said "Red sky in the morning.." So with an Oh F**k! I got dressed and went to work. Yes - it is now snowing. 3" predicted but the last 3 " turned into a foot.
This is really wearing thin.

09 Mar 09 - 01:25 PM (#2584801)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Jeri

I'll see your Basmati and raise you some Black Japonica. Alas, I have no shrimp. I do have some decent frozen low fat, low calorie meals in the freezer and a headache (probably related to the storm), so I'm probably going to opt for the Kashi lemongrass coconut chicken, a glass of wine and finish with lemon sorbet. Somewhere in there will be a shitload of ibuprofen.

Then again, with the rice cooker, all I have to do is throw the rice in, throw the water in (more pouring than throwing, I think) and cook some of the chicken with some spices and see what frozen veggies I have.

Maybe at some point I'll stop babbling about food. Maybe I'll even get around to shoveling too.

Mary, this one is supposed to nail southern NH worse than ME.

09 Mar 09 - 01:42 PM (#2584818)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: maeve

No snow here yet. We saw the ring around the moon last night and the red sky this morning.

I'm grateful to get to the recording session and back without incident.


09 Mar 09 - 01:42 PM (#2584819)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: GUEST,mg

it is even snowing here in coastal Washington state...this almost never

09 Mar 09 - 02:57 PM (#2584871)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!

Recording session, Maeve? Do I see a house concert in your future?

09 Mar 09 - 03:13 PM (#2584883)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Mrrzy

Charlottesville, VA: last monday, 6" of snow, no school.
Today, 85 degrees Fahrenheit at 10 am...

09 Mar 09 - 05:12 PM (#2585009)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: maeve

Nobody would buy tickets, Mary. It was a friend's project, not mine. I was glad to be asked to take part though it was a challenge getting there.

No snow fell here to our relief.


09 Mar 09 - 05:35 PM (#2585042)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Amos

I dunno--why are you guys so attached to this stuff????


09 Mar 09 - 06:51 PM (#2585117)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Genie

I'm not all that attached to the stuff, Amos. Which is good, because here in Portland the stuff very seldom stays 'attached' more than a day or so, if at all.   (There are occasional exceptions, of course - like this past December. When I had the good sense to be in San Diego.) ; D

It sleeted and snowed here in Portland yesterday and today. The clueless radio and TV news, of course, called it "unseasonable," as usual.   (It can be the middle of July but if the temperature gets hotter than usual, they'll call it "unseasonably hot.")   It is, of course, officially still winter for another 11 or 12 days, and we're almost as likely to get snow in November or March as we are in Dec., Jan. or Feb. But it has to be colder than our usual temperatures for the white stuff to stay frozen very long.

This time it pretty much melted as it hit the ground (or me, as the case might be).


10 Mar 09 - 02:13 PM (#2585792)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: gnu

Maple Slurpup weather is here!!!

Oh, we could still get some nasty storms, but it's the light at the end of the tunnel!

10 Mar 09 - 02:54 PM (#2585821)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!

You'll find out at the Getaway, Amos. We are having a session on shovelling shanties. Snow will be provided.

10 Mar 09 - 03:24 PM (#2585840)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: maeve

Truelove set the first test taps today; we'll see how fast the sap is rising before setting the rest.

maeve of the blue cast

10 Mar 09 - 05:07 PM (#2585891)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: gnu

Sure Steve'll be sucking slurpup sap soon.

10 Mar 09 - 05:19 PM (#2585898)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Becca72

Easy for you to say, Gnu

10 Mar 09 - 07:30 PM (#2585998)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Amos

HEll, SINS, if I ain't doing some blues somewhere I'll be delighted to come and watch...


10 Mar 09 - 07:46 PM (#2586015)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: ragdall

We've kept all our snow since November. There's about 10 feet of it piled up on my lawn at the end of the driveway and it isn't going anywhere anytime soon. It was -32ºC this morning and has warmed to a balmy -14ºC to taunt us with hopes of Spring before it plummets back down again.

The sunshine and blue sky looks so inviting, but venturing out there leads to bitter disappointment and possible frostbite.


11 Mar 09 - 08:08 AM (#2586288)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!

Snow, sleet, hail and slop - a lovely commute this AM. 50s this afternoon and a deep freeze tonight to turn my driveway into a skating rink. Is this a miserable winter or am I just getting old?

11 Mar 09 - 08:24 AM (#2586296)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: ranger1

No, Mary, it's a F***ing miserable winter! I, personally, have had enough. I have a really f=good idea about what to do with the rest: send it to Amos. I am sure the children of San Diego would be delighted to have a snow day!

11 Mar 09 - 10:40 AM (#2586373)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Amos

Hey, we pay good money to make it artificially around here so the kids can at least get an idea what it IS.

We also have a natural snow-producing environment in easy reach--about thirty miles over and two miles up in the Cuyamaca mountains, where the pine forests flourish and snow lies ont he ground for at least a month or two every year.

They take children up there to go sledding--a rare treat.

The trick with snow is teaching it its place. If you aren't firm with it, it tries to get everywhere. We keep ours up in the hills and it knows better than to try to escape.


11 Mar 09 - 02:12 PM (#2586504)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: gnu

Yeah? Some of it musta got away. Nasty outside. But, we are promised ice pellets and freezing rain in a few hours.

It is a roller coaster ride again.

11 Mar 09 - 02:26 PM (#2586520)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Amos

I am too much of a gentleman to go back and look up the echoes of fedupness that rattled through these hallowed halls exactly one, two and three years ago, for example. "I've had enough of this!!" must be the most common sentiment in the whole Northeast every February/March.

What was that definition of madness again? The one about doing the same thing and expecting it to turn out different?

My mother-in-law once confessed to me that as a child she would sit through second showings of a movie hoping to catch the actors out in a mistake, doing something different than the previous run, even though it was the same movie.

Reminds me of some of our conversations.

Just let me say that, despite some economic hurdles, there is PLENTY of space for good musicians here in Southern California.


11 Mar 09 - 02:47 PM (#2586542)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!

There's our clue - let's contact Amos' mother-in-law. induct her into the Evil Sisterhood and set her loose on him with one non-sequitur after another.
This could work...

14 Mar 09 - 11:41 AM (#2588751)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: gnu

Well, I had quite a chuckle. The Environment Canada forecast is quoting the windchill and the UV index.

Frostbite and sunburn at the same time... only in Canada you say? How pitiful.

(ahhhh... that's a takeoff of the Red Rose Tea commercials)

14 Mar 09 - 11:44 AM (#2588753)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!

Red Rose is to tea what Budweiser is to beer.

Cellar! I know.

14 Mar 09 - 11:55 AM (#2588761)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: gnu

I favour King Cole Orange Pekoe from Barbour Foods in New Brunswick.

22 Mar 09 - 02:51 PM (#2594649)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!

Unbelievable! The weather report says 39 and clear but about ten minutes ago a wild wind picked up, the wind chimes are singing and it's SNOWING HARD!

22 Mar 09 - 03:50 PM (#2594685)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: maeve

Snow and wind here too, but not so much as you describe.


22 Mar 09 - 04:02 PM (#2594703)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

We drove north from the Pioneer Valley back home (from dropping my daughter off after March break) meeting squall after squall. But nothing lasted, and now the sun's coming out!


22 Mar 09 - 07:32 PM (#2594904)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: ranger1

Relax. It's just March in northern New England flexing its muscles so we don't forget that we really have absolutely no control over the weather whatsoever!

22 Mar 09 - 07:45 PM (#2594917)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Rapparee

Well, it's been snowing all damned day here off and on. Fortunately, nothing is really sticking yet but we're supposed to get some more tonight.

It's 39 degrees F. ferchrissakes!

23 Mar 09 - 10:09 AM (#2595295)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: gnu

4 or 5" expected here tonight. It's a good thing. Sun and about 0C tomorrow, +3 Thursday., so this snow might help to break down the heavy crust of ice on the two to three feet we now have. Then, it won't take as long to melt... unless...

23 Mar 09 - 12:21 PM (#2595385)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Rapparee

It's snowing...!


30 Mar 09 - 12:50 PM (#2600510)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: gnu

Wet, sticky, heavy snow. 40cm (16 inches expected). Temp is holding at about 0C until Wednesday; to be +7C and sunny. Been about +15 and sunny past couple of days.

30 Mar 09 - 01:46 PM (#2600569)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Amos

YEah, we're being whip lashed out here, too. Yesterday the sky was all cloudy, the wind was biting cold and it drove the temp down to a frigid 65F. IF this keeps up I am moving to Southern California,, or something...oh...well, never mind.


31 Mar 09 - 07:04 AM (#2601110)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: gnu

Well... they forecasted 4"... then 4 to 6"... then, on Sunday afternoon, they said possibly more than 8".... skip ahead... 16" yesterday, about 4" last night, a couple more today.

Sunny and +7C tomorrow. HAHAHAahahaaaa.... it's all a big joke...

31 Mar 09 - 05:00 PM (#2601618)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Amos

This must be an April fool's joke. I know perfectly well this whole snow thing is a big put-on.


04 Apr 09 - 02:27 PM (#2604648)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: gnu

And now, it's a dream. We were arse deep in snow... as I type, it's +19C, the sun is out, the open fields are brown. Still three feet of piled snow on my froint lawn, but near the house, the tulips are up about 5" and the crocii are in bloom.

04 Apr 09 - 02:34 PM (#2604655)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: KT

Woke up to another inch or two on the ground this morning, with a forecast of up to 3-5 inches more. Add that to the last 6 months' accumulation ~ sigh.....   dreaming of Mexican beaches...

04 Apr 09 - 02:40 PM (#2604657)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Sorcha

No idea how much 'fall' here but the wind is blowing! I have drifts at least 4' deep in my yard. Can't see the front steps at all. Can't get the Vue out of the drive. Oh well. Do laundry.

04 Apr 09 - 02:49 PM (#2604663)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Janie

This probably isn't the place to say it is sunny, 72F, the azaleas, dogwoods, redbuds and tulips are in bloom, and yards are brimming with pansies and violas.

All the windows in the house are open, and in another week I will probably shut the furnace down for the year.

Ya'll come visit!

04 Apr 09 - 03:29 PM (#2604679)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: gnu

Laundry sounds better than shovelling, Sorcha! At least the laundry doesn't need to be shovelled again in an hour. Hehehee.

04 Apr 09 - 03:57 PM (#2604694)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Sorcha

That was last week, Janie!

04 Apr 09 - 04:11 PM (#2604702)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Amos

I dunno wot it is with you lot. Can't let go of the frozen side. Use the Force!!!!


05 Apr 09 - 06:15 AM (#2604950)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: GUEST,Slag

Still? I guess that's what you get with global warming... a LOT of SNOW.

11 Apr 09 - 05:55 AM (#2609110)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: maeve

It's snowing this morning. I hope I can get some photographs of the snow-dusted spring flowers after sunrise.


11 Apr 09 - 06:11 AM (#2609115)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: gnu

Yeah! I just saw a snowfall warning issued by Environment Canada. 8" on the way tonight. A Nor'Easter storm?

12 Apr 09 - 08:06 AM (#2609611)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: gnu

Good thing the Easter Bunny didn't come by here. I'da shot the critter on accounta it must be a snowshoe hare... snowing and blowing a clip here.

12 Apr 09 - 08:29 AM (#2609618)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: maeve

Sending the sunshine to NB via the tree swallows.


12 Apr 09 - 08:40 AM (#2609625)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: number 6

snowing and cold as hell here in Saint John.

Took this shot about an hour ago ... April 12th ... and I'm freezing.

easter morning 2009


12 Apr 09 - 10:50 AM (#2609658)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: gnu

Puff, puff, pant... There's about an inch and a half of slush under the 6" of heavy, sticky snow. Great for making snowmen, snowballs, snowforts... sure sucks shovelling it. Glad I only have to clear the doors and a short pathway.

Oh, yeah... it's still snowing and blowing a clip.

12 Apr 09 - 01:45 PM (#2609740)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: gnu

Maeve... better tell them swallows to bring shovels. The storm has stalled over New Brunswick. Been just sitting in one spot, spinning around. Gathering energy and moisture from the Bay of Fundy, the Northumberland straight, the lakes and flood areas, and just spinning and dumping at 70kph. 6" more, at least.

At least it's about 3C, so the plowed streets are bare... until dark.

Oh... almost forgot... Amos and Art... ah, you know.

12 Apr 09 - 06:09 PM (#2609858)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: gnu

Maeve... recall all swallows to base.

I cannot believe it's getting worse. Haven't seen this since back before Global Warming.

12 Apr 09 - 07:58 PM (#2609902)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: curmudgeon

You have my most sincere and heartfelt sympathies. I thought it was bad here today, a fierce ill wind out of the NW and temperatures below 40F.

Hang in there - Tom

12 Apr 09 - 08:02 PM (#2609903)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: maeve

Sending a squadron of shovel-tailed swallows to assist in the immediate removal of all uninvited snow. Their orders are to liberate clear skies and restore sunshine - effective soonest.


12 Apr 09 - 08:36 PM (#2609914)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: number 6

still experiencing crappy weather here in Saint John.

Doesn't look much better for tomorrow.


12 Apr 09 - 09:23 PM (#2609932)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Beer

You poor bas....d.   My heart pumps purple pi.....for you.
Cool here today in La Belle Province. But behind the house the geese and mergansers(sp.)(common)are just bathing away. The robins are looking for worms and I'm enjoying a glass of wine thinking how nice it is going to be tomorrow.
Hang in there it is a drifting East and the sun-shine will arrive very soon.

13 Apr 09 - 05:37 AM (#2610054)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: gnu

Don't tease sIx and I. "As the Snowstorm Sits and Spins and Spits" should be our official song. STILL snowing and the radar still looks the same. One could get dizzy!

28 Apr 09 - 06:14 PM (#2620778)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: gnu

Sunny day... got up to 30C... wicked thunderstorm underway right now! I was shovelling snow 14 days ago.

28 Apr 09 - 06:23 PM (#2620781)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: Alice

It's been spring snowing for days here in Montana.

Someone called 911 and asked, "When will it stop snowing?"

Must have been their first year living here.

28 Apr 09 - 06:35 PM (#2620787)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: curmudgeon

It's 88F here. with fierce wind gusts; less than a week ago, I had the wood stove going - Tom

28 Apr 09 - 06:58 PM (#2620798)
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
From: gnu

Tom... I have a good mind to write a letter! We should form a group and make sure our voices are heard!

I'll start...

Dear Mother Nature :


(any suggestions?... besides duck and cover?)