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BS: Warning: Bibliophiles in Public Library

09 Dec 08 - 12:19 PM (#2510794)
Subject: BS: Warning: Bibliophiles in Public Library
From: Matthew Edwards

In a most disturbing development a notorious bibliophile was recently spotted cruising our local Public Information Environment. Shocked citizens called for action by the council as they witnessed this person try to touch and handle volumes of all shapes and sizes, even attempting to remove some for their own private viewing. Officials from the Information Service tried to direct this misguided individual towards the interactive screens and ebooks provided but to no avail. The individual insisted that they wanted to borrow a Basis Of Organised Knowledge, or "book" but a google for this particular practice showed no meaningful results.

After the individual had been removed by officers of the Public Correction brigade a senior councillor warned the public to be vigilant against latent bibliophiliac tendencies:- "Sadly the condition is incurable, and those afflicted by it will spend hours gazing at these so-called 'Bases Of Organised Knowledge', repeatedly touching them with their dirty hands and even fingering the internal parts. Some perpetrators claim to be followers of an obscure sect founded by a certain Ray Bradbury, but most of them are simply addicted to script."

Next week:- A Timely Warning Against Displays of Thespianism

09 Dec 08 - 12:28 PM (#2510808)
Subject: RE: BS: Warning: Bibliophiles in Public Library
From: Rapparee

That's good because my brother is a Thespian (although we don't like to talk about it) and everyone should be warned about him. Actually, everyone should be warned about both my brothers, their offspring, and their offspring's offspring.

I admit to having dabbled in it in my younger days, but a Twelve Step Program helped me overcome it.

09 Dec 08 - 12:30 PM (#2510810)
Subject: RE: BS: Warning: Bibliophiles in Public Library

Dabbling or Thespianism?

09 Dec 08 - 12:38 PM (#2510824)
Subject: RE: BS: Warning: Bibliophiles in Public Library
From: Rapparee

Dabbling. I can leave Thespianism completely alone. We are trying to get help for my brother, and as a result I really AM my brother's keeper.

09 Dec 08 - 12:43 PM (#2510828)
Subject: RE: BS: Warning: Bibliophiles in Public Library
From: Sleepy Rosie

No need to worry folks, the coming revolution will put paid to all those 'unnatural' intellectual and creative types! Economic crash, social dissaffection, rioting, mass scapegoating... Fahrenheit 451 style bonfires, the works. We've got it all to look forward to.

09 Dec 08 - 01:00 PM (#2510849)
Subject: RE: BS: Warning: Bibliophiles in Public Library
From: Rapparee

They won't get my brother! He might be a Thespian, but he's still my brother.

09 Dec 08 - 01:11 PM (#2510861)
Subject: RE: BS: Warning: Bibliophiles in Public Library
From: Little Hawk

It could be worse. He could be a the.rapist!

09 Dec 08 - 01:20 PM (#2510867)
Subject: RE: BS: Warning: Bibliophiles in Public Library
From: Bee-dubya-ell

Its the pedagogues in public libraries who concern me.

09 Dec 08 - 01:29 PM (#2510873)
Subject: RE: BS: Warning: Bibliophiles in Public Library
From: Will Fly

We librarians must go back to the chained library - chain up every book! That way the buggers can't take them out. And - if we put plate glass in front of the bookcases - they won't even be able to look at them...

Long live the chained library in York Minster! Monks rule! Bring back illuminated manuscripts!

09 Dec 08 - 01:33 PM (#2510875)
Subject: RE: BS: Warning: Bibliophiles in Public Library
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

Into the tumbril with the -gogues and -phils!

Mortimer Snerd and Happy Hooligan will prevail!

09 Dec 08 - 02:05 PM (#2510910)
Subject: RE: BS: Warning: Bibliophiles in Public Library
From: Bill D

I hope no one catches on about the philatelists haunting the postal facilities!

And it is said that certain auditorially hampered groups have been engaging in public gesticulation!

09 Dec 08 - 02:30 PM (#2510940)
Subject: RE: BS: Warning: Bibliophiles in Public Library
From: Will Fly

I once matriculated when I was at school - and I have been known to expectorate. I hope no-one was watching...

09 Dec 08 - 02:36 PM (#2510945)
Subject: RE: BS: Warning: Bibliophiles in Public Library
From: Bee-dubya-ell

I masticate several hundred times per day.

09 Dec 08 - 03:15 PM (#2510979)
Subject: RE: BS: Warning: Bibliophiles in Public Library
From: Rapparee

Much to my shame I have engaged in both taxonomy and pre-marital osculation. I have also perused the notorious and lascivious AACR2 et seq. (I cannot bring myself to write its title in full, I am so ashamed.)

09 Dec 08 - 03:37 PM (#2511006)
Subject: RE: BS: Warning: Bibliophiles in Public Library
From: VirginiaTam

I have heard that nictitating females are really on the make. Have there been studies? Where's the proof?

In my local record office, I have been warned by staff not to stay at back of the Search Room to file the parish register handlists. Apparently this is where historic (in more than one sense) hooligans (retired archivists) lay in wait to snag unsuspecting staff to demand documents known to be ludicrously difficult to retrieve.

Somebody did it to them once and now they externalise. See how the disease is passed down? Once victims now predators.

09 Dec 08 - 03:39 PM (#2511008)
Subject: RE: BS: Warning: Bibliophiles in Public Library
From: Will Fly

I have also perused the notorious and lascivious AACR2 et seq. (I cannot bring myself to write its title in full, I am so ashamed.)

I've also thumbed the pages of this in secret. But - let's "out" ourselves - 'Catters must know us for what we are.

It's the "Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules 2". (Sobs in shame...).

09 Dec 08 - 04:02 PM (#2511034)
Subject: RE: BS: Warning: Bibliophiles in Public Library
From: Wyrd Sister

Where is Thespia?

09 Dec 08 - 04:08 PM (#2511040)
Subject: RE: BS: Warning: Bibliophiles in Public Library
From: Uncle_DaveO

... what is she, that all our swains commend her?

09 Dec 08 - 04:20 PM (#2511059)
Subject: RE: BS: Warning: Bibliophiles in Public Library
From: Rapparee

...and I "know" ISBD(M).

09 Dec 08 - 04:21 PM (#2511061)
Subject: RE: BS: Warning: Bibliophiles in Public Library
From: Stilly River Sage

Bring back illuminated manuscripts!

Ha! Chongo will just tell you to flip the flippin' light switch. . .

09 Dec 08 - 05:22 PM (#2511125)
Subject: RE: BS: Warning: Bibliophiles in Public Library
From: Rapparee

As a Library Director, I will say (and you may quote me) that this would be a wonderful place to work if it weren't for the staff and the patrons.

10 Dec 08 - 04:06 PM (#2511977)
Subject: RE: BS: Warning: Bibliophiles in Public Library
From: GUEST,Librarian

If one reads while walking they are a Pedobibliophile.
The term has nothing to do with biblical references to underage sex practices.

10 Dec 08 - 04:12 PM (#2511986)
Subject: RE: BS: Warning: Bibliophiles in Public Library
From: McGrath of Harlow

Strictly speaking "a pedophile" should be someone who is unduly fond of feet, with the prefix "paedo" reserved for matters relating to children.

Pointing that out implies that I am writing from a pedantophile perspective.

10 Dec 08 - 04:21 PM (#2511998)
Subject: RE: BS: Warning: Bibliophiles in Public Library
From: Genie

Well, I myself have seen people masticating in the library, though it's usally strictly verboten there.
I've also seen couples interdigitating in the stacks while leering at pictures of tentacles.

I used to be a pedagogue but I'm trying to quit.

10 Dec 08 - 05:30 PM (#2512067)
Subject: RE: BS: Warning: Bibliophiles in Public Library
From: John on the Sunset Coast

Rapaire-I think it thespicable that your sibling wants to engage, as it seems, in such activities.

Those paper thingees with writing on them are only for folks who need a tactile, visual experience.

McGrath, when I was a senior in college (how oxymoronic to be senior at 21 or 22), my major professor in introducing himself said his disdain for pedantry in its worst form. He was the worst purveyor of such behavior.

10 Dec 08 - 05:54 PM (#2512080)
Subject: RE: BS: Warning: Bibliophiles in Public Library
From: Rapparee

We keep him medicated now and he's usually okay.

10 Dec 08 - 06:32 PM (#2512102)
Subject: RE: BS: Warning: Bibliophiles in Public Library
From: Rapparee

I will also admit to mictruating in the library's rest rooms.

10 Dec 08 - 06:40 PM (#2512108)
Subject: RE: BS: Warning: Bibliophiles in Public Library
From: Bill D

Out of curiosity, McGrath, (or others in UK) how do you pronounce "paedophile"

10 Dec 08 - 07:43 PM (#2512158)
Subject: RE: BS: Warning: Bibliophiles in Public Library
From: Genie

I try to faccinculate when I do my belly dancing, but I haven't mastered it yet.

I have been known to peruse openly whilst in the library.

10 Dec 08 - 09:06 PM (#2512212)
Subject: RE: BS: Warning: Bibliophiles in Public Library
From: Bob the Postman

I know a chap whose reputation was soiled when it became known that he was a practicing pedologist.

10 Dec 08 - 11:19 PM (#2512258)
Subject: RE: BS: Warning: Bibliophiles in Public Library
From: Rowan

Woe is me! As a pedagogue I have peddled taxa and all sorts of taxonomic curiosities; even screws couldn't escape my dichotomies. I even did it in the presence of minors!


And in Oz, paedophilia is pronounced pretty much as written, especially by those with some pedagogy in their background but particularly so among pedants.

I'll now take my foot out of my mouth.

Cheers, Rowan

10 Dec 08 - 11:22 PM (#2512260)
Subject: RE: BS: Warning: Bibliophiles in Public Library
From: Rowan

I know a chap whose reputation was soiled when it became known that he was a practicing pedologist.

ANother that's really cute, Bob.

Cheers, Rowan

11 Dec 08 - 12:41 AM (#2512284)
Subject: RE: BS: Warning: Bibliophiles in Public Library
From: GUEST,Peace


Work with me on this Bill:


11 Dec 08 - 02:58 AM (#2512313)
Subject: RE: BS: Warning: Bibliophiles in Public Library
From: Genie

I know a man whose wife was into animal husbandry. Not sure if that's legal everywhere.

11 Dec 08 - 03:04 AM (#2512316)
Subject: RE: BS: Warning: Bibliophiles in Public Library
From: Georgiansilver

It is my honest opinion that all Bibliophiles, caught acting out their wicked ways in Public Libraries, should have their Appendixes removed!!!!!

11 Dec 08 - 03:18 AM (#2512327)
Subject: RE: BS: Warning: Bibliophiles in Public Library
From: Paul Burke

I know a chap whose reputation was soiled when it became known that he was a practicing pedologist.

Don't laugh- after a child murder in the UK, a mob attacked the house of a paediatrician.

11 Dec 08 - 09:18 AM (#2512549)
Subject: RE: BS: Warning: Bibliophiles in Public Library
From: Rapparee

The correct term is "appendices" (ap PEN da cees) and not the gauche word "appendixes". Appendices are appended to the tome, whether it be folio or sexagesimo-quarto.

11 Dec 08 - 09:29 AM (#2512556)
Subject: RE: BS: Warning: Bibliophiles in Public Library
From: Amos

I knew there was some dirty business afoot:

The sub-discipline of soil science that: studies soils as a component of natural systems or deals with soil genesis and soil classification or studies the soil profile or solum in its natural setting.

11 Dec 08 - 09:45 AM (#2512567)
Subject: RE: BS: Warning: Bibliophiles in Public Library
From: quokka

I think Thespia may be next to Lesbos...only there's a bit of a stoush between the different sects of the latter regarding who exactly is entitled to the title...we may yet see the same with Thespians

11 Dec 08 - 11:46 AM (#2512661)
Subject: RE: BS: Warning: Bibliophiles in Public Library
From: Georgiansilver

I was aware of that Rapaire but somehow the post felt better using appendixes....... just sounded sense to the double meaning.. Best wishes, Mike.

11 Dec 08 - 12:09 PM (#2512691)
Subject: RE: BS: Warning: Bibliophiles in Public Library
From: Genie

I understand that some of the Christian right-wingers are picketing local libraries for having eschatological books!

11 Dec 08 - 12:43 PM (#2512745)
Subject: RE: BS: Warning: Bibliophiles in Public Library
From: Rapparee

We might also have an abecadery or two.

And don't get me started on "indexes"!

11 Dec 08 - 04:39 PM (#2512928)
Subject: RE: BS: Warning: Bibliophiles in Public Library
From: McGrath of Harlow

' do you pronounce "paedophile" '

I'd say the "paed" to rhyme with "weed", but I've often heard it pronounced to rhyme with "fed". (Oxford Dictionary backs my pronunciation.)

11 Dec 08 - 04:44 PM (#2512936)
Subject: RE: BS: Warning: Bibliophiles in Public Library
From: Amos

RIght, Kevin--it's as plain as the nose on your face that "p-a-e" spells "pee".


11 Dec 08 - 04:47 PM (#2512940)
Subject: RE: BS: Warning: Bibliophiles in Public Library
From: Georgiansilver

Rapaire you mean indices surely??? LOL

11 Dec 08 - 04:52 PM (#2512945)
Subject: RE: BS: Warning: Bibliophiles in Public Library
From: Rowan

The sub-discipline of soil science that: studies soils as a component of natural systems or deals with soil genesis and soil classification or studies the soil profile or solum in its natural setting.

And some soil profiles are known to exhibit peds and cutans.
Perhaps our pedologist had feet of clay?

PS While The correct term is "appendices" (ap PEN da cees) may be correct in the US, where I come from it's pronounced "ap PEN di cees". While on such indices of geographic variation, "Kleenex" is a popular brand of tissues in Oz and I often hear people ask for a box of Kleenices. And I'll leave it right there before I get into "datum for one and data for more", because I might be tempted into discussions on the relative merits of "fewer items of interest" vs "less items of interest".

Ruddy pedants!

Cheers, Rowan

11 Dec 08 - 04:53 PM (#2512946)
Subject: RE: BS: Warning: Bibliophiles in Public Library
From: Rapparee

Yes, but I didn't want to start on IN-da-cees.

11 Dec 08 - 05:15 PM (#2512975)
Subject: RE: BS: Warning: Bibliophiles in Public Library
From: Bill D

hmmm... has possibilities..

..feels awkward to my American ears...but..*shrug*

11 Dec 08 - 05:23 PM (#2512983)
Subject: RE: BS: Warning: Bibliophiles in Public Library
From: Genie

Well, people I know in the dentistry field refer casually to a "pedodontics" practice as "pee-doh" and they generally say "PEE-do-DON-tics," not "PED-o-DON-tics."

But I wonder if you could get arrested for looking at pedodontic pictures in the library or posting them on the internet.

11 Dec 08 - 05:28 PM (#2512988)
Subject: RE: BS: Warning: Bibliophiles in Public Library
From: Genie

Oh, and by the way, I've heard there are some Anglophiles and Francophiles hanging around our American libraries too!

11 Dec 08 - 06:47 PM (#2513065)
Subject: RE: BS: Warning: Bibliophiles in Public Library
From: Georgiansilver

I suppose we could all end up In de seas!!!

11 Dec 08 - 07:33 PM (#2513111)
Subject: RE: BS: Warning: Bibliophiles in Public Library
From: McGrath of Harlow

Books have appendices; surgeons take out appendixes.

11 Dec 08 - 07:54 PM (#2513127)
Subject: RE: BS: Warning: Bibliophiles in Public Library
From: quokka

In de seas there are myriad octopii

11 Dec 08 - 08:21 PM (#2513142)
Subject: RE: BS: Warning: Bibliophiles in Public Library
From: Rowan

surgeons take out appendixes
I suppose it'd be tricky to take out more than one appendix at a time.

Cheers, Rowan

12 Dec 08 - 03:18 AM (#2513291)
Subject: RE: BS: Warning: Bibliophiles in Public Library
From: Paul Burke

I've heard a rumour that the local vicar is a paedobaptist who practises hermeneutical exposition.

12 Dec 08 - 08:58 AM (#2513453)
Subject: RE: BS: Warning: Bibliophiles in Public Library
From: Rapparee

Worse than bibliophiles, I've heard that there are bibliomaniacs in the public library -- especially in my office....