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Dec Shanty Session, Portsmouth NH

16 Dec 08 - 07:50 AM (#2516702)
Subject: Dec Shanty Session, Portsmouth NH
From: Jeri

The December Shanty/Forebitter/Seasonal Song and Ballad Session will take place on 20 December from 3:30 to 7:30 PM.

Posted for curmudgeon who is currently 'working without a Net'.

16 Dec 08 - 07:58 AM (#2516707)
Subject: RE: Dec Shanty Session, Portsmouth NH
From: Charley Noble

I'll be there unless there is another major storm.

Seems like a long time since we've got together.

Charley Noble

16 Dec 08 - 08:07 AM (#2516716)
Subject: RE: Dec Shanty Session, Portsmouth NH

I am on duty at the Maritime Museum from 11AM to 5PM. Having cancelled out of the last three weekends for my infection from hell, I can't get out of it.
Working the 27th too.

16 Dec 08 - 09:29 PM (#2517397)
Subject: RE: Dec Shanty Session, Portsmouth NH

WE have a dinner commitment - Tami, as Jacqui is in the uk, Southern Maine representation is up to you!

17 Dec 08 - 03:29 PM (#2518195)
Subject: RE: Dec Shanty Session, Portsmouth NH
From: GUEST,Barry at the library

I plan to be there if not in a state of frozen hibernation by then.


17 Dec 08 - 05:24 PM (#2518304)
Subject: RE: Dec Shanty Session, Portsmouth NH
From: Bat Goddess

Yeehah!!! Power came back on about an hour ago -- only been without electricity, phone, etc. for six days!

Running water! What a concept! Lights! Mudcat!

Tom just announced (stepping back in from the deck) that the last generator in the neighborhood just shut off.

After missing last Friday's Press Room session, I'm really looking both to this Friday's session and Saturday's sea music, etc. session.


17 Dec 08 - 08:01 PM (#2518457)
Subject: RE: Dec Shanty Session, Portsmouth NH
From: GUEST,Peadar (formerly) of Portsmouth

Planning to be there, altho Friday night is unlikely with the forecast.

No matter, it'll be good to see the boss and Bat Goddess thawed out.

18 Dec 08 - 12:31 PM (#2519015)
Subject: RE: Dec Shanty Session, Portsmouth NH
From: Charley Noble

Unhappily JudyB and I are going to have to bail out of this one. We are really behind on mailing out holiday cards and wrapping presents.

We do hope to see everyone at the January session.

Charley Noble

18 Dec 08 - 09:15 PM (#2519454)
Subject: RE: Dec Shanty Session, Portsmouth NH
From: Bat Goddess

Gee, Charlie -- even I'M done (as of yesterday...) mailing out cards. (Had to make up for last year when only some of my relatives got cards before I was put out of commission with the arm thing.)


19 Dec 08 - 12:06 PM (#2519909)
Subject: RE: Dec Shanty Session, Portsmouth NH
From: Barry Finn

I just got power too, after a week. I'll be there tonight but I don't know about tomorrow, I'm just starting to break down camp in the house & that's gonna take some doing. I did get to go to sessions though, every night since last Sunday, no one was home & poor me left on my own to come home at night to a dark & cold house, what else was I to do. I'm almost played out but not quite, the sessions where very hot.


19 Dec 08 - 12:10 PM (#2519912)
Subject: RE: Dec Shanty Session, Portsmouth NH

Careful driving tonight, guys. Enjoy! And welcome back to the 21st Century, Barry.

19 Dec 08 - 01:52 PM (#2520013)
Subject: RE: Dec Shanty Session, Portsmouth NH
From: curmudgeon

Thanks, Jeri, for starting this while we were powerless.

I am seriously disinclined to make the trek for tonight's session. I don't see much problem getting there, but I really want to get home later.

Tomorrow, however, promises to be clear and cold, and the roads should be clean by the afternoon; I'm not too hopeful about the parking places though.

But aside from Linn and I, and Jeri, is anyone else coming? haven't heard from the Gloucesterfolk.

See whoever tomorrow - Tom

19 Dec 08 - 07:08 PM (#2520213)
Subject: RE: Dec Shanty Session, Portsmouth NH
From: Siochain

Chances are some Gloucester crew will arrive - feeling rather Yulish.


19 Dec 08 - 07:13 PM (#2520219)
Subject: RE: Dec Shanty Session, Portsmouth NH
From: ranger1

Alas, I no longer have Saturdays free, what with year-round employment and all. I did try for the afternoon off, but new boss is not as understanding about my "music thing" as old boss was.

Have fun, everybody!

19 Dec 08 - 07:25 PM (#2520228)
Subject: E: Dec Shanty Session, Portsmouth NH
From: Bat Goddess

Driving sucked this afternoon -- I came home instead of to the Friday session. Drove blind (iced up windshield wipers) for the almost last 5 miles, then de-iced (more or less) for the less than two miles from home.

Yak!!! Glad I came home instead of heading to The Press Room. DEFINITELY need tomorrow's singing & camaraderiei!!!

(It's okay -- I bought extra exclamation points.)

See you all (as many as can make it) tomorrow!


19 Dec 08 - 11:22 PM (#2520352)
Subject: RE: Dec Shanty Session, Portsmouth NH
From: GUEST,Peadar (formerly) of Portsmouth

Around 7 pm, I missed tonight's session, so watched a bootleg DVD of Andy Irvine's concert in NH this summer (which Hallowell shot)...should hold me for a few 18 hours.

No denim tomorrow...cold weather gear for sure.

20 Dec 08 - 12:06 AM (#2520363)
Subject: RE: Dec Shanty Session, Portsmouth NH
From: Barry Finn

It was a nice but small session tonight. The there was better than the drive home, it was worth it both ways though, espically for not knowing what I'm doing tomorrow. Wimps


20 Dec 08 - 08:33 AM (#2520542)
Subject: RE: Dec Shanty Session, Portsmouth NH
From: Bat Goddess

You're a crazy man, Barry.


20 Dec 08 - 08:47 AM (#2520548)
Subject: RE: Dec Shanty Session, Portsmouth NH
From: adventure

After the to the boat for a bit more shovel torture..should have undertaken a smaller boat project....
hope to see you all a bit later. I feel strange happenings are in the air......beware, beware.
doryman and his mate

20 Dec 08 - 04:34 PM (#2520876)
Subject: RE: Dec Shanty Session, Portsmouth NH

Brrrrrrr guys, you all sound so cold, no power for a week   eeeeek! We get pissed off when we have a frost and have to scrape the windscreen!
We have had snow already, it lasted two days, can't remember the last time we had snow before Christmas, I don't count June that was a freak!
Any way we shall be over again in 2009 and we might have a trek up Norf to see you all.


20 Dec 08 - 05:23 PM (#2520906)
Subject: RE: Dec Shanty Session, Portsmouth NH
From: Charley Noble

Given how many things I managed to check off my list today, it's a damn good thing I didn't try to fit in the Press Room gathering as well.

It's so much fun bringing back the holiday cards to the printer because they forgot to check the proof and printed them way too dark. Then I finally got the load of plaster demo from the upstairs apartment out of the van and into the big bin at the transfer station. Mother's Christmas tree is up and so is ours. And we even have groceries and a few more essential office supplies. I missed meeting the plumber (he was an hour and a half early!) but Judy did a great job of showing him what the new bathroom layout will be. Oh, and one of my tenants shoveled out the drive this morning before I had a chance to do it; I think I'll keep him!

Still, I wish I could have fitted in a side-trip for sharing a few songs.

Sunday, we deal with cards!

This evening we drink!

Charley Noble

20 Dec 08 - 06:38 PM (#2520956)
Subject: RE: Dec Shanty Session, Portsmouth NH
From: Bat Goddess

Feels as if it should be 10 p.m., but it's only a little after 6 . Yeah, I know. I SHOULD be at the session...but I'm not.

Anywho, about 8:30 this morning after trudging through snow uphill to the cars, Tom started digging my car out so I could get to work, but his defibrillator shocked him a little way into it. I asked him if I should take him to the ER to get it checked out, but at first he wasn't going to even call his cardiologist, so I nagged him until he did.

Heart doc wanted to check him out at Portsmouth Hospital -- to check if it was just shovelling a little too vigorously (he may have; he usually takes it very easy, but the snow was light) or if there was another problem. So I dropped him off at the hospital a bit before 11 and went to work (late, but so was my boss -- who had forgotten his cell so didn't get my messages). I was only working until 3 at the latest so we could get to the shanty sing.

Well. Tom called at 2:30 -- they decided to keep him overnight for observation. His cardiologist is very cautious and I guess that's a good thing, but Tom is disgruntled, to say the least. (You know how he gets.)

Anyway, I got the shanty sing started, turned it over to Mark to keep the mayhem down, then left to see Tom before doing errands on the way home and (as soon as I'm done here at the computer) getting in lots of firewood.

I won't know until morning when they'll turn him loose, but I sure hope it's well before the next wave of sucky weather arrives in the afternoon.

When I left, it was still a small session, but I'm sure it is/was a good one. The Gloucester crew had something up their collective sleeves and I think I'm already regretting having missed it.

I think I'm getting cranky, too -- it's been way too long since our last session fix. Singing along with CDs just doesn't quite count. I'm tired of winter already and we really need some SINGING "to drive the cold winter away".


20 Dec 08 - 07:00 PM (#2520972)
Subject: RE: Dec Shanty Session, Portsmouth NH
From: Jeri

I missed it too. I kept putting off shoveling because my head hurt. I finally got to it, and while the migraine let up while I was working, came back pretty bad when I stopped. Better now with drugs, but I can't get warm.

Still, way better than getting zapped by an implanted defibrillator and being confined to hospital. I hope Tom's OK to come home soon. Then again, waiting out tomorrow's storm somewhere without driveways to shovel might not be so bad.

20 Dec 08 - 07:33 PM (#2520994)
Subject: RE: Dec Shanty Session, Portsmouth NH
From: stallion

Well blow me down, me cookie zapped, guest twas i !

20 Dec 08 - 09:09 PM (#2521027)
Subject: RE: Dec Shanty Session, Portsmouth NH

Damn Capslock!

Sorry Tom. I hope they release you before the Nor'easter kicks in. If not you may be spending another day or two in the hospital. At least they have warm rooms and good drugs.

Peter in drag? What on earth did I miss?

20 Dec 08 - 10:28 PM (#2521057)
Subject: RE: Dec Shanty Session, Portsmouth NH
From: Siochain

Peter makes for a stunning red-head, and I'm sure I'm not exaggerating, 'cause everyone in the Pressroom looked stunned.

Joanne put in an appearance as Father Christmas, accompanied by a doggie singing "Shout!"

A dragon killed St. George, the doctor made him better and all the toys were put away before anyone could get into too much trouble.

An onlooker was inspired to join in and lead us in song - (my clumsy paraphrase) "Chop down the pine tree, take it to the mill, build a coffin for my dead love" - it had a wonderfully cheerful melody and we attempted to do it as a round.

We managed to figure out which hospital Tom was in and serenaded him over Peadar's cell phone. We gave him "The Sailor's Hymn" and "Please to See the King" (AKA "Joy, Health, Love and Peace")


21 Dec 08 - 06:52 AM (#2521234)
Subject: RE: Dec Shanty Session, Portsmouth NH
From: Bat Goddess

Dave Hallowell didn't happen to have his camcorder at hand, did he?

I knew when I left to get orders from the boss (well, and to SEE him since I'd dropped him off at Portsmouth Regional in the a.m.) that I was missing something a bit unusual even for Peter.

That "Chop down the pine tree" sounds interesting -- Rose, do you remember the tune? Any idea where it's from? Sounds like northern New England...

Anywho, brought in plenty of firewood last night, ran the furnace several times before I went to bed (and it's running now), and the house stayed reasonably warm despite the cold outside. Pipes seem to be fine and unfrozen. Just brought in the wood I'd left on the deck so I don't have to make a foray to the woodpile for a little while.

Am off right now to take a cup of coffee upstairs and call Tom -- see if he has any idea when they'll spring him. (Oh, and I'll check the forecast to see if anyone has any idea when the "weather" is arriving today.)


21 Dec 08 - 08:43 AM (#2521293)
Subject: RE: Dec Shanty Session, Portsmouth NH
From: Siochain

Dave H. had to leave early, well before any real photo ops occurred. That just left Peadar, Mark, Barry and Justine, as well as the unsuspecting customers and staff to be subjected to the shock and awe of the Gloucester regalia.


21 Dec 08 - 08:45 AM (#2521295)
Subject: RE: Dec Shanty Session, Portsmouth NH
From: Bat Goddess

Everyone sleeping in this morning?!?

When I talked to Tom at 7 a.m., they'd not yet done the usual morning rounds of blood pressure taking, etc. He said they planned to do another chest x-ray today and an echocardiogram.

Sigh. That sounds as if he won't be turned loose soon -- and it's already started snowing.

Gotta go bring in some more firewood. I guess it was about 8° (F., not C.) this morning. Should actually warm up towards the high twenties (F.) when the storm gets going.


21 Dec 08 - 08:52 AM (#2521300)
Subject: RE: Dec Shanty Session, Portsmouth NH
From: Siochain

It's snowing on Cape Ann, too. My car is coated and what was cleared from the steps and path have filled in again.


21 Dec 08 - 10:10 AM (#2521340)
Subject: RE: Dec Shanty Session, Portsmouth NH
From: Charley Noble


Thanks for the description of the solstice festivities at the Press Room. We're sorry that we missed them but relieved that we didn't have to spend 3 hours in the van round-trip.


We do hope that Tom is feeling better this morning and is able to break out and return to his nice warm abode.

Here's a link to our greeting card this year which we designed: Click here for a good time!

Now it's back to addressing the hard copy!

Charley Noble and JudyB

21 Dec 08 - 10:53 AM (#2521372)
Subject: RE: Dec Shanty Session, Portsmouth NH
From: Bat Goddess

Good news -- while I was on the phone with a friend, Tom called. And before I could call him back, he called again -- they're springing him.

So I've just got to clear off the car and make my (cautious) way to Portsmouth to pick him up.

It's snowing, but not major (yet) -- it'll be good to have him home before the full impact of the storm arrives.


21 Dec 08 - 11:30 AM (#2521397)
Subject: RE: Dec Shanty Session, Portsmouth NH
From: Siochain

Great news!!

The snowing has really picked up now down here. Drive safely. And I hope you can find someone else to do your shovelling.


21 Dec 08 - 02:49 PM (#2521588)
Subject: RE: Dec Shanty Session, Portsmouth NH
From: Siochain

I'm trying th clicky thing. I am a novice. But this is the song the enthusiastic young woman shared with us.

22 Dec 08 - 07:33 AM (#2522100)
Subject: RE: Dec Shanty Session, Portsmouth NH
From: Marc Bernier

I'm Glad Tom's home with you Linn. Happy Holiday everyone.

22 Dec 08 - 11:40 AM (#2522184)
Subject: RE: Dec Shanty Session, Portsmouth NH

Actually Tom's not home. The driving was treacherous and he and Linn checked into a Motel 6 to wait out the storm.

22 Dec 08 - 12:41 PM (#2522224)
Subject: RE: Dec Shanty Session, Portsmouth NH
From: Bat Goddess

Have I mentioned yet that I'M REAL TIRED OF WINTER?!?

Got up and out of the Motel 6 around 9-ish this cold but sunshiny morning. Made the very necessary stop across the street at McDonald's for Tom's coffee -- he's been seriously caffein-deprived since Saturday. Despite the fact that his doctors say there's no proven connection between caffeine and heart afflictions, the cardio floor at Portsmouth Regional is caffeine-free.

Fortified with coffee (Tom), orange juice (Linn) and sausage McMuffins we managed to get home having only once to stop and clean the road crap off the windshield (and get gas in the ol' Suburu, too).

Home is good. The cats are happy (and Rufus is chasing Sabine to prove it). The house is getting warmer. More real coffee has been made and consumed.

When Tom brings my shovel back down from the head of the driveway, I'll finish clearing off the deck (I've already used his shovel -- less than optimal for me -- to clean off the steps and uncover the firewood I'd left on the deck yesterday morning) and shovelling a path to the woodpile.

It'll be good to sleep in our own bed tonight. I'm feeling beleaguered by winter and exhausted physically and mentally, but a good dinner, hair wash, and sleep will probably hae me feeling better before I go to work tomorrow noon-8:00. The other good news is my coworker who originally wanted to take about a month off really wants to work more hours again (I think she's gotten her medical issues ironed out) and is working for me today and it looks as if I'll be back to my previous schedule in the next week or so.

Yesterday was really strange, not only staring out the fourth floor window at the raging storm outside (most of the time we couldn't see the shopping mall across the street -- just McDonald's and Longhorn Steak House), but watching television which we NEVER do. Eight hours of the Food Network wasn't bad, but I still have no desire to try to schedule any TV watching until the next time I'm stuck with it.


22 Dec 08 - 05:10 PM (#2522478)
Subject: RE: Dec Shanty Session, Portsmouth NH
From: Charley Noble

Linn and Tom-

Great report and it's even better that you're home free at last.

What irritates me while I'm shoveling snow is the inane holiday songs that keep ringing through my head such as "Let it snow, let it snow, let it ...@#**"

Charley Noble

22 Dec 08 - 06:36 PM (#2522545)
Subject: RE: Dec Shanty Session, Portsmouth NH
From: Bat Goddess

Sorry, Charley, my situation is WAAAAY worse. I now work at THE MALL, remember.

I've been waking up with "Frosty the Snowman" or "Jingle Bell Rock" in my head as WELL as "Winter %#@# Wonderland"! All the songs I've managed to avoid for many many years (since I choose to hang out in places other than shopping malls).

I accused my coworker who took some time off to deal with a couple medical issues of REALLY taking the time off because she couldn't stand hearing "Frosty the Snowman" again. (I have loathed that song -- and cartoon -- since childhood.)

Since the portrait studio is just across the aisle from Optical, we've also got LOUD anklebiters and kneegrabbers in holiday attire throwing fits everywhere you look.


22 Dec 08 - 06:47 PM (#2522552)
Subject: RE: Dec Shanty Session, Portsmouth NH
From: PeadarOfPortsmouth

Okay, I think I finally recovered from Peter's cross dressing...err, I mean the lovely show the Gloucester folks put on Saturday.

Wait...nope. Still shuttered when thinking about Peter as a redhead.

Anyway, while Tom and Linn were sorely missed, it was a fun time and it was great to see everyone. A fine mix of shanties, seasonal songs and, well, what can only be described as 'shenanigans'.


22 Dec 08 - 08:50 PM (#2522631)
Subject: RE: Dec Shanty Session, Portsmouth NH
From: Charley Noble


I am musing over you and Tom being forced to entertain yourselves by watching what's on the TV. Surely there was something else you might have been doing, singing vintage sosltice songs and parodies of same to one another, consuming various fermented fluids, xxxxxxx, and all of the above.

With the exception of news and weather, I seldom find anything worth watching on all the cable channels we have access to.

Charley Noble, having finally succeeded in lighting up the Christmas tree with a new set of LED bulbs, replacing the other little buggers which refused to light up this year

23 Dec 08 - 10:21 AM (#2522964)
Subject: RE: Dec Shanty Session, Portsmouth NH
From: Bat Goddess

Alas, no fermented or distilled liquids to be had. The vending machines were full of sweet stuff and we couldn't entice the delivery person from the subshop to pick up a six-pack of Guinness on his way.

Amusing afternoon, but the repetition of commercials soon got to me. The Freixenet commercial is graphically a delight, but the "music" was more reminiscent of low production value 1970s softcore porn films.
