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BS: Hockey - Plus and Minus ????

21 Dec 08 - 12:45 PM (#2521487)
Subject: BS: Hockey - Plus and Minus ????
From: Michael Harrison

Yeah, I know, I'm from Hockeytown and all, but I really don't know all of the little fine things about the game and in this little area of statistics I'm totally lost. I'm sure that some fine Catter out there can explain what is meant by a players "plus / minus" ratio.

I was reading an article today about Bret Lebda and Chris Draper of the Red Wings and it was written that Lebda was now a "plus-9" and it wasn't long ago that he was benched because he was a "minus-16," or something like that. What does it all mean please? Oh, and where did our 2008 hockey thread go to; or, does it not pick up again until it's playoff time. Cheers,...........mwh

21 Dec 08 - 12:54 PM (#2521498)
Subject: RE: BS: Hockey - Plus and Minus ????
From: wysiwyg

OK-- 5 on 5, all players on the ice when a goal is scored for their team get a plus-1. All players on the ice for the team that got scored ON get a minus-1.

It gets more complicated in power plays, overtime, shootouts, penalty-shot goals, etc.

The stats pile up and become part of the player's "value" at contract time. It's a way, for example, of rewarding the defense guy who may not score or assist, himself, but contributes toi a winning team.


21 Dec 08 - 01:09 PM (#2521510)
Subject: RE: BS: Hockey - Plus and Minus ????
From: gnu

Gosh. I did not know that, ~S~.

Do missing teeth, stitches, penalty minutes (minor, major), and the like fair in as well? If concussions count, do they get weighted in the scoring scheme? (Just funnin.)

Gosh again. That reminds me! Been making a list lately. I can add my skates and sticks and such on the list for internut sale... forgot about them. One too many scraps on the ice, maybe. Never lost any teeth or had any stitches though... ya gotta know when to skate away, eh.

21 Dec 08 - 02:01 PM (#2521547)
Subject: RE: BS: Hockey - Plus and Minus ????
From: wysiwyg

Oh yeah, it's a huge deal. It's why they cry "Gimme ICE time, lemme PLAY," so they can pile up their pluses. No pluses while yer warming the bench, eh?

IMO it's a good thing. Take Jordan Stall last year, awful season as to goals. BIG socrer rookie year, where he showed them much of what he had the native raw talent to do. So they gave him a challenging assignment in his second year that did not lead to a lotta goals. But the pluses probably showed he did his assignment well. See?

It's a great thing too for the rock-solid D-man who keeps the puck outta his own net while forward the puck up-ice to the forwards. He has to beat the forecheckers to do it-- and it's not by luck   either that a Malkin gets a scoring chance that first cleared the neutral zone's roaming trappers.

Think of it like the skaters' equivalent of the goalies' goals-against average.

<> Are you a helper or are you mostly in the way-- your plus/minus rating is the first thing to check.

<> Did your AHL called-up guy help the team? His plus/minus better be at least even-steven if not actually on the plus side.

<> Did a different call-up guy fit better? His plus/minus will show that.

<> Somebuddy's hurt-- which AHL guy to call up? Check his plus/minus.

<> Draft which prospect? Check his plus/minus first and THEN send if yer gonna pay the freight for a scout to go see his talent.

<> Hockey scholarship to a MN college? Plus/minus.

The Players' Assn. I am sure has a say in all this.


21 Dec 08 - 09:09 PM (#2521869)
Subject: RE: BS: Hockey - Plus and Minus ????
From: Michael Harrison

WYSIWYG - thanks a bunch for the information. Here's to your favorite team doing well,...except when they're playing the Red Wings. Cheers,...............mwh

21 Dec 08 - 09:26 PM (#2521882)
Subject: RE: BS: Hockey - Plus and Minus ????
From: wysiwyg

