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BS: Thank you Santas

30 Dec 08 - 12:41 PM (#2527540)
Subject: BS: Thank you Santas
From: gnu

I had two Mud-Santas this year... and I don't do the Secret Santa thing. These are just two Mudcatters that are special and I want to publically thank them not only for the gifts, but even moreso for their kindness and for their generous spirts, which they display all year long. I didn't get them anything. Been a very tight year. Someday, I will.

Thank you SINSULL. Thank you Severn.

Two of the kindest people I have ever had the privilege to know.


PS... I hope youse don't mind me posting this and naming you in public... but, that's the price you pay for being so nice. I woulda checked with you and obtained your blessing, but, I didn't wanna take the chance you might tell me "NO!" My bad.

30 Dec 08 - 02:24 PM (#2527646)
Subject: RE: BS: Thank you Santas
From: Severn

Awwwww shuckins'! 'Tweren't nothin'. They were extras from upgrading, and the films can't be played by the Brits, anyhow. You seemed the right home for the items sent, so you're welcome to them. Everything must end up in the right and proper place.

.....As some late packages will yet prove to a few other folk who shall remain nameless (but still adressed).

30 Dec 08 - 02:28 PM (#2527648)
Subject: RE: BS: Thank you Santas
From: gnu

Nothin? Yer a saint, bud!

30 Dec 08 - 02:38 PM (#2527665)
Subject: RE: BS: Thank you Santas
From: John MacKenzie

Saint Bud-wiser?

30 Dec 08 - 03:09 PM (#2527686)
Subject: RE: BS: Thank you Santas
From: gnu

They are both wise, indeed!

30 Dec 08 - 04:06 PM (#2527734)
Subject: RE: BS: Thank you Santas
From: Severn

"Ooh! A coupla wise guys, eh?"......

Yes, but not "sadder, Budweiser". Not Busch League, either.

Alas, I can no longer put another mikel in, in the Micheloeb-ian, 'cause all I want's another tea and music, music, music....

You know enough to know that a Charlie Chaplain is not a North Vietnamese army "sky pilot", so let a "Gold Rush" be your Christmas rush. And as my Drill Sargeant used to say, "If you've got a problem, see the Chaplain!"........

30 Dec 08 - 04:15 PM (#2527744)
Subject: RE: BS: Thank you Santas

Aw GEEZ, gnu! Now everyone will want one.

Gnu has forgotten the auction item he outbid me on and then had delivered to my door. Surprises are the best presents. Enjoy her.

30 Dec 08 - 04:17 PM (#2527746)
Subject: RE: BS: Thank you Santas

By the way, I too did not participate in Secret Santa this year BUT an SS repeatedly toyed with me on the SS thread...then crapped out. No gift. Cheapskate! Fraud! merry Christmas, my granny's butt!

Rant over.

30 Dec 08 - 07:07 PM (#2527874)
Subject: RE: BS: Thank you Santas
From: GUEST,Sinsull's santa

Santa hasn't crapped out Mary - it's on its way

30 Dec 08 - 07:09 PM (#2527875)
Subject: RE: BS: Thank you Santas
From: maeve

Yes Mary. There really is a Secret Santa.

Sorry. I had to say it.

31 Dec 08 - 05:16 PM (#2528610)
Subject: RE: BS: Thank you Santas
From: gnu

Thie was about to fall off the board, so I thought I would refresh it as it is the holiday season and I know people have lives and might miss it and I really did want to show apprecaition for.... you know.