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BS: The next doctor? Who?

03 Jan 09 - 11:55 AM (#2530517)
Subject: BS: The next doctor? Who?
From: Cats

So in about an hours time we will find out who the next Doctor Who will be, but, who do you think from the folk world could be the next one? How about Pete Coe?

03 Jan 09 - 12:10 PM (#2530529)
Subject: RE: BS: The next doctor? Who?
From: Jeri

Do report back, please.

I've never seen Trainspotters (well, not ALL of it), but Robert Carlyle looks like a version of the doctor. As for folkies, Les Barker.

03 Jan 09 - 12:12 PM (#2530532)
Subject: RE: BS: The next doctor? Who?
From: Jack the Sailor

Who else but Billy Bragg!

03 Jan 09 - 12:47 PM (#2530549)
Subject: RE: BS: The next doctor? Who?
From: Ruth Archer

Jim Moray.

03 Jan 09 - 12:57 PM (#2530554)
Subject: RE: BS: The next doctor? Who?
From: goatfell

Eddie Walker

03 Jan 09 - 01:01 PM (#2530558)
Subject: RE: BS: The next doctor? Who?
From: Mrs.Duck

So its actually Matt Smith.

03 Jan 09 - 01:06 PM (#2530566)
Subject: RE: BS: The next doctor? Who?
From: John MacKenzie


03 Jan 09 - 01:06 PM (#2530568)
Subject: RE: BS: The next doctor? Who?
From: Ruth Archer

Nice hair. My daughter's in love already.

03 Jan 09 - 01:09 PM (#2530572)
Subject: RE: BS: The next doctor? Who?
From: Mrs.Duck

He's the youngest Doctor ever (26). I've seen him in a few things. He wouldn't have been my choice but I'll reserve judgement until I've seen him in the role.

03 Jan 09 - 01:17 PM (#2530584)
Subject: BS: New Dr Who
From: Kampervan

So, Matt Smith is the new Dr Who - youngest ever.

No doubt he'll be good in the role, he's a good actor.

But is young, white and male a bit predictable?

03 Jan 09 - 01:20 PM (#2530586)
Subject: RE: BS: The next doctor? Who?
From: Little Hawk

Dang! I was thinking it would be Tony Blair. He's free now, isn't he?

03 Jan 09 - 01:21 PM (#2530587)
Subject: RE: BS: The next doctor? Who?
From: astro

Who News

~ Desert Dancer on Astro's and can't be bothered to re-log...

03 Jan 09 - 01:23 PM (#2530590)
Subject: RE: BS: New Dr Who
From: VirginiaTam

I have that problem with a lot of things I search for then start a thread on. The next thing I know, there is a load of permalinks to previousl created threads added to the top of my thread.

I think the search engine mocks me.

Maybe it's Daleks.

03 Jan 09 - 01:24 PM (#2530592)
Subject: RE: BS: The next doctor? Who?
From: VirginiaTam

answer to your question

03 Jan 09 - 01:30 PM (#2530598)
Subject: RE: BS: New Dr Who
From: Mrs.Duck

He had to be male but they could have gone for non white. Age is actually against the previous trend as he is very young. (And before you all shout why male bear in mind that there were female time lords and he had a mother and father. I don't think gender reassignment is part of regeneration)

03 Jan 09 - 01:33 PM (#2530601)
Subject: RE: BS: New Dr Who
From: Ruth Archer

Apparently Russell T Davies fancied Catherine Zeta Jones for the role...kinda makes you glad he's leaving. :)

03 Jan 09 - 01:40 PM (#2530607)
Subject: RE: BS: New Dr Who
From: CapriUni

I basically stopped watching the revamp of Who halfway through the first season... I still follow it, though, through comment threads like this, and spin-off fiction posted by friends on their journals.

One friend said she regretted that there were no other Time Lords around to mock him for his youth... The possibility of Romana making baby-sitting jokes was mentioned.

03 Jan 09 - 01:50 PM (#2530611)
Subject: RE: BS: The next doctor? Who?
From: Acorn4

I was hopin for Carol Vorderman!

03 Jan 09 - 02:06 PM (#2530621)
Subject: RE: BS: The next doctor? Who?
From: Amergin

OH....he looks like a pretty boy....

03 Jan 09 - 02:12 PM (#2530626)
Subject: RE: BS: The next doctor? Who?
From: Jack the Sailor

I'm not a real Dr Who fan but Carol is. I've been watching it with her. The third season of the recent CBC/BBC Wales series was the best imho. The Med student, Martha Jones, sidekick was by far the best and they had some decent science fiction plots. I don't like it much when they go into the past and interact with witches and werewolves and such.

03 Jan 09 - 02:16 PM (#2530628)
Subject: RE: BS: The next doctor? Who?
From: Diva

Well my daughter, like mrs ducks, is in lurve already. I saw him in Ruby in the Smoke and thought he was good in that.

04 Jan 09 - 04:01 AM (#2531001)
Subject: RE: BS: The next doctor? Who?
From: Cats

I like the idea of Les Barker being the Doctor.... Just thibnk of the poems he could create with his sonic screwdriver!!!

04 Jan 09 - 04:37 AM (#2531011)
Subject: RE: BS: The next doctor? Who?
From: DMcG

He had to be male but they could have gone for non white ... I don't think gender reassignment is part of regeneration)

Artistically speaking, a female doctor would enable - literally!- dramatically different stories but I am pretty confident that such considerations are overridden by the commercial risk such a fundamental change would be.

Completely independently, my daughter and I came to the conclusion that while an Indian, Chinese, ... doctor would be possible the co-incidence of changing to a black doctor at exactly the time the US changes to its first black president would attract all sorts of bizarre criticisms that would not have occurred a year or two ago or in a year or two's time. And as before, the commercial concerns would want to avoid those.

04 Jan 09 - 09:21 AM (#2531129)
Subject: RE: BS: The next doctor? Who?
From: Arkie

I can't help but compare each new doctor to Tom Baker. I am glad someone keeps trying though and maybe one day we will have a worthy successor.

04 Jan 09 - 09:44 AM (#2531145)
Subject: RE: BS: The next doctor? Who?
From: Catherine Jayne

I don't think I have seen him in anything...but I could be wrong. I'll reserve judgement like others until I have seen him in the role. I think it would have been good if they didn't release the name of the new doctor so soon. It would have been nice to have the surprise, but then again I couldn't help watching the programme last night to find out!

04 Jan 09 - 09:49 AM (#2531154)
Subject: RE: BS: The next doctor? Who?
From: goatfell

and what is wrong with Russel T Davis and Catherine Zeta Jones?

is it because that they are both Welsh if that's the case then who's a racist now?

or a sexist?

04 Jan 09 - 09:51 AM (#2531156)
Subject: RE: BS: The next doctor? Who?
From: goatfell

and you talk about Mr Manning.

04 Jan 09 - 10:01 AM (#2531165)
Subject: RE: BS: The next doctor? Who?
From: GUEST,Spleen Cringe

Isn't it bleedin' obvious who the folkie Dr Who would be? Yes?

04 Jan 09 - 10:39 AM (#2531185)
Subject: RE: BS: The next doctor? Who?
From: Cats

Jon Boden did cross my mind then I thought again about Les Barker and came up with things like Cosmo the Fairly acciurate Time Lord and of course, for last years Christmas special, Is there any news of the Iceberg!! The more you think about it the sillier it gets.

04 Jan 09 - 10:44 AM (#2531189)
Subject: RE: BS: The next doctor? Who?
From: Catherine Jayne

I'd vote for Jon Boden anyday! *G*

04 Jan 09 - 12:22 PM (#2531273)
Subject: RE: BS: The next doctor? Who?
From: Little Hawk

Too bad that William Shatner has gotten too large to fit in the Tardis, because I think he would be just dynamite in the Doctor Who role.

04 Jan 09 - 01:29 PM (#2531335)
Subject: RE: BS: The next doctor? Who?
From: Bert

Catspaw of course.

04 Jan 09 - 03:50 PM (#2531454)
Subject: RE: BS: The next doctor? Who?
From: Richard Bridge

The Doctor concept has become corrupted over the years. The early doctors carried the sagacity of age, and were wise (even if eccentric). Now they are younger and younger, fail to look before executing a leap or bound, and rather than wise are "clever-clever".

It is a parable of society.

I msut be getting old, Doctors look like boys to me...

04 Jan 09 - 04:19 PM (#2531467)
Subject: RE: BS: The next doctor? Who?
From: Little Hawk

The same thing has happened to the concept of newscasters. ;-) You can now expect to see a "hot babe" with big hair reading you the news, alongside a "hot" lookin' guy in a suit. They trade zippy one-liners back and forth between telling you about slaughter in Gaza or Sri Lanka and the latest stupid rumour about Jennifer Aniston or Angelina Jolie. It's not news, it's Info-tainment, designed for tawdry minds with a 3 second attention span.

04 Jan 09 - 04:58 PM (#2531499)
Subject: RE: BS: The next doctor? Who?
From: Richard Bridge

Maybe it's time to resurrect the Grey Panthers!

04 Jan 09 - 07:15 PM (#2531596)
Subject: RE: BS: The next doctor? Who?
From: Donuel

Chappel would have been great.

05 Jan 09 - 09:59 AM (#2532002)
Subject: RE: BS: The next doctor? Who?
From: nickp

Looks a bit like Seth Lakeman... wonder if he plays tenor guitar? After all, Patrick Troughton used to play the recorder...

05 Jan 09 - 04:23 PM (#2532329)
Subject: RE: BS: The next doctor? Who?
From: Bert

Richard says ...The early doctors carried the sagacity of age, and were wise (even if eccentric)...

Sounds just like Catspaw to me.

05 Jan 09 - 10:12 PM (#2532554)
Subject: RE: BS: The next doctor? Who?
From: olddude

Bruce Murdoch

06 Jan 09 - 07:57 PM (#2533604)
Subject: RE: BS: The next doctor? Who?
From: akenaton

Well I suppose its time to repeat my biggest claim to fame.
"I was a classmate of Dr Who!!"

07 Jan 09 - 12:08 PM (#2534163)
Subject: RE: BS: The next doctor? Who?
From: Bert

Which one?

07 Jan 09 - 12:52 PM (#2534207)
Subject: RE: BS: The next doctor? Who?
From: akenaton

Hi Bert...One James Kent-Smith, class clown and all round good pal.
We spent three years together as classmates in Dunoon Grammar School, before Jimmy moved on to make his name as the actor Sylvester McCoy the sixth doctor, while I sank without trace in the swamps of the Mudcat forum....Ake

08 Jan 09 - 11:36 AM (#2535185)
Subject: RE: BS: The next doctor? Who?
From: GUEST,Firecat

Hate to be pedantic, but Sylvester was the Seventh Doctor. Colin Baker was the Sixth Doctor.

08 Jan 09 - 02:56 PM (#2535352)
Subject: RE: BS: The next doctor? Who?
From: Phil Edwards

akenaton - the plot thickens. I remember when he was Sylveste McCoy and worked with Ken Campbell, alongside Chris Langham among others (hope we haven't seen the last of him - he'd make a bloody good Doctor, come to think of it). Anyway, I noticed the name-change from Sylveste to Sylvester, but I had no idea the first one hadn't been his original name. James Kent-Smith eh?

08 Jan 09 - 05:43 PM (#2535481)
Subject: RE: BS: The next doctor? Who?
From: Richard Bridge

He's my brother - Sylveste?

08 Jan 09 - 06:57 PM (#2535529)
Subject: RE: BS: The next doctor? Who?
From: akenaton

Naw that's Teribus...."Gotta row of forty medals on 'is chest"...:0)

05 Jun 10 - 07:25 PM (#2921477)
Subject: RE: BS: The next doctor? Who?
From: Amergin

I've been watching the new doctor...and yeah I liked Tennant alot better. This guy is a bit of a weenie.

05 Jun 10 - 07:42 PM (#2921483)
Subject: RE: BS: The next doctor? Who?
From: Little Hawk

They should have gotten William Shatner for the part.

05 Jun 10 - 08:56 PM (#2921516)
Subject: RE: BS: The next doctor? Who?
From: terrier

They should have given the part to Cesar Millan, then he could have gone round to Sarah Jane's house and berated her for keeping K9 in a cupboard under the stairs ;)

06 Jun 10 - 02:25 PM (#2921867)
Subject: RE: BS: The next doctor? Who?
From: GUEST,David E.

Doctor schmoctor...Hellooooo Amy Pond!

David E.

06 Jun 10 - 03:37 PM (#2921913)
Subject: RE: BS: The next doctor? Who?
From: terrier

I think it's fitting that anagrams of Amy Pond are MAD PONY and DOPY MAN, sort of sums up the new series so far :)

06 Jun 10 - 05:59 PM (#2921998)
Subject: RE: BS: The next doctor? Who?
From: Bert

Looking ahead to the next one, how about Michael Caine or Morgan Freeman.

07 Jun 10 - 05:18 AM (#2922206)
Subject: RE: BS: The next doctor? Who?
From: GUEST,Muppett

Nay the next Dr. Who should be Dawn French, she'd be brill as the Dr.

07 Jun 10 - 05:28 AM (#2922210)
Subject: RE: BS: The next doctor? Who?
From: Dave MacKenzie

Maybe they've already picked Alex Kingston!

07 Jun 10 - 02:20 PM (#2922506)
Subject: RE: BS: The next doctor? Who?
From: Stringsinger

I agree with Richard Bridge. The earlier incarnations of Dr. Who were level-headed, thoughtful, relying on brains rather than brawn (read military might) to solve problems.
They were ethicists of sorts given to reflective yet creative solutions.

The new Doctor has too many temper tantrums to suit me. (Needs a diaper change?)

Karen Gillan suggests to me a Scottish Valley Girl.

I think that Billie Piper and Catherine Tate added dimensions to their roles.

Have to say though that my fave was Lalla Ward.

07 Jun 10 - 06:46 PM (#2922693)
Subject: RE: BS: The next doctor? Who?
From: Dave MacKenzie

I like Karen Gillan. I remember her as a schoolgirl in "Rebus".

I was never convinced that Billie Piper was acting.

Bring back Katy Manning (and the dalek).

And whatever happened tom Susan? (last seen sneaking into Bob and Thelma's room in "Whatever Happened to the Likely Lads" thinking Terry was there)

08 Jun 10 - 12:19 AM (#2922848)
Subject: RE: BS: The next doctor? Who?
From: Amergin

I think Rowan Atkinson would make a better Doctor than the current lad.

08 Jun 10 - 10:11 AM (#2923077)
Subject: RE: BS: The next doctor? Who?
From: olddude

which one was the early curly headed guy in the 70's?. Those were my favourite ones for sure.

08 Jun 10 - 12:33 PM (#2923156)
Subject: RE: BS: The next doctor? Who?
From: Lox

Tom Baker.

That is all!

08 Jun 10 - 01:55 PM (#2923232)
Subject: RE: BS: The next doctor? Who?
From: Stringsinger

Tom Baker and Christopher Eccleston were my favorites although David Tenant grew on me as the writing improved. When I think of Doctor Who, I do think of Tom Baker first.

I think that Dr. Who is a good model for a new kind of hero, not one wed to solving problems with weapons or military excesses but one who thinks creatively, with compassion, a sense of proportion and a willingness to share a highly-developed brain for public good. I like it that he doesn't use guns.

08 Jun 10 - 03:26 PM (#2923321)
Subject: RE: BS: The next doctor? Who?
From: GUEST,David E.

"not one wed to solving problems with weapons or military excesses but one who thinks creatively, with compassion, a sense of proportion and a willingness to share a highly-developed brain for public good."

Yes, and he has the advantage of living in a complete fantasy world which behaves however the writers see fit of course.

David E.

(Tom Baker/Sarah Jane)

08 Jun 10 - 05:15 PM (#2923379)
Subject: RE: BS: The next doctor? Who?
From: Dan Schatz

The new guy doesn't do it for me, though he has his moments. Tom Baker was always "my doctor," though I liked a few of the others. Then David Tennant came along, and I was incredibly impressed. I still miss him.

I like Amy Pond very much, and feel that she carries the show right now.


08 Jun 10 - 09:10 PM (#2923560)
Subject: RE: BS: The next doctor? Who?
From: RAT-W

Well, Matt Smith has grown on me as the Doctor, although still not in the same league as David Tennant and Tom Baker (or even, to my mind, Jon Pertwee) but I'm not so keen on Amy Pond. The last few assisstants had something about them which I don't think she does. She seems to be there mostly as eye-candy. Actually, she reminds me somewhat of Joe Grant. But I still think it's the best show on TV.

RAT-W (actor, if anyone reads this thread when Matt Smith leaves in a few years)

08 Jun 10 - 09:54 PM (#2923579)
Subject: RE: BS: The next doctor? Who?
From: olddude

I like his antique police box ... I wish I had one ... I think it is really cool .. now if it came equipped with a time machine also ... I figure I could do some pretty good things for the world ...

Not to mention I would have a pretty good guitar collection also :-)