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Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural

15 Jan 09 - 11:41 PM (#2541006)
Subject: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

To help kickoff the inaugural celebration this weekend, Pete Seeger and Bruce Springsteen are scheduled to sing this Sunday at the Lincoln Memorial during "We Are One: The Obama Inaugural Celebration At The Lincoln Memorial" . The event will be taking place at 2pm on Sunday afternoon and the is expected to draw a crowd of 500,000. HBO will air the concert live at 2:30pm ET with two encore showings scheduled for 7pm ET and 11:30pm ET, and they are making it available for free to all cable operators. The concert will also be available online at .

The concert was initially scheduled for two hours, but it is believed that it will run longer.

The star studded event will feature performers from a variety of musical traditions, and contemporary folkies will enjoy hearing from John Mellencamp and James Taylor, among others. President-elect Obama and Vice-President-elect Biden are scheduled to speak.

Springsteen apparently extended the invitation to Seeger to join the celebration and while it is not confirmed, it is rumored that they will sing Woody Guthrie's "This Land Is Your Land".

It is particulary fitting that Seeger has joined the celebration. Seeger marched with Dr. Martin Luther King during the Civil Rights movement and he introduced the civil rights leader to the song "We Shall Overcome" - which was sung at the historic March on Washington in August 1963 when Dr. King made the "I Had A Dream" speech.

17 Jan 09 - 07:31 AM (#2541170)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: GUEST,Dani


Anyone know of an online site that will carry it, for us TV-challenged folks?


17 Jan 09 - 10:52 AM (#2541320)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

As I mentioned above, it will be online at

17 Jan 09 - 10:56 AM (#2541329)
Subject: Pete Seegar in DC concert Sunday
From: Donuel

... Along with Stevie Wonder, Bruce Sprinstein and a couple dozen other musicians. (except for Tom Hanks who may not even play the harmonica) It is a free concert on Sunday in DC.

I wonder if Pete will sing 'We have overcome'

HBO will broadcast it live Sunday from 1 to 3 but check your listing.

I am certain we will have at least one mudcat ambassador at the concert.

I think it is at the Kennedy Center.

17 Jan 09 - 11:00 AM (#2541336)
Subject: RE: Pete Seegar in DC concert Sunday
From: Donuel

npr says they will braodcast it from 2 to 5 PM

17 Jan 09 - 08:20 PM (#2541795)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: Ref

Thanks for the tip, Ron!

17 Jan 09 - 11:12 PM (#2541883)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: GUEST,Dani

Geez, sorry, Ron. I gave up a big coffee habit not long ago, and it's made me stupid. For real, man. I don't recommend it.


17 Jan 09 - 11:21 PM (#2541887)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: katlaughing

Awesome!! Thanks for letting us know!

18 Jan 09 - 12:08 PM (#2542266)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

I've uploaded a video on my website of a rehearsal featuring Pete & Bruce -

18 Jan 09 - 12:28 PM (#2542288)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

oops.. it appears that the video has been removed. Sorry! The concert will begin soon - don't miss it!

18 Jan 09 - 02:50 PM (#2542409)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: GUEST,Dani

So Beautiful!

So Exciting!

It really is true!


18 Jan 09 - 03:07 PM (#2542430)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: Jeri

I don't have a converter box, so I can't get the 'free to all' HBO show. I'm watching a bit of it on CNN and listening on NPR. Just for once, I wish those talking heads would realize that we can live without their constant blather for a couple of hours. Oh well. I have NPR, and didn't Springsteen ROCK!!!?

18 Jan 09 - 03:08 PM (#2542433)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: Jeri

James Taylor now.

18 Jan 09 - 03:11 PM (#2542435)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: GUEST,Dani

... with a gorgeous Carolina Blue guitar.

18 Jan 09 - 03:13 PM (#2542438)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: Jeri

Looks like it's live on the net at Firing up the laptop.

18 Jan 09 - 03:18 PM (#2542442)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: GUEST,Dani

"Ain't That America"

18 Jan 09 - 03:33 PM (#2542459)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: Jeri

I'm feeling glad I can multitask (read: the attention span of a golfish). I'm listening to the radio with the speakers cranked and watching it on the other computer (not so much streaming video as a series of stills, not synched with the radio) and reading Mudcat on this computer.

I need some cheesecake.

18 Jan 09 - 03:47 PM (#2542475)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: Jeri

Anybody wanna guess at what the last number will be, or does Ron know? (I think the Times, They are A-Changin' would work.)

18 Jan 09 - 03:48 PM (#2542477)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: GUEST,Dani

I got champagne and pizza, Jeri, wanna come?

18 Jan 09 - 03:52 PM (#2542480)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: Amos

Obama is grinning fit to bust. Usher's singing "We Are One"; a real Motown kickbutt song.


18 Jan 09 - 03:53 PM (#2542481)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: Amos

Woah, get down; it's Little Stevie Wonder singing in the freezing cold!! Awesome.


18 Jan 09 - 03:54 PM (#2542482)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: Amos

Aw man, Michele and Barack are rocking out to Stevie Wonder. I mean, man, how cool is that!!!


18 Jan 09 - 03:56 PM (#2542486)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: Jeri

Dani, let's find some chocolate and go visit Amos. I have well over a foot of new snow here.

Amos, you mean the Stevie Wonder song 'Higher Ground'? (I think he's got some good stuff there, too.)

If we only had a chat room...

18 Jan 09 - 04:03 PM (#2542491)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: Amos

YEah, that's the one. Now U2 is knocking out their Obama song. Awesome stuff!!! That Bono is a ball of talent.


18 Jan 09 - 04:21 PM (#2542504)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: Amos

Pete is leading the thousands and thousands in "This Land Your Land" and they are roaring it out. My God, I think I'm having a dream...those amazing words, multiplied by those million souls. It is beyond real.

It is absolutely, jaw-droppingly, incredibly beautiful, is what.


18 Jan 09 - 04:26 PM (#2542510)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: katlaughing

I can't watch for the tears streaming down my face from hearing Pete and seeing him...mygawd what a Treasure he is. So much energy he ran,skipped off stage after. These are Important Moments...I feel speechless with emotions.

18 Jan 09 - 04:28 PM (#2542512)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: katlaughing

I am going to have to watch the rebroadcast on the PC as I missed all but the last, I just realised.

18 Jan 09 - 04:30 PM (#2542514)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: Amos

If this was a kick off, it went all the way to the 4-yard line!


18 Jan 09 - 04:40 PM (#2542520)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: Jeri

A reporter on the scene was saying EVERYBODY was singing along, and not just with Pete. Bodes well for participatory music, not to mention government.

18 Jan 09 - 04:58 PM (#2542537)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: Pauline L

So very inspiring! Springsteen and Pete, looking very happy, leading the crowd in singing "This Land Is Your Land" at the rehearsal for the Inaugural Concert. . I can't stop listening and singing. I feel as happy as Pete looks.

18 Jan 09 - 05:21 PM (#2542548)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: topical tom

I haven't been so moved in a long time! The sight of such a wonderful person (at 89!!!) leading a throng of thousands in the singing of "This Land is Your Land" was so stirring, and his appearance was so up-lifting, cheerful and optimistic, as Pete always is. No one more deserving appeared on those steps today. By his music and his comportment, his beliefs,throughout his life he has given renewed hope to so many. And he SKIPPED off the stage! Way to go, Pete!

18 Jan 09 - 05:22 PM (#2542549)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: Amos


AMong the many well-turned phrases in Obama's address at the Mall, standing before the figure of Lincoln and watching the thousands of people who turned out from all over the country to support his start, were these words:

"a belief that if we could just recognize ourselves in one another and bring everyone together -- Democrats, Republicans, independents; Latino, Asian and Native American; black and white, gay and straight, disabled and not -- then not only would we restore hope and opportunity in places that yearned for both, but maybe, just maybe, we might perfect our union in the process.."

That should be the byline and signatory phrase of his Administration: Recognize ourselves in one another.

It is the nuclear fuel behind his breadth of insight and calm, I think.


18 Jan 09 - 06:00 PM (#2542594)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: Sandra in Sydney

Pete is leading the thousands and thousands in "This Land Your Land" and they are roaring it out. My God, I think I'm having a dream...those amazing words, multiplied by those million souls. It is beyond real.

It is absolutely, jaw-droppingly, incredibly beautiful, is what.


When I read Amos's post I also got tears in my eyes.

I spent the weekend at a Festival where we saw a recent Pete Seeger doco, Power in the Song - family & friends & Pete all talking about his life, with lots of old TV & home move content & the Australian audience was also affected.

Later today I'll try to find the inaugural concert on hbo


18 Jan 09 - 06:46 PM (#2542626)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: Peter T.

recognise is one thing, acquiese in is another.

Do I recognise myself in torturing people, and then say let's let bygones be bygones because it's a new day? Mustn't be divisive? How far is this inclusive rhetoric going to go?

Well, we'll see.....

(a foreigner not given to Obama-mania).


Peter T.

18 Jan 09 - 06:54 PM (#2542631)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: Amos

Even people from the colder climates of the jungle can realize that the reciprocal self recognition of human beingas across a division opens the doors to resolution. This has nothing to do with Obama-mania, but human nature and workable attitudes. I am reminded of the Christmas break in the trenches when the Allies and the Germans sang Stille Nacht to each other. Or was it Lili Marlene? No matter. It was the singing of it that made a moment's difference.


18 Jan 09 - 06:57 PM (#2542633)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: Dan Schatz

We don't have cable, so we watched it on my computer in our family room. ( is going to rebroadcast it, too).

WOW. As a whole, the concert was surprisingly good. And Pete's performance was especially inspiring, not least because of everything he has gone through and been put through by this country. If anything can symbolize the change to a government that respects individual rights and liberties, it's including someone who had been blacklisted and charged with Contempt of Congress by the House UnAmerican Activities Committee.

And not only did Pete sing This Land Is Your Land - HE SANG THE SUBVERSIVE VERSES (Subverses?) - all those verses that never made it into my old elementary school music books. To see Pete at the innauguration singing, "But on the other side it didn't say nothin' / That side was made for you and me" was amazing. What a wonderful moment.


18 Jan 09 - 07:07 PM (#2542638)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: bobad

Just watched the video - very inspirational and hope giving to the next administration.

18 Jan 09 - 07:17 PM (#2542645)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: Jeri

I had wondered if he would sing those verses, and then figured, it's flippin' PETE SEEGER! And the feeling I got was that it was good to get those feelings out, and it was good to be singing about things that needed fixing instead of just the happy, bouncy stuff. Maybe because now I felt like there was a chance problems might get addressed and it felt good.

Peter, I think there are people who want retribution, but from what I've seen of that sort of goal, it doesn't usually turn out well for either side and the fights are just prolonged in varying intensities. the whole 'let bygones be' attitude is one that we need to get anything accomplished. I think we can prosecute criminals and still try to be decent to those who are guilty only of disagreeing with us.

I'm sure Obama won't be perfect, but I think he's the best thing to happen to the US since I can remember. Maybe it's not him so much as the way people are because of him. I don't know, but I plan on celebrating his success for a little while at least.

18 Jan 09 - 07:27 PM (#2542649)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

I agree that he isn't perfect, but he's making people young and old feel about their country the way some of us have NEVER felt in our lives- as though there's a chance that we might, perhaps, be able to be proud of the place, at least for now.

Yeah, what a concert, what a sight to see Pete there.

18 Jan 09 - 07:41 PM (#2542658)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: GUEST,Bob Ryszkiewicz

Hi Kids: Well, you know, this Obama thing might turn out to be something special after all...Whodathunkit? I believe Honest Abe and a few million other spirits will be smilin'...

18 Jan 09 - 08:06 PM (#2542679)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

I was on the radio this afternoon when the concert was on, so I am watching the re-broadcast.

While doing my show today, I played a number of songs that I felt were fitting for the occassion - including Pete singing "We Shall Overcome".   I received a phone call from some racist who started yelling at me for playing these songs. The caller then called me a number of names, and dropped the "n" word a few times.   It reminded me that there is still work to be done, but there is no doubt that we have come far and the power of songs is making change. It obviously made this creep uncomfortable enought to call a radio station. Change is coming.

18 Jan 09 - 09:16 PM (#2542711)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: Cap't Bob

Don't know how long it will be there but if you want to see Bruce and Pete Seegers part in the celebration there is a video at:

Cap't Bob

18 Jan 09 - 09:28 PM (#2542721)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: GUEST,pws

Does anyone know who the percussionist was who played with Pete Seeger and Bruce Springsteen?

18 Jan 09 - 10:26 PM (#2542746)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: Peter T.

It's great, celebrate.


Peter T.

18 Jan 09 - 10:45 PM (#2542751)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: Bill D

well...I lost it. I watched every bit of the two hours when it was rebroadcast...even strange artists whose names I didn't even recognize! I smiled all the way thru...then at the end, I lost it. I was even prepared, but when Pete started on 'those' verses, I cried....just thinking about all the years of Pete being marginalized and not being quite mainstream came flooding back, and I bawled for a bit. Then it was over & better and I just smiled again.
Wow... and you may quote me.

(and the beginning! What WAS the name of that Master Sargent who sang The Star Spangled Banner properly? It's been so long since I heard it sung well.)

19 Jan 09 - 12:03 AM (#2542771)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: katlaughing

Master Sgt. Caleb Green is the only Master Sgt. I see listed HERE, BillD.

I just heard a snippet of a rebroadcast of Obama on Meet the Press in Dec., just after I'd heard Pete singing, today. The following lets me know we will be seeing a lot more of this coming together with Obama leading the way (my emphasis):

MR. BROKAW: Who are the kinds of artists that you would like to bring to the White House?

PRES.-ELECT OBAMA: Oh, well, you know, we have thought about this because part of what we want to do is to open up the White House and, and remind people this is, this is the people's house. There is an incredible bully pulpit to be used when it comes to, for example, education. Yes, we're going to have an education policy. Yes, we're going to be putting more money into school construction. But, ultimately, we want to talk about parents reading to their kids. We want to invite kids from local schools into the White House. When it comes to science, elevating science once again, and having lectures in the White House where people are talking about traveling to the stars or breaking down atoms, inspiring our youth to get a sense of what discovery is all about. Thinking about the diversity of our culture and, and inviting jazz musicians and classical musicians and poetry readings in the White House so that, once again, we appreciate this incredible tapestry that's America. I--you know, that, I think, is, is going to be incredibly important, particularly because we're going through hard times. And, historically, what has always brought us through hard times is that national character, that sense of optimism, that willingness to look forward, that, that sense that better days are ahead. I think that our art and our culture, our science, you know, that's the essence of what makes America special, and, and we want to project that as much as possible in the White House.

19 Jan 09 - 05:39 AM (#2542883)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: GUEST,Working Radish

"our art and our culture, our science, you know, that's the essence of what makes America special"

What a letdown! I thought this guy was supposed to be different from George W!

Seriously... oh my. My, oh my. For once in my life I wish I was American.

19 Jan 09 - 07:29 AM (#2542954)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: McGrath of Harlow

"Lost it"?   Surely the term "found it"...

A pretty good moment. World turned upside down time. A good start.

And great that for once "This Land" with sung with the verses that most often get left out, about poor people and about that sign saying "private property".

19 Jan 09 - 08:38 AM (#2542990)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural

19 Jan 09 - 09:52 AM (#2543041)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: Charley Noble

Well done!

Charley Noble

19 Jan 09 - 11:19 AM (#2543111)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

I lost it too. I can't recall ever seeing Pete sing with as much joy that was apparent in the moment. I'm sure the symbolism of the event played a huge part in that. This was the success of all the years he spent fighting for civil rights and he lived to see the day.

Pete often talks about a 50/50 chance that the human race will still be here in 100 years - I am guessing that the odds just went up!!

19 Jan 09 - 11:56 AM (#2543154)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: NormanD

On a related note, the version of Sam Cooke's "A Change Is Gonna Come" by Betty Lavette and Jon Bon Jovi was fine, too. Betty Lavette is a great soul singer, pretty much forgotten until her career revived a couple of years ago. Interesting that she, too, sung the "forgotten" verse of the song - the one that goes "I go to a movie/Or I go downtown/There's always someone tells me/Don't hang around". When Sam Cooke wrote and recorded the song in about 1964 his record company took that verse out as it was too militant for a pop 45. He had been inspired to write it after hearing Dylan's "Blowing In The Wind".

So, two great songs that have had their words publicly restored.

19 Jan 09 - 12:31 PM (#2543196)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: katlaughing

guest,pws, if you mean the guitarist, it was Pete's grandson, Tao

BillD, that's twice - Jesse Jackson at Obama's Election day acceptance speech and, now this. Ya ol' is good to be so moved, isn't it?:-)


19 Jan 09 - 01:25 PM (#2543233)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: GUEST,punkfolkrocker

random channel hopping last night
and discovered that UK Sky Arts
had abandoned normal schedule and were broadcasting this concert unanounced
as live feed from HBO.

caught the last 45 mins or so..

..and if you have UK digital satellite installed..

Missed the Obama concert live? We're repeating it! 8pm, Tue on Sky Arts 1"

19 Jan 09 - 01:37 PM (#2543243)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: McGrath of Harlow

I imagine pws would have been meaning the bloke with the tambourine, off the the left of Bruce Springsteen. (His left, that is.) See him best at about 2:24.

19 Jan 09 - 01:55 PM (#2543258)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: katlaughing

Neat comment from the Pittsburgh paper:

Seeger leading the audience in a rendition of Woody Guthrie's "This Land is Your Land" was brilliant and perfectly subversive given the politics of the last eight years. It is no longer a song of protest. It is a song of triumph.

Oops...tambourine...didn't see him, thanks!

19 Jan 09 - 03:05 PM (#2543308)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: oggie

Video no longer available due to copyright claim by HBO - so that was the brave new world.


19 Jan 09 - 03:29 PM (#2543319)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: Mark Ross

What do you mean they took the video off the Web? I always remember
Pete getting to sing that verse;

Was a big high wall there that tried to stop me,
A big old sign said PRIVATE PROPERTY,
But on the other side it didn't say nothing,
That side was made for you and me!

Obviously it meant nothing to those bastards.

The video of the rehearsal is probably still up. I'll go and check.

Mark Ross

PS. The video is still up! Hurray! Here's the link;

Pete Seeger, Tao Rodriguez-Seeger, and Springsteen at the Inaugural concert

19 Jan 09 - 04:03 PM (#2543345)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

"Obviously it meant nothing to those bastards."

Not that I side with corporations, but let's not forget that HBO did make the event available to everyone on cable - and they offered the cablecast for free to systems, even for those that normally would have to pay for HBO. The concert was also available for free to everyone who showed up at the Lincoln Memorial, and it was not required to be broadcast or cablecast. Putting on an event of that magnitude does not come cheap. They also have video available for free on their website - .   I think in this case they have been fair, but they want to control how their product is used - just like most of us would.

19 Jan 09 - 04:12 PM (#2543353)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: McGrath of Harlow

And here it is from the back of the crowd... (And there are a few more like that.)

As for the hbo video, that isn't and can't and couldn't be watched from outside the USA and territories.

The point to notice though is "and it was not required to be broadcast or cablecast" - something wrong with a system where that's true. What that is is touched on in that last verse but one of the song...

19 Jan 09 - 04:15 PM (#2543356)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: Jeri

While some cable users like myself couldn't get the free broadcast, I blame my cable company who put it on a channel only accessible with a converter box.

OTOH, I'm glad I downloaded the video this morning. I figured it was a keeper, and I figured it might not last up there.

19 Jan 09 - 04:18 PM (#2543360)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

"The point to notice though is "and it was not required to be broadcast or cablecast" - something wrong with a system where that's true. What that is is touched on in that last verse but one of the song... "

What?? I think you are confusing the meaning of those words. Woody Guthrie was not talking about stealing or piracy - his words were all about being treated fairly and receiving pay for honest work.

The concert was available for free to all who wished to attend.   Where is it written or inferred that everyone in the world are required to witness a broadcast of that event?   Who would you like to pay for it - the taxpayers?? You may not realize it, but the concert was not paid for by public funds. I also understand that HBO had indeed made the production available for all who wish to see it - around the world. Their may be issues with the website, but I would check your local cablecaster.

I'm really beginning to think that Woodys words are being misinterpreted. He wasn't creating an open call for greed and everything is free.

19 Jan 09 - 04:25 PM (#2543368)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: Lonesome EJ

Good for Pete! And good for the Boss as well!

19 Jan 09 - 04:34 PM (#2543381)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: McGrath of Harlow

A great high wall there that tried to stop me,
A great big sign there saying "Private Property",
But on the other side it didn't say nothing.
That side was made for you and me.

Public broadcasting of nationally significant occasions, not dependent on the whims of private companies, seems a reasonable thing to expect.

Actually Woody Guthrie was talking about stealing and piracy. He was talking about ending a system that enshrines those things.

19 Jan 09 - 04:49 PM (#2543391)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: Bill D

It was 'available' to anyone who had broadband and a cable box...etc...etc. Which means there were legions of poor, rural folks who had NO chance of seeing it over their regular TV stations. So much for 'free', HBO!

I have MY tricks, so I have downloaded it while it is there in places that HBO can't immediately intimidate.

(It took me till 6:30 PM to even find out WHERE it was being broadcast, because all CNN would say is "we can't bring you the whole concert, as there are many 'restrictions'." I read the entire paper trying to find out WHO had the rights to it, and then finally figured out where HBO was on my cable box.

Why do I suspect that they plan to sell copies soon?

19 Jan 09 - 04:56 PM (#2543397)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

Sorry McGrath, I do not agree with what you are interperting in the song.

I think you are also clouding what constitutes a "significant" event. This was an entertainment event and it was paid for privately. The event was free to the public and tens of thousands were in attendance. I would hope that HBO puts this out on DVD.

19 Jan 09 - 05:27 PM (#2543432)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: Dan Schatz

We don't have cable at all. It was on, free to anyone who tuned in, with no need to download special software. Didn't even leave a cookie.

What DID upset me was that the invocation by the Rev. Gene Robinson - the first openly gay Episcopal bishop - was not included in the broadcast, although it was part of the event. That makes me mad.


19 Jan 09 - 05:28 PM (#2543433)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: Mark Ross

Anyway, the footage is still up on YouTube. I have posted a link to it on my Facebook page.

Yours for the One Big Union!
Take It Easy, But Take It!

Mark Ross

19 Jan 09 - 05:30 PM (#2543435)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: katlaughing

McGrath, can you no watch it on youtube?

I can't count the number of times UK Mudcatters have posted about something to be aired on BBC or one of their other channels, only to find out it was not available to those of us who don't live there, not even online.

Also, it is well to remember the whole inauguration is being paid for by people who have donated freely, just as we did to campaign for Obama's election; not by government money. He has given us all direct action to be proud of.

And, I want to be as spry as Pete when I am 89!

19 Jan 09 - 05:35 PM (#2543440)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: Art Thieme

After an hour and a half, Pete and Bruce and Tao loaded on our dial-up connection. I've watched it 6 times and have rarely been so moved. All the years of hearing Pete singing and working for this kind of a gestalt moment. Indeed, the sum of all of the parts is so much greater than the whole. --- Just wonderful!


19 Jan 09 - 05:38 PM (#2543446)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: GUEST,Elmore

I thought it was wonderful,and somewhat unexpected that the "subversive" verses to "this Land ..." were sung.Very thoughtful and maybe even courageous of Seeger and Springsteen.

19 Jan 09 - 05:48 PM (#2543451)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: McGrath of Harlow

Yes, the Pete Seeger clip is on youtube still, though HBO appear to be working on stopping that. I imagine if they get the present clip taken down, like they did the other, there'll be more.

Yup, Ron, I think we do disagree about what counts as a significant national event, in this case. And about what that verse is all about.

Not to worry. It's a great clip - something for Obama and America to live up to.

19 Jan 09 - 05:48 PM (#2543452)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: Peter T.

The quotation from Meet the Press in December is quite startling. It is hard to imagine someone with such a grasp of the role of the arts as President (my suspicion was always that JFK was somewhat bored with the culture stuff, it was Jackie's doing). This will be interesting.


Peter T.

19 Jan 09 - 05:51 PM (#2543458)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: Jeri

Bill, you should be able to find out what channel's what on the internet, or you could just call the cable company. I did both, but I called the cable guys just to make sure they hadn't put it on some more accessible channel than my search revealed (then I bitched politely).

19 Jan 09 - 05:55 PM (#2543466)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: katlaughing

I never could find HBO on our channel lineup with cable, not even the digital lineup. But, we only have expanded basic, but even so, it still ought've been on the roll-by schedule.

Question, I told my miro program to find the video on youtube, which is did and I told it to save it, but when I try to play it, in miro, I get nothing. How are you all downloading it to keep, if you don't mind saying?

19 Jan 09 - 06:22 PM (#2543486)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

Yup McGrath,we do disagree.   I feel that Woody was singing about the right to share America's property and wealth and to remove restrictions that prevent everyone from sharing equally in the dream. From what I've read and heard in his songs, I believe he is talking about SHARING and everyone having rights.

Let me ask this - if you are a painter and you are inspired to create a painting of Obama, Pete or Bruce at the event - would you be required to give that painting away for free?   

Woody wanted people to sing his songs and in print encouraged people to sing them without regard to "rights", but Woody did make his living on his songs and performances.

A cable network should have rights too - and all the personnel who participated to stage and cablecast the event deserve to have their rights and welfare protected.   Sure, it would be a nice gesture to make it available to all around the world, but in the end - this was not a "public event" in the same sense as the actual inauguration is.

19 Jan 09 - 06:48 PM (#2543502)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: Lonesome EJ

Pete with his knit cap looked like he had just wandered in from trapping beaver, or maybe sailing on a clipper ship. What a great moment for him, and for us, as he symbolized a bridge from Woody Guthrie and the social revolution of the 1930s to Obama and the new century. He looked like a living embodiment of our history and of our music's history, and of the joy and pride we have every right to feel in both.

Nobody living can ever stop me,
As I go walking that freedom highway;
Nobody living can ever make me turn back
This land was made for you and me.

That stanza pretty much says what the spirit of my country is all about.

19 Jan 09 - 06:54 PM (#2543507)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

You got that right EJ!

19 Jan 09 - 06:56 PM (#2543510)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: Mark Ross

Does anyone out there know the source of this verse? I have a feeling that it's Petes'.

"Maybe you're working just as hard as your able,
Living off crumbs from the rich mans' table,
Maybe your wondering if it's truth or fable,
That this land is made for you and me."

He didn't sing it yesterday, but I could swear that I've heard him sing it at some time in the last 50 years.(he also left out the verse that starts; "When the sun comes shining and I was strolling,")

Mark Ross

19 Jan 09 - 07:02 PM (#2543518)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: GUEST,richd

The rights that cable networks have should surely be different from the rights that indiviaduals have no? What exactly do HBO have rights over- the Woody Guthrie song? Mr Seegers, Springsteen etcs performance of same? The crowd? The performance of the crowd in joining in? The Lincoln Memorial? Mr Seegars gestures inviting the crowd to join in? AHHH the telerecording... what if i do a video recording at the concert then, am I a pirate infringing HBOs rights? What if I do a video of the person next to me joining in with Mr Seegers' voice in the backround, do HBO own that? The idea of a 'public event' and how the performnce of Mr Seeger et al is not one 'really' is interesting, and the contrast between the sentiments of Mr Guthries song, the manner of it's performance, and copyright violation seems to me to be very odd. At the least, I hope HBO are paying handsomly to the estate of Woody Guthrie for the rights and also to those who took part. I fear that mmany people in the USA will never understand the UKs commitment to Public Service Broadcasting and a National Health Service, and that UKers (like me) are bewildered that something so hopeful and rich as the concert should be covered by a cable company, for profit. Profit that depends on excluding people by wether they can pay or not. Its the differnece between 'the right to access' and 'the right to profit'. Can a cable company have 'welfare'? Are the rights of a cable company- recording a crowd and performers- the same as an individual creating a work of art- even a film?

19 Jan 09 - 07:02 PM (#2543519)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: McGrath of Harlow

If I wrote a song about Obama, yes of course I'd be happy for anyone who wanted to sing it without paying me money. But that's not the same as "be required", I accept.

I can't see that the rather futile gesture of taking down a video clip does anything to protect the rights and welfare of anyone. Doubly futile because it clearly won't work.

I'm inclined to think that it's the inauguration itself that won't a "public event" in the sense that that clip is.

19 Jan 09 - 07:09 PM (#2543524)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: katlaughing

He looked like a living embodiment of our history and of our music's history, and of the joy and pride we have every right to feel in both.

That he did, LeeJ!

19 Jan 09 - 10:36 PM (#2543643)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: Bill D

I have had cable for....ummmm... 6-7 or so years. It was restricted to channels 1-99. About 4-5 years ago, I got a converter box that gave me access to some more channels above 100, but I seldom went above the 111 area, and only rarely to some free movie channels in the 140-160 range. I remembered that I had a listing I got in the mail that showed the I dug it out of a drawer. Turns out HBO is 301. I do not PAY for HBO, so it is usually blanked out for me. Because no one (that *I* usually listen to) was willing to admit where the 'free' broadcast was, I had to be clever in locating it. (I am fairly clever, so I saw the broadcast). Others have noted the mixed blessing and availability of this program. Had I not had broadband, I could not have easily watched it on the computer...(as Art Thieme notes) ..had I not had that converter box, I could not have watched it on TV.
   There are many, many who had neither broadband internet NOR cable TV...which makes HBO's 'gift' a bit shallow, if you ask me.

Now, I wonder...if HBO bought the 'rights' to broadcast a free concert, who had the authority to SELL those rights? And why would they? I am fine... I saw it... I even downloaded the Pete Seeger part I wanted, but something smells funny.
   What I really believe is that there were just too many big stars involved for someone to not "make a buck" off the event. Unlike Gov. Rod Blago... 'someone' had better connections and had better sense than to just do a blatant sales job. What HBO did was no doubt officially legal, but then, so was giving bonuses to the CEOs who ran Shearson and their pals....

Who, me? Cynical? naawwwwww....

19 Jan 09 - 11:20 PM (#2543655)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

"Now, I wonder...if HBO bought the 'rights' to broadcast a free concert, who had the authority to SELL those rights? And why would they? I am fine... I saw it... I even downloaded the Pete Seeger part I wanted, but something smells funny."

I'm not sure why everyone is so surprised. The "official" events of the inauguration, including this concert, are put together by the Presidential Inaugural Committee. The events are supported by donors, and the rules for donation are similar to rules for donating to candidates.

There are a number of events that are put on by the committee that are not free, some events are by invitation only, and others are open to the public.

There are other concerts. Tonight the Disney concert held a "youth" concert.   MTV was involved with another affair.   They pay for the rights to event.   

HBO paid for the rights to broadcast yesterdays concert. The money tey paid for that enabled the committee to put on the event. The event drew a crowd that gathered in Washington was estimated at close to 500,000 - and they were able to watch for free.   I'm having a real hard time figureing out why everyone feels that HBO needs to give it away for free.   

This is nothing like giving bonuses to CEO's. It is good to question authority, but it should always be accompanied by reason.

I know the conspiracy theorists love to find a problem with such events, but events like this are not new and it is very upfront. I know everyone wants everything for free - but these are the same people who grumble at paying taxes.

19 Jan 09 - 11:24 PM (#2543656)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

"There are many, many who had neither broadband internet NOR cable TV...which makes HBO's 'gift' a bit shallow, if you ask me."

We didn't, but thanks for the input.   

I realize that people like to have everything handed to them, and they get grumpy when they can't work remotes, but HBO did not have to do anything they did not want to. They made this event available to more people than most inaugural events are given access to, and yet there will always be people who want more. There is no "entitlement" for this event.

20 Jan 09 - 08:46 AM (#2543906)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: GUEST,Derek Schofield

The editorial in the Guardian newspaper in the UK today featured Pete Seeger, entitled In Praise of Pete Seeger. Read it here:

Derek Schofield

20 Jan 09 - 10:38 AM (#2544010)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: GUEST,punkfolkrocker

..just a reminder that the concert is repeated tonight at 8.00
on UK Sky Arts 1


"Additional opportunities to watch this incredible event and enjoy the ecletic range of performances....
27th Jan at 9pm on Sky Arts 1, 5th Feb at 8pm on Sky Arts 2 or 16th Feb at 9pm Sky Arts 1."

20 Jan 09 - 10:59 AM (#2544025)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: Mark Ross

Here's a link to the Guardian piece

In Praise of Pete Seeger

Mark Ross

20 Jan 09 - 01:47 PM (#2544194)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: PoppaGator

I didn't know about the concert beforehand, and accidentally happened across it halfway-through during the first (live) broadcast. (We do have HBO.) Since then, I've been able to watch a couple of reruns, once in its entirety and then portions later on. We DID watch Pete and Bruce every time, of course. I found it interesting that the best was saved for last, following even Obama's speech.

Sounded to me like Pete's grandson Tao provided the predominant vocal. There was one voice sounding out quite prominently above all others, and it was neither Pete's not The Boss's ~ I recognize both of those iconic voices easily. I suppose Pete's voice might be a little weaker than it was years ago, but Bruce could have sung as loud as anyone if he had so chosen. It must have been a decision to let Tao carry the vocal, and he did a very nice job.

I also wonder who the tamborine man might have been. No one in this thread has answered so far ~ I hope it does not remain a mystery!

20 Jan 09 - 02:37 PM (#2544226)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: Bill D

once again, Ron, we must disagree on what needs to be emphasized.

As I said, I am sure what HBO did was legal ....and 'justified' from THEIR point of view. My remarks were not about "entitlement", but about the very IDEA that the rights to such an event should BE sold to someone who would adopt such limited idea of what making it 'freely available' meant.

You hardly contradict my disappointment by asserting, as I already knew, that HBO had every right to do as they did.

I suspect that if it had been better thought out, other ways could have been found to fund the concert and allow the major networks to show it...and even to allow HBO the rights to replay or sale of DVDs.

20 Jan 09 - 02:51 PM (#2544248)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: GUEST,punkfolkrocker

10 mins only to wait for repeat broadcast on UK Sky Arts 1

20 Jan 09 - 04:42 PM (#2544365)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

Yes Bill, we do disagree on what needs to be emphasized. There are numerous events that occur within the days before the inauguration. The idea that rights to such events are sold is not a new policy, Nor is the idea that broadcasters and cablecasters have exclusive rights to such events. I understand your disapointment, I too would have loved to be able to download and wish even more people had the opportunity to participate. I would hope that you would understand the necessity and fairness of these decisions and realize that this event was not as limited as you have painted it to be.

20 Jan 09 - 05:51 PM (#2544436)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: Bill D

It was exactly as limited as I said. Not everyone was able to view it 'freely'.
We can disagree about how necessary & fair that was.
I guess we have exhausted the ways each side can be defended.

20 Jan 09 - 07:08 PM (#2544507)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

As you yourself said, HBO had every right to do as they pleased. There is nothing to "defend" as they offered numerous opportunties to view an event that otherwise would have been closed to all.

I realize you have a different opinion on what they should have done, but I think we both agree that it was an incredible experience to have Pete Seeger appear at the event and sing the song.

It should also be noted that between the broadcast and the assembled crowd, more people probably heard those lyrics than ever before. That is what is important.

20 Jan 09 - 07:13 PM (#2544512)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: McGrath of Harlow

It's not that HBO were doing anything wrong or illegal or conspiratorial, or breaking the rules of the system. It's just that this showed up a place where the system is flawed.

And surely no one would claim, especially in the present crisis, that it isn't a system with some pretty significant flaws?

20 Jan 09 - 07:40 PM (#2544541)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

Sorry McGrath, but I do not see how this is "flawed" in anyway. This was a concert that was put on by donations and selling the rights for the broadcast.

I don't know if they put on concerts in your neck of the woods, but "free" concerts are put on in major cities here in the U.S. all the time. Central Park is an example of such a site. Artists like Simon & Garfunkel, Bon Jovi and numerous other artists have performed there for free, but that does not automatically grant a right for everyone to broadcast it.   You might see that as a "flaw", but I do not see how.   The money that HBO paid helped pay for many of the events that surrounded the inauguration.

I think you are using the words "the system" as a catch-all for EVERY system, policy and law. It doesn't work that way.

20 Jan 09 - 08:06 PM (#2544571)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: McGrath of Harlow

I believe public broadcasting of significant public events, including an event like this, is a social good, and that it is in the public interest for a society to organise itself in such a way that this is achieved. And I don't think it is particularly hard to do, or that it need damage the interests of artistes, technicians and organisers.

20 Jan 09 - 08:36 PM (#2544600)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: Bill D

It took be about 15 seconds to do a search and find I was not alone.

20 Jan 09 - 08:46 PM (#2544606)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: Bill D

lots of views

20 Jan 09 - 08:50 PM (#2544609)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

No one ever claimed you are alone. Millions of people also voted for Bush.

The definition of "public" event is questionable as this was paid for by private donations.   If the event was created from public funds and paid for by taxpayers, you might have a better case. There was no entitlement for this concert.

I do agree that it would have been great to have this free on all channels around the globe, but reality is that somebody has to pay for it. It is too simple to say that it would not damage the interests of the artists and organizers without fully knowing what their plans are.

20 Jan 09 - 08:58 PM (#2544615)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: Bill D

*IF* they had paid for all of the concert and made the whole thing 'pay per view', it would have been sad, but just like pure business. As it was, it looked to many like a hypocritical slight to those who can NEVER hope to get HBO or own a computer, but who do have little TV sets....

That's all I will say about it.

20 Jan 09 - 09:08 PM (#2544623)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

Thanks Bill D.    I do not consider it hypocritical at all. There are also people who do not own a TV at all.

I think this discussion is ignoring the true story - the fact that Pete was able to sing this song with all the verses at the Lincoln Memorial in front of a very large audience.

20 Jan 09 - 09:50 PM (#2544646)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: GUEST,pattyClink

Sorry to interrupt a good copyright fight, but...

It has been FORTY YEARS since I've seen mainstream people belting out folk songs like that. Holy Moley!

21 Jan 09 - 02:51 PM (#2545332)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: McGrath of Harlow

A genuine "Kumbaya Moment"...

21 Jan 09 - 04:41 PM (#2545428)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: billhudson

I am one of tho folks who does not watch TV but heard about it and I am happy that Pete got to do it. It says a handful that Obama had was at the Lincoln Memorial and that Pete and Toa and Bruce were playing their hearts out.
When I was I Pete's once I had a copy of Doris Goodwin's book, "Team of Rivals" that I happened to be reading at the time. Pete asked me to see it and he devoured a few pages.
Its funny, but sometimes I catch myself calling Toa ,Baby Toa from years ago.

21 Jan 09 - 06:16 PM (#2545474)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: mark gregory

Great to be able to see the YouTube clip from Australia too! Pete Seeger certainly deserved to be there and there he was magically pulling in the huge crowd to sing along although his own singing voice has all but disappeared ... just awesome

I've put a link on the Union Songs site at


21 Jan 09 - 06:38 PM (#2545503)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: McGrath of Harlow

And that line on the bottom of the manuscript of the song ,that Mark linked to there, says it all: "All you can write is what you see"

21 Jan 09 - 07:25 PM (#2545551)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: McGrath of Harlow

While I'm thinking about it - that last verse -

Nobody living can ever stop me
As I go walking down Freedom's Highway
Nobody living can take it from me
This land was made for you and me

- was that by Woody or was it added later during the Civil Rights struggle in the 60s?

21 Jan 09 - 07:32 PM (#2545557)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: Bill H //\\

Excuse me if I missed a few things in this long thread but the reality is that HBO paid for the rights and asked the Cable companies to show it for "free"---in otherwords open the HBO channel to non-subscribers.   Some did (I assume)and some did not(another assumption). I have HBO so was able to see it.

My point is let us not blame HBO---they paid for it and they offered it for free. If the cable companies refused then it was their greed and self interest that should be faulted.

Bill Hahn

21 Jan 09 - 08:24 PM (#2545598)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: GUEST,Derek Schofield


check out "This Land is Your land" on wikipedia ... gives several alternative verses to the ones usually sung, and suggests who wrote them. Interestingly, Pete, Tao and Bruce sang 2 of the usual verses, (missed one out), 1 that Woody recorded / wrote but which is not usually sung, one verse that may have been sung /written by Woddy and another one "of unknown origin".
In other words, the singers were making a point with the song ... it's not just "wheat fields waving" and "sun was shining" ... the song is also about struggle and freedom.

Derek Schofield

22 Jan 09 - 07:50 AM (#2545931)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: Noreen

"This Land is Your land" at wikipedia

23 Jan 09 - 08:27 AM (#2546903)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural

So! I have a neighbor who doesn't own a TV. Should the financial backers of this event made sure he had access to one? I'v another friend who lives in a cabin with no electricity, (or running water). Maybe these corporations should have run power to his abode? I think a reasonable effort was made to make this broadcast accessible to everyone who was willing to make an effort to access it.
    Please note that anonymous posting is no longer allowed at Mudcat. Use a consistent name [in the 'from' box] when you post, or your messages risk being deleted.
    -Joe Offer-

23 Jan 09 - 12:38 PM (#2547113)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: PoppaGator

I can accept that HBO can claim ownership and prevent dissemination of its own footage of the concert, the high-quality, professionally-edited video that went out on their network.

I cannot accept their censorship of "amateur" videos taken at the event that may have been posted on YouTube, or on people's personal websites and Facebook/Myspace pages, etc.


Still no answers, or even guesses, as to the tambourine player's identity? I was sure we'd have learned about him by now...

23 Jan 09 - 09:10 PM (#2547510)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: McGrath of Harlow

Good piece about this on a blog I came across, with an embedded clip of the song.

Interesting blog too, from someone who clearly should be a mudcatter:

"Father. Husband. Quaker. Sacred Harp singer. Banjo player. Singer. Bike rider. Lawyer. Writer. Reader. Friend. Brother. Son. Minnesotan. Earthling. Teacher. Student. Guilty bystander."

24 Jan 09 - 07:03 AM (#2547724)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: Fred McCormick

I've just watched Pete Seeger leading the crowds at the Obama inauguration. . If you haven't seen it yet you haven't lived.

24 Jan 09 - 07:32 AM (#2547735)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: GUEST,Marc Bernier

I'm the guest who was being a jerk yesterday morning. It must be time to reset a cookie.

24 Jan 09 - 07:35 AM (#2547737)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: Marc Bernier

I'm back. I still don't think anyone has behaved inappropriately, as far as making this event accessible to the masses.

24 Jan 09 - 05:13 PM (#2548158)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: Joybell

It was shown so late here I was asleep. I woke to find True-love sobbing. He was involved in the Civil Rights Movement along with many singers of his age. It's so good that he has lived to see this day too. Just watched for myself. Thank you, my friends, for the links. Those other verses -- I'd never heard them here in Aus. What a time of wonder and inspiration.

24 Jan 09 - 05:16 PM (#2548161)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

"I cannot accept their censorship of "amateur" videos taken at the event that may have been posted on YouTube, or on people's personal websites and Facebook/Myspace pages, etc.

Once again, "video" rights were purchased by HBO. You don't have to accept the fact, but it is a fact. They have done nothing wrong or unethical.   Until we know what future plans they may have, they are protecting their rights.

Also, I'm not sure that original statement is even correct.

24 Jan 09 - 07:29 PM (#2548270)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: McGrath of Harlow

If they've been trying to get amateur clips from the crowd taken down they haven't managed to do it. I'd be surprised of they'd have been stupid enough to even try, though you never can tell.

And of course it's proved impossible to take down the "official" clip of the song either - it just pops up again. Which was obviously going to be the case.

Private property has its limits. And so has that mutant version, corporate property.

24 Jan 09 - 07:42 PM (#2548279)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

So there you go

24 Jan 09 - 07:43 PM (#2548280)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

Property is property, corporate has rights too

25 Jan 09 - 03:55 PM (#2548973)
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
From: voyager

Here's a thread in praise of The Seeger Family, 1st Folksingers to the Nation -
   Seeger Family Concert - March '07 in Silver Spring, MD.

(who missed the concert on the Mall)