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BS: Bush Has Left the White House...

18 Jan 09 - 07:15 PM (#2542644)
Subject: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: Bobert

Okay, he may have two days left but he's outta the White House forever...



18 Jan 09 - 07:20 PM (#2542648)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: Amos

Oh, excellent. I never thought I would see the day!!


18 Jan 09 - 07:30 PM (#2542650)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: Amos

Um, Bobez, man, this is from the Washington Times:

"Moving presidents in and out of the White House is a ritual akin to the inaugural ceremony itself - except the action occurs out of sight.

What takes most families days to accomplish happens within a few hours. Between noon, when the incoming president takes the oath of office, and 5 p.m., which is roughly when the inaugural parade ends, the furnishings and personal effects of two families will have been moved out and moved into the six-floor 132-room mansion - a scripted transformation done with the precision of a military maneuver.

Around 10 a.m., the outgoing president and family gather in the State Dining Room with the White House resident staff to exchange farewells and presents. It's an emotional scene, relates former chief curator Betty C. Monkman, "saying goodbye and wondering what the future will be."

A tradition begun under former chief usher Gary Walters' watch is to give the outgoing president two flags: the one flying over the White House when he took the oath of office and the one flying on inaugural morning. These are boxed in wood from the original building - renovated during President Truman's time - and at least one usually ends up in a future presidential library.

Next, the outgoing president receives the incoming president as well as the Congressional Escort Committee - a bipartisan group - which will formally escort both men to the Capitol. The outgoing and incoming vice president and their spouses arrive, and all go to the Blue Room for coffee and pastries for what will be the outgoing chief executive's last "taste" of the house he has called home for the past eight years.

"Until President Bush and his family depart from the North Portico, the house is theirs," Mr. Walters says. "Sometimes family members - guests - are slow to depart, but only after they leave does the transformation occur."

By the time the inaugural ceremony ends at the Capitol, moving vans will have made their way through traffic to the White House South Portico out of view of the cheering crowds lining the streets on the north and west sides. The vans are chosen by the incoming family and paid for by them.

When the new presidential family and their guests finish watching festivities from an elaborately constructed reviewing stand, they retire to eat, relax and mingle with friends and relatives prior to the evening's succession of formal balls. Only when the Obamas enter the North Portico after the parade does the mansion officially become their home. The packing boxes will be gone and everything will have been put away."

What are they smoking that they don't know what you know??


18 Jan 09 - 07:30 PM (#2542651)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: Little Hawk

Too late for getting an autograph, then? Dang!

18 Jan 09 - 07:39 PM (#2542655)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: Bobert

Well, Amos... Word on the street is that he's gonna ride out his last two days in Camp David...

18 Jan 09 - 07:43 PM (#2542659)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: kendall

Again? he was there 189 times already!

18 Jan 09 - 07:48 PM (#2542663)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: Bobert

Glad he ain't goin' back...

18 Jan 09 - 09:20 PM (#2542713)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: GUEST,bankley

He'd look good in Gitmo in orange

18 Jan 09 - 10:02 PM (#2542732)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: DougR

No, Kendall, I think you are not correct. I think he spent more weekends there than that.


18 Jan 09 - 10:08 PM (#2542738)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: Alice

Good riddance.

18 Jan 09 - 11:11 PM (#2542758)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: Little Hawk

What an incredible fuss it all is! I mean the entire thing Americans do in regards to their presidency. The primaries, the campaign itself, the inauguration, the White House and all that goes with it, absolutely extraordinary amount of fuss.

It's not like that in most other countries, if in any. Perhaps it is like that in certain bizarre dictatorships such as North Korea or China (the amount of procedural and ceremonial fuss over "the leader", I mean), but not anywhere else except the USA.

It's way over the top.

Trouble is, if you live there and are used to it...well, then you take it as "normal". ;-)

It's the great imperial presidency of the world. Nothing else comes even close. You would have to live in Canada and see how low key a matter a change of government is here...and then you'd get what I mean.

We do not think our prime minister is the Father of the nation. We think he's just another politician in a suit...strictly temporary...not that big a deal, really. Small potatoes. Most Canadians don't even know what the official residence of the prime minister of Canada looks like and they don't care. What does it look like? Well, it looks like a house. A nice house on a nice piece of property, on a residential street with some trees, period. It does not look like the Acropolis, the Taj Mahal, or the White House.

No wonder your elections are so long and overblown...after all, you're electing "God" for the next four years, right?

19 Jan 09 - 12:10 AM (#2542773)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: katlaughing

I, too, heard on the news that he was decamping to Camp David. I also read that Obama's schedule on Inauguration Day includes "having coffee" with Bush, as noted above.

I think it's a sorry employer who doesn't help with moving expenses, though!:-)

19 Jan 09 - 12:24 AM (#2542779)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: Stilly River Sage

Interesting move, that the chief usher put into place with the flags. A nice touch, for whomever is president.

For those of us who never supported Bush, who opposed him even in his home state of Texas when he (and Rove) started his political career by playing dirty tricks to unseat the very popular Ann Richards, he has been a troll inhabiting the Nation's House. Marking time and trashing our government and our reputation. The new resident is the complete opposite, an intellectual, a scholar, a poet, filled with grace.

The hopes of Americans today may be too much for any one person to accomplish, but to simply see the back of Bush will be enough for this week.


19 Jan 09 - 12:47 AM (#2542781)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: michaelr

Little Hawk, I could not agree more. Having just watched most of the hours-long wank fest at the Mall, all I can say is Obama better get serious tomorrow. Pomp and circumstance and Pete Seeger don't mix.

19 Jan 09 - 01:03 AM (#2542785)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: Barry Finn

Hopefully once he's gone he'll be seen & heard from as often as Elvis.
"The ex has left the building", don't let the door slap you on the ass on your way out"!


19 Jan 09 - 03:37 AM (#2542812)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: Ebbie

Little Hawk, how is the incoming/outgoing transition handled? In the US they have made it an art. In the approximately five hours they have available they pack and haul out one set of tenants and haul in and unpack the other, down to the last box. The new tenant comes 'home' that night to an orderly house.

19 Jan 09 - 03:49 AM (#2542818)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: GUEST,Al

Well George, thanks for everything. You made the world a much safer place.

19 Jan 09 - 05:37 AM (#2542882)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: Geoff the Duck

One I don't understand is, if they can move everything out and a new set in within 5 hours, why couldn't hey do it all on the morning after the votes were counted? Why do you wait a couple of months during which the unwanted President still keeps full power to do damage to your economy and World peace?
As a Brit, I say "good Riddance to Bush" and "Welcome Obama" and wish it could all have happened years earlier.

19 Jan 09 - 08:36 AM (#2542988)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...

I hope someone took an inventory of national treasures. No telling what he and cronies will help themselves to next.

19 Jan 09 - 09:11 AM (#2543006)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: Uncle_DaveO

I don't understand how that flag thing is supposed to work.

If each ex gets the flag from BOTH ends of his tenure, presumably the next incumbent doesn't get his inaugural flag because his predecessor got it upon his departure.   Or, alternatively, he doesn't get his going-away flag because his successor has to get it.

Have I missed something?

Dave Oesterreich

19 Jan 09 - 09:40 AM (#2543029)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...

You guys inflict your royalty on us all the time. We can inflict our election on you once every four years.

Diana alone was worth 3 bush tenures.

19 Jan 09 - 09:40 AM (#2543030)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...

and look what harry is up to! LOL

19 Jan 09 - 10:53 AM (#2543082)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: Bill D

The UK does the coronation of a King or Queen with WAY more ceremony than this! Not as often, perhaps.....

The ceremony here is supposed to show the common folks sharing the day with the winner of the election...

and sure, they 'could' move boxes the day after...but the appointments wouldn't be ready and plans for changover take time.

19 Jan 09 - 11:11 AM (#2543103)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: Mr Red

Is it say to come out to play now?

19 Jan 09 - 11:20 AM (#2543114)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: McGrath of Harlow

I imagine they'd they change flags at the time the new bloke swears in. Presumably he isn't actually president until that happens, so the day starts with one president and ends with another.

19 Jan 09 - 11:52 AM (#2543147)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: kendall

He's off to Camp David for his 189th visit.

19 Jan 09 - 11:57 AM (#2543157)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: Skivee

Dave, running ceremonial flags up and down poles is a time-honored tradition in our little capital city.
There are folks at the Capital building who do nothing but run flags up and down all day long. They generally are distributed through the offices of senators and representatives.
It would take scant seconds to replace the flag that Bush will be getting tomorrow

19 Jan 09 - 12:10 PM (#2543173)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: Alice

Geoff, the popular vote counting is not the end of the election process.
The electoral votes are certified by Congress in January.

19 Jan 09 - 12:21 PM (#2543188)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: ClaireBear

Another reason for not installing the new president immediately is that the newly elected president needs time to assemble (and get approved by Congress) an advisory staff and get up to speed on intelligence and other information that is not available to a candidate, but IS available to an elected president.

19 Jan 09 - 12:51 PM (#2543211)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: Ebbie

Originally, the new president was installed in March..

19 Jan 09 - 01:34 PM (#2543238)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: Wesley S

On a recent PBS documentary about Groucho Marx they asked him about Richard Nixon moving into his neighborhood. His reply was - better he lives here than in the White House.

19 Jan 09 - 04:30 PM (#2543375)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: Amos

" WASHINGTON (CNN) -- On Inauguration Day, there's one scene at the White House that won't be playing out exactly as it has during past transitions: the traditional moving of the outgoing first family's belongings.
President Bush walks out of the White House Oval Office on January 10.

President Bush walks out of the White House Oval Office on January 10.

Anita McBride, chief of staff to first lady Laura Bush, tells CNN that the Bushes have moved almost all of their belongings out of the White House ahead of schedule.

"There won't be ... the moving trucks for the Bushes coming here," McBride said, adding, "The only things really left for President and Mrs. Bush are their personal belongings and luggage that they'll take that day."

McBride said Mrs. Bush directed residence staff early -- in the summer of 2008 -- to prepare the White House for the personal transition.

"It's probably the librarian in her," McBride said of Mrs. Bush, a former librarian. "Maybe we've got a bit of a Dewey Decimal system of move-out process, but that certainly made it easier for the residence staff, and they very much appreciate it," McBride said.

The actual clearing out of the Bushes' belongings began over the summer, McBride says, when many items were packed and taken to Crawford, Texas. Then, during the Christmas holiday, the Bushes moved their personal things out of Camp David, the presidential retreat in Maryland, according to McBride.

That means on Inauguration Day, while President Bush and Mrs. Bush, along with President-elect Obama and his family, are at the Capitol, staff in the White House residence will have more time to unpack and prepare the Obamas' personal belongings...."

19 Jan 09 - 06:13 PM (#2543482)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: katlaughing


19 Jan 09 - 07:23 PM (#2543541)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: Cool Beans

Good riddance! Obama feels like the president of all the Americans. Bush felt like president of only the morono-Americans. It's been the closest I ever hope to feel I'm living under a dictatorship. Yes, I was free to think and say and write whatever I wanted but the country was going to hell deliberately and millions of us were powerless to stop it--until last November. Hee hee.

19 Jan 09 - 07:39 PM (#2543553)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: katlaughing

Just for historical record, I would like to post a link to the very first Bushwhacked Thread. It seems odd to me, now, to realise the majority of our time on Mudcat has been during the realm of George the Idiot.

19 Jan 09 - 09:05 PM (#2543609)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: Amos

Amazing to go back eight years and see how clearly people saw right through him.


19 Jan 09 - 09:10 PM (#2543614)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: Peace

I felt much the same as most of you when I finally got rid of the crabs!

19 Jan 09 - 09:19 PM (#2543622)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: Jeri

Your crabs never got anybody killed. Maybe close, I don't know.

I think there will be a lot of happy people tomorrow night, many folks with a wait-and-see skepticism and a few pissed off untra-conservatives and racist assholes.

19 Jan 09 - 09:55 PM (#2543633)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: Art Thieme

2 bushes leaving the white house doesn't quite rival burnham forest coming to dunsinane -- but it'll have to do...

... I'm sure it is for the best--and an eventuality devoutly to be wished!!!!!!!!!

Art Thieme

19 Jan 09 - 10:26 PM (#2543639)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: Beer

J.F.Kennedy,M.L.King, and now Obama. Three great speakers. Two of which have passed on but could make you feel proud. And I'm not an American. Obama has this gift of the gab. As a proud Canadian I wish him strength, health and a lot of luck. He is coming into a situation that most recent Presidents have not had to handle. The most recent president(deliberate small "p",administration including)can be blamed for.
I'm not a praying man, use to be, but I think I will say a little one tonight for Obama.

19 Jan 09 - 10:50 PM (#2543647)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: Bill D

My gracious! That "Bushwhacked" thread makes me feel like a prophet!

19 Jan 09 - 11:12 PM (#2543653)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: robomatic

I think the guy did his best, but I still have a guilty wish........

that the door hit him in the ass on his way out!

20 Jan 09 - 02:40 AM (#2543706)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: Barry Finn

With Bush gone the comedians will now be out of work too. Their job source is being "sourced out", their fodder is now being canned, their insperation has aspired, their co-sponser is being disponded. I'm laughing out loud to myself as I write this, finally the joke is him! They (the comediaans) can now join the rest of US, out of a job, it ain't an easy thought to swallow but that's what it took to get Georgie de-employed. He was going anyway, I know, but couldn't we have deployed him yrs ago, to hell, it would've made things so much more liveable.


20 Jan 09 - 03:07 AM (#2543711)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: Sandra in Sydney

one of our best political parodists & songwriters felt very low when his favourite target left political life in 1987, but he soon found other targets, as did our cartoonists when Little Johnny (aka Bush's lapdog or Deputy Sheriff) was thrown out in 2007!

I'm sure the US comedians will soon find good targets for their commentary.


20 Jan 09 - 08:12 AM (#2543873)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: Charley Noble

One of our Maine activists led more than 200 protesters to the White House yesterday where they flung shoes at the fence in their own farewell gesture to Bush. The protest, in dubious taste, resulted in no injuries or arrests. Kennebunkport organizer Jamilla El-Shafei was quite pleased with the results of her act, honoring the Iraqi journalist Mutander Al-Zaidi who succeeded in throwing two of his own shoes at Bush a few weeks ago.

Do you suppose the Secret Service is doing some sole-searching today?

Charley Noble

20 Jan 09 - 08:31 AM (#2543893)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: Amos

An awful pun, Charlie, but under the circumstances...


20 Jan 09 - 09:01 AM (#2543922)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: Rapparee

Overhead this morning:

Laura: George, wake up. We have to go now.
George: Don' wanna.
L: George! You know we have to go. Now put down Teddy and change out of your jammies.
G: Don' wanna.
L: Are you looking for another spanking?
G: Please???
(A loud thud, like a body being rolled out of the bed and onto the floor.)
L: Now get dressed. The Obamas will be here in a few hours. And we're going back to Texas!
G: Really? Can I ride my pony and be a cowboy?
L: (sighing) Yes, of course.
G: Oh BOY!

20 Jan 09 - 09:38 AM (#2543951)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: Wesley S

Miss Manners: 'Mr. President' was good enough for Washington
Miss Manners by Judith Martin
United Feature Syndicate, Inc.
Posted: 01/19/2009 12:10:00 AM PST

WHEN THE Founding Fathers came up with the title "Mr. President," they thought they had devised the ultimate in casual forms of official address. In contrast to the sycophantic titles used toward European monarchs, which they considered unbefitting a republic of equals, this would give the person holding the highest office no grander an honorific than any ordinary citizen.

George Washington had a different approach. "His High and Mightiness" had rather a nice ring to it, he ventured to suggest.

However, ridicule carried the day, as Miss Manners notices that it so often does. And when the first president left office, he made a concession to the American taste for simplicity by decreeing that he would henceforth no longer carry the title of president, not even as a mere courtesy. He chose his former title, General Washington.

Only a few decades ago, calling nonintimates by their first names was intended as a slight. African-Americans and subordinate employees, particularly servants but including female employees in professional life, were so addressed, even in such formal situations as courtrooms. When replying, they were expected to use "Mr." or professional titles with surnames.

But apparently we have also been growing more pompous. We now have four living former presidents addressing one another as Mr. President, and a citizenry worried that it would be disrespectful to follow George Washington's rule.

It is true that the first president's wife was known, in her day, as Lady Washington. Over the years, this evolved into the moniker first lady.

But there is no such official title. By our law, the president's wife is a private citizen, although she is given precedence by courtesy.

The sitting president should be addressed as Mr. President. His wife is addressed, both in writing and in speaking, as Mrs. Obama. No first name, neither his nor hers, is used.

The former president is correctly addressed as Gov. Bush. His wife, who was THE Mrs. Bush when he was president, reverts to being Mrs. George W. Bush, as her mother-in-law became again Mrs. George H. W. Bush after her husband's administration.

Similarly, the sitting vice president is the only Mr. Vice President, and his wife is simply Mrs. (or Dr.) Biden.

20 Jan 09 - 09:38 AM (#2543952)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: kendall

If I had known in time that this shoe thing was going to happen, I would have donated a pair of mine to the cause.
Charlie, "heels" don't do any "sole" searching.

20 Jan 09 - 09:49 AM (#2543960)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: Amos

Especially when the fence has their tongues.


20 Jan 09 - 12:51 PM (#2544116)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: Charley Noble

I have some old ice skates that I would have gladly donated, had I managed to get it together.

Free at last!

Charley Noble

20 Jan 09 - 01:10 PM (#2544142)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: artbrooks

Oh frabjulous day, kaloo kalay!!

20 Jan 09 - 01:18 PM (#2544154)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: Amos

Congratulations to all those who survived.


20 Jan 09 - 03:04 PM (#2544265)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: dick greenhaus

Only remembered. Only remembered
Only remembered for what we have done....

20 Jan 09 - 06:16 PM (#2544462)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: Bill D

He's gone? He's really gone?

Can we sweep up now?

20 Jan 09 - 06:42 PM (#2544490)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: GUEST,Susu's Hubby

He may be out of the White House but I think that you'll be severely disappointed at the amount of change that won't happen with Obama.

Pelosi has staked out her claim on the congress and will chase her own agenda which is different that what Obama has been speaking about.

So we'll have a president butting heads with the speaker of the house.

Sounds like big change to me.


20 Jan 09 - 07:19 PM (#2544522)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: artbrooks

Nancy Pelosi hardly controls Congress, nor does she have freedom to "chase her own agenda". The House of Representatives is only half of Congress, and has always gone for more radical legislation - regardless of which party was in power. However, even if Franken finally wins in Minnesota, the Republicans (with 41% of the seats in the Senate) can still block any bill they seriously disapprove of through the power of the filibuster.

20 Jan 09 - 07:54 PM (#2544556)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: Ron Davies

Politics is always "the art of the possible".   It is singularly stupid to talk about Pelosi as one "who will chase her own agenda". There will obviously be compromise--even within the Democratic party-- but that just shows the intelligence both of our new president, who knows how to marshall his forces to accomplish what he wants to get done, and the intelligence of Pelosi, who also knows political realities.

It is actually a very good sign that Obama seems to be willing to reach out to people all across the political spectrum.

"who will chase her own agenda" only shows the poorly hidden frustration of the poster, whose severely flawed champions and narrow attitudes---amply on view on Mudcat--have been soundly defeated.

20 Jan 09 - 07:55 PM (#2544557)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: Amos

A jaded prognostication, SH, and as far as I see, unfounded in fact.


20 Jan 09 - 08:01 PM (#2544564)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: Bobert

Go peddle yer papers, Hubster...

No one buys into yer sour grapes crap...


20 Jan 09 - 08:11 PM (#2544577)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: Ron Davies

As usual Bobert cuts right to the heart of the topic. SH's post is perfect sour grapes---nothing more--therefore it's plainly not reasonable to expect any sense from it.

20 Jan 09 - 08:23 PM (#2544587)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: Charley Noble

The job won't be easy, given the ditch we're in, but I wish Obama well.

I also was amused by some commentary today when Obama was musing about those who run for President. Paraphrasing, he said that someone must be a little insane to aspire to be leader of the free world.

I like his sense of awareness and I hope he doesn't lose it. We don't need a celebrity in the White House now.

Charley Noble

21 Jan 09 - 12:00 AM (#2544687)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: Alice

Adios, Mr. Ex POTUS, don't let the...

21 Jan 09 - 06:49 AM (#2544886)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: Mr Happy

A parting gesture?

By George W. Bush

I think we all agree, the past is over
This is still a dangerous world
It쳌fs a world of madmen and uncertainty
And potential mential losses

Rarely is the question asked
Is our children learning?
Will the highways of the Internet become more few?
How many hands have I shaked?

They misunderestimate me
I am a pitbull on the pantleg of opportunity
I know that the human being and the fish can coexist
Families is where our nation finds hope
Where our wings take dream

Put food on your family!
Knock down the tollbooth!
Vulcanise society!
Make the pie higher! Make the pie higher!

21 Jan 09 - 08:20 AM (#2544973)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: GUEST,Mr Red

Well - I watched the ceremony on CNN.
One of those seminal moments you don't want to miss (IMNSOHO).
Like the first man on the moon, Diana's funeral and Nelson Mandela leaving Robben Island.
I still remember the rotating globe that replaced all TV programmes here in the UK the day Kennedy was asassinated. (ringing my first girlfriend - that's where I was - since you ask)

21 Jan 09 - 10:22 PM (#2545683)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: GUEST,Susu's Hubby

Sour grapes....nah.

Am I saddened by the exit of W? Sure I am. But no sour grapes.

It's more like relief to sit back and see what Obama can do with a congress with an 8% approval rating. So far it's just been a bunch of executive orders.

Or in other words...circumventing the system. But we saw that during the campaign. So no surprise there.

It seems that he's almost afraid to go up against Pelosi. He shouldn't be. She's just a short, shrill, little woman from California.

So sour grapes? nope....none here. I'm grown up enough to say that Obama is my president,too, which is more than some of you guys were willing to say whenever W. was in office. I hope he does well and can bring the change that is needed in this country.

But what I really want to know is this......When will he develop the cahonas needed to lead the country and not shrivel under the pressure that Pelosi assumes that she has? (Not much with an 8% approval rating. She's just the one that's holding the gavel in the bully pulpit at the moment.)

That's what will be interesting and fun to watch.


21 Jan 09 - 10:31 PM (#2545690)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: Ebbie

"She's just a short, shrill, little woman from California."

Wow. Nice to know that you're not sexist. lol

21 Jan 09 - 10:43 PM (#2545693)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: pdq

Please, Hubs...don't blame that creepy critter on that once nice western state of California.

Nancy Pelosi is actually the daughter of "Big Tommy" D'Alesandro, the mayor of Baltimore and head of a crime family. Her brother was "Little Tommy" D'Alesandro who suceeded his daddy as Baltimore mayor. Nancy Pelosi has deep roots in real stinky stuff.

21 Jan 09 - 11:15 PM (#2545706)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: Ebbie

Once before, pdq asserts the crime connections of "Big Tommy" D'Alesandro Jr. Just as before I have not found such an allegation nor has pdq given such links.

I did find this - and let me say that if all the gender specific identifiers were changed to the male form my guess is that most of the men here would be admiring.

"If there's one thing "Little Nancy" D'Alesandro learned early, it was the importance of math. Born March 26, 1940, she was the youngest child of Thomas "Big Tommy" D'Alesandro Jr., an insurance salesman turned politician who was teaching his tots how to count votes while their peers were still immersed in the exploits of Dick and Jane. A lifelong denizen of Baltimore's Little Italy, Big Tommy was elected to Maryland's House of Delegates at 21, followed by five terms in Congress and three as mayor of Baltimore.

"During Nancy's youth, the D'Alesandro household revolved around her father's political life. "He set the tune, and we danced to it," says Thomas D'Alesandro III, Nancy's eldest brother, who also served as Baltimore's mayor. That tune was combative, pragmatic, and personal. The D'Alesandro home operated like a field office, with the children serving as auxiliary staff. Constituents streamed through the door starting at 10 a.m., and whoever was manning the front desk--a post at which every child served several hours a week starting at age 13--handled requests ranging from finding a family public housing to bailing someone's husband out of jail. It was quite the education, says D'Alesandro, Pelosi's brother. "We dealt with human nature in the raw."

"A staunch Catholic and New Deal populist, Big Tommy conferred on his offspring a sense of society's obligation to the poor and powerless, enduring themes in his daughter's politics. But he also schooled them in the nuts and bolts, the transactional nature of the game. His career characterized by hard- fought races and endless vote-scrounging, Big Tommy was forever juggling the demands of the Poles, Germans, Irish, Czechs, Jews, and Italians in his district. Constituent service became his calling card, and Nancy and her brothers helped maintain a "favor file" on everyone for whom their father had ever found a job or served a hot meal. (Nancy's mom kept pots of stew and pasta sauce simmering at all hours to feed petitioners.) The operation also kept scrupulous count of how many votes it had-- and needed--from each precinct, block, ethnic group, union, to win an election. "Make sure you have the votes" was drilled into the D'Alesandro children's heads.

"Nancy absorbed subtler lessons as well, including how a smart woman could amass power. At the core of Big Tommy's operation was Nancy's formidable mother, Anunciata, one of those women who, born to a different age, would have ruled outright. Smart and ambitious, Anunciata became Baltimore's first female auctioneer in the 1920s. But, when the company wanted to move her to New York, her parents refused. "She was from a very cloistered Italian family who thought working downtown was a sin," recalls D'Alesandro.

"So, instead, the fetching Anunciata married a promising young go-getter from right across Albemarle Street, bore him six sons and one daughter, and threw herself into making her husband a success. She and her "moccasin network" of ladies knew everyone in town and what was happening on every block. She figured out the city's bureaucracies and whom to call to get a problem fixed. On Election Day, she patrolled the polling stations. Fiercely tribal, Anunciata served as her husband's chief enforcer and had a long memory for transgressions. "No one could say a word against him," says D'Alesandro. (Family legend holds that Anunciata once slugged a mouthy poll worker.) "With my mother," D'Alesandro told The Baltimore Sun in 2006, "there was no forgiving."


22 Jan 09 - 07:59 AM (#2545941)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: GUEST,Susu's Hubby

"On Election Day, she patrolled the polling stations. Fiercely tribal, Anunciata served as her husband's chief enforcer and had a long memory for transgressions. "No one could say a word against him," says D'Alesandro. (Family legend holds that Anunciata once slugged a mouthy poll worker.) "With my mother," D'Alesandro told The Baltimore Sun in 2006, "there was no forgiving."

I guess that would have made her "The Godmother"?


22 Jan 09 - 08:12 AM (#2545949)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: Bobert

The grapes get sourer with every psoting, Hubster... You really don't have a clue just how much a partisan "true believer" you sound, do you???

You and folks like you what is wrong with America...

Bitterness has consumed you...

It must suck to be you, Hub... I truely feel pity for your miserable little soul... Really...


22 Jan 09 - 08:34 AM (#2545967)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: kendall

Guilt by association? Is a name that ends in a vowel an indication of bad blood? What about Rudolph Guliani? Mario Cuomo? Galileo? Rossini? and that scoundrel, Leonardo DaVinci?

I came from a long line of drunks and no goodnicks; does that make me one?

How anyone can miss the moron is beyond me. 911, Katrina, Iraq, spying on Americans and the collapse of the financial system. Everything he has ever touched has turned to shit!

22 Jan 09 - 01:53 PM (#2546241)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: GUEST,goatfell

I'm Glad but then another one has got in, but he'll be back

22 Jan 09 - 06:24 PM (#2546505)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...

Bobert, sour grapes here but what I'd like to know that with all of the former Clinton appointees again running things in DC, what happens to your "progressive" movement?

Obama's been anything but since the election.

Just wondering.


23 Jan 09 - 06:18 AM (#2546809)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: GUEST,Susu's Hubby

....and what's this I hear about...... transparency?

Sounds a lot like lip service to me


23 Jan 09 - 06:22 AM (#2546812)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: goatfell

the words I really want read is BUsh has left the planet

23 Jan 09 - 09:09 AM (#2546937)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: kendall

I'm taking bets on the political leanings of Politico. 2 to 1 says they are a right wing gang of idiologs who are not willing to cut Obama any slack. He has been president 3 days and already they are circling like vultures.

23 Jan 09 - 10:44 AM (#2547017)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: goatfell

aye they are called in America republicans

23 Jan 09 - 04:42 PM (#2547324)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: Stephen L. Rich

Bush has left the Whithouse! Did anyone think to count the silverware?

Stephen Lee

23 Jan 09 - 04:54 PM (#2547330)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Has Left the White House...
From: Amos

Jaysus, Hubster, don't get all stupid on us; the fact that he is willing to be transparent about things does not mean he will answer any question asked at any time. Just because Bush used evasion as a means of covering up a long chain of substantive falsehoods does not mean that Obama is doing so.

By all means call him on it if you find some factual instance of his being deceitful. I am sure you will spot it if so, being an admirer of an expert.