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Tech: Sending MP3 to Facebook

20 Jan 09 - 04:47 PM (#2544369)
Subject: Tech: Sending MP3 to Facebook
From: BanjoRay

I've just joined Facebook (sorry for swearing!) and I'd like to put some mp3 files on it. Anyone know how to do it and can explain to an old fart how it's done in words of one syllable?

21 Jan 09 - 06:20 AM (#2544868)
Subject: RE: Tech: Sending MP3 to Facebook
From: nickp

Hi Ray, there are instructions on FB for how to attache a video to your 'Wall' so it may be similar. Having said that, I've yet to try it.


21 Jan 09 - 06:21 AM (#2544869)
Subject: RE: Tech: Sending MP3 to Facebook
From: nickp

'attache'... 'attache'... bless me!

I meant 'attach'

21 Jan 09 - 06:53 AM (#2544893)
Subject: RE: Tech: Sending MP3 to Facebook
From: Acorn4

I would personally prefer a "Myspace Music" page if you want to upload your own music.

I've actually got a Facebook page, but rarely look at it these days - I don't relly want to know if Fluffy Bunny is cutting her toenails.

21 Jan 09 - 08:23 AM (#2544975)
Subject: RE: Tech: Sending MP3 to Facebook
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

Can you still load videos on to Facebook?

I gave up a while back, as I found it all so confusing and controlling, but I thought I'd have another go, but it seems they've changed how you upload videos? Puzzled smiley.

In fact, they seem to have changed many things..

And is there a 'limit' on the amount of information you can put on your profile, in each box?

I mean don't they want people to promote musicians in there anymore?
Or has it become a site ONLY for those who want to discuss 'cutting their toenails' as Acorn says, above?

Do any musicians in here find Facebook beneficial?

21 Jan 09 - 09:02 AM (#2544998)
Subject: RE: Tech: Sending MP3 to Facebook
From: Jeanie

I've finally succumbed to the 21st century and have just joined Facebook. You can certainly still add videos to your "Wall", with the limit that it must be less than 100 MB and less than 2 minutes and must be made by and show in it yourself or one of your Facebook friends.

I can't see anything on there about MP3s - except that there is a tab on your "Wall" marked "Imports", which lists several sites that you can import from, including flickr - and also YouTube. So, presumably, if there were no way of directly uploading an MP3 to Facebook, you could do it by setting up a YouTube entry (either video or a plain picture with sound) and transferring it to Facebook.

Maybe it's because I'm new to Facebook, but I rather like the "Fluffy Bunny is cutting her toenails" newsfeeds. One of my Facebook friends seems to have a great line in these. The latest: "XYZ dances with squirrels. For only another 7 times. This makes him sad."

Did I read somewhere that the Government are going to be monitoring and saving these kinds of communications more closely ? They'll have a field day with Facebook !

- jeanie

21 Jan 09 - 09:32 AM (#2545017)
Subject: RE: Tech: Sending MP3 to Facebook
From: Jeanie

Just to add, in reply to Lizzie's question, I can see Facebook being useful from the point of view of networking, in that you can set up a specific group and attract more people to it. I'm only very new to it, but I can't see it being particularly useful for someone who joins with the aim of doing straight advertising, but useful for more indirect promotion and making people aware of what you are doing/wish to do. That kind of networking, in the long run (and however it is done, whether on Facebook or face to face at events) is never wasted.

The actors' casting directory "Spotlight" has provision now for people to enter showreels and sound files onto their webpages. I wonder, does the Musician's Union, for instance, have a similar facility ? If it doesn't, that may well be the way forward for musicians to promote themselves.

- jeanie

21 Jan 09 - 09:50 AM (#2545025)
Subject: RE: Tech: Sending MP3 to Facebook
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

"You can certainly still add videos to your "Wall", with the limit that it must be less than 100 MB and less than 2 minutes and must be made by and show in it yourself or one of your Facebook friends."

Thanks, Jeanie.

Yes, I too saw that bit, which wasn't there last time...I simply was able to add ANY video I wanted to, regardless of length etc. I think I'll continue to give it a big thumbs down, as it's way too controlling for me.

21 Jan 09 - 10:51 AM (#2545086)
Subject: RE: Tech: Sending MP3 to Facebook
From: GUEST,Captain Jack Sparrow

It actually says

"Please upload a file only if:

The video is under 1024 MB and under 20 minutes.
The video was made by you or your friends.
You or one of your friends appears in the video".

You can of course also use the Facebook YouTube Box to put YouTube videos on.

But don't let me stop you confusing yourself and everyone else, Lizzie M'hearty!

21 Jan 09 - 11:08 AM (#2545107)
Subject: RE: Tech: Sending MP3 to Facebook
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

Whoa! It's Capt. Jack! Swoon! :0)

No, I've got the '2 minute thingy' on my page, Jack, same as Jeanie.
Also when I go to 'upload' it says 'browse' videos on my! I always get them via their url address, from Youtube. When I press 'Browse' it just takes me into 'My Pictures', or whatever is up there at the time.

Does it mean that now I have to download Youtube videos to my computer..and then only use ones that are under two minutes!???

They've lost the plot!

I found this, not that it helps me much, but it shows they're going downhill rapidly in the 'controlling' stakes..

Facebook launches its own video station

I need you to launch The Black Pearl and go sort them out! :0)

21 Jan 09 - 11:50 AM (#2545165)
Subject: RE: Tech: Sending MP3 to Facebook
From: GUEST,Captain Jack Sparrow

I leave you people alone for just a minute and look what happens. Everything's gone to pot!

YouTube Box is for the existing YouTube ones. You simply add the YouTube Box application, create a Tab for the YouTube box on your profile and you are away.

Videos is just for uploading wmv,flv, mpg etc files off your own PC.

21 Jan 09 - 12:56 PM (#2545234)
Subject: RE: Tech: Sending MP3 to Facebook
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

But, but...there's a hole in my bucket, dear liza, dear liza....

WHERE's the Youtube Box of which ye speake, Cap'n?

And HOW do I add the YTB 'application'?

You see, my brain doesn't DO facebook, it's designed for Myspace! :0)

21 Jan 09 - 01:12 PM (#2545251)
Subject: RE: Tech: Sending MP3 to Facebook
From: GUEST,Captain Jack Sparrow

You PLUNDER the YouTube Video Box from the Profile of a friend that already has it or you search in the applications for it.

As to the general Facebook vs MySpace thing they work in slightly different ways.

MySpace is much more narcissistic. You try and encourage people to come look at your profile.

In Facebook, it relies more on people looking at the newsfeeds from their friends (which tells them what their friends have added and done lately) and "Updates" from the Official Pages of musicians, comedians, venues etc. THEY are supposed to upload the videos THEY own and you just link to them.

I have every faith in your reconciliatory navigational skills, Ms Cornish. Now where is that monkey? I want to shoot something!

21 Jan 09 - 01:19 PM (#2545257)
Subject: RE: Tech: Sending MP3 to Facebook
From: GUEST,Captain Jack Sparrow

Not all treasure is silver and gold, mate.

YouTube Video Box

22 Jan 09 - 05:47 AM (#2545847)
Subject: RE: Tech: Sending MP3 to Facebook
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

Thanks, Cap'n...but I've abandoned ship, once more.

I can't be bothered with it all. It's just so much more involved than Myspace..AND..did you know that if you want to put videos on in wider frame, they now charge you for it?!!! In fact, many things need to have 'points'. You get 25 free and after that, you need to buy them. Blow that for a game of pirates!   

Nope, going through it all again reminded me why I couldn't cope with it all last time round. And it takes so long to actually do anything too, to load up. Myspace does it all in seconds.

I'm staying aboard The Good Ship Myspace from now on, but thanks for your advice, it was appreciated.

22 Jan 09 - 08:09 AM (#2545946)
Subject: RE: Tech: Sending MP3 to Facebook
From: Anne Lister

So, Capt Jack, is there a way to put MP3 files on my Facebook page? Or on my musician page, if there's no way to put it on my personal page?   And are you my Friend - because in that case you could reply to me via Facebook (which I enjoy enormously).


22 Jan 09 - 08:58 AM (#2545987)
Subject: RE: Tech: Sending MP3 to Facebook
From: GUEST,Captain Jack Sparrow

If they are *your* MP3s, then you upload them to the iLike (or similar) application within Facebook. Musicans and/or their agents can do that.

Other people can then send them to each other, dedicate them to each other etc. Add iLike and you'll see what I mean.

I think in Pirates of the Caribbean 4, set in the present day in Sidmouth, we should film a scene where Lizzie attempts to put together an Ikea treasure galleon without bothering to read any of the instructions.

If we don't have the key, we can't open whatever we don't' have that it unlocks. So what purpose would be served in finding whatever need be unlocked, which we don't have, without first having found the key what unlocks it?
Yep! I'm good wiv it. Shall we seal it in blood… I mean… ink?

22 Jan 09 - 09:33 AM (#2546012)
Subject: RE: Tech: Sending MP3 to Facebook
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

Now listen here, Jack Sparrow, I have a pirate amongst my ancestors, Tom Crocker, hanged at Exeter Gaol for his dastardly deeds off the coast of Bigbury Bay, but I've no doubt that Tom would have made the creators of Facebook walk the plank for their controlling and money-grabbing ways.

You're not allowed to do this, or that, or add colours or individuality to have to sail the ship their way, or not at all.

My ship sparkles and has rainbow colours flying from her flag and beautiful music soaring out from her cabin windows!

I refoooose to be all white, silent and well behaved.


Pah, a Pox on it, to be sure!


25 Jan 09 - 08:47 AM (#2548666)
Subject: RE: Tech: Sending MP3 to Facebook
From: GUEST,Captain Jack Sparrow

I think we've all arrived at a very special place. Spiritually, ecumenically, grammatically. Facebook may be the only safe haven on the Internet!

25 Jan 09 - 09:06 AM (#2548678)
Subject: RE: Tech: Sending MP3 to Facebook
From: mrmoe

I just post soundclick url's in my profile.......

06 Nov 09 - 02:28 AM (#2760618)
Subject: RE: Tech: Sending MP3 to Facebook

very fast

05 May 10 - 12:51 PM (#2900656)
Subject: RE: Tech: Sending MP3 to Facebook
From: GUEST,srini

just create a movie file using windows movie maker... use the audio file ...upload it to youtube .. and from youtube share it on facebook....

23 May 10 - 10:47 PM (#2912865)
Subject: RE: Tech: Sending MP3 to Facebook
From: Celtaddict

Frustrating all right. It is easy to send links or videos, or to post photos, but I usually want to send a song, an attached file with lyrics, and perhaps a photo, to an individual. All very easy with e-mail but Facebook assumes everything is either for everyone to see on my wall, or will be a video on YouTube.

21 Dec 10 - 12:32 PM (#3058635)
Subject: RE: Tech: Sending MP3 to Facebook
From: GUEST,Facebook Mp3

Very easy. Go to - find the songs you want and click share on facebook and they will show up as a player of your facebook profile.