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Runswick Bay Rescue Boat 2009

21 Jan 09 - 09:30 AM (#2545013)
Subject: Runswick Bay Rescue Boat
From: Raggytash

It's that time of year again when our thoughts turn to the annual fund raiser for the Runswick Bay Rescue Boat. After the sucesses and popularity of the last two years in particular we have to limit the night to invite only, please PM or phone me (if you have my number) for more details.

Normal format as before, if it ain't broke don't fix it, songs, tunes, renditions, raffle, supper, collection and all for this brilliant rescue Boat.



21 Jan 09 - 06:36 PM (#2545498)
Subject: RE: Runswick Bay Rescue Boat
From: Herga Kitty

Not going to make it, but all best wishes for another successful and popular night! (see you in August).


22 Jan 09 - 01:10 AM (#2545753)
Subject: RE: Runswick Bay Rescue Boat
From: Peace

Every year this thread comes around and every year I say it's my favourite Mudcat thread. YEAH!

22 Jan 09 - 03:34 AM (#2545793)
Subject: RE: Runswick Bay Rescue Boat
From: Banjiman

......and the date is?


22 Jan 09 - 04:12 AM (#2545807)
Subject: RE: Runswick Bay Rescue Boat
From: Raggytash

The first two PM's I got were very generous offers of CD's for the raffle, I don't know if the two people want me to put anything here to thank them so' I've done it by PM, but they know who they are and they know they've helped the Rescue Boat continue it's fantastic work.

22 Jan 09 - 06:17 AM (#2545876)
Subject: RE: Runswick Bay Rescue Boat
From: Banjiman

We'll see you there Raggy. We'll actually make it this year.


23 Jan 09 - 12:20 AM (#2546684)
Subject: RE: Runswick Bay Rescue Boat
From: Peace

Aw, man, Paul, I am JEALOUS!

The unadulterated bravery of people who man/woman the rescue boats is mind-blowing. (I know they would poo-poo that statement, but IMO it is dangerous, selfless and necessary.) Think of it: most of the time they are going into seas that just half-sunk another boat. I really admire those folks, and I'd thank you if you passed that message on to them for me, Raggy.


23 Jan 09 - 03:53 AM (#2546745)
Subject: RE: Runswick Bay Rescue Boat 2009
From: Raggytash

Hi Peace

I will gladly pass on your message, like you I have total admiration for the people who crew these rescue boats

23 Jan 09 - 05:23 AM (#2546789)
Subject: RE: Runswick Bay Rescue Boat 2009
From: ossonflags

Nick, at the moment I am gig free that weekend so hopefully I will be there.

23 Jan 09 - 06:53 AM (#2546823)
Subject: RE: Runswick Bay Rescue Boat 2009
From: Raggytash

Thats good to hear Michael, you know from last year what a good do it is

23 Jan 09 - 08:56 AM (#2546927)
Subject: RE: Runswick Bay Rescue Boat 2009
From: GUEST,suzi

What date is this Nick. ?

25 Jan 09 - 03:11 AM (#2548467)
Subject: RE: Runswick Bay Rescue Boat 2009
From: Raggytash

Suzi, long time no see, send me a pm

25 Jan 09 - 03:26 AM (#2548476)
Subject: RE: Runswick Bay Rescue Boat 2009
From: Megan L

Raggytash is it this boat you are talking about? Runswick bay if it is it is definately a worthwhile cause.

25 Jan 09 - 03:56 AM (#2548482)
Subject: RE: Runswick Bay Rescue Boat 2009
From: Raggytash

The very same Megan, we been supporting it over a good few years now and the crew and committee are always grateful for the asitance they get from the good people who come to the annual do's and the Glaisdale Train run in August.

25 Jan 09 - 10:55 PM (#2549189)
Subject: RE: Runswick Bay Rescue Boat 2009
From: GUEST,Alex McCallum

Hey, please fill me in. Where does all this RBRB fund-raising partying take place and when? Runswick Bay was my home from 1945-1953 when I was growing up, and we had a lifeboat then called the Robert Patton - The Always Ready. It was named after a pre-WW11 lifeboat coxswain who was fatally injured in 1934 during a rescue. Our house (a hotel actually called Sandside + grocery + cafe) was a hop, skip and a jump from the Lifeboat House. I eventually crossed the pond and live in New Hampshire, but still know one or two people from my time there. Cheers, Alex.

26 Jan 09 - 05:23 AM (#2549260)
Subject: RE: Runswick Bay Rescue Boat 2009
From: Raggytash

Hi Alex

Please pm me for details



26 Jan 09 - 07:55 AM (#2549317)
Subject: RE: Runswick Bay Rescue Boat 2009
From: GUEST,Chalkie

What's the date for the do'?

26 Jan 09 - 06:24 PM (#2549777)
Subject: RE: Runswick Bay Rescue Boat 2009
From: Tig

Hi Raggytash,

Please may I book my ticket for the Summer boat now? The Skipper grinned when he heard me telling Firecat about it.

Have a really good evening. Hope Col's toys make you some money.

Love and hugs
Tig xxx

27 Jan 09 - 04:01 AM (#2549989)
Subject: RE: Runswick Bay Rescue Boat 2009
From: Raggytash


Whether we charter the Esk Belle again is dependent on 3 factors, the tides, the weather and the skipper(Brian) so we're not making any promises and a final decision will only be taken at the start of the week and then that will be still be dependent on the weather on the day chosen.


02 Feb 09 - 03:55 AM (#2555046)
Subject: RE: Runswick Bay Rescue Boat 2009
From: Raggytash

Seats are going fast for this year, due to limited numbers if you want a seat get in touch

02 Feb 09 - 08:52 PM (#2555756)
Subject: RE: Runswick Bay Rescue Boat 2009
From: Peace

Refresh. Man, I DO wish I could be there. Hope it is a great time and that it raises lotsa bucks (quids?) for the RBRB.

08 Feb 09 - 01:18 AM (#2560597)
Subject: RE: Runswick Bay Rescue Boat 2009
From: Peace


09 Feb 09 - 04:18 AM (#2561462)
Subject: RE: Runswick Bay Rescue Boat 2009
From: Raggytash

Got some good news yesterday, my old mate Russell Barnes is coming up from Essex to join us, guarenteed me a very boozy weekend, not that it wasn't going to be anyway!

09 Feb 09 - 04:25 AM (#2561466)
Subject: RE: Runswick Bay Rescue Boat 2009

Could we please have an accounting of where the funds are going?

This will be the third year in row that you are fund raising.

If you expect us to support this cause it is only fair that we know where our fair fares are going. What have you done with the money in the past?

09 Feb 09 - 08:44 AM (#2561622)
Subject: RE: Runswick Bay Rescue Boat 2009
From: Raggytash

Not a problem, all funds raised are crossed counted by a willing volunteer(s) on the night, they are then given to the Treasurer of the Runswick Bay Rescue Boat, normally by hand, and a receipt issued. I have a large collection of receipts and letters of thanks from past years which anyone is welcome to peruse
All details of the committee can be found on their website, just for your information we have been raising monies for over 10 years and are, I believe, their biggest fundraisers. Should you wish to contact any of the committee I am sure they would verify the amounts raised over the years, the treasurer is named Andrew Hargreaves.
Two years ago the crew and committee made me the first Hononary Life Member of The Friends of Runswick Bay Rescue Boat" as a token of thanks for all the funds you good people have donated over the years, me I'm just the catalyst.



09 Feb 09 - 08:50 AM (#2561626)
Subject: RE: Runswick Bay Rescue Boat 2009
From: Raggytash

AHCROS I should also had added that the fund go to keep and maintain the Rescue Boat, purchase new kit for the crew, pay for training courses, insurance, general running costs, petrol, oil etc and a contingency fund to ensure they are in a position to buy a new boat periodically, please not the crew and committee do not receive a penny for themselves, all funds are used to keep the service going.

PS What does the acronym AHCROS stand for, I'm a bit too busy to try and figure it out.

09 Feb 09 - 09:34 AM (#2561658)
Subject: RE: Runswick Bay Rescue Boat 2009
From: Banjiman

OH CRAS(s) maybe?

Just a thought.

09 Feb 09 - 10:22 AM (#2561705)
Subject: RE: Runswick Bay Rescue Boat 2009
From: Raggytash

Answers on a postcard please, I'm sure we'll get some interesting thoughts!

09 Feb 09 - 10:53 AM (#2561740)
Subject: RE: Runswick Bay Rescue Boat 2009
From: gnomad

I suspect if you reverse it you may find that the poster is referring to a rather heated past discussion of finances.

Being a polite sort I will just call this mischief-making.

09 Feb 09 - 11:19 AM (#2561767)
Subject: RE: Runswick Bay Rescue Boat 2009
From: GUEST,raggytash

Gnomad I suspect you are correct, however I do welcome anyone who wants to know about finances because I am quite open about our fund raising efforts, I know, you know, anyone who comes to the do's knows that everything is squeaky clean, so being questioned really isn't a problem.

10 Feb 09 - 06:14 AM (#2562523)
Subject: RE: Runswick Bay Rescue Boat 2009
From: Big Andy

come on raggytash give us a date and some info about band b's cos i know mooring is out of the question around that part of the coast

10 Feb 09 - 07:54 AM (#2562591)
Subject: RE: Runswick Bay Rescue Boat 2009
From: Raggytash

Andy, I've sent you a PM


10 Feb 09 - 11:01 AM (#2562752)
Subject: RE: Runswick Bay Rescue Boat 2009
From: Big Andy

thanks mate

12 Feb 09 - 06:39 AM (#2564755)
Subject: RE: Runswick Bay Rescue Boat 2009
From: Raggytash

Did a quick count up last night and we are fast approaching capacity which is great news, even better is that the Leek contingency will be with us again, great musicians, great people.

12 Feb 09 - 05:28 PM (#2565330)
Subject: RE: Runswick Bay Rescue Boat 2009
From: Peace

Great news, Raggytash.

12 Feb 09 - 07:05 PM (#2565429)
Subject: RE: Runswick Bay Rescue Boat 2009
From: Joe G

Keep up the good work Raggytash - don't let the cynic grind you down! Those of us who know you can vouch for your commitment to this and really appreciate the work you are doing

Mind you nicer beers at next year's Whitby New Year ceildh wouln't go amiss!

Best wishes

13 Feb 09 - 11:11 AM (#2565973)
Subject: RE: Runswick Bay Rescue Boat 2009
From: Raggytash

Sorry Joe G,

Thanks for your support

I don't work at the Coliseum any more so cannot really influence the beers they buy, but I will have a word, what do you fancy

14 Feb 09 - 04:25 PM (#2566980)
Subject: RE: Runswick Bay Rescue Boat 2009
From: Peace

"Thanks for your support"

Is it already National Hernia Week?

16 Feb 09 - 05:59 AM (#2568090)
Subject: RE: Runswick Bay Rescue Boat 2009
From: Raggytash

I've been given some RNLI related Corgi/Dinky toys that belonged to the late lamented Colin Kemp, Colin was a great supporter of the RNLI and I been given them to help raise money for the Runswick Boat of which he also approved. I don't know whether to raffle them or to auction them or to delay this until our August do at Glaisdale. Just how many of you good people attending knew Colin, I think thereis a significant number who may have.

16 Feb 09 - 07:43 AM (#2568137)
Subject: RE: Runswick Bay Rescue Boat 2009
From: Gedpipes

"...anyone who comes to the do's knows that everything is squeaky clean, so being questioned really isn't a problem."

that's a great response.
All the best for it

16 Feb 09 - 05:37 PM (#2568610)
Subject: RE: Runswick Bay Rescue Boat 2009
From: Tig

Split them between the do's Raggy. Maybe put a couple into a 'Silent' auction. I'm certain Col would be delighted at whatever you do with them, and I know his mum is behind you and the Runswick boat all the way.

The way you can charm birds off the trees (or whales from the water!) people don't NEED to have known Col to hand over money at your fund raising events. Just wish I was coming. Please could you pm me the date just in case my boat comes in.

Love and hugs

18 Feb 09 - 08:10 AM (#2569914)
Subject: RE: Runswick Bay Rescue Boat 2009
From: Raggytash

Just had a call from the Co-op, they're donating a hamper for us to auction/raffle

18 Feb 09 - 06:07 PM (#2570416)
Subject: RE: Runswick Bay Rescue Boat 2009
From: Peace

DANG. And here I am stuck in Canada. Bless y'all. Pass on to the guys and gals that they have a fan in Alberta.

19 Feb 09 - 03:43 AM (#2570656)
Subject: RE: Runswick Bay Rescue Boat 2009
From: Raggytash

Will do Peace, it will be my pleasure to do so


20 Feb 09 - 03:58 PM (#2572057)
Subject: RE: Runswick Bay Rescue Boat 2009
From: Peace

I am keeping this threat 'on top' until the event. One more time for an old fart with a lousy memory: What dates?

22 Feb 09 - 11:12 PM (#2573448)
Subject: RE: Runswick Bay Rescue Boat 2009
From: Peace

Thirteen days to go.

27 Feb 09 - 01:24 AM (#2576995)
Subject: RE: Runswick Bay Rescue Boat 2009
From: Peace


Whatever. It's gonna be a wonderful time

27 Feb 09 - 03:33 AM (#2577022)
Subject: RE: Runswick Bay Rescue Boat 2009
From: Raggytash

As in previous years I will be creating a corned beef hash and as in previous years Bothams of Whitby have very kindly donated the corned beef, remember this when you're looking for lunch please !

28 Feb 09 - 05:22 PM (#2578098)
Subject: RE: Runswick Bay Rescue Boat 2009
From: Peace

I shall. Do you deliver?

28 Feb 09 - 06:08 PM (#2578136)
Subject: RE: Runswick Bay Rescue Boat 2009
From: Tig

Wahhhh! Still don't think we'll make it!

Hee hee hee - got 50 for a change

02 Mar 09 - 11:54 PM (#2579984)
Subject: RE: Runswick Bay Rescue Boat 2009
From: Peace


04 Mar 09 - 07:18 PM (#2581435)
Subject: RE: Runswick Bay Rescue Boat 2009
From: Peace

Row, row, row your boat--does the crew have a theme song?

05 Mar 09 - 03:38 AM (#2581592)
Subject: RE: Runswick Bay Rescue Boat 2009
From: Raggytash

Got 3 CD's for the raffle yesterday from a very well known Mudcatter band, you know who you are.


08 Mar 09 - 07:54 AM (#2583782)
Subject: RE: Runswick Bay Rescue Boat 2009
From: Banjiman

Thanks for organising this Raggy.... what was the total raised?

We had a great time BTW.


Just thought you'd like to know that we won your CD in the raffle. Picture the scene on Saturday morning, we're sat in our camper van overlooking Whitby Harbour munching our bacon sandwiches and listening to your great CD! Thanks.

Paul, Wendy & The Kids

08 Mar 09 - 02:38 PM (#2583973)
Subject: RE: Runswick Bay Rescue Boat 2009
From: Peace

I am twice blessed. Thanks, Paul.

I hope everyone had a great time and that the event raised cash for the boats. The work they do requires training, skill, courage and an internal 'we will NOT let this happen'. Few groups of people have my respect as much as those crews. Oceans scare the bejesus outta me, and when I think that they go out to rescue folks, usually when the weather makes the rest of us stay indoors, man, I am amazed. If I ever do get to England I have to meet the crews and those who support them as best they can. That's something I do look forward to.

Best wishes to you all.


09 Mar 09 - 06:31 AM (#2584484)
Subject: RE: Runswick Bay Rescue Boat 2009
From: Raggytash

Hi One and all,
A few of us went up to Runswick yesterday and handed over Five Hundred and Eighty Pounds sterling to the crew, a superb amount of money for their funds as always they asked me to pass on their very grateful thanks for your support, so a big sloppy kiss to all the ladies and a firm handshake to all the men (unless you prefer it the other way round)
They took 4 people out in the boat, it was a bit "bumpy" but everyone was exhilerated then they came back to shore, a once in a lifetime experience for most people. On the way back to Whitby I was given £20 to start the next fund off !

From myself and Christine can I add my own thanks to all who came and sang, played, performed, listened, donated money and raffle prizes I thought the night was brilliant, so many wonderful performers in one room.

We may be able to charter the Esk belle during folk week and are looking to revive the Glaisdale train after last years double booking of the pub we use, as regatta and folk week clash there is a double incentive to ensure it goes ahead this year.

Once again THANK YOU to all you wonderful people !!!

09 Mar 09 - 06:54 AM (#2584502)
Subject: RE: Runswick Bay Rescue Boat 2009
From: GUEST,MC Fat (at work)

Well done Raggy and Christine. Sorry I couldn't make it but it sounds as if I missed a great night

09 Mar 09 - 08:32 AM (#2584561)
Subject: RE: Runswick Bay Rescue Boat 2009
From: old git

Yes,well done Raggy and Wombat! Sorry I couldn't make it.
Hope the Esk belle trip is possible in was great fun last year.
geoff t

09 Mar 09 - 09:01 AM (#2584579)
Subject: RE: Runswick Bay Rescue Boat 2009
From: Sttaw Legend

Well done to Raggy and everyone glad it was another great success.

09 Mar 09 - 09:07 AM (#2584585)
Subject: RE: Runswick Bay Rescue Boat 2009
From: Joe G

Well done Raggytash - glad it was a successful weekend!

09 Mar 09 - 04:05 PM (#2584934)
Subject: RE: Runswick Bay Rescue Boat 2009
From: Peace

Good one, Raggytash. My warmest regards and deepest respect to you and all who helped out.