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BS: Kirsten Gillibrand great pick-US Senator, NY

24 Jan 09 - 10:36 AM (#2547819)
Subject: BS: Kirsten Gillibrand great pick
From: Riginslinger

Kirsten Gillibrand is pro-gun ownership and against illegal immigration. And it gets better; she's a Democrat from the state of New York. Governor Paterson could not have made a better choice for rational thinking American people.

24 Jan 09 - 01:59 PM (#2547993)
Subject: RE: BS: Kirsten Gillibrand great pick
From: pdq

It is refreshing to see a new face and hear some new ideas.

Many people in the state of New York were expecting one of the same tired last names to get the automatic appointment. There are many peolpe who are so sick of the names Cuomo, Kennedy and Clinton that they could puke.

24 Jan 09 - 02:23 PM (#2548012)
Subject: RE: BS: Kirsten Gillibrand great pick
From: Riginslinger

Yeah, you never hear from anyone on the national scene from Up-State New York. Maybe this appointment will help the president reach across the aisle.

                Sure wound up some of those urbanites though.

24 Jan 09 - 02:30 PM (#2548020)
Subject: RE: BS: Kirsten Gillibrand great pick
From: Ebbie

"...same tired last names"

These same tired last names are responsible for many of the institutions, charities and innovations that have served the country well. Let's not forget that. They may have been b*****ds in their private lives but they have instituted and maintained everything from public libraries to museums to research and back again.

24 Jan 09 - 03:04 PM (#2548046)
Subject: RE: BS: Kirsten Gillibrand great pick
From: katlaughing

Oh, you mean like what the Clinton Global Initiative has accomplished, Ebbie:

Since its launch in 2005, CGI members have made nearly 1,000 commitments to action to improve the lives of more than 200 million people in over 100 countries. CGI U and have also inspired action on a large scale.

The CGI community is helping to:

    * Avoid or reduce more than 20 million tons of greenhouse gas emissions
    * Provide more than 3 million people with access to clean-energy services in the developing world
    * Ensure more than a million patients throughout Sudan, Chad, Uganda and the Democratic Republic on the Congo receive emergency and primary medical care, including mental health services
    * Fund more than 270 microfinance institutions, permitting access to finance for close to 3 million micro-entrepreneurs
    * Provide more than 8 million out-of-school children with access to schooling
    * Provide access to safe drinking water for 11 million people in Asia

CGI University has:

    * Brought more than 600 students from nearly every state and 14 countries to Tulane University in New Orleans for its inaugural meeting
    * Inspired students to make more than 800 Commitments to Action, ranging from installing energy-efficient lights bulbs to designing medical backpacks for nomadic doctors in Africa

Through CGI's online portal,, visitors to the site from more than 160 countries have made nearly 1,000 Commitments to Action adding up to:

    * 341,000 volunteer hours served
    * 40,000 donated items
    * $1.7 million pledged in contributions to people and organizations in need

Couldn't even begin to list all of the things the Kennedy clan has done for the good of so many millions of people. And those darn Cuomo people, building new schools and homes for the elderly. What were they thinking?!

24 Jan 09 - 05:16 PM (#2548163)
Subject: RE: BS: Kirsten Gillibrand great pick
From: Riginslinger

It's funny how people with lots of money always get credit for giving money to poor people, and people who do not have any money never get credit for giving money to poor people.

24 Jan 09 - 07:03 PM (#2548242)
Subject: RE: BS: Kirsten Gillibrand great pick

But the money Congress LOVES to give away is not THEIR money, Riginslinger, it's OUR money!


24 Jan 09 - 07:20 PM (#2548260)
Subject: RE: BS: Kirsten Gillibrand great pick
From: Riginslinger

But, of course, we're not talking about Congress, or maybe we are, through the back door.

24 Jan 09 - 08:04 PM (#2548298)
Subject: RE: BS: Kirsten Gillibrand great pick
From: katlaughing

You guys are hopeless.

25 Jan 09 - 01:00 PM (#2548826)
Subject: RE: BS: Kirsten Gillibrand great pick
From: Greg F.

Governor Paterson could not have made a better choice...

Unless he's shot himself and the people of New York in the foot by handing Gillibrand's congressional seat back to the GOP in the person of that miserable Neo-Conservative Reaganite hack, Elizabeth Little, in the upcoming special election.

Patterson may be legally blind in more ways than one.

And there's a lot more to like about Gillibrand beyond her unfortunate gun-nut and immigrant-bashing tendencies; these may be voiced by her as a matter of pragmatism rather than true-believership since no-one in her district in rural New York could be elected without mouthing them.

25 Jan 09 - 01:26 PM (#2548840)
Subject: RE: BS: Kirsten Gillibrand great pick
From: artbrooks

While I can agree with some of her expressed opinions while disagreeing with others, I think it is unfortunate that Gov. Paterson made his choice more to balance the Democratic ticket in 2010 than anything else. But then, I'm neither a New York voter nor a doctrinaire Democrat, so I'll leave it for them to fight over.

25 Jan 09 - 02:02 PM (#2548868)
Subject: RE: BS: Kirsten Gillibrand great pick
From: Riginslinger

It's funny that Paterson in legally blind and the only politician in the state of New York who can seem to figure out what's really hapening to his constituents.

25 Jan 09 - 05:44 PM (#2549059)
Subject: RE: BS: Kirsten Gillibrand great pick
From: Ebbie

It's funny how people with lots of money always get credit for giving money to poor people, and people who do not have any money never get credit for giving money to poor people." Riginslinger

Check the story in the Bible about the 'Widow's Mite', Rig. :)

"But the money Congress LOVES to give away is not THEIR money, Riginslinger, it's OUR money!" DougR

Nope, Doug. It is not our money. It is our grandchildren's. The debt may be cleared up in their lifetimes.

Leave us not forget what and who got us into this mess in the first place. HINT: It was not an Act of God.

25 Jan 09 - 06:22 PM (#2549087)
Subject: RE: BS: Kirsten Gillibrand great pick
From: Bill D

You mean...Bush was NOT ordained by God? *gasp* That will be news to Bush!

25 Jan 09 - 08:08 PM (#2549131)
Subject: RE: BS: Kirsten Gillibrand great pick
From: Riginslinger

"You mean...Bush was NOT ordained by God? *gasp* That will be news to Bush!"

             Better not tell him; he's had enough bad news already!

"Check the story in the Bible about the 'Widow's Mite', Rig. :)"

            Give me a hint, Ebbie. What does it say? I'm fresh out of Bibles.

25 Jan 09 - 10:22 PM (#2549174)
Subject: RE: BS: Kirsten Gillibrand great pick
From: Riginslinger

"'Check the story in the Bible about the 'Widow's Mite', Rig. :)'"

                   Okay, I looked it up. It makes my point. Even if poor people do help poor people, all the media reports on are the Kennedy's the Clintons, the Cuomos et. al., and they are doing it primarily for political advantage.

26 Jan 09 - 09:41 AM (#2549378)
Subject: RE: BS: Kirsten Gillibrand great pick
From: Greg F.

Update from the Associated Press (emphasis mine):

"As I've said before, I grew up in a family of hunters," Gillibrand said. "It's a pastime in upstate New York. It's a sport. It's something that's part of our heritage, part of our culture. So I very much believe in protecting hunters' rights, and I've always believed in protecting hunters' rights. ... It's a core value for our region and for our state."

But she acknowledged that "there's a lot of concern in our city communities about gun violence," and she said that while she represents all of New York, "my advocacy will be broader."

NB: also note emphasis on HUNTERS rather than the "cold dead hands" loonies.

26 Jan 09 - 10:36 AM (#2549428)
Subject: RE: BS: Kirsten Gillibrand great pick
From: Riginslinger

Well personally, I don't find anything there to disagree with at all.

                   It's worth noting, I think, there are loonies on both sides of this issue, and like most other things, they are the ones who drive the debate. There are the anti-gun freaks who don't think there should be any kind of a gun in public hands anywhere, and there are the extreme gun loonies who think they ought to be able to store atomic bombs in their basements.

26 Jan 09 - 02:26 PM (#2549571)
Subject: RE: BS: Kirsten Gillibrand great pick
From: Stringsinger

She could get out on the shooting range with Sarah Palin and Dick Cheney.

Kirsten might be the great one to pick you off.

26 Jan 09 - 02:38 PM (#2549587)
Subject: RE: BS: Kirsten Gillibrand great pick
From: Riginslinger

I don't know, Frank, Cheney's awful quick on the trigger. He shot that lawyer for getting between his gun and the quail.

26 Jan 09 - 03:22 PM (#2549622)
Subject: RE: BS: Kirsten Gillibrand great pick
From: GUEST,Barry at the library

The Governor made this appointment only to assure a win for himself in the next election


27 Jan 09 - 04:40 PM (#2550447)
Subject: RE: BS: Kirsten Gillibrand great pick-US Senator, NY
From: Riginslinger

How does appointing Gillibrand win him votes from urbanites in New York City?

28 Jan 09 - 12:13 PM (#2551113)
Subject: RE: BS: Kirsten Gillibrand great pick-US Senator, NY
From: Riginslinger

They're trying to get her to moderate her views on immigration. I wonder what it is about native born Americans that the Democrats don't like?

28 Jan 09 - 12:22 PM (#2551121)
Subject: RE: BS: Kirsten Gillibrand great pick-US Senator,
From: pdq

"I wonder what it is about native born Americans that the Democrats don't like?"

They tend to vote for Republicans? Just a guess.

28 Jan 09 - 12:53 PM (#2551145)
Subject: RE: BS: Kirsten Gillibrand great pick-US Senator, NY
From: Riginslinger

If that were the case, pdq, I wonder why the Republicans didn't try to do something about illegal immigration when they had the chance?

28 Jan 09 - 01:10 PM (#2551162)
Subject: RE: BS: Kirsten Gillibrand great pick-US Senator, NY
From: irishenglish

As a New Yorker, and one of those liberal NY City people to boot I have mixed feelings about my new Senator. The past few summers as I have gotten to know my wife's family, all of whom live in various parts of upstate NY, I can certainly see how upstaters feel about getting short changed on a whole range of problems. I have also met and talked with a lot of folks from that area as well, and I think its great that, at least for now, those folks feel like they are getting representation. And as anyone who has travelled in upstate NY knows, there are a lot of miles between NYC and say, Watkins Glen, both geographically, and politically. It's always been a double edge sword though, because upstate definitely needs NYC, Long Island, and the other outlying suburbs to exist, if not exactly thrive, but NYC has had a poor attitude about upstate generally. Like I said, now that I have met a lot of upstaters, and seen some of the more rural areas upstate, I think it could be a healthy balance. But I also hasten to add that Gillibrand is, like all the other Senators who have replaced members of Obama's cabinet,a caretaker for a relatively short time. I hope she, like all the others in her shoes dive head first and put things forth on an agenda. But in terms of calling her a great pick, I think that remains to be seen.

28 Jan 09 - 01:36 PM (#2551189)
Subject: RE: BS: Kirsten Gillibrand great pick-US Senator, NY
From: Riginslinger

irishenglish - I suppose her ability to get elected to a full term in the Senate will be the test of the validity of the appointment in the end. She did have the support of Senator Schumer, which seemed kind of funny to me.

28 Jan 09 - 02:05 PM (#2551207)
Subject: RE: BS: Kirsten Gillibrand great pick-US Senator, NY
From: Bill H //\\

Her mentor is Alfonse Damato----the people of NY rejected him as a senator and now he is a "queen"maker. Go figure a dem. gov. caving in to the pleadings of a rep. ex senator who is not one of the "cleanest" pols around.

YOu have to give him credit though---he was there for every photo op even upstaging Sen Schumer who never met a camera he did not love.   Frankly, I did a double take when I saw ex senator Al on the screen---surprised the hell out of me. Gov. Patterson has shot himself in the foot so many times already that it is a wonder they have not amputated.

Bill Hahn

28 Jan 09 - 02:12 PM (#2551210)
Subject: RE: BS: Kirsten Gillibrand great pick-US Senator, NY
From: irishenglish

I do agree with that. As to Schumer, I think he is a damn fine Senator overall. If you know him only from the national stage, I'm sure to some he comes across as yet one more NY liberal. But the smaller scale, quality of life issues he gets involved with which don't make the news is a long list, and I applaud him for it. His support for Gillibrand is certainly due in part to party loyalty-I doubt he would have said boo to anyone Patterson appointed, but I think beyond that, Schumer recognizes disagreement with her, but will move past them to work on the common ground as upstater and downstater together.

28 Jan 09 - 02:25 PM (#2551221)
Subject: RE: BS: Kirsten Gillibrand great pick-US Senator, NY
From: Riginslinger

The news media--I know, I know--seems to indicate that Schumer was running interference for her.

29 Jan 09 - 01:36 PM (#2552128)
Subject: RE: BS: Kirsten Gillibrand great pick-US Senator, NY
From: Riginslinger

Or it could be that Schumer has someone in mind for the 2010 race, and just needed a stand-in untill the election came around.

29 Jan 09 - 02:16 PM (#2552157)
Subject: RE: BS: Kirsten Gillibrand great pick-US Senator, NY
From: McGrath of Harlow

...the anti-gun freaks who don't think there should be any kind of a gun in public hands anywhere

Shouldn't that read "private hands"?

29 Jan 09 - 02:23 PM (#2552162)
Subject: RE: BS: Kirsten Gillibrand great pick-US Senator, NY
From: Riginslinger

Yes, it should!

29 Jan 09 - 02:36 PM (#2552176)
Subject: RE: BS: Kirsten Gillibrand great pick-US Senator, NY
From: Richard Bridge

Hunting=sport? Tell that to the rabbit - or deer. Now if someone went after grizzlies (or polar bears) on foot with only a pistol, that might be sport.

Native born Americans? Don't they live on reservations, disposessed and formerly slaughtered by - err - oh yes, illegal immigrants way back then?

30 Jan 09 - 11:59 AM (#2552986)
Subject: RE: BS: Kirsten Gillibrand great pick-US Senator, NY
From: Riginslinger

Actually, I think the native born Americans were wiped out by the people living on reservations.

30 Jan 09 - 12:27 PM (#2553011)
Subject: RE: BS: Kirsten Gillibrand great pick-US Senator, NY
From: Ebbie

"'Check the story in the Bible about the 'Widow's Mite', Rig. :)'"

                   Okay, I looked it up. It makes my point. Even if poor people do help poor people, all the media reports on are the Kennedy's the Clintons, the Cuomos et. al., and they are doing it primarily for political advantage. " Rig

The media report - and dwell upon - what makes the public salivate, Rig.

30 Jan 09 - 12:38 PM (#2553018)
Subject: RE: BS: Kirsten Gillibrand great pick-US Senator, NY
From: Mike in Brunswick

..the anti-gun freaks who don't think there should be any kind of a gun in public (private) hands anywhere

That stikes me as a false equivalence. Sure, you can take any point of view and find someone who holds it, but the extremists on the gun rights side seem to be far more numerous, vocal and successful than those on the on the gun control side.


30 Jan 09 - 01:48 PM (#2553079)
Subject: RE: BS: Kirsten Gillibrand great pick-US Senator, NY
From: Riginslinger

"The media report - and dwell upon - what makes the public salivate, Rig."

                  Okay! But that doesn't inform the public all that well, in my opinion.

30 Jan 09 - 10:08 PM (#2553391)
Subject: RE: BS: Kirsten Gillibrand great pick-US Senator,
From: Ron Davies

So the thread originator continues his virtually perfect record as a negative indicator.

Gillibrand is a great choice--if you're Republican. Perhaps said thread originator is--that's why he praised Sarah Palin a bit earlier. Or perhaps he's just constitutionally opposed to thinking.

Gillibrand has already been told by a gun-control candidate that she will oppose her in the primary. So, by this choice, Paterson has ensured a bloody expensive primary for the seat.


31 Jan 09 - 12:52 AM (#2553450)
Subject: RE: BS: Kirsten Gillibrand great pick-US Senator, NY
From: Riginslinger

All of which leaves the more discriminating analyzer to wonder what is motivating Schumer.

01 Feb 09 - 12:05 AM (#2554177)
Subject: RE: BS: Kirsten Gillibrand great pick-US Senator, NY
From: Riginslinger


          Well, I try to do what I can!

01 Feb 09 - 11:17 PM (#2554970)
Subject: RE: BS: Kirsten Gillibrand great pick-US Senator,
From: Ron Davies

And as a negative indicator, it's just about perfect.

02 Feb 09 - 07:36 PM (#2555711)
Subject: RE: BS: Kirsten Gillibrand great pick-US Senator, NY
From: Riginslinger

Well, as a positive indicator Kirsten Gillibrand offers the people of New York a lot of promise.

03 Feb 09 - 08:38 AM (#2556072)
Subject: RE: BS: Kirsten Gillibrand great pick-US Senator, NY
From: olddude

Well she is my senator. I live in small town western NY. She has spent quite a lot of time here in Western NY to get a feel for the problems and concerns. I actually think she is going to be pretty good.I can pretty much say that people around here are concerned about feeding their kids and making the mortgage. The other stuff - no one is that concerned
this area has been overlooked for so long. we are like a separate state. we pay and pay and pay taxes and see nothing. Buildings raise and fall downstate, Here, we only get to pay for the service. our buffalo waterfront sits hoping for a cookie to be tossed our way that may create a few jobs. maybe she is just what we need

03 Feb 09 - 10:37 AM (#2556151)
Subject: RE: BS: Kirsten Gillibrand great pick-US Senator, NY
From: Riginslinger

I envy you, olddude. In Oregon we had one Senator who would concern himslef with the rural and southern parts of the state, but he was a Republican and was swept out of office in the last election. Now we have two suburbanites, who only think in terms of Portland. I now Portland is small potatoes compared to New York City, the the concept is similar. I suspect the folks around where you live were ignored completely with Schumer and Hillary Clinton.

04 Feb 09 - 10:21 AM (#2557040)
Subject: RE: BS: Kirsten Gillibrand great pick-US Senator, NY
From: Riginslinger

It was announced in the media that she met with some Hispanic groups about her stance on immigration. The outcome seems to be unclear, but hopefully she won't fold to political pressure, and will continue to stand up for the rule of law.