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BS: How can I defend myself?

12 Feb 09 - 11:39 AM (#2564985)
Subject: BS: How can I defend myself?
From: Donuel

Over the decade you kind people have offered great real life advice that I have used effectively whether it was directed to me personally or to others.

I am totally stumped this time and expect there is no defense against what I am facing.

I am possibly being attacked with allegations and investigations in which false claims are both legal and welcomed by the goverment.
I know a tossed penny can come up heads ten times in a row but when the same tactic happens to you ten times in 4 years you too would feel it may not be mere chance.

So far in 4 years there have been:
6 allegations (tips that generate income to tipster if any penalties are extracted) that we have not filed federal taxes. We are innocent but could not find one 110 year old receipt.

2 allegations of unsubstantiated child abuse. [innocent again]

and one investigation of property taxes in which the State is moving to publicly auction our home on March 6th.

This latest claim is most curious indeed. Our lawyer says that the State seems to have changed the amount of sales tax on our home 4 years ago and has added fees and penalties of $8,000. On top of that the Sate records show that one year they failed to cash our payment for a full year and as a result they added 4 years worth of fees and penalties. Only the State is allowed to compute the tax could this be?

It is possible someone may have changed the records to trigger the auction of our home which would think would be a criminal act.

The problem is, no one is accountable and any annoymous claim that triggers a tax review or unsubstantiated charge is protected by law whether it is knowingly false or maliciously intended.

The officer that served the auction papers mentioned to me that he has seen a huge number of predatory tax allegations in my county compared to the rest of the State. This is a county in which the State Police and Homeland Security have targeted thousands of people to be investigated for opposing war or making anti Bush remarks and have only recently begun to send out letters to inform the groups and individuals involved that this practice is being ended. Yes they even went after the Quakers again.

If my problem is not mere chance, is this kind of predatory practice somthing a disgruntled neighbor would do, is this a process commonly used by evangelical groups... How will I ever know?

With times this lean, another escalating 4 years of this would reach our financial breaking point.

12 Feb 09 - 11:43 AM (#2564990)
Subject: RE: BS: How can I defend myself?
From: Stilly River Sage

Sounds like you need to figure out how to go public with this. Is there a local newspaper with a watchdog or ombudsman role to write to or call?

It sounds like you also need to investigate to find out who has it in for you.


12 Feb 09 - 11:44 AM (#2564993)
Subject: RE: BS: How can I defend myself?
From: Rapparee

Sounds like ex post facto to me.

First, get a court hold order on the sale of your house. You gotta get time to respond.

Monkey County Maryland is full of odd balls, like my relatives-by-marriage. I wouldn't be surprised if someone did turn in a tip -- but they don't make anything unless you're convicted of tax evasion.

12 Feb 09 - 11:54 AM (#2565003)
Subject: RE: BS: How can I defend myself?
From: Bill D

Get an attorney! Get one where you can spread out relevant documents and get to the facts.

12 Feb 09 - 12:02 PM (#2565012)
Subject: RE: BS: How can I defend myself?
From: katlaughing

Ask your attorney, but I wonder if you could Quit Claim your house to someone else, a trusted relative or such, in order to stall the onerous procedures?

1]there must be someone like Barney Frank, etc. in Congress who would be interested in this.

2]write a press release, or get someone to write one for you, laying out all of the facts in a chronological and understandable form, and send it out to as many media outlets as you can, including Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow at MSNBC. Sometimes it's not such a long shot to get attention from such, esp. if there's some good investigative journalism involved.

3]think about starting a blog and post to it daily to chronicle what is happening UNLESS your attorney advises against it.

4]You might also put a video up on youtube, even just using slides and voice over, etc.

But, I agree, the most important thing is to file an appeal or seek an injunction or, whatever legal means there are, against the auction, to stall for time.

12 Feb 09 - 12:09 PM (#2565016)
Subject: RE: BS: How can I defend myself?
From: olddude

You are being targeted, If someone outside the gov is doing this you have a right to know your accuser and file a civil action for unjust procecution and damages. If it is big brother then dollars to donuts somewhere in this process your civil rights were violated. Me i would pick up the phone and make an appointment with the nearest ACLU office. I bet they can get to the bottom of it and it would be free

12 Feb 09 - 12:13 PM (#2565021)
Subject: RE: BS: How can I defend myself?
From: wysiwyg


1. Pick your battles wisely, and cut bait anytime the battle looks like it will swamp you on all other fronts.

2. Remember that you have friends who want you to use them well.

3. I'm one of them.

4. Real help is usually better gotten in PMs than in threads, wonderful as threads can feel.


12 Feb 09 - 12:15 PM (#2565024)
Subject: RE: BS: How can I defend myself?
From: Rapparee

And ask for Summary Judgement: a dismissal of the case WITH PREJUDICE. That means that if it ever comes before the judge again he'll run the accusers in for contempt.

12 Feb 09 - 12:15 PM (#2565026)
Subject: RE: BS: How can I defend myself?
From: katlaughing

*smacks head* ACLU...why didn't I think of that! Excellent advice, olddude!

12 Feb 09 - 12:18 PM (#2565028)
Subject: RE: BS: How can I defend myself?
From: robomatic

One of the following is true, Hakman:

1) You are a Republican.

2) You need to go quietly and maybe they'll spare the cuffs for the perpwalk.

3) Your aluminum foil cap is out of adjustment and those new DTV waves are plugging your usual leakage.

12 Feb 09 - 12:21 PM (#2565030)
Subject: RE: BS: How can I defend myself?
From: olddude


Oh one more thing, get your credit report from every service. You may not be the one targeted here. You would not be the first to be a victim of identity theft. I read where one guy was picked up for murder. Turns out someone committed the murder and left a trail using his identity. It may not be you but someone else causing this as you. Please do that, if you see a bunch of crap that is not yours I bet someone is using your identity and hence the gov it after them .. which of course is after you now

12 Feb 09 - 03:44 PM (#2565252)
Subject: RE: BS: How can I defend myself?
From: VirginiaTam

The officer that served the auction papers mentioned to me that he has seen a huge number of predatory tax allegations in my county compared to the rest of the State. This is a county in which the State Police and Homeland Security have targeted thousands of people to be investigated for opposing war or making anti Bush remarks and have only recently begun to send out letters to inform the groups and individuals involved that this practice is being ended. Yes they even went after the Quakers again.

If you can find others in your county that this has happened to, form a group comprised of victims of same and other supporters, and start a campaign for justice.

12 Feb 09 - 05:28 PM (#2565331)
Subject: RE: BS: How can I defend myself?
From: M.Ted

Checked the auction notices in the paper, and your property isn't there, Donuel. As you may know, it has to be listed in a newspaper of record for 30 days before the sale. And, now that I think of it, it is the county that handles this, not the state. And income tax doesn't come into it at all.

I would suggest that the reason that you get into trouble is that you don't get this stuff sorted out properly. Best of luck. If your property is auctioned, you have a certain amount of time to come up with the back taxes, plus interest, that you pay to the lucky winner of the auction, who must then give your property back to you.

Perhaps Mudcatters, always generous to a fault, would help you to scrape the taxes together.

12 Feb 09 - 06:09 PM (#2565364)
Subject: RE: BS: How can I defend myself?
From: Bobert

Houses in yer neihborhood aren't auctioned off for a mere $8,000 tax bill... I mean, that would be absolutely counter-productive...

Go talk with the tax folks and offer a payment deal where you pay a little each month... They'll take the deal... If not, call the local TV stations... Channel 4 would be my choice...

BTW, if the tax folks do refuse to make a deal with you ask them to place a lein on the property and list it for sale yourself with the taxes to paid paid when it sells...

12 Feb 09 - 06:22 PM (#2565375)
Subject: RE: BS: How can I defend myself?
From: Stilly River Sage

That's a good point from OldDude--check your credit rating and see if anything is up over there. It might reveal a lot.


12 Feb 09 - 06:29 PM (#2565393)
Subject: RE: BS: How can I defend myself?
From: Rapparee

Yeah, and it's free.

12 Feb 09 - 07:34 PM (#2565459)
Subject: RE: BS: How can I defend myself?
From: heric

Yeah, and tomorrow or very soon after is the last day experian will provide your FICO through (Which is to say the last day they will provide it at all.)

12 Feb 09 - 07:37 PM (#2565463)
Subject: RE: BS: How can I defend myself?
From: katlaughing

Income taxes could very well cause a home to be auctioned IF the IRS has put a lien on the property for unpaid taxes.

18 Feb 09 - 11:02 AM (#2570043)
Subject: RE: BS: How can I defend myself?
From: Donuel

The windstorm knocked out our power so I could not respond until now.
Thanks for the advice.

The advice, especially from our teenager robomatic who proves our educational system is in peril, will be very helpful.

All I had until now was a lawyer and a pledge to keep better records and extra payment reciepts in the future.

Rapaire, I will mention your suggestion to our lawyer.
The lawyer says that both 'mistakes' were made by the County but it would cost us more to fight their arbitrary penalties on the alleged 4 year old changed tax assesment, than to just pay them.
Just like being found innocent of speeding costs $200 but paying the fine and accepting guilt costs only $60.

All of this is a bit like whining in comparison to wild fires and health issues so please forgive my complaining.

PS a documentary called Get Frank shows just how great Barney is.

18 Feb 09 - 11:30 AM (#2570071)
Subject: RE: BS: How can I defend myself?
From: Donuel

The ACLU number has been busy for an hour.

18 Feb 09 - 12:28 PM (#2570124)
Subject: RE: BS: How can I defend myself?
From: Mrrzy

Man, what a pain, so sorry this is not something I can help with! PM if you think of something I can do...

18 Feb 09 - 04:52 PM (#2570346)
Subject: RE: BS: How can I defend myself?
From: robomatic

Don'l/ Hakman:

I wish no man in this thread ill. It's just that your history of posts has convinced me you are myth-o-manic plus many, (not all), of your assertions of fact or history or the laws of physics are not linked to reality.

Hence I simply doubt the premise of this thread. This is honest doubt and costs you nothing.

but just in case, good luck!

18 Feb 09 - 05:23 PM (#2570379)
Subject: RE: BS: How can I defend myself?
From: GUEST,Slag

Fire your current attorney and get someone who knows the score.

Make a list of anyone with whom you have had less than satisfactory dealings. Enlist close family and friends to help you with this. Do NOT over look a jealousy factor. Sometimes it is someone you would consider to be your friend so go cautiously. If anyone stands out as a possible you may consider hiring a PI to check them out.

Get an accountant.

Get a trust set up.

GW Bush is NOT your problem and you are only wasting nerves and energy in that direction. He has so many folks unhappy with him he wouldn't know where to beginning extracting vengeance. Be smart: not paranoid.