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BS: kissing science

15 Feb 09 - 03:07 PM (#2567704)
Subject: BS: kissing science
From: GUEST,Dani

I KNEW it. It's always more complicated than you think it is:


15 Feb 09 - 03:19 PM (#2567719)
Subject: RE: BS: kissing science
From: Jack Blandiver

A second experiment in a more romantic setting -- a secluded room with jazz music...

Well that would depend on the quality of the jazz of course. I reckon this would do quite nicely though...

15 Feb 09 - 04:03 PM (#2567754)
Subject: RE: BS: kissing science
From: Liz the Squeak

Bugger... I knew I should have carried on with my Chemistry O level...


15 Feb 09 - 04:03 PM (#2567755)
Subject: RE: BS: kissing science
From: GUEST,Dani

Well, then.... off the charts : )


15 Feb 09 - 04:26 PM (#2567773)
Subject: RE: BS: kissing science
From: Sleepy Rosie


Kissing music?
Remembering now some early experiences.

Prince: Under the Cherry Moon

Prince: All My Dreams

Especially those distortedly slow vocals: "Tonight we make love till the world stops turning"

15 Feb 09 - 04:35 PM (#2567781)
Subject: RE: BS: kissing science
From: Liz the Squeak

D'ya know, I honestly cannot remember the last time I just had a good old fashioned snog...



15 Feb 09 - 05:12 PM (#2567809)
Subject: RE: BS: kissing science
From: VirginiaTam

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15 Feb 09 - 05:15 PM (#2567813)
Subject: RE: BS: kissing science
From: Liz the Squeak

Someone has entirely too much time on their hands and should go out and try that with a real woman, before it's too late!


15 Feb 09 - 05:32 PM (#2567820)
Subject: RE: BS: kissing science
From: VirginiaTam

LTS... if you are referring to the ASCII art above... I stoled it off of the interwub. And I don't like snogging women, although my honeyman might get off on it if I did.

We do lots of snogging... I am 50 and he is 58... It is never too late.


15 Feb 09 - 06:10 PM (#2567850)
Subject: RE: BS: kissing science
From: Ed T

Insane Beard
That music brings me back to when I was 16, making love in my 1959 chevy. Actually, it is close to the sound of the chevy's engine.

15 Feb 09 - 10:06 PM (#2567949)
Subject: RE: BS: kissing science
From: Rowan

Now, where do I apply for a research grant to explore the scientific aspects of snogging?

Cheers, Rowan

15 Feb 09 - 11:59 PM (#2567981)
Subject: RE: BS: kissing science
From: GUEST,Shoulda Listened to Myself

This might get deleted but I needed to be anonymous to protect the guilty.

You know, from the git go, I disliked the way my long-time partner kissed - felt like I was being sucked into a black hole. Tried to talk about it and do some coaching about what I would prefer, all to no avail. So I avoided the person's kisses, which really cut down on displays of affection that were not directly headed for sexual consumation.

Next time round, if there is one, I'll give more weight to those kisses.

16 Feb 09 - 12:03 AM (#2567982)
Subject: RE: BS: kissing science
From: Janie

It's In His Kiss
(by Rudy Clark)

Does he love me?
I wanna know!
How can I tell if he loves me so?

(Is it in his eyes?)
Oh no! You need to see!
(Is it in his size?)
Oh no! You make believe!
If you wanna know
If he loves you so
Its in his kiss!
(That's where it is!)

(Oh yeah! Or is it in his face?)
no girls! It's just his charms!
(In his warm embrace?)
no girls! That's just his arms!
If you wanna know
If he loves you so
It's in his kiss!
(That's where it is!)
yeah!! Its in his kiss!
(That's where it is!)

Oh, oh, oh, honey !
Squeeze him tight!
Find out what you wanna know!
promise love, and if it really is,
It's there in his kiss!

(How 'bout the way he acts?)
no no no! That's not the way!
You're not listenin' to all I'm sayin'!
If you wanna know
If he loves you so
It's in his kiss!
(That's where it is!)
Oh, yeah! Its in his kiss!
(That's where it is!)

Oh, oh, oh, hold him !
Squeeze him tight!
Find out what you wanna know!
promise love, and if it really is,
well It's there in his kiss!

(How 'bout the way he acts?)
no no no! That's not the way!
You're not listenin' to all I'm sayin'!
If you wanna know
If he loves you so
It's in his kiss!
(That's where it is!)
Oh, yeah ! Its in his kiss!
(That's where it is!)
mmmm ! Its in his kiss!
(that's where it is)
mmmm is in his kiss

16 Feb 09 - 04:51 AM (#2568064)
Subject: RE: BS: kissing science
From: VirginiaTam

so sad, these people not engaging in kissing. maybe practice light nuzzling. pecking, gently pressing lips together, touching tips of tongues, bumping noses. then move on to stroking and kissing fingers. you don't have suck each others faces off for it to be lovely and sensual.

if you feel shy with your partner, why not just say, "I miss kissing" to break the ice. if you don't feel shy, back him or her into a corner and take the kiss. then tell him or her, "I miss just kissing you."

it should give your partner a lovely shiver to be so desired.

16 Feb 09 - 05:06 AM (#2568070)
Subject: RE: BS: kissing science
From: Jack Campin

They missed a point about the origins of kissing. A few years ago somebody sequenced the genome of the genital herpes and cold sore viruses and calculated their degree of evolutionary divergence. Genital herpes is the ancestral form, since there has been a route of transmission for it as long as there have sexually reproducing organisms. But cold sore virus is transmitted lip to lip and required kissing to have evolved before it split off from genital herpes. Turns out that the degree of divergence points to a separation 3 million years ago.

16 Feb 09 - 10:05 AM (#2568203)
Subject: RE: BS: kissing science
From: Catherine Jayne

There's nothing like a good snog!

Liz...jump on manitas and give him a snog!!!

16 Feb 09 - 12:16 PM (#2568287)
Subject: RE: BS: kissing science
From: Bill D

In days gone by, I knew 2 women who really didn't care for kissing in general. I always wondered why. (I gathered it was not about me, but just an attitude.)

(Ain't language interesting... I find 'snogging' an awkward, slightly 'unpleasant' word. Of course, I never heard it before Mudcat brought me cross-pond contacts. Is it a common usage? And is it old or recent?)

16 Feb 09 - 02:52 PM (#2568447)
Subject: RE: BS: kissing science
From: frogprince

...and do you folks usually snog before you fung?...

16 Feb 09 - 03:07 PM (#2568471)
Subject: RE: BS: kissing science
From: Bill D

As I read it the last few years, I thought 'snogging' was more like friendly 'nuzzling' and fondling...or something vague. *IS* it just a specific euphemism for bi-labial osculation?

16 Feb 09 - 04:33 PM (#2568539)
Subject: RE: BS: kissing science
From: Rowan

I find 'snogging' an awkward, slightly 'unpleasant' word.

In my more innocent days, kissing and necking were both words meaning the same thing although the latter was recognised as an Americanism; when snogging came along it was regarded as just a Pommy version to add to the other two. It was mostly mouth-to-mouth (like the resuscitation but premarital) but was often applied to ears, necks, eyelashes, fingers and toes; you needed privacy for other areas to be the recipients.

Fondling (the Americanism for this was petting) might have been preceded, or even accompanied, by osculations but I never found out whether there was a distinctive Pommy term for it; we just presumed they did it.

These activities often led to nooky, a much more interesting term than most of the others.

Cheers, Rowan

16 Feb 09 - 05:06 PM (#2568576)
Subject: RE: BS: kissing science
From: GUEST,guest_olddude

I always wondered what that
"lipstick on a Pig " comment meant

16 Feb 09 - 05:15 PM (#2568588)
Subject: RE: BS: kissing science
From: Bill D

hmmm...ok, Rowan...that sounds about like what I expected. So it is a 'fairly' recent word.

16 Feb 09 - 05:55 PM (#2568628)
Subject: RE: BS: kissing science
From: Amos

Lipstick on a pig, OldDude, has absolutely nothing to do with bi-labial osculation, at least to most people. Your mileage may vary.


16 Feb 09 - 06:40 PM (#2568659)
Subject: RE: BS: kissing science
From: JennieG

'Snogging' is a term that has come from the Brits - Ozzies like a 'pash' or 'pasho'.


16 Feb 09 - 09:44 PM (#2568780)
Subject: RE: BS: kissing science
From: Rowan

Thanks, JennieG. It's so long since I had one that I'd forgotten about pashing. But I suspect the term is a fair bit younger than I am.

Cheers, Rowan

17 Feb 09 - 05:52 PM (#2569518)
Subject: RE: BS: kissing science
From: Liz the Squeak

In the UK a 'pash' was a crush, usually of the non-sexual variety between a younger and an older girl or adult female. It's found a lot in the Enid Blyton type 'Mallory Towers' boarding school novels and usually described the relationship between a first year and a prefect or one of the 'Upper Fifth' form or a favourite teacher.

Anyone who uses it is immediately outed as a) a product of the early 1900's boarding schools, b) a closet Enid Blyton reader or c) a gym teacher.