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BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!

16 Feb 09 - 10:37 PM (#2568812)
Subject: BS: So, What Makes a Woman Happy!
From: Beer

Mine is anything to do with flower,shrubs and trees. O.K.. o.k, maybe a little of the other stuff help's as well,l but Sex is definitely not the total cure. Or is it?
Beer (adrien)

16 Feb 09 - 10:43 PM (#2568818)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: John on the Sunset Coast

See the Mel Gibson movie, "What Women Want". I wouldn't touch this one with a 10' pole.

16 Feb 09 - 10:44 PM (#2568821)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: Stilly River Sage

10' is way too much, anyway. . .

16 Feb 09 - 10:47 PM (#2568826)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: John on the Sunset Coast

I knew that one was coming.....LOL

16 Feb 09 - 10:52 PM (#2568833)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: Bill D

Which woman? I need more information so I can consult my notes.

16 Feb 09 - 11:26 PM (#2568852)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: Little Hawk

It depends on which woman. Most seem to like chocolate, though. Most also like to go dancing and they enjoy a meal in a really good restaurant. They also like a good listener.

16 Feb 09 - 11:43 PM (#2568859)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: topical tom

Adrien, this looks like a thread for the womenfolk. I don't dare take a poke at this one!

16 Feb 09 - 11:52 PM (#2568865)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: John on the Sunset Coast

Topical Tom meet Stilly River Sage.
Stilly meet Tom.

16 Feb 09 - 11:59 PM (#2568868)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: GUEST,MarkS (on the road)

If I knew the answer to that, I would market it and make a fortune.

17 Feb 09 - 12:25 AM (#2568875)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: katlaughing

LH is on the right track! And we like to be sung to, esp. love songs.:-)

17 Feb 09 - 12:41 AM (#2568879)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: Mickey191

An unexpected phone call - "I was missing you."

A sentimental greeting card.

"I'll do the dishes, Honey."

A hug in the kitchen.

Depends, of course, on the lady.

Oh yea:

A Jelly Doughnut wouldn't hurt either.

17 Feb 09 - 12:54 AM (#2568881)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: wilbyhillbilly


17 Feb 09 - 01:19 AM (#2568891)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: Bee-dubya-ell

Not doing things that make her unhappy is a good starting point.

17 Feb 09 - 02:51 AM (#2568910)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: Dave Hanson

Which just about covers everything in the universe.

Dave H

17 Feb 09 - 03:05 AM (#2568914)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: Anne Lister

A non-question. You might as well ask "what makes a person happy?"
It all depends on the woman. One woman doesn't necessarily have anything more in common with another woman than a man has in common with another man.

17 Feb 09 - 03:43 AM (#2568932)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: Sooz

You've got it exactly Bee-dubya-ell!

17 Feb 09 - 05:03 AM (#2568951)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: John MacKenzie

Ah yes, that may make her happy today, but it probably won't do so tomorrow.

17 Feb 09 - 05:24 AM (#2568961)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: Bullfrog Jones

Make her laugh -- with you rather than at you...

17 Feb 09 - 05:49 AM (#2568979)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: CarolC

I second the making her laugh one. But kindness and liking what makes me who I am are right up there also.

17 Feb 09 - 07:10 AM (#2569015)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: Catherine Jayne

I third the making her laugh too and the kindness, understanding, loving and hugs. I like flowers and chocolate and long walks and stoies with my children too, sex isn't always the answer.

17 Feb 09 - 07:43 AM (#2569039)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: Beer

What you said reminds me of a verse by john Prine in his song "Far From Me".

Well, I leaned on my left leg
in the parking lot dirt
And Cathy was closing the lights
A June bug flew from the warmth he once knew
And I wished for once I weren't right
Why we used to laugh together
And we'd dance to any old song.
Well, ya know, she still laughs with me
But she waits just a second too long.


17 Feb 09 - 08:04 AM (#2569054)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: Bobert

Good golley, Miss Molley...

A womenz thread that I did ***not*** start!!!

Stop the presses... Get Ripley on the phone...

But seein' as I am the resident expert on womenz I'll put my 2 cents worth in... What makes 'um happy is listenin' to 'um ramble and if ya' do that the clues are in the ramblin'... They will tell ya' what will make 'um happy and then you do or get 'um what they want, ya' get laid fir doin' 'er gettin' and then the process begins again...

Purdy simple...



17 Feb 09 - 08:13 AM (#2569060)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: kendall

Respect. To be listened to.To be made to laugh. And made to feel safe and special.

17 Feb 09 - 08:36 AM (#2569078)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!

I suspect, Kendall, that men appreciate the same. But yes - you have got it right.

17 Feb 09 - 08:41 AM (#2569083)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: John MacKenzie

I think it was LLoyd George who said, 'We will never solve the Irish question. Every time we find an answer, they change the question'
I feel that way about women.

17 Feb 09 - 08:50 AM (#2569092)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: VirginiaTam

Kindness and laughing is good... I have insomnia problems. My honey reads (usually something lighthearted, like Disc World) to me almost everynight.

I am so spoiled.

17 Feb 09 - 08:55 AM (#2569095)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: Wesley S

One of the best mandolin builders I know Has Brentrup { he built one of my mandolins } thought outside the box and built his wife a guitar for Valentines Day.Here's a link to some photos - I can understand why she has a smile on her face....

Martin O-45 copy

17 Feb 09 - 08:56 AM (#2569096)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: olddude

Living with women my whole life I would say that any guy who knows the answer to this would make a fortune

17 Feb 09 - 08:58 AM (#2569099)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: wysiwyg

What makes "a woman" happy-- there's the problem. What makes a specific woman happy is what makes her happy as a PERSON who happens to be female in her own unique way.

Me, for instance. Hate roses. Knowing that I don't like them and that their odor turns my stomach, now that's happy. Thinking about ME, and not "how I gonna make my woman happy".


17 Feb 09 - 10:12 AM (#2569147)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: Midchuck

The question has in fact been answered, as has the corresponding question with regard to a man: here.


17 Feb 09 - 10:22 AM (#2569152)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: Alice

I really hate these threads that lump all of one gender together as if people were not individuals. It is insulting.

17 Feb 09 - 10:45 AM (#2569163)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: Wesley S

Yeah - all chicks think that way Alice.......

I'm sorry I couldn't resist.

17 Feb 09 - 10:56 AM (#2569168)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: Amos

What I want to know is what possessed Adrien Beer to make a possessive form out of a verb, in the thread title, or otherwise abuse a poor little apostrophe that had done him no harm. Perhaps he was taken over by spirits of some kind. IN any case the title is a silly statement.

17 Feb 09 - 11:28 AM (#2569196)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: KT

Amo's you crack me up!

17 Feb 09 - 12:31 PM (#2569264)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: dick greenhaus

It's called apostrophilia.

17 Feb 09 - 02:13 PM (#2569350)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: kendall

Actually, I most concerned with making ONE woman happy.

Old Dude, it's simple; find out what she wants and giver her plenty of it.

17 Feb 09 - 02:33 PM (#2569363)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: gnu

Well, Amos, in that case, a rare one.

17 Feb 09 - 02:46 PM (#2569375)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: Jeri

Amos put happy industrious finger to hard-used, letters-worn-off keyboard on tired but faithful Mac and like a fiend addicted to words the same as some are addicted to absinthe (which does NOT make the heart grow fonder, only more sloppily affectionate) and typed with a fervor only equaled in 'what is folk?' arguments and threads in other other anal-retentive magnet subjects, "What I want to know is what possessed Adrien Beer to make a possessive form out of a verb, in the thread title, or otherwise abuse a poor little apostrophe that had done him no harm." and yet you ignored his odd period, lack of spaces and capitalization of the noun 'sex' (which was not used as a proper noun), and yet you might have just queried, "Adrien, why did you stick an apostrophe in 'its'?"--but you didn't.

He isn't perfect, but neither are you, so THERE, buster.

These threads give me the creeps too. It's a little like those 'how to get girls' books for losers who can't just force themselves to JUST be decent human beings... or a Bobert thread. Plus, you get people criticizing you for starting a 'thread like this'.

OK folks, lets all pretend he asked 'What Makes Your S.O. Happy?'
I don't know, cuz I ain't got one o' them SO thangs. All I can offer is this: Beer, I've seen your gardens. If she wants plants, give her plants!

17 Feb 09 - 02:55 PM (#2569382)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: Wesley S

'What Makes Your S.O. Happy?'

There are almost as many answers as there are people.

17 Feb 09 - 03:04 PM (#2569387)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: Jeri

How many S.O.'s do you have Wesley!?

17 Feb 09 - 03:44 PM (#2569413)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: Wesley S

Just the one. That's enough. Foe me at least. YMMV.

17 Feb 09 - 03:48 PM (#2569416)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: John MacKenzie

Pleasing S O's for DUMMIES

17 Feb 09 - 04:48 PM (#2569463)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: Little Hawk

From what I've seen at the local internet cafe, most people's S.O. these days is a laptop computer! Or an iphone.

Yeah, these threads on "women" (as if they could all be summarized somehow in a single definition) are a bit creepy, no doubt about it, Jeri, but they also offer an opportunity for some lighthearted banter and I don't think there's any real harm in that as long as it's not accompanied by bad intentions. Bobert, for example, needs to do threads about "womenz" now and then as a way of poking fun at himself and his ongoing life and thereby relieving stress. It's a form of therapy.

What would really offend you is the dog-eared books Shane has been studying for years on how to pick up girls. Now THOSE are CREEPY! Also, they don't seem to have done him any good...

17 Feb 09 - 05:18 PM (#2569488)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: Jeri

Hawk, I'm not really very militant about this. Not even very serious.

I think maybe these threads reassure some of you guys. Maybe if you get just the right formula of flowers and chocolates, women will be nice to you.

Seriously, and I MEAN it: there's a reason she started loving you. Just remember what it was and honor it. Note that the flowers and chocolates, a dinner out or a romantic dinner you cooked won't hurt... unless she thinks you're feeling guilty about something which will get you a buttload of trouble.

17 Feb 09 - 05:38 PM (#2569504)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: Little Hawk

For sure, Jeri. I understand what you mean.

I know exactly what it is that caused various women to start loving me in the past...and I know what to do to please them, providing I'm willing to do it...I'm not always willing to do it.

It's just that I don't actually want the complications of such a relationship in my life anymore, and I can't be bothered. I am not looking for "the right formuala" to find someone, because I'm not looking, period. I have no strategies in mind for that.

I prefer friendships at this point in my life, not love affairs. Friends are people I can have a good time with playing music or whatever, but I'm a free man when I walk out the door.

Sex? I don't worry much about that anymore. If I never have sex again till the day I die....okay, fine. It's a very enjoyable experience in itself, but it's not the key to happiness.

p.s. I would not have believed my present perspective on this prior to age 50!

17 Feb 09 - 05:45 PM (#2569511)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: Georgiansilver

Been on my own for six years now and I guess I just don't have to worry anymore about what women want.... unless they tell me they want something specific.... in which case I try to oblige if I can.... they are all different... some want love... some want the Alpha male... some want security... some want........... I'll shut up now and let someone else have a go...

18 Feb 09 - 03:54 PM (#2570296)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: Donuel


18 Feb 09 - 03:59 PM (#2570301)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: Bill D

*tsk*, Donuel....not the ones who liked ME!

18 Feb 09 - 04:13 PM (#2570316)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: bobad

Ah Bill, they wrapped themselves in the security of your philosophy.

18 Feb 09 - 04:32 PM (#2570334)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: Peter T.

Little Hawk, you need to get out more.


Peter T.

18 Feb 09 - 05:19 PM (#2570373)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: Bill D

Or...have more company...*grin*

18 Feb 09 - 06:13 PM (#2570423)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: Little Hawk

You think? ;-)

Well, guys, I have this problem with sex. I take it way too seriously...and I fall in love with people. Then my life goes totally out of control and I end up in some romantic situation that drives me right out of my mind and everything "turns to shit", to quote Blake Madison or someone else like that. It's a frikkin' disaster. Every time.

That is why I think abstinence is the best idea in my case. I was meant to live either alone...or in a community of like-minded people like an ashram or something...but not with one woman.

18 Feb 09 - 06:59 PM (#2570466)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: Peter T.

Uh, what you are describing is what experts refer to as "life". You will get over the sex and love train wreck part either (a) she will come along; or (b) round about 100 (though I am told that Romanian women over 100 are still pretty flirty).


Peter T.

18 Feb 09 - 07:13 PM (#2570472)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: Bill D

" life goes totally out of control... "

hmmm... I guess that makes me wonder who tries to control what. But it is obviously better to NOT get serious and try living with someone, than to have tedious conflicts, no matter why they happen.

I know a woman who has much the same basic problem...she tries to "have a serious relationship" and issues develop. In her case, I am 82.537% sure that she tries to gently 'adjust' the habits of her intended partner....for his own good, of course. She is a very nice, giving, talented lady who has lived alone for many years, developing her clear ideas on everything from politics to what to have for dinner. I think she has just about decided that your way works best, Little Hawk.

I dunno if I am just totally lucky THIS time, or whether I learned some things from what didn't work before, but we 'make room' for each other's needs and adjust and listen.

There's no one 'right' way for anyone to live and relate to others, but my best answer to "what makes a woman happy" is to listen and learn and try to be aware, even during the inevitable disagreements.

18 Feb 09 - 07:27 PM (#2570484)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: MaineDog

Someone, please tell me the answer to that important question, since I may have to do it sometime soon!

18 Feb 09 - 09:26 PM (#2570551)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: GUEST,hg

Kind,funny,good kisser...likes the outdoors and smart makes perfection in my mind....doesn't have to be a musician as long as I can play almost as much as I want.

19 Feb 09 - 01:02 AM (#2570626)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: Gurney

In a book I read once, it is three animals: A Jaguar, -in the garage, a Mink, -in the wardrobe, and a Tiger, -in bed.

My woman? A clean but unexpected joke punchline, and small, spontaneous displays of affection.

Oh, and help about the house without having to ask. Big one, that.

19 Feb 09 - 02:33 AM (#2570638)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: Little Hawk

Yes, Peter, that is what the experts refer to as "life"... ;-)

But it's not the only possible mode of life one can or should follow. It's just the most common one. I honestly think some people are basically meant to live alone, they're better off that way (in a psychological sense), and that I'm one of them. This is true of some women too, I would think.

19 Feb 09 - 07:16 AM (#2570754)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: Peter T.

Little Hawk, I ran your lucubrations past a woman of my acquaintance (taken, I'm sorry) and she just laughed. "He's about the worst candidate for lonerdom ever," was her response.


Peter T.

19 Feb 09 - 08:13 AM (#2570782)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: jacqui.c

Actually, planting tulips is a good one - especially if they are planted in the colours and shape of the cross of St George and come up the first spring that she's spending in a foreign country........

19 Feb 09 - 08:16 AM (#2570785)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: kendall

The cross was easy. It was the white part that gave me fits.

19 Feb 09 - 08:20 AM (#2570788)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!

That project was almost as much fun as renovating the kitchen. I remember. The cross is still there. I pass by every spring to check. And it makes me smile. Kendall is such a romantic.

OK Groupies - that wss your cue. All together now - SIIIGGHHHH!!!!!!

19 Feb 09 - 11:39 AM (#2570947)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: GUEST,sinky

a ten inch wanger with ten pound notes hanging off the end

19 Feb 09 - 02:16 PM (#2571076)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: Little Hawk



Who does this woman you mention think would be the "best" candidate for lonerdom ever? What general type of man, I mean? I'm kind of curious about that.

If she could explain that in some detail, then I could draw some useful parallels between him and me and try to figure out where I've gone wrong...and then perhaps make myself over in a more suitable image and general mode for lonerdom. (grin)

19 Feb 09 - 07:35 PM (#2571341)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: kendall

How do so many men manage to remain so clueless in this day and age?

Some years ago, a close friend of mine was complaining about his wife. Among other things he said, "I don't know what ails her; she'd rather knit than fuck." I said to him, So would I, and most women would too."

19 Feb 09 - 09:10 PM (#2571413)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: Little Hawk

He's clearly on his own special wavelength...toward the low end of the frequency scale.

19 Feb 09 - 09:12 PM (#2571416)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: Nick E

Me, dead. (Or at least with dispepsia) Chicks dig that.

20 Feb 09 - 01:06 AM (#2571521)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: Al

You can't make another person happy. They have to choose to be happy. Or not.

20 Feb 09 - 01:40 AM (#2571529)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: Little Hawk

That's true, Al...but there are things you can do which will greatly assist them in making either choice. I bet I could find ways to "make" you unhappy if I lived next door, for example... ;-) (assuming I was inclined to do that) "Making" you happy would probably be a little more difficult, because it takes much more skill and awareness to "make" someone happy than it does to "make" them unhappy.

It's mere child's play to make most people unhappy...there are so many ways to do it. To make them happy...well, a smile and a friendly attitude is a good start.

20 Feb 09 - 03:12 AM (#2571548)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: akenaton

Regardless of what Alice and others say, Women....and men have certain traits which are common to their gender.
Most women are happy to have a subtle control over their man, it has to do with the primitive need to find and keep a mate.
Women dont like submissive men though, it seems to be a nessecity to test their power from time to time......a challenge to their femininity?.....Ake

20 Feb 09 - 08:03 AM (#2571659)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!

rugby,soccer,lager,sex,housework,cooking,looking after kids,smelly farts,    why havent i got a girlfriend?

20 Feb 09 - 02:45 PM (#2571990)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: Ebbie

" know a woman who has much the same basic problem...she tries to "have a serious relationship" and issues develop. In her case, I am 82.537% sure that she tries to gently 'adjust' the habits of her intended partner....for his own good, of course. She is a very nice, giving, talented lady who has lived alone for many years, developing her clear ideas on everything from politics to what to have for dinner. I think she has just about decided that your way works best, Little Hawk." Bill D

Wow! My guess is that there are many more like her, Bill. In my case, after I fully realized some years back that I didn't even want to meet the "right" man, my life greatly simplified itself. In my early life I did enough that I'd just as soon not ever do it again.

The occasional dissatisfaction with my life now is much, much better than was my frequent dissatisfaction with my life then.

Luckily not everyone feels as I do, or humankind itself would end :)

20 Feb 09 - 02:49 PM (#2571994)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: Sleepy Rosie

When I first met my current partner, my Father offered him some informal friendly advice: "just let her have what she wants"

We are still together... ;-)

20 Feb 09 - 03:30 PM (#2572025)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: Little Hawk

As long as what she wants is within reason, that should work pretty well. I once had a partner who wanted me to sleep with her crazy sister (!) as well as with various other women I wasn't attracted to in the least, and she also wanted me to get drunk with her on regular occasions and basically act completely unlike my own natural self. Her whole project was to manage me, change me, and turn me into someone rather like Shane McBride. ;-)

I declined on all counts.

20 Feb 09 - 03:42 PM (#2572037)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: Peter T.

I believe it was Edmund Burke who, when told that England was about to collapse in ruins remarked that he thought it was unlikely because "there's a lot of ruin in a country." There's a lot of ruin in seeking companionship.


Peter T.

20 Feb 09 - 04:28 PM (#2572075)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: John P

Little Hawk sez:
"Most seem to like chocolate, though. Most also like to go dancing and they enjoy a meal in a really good restaurant. They also like a good listener."

Damn, I must be a woman. I knew something was wrong . . .

Actually, I find this thread rather sexist, although it's a tongue-in-cheek discussion. I keep hoping we're going to move past the whole "all women are ..." and "all men are . . ." crap. I know lots of individuals, and one of the most interesting things about them is their individuality.

John P

20 Feb 09 - 06:58 PM (#2572162)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: Rapparee

"How to handle a woman?
There's a way," said the wise old man,
"A way known by ev'ry woman
Since the whole rigmarole began."
"Do I flatter her?" I begged him answer.
"Do I threaten or cajole or plead?
Do I brood or play the gay romancer?"
Said he, smiling: "No indeed.
How to handle a woman?
Mark me well, I will tell you, sir:
The way to handle a woman
Is to love her...simply love her...
Merely love her."

20 Feb 09 - 07:20 PM (#2572171)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: GUEST,Slag

Rap, you're stealing my thunder!

Hard learned, tried and true. Women want to be loved. They want every aspect of their world to be secured in and by the love of an honest man (assuming they are honest women). Some men view sex as a separate act or a "part" of the picture. Women view sex as an integrated part of the total experience. It is life and sometimes the bringer of life. Of course this is all ideal but it is what you aim for.

And when women go a little crazy and bang off the walls you give them latitude to do so. When it's personal, don't take it personally. When things cool down it will be better than ever.

An amazing thing is to watch hot passion and romantic love convert into family love. Things change and love grows. It becomes a bulwark for all of life's storms. It embraces children and your children's children. And the really beautiful thing is that the original passion is still there, banked against all the humdrum or panic and the least little breeze of romance can fan it to life.

I Corinthians 13

20 Feb 09 - 07:38 PM (#2572179)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: GUEST,hg

What I can't figure out Little Hawk, is how you would even ask out a woman like that the first time. I hope you can read the signs better by now...

20 Feb 09 - 07:56 PM (#2572195)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: Little Hawk

With many people, hg, you don't see their dark side at all in the early stages of courtship and relationship. It doesn't come out and reveal itself at first...not until the relationship is well established. This isn't because they are consciously scheming to fool's just the way the human ego instinctively works, that's all. It doesn't get around to revealing its nastier subconscious garbage until it figures it has already made it safely to home base.

This also happens quite a bit with marriages. I'll give you an example. I have a friend who married in his mid-20s after having had a very happy relationship with his girlfriend for several years. They got along well, the sex was apparently great, they had lots of fun together and everything was going fine. Then they got married. Much to my friend's astonishment, his partner suddenly ceased having any interest in sex or emotional closeness at all anymore (including on their marriage night). She became combative and negative and all the joy went out of their relationship.

Whatever her subconscious garbage was, it had succeeded in hiding itself very effectively until that marriage license was signed. Well, they stayed together in this loveless marriage for a number of years, but eventually divorced.

You may think it's easy to see a toxic personality from the getgo. It isn't.

Women and men both want to be loved. That's a given. Some, however, simply don't believe deep down that they really deserve to be loved or that they ever can be loved or that anyone else ever will love them. They don't think they're lovable! And they don't even believe it's love when they get it from someone, they think it's a strategy of some kind. That's where the problems are usually their negative thinking about themselves and their trust issues with other people. Those problems generally go right back to early childhood experiences, I think.

20 Feb 09 - 08:47 PM (#2572223)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: Ebbie

Um. Little Hawk, I'm with hg here. Many a woman marries a man who turns out seriously flawed whether as a violent person or a cheater at taxes or a paedophile.

But if she is facing it clearly seldom has a woman NOT known beforehand that he was not kosher, so to speak. She may not know how very bent he is but in my opinion she knows he is bent.

Maybe it goes back to what Bill D said about the woman planning to "change" him.    But trust me: She knows.

20 Feb 09 - 09:06 PM (#2572231)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: Ed T

Could it be swimming caps that make women happy? Just a guess, from left field.

20 Feb 09 - 10:26 PM (#2572261)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: GUEST,Slag

I have to agree with you LH. And remember love, or even a heady lust, is blind. We don't want to see those tell-tale clues. We often don't listen to the warnings of friends and family. We WANT TO BELIEVE!

Borderline personalities are particularly difficult to spot. Chameleon is an apt description. They are usually completely hidden from themselves too. All too often, when the negative changes begin to manifest, they make a remarkable case that it is YOUR fault, not theirs. A true test of such mental illness is that it continues to progress in a downward spiral. It becomes the proverbial train wreck; you can see it coming but there is nothing you can do about it.

20 Feb 09 - 10:38 PM (#2572266)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: Little Hawk

I think women may be (on average) a bit better at picking up those signals, Ebbie...or men (on average) might not be so good at hiding their dark side? I think men are often more surprised when their partner's dark side emerges than women are, because they never even saw it coming.

Well.....I can't say I know for sure, but I think it's more along the line of what Slag is saying: We don't want to see those tell-tale clues when we're in love with someone, and we make excuses for them, because we WANT to believe. That's one of the chief dangers of the whole process of "falling in love" as it is termed in our culture.

21 Feb 09 - 12:53 AM (#2572307)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: mg

Men who can fix things and drive red trucks and are good-natured and totally responsible and are unaware that there are other women in the vicinity or the world. I never understand having to have a sense of humor..I guess that might be a mild asset....doesn't come close to killing bears if in an emergency wtih them though. mg

21 Feb 09 - 01:05 AM (#2572311)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: Bert

One has to be able to fix everything, whether its making the daughter's wedding dress or getting the boiler to work or just sharpening the knives.

And be nice all the time. That's the easy one, no matter if she's bitchy, that's when she needs you the most. And if she needs someone to shout at and you're the only one around, remember, you can take it, she has nobody else.

And always, that's ALWAYS, have an answer.

So when she asks 'What do you want for dinner?', never say I don't know. Always say 'Fish and chips' or 'Shepherds pie' or 'curry' or even 'caviar and venison pie' but never, ever, say 'I don't know'.

21 Feb 09 - 01:08 AM (#2572312)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: mg

And you have to know the right answer to do these jeans make my butt look fat (No, I am not going to tell you what it is). mg

21 Feb 09 - 02:02 AM (#2572315)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: Little Hawk

Well, that's a refreshingly practical approach, mg. ;-) Your first post I mean.

21 Feb 09 - 07:13 AM (#2572382)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: kendall

Here is a true example of what not to say.

My ex wife, like so many women, was very concerned about the size of her butt. One day she bought a new blue skirt, and of course, had to model it. She did a turn around in front of me and asked "Does this make me look like a Mack truck"? Without thinking I said,
"No, Mack trucks are always red."
I paid for that one.

21 Feb 09 - 08:25 AM (#2572400)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: Peter T.

An interesting discussion about this thread with women friends last night (well, part of this thread, we were discussing Little Hawk's putative lonerdom, and they all agreed that it was a sham). But anyway, there was agreement that one thing that separates women from men is that once a relationship starts, women are more interested in giving it time to build; men will decide they don't like the long term prospects and go. There was an agreement that somewhere around one month into a relationship (especially after about a week or so of sex, so the man at least can say he had sex with her, and notch her up) is where this happens. (I'm just reporting this conversation)......

(like all these theories, extrapolation from insufficient data).

yours ever,

Peter T.

21 Feb 09 - 01:33 PM (#2572547)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: kendall

Anyone who basis a relationship on sex is in for a very unpleasant surprise.
"Kissing don't last, cooking does."

21 Feb 09 - 01:46 PM (#2572562)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: Little Hawk

A SHAM! Oh! I am wounded! I'm going to crawl off in a corner and weep and moan for a bit...nothing hurts like not being believed. ;-)

That other situation you allude to, Peter, where the man loses interest after about a month...yes, that's quite common. I think it happens because the man is basically just trying to satisfy his sex drive (whether he knows that or not), he's seeking short term entertainment in other words, but he definitely doesn't want the complex set of responsibilities that come with an ongoing relationship. Women, on the other hand, usually do want that set of responsibilities, because it makes them feel secure...and loved. In the case of the man, if he's the hit and run kind, it just makes him feel trapped...and probably bored.

That happens with a lot of men, specially younger men. It doesn't go that way with all of them, though, fortunately. Some men are genuinely looking for committment and stability in a relationship.

21 Feb 09 - 01:56 PM (#2572568)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: Little Hawk

hg - "What I can't figure out Little Hawk, is how you would even ask out a woman like that the first time."

Actually, I didn't. She asked me out. Twice. I had nothing else in particular to do at the time (the second time, I mean), so I said "Sure, why not?" The rest is history. ;-) Anyway, she could be charming and a lot of fun when she chose to be. With that woman it was either heaven or hell...seldom anything in between.

21 Feb 09 - 02:18 PM (#2572587)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: number 6

"So, What Makes a Woman Happy?"

... doesn't it all depend on their astrological sign ?? :)


21 Feb 09 - 02:53 PM (#2572615)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: Ed T

Anything ring true from the list below? (based on post from moon light, from another site)

What Makes A Woman Happy ?

It's really not that difficult...

To make a woman happy; a man only needs to be :

A Friend

important!!!! important!! A companion

A Lover

A Brother

A Father

A Master

A chef

An Electrician

A Carpenter

A Plumber

A Mechanic

A Decorator

A Stylist

A Psychologist

A Pest Exterminator

A Psychiatrist

A Healerand protector

A Good Listener

An Organizer

A Good Father

Very Clean





















Passionate,.without a specific goal in mind

Spontanious, to satisfy her needs


Give her compliments regularly

Love shopping

Be honest

Be very rich

Not stress her out

Not look at other girls


Give her lts of attention, and complements but expect little yourself

Give her lots of time

Give her lots of space, never worrving about where she goes


Never forget:

To listen, and not to judge


Anniversaries and special times

To compliment her appearance

To like her family, good or bad

Acknoledge arrangements she makes

You must kindle to get fire

21 Feb 09 - 03:32 PM (#2572638)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: kendall

Men mature after they have exhausted all other options.

21 Feb 09 - 03:46 PM (#2572646)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: Little Hawk

Ha! Ain't that the truth.

21 Feb 09 - 09:38 PM (#2572839)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: GUEST,John

I don't know about "Happy" but Robert Burns, who had about as much success with women as any man, summed it up when he wrote the poem: "Nine inch will please a lady".

21 Feb 09 - 10:07 PM (#2572854)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: Janie

"Girls Just Want to Have Fun."

21 Feb 09 - 10:11 PM (#2572859)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: Janie

100 makes me happy.

Simple pleasures....

21 Feb 09 - 10:45 PM (#2572873)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!

While Kendall was repairing a leaky faucet, I mused that I would be most happy with a man who agreed to live elsewhere and come over whenever I needed something fixed or whatever. Seems he an I have the perfect relationship and Jacqui is completely happy with it. LOL

22 Feb 09 - 12:15 AM (#2572916)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: bald headed step child

I'm a little late getting in on this, but I can give the answer.

Women want security, at least that's what they ask for when I approach them in a bar, and they always seem happy when Security gets there. ;)


22 Feb 09 - 09:25 AM (#2572964)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: kendall

Is it true that Freud once said, "In all my years of practice, the one thing I have never figured out, what do women want"?
I have my doubts.

22 Feb 09 - 12:41 PM (#2573071)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: Little Hawk

When I think of Freud, what comes to my mind is a very intelligent but extremely misguided man. ;-)

22 Feb 09 - 02:41 PM (#2573152)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: JohnInKansas

LH -

Freud gets sort of a bad rap because he said quite a few things that were pretty intelligent that are omitted, ignored, and apparently unknown by most "Freudians."

He also did not say many of the things that are taught as "core Freudian knowledge" - at least not in any of his seven books that I read as a teenager when I was immature enough to think "that stuff" was really important.

He was succinctly and accurately summed up by his daughter Anna, herself a quite capable therapist, when she actually did say "Daddy was a nut," althugh it's not compleltey clear whether she was referring to his work or to his "family life."

On the main topic of the thread, 5 things men should know about women adds nothing most should not already know; but does illustrate that mudcat isn't the only place talking about the trite and obvious.


22 Feb 09 - 03:23 PM (#2573183)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: Amos

Women, like all forms of life, seek self-determination in space and time.

Like most forms of life, they get partial results.


22 Feb 09 - 03:46 PM (#2573199)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: Little Hawk


23 Feb 09 - 09:56 AM (#2573711)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

What Makes's a Woman Happy?

A man who's not afraid to tell her that he Loves her.

A man who's not afraid to tell others that he Loves her.

A man who means those words, every single time he says them to her.

A man who says them to her often.

A man who finally works out that the only thing in life which truly matters is to Love and be Loved in return.

A man who finally realises that *true* Love is never one-sided.

And...a man who at last, opens his eyes, the ones he's been keeping so tight shut against his emotions and sees the treasure that lies waiting, right in front of him.

A Little Bit of Love

Failing that...a man who keeps her in chocolate...or indeed, covers her in chocolate.

But I don't think we should go there, because that should probably be in a different thread entitled 'What Makes a Man Happy'..


23 Feb 09 - 01:40 PM (#2573951)
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
From: kendall

What kind of love are we talking about? There are so many kinds. I love my State, my dog, my house, my guitar and my children.
Then there's my wife. Of course I don't love all of them the same way!None of them would approve.

Are we considering the madness of "being in love"?