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Mawkin:Causley Touring!

24 Feb 09 - 12:06 PM (#2574763)
Subject: Mawkin:Causley Touring!
From: GUEST,Dave of Mawkin

Hi Guys,

Just a quickie to inform you all that we'll be heading out on the road soon! We'll be taking our new album out on the road too, some exciting new tracks including singing from MAWKIN !! what will we think of next..
We'll have the CD to sell to gigs from the first april gig (sorry March people).. but look out for other Mawkin:Causley goodness with us in tha April edition of fRoots Magazine, and Bob Harris show on the 10th of March..
thanks for all your support and see you soon,


MAWKIN:CAUSLEY "The Awkward Recruit Tour" - NEW ALBUM OUT 20th of APRIL

March 6th, 2009
Stafford Gatehouse, Eastgate St, STAFFORD ST162LT
01785 254 653
£14.50 (£12.50 conc)

March 10th, 2009 - BBC Radio 2, Bob Harris Show!

March 20th, 2009
The Goose is Out!, DHFC, Edgar Kail Way, Dog Kennel Hill, East Dulwich LONDON SE22 8BD
020 7274 8707
£12 (£11 conc)
March 21st, 2009
St Johns ARC, St Johns Walk, Market Street, Old Harlow CM17 0AJ
01279 773 700

April 4th, 2009
Bridgwater Arts Centre,11-13 Castle St, Bridgwater, Somerset TA6 3DD
01278 422700
£10 (£9 conc)

April 10th, 2009
Gosport & Fareham Easter Festival, Fareham, Hampshire
01329 231942

April 15th, 2009
The Bedford, 77 Bedford Hill, Balham, London SW12 9HD
Tickets should be available online from WeGotTickets once I've worked out how to do it.. Embarrassed

April 17th, 2009
Cambridge Folk Club, The Golden Hind, 355 Milton Road, Cambridge, CB4 1SP
01223 304 447

April 18th, 2009
Faldingworth Live,Faldingworth Memorial Hall, Faldingworth, Lincolnshire LN8 3SE
07771 745 470

April 19th, 2009
The Lowry, Pier 8, Salford Quays, M50 3AZ
0870 787 5780


April 25th, 2009
The Cut, New Cut, Halesworth, Suffolk IP19 8BYk
08456 732 123
£12 (£10/8 conc)

April 27th, 2009
Colchester Arts Centre, Church St, Colchester, CO1 1NF
01206 500 900

April 30th, 2009
The Stables, Stockwell Lane, Wavendon, Milton Keynes
01908 280 800
£11.50 (£9.50 conc)

24 Feb 09 - 12:14 PM (#2574770)
Subject: RE: Mawkin:Causley Touring!
From: Rasener

Looking forward to having you at Faldingworth Live, Dave.

Can you send me your PA spec please, by e-mail.

24 Feb 09 - 12:21 PM (#2574776)
Subject: RE: Mawkin:Causley Touring!
From: Folkiedave

And I have to tell you the only events listed on We Got Tickets:

under M:C are two at the Goose is Out SE 22(full price and concessions) with Dan Maitland and Bulgakov and Colchester Arts Centre.

Is the new record on Navigator?

24 Feb 09 - 12:23 PM (#2574780)
Subject: RE: Mawkin:Causley Touring!
From: Folkiedave

There will be those saying and about time too!! And since the nearest to Sheffield is Faldingworth it looks like I'll need a ticket for Faldingworth Les, save me one will you!

24 Feb 09 - 12:38 PM (#2574798)
Subject: RE: Mawkin:Causley Touring!
From: GUEST,Spleen Cringe

Are you not coming back to Bury Met? Go on, you know you want to!

24 Feb 09 - 12:41 PM (#2574800)
Subject: RE: Mawkin:Causley Touring!
From: Rasener

Hi Folkie Dave. I have reserved a ticket for you and it will be great to see you again. We haven't got room for your book stall though :-)

24 Feb 09 - 01:58 PM (#2574855)
Subject: RE: Mawkin:Causley Touring!
From: Linda Kelly

Looking forward to seeing you at Faldingworth Dave of Mawkin!

25 Feb 09 - 03:13 AM (#2575345)
Subject: RE: Mawkin:Causley Touring!
From: Rasener

Glad you are coming along Linda :-)

05 Mar 09 - 10:03 AM (#2581758)
Subject: RE: Mawkin:Causley Touring!
From: GUEST,dave of naked mawkincausley

just a quickie to say the Bob Harris show will be playing our set on the 14th not the 10th as advertised! doh!

05 Mar 09 - 11:40 AM (#2581827)
Subject: RE: Mawkin:Causley Touring!
From: Rasener

And one of those Mawkin:Causley boys will be having an interview live with Tom Lane and myself on Radio Lincolnshire on April 15th 2009 at 6:30. We hope to play a couple of songs from the new CD as well.

07 Mar 09 - 09:25 AM (#2583239)
Subject: RE: Mawkin:Causley Touring!
From: GUEST,naked dave

Just a quickie to say that we'll be playing in Oxfordshire afterall!

26th of April
The Unicorn Theatre,
Checker Walk,
Thames St
Tickets £10/£8 (advance)

We'll be sorting out a We Got Tickets page for this gig and The Bedford (15th of April)... keep your eyes peeled.

07 Mar 09 - 11:46 AM (#2583311)
Subject: RE: Mawkin:Causley Touring!
From: Silas

Saw you last night in Stafford. Brilliant! Bloody well done.

15 Mar 09 - 07:37 AM (#2589213)
Subject: RE: Mawkin:Causley Touring!
From: GUEST,wont be naked at gigs dave

Tickets for our self promote gigs are now on sale from We Got Tickets... do come along, its always scary putting on a gig yourself!

For The Bedford Album Launch-

For The Unicorn theatre-

See you there!

15 Mar 09 - 08:33 AM (#2589253)
Subject: RE: Mawkin:Causley Touring!
From: Michael

Apart from the references in Dave's name, nobody (pun/insult not intended) had mentioned the Froots cover!


15 Mar 09 - 08:42 AM (#2589257)
Subject: RE: Mawkin:Causley Touring!
From: Rasener

I was going to put the Froots picture on the poster for Faldingworth, but thought that people might think it was a strip night, not a folk night :-)

15 Mar 09 - 02:45 PM (#2589474)
Subject: RE: Mawkin:Causley Touring!
From: Folkiedave

Isn't it? Cancel my reserved ticket!!


15 Mar 09 - 05:00 PM (#2589577)
Subject: RE: Mawkin:Causley Touring!
From: Jane Bird

Many in the M:C audience will be v disappointed that your fRoots cover shot will be representative of your stage presence (others may be quite relieved, though).

I thought the M:C fRoots cover was hillarious, by the way.


PS There's a chance to dance to Mawkin (without Mr Causley) on 11th April at Oxfolk: Kennington near Oxford -

16 Mar 09 - 04:02 AM (#2589850)
Subject: RE: Mawkin:Causley Touring!
From: Banjiman

What's this Mawkin:Causley on at Kirkby Fleetham Folk Club in in North Yorks? Saturday 14th November..... with a whole supporting cast as well.

That'll be the 2nd Big Birthday Bash then.

Not part of this tour I guess, but thought you might all be interested.

18 Mar 09 - 06:26 AM (#2591612)
Subject: RE: Mawkin:Causley Touring!
From: Rasener

Smart bit of advertising there Paul :-)

25 Mar 09 - 03:57 PM (#2597224)
Subject: RE: Mawkin:Causley Touring!
From: GUEST,MC-Street-Team

Still plenty of tickets left for the album launch left!

Mawkin:Causley Album Launch Concert
April 15th, 2009
The Bedford, 77 Bedford Hill, Balham, London SW12 9HD
£10/£8 (advance/concess)
Available from We Got Tickets

25 Mar 09 - 04:17 PM (#2597243)
Subject: RE: Mawkin:Causley Touring!
From: Rasener

We have 36 tickets left for Faldingworth Live

Saturday April 18th 2009
Faldingworth Live
Lincolnshire LN8 3SE

14 miles north of Lincoln

Tickets £10
Call Les on 01673 843036

06 Apr 09 - 04:45 AM (#2605480)
Subject: RE: Mawkin:Causley Touring!
From: Shaw Farmer

Great show at Bridgwater Arts Centre, the new songs are fantastic. Drummer Boy from Waterloo being a particular stand-out track for me (at one point the band create the soundscape of a lonely drummers march through a battlefield of cannons, machineguns and all things scary!)

Cannot reccomend it enough, everyone should go and see them.

06 Apr 09 - 12:16 PM (#2605689)
Subject: RE: Mawkin:Causley Touring!
From: nickp

It was indeed Shaw, I enjoyed it very much. Were you around afterwards for Jim C's rendition of the Lollipop Man in the foyer?

Not for the easily offended - well, perfectly innocent lyrics, it just depends on the way your mind works... Hee Hee!!

07 Apr 09 - 06:17 AM (#2606322)
Subject: RE: Mawkin:Causley Touring!
From: Shaw Farmer

I'm very sadened to say I missed that rendition! I do have it on CD though and it is jolly good.

07 Apr 09 - 10:05 AM (#2606484)
Subject: RE: Mawkin:Causley Touring!
From: Rasener

18 tickets left at Faldingworth Live

08 Apr 09 - 10:06 AM (#2607310)
Subject: RE: Mawkin:Causley Touring!
From: KirstyGardner

I have booked my tickets for the album launch! Can't wait to get my hands on the new album!


08 Apr 09 - 06:47 PM (#2607674)
Subject: RE: Mawkin:Causley Touring!
From: Rasener

Slowly getting there 15 tickets left. Week and a half to go.

09 Apr 09 - 04:12 AM (#2607844)
Subject: RE: Mawkin:Causley Touring!
From: Banjiman

..... and don't forget Mawkin:Causley are also on at the Ryedale Folk weekend, May 22nd-24th on the beautiful North York Moors.

Ryedale Info

12 Apr 09 - 10:28 AM (#2609649)
Subject: RE: Mawkin:Causley Touring!
From: GUEST,gave

Great set at Gosport on friday!

13 Apr 09 - 10:29 AM (#2610159)
Subject: RE: Mawkin:Causley Touring!
From: GUEST,Dave of Mawkin

Quick reminder to book your tickets for the album launch on wednesday-

Thanks for everyones comments, its been a great tour soo far..

14 Apr 09 - 10:05 AM (#2610936)
Subject: RE: Mawkin:Causley Touring!
From: Rockhen

Looking forward to hearing MC live on Saturday at Faldingworth Live! Sounds like the tour is going well...we won't heckle at Faldingworth, honest, as Les will tell us off! Can't wait, (er, for the gig, not for Les to tell us off...!) :-)

17 Apr 09 - 07:48 AM (#2613014)
Subject: RE: Mawkin:Causley Touring!
From: KirstyGardner

The album launch was amazing! A lovely venue, it was really very pretty- glitterballs, and flashing lights! Such a great show. They played pretty much everything they've done together and they really got the place buzzing. A wonderful night. I'm very tempted to make it 3 gigs in 3 days and come down for Cambridge! Watched the gorgeous Benji last night at the Stables..

17 Apr 09 - 09:23 AM (#2613070)
Subject: RE: Mawkin:Causley Touring!
From: SteveMansfield

Article in The Guardian yesterday that mentions the sTROOF cover ...
Naked folk musicians. John and Yoko starkers. Will somebody please wrap a towel around this month's music mag cover stars?

18 Apr 09 - 06:08 AM (#2613705)
Subject: RE: Mawkin:Causley Touring!
From: treewind

Judging from the rest of that Grauniad article, it looks as if the silly season has started early.


19 Apr 09 - 05:24 AM (#2614284)
Subject: RE: Mawkin:Causley Touring!
From: Rasener

Excellent performance from Mawkin:Causley last night at Faldingworth Live. Thanks guys.

Make sure you get to see them.


19 Apr 09 - 05:56 AM (#2614292)
Subject: RE: Mawkin:Causley Touring!
From: evansakes

"genetically-engineered folk quintet"

Will you be using that quote in your publicity, Dave? :-)

20 Apr 09 - 05:40 PM (#2615142)
Subject: RE: Mawkin:Causley Touring!
From: Rasener

First photo's from Mawkin:Causley at Faldingworth Live April 18th 2009's.htm

23 Apr 09 - 02:08 PM (#2617125)
Subject: RE: Mawkin:Causley Touring!
From: KirstyGardner

Just discovered they're playing North London tomorrow!

Mawkin:Causley + The Long Notes
Date: Apr 24 2009 - 19:30
Where: 1-15 Leswin Place
London, N16 7NJ
Price: £5 adv/£6 on the door



23 Apr 09 - 02:27 PM (#2617135)
Subject: RE: Mawkin:Causley Touring!
From: glueman

Disappointed you're not coming north, young men. G'wan, g'wan,g'wan,g'wan,g'wan,g'wan,g'wan,g'wan,g'wan,g'wan,g'wan,g'wan,g'wan,g'wan. We don't bite.

23 Apr 09 - 02:31 PM (#2617140)
Subject: RE: Mawkin:Causley Touring!
From: Banjiman

They are, Ryedale Folk weekend May 22nd to 25th....... or is North Yorks too far North for you? Link several posts above.


23 Apr 09 - 02:34 PM (#2617144)
Subject: RE: Mawkin:Causley Touring!
From: glueman

Fair nuff. Just a big bit of the populated north missing, moan, whinge, gripe. Last year they were near enough not to bother getting the car out, and very splendid they were turning all my reservations about Essex to cinders in one swoopy fell.

23 Apr 09 - 02:42 PM (#2617150)
Subject: RE: Mawkin:Causley Touring!
From: Banjiman

......I've got them on at KFFC (still in the unpopulated bit of the North) in November as well as part of our w/e Birthday Bash..... why not come over?

23 Apr 09 - 02:51 PM (#2617158)
Subject: RE: Mawkin:Causley Touring!
From: glueman

I may well do that, quite partial to a bit of chicken in a cardboard bucket and lemon scented hand wipes.

25 Apr 09 - 08:41 AM (#2618438)
Subject: RE: Mawkin:Causley Touring!
From: GUEST,Naked because running out of clothes Dave..

Great run of gigs so far, Fridayfolk in Stoke Newington was amazing! 200 people crammed into this tiny warehouse type gig, great fun!

Just 5 gigs left of this tour then... thanks for all your support...

April 25th, 2009
The Cut, New Cut, Halesworth, Suffolk IP19 8BYk
08456 732 123
£12 (£10/8 conc)

26th of April
The Unicorn Theatre,
Checker Walk,
Thames St
Tickets £10

April 27th, 2009
Colchester Arts Centre, Church St, Colchester, CO1 1NF
01206 500 900

April 30th, 2009
The Stables, Stockwell Lane, Wavendon, Milton Keynes
01908 280 800
£11.50 (£9.50 conc)

May 2nd, 2009
The Red Lion, Vicarage Road, Kings Heath, Birmingham, B147LY

08 May 09 - 02:33 PM (#2627240)
Subject: RE: Mawkin:Causley Touring!
From: mandotim

A quick review; we went to see the boys last night in Leek, North Staffs. It's clear that the extended tour is having an effect; they looked road-weary, but played with tremendous energy, and better and tighter than I've ever seen them.
The set was the usual eclectic blend of songs and tunes, including songs in Spanish, Old English and Welsh, plus some mindbending playing on tunes from England and all parts. Jim Causley's voice was in fine fettle, and he was as charming as ever on stage. The new CD is out, and it's a real eye-opener, with some unexpected rhythms and influences crossing paths with some very ancient tunes and lyrics.
If you haven't seen/booked these guys yet, go out of your way to do so. They are fresh, exciting and brilliantly musical, and my wife (who is a better judge than me on these things) says 'they're cute!'.
Tim (No financial interest, wish I had)

09 May 09 - 09:27 AM (#2627659)
Subject: RE: Mawkin:Causley Touring!
From: Shaw Farmer

Could not agree more Tim, they were fantastic, it was by complete fluke that I ended up seeing them again, on holiday in Buxton visiting friends and I ended up stumbling across a leaflet for the gig!

15 May 09 - 05:23 PM (#2632844)
Subject: RE: Mawkin:Causley Touring!
From: Matthew Edwards

Just been listening to 'The Awkward Recruit' CD and really enjoyed it; some great songs sung and played with real passion, and performed with wit and style and genuine inventiveness which seems to be well rooted in an honest love of tradition.

It seems the title track was discovered by fiddler James by Google-Whacking (please don't explain this) - which means he surely must have found it on this thread about Muddley Barracks on Mudcat.

However this is not the only song in the world with a 'mawkin' reference; may I suggest the Ode to Spring by Robert Burns as a potential addition to the Mawkin:Causley repertoire?

I saw the band at Southport in February this year, and thought they were really exciting - and the CD definitely confirms that impression.

Matthew Edwards