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BS: MY version of HELL

26 Feb 09 - 10:23 PM (#2576931)
Subject: BS: MY version of HELL
From: olddude

My version of Hell consists of stuck in a room listening to non stop Kenny G and given only Jello to eat ... wait wait ... that is not hell that is my local hospital ... why would anyone do that to sick people huh. Went to visit a friend ...

Now I am not proud of the fact that I don't like Kenny G ... but
I don't like Kenny G. I would rather listen to my dog passing gas then Kenny G .. (I apologize) but at least with dog gas understand the smell

And Jello what is that all about, why every time anyone gets sick they shove that stuff down ya like it is going to make you better... well it aint I am here to say ...I am an expert on it and it never made me better, nor did listening to Kenny G brighten up my day even a tad

What is with that little sax anyway ... geeeeeeeze
sorry to all the Kenny G fans ...
I fully expect to be burned for this, I will take my meds as long as I don't have to eat jello

26 Feb 09 - 10:30 PM (#2576933)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: GUEST,Slag

I have to agree in part, at any rate. Jell-O because when you pass something more substantial than gas (depending on your condition and/or meds) it can be quite painful or even dangerous to your health. I will make no excuses for the vapid music. One man's Hell is another man's heaven, I guess.

When I had a long stay in the hospital I had friends and family smuggle in fast food and other goodies or I would have surely died!

26 Feb 09 - 10:32 PM (#2576934)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: Rapparee

There was a little sax in the hospital? Just a little? I've worked in hospitals and there was sax going on all the time...doctors, nurses....

Oh. SAX.

About Jello. It's mostly sugar and water and easily digested. It's also cheap. Personally I'd like it served in the brain mold, perhaps in different colors. Green brains, blue brains.... Jello in anatomical molds: perfect for a hospital.

26 Feb 09 - 10:41 PM (#2576940)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: Jeri

I have one of those molds. Never used it because I figured I had to make gray Jello, and I couldn't figure out the right formula.

26 Feb 09 - 10:48 PM (#2576943)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: olddude

You are scaring me .. so I have chrons disease, every time it acts up, yup go home Dan .. I think you need to eat jello and clear soup for a few days and take your meds ... so went up to see my bud stuck in the hosp.

then doc says we better scope ya. Now I don't know how many of you had the old roto router scope thing .. not fun ... when they do it they pump ya full of air so aferwords in recovery you toot like a steam boat. So last year I am laying in recovery virtually naked, tooting like a cheap Kenny G CD .. and this young nurse comes in and says ... Hi Dan you don't know me, I am your new neighbors ... just moved into the house behind your office, would you like some jello

you guess it Spaw would be proud of me ... I let out a semi blow
can't look she or her husband in the eyes since

26 Feb 09 - 10:49 PM (#2576944)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: Donuel


Being trapped in an elevator with Lindsy Graham, Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh, and I have the only bag of food.

26 Feb 09 - 11:00 PM (#2576951)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: Ebbie

Great image, Don! Scary...

26 Feb 09 - 11:10 PM (#2576955)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: number 6

Hell ...

Locked in a room being forced to listen to Dan Hill and fed nothing but brussel sprouts ... oh yeah, I'd be let out of the room occasionally only to go outside for a while to shovel snow out of an never ending driveway.


26 Feb 09 - 11:17 PM (#2576960)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: Amos

BEing forced to live through a New England winter while constantly being barraged with messages from some asshole talking about the weather in San Diego...oh, wait...never mind,....wrong number....yeah, sorry...


26 Feb 09 - 11:19 PM (#2576961)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: olddude

I feel your pain believe me

27 Feb 09 - 12:40 AM (#2576987)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: GUEST,Slag

Jeri, try equal parts berry (blue) and orange. You'll have your grey and east it too.

27 Feb 09 - 12:55 AM (#2576991)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: katlaughing

Donuel, you forgot the muzak! Or, maybe that would be too much?!

27 Feb 09 - 06:15 AM (#2577081)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: gnu

sIx.... I had forgotten about Dan Hill. Painful memories.

27 Feb 09 - 06:33 AM (#2577088)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

I'm feeling ill.   I looked at that Brain Jelly, and now...I'm feeling right poorly!

Dan, move house, it's the only way you'll be able to enjoy life again.


We don't have music over here, yet...but I think there's still sax in the storeroom going on.

27 Feb 09 - 08:21 AM (#2577148)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: kendall

I had to ask Jacqui who Kenny G is, and now that I know I have to agree with Old Dude. The saxophone sounds like a giant kazoo to me.

Jello aint so bad if you slather a lot of whipped cream on it.

My Hell would be, stuck in a room full of rappers and rock heads.Then, at the break, one of those women screechers that you hear in the supermarket. They sound like a hog caught in a barbed wire fence.
Then, as a treat, listening to George Bush speeches.

27 Feb 09 - 09:01 AM (#2577175)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL

A coffee free world.

27 Feb 09 - 09:06 AM (#2577179)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: Becca72

Stuck in a room with Mariah Carey. She sounds like someone stepped on her tail...

27 Feb 09 - 09:15 AM (#2577186)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: Wesley S

The old joke is what did Kenny G say when he steped off the elevator?

"That place ROCKS"

I was draged to a Kenney G concert one night. Free tickets. He's learned how to do something I understand is called circular breathing. Forcing air our of your mouth while breathing through your nose. It's an old trick. But it enables you to hold a note for 5 or ten minutes. Or even longer. Well ol Kenny had to prove his point at leat three times that night. And the crowd went NUTS. I kept thinking - hasn't this stadium of jazz fans never heard of Roland Kirk?

27 Feb 09 - 09:19 AM (#2577190)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: Rapparee

Hell: someplace without anything to read, even a cereal box or a street sign.

27 Feb 09 - 09:42 AM (#2577207)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: olddude

on msn today on the web they are talking about a new topless coffee shop opened in Maine

Maine Topless Coffee Shop

I think it was our Kendall

27 Feb 09 - 09:49 AM (#2577210)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: McGrath of Harlow

It's a soprano sax isn't it? Sounded a whole lot better when Sidney Bechet used to play it.

27 Feb 09 - 10:07 AM (#2577220)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL

Yeah, old dude. I saw that. When they tried that in NYC we picketed the place and took pictures of people going in. Then we hired a bus with plans to picket the owner's home in some exclusive town on LI. He closed it down.
Sleaze like this does not belong in a residential neighborhood.
Of course, that makes me a prude - I can live with that.

27 Feb 09 - 10:19 AM (#2577232)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: Jayto

I agree although I think I could take all the Jello in the world before I could take one Kenny G. CD. Kenny G. is without the Devil. On a very good note I heard on CNN yesterday that Muzak music company (the company responsible for most of the elevator music and music you hear while on hold)is almost bankrupt. YAY!!! finally and up side to this nasty economy. That stuff is mus-yak. Watch Kenny G. come to the rescue witha financial bailout for them.

I also agree with Sinsull. A coffeeless world full of Jello and Kenny G. that is without a doubt hell in my book.

27 Feb 09 - 10:28 AM (#2577241)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: olddude

Good for you SINS
could not agree more

27 Feb 09 - 10:29 AM (#2577242)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: GUEST,HiLo

Free tickets to the ice capades and a Celine Dionne cd...oh, and Kenny G would fit right in. AND the only book left on the planet being Pillars of The Earth...I can feel the flames.

27 Feb 09 - 10:43 AM (#2577246)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: Wesley S

If Musak does go belly up it will just be bought out by some company that will ruin it's original artistic vision.

27 Feb 09 - 11:44 AM (#2577303)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: kendall

If I'm ever going by that coffee shop and one of those perverts stops me and demands that I go in, then I will complain. However, as far as I know, no one has been required to go there.

Maybe I'm the pervert here, but in my opinion the human female bosom is the most beautiful thing in all of nature. It is we latter day puritans who have made them obscene.

Ladies, you may go topless in my presence any time! And you will be honored, not groped. (Unless you insist)

27 Feb 09 - 12:12 PM (#2577345)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: Jayto

Muzak going bankrupt? What is this world coming to? Are there just not enough people being put on hold anymore? lol

27 Feb 09 - 12:32 PM (#2577371)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: olddude

I bet a lot of young ladies would take you up on that offer - you little devil you ...

the rest of us, well we would need a big stack of dollar bills


27 Feb 09 - 12:33 PM (#2577373)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL

This thread brings to mind a concert Jacqui and I attended recently. First we cringed; then we laughed; then we left for the sake of those around us. Pure torture.

There is a reason someone goes into a topless coffee bar and it is not in admiration of the female breast. Places like that attract the worst sleaze in the world and those living nearby have to deal with it.
The owner of the Nude Juice Bar in NYC was horrified that the "element" from Jackson Heights was planning to show up by the busload in his gated community. He had utter contempt for us and couldn't believe we would even notice his sleazy little enterprise.
When it threatened to tarnish his own neighborhood, he changed his mind.
The human body is beautiful. It should be respected.
Mary, the Prude.

27 Feb 09 - 12:40 PM (#2577379)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: olddude

Only problem I have is I would probably choke to death trying to eat my donut and drink coffee with the distraction ... best I stay away from such unless i was more coordinated

what was it you said about whipped cream and jello

27 Feb 09 - 12:42 PM (#2577380)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: Jayto

My luck I would go in the day the guy was working. What a bummer that would be lol.

27 Feb 09 - 12:42 PM (#2577381)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: Jayto

Well and that guy would be Kenny G. of course lol

27 Feb 09 - 12:42 PM (#2577383)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: jacqui.c

That cellar is gonna get awful crowded if you boys don't behave!

27 Feb 09 - 12:46 PM (#2577391)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: Jayto

Even if I started behaving now I think my reservation in the cellar is in still standing lol.

27 Feb 09 - 12:53 PM (#2577399)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: Jeri

If the place is licensed for boobies, I know a good way to mess them up. Me and a few friends could clear the place in no time!

Personally, the cellar's looking mighty fine right now...

27 Feb 09 - 12:56 PM (#2577405)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: frogprince

Regarding the beloved Kenny G: There was an article, with interview, in our local paper a couple of months ago. Kenny was asked what music he listened to himself. He replied that he never listens to any music except his own. I'm still trying to get my mind around that; I've never heard any other performer say anything like that in my life.

27 Feb 09 - 12:57 PM (#2577410)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL

I have visions of Kendall needing milk for his coffee.

Is there room in the cellar for me?

27 Feb 09 - 12:59 PM (#2577412)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: Amos

I am completely in accord with Kendall's respect for the Divine Curve. As the Founder and Chief Missionary of the Temple of the Golden Globes, I can say with some authority that there are hardly any objects in the Universe of more inherent beauty. The fact that they come in matched (more or less) pairs is sure proof of the existence of a boutniful and generous Divinity that shapes our ends, mishew them how we may, not to put too fine a point on things.


27 Feb 09 - 01:02 PM (#2577415)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: Jayto

I have heard a bunch of artists say that about only listening to thier own music. I don't understand that at all. I had one tell me he didn't want any outside influence just his own creativity. I laughed and probably made him mad but sometimes if you say something stupid you deserve to be made mad lol. I don't understand that at all. To me it is arrogance. I think Kenny probably doesn't listen to other artists music because then he has to come to terms with how lame his own is.

27 Feb 09 - 01:05 PM (#2577419)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: number 6

Amos .... does your statment above inndicate that you are a Hooters franchise owner?


27 Feb 09 - 01:13 PM (#2577426)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: Jeri

I've said some pretty stupid things and had a good laugh at myself sometimes. If you can't laugh at yourself, then you shouldn't be making fun of the other poor, dumb slobs!

I need to put some new strings on my guitar. The ones I have are starting to sound like baling twine. See you all after the move (unless I'm faster than Max).

27 Feb 09 - 01:23 PM (#2577434)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: olddude

just put some on yesterday. like always a poked a hole in my thumb. 40 years and I can't change strings without poking myself. What a clutz.

I wish Kenny would be the only one to listen to Kenny
the world would be a better place.

Now if we could do something about jello

27 Feb 09 - 01:25 PM (#2577435)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL

SOmeone did - Jell-O pits.

27 Feb 09 - 01:28 PM (#2577440)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: olddude

be afraid be very afraid ...jell-o pits

27 Feb 09 - 01:33 PM (#2577445)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: Rapparee

Jello has pits, like peaches and cherries?

27 Feb 09 - 01:38 PM (#2577452)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: kendall

Sinsull, I can't speak for other perverts, I was only spouting my own belief. It's hard for me to picture a gang of scumbags from Jackson Heights going to Vassalboro Maine to gawp at boobs. Most of them couldn't find it on a map. Some of them couldn't find Jackson Heights on a map!

27 Feb 09 - 01:52 PM (#2577469)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL

You are deliberately muddying the waters, Captain.Vassalboro and its surroundings has its own collection of sleazy types. And the "map" reference did not get by me.

27 Feb 09 - 08:01 PM (#2577541)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: kendall

I didn't know you are familiar with Vassalboro. Tell me about it.
My feeling is,if you don't like it, stay away!

27 Feb 09 - 08:11 PM (#2577547)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: olddude

Is that one of those little donkeys they have at the North Rim of the Grand Canyon

27 Feb 09 - 10:13 PM (#2577594)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: kendall

The surest way to make something interesting is to ban it.

27 Feb 09 - 11:35 PM (#2577633)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: katlaughing

In an attempt to fulfil the duties thrust upon me by Sinsull in another thread, for those who don't know/remember, I give you a thread which has some of the earliest evidence of the infamous Tavern Jello Pit!

27 Feb 09 - 11:48 PM (#2577636)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: GUEST,Slag

I'm with you kendall, the human female breast IS one, if not THE loveliest things in the world. And come on! There is nothing perverse about it. It was the first thing I truly recognized this side of the womb. We are all predisposed to find it, admire it, love it and grow from it.   Talk about mana!

The shape is lovely and has fascinated artists through the ages. It is repeated in form over and over again in nature. It has a velvety texture, just the right amount of turgor and resilience and the nipple is alive and responsive to touch. What's not to love!

Without the breast and the wonderful species, the human female, who bares, bears it, this would be a hellish world indeed

27 Feb 09 - 11:49 PM (#2577637)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: Bert

Slag says try equal parts berry (blue) and orange. I was gonna say Blueberry and milk would come close.

I also second Kendal's thoughts that boobs are kinda nice and if I were in a topless coffee shop, OldDude it wouldn't be the donuts that I'd be choking on.

28 Feb 09 - 01:29 AM (#2577653)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: olddude

can't stop laughing good point

28 Feb 09 - 03:31 AM (#2577670)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: Liz the Squeak

Ah, but in the interests of diversity and economics, are they going to employ older workers? I'm not adverse to the odd boobie here and there but I do object when it's dangling in my cocoa (I don't drink coffee)!

My idea of hell - a cruiseship stocked with books by Jeffrey Archer and Barbara Cartland, and no Mudcat!


28 Feb 09 - 07:24 AM (#2577744)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: kendall

They don't have to worry about age discrimination; only young, firm women will go topless, so the rest will decline such offers of employment anyway.
I predict that when the novelty wears off the place will fold. What ever happened to those theaters that showed only xxx films?

28 Feb 09 - 08:01 AM (#2577755)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: gnu

I like tits. But, I just don't see the appeal of titty bars or titty cafés. As a young and curious lad, I performed extensive research, every spare moment I had, which included investigating such venues of exposure when I was in the big city. Cover charges, expensive drink and food... nice tits, yes, but, "water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink". Essentially, useless as tits on a bull.

And, I certainly understand SINS's viewpoint. Such has no place in a residential neighbourhood or on Main Street. I am disgusted by a situation we have in Moncton, a strip club across the street from Moncton High School. I am no prude, but, not in my back yard, thank you.

28 Feb 09 - 09:05 AM (#2577779)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: kendall

If God had wanted us to be nude, we would have been born that way.

28 Feb 09 - 09:57 AM (#2577802)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: Rapparee

Nothing to read, and the air filled with the music of bad bagpipers and bad concert harpists, all trying to play in tune music transposed from a ukelele-bass saxophone duet, with lots and lots of whisk(e)y available but which evaporates before it touches your lips.

28 Feb 09 - 10:06 AM (#2577808)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: olddude

and it would be a single malt also Rapaire

28 Feb 09 - 10:35 AM (#2577817)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: frogprince

You could say that this was done, in part, to show appreciation for certain lovely things and the purpose they serve. When I finished it, a couple of years back, a couple of the Mudcat folk helped me sort out the name for it, "Promises To Keep", a backhanded play on a Paul Simon line.

28 Feb 09 - 11:11 AM (#2577837)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: Ebbie

That's beautiful, Dean.

28 Feb 09 - 12:21 PM (#2577883)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: Liz the Squeak

"only young, firm women will go topless, so the rest will decline such offers of employment anyway."

Oh Kendall... have you never seen a real nudist camp? Those who happily drop their kecks at the drop of a hat are never those most physically suited to doing so!


28 Feb 09 - 01:36 PM (#2577939)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: olddude

I have an office full of Art. I collected it for years
and that is first class my friend

absolutely beautiful

Wow what an artist !!

28 Feb 09 - 01:38 PM (#2577944)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: GUEST,Jayto

Dean that is beautiful.

28 Feb 09 - 01:41 PM (#2577947)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: jacqui.c

What a beautiful piece Dean.

Liz - I was thinking something about the same. What I want to know is if some one will start shouting age discrimination when, maybe, they are turned down for a job there.

28 Feb 09 - 09:18 PM (#2578225)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: gnu

Sorry about the thread drift yet pun intended, but re the tits...

Age discrimination? Why?

If you got nice tits and you wanna work at one of those places, you get hired. Nice tits are nice tits.

Matter of fact, since the population is aging, maybe a titty cafe with older gals would make money?

Still... I would prefer it was low key and not in my face.

28 Feb 09 - 10:30 PM (#2578265)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: Rapparee

Reminds me of an old joke, the punchline to which is "Ah, I didn't ask for cream in my coffee."

01 Mar 09 - 09:25 AM (#2578506)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: jacqui.c

Still... I would prefer it was low key and not in my face

Quite - it depends how far south is still considered good to look at and what happens if a older gal with less than nice tits applies for a job? Given the present economic climate that ain't beyond the bounds.....

01 Mar 09 - 09:46 AM (#2578523)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: kendall

I'd like to volunteer to be judge.Kinda like American Idol.

01 Mar 09 - 10:21 AM (#2578541)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: jacqui.c

Fine - but only look - no touching.

01 Mar 09 - 10:31 AM (#2578545)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: olddude

Some country guy wrote a song recently called "show them to me"
first off, he sells a gillion records and makes a gillion dollars. Then in his concerts when he plays it all the young girls flash him

now life just aint fair

01 Mar 09 - 11:25 AM (#2578576)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: olddude

Another version of Hell
I love my mother to pieces, She is 88 years old, looks and acts 20 years younger but is losing her hearing. So this morning she calls me on the phone, I cringe I know what is coming

Hi Dan it is your mother, just called to say hi and make sure you are not sick

I am fine mom ..

What! you are drinking wine this early in the morning.
No mom I am not drinking wine I don't drink I am not sick

OH you are working on your sink
No I am not working on my sink I am not sick I am fine and I don't drink

Well you need to drink lots of fluids if when you are sick and you should not be working on your sink if you feel ill

I am not sick, I am not working on my sink, and I don't drink wine

Well just wanted to say hi and I hope you feel better

01 Mar 09 - 05:14 PM (#2578787)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: Liz the Squeak

Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: olddude - PM
Date: 01 Mar 09 - 10:31 AM

Some country guy wrote a song recently called "show them to me"
first off, he sells a gillion records and makes a gillion dollars. Then in his concerts when he plays it all the young girls flash him

Ah do bleeve that's Rodney Carrington... was available on YouBoob for a while... but I couldn't begin to tell you where.


01 Mar 09 - 05:42 PM (#2578813)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: Rapparee

Ain't no country singer worth the powder ta blow him away who's named "Rodney." Hell, he'd be laughed outa Nashville.

"LADIES AN' GENNULMEN! RODNEY...hehe...hehehehehehe...HAWHAWHAW...."

01 Mar 09 - 06:07 PM (#2578834)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: Ebbie

Good grief, Rapaire. You never hear of Rodney Crowell?

01 Mar 09 - 09:05 PM (#2578947)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: kendall


02 Mar 09 - 01:10 AM (#2579014)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: Ebbie

Rodney Crowell, a good musician who does country music, at one time was married to one of the Mandrell girls,

Just a minute - I'll go look him up:

From Wikipedia:

Rodney Crowell (born August 7, 1950) is a Grammy Award-winning musician, known primarily for his work as a singer and songwriter in country music.

Crowell was born in Houston, Texas to James Walter Crowell and Addie Cauzette Willoughby. He is considered to be part of both the alternative country and the mainstream country music camps[citation needed]. He is a contemporary of Steve Earle and, like Earle, was also influenced by the songwriting greats Guy Clark and Townes Van Zandt. Rodney played guitar and sang for three years in Emmylou Harris' "Hot Band".

By the way he was *not* married to a Mandrell but Rosanne Cash. Humpf.

02 Mar 09 - 09:44 AM (#2579233)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: Becca72

There has been a topless donut shop in Westbrook, Maine for years...

02 Mar 09 - 10:28 AM (#2579265)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: Ebbie

sheesh I pictured a donut sliced in two.

Not that I'm literal.

02 Mar 09 - 02:36 PM (#2579503)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: John P

My room in hell is full of people playing frantic non-melodic jazz on saxophones. Odd how many hells have saxophones.

If nudity were legal no one would notice after a few weeks, and we might actually get a generation without the Victorian hang ups.

02 Mar 09 - 07:44 PM (#2579832)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: kendall

Reminds me of Homer and Jethro singing their version of Wildwood Flower. a stripper she thought that her fortune would be found,
But she ran into trouble and then she was gone,
Instead of saying "take it off" they hollered, "Leave it on".

02 Mar 09 - 11:01 PM (#2579930)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: JennieG

Have to agree with you on Kenny G. But the worst thing - really truly my idea of hell - would be an endless loop playing Whitney Houston singing "and Aaaaayyyyyyyy wiiiillll alwaaaayyyyyysss laaaarrrve yoooouuu". Or that song from Titanic. That kinda stuff.


03 Mar 09 - 10:13 AM (#2580255)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: Donuel

...being one of those people who are made to apologize to Rush Limbaugh.

Its become a sort of a rite of passage to be a true Republican.

03 Mar 09 - 10:40 AM (#2580273)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: Riginslinger

The reincarnation of Ronald Reagan!

04 Mar 09 - 08:26 AM (#2580988)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL

Yesterday, one of the office phones went wonkie and produced an itchy staticky noise like the one I used to get with dial up computer connections. I thought would explode. Like nails on a blackboard. I wasn't alone. Someone unplugged the guy's phone. He wasn't happy but at least no one was murdered.

04 Mar 09 - 08:36 AM (#2580996)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: Micca

Who was it said that "Hell is a place where all the Beer barrels have holes in the bottom and none of the women do"

05 Mar 09 - 08:20 AM (#2581713)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL

There you are!

To answer your question - I think you did, Micca.

05 Mar 09 - 08:50 AM (#2581728)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: Diva

Pop singers singing folk songs and applying pop singing standards to them. Makes me very cross and grumpy. I think I am becoming a militant ballad singer!

05 Mar 09 - 08:56 AM (#2581731)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: olddude

how about Pop singers trying to do Folk music to Kenny G
OH that gave me chills

05 Mar 09 - 04:05 PM (#2582043)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: John P

Classically trained violinists playing reels exactly as the music is written -- arrghh!

06 Mar 09 - 11:57 AM (#2582657)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL

if you're anywhere in britain you're in it!

06 Mar 09 - 01:18 PM (#2582728)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: Diva

I don't think I've heard that old dude..........don't think I'd like to

06 Mar 09 - 05:52 PM (#2582891)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: Micca

I got a brief preview a few weeks ago, they did an MRI scan on my brain (Think holding perfectly still with your head in a washing machine) they put special headphones on me to heep my head perfectly still. They played Pop Music through the headphones for the ENTIRE 25 minutes the scan took, but not just Pop Music, but a Pop Radio station so the in between the "songs" there was some inane, irepressibly cheerful MORON making "small talk" (as in VERY small in content). If That was Hell, I would not be very surprised!!!!

06 Mar 09 - 07:28 PM (#2582947)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: olddude

When they stick you in that little tube to do the MRI
it is also unwise to eat a bean burrito before going in ...

06 Mar 09 - 08:32 PM (#2582983)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: frogprince

Ah, for my imitation of a torpedo tube...

12 Mar 09 - 03:32 PM (#2587382)
Subject: RE: BS: MY version of HELL
From: pdq

HEAVEN: A place where people speak the English lauguage, eat French food and use German technology.

HELL: A place where they speak the French language, eat German food and use English technology.