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BS: Impending Armageddon?A Missing 8th Seal?

20 Mar 09 - 05:55 AM (#2593199)
Subject: BS: Impending Armageddon?A Missing 8th Seal?
From: catspaw49

Additional information has just come to light revealing the possibility of the often discussed and mysterious EIGHTH SEAL and the Armageddon it brings. Where the other seals were announced by things like the 4 Horseman or blaring trumpets, the EIGHTH SEAL opening was accompanied by something different and yet even more frightening and alarming which I can bare witness to on a personal level.

Yesterday as I returned from our local "Shoot & Scoot," I saw the sign of this great Armageddon approaching......the sign that the seal had in fact been opened................A neighbor down the street seems to be in the process of restoring a Yugo and I came home and began to prepare myself as the end of the world is close at hand.

Well, its either that or this guy is a complete fuckin' moron................


20 Mar 09 - 06:36 AM (#2593218)
Subject: RE: BS: Impending Armageddon?A Missing 8th Seal?
From: TheSnail

You've got to be careful of those bare witnesses. Their testimonials are exposed to scrutiny.

20 Mar 09 - 07:52 AM (#2593251)
Subject: RE: BS: Impending Armageddon?A Missing 8th Seal?
From: bobad

Horsemen, trumpets, bare witnesses.....Yugos!

What the hell kind of neighbourhood do you live in anyway?

20 Mar 09 - 07:59 AM (#2593258)
Subject: RE: BS: Impending Armageddon?A Missing 8th Seal?

Are you sure it isn't the Tardis?

20 Mar 09 - 08:06 AM (#2593264)
Subject: RE: BS: Impending Armageddon?A Missing 8th Seal?

Which reminds me - can anyone give me a link to a list with pictures of the various (10) Dr. who actors?

20 Mar 09 - 08:15 AM (#2593271)
Subject: RE: BS: Impending Armageddon?A Missing 8th Seal?
From: Stu

Is this any use SINSULL?

Not sure what it's got to do with pinnipeds though.

20 Mar 09 - 08:24 AM (#2593276)
Subject: RE: BS: Impending Armageddon?A Missing 8th Seal?
From: Emma B

the missing eighth seal?

20 Mar 09 - 08:28 AM (#2593279)
Subject: RE: BS: Impending Armageddon?A Missing 8th Seal?
From: catspaw49

LMAO.......Ya' know......Funny thing but I rarely have any problem with spelling or homophones (although I do have a problem with homophobes) so I wonder if there may have been a bit of the Freudian slip here regarding this particular usage as it applies to this particular neighbor.................I'm still saving that for a future Cletus-style story and it probably had more to do with the hour of the writing anyway, but...............


20 Mar 09 - 08:50 AM (#2593298)
Subject: RE: BS: Impending Armageddon?A Missing 8th Seal?
From: Dharmabum

For those of you not familiar with the Yugo;
It's a compact 2 door automobile,manufactured in Yugoslavia.
They also made a 4 door called a Wego.
& A wagon called a Theygo.

The car was reported to have the ability to go from 0 to 60 in 3 seconds............Providing it was pushed off a cliff.

& Spaw,Don't worry 'bout them missin' seals,I was at the zoo the other day, & there's a shitload of 'em there.


20 Mar 09 - 08:59 AM (#2593302)
Subject: RE: BS: Impending Armageddon?A Missing 8th Seal?
From: Rapparee

I like the Dr. Whoisit who's third from the left in the second row -- the one with the sausage under his chin.

And the Yugo was a great car. Built just like a Mercedes or a Ford -- roof, seats, motor, everything.

20 Mar 09 - 09:05 AM (#2593304)
Subject: RE: BS: Impending Armageddon?A Missing 8th Seal?
From: TheSnail

In the UK there are various government departments responsible for overseeing the activities of parts of society for instance Ofsted - Office for Standards in Education and Ofcom - the Office of Communications.

The department responsible for cheap Eastern European cars is, of course, OfYugo.

20 Mar 09 - 11:12 AM (#2593366)
Subject: RE: BS: Impending Armageddon?A Missing 8th Seal?
From: Amos

I think Spaw is the original mechanic whowas checking out the Yugo that belonged to the penguin, while the penguin went to have an icecream. The penguin came back and Spaw told him it looked like he had blown a seal.

"Aw shit!", said the epenguin. "What's that gonna cost me???"

20 Mar 09 - 12:56 PM (#2593433)
Subject: RE: BS: Impending Armageddon?A Missing 8th Seal?
From: Bee-dubya-ell

Leslie Anne Plouhar died in 1989 when her 1987 Yugo was blown off of the Mackinac Bridge which connects the upper and lower peninsulas of Michigan.

20 Mar 09 - 01:54 PM (#2593460)
Subject: RE: BS: Impending Armageddon?A Missing 8th Seal?
From: katlaughing

I wish they'd keep David Tennant as Dr. Who. I REALLY liked him, esp. the way he could raise one eyebrow.

20 Mar 09 - 03:30 PM (#2593526)
Subject: RE: BS: Impending Armageddon?A Missing 8th Seal?
From: McGrath of Harlow

Yugos were quite decent cars, well worth restoring and maintaining properly.

20 Mar 09 - 10:52 PM (#2593796)
Subject: RE: BS: Impending Armageddon?A Missing 8th Seal?
From: frogprince

Maintaining properly? As in replacing the engine every few miles?
A few of them turned up even around here in Michigan, and not a one was seen running after a couple of years,

20 Mar 09 - 11:10 PM (#2593807)
Subject: RE: BS: Impending Armageddon?A Missing 8th Seal?
From: frogprince

Sorry, but we found the eighth seal along the highway just south of San Francisco

21 Mar 09 - 04:31 AM (#2593889)
Subject: RE: BS: Impending Armageddon?A Missing 8th Seal?
From: Liz the Squeak

My name is Liz and we had a Yugo.

And a Skoda....

And a Lada.

Gluttons for punishment really... !

Of them all, the Lada was the biggest and best to drive, solid, dependable and loved the cold but didn't do so well in the hot weather, having a tendancy to overheat if left idling in traffic queues. It was a bugger to find spare parts for too. The Skoda was a complete PITA, too small, appeared to overheat due to a busted temp guage, and was dark blue so I kept losing it in car parks. The Yugo was electric blue, so easier to find, despite trying to lose it by leaving it unlocked or the keys in the door overnight in a high car crime area. I respected it though - it could do 120mph with a full load and 4 people (at least, that's how far the speedo dial went and I had the needle tapping on the stopper at the bottom) and it was the first car I drove 'solo'.

We're working our way through the rest of the world now, having had a Ford and now a Toyota.


21 Mar 09 - 10:23 AM (#2594014)
Subject: RE: BS: Impending Armageddon?A Missing 8th Seal?
From: Dave the Gnome

So THAT'S what the mean looking Cannuck with a club was up to. We had him all wrong!

We had about 6 Lada's Liz - I guess you never discovered the secret of the parts? They were made from old Fiats - of which many were in the scrap yard! By Lada No. 3 we discovered that the very first thing you did was put a standard Webber carburetter on. Took about 5 minutes, improved the fuel consumption by about 10mpg and added 20 to the mph! I always fancied putting a Super Miafiori 2L engine in just to watch the boy racers chins hit the floor at lights - Mind you, the 1600 was no slouch!



21 Mar 09 - 12:10 PM (#2594040)
Subject: RE: BS: Impending Armageddon?A Missing 8th Seal?
From: John Hardly

Well, there yugo.

So, spaw, did you blow a seal?
Naw, that's just mayonaise.

22 Mar 09 - 05:06 AM (#2594399)
Subject: RE: BS: Impending Armageddon?A Missing 8th Seal?
From: Liz the Squeak

The problem on my Lada in the end, which caused its death knell, was the expensive welding needed on the chassis to stop the floor falling out... car was worth maybe £200, welding would have cost £500... half the original price of the car.

At one point there was a lucrative trade in Ladas... people would buy them in the UK in any condition and put them on a boat to Russia.. on the voyage, they would make a whole good car out of the non-runners and ditch the remains over the side. The North Sea is littered with the skeletons of knackered Ladas. Wish I'd sold mine then... would have had 5 years use and got a £5 profit from it, but I loved it so much I couldn't bear to part with it... Oh foolish sentiment... he went for scrap in the end, towed away to an ignominious fate by the council.


22 Mar 09 - 08:35 PM (#2594947)
Subject: RE: BS: Impending Armageddon?A Missing 8th Seal?
From: GUEST,Edthefolkie

A typo for OIL seal I presume as Yugos have been dragged in.

Anyway - Yugos? Ladas? You were lucky! We 'ad to live in an OLTCIT. Or were it an Axel? It 'ad one of them throbbing flat fours anyway. Nicolai Causescu's revenge on the French, along with the dreaded Dacia.

22 Mar 09 - 11:16 PM (#2595039)
Subject: RE: BS: Impending Armageddon?A Missing 8th Seal?
From: frogprince

Edithfolkie, was this your family picture?

22 Mar 09 - 11:37 PM (#2595047)
Subject: RE: BS: Impending Armageddon?A Missing 8th Seal?
From: Phil Cooper

What kind of tricks did this seal do? I recall being very disappointed when no seals at all appeared in "The Seventh Seal."

23 Mar 09 - 03:37 AM (#2595102)
Subject: RE: BS: Impending Armageddon?A Missing 8th Seal?
From: Donuel

The Yugo had the best rear window defroster on the market.
It was such a relief in cold weather whenever we had to push it.

To be honest I don't see as many bad omens or evidence of a great depression as I would expect.

23 Mar 09 - 04:38 AM (#2595117)
Subject: RE: BS: Impending Armageddon?A Missing 8th Seal?
From: Richard Bridge

Yugos were horrid.

The Renault 12 based Dacias weren't that bad, apart from the 4-wheel-drive based on them.

The Skoda had a certain charm - the early Octavias were built like tanks (like the Volgas too), the series one coupes looked wonderful, tha last series of coupes were wildly acclaimed by some motor mags as handling better than the then current Porsches, the iron-head alloy block engine was very tough, and they won the 1300cc class on the MonteCarlo Rally a huge number of successive years (I think it might have been 13). THe shells (before rust set in) did not need any reinforcement for the forest stages of loose surface rallies.

Ladas had many virtues - pretty well all those of the Fiat 124 they were based on - and also the Fiat tendency to galloping rust. The Niva was a GREAT little offroader with wonderful axle articulation - I believe much favoured in the French-speaking parts of the Sahara (where rust was not a problem) as "tres solide". The 2-litre Fiat Twin-cam was a bolt-in job so long as you fitted a remote oil cooler, and Guy Croft tuning (still I think in Rochester Kent England could get about 200 bhp out of one.

I also liked the Polski-Fiat, based on the Fiat 125.

The Moskvitches looked awful, but totally dominated their price class in group 1 UK saloon car racing for several years. I think the engines were fairly closely copied from a BMW design.

The Trabant on the other hand, and the Wartburg, with their 2-stroke engines...

23 Mar 09 - 06:24 PM (#2595661)
Subject: RE: BS: Impending Armageddon?A Missing 8th Seal?
From: Liz the Squeak

The only charming thing about our Skoda was the way it could overtake sports cars as if they were a personal insult... of course, having a child in the back singing the words 'overtaken by a Skoda' to the tune of The Battle Hymn of the Republic helped with the image.


23 Mar 09 - 06:31 PM (#2595666)
Subject: RE: BS: Impending Armageddon?A Missing 8th Seal?
From: Peace


23 Mar 09 - 07:14 PM (#2595709)
Subject: RE: BS: Impending Armageddon?A Missing 8th Seal?
From: Richard Bridge

O shit, he's singing the song!