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People named in songs

08 Apr 09 - 04:32 PM (#2607558)
Subject: People named in songs
From: GUEST,mg

Peggy Gordon got me thinking of other people..mostly probably somewhat fictional..

Molly Malone
Peggy Gordon
Peter Amberly
Mick McCann
Rose Donahoo
Lord Ronald McDonald
Lissie Lindsay
Bill Dorothy
Peggy Diso??
Sean Dempsey
Rosie O'Grady

tends to be Irish-centric..but then I don't know French or Polish or Swahili songs...

I am trying to remember buddy from Jam on Gerry's Rocks..was it Sombebody Rafferty? mg

08 Apr 09 - 04:50 PM (#2607567)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: Beer

Molly Bond
Frozen Charlotte
The Spinning wheel (Eileen MaHarra)
Peggy O'Neil
Leave Her Johnny, Leave Her
The Sky Road (Danny)
The Mountains of Mourne (Mary)
Willie Boy
Waltzing Mathilda
The Irish Moss Song (Russel Albert)
Spring Hill Disaster (Clarke)
Squid Jigging Ground (Billy Cape, etc.)
Gumboot (Boot's Menard)
Ghost of Bras D'or (Donald John MacPherson)

There are just to many.
Beer (adrien)

08 Apr 09 - 04:58 PM (#2607577)
Subject: RE: People named in songs

They have to have first and last names. That is the rule.

Dan O'Hara.

08 Apr 09 - 05:02 PM (#2607578)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: GUEST,mg

John Peel.

Edmund Fitzgerald (anyone know who this is? I have distant relatives by that name from Clermont, Iowa.)

John Johnson
Peggy McPhee

08 Apr 09 - 05:03 PM (#2607580)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: Big Mick

Ballad of Ginger Goodwin
Sweet Georgia Brown

08 Apr 09 - 05:10 PM (#2607586)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: Beer

Good rule.
That makes 7 then.

Molly Bond
The Spinning wheel (Eileen MaHarra)
Peggy O'Neil
The Irish Moss Song (Russel Albert)
Squid Jigging Ground (Billy Cape, etc.)
Gumboot (Boot's Menard)
Ghost of Bras D'or (Donald John MacPherson)

08 Apr 09 - 05:18 PM (#2607596)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: Les from Hull

The ship Edmund Fitzgerald was named for the person Edmund Fitzgerald, the president of the company that owned her. It's sort of funny that the person with the name ends up less famous than the ship, or indeed the song that was written about the ship.

Hasn't Lord Ranald McDonald taken up a job with some burger company? Bit of a comedown, I reckon.

Molly Malone is now commemorated by a statue in her native Dublin, where she is affectionately known as 'the tart with the cart'.

Of course, Matilda was never a person at all, but a slang term for a swagman's swag - his bedroll and belongings. As far as I know, the writer Banjo Patterson wasn't a musician, his epithet coming from a favourite horse of that name.

08 Apr 09 - 05:26 PM (#2607604)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: GUEST,mg

Bear O'Shea
Biddy Milligan
Willie McBride
Ivan Skavinsky Skvar??
Rufus Rastus Johnson Brown?
Jolie Blonde??? from New Orleans??
Bridget Murphy (from Banks of Newfoundland)

08 Apr 09 - 05:27 PM (#2607607)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: Sorcha

Tom Dooley
Little Sadie
Pretty Saro

08 Apr 09 - 05:29 PM (#2607609)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: GUEST,Tinker in Chicago

Albert Mooney ("I Tell My Ma")
Billy Shears ("Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band")
Elcid Barrett ("Barrett's Privateers")
Mary Beaton, Mary Seaton, Mary Carmichael ("The Three Marys")
Eppie Morrie (song of same name)
Annie Laurie (ditto)
Arthur MacBride (ditto again)
Wille MacBride ("Green Fields of France")

...among others. If you really want to get silly, how 'bout

Angus MacFergus MacTavish Dundee?

08 Apr 09 - 05:30 PM (#2607610)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: Cool Beans

Uncle Tom Cobley and all.

08 Apr 09 - 05:38 PM (#2607619)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: Les from Hull

What about Steeleye Span from the song Horkstow Grange? You never hear much about him these days!

I think we can discount Jolie Blonde - she's a generic pretty blonde.

08 Apr 09 - 05:43 PM (#2607621)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: GUEST,mg

Patsy Fagen
Ira Hayes (real peson)
Slugger O'Toole
Penny Evans

08 Apr 09 - 05:44 PM (#2607623)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: bobad

Big Joe Mufferaw
Bud The Spud

08 Apr 09 - 06:12 PM (#2607646)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: GUEST,mg

Mimi O'Rourke
Leroy Brown

08 Apr 09 - 06:13 PM (#2607647)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: GUEST,mg

Ooops Mamie O'Rourke

08 Apr 09 - 08:10 PM (#2607710)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: Joe_F

(sweet) Rosie O'Grady
(hey) Johnnie Cope
(me and) Susie O'Rourke
(my name is) Charles Guiteau (mentions James Garfield)
Miss Chief Mumbo Jumbo Jijibu Jay O'Shea
Robin Hood (passim)
Jesus Christ (passim)
(come) John Ball
Tam Lin

08 Apr 09 - 08:11 PM (#2607712)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: GUEST,mg

Bold O'Donahoo
Sean Tracy
Roddy McCorley
Kevin Barry
Eileen Aroon
Eileen Og
Mother Machree
Robin Adair
Luis Riel??
Laura Secord perhaps..don't know of any

08 Apr 09 - 08:20 PM (#2607718)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: GUEST,mg

George Fox (real)
Sam Hall
Jack Haggerty

08 Apr 09 - 08:24 PM (#2607720)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: frogprince

Mary Ellen Carter (It's a reasonable assumption that the boat was named for her).
Eleanor Rigby.

08 Apr 09 - 08:28 PM (#2607725)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: BobKnight

Leroy Brown (Jim Croce)
Irma Jackson (Merle Haggard)
Willie Stewart (Robbie Burns)
Duncan Gray    ( " )
Earl O' Airlie (Trad)
Lady Mondegreen ( Ha ha)
Andrew Lammie (Trad)

08 Apr 09 - 09:03 PM (#2607737)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: curmudgeon

Peter Amberly was a real person; Bill Staines once visited his grave. As were General Sir John Cope,Kevin Barry, Roddy McCorley, and Louis Riel - Tom

08 Apr 09 - 09:18 PM (#2607741)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: mg

Amelia Earhart
Rosie McCann
Nellie Bly
John Anderson
BOld Riley
Paddy Murphy
Sean Kelly
Annabelle Lee

08 Apr 09 - 09:47 PM (#2607752)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: Zhenya

John Riley
Sir Patrick Spens
Johnny Sangster
Clayton Boone
Wild Bill Jones
(Old) Dan Tucker
Matty Groves
Paddy West
Matt Hyland
Jock Stewart
John Anderson (My Jo)
Jamie Raeburn
Polly Vaughn
Johnny Stewart (Drover)

08 Apr 09 - 09:54 PM (#2607756)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: Kent Davis


Johnny Randal (Child 12)
Mathie Groves (Child 81)
Barbry Allen, Johnny Green (Child 84)
George Collins (Child 85)
Mary Seaton, Mary Beaton, Mary Carmichael, Mary Hamilton (Child 173)
Bessie Bell, Mary Gray (Child 201)
John Henry
John Hardy
(Old) Joe Clark
(Old) Dan Tucker


08 Apr 09 - 09:55 PM (#2607757)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: GUEST,.gargoyle

Hawkerladdie - is doing a noble job - noting the connection.

Tinker-in-Chicago WONDERFUL!!!


08 Apr 09 - 09:56 PM (#2607759)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: GUEST,.gargoyle

A long litaney of names:

Tradition says that the name of the most recently deceased "King of the Hoboes" is inserted into the last stanza.

here's old daddy Cleaton (Daddy Claxton, Danny Claxton, Daddy Clayton, Clarkston, Greenwood)
Here's to Jennings Bryan
Here's to Boston Blackie
Here's to Long Slim Perkins
Steam Train Maury (Maurice Graham aka Idaho)
John F. O'Connor (Pullman Kid) Fishbone Stevens

MIT and CalTech and Kansas State confirm that the Wabash Canonball is a railroad line constructed by Paul Bunyan's brother (Cal S. Bunyan) with redwood trees used for cross-ties and tickets punched by the conductor with a 45 revolver. It is also known as the Ireland, Jerusalem, Australian & Southern Michigan Line. After its first two months of service, the 700-car train was traveling so fast that it arrived at its destination an hour before its departure....when it comes to a full stop it is still traveling 65 mph.


Issues of national pride may be involved but both NASA and the RKA refuse to respond to factual data acknowledged by the higher institutes of technological learning.

08 Apr 09 - 09:58 PM (#2607760)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: GUEST,.gargoyle


Mr. Kent Davis

Just posted a truly OUTSTANDING Example...(as we cross-posted together)


08 Apr 09 - 10:33 PM (#2607777)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: Gweltas

From the singing of the late Brenda Wootton :
James Ruse
Humphrey Davey
Alan Apple
Jan Boy
There are probably lots more too but thses are all I can recall right now.

08 Apr 09 - 10:58 PM (#2607785)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: catspaw49

"Catspaw's Rag" by Rick Fielding

Hey.....I ain't kiddin'......LISTEN for yourself!!!

Ten years ago Rick was working on this little tune using another title. But then his friend (me) went into the hospital with an Aortic Dissection. It was a touch and go thing for about a week and Rick did what he often did......he turned to music to ease a troubled mind, in this case about a very ill friend. When I was recovering, Rick called the hospital and told me he had something special for me. He told me he had written a tune named for me and would put it on his upcoming album. I was a bit overwhelmed but he got us both laughing when he said that this way we'd both be immortal...........

Never told that before anywhere..........Couldn't do it and even now I'm tearing up...................Spaw just be passing through....... but as we've seen in the last tribute concert to Rick a few weeks ago, he is truly already an immortal to many and I was fortunate and blessed to know him and call him a friend.


08 Apr 09 - 11:37 PM (#2607795)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: bseed(charleskratz)

Joe Hill
Hattie Carroll
(Young) Paddy O'Laughlin (The Mountains of Mourne)
John Hardy
Reuben James (actually the ship named after him)
Jesse James and Robert Ford

Jolie Blonde is not a name but a description: pretty blonde.

And as Kent Davis noted, Mary Hamilton of "The Four Marys"--a song otherwise known as "Mary Hamilton":

Tonight there are four Marys, tomorrow there'll be but three
There's Mary Seaton and Mary Beaton and Mary Carmichael and me

And along with Ivan Skavinsky Skavar there was Abdul the Bulbul Ameer


08 Apr 09 - 11:44 PM (#2607797)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: Allen in Oz

Peggy Sue
Ida ( sweet as apple cider)
Barbara Allen
Sioux City Sue
Oh Susannah
Molly ( good golly)
Porgy AND Bess

AD in Oz

08 Apr 09 - 11:45 PM (#2607798)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: bseed(charleskratz)

Molly Machree
Nelly Bly (in more than one song, including "Frankie and Johnny"
Nelly Gray
Casey Jones
Ella Speed
Jimmy Brown (the newsboy)


09 Apr 09 - 12:23 AM (#2607803)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: katlaughing

Thanks for that, Spaw.

Kitty Alone (well, it is the name of the song, if not a person)

Jolly Coppersmith
Jesse James
Billy Venero
Texas Rangers
Sam Bass
Frankie & Johnny
Ida Red

09 Apr 09 - 01:04 AM (#2607809)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: Joybell

No we can't use Eileen with the "Spinning Wheel". the line goes ...Eileen a chara I hear someone tapping...
a chara is an endearment not part of her name. Same goes for Eileen aroon for the same reason. We lived near "Eileen Close" for a bit -- not on it sadly. That would have been OK if it was in a song.

But there's:
Billy Barlow
Ben Bolt (or if you're an Irish singing group - Alice Ben Bolt :-))
John Joseph Jingleheimer Schmidt
Joshua Ebenezer Fry -- and acquaintance -- Jed Peters
Stagger Lee (but not when it's one name)
Jim Jones -- of Botany Bay
Johnny B. Good
Ellen Smith
Willie Moore
Ben Backstay
Alice Fly
Pat Hogan, Bill Bright and Jack Dun -- shearers
Pretty little Polly Perkins
Dolly Gray
Cheers, Joy

Cheers, Joy

09 Apr 09 - 01:15 AM (#2607812)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: bseed(charleskratz)

The aforementioned Mary of "The Mountains of Mourne" is Mary Macree.
(Poor) Ellen Smith
John Brown
Georgie Buck
Mary Charlotte Anne McGhee (Art Thieme sings this sweet song)
Omie Wise
Aura Lee
Tom Joad

That's all, folks. I promise--for tonight, at least.


09 Apr 09 - 03:04 AM (#2607830)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: bseed(charleskratz)

I learned it as "John Jacob Jingleheimer Smith (that's my name, too)"
Bill Groggin of "Bill Groggin's Goat"
Ooey Gooey (was a worm)
Johnny Verbeck of the sausage machine
Sheriff John Stone ("The Sloop John B")
Albert Einstein and Sigmund Freud (pronounced Fraud in "Man Piaba")
Henry Martin--the youngest of the "three brothers in Merry Scotland"
Samuel Hall ("damn your eyes")
John Johnson [Yon Yonson] ("...I come from Visconsin, I verk in der lumberyard there")
Rubin "Hurricane" Carter

It's now Thursday, so I made it without posting again on was tough, though.


09 Apr 09 - 03:42 AM (#2607834)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: Jim Carroll

One song made up entirely of (around 100 names) of people who have died for their beliefs - 'The Naming of Names' - still brings a lump to the throat. Can't remember the composer but can be heard sung by Peggy Seeger on the album of the same name.
Jim Carroll

09 Apr 09 - 03:43 AM (#2607835)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: Rog Peek

Phil Ochs (title 10, song 8, both 5, total 23)
Steve Goodman
Bob Dylan
David Blue
Dave Van Ronk
Henry Faulk
John Train
Medgar Evers
Jimmy Meredith
Sonny Liston
Muhamed Ali
William Worthy
Hattie Carol
Billie Sol
Christine Keeler
Mandy Rice Davies
Davy More
Richard Nixon
Henry Ford
Hendrik Verwoerd
Steve Biko
Jim Dean
Lou Marsh
Paul Crump
Ho Chi Min
Patrick Henry
Emmett Till
William Butler Yeats
William More
Gary Hart
Spiro Agnew
John Beau
Clarissa Jones
John Hurt
James Chaney
Jimmy Newman
John Ashcroft
Lyndon Johnson
Tom Paxton
Michael Jackson
Molly Bloom
Willie Seaton
Arthur Mc Bride
Bessie Smith
Blind Willie McTell
George Jackson
Jimmy Jones
Lenny Bruce
Nettie More

09 Apr 09 - 05:07 AM (#2607865)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: Terry McDonald

Marilyn Monroe (by Sidney Carter and Rory McEwan)


William Thompson, better known as Bendigo, boxing Champion of England
Ben Caunt (his defeated opponent)
Jack Langan, Champion of Ireland
Tom Spring, another English champion
William Perry, known as The Tipton Slasher, yet another English Champion.

All (apart from Marilyn....) mentioned in 'Bendigo, the Champion of England.'

09 Apr 09 - 06:14 AM (#2607892)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: Joybell

Tom Bowling

09 Apr 09 - 07:58 AM (#2607939)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: bseed(charleskratz)

Jack Johnson, in Lead Belly's "Fare Thee Titanic"
Chao En Lai in Phil Ochs' "Draft Dodger Rag"
Betsy Ross in John Prine's "Your Flag Decal Won't Get You Into Heaven Anymore"
Billy Gashade in "Jesse James"--"This song was made by Billy Gashade"--Dunno if he was   
   real or fictional
Bobby (or Bobbie) McGee, depending on whether you reference Janis Joplin's or Kris
   Kristofferson's version of Kristofferson's song.

Charles (awakened early by Totoro, my male Labradoodle, wanting breakfast)

09 Apr 09 - 08:43 AM (#2607963)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: Gweltas

Correction the Mary in "The Mountains Of Mourne" song is not Mary with a surname of Macree, but it is in fact "Mary, Mo Chroí" -------- mo chroí translates as "my heart" and in normal usage, coupled with a person's name, it means a term of endearment such as "my beloved one" or "my love".
Back to the list :-
Shallow Brown
Dick Darby (from the late Tommy Makem's cobbler song)
Billy Reilly (by Hanging Johnny Shanty Crew, Cornwall)
Captain Burgess (The Leaving of Liverpool)
Anachie Gordon (By Mary Black, Ireland)
Nell Flaherty's Drake
Me and Bobby McGee (Kris Kristofferson, Canada)
Bo Diddley (by Buddy Holly, USA)
Robin (The Hooded Man) Hood (by Clannad, Ireland)
I Just Shot John Lennon (by The Cranberries)
Boadicea --- if she had a surname nobody's told me! (by Enya, Ireland)
Married My Jenny Wren Bride (by Hanging Johnny Shanty Crew, Cornwall))
Maggie May (by Rod Stewart, Scotland)
Bonnie Suzie Clelland (by Hen Party, England)
Nancy Spain (by Imrama, Ireland)
Bonnie Wee Jeannie MacColl (by Jim Brannigan, Scotland & Canada))
Johnny Groat (by Jim Wearne, USA)
Mrs. Harris (by Joe Stead, England))
I'm Bad Like Jesse James (by John Lee Hooker, USA)
Tom Bawcock's Eve (by Julie Elwin and Naked Feet, Cornwall))
Cecelia Brown (by Kath Tait)
Elspet Blythe-Stone (by Kath Tait)
Harry Eddon (by Kimber's Men Shanty Crew, England)
Rory Murphy (by The McAlmans, Scotland)
Sister Josephine (by The McAlmans)
Maggie Johnston (by Mickey MacConnell, Ireland)
Teddy O'Neill (by The Midden, Scotland)
Annie Laurie (by The Midden)
I Feel Like Buddy Holly (by Mike Batt, England)
Oliver Cromwell (by Monty Python, UK)
Mr. Bojangles (by Neil Diamond)
Mr. Moon (by Nicola Clark, Cornwall)
Mick McGuire (by Robin Hall & Jimmy MacGregor, Scotland)
Jack Caundle (by Ron Taylor & Jeff Gillett, England)
John Lomas (by Seth Lakeman, England)
Kitty Jay (by Seth Lakeman)
Jimmy Newman (by Tom Reid)
Tim Finnegan (from "Finnegan's Wake" by the Dubliners, Ireland)
Roger Casement (from the Irish song "Banna Strand")
Willie Taylor (by The Voice Squad, Ireland)
Pádraig Pearse (by The Wolfetones, Ireland)
And then there's the full listing of crew names in the song "The Irish Rover" ---- including Slugger O'Toole, Barney MacGee, Mick MacGann, Bill Treacy and Johnny Mac Gurk. and a similar listing of the people who went to "Widdecombe Fair", along with Uncle Tom Cobley and all.
Please note : where I mention song is "by" a group or performer, I mean "as performed by", not as composed by, though in some cases, the performed mentioned has written the song

09 Apr 09 - 09:10 AM (#2607973)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: TenorTwo

I'm surprised no-one has yet mentioned ...
William Corder and Maria Marten (The Red Barn Murder)


09 Apr 09 - 10:36 AM (#2608024)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: Terry McDonald

Robin Hood?

09 Apr 09 - 10:44 AM (#2608030)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: bubblyrat

If you are going to have Slugger O'Toole,then his shipmates should get a mention too;-
          Barney McGee
          Hogan (from County Tyrone)
          Johnny McGurk
                Malone (from West Meath)
             "Fighting" Bill Tracey
               And of course,the Omniscient Narrator, Mick McGann

09 Apr 09 - 01:06 PM (#2608139)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: GUEST,mg

Paddy Doyle (
Lost Jimmy WHalen..same
Clara Nolan..Kelligrew's Soiree
Eily Moore..Kerry Dancers
Benjamin bomaneer...same

09 Apr 09 - 01:17 PM (#2608146)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: bseed(charleskratz)

Gweltas, I stand corrected on Mary Macree/ma chroi, but your listing of Kris Kristofferson as Canadian--where'd you get that? He's an all-American boy. Check him out in Wikipedia where I found the proof you were right about Mary ma chroi.


09 Apr 09 - 01:30 PM (#2608152)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: VirginiaTam

Willie McIntosh and Huntley in Auchindoon
Earl of Murray in Bonnie Earl of Murray
John Henry and Mary Magdelene in John Henry

09 Apr 09 - 02:51 PM (#2608214)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: Herga Kitty

(David) Lloyd George - he took us from the workhouse, but you don't want to drink his beer!


09 Apr 09 - 03:39 PM (#2608243)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: katlaughing

Robin of Locksley aka Robin Hood also Maid Marion(Art Thieme sings it)
Little Joe the Wrangler
The Cowboy's Barbara Allen (also Art)

09 Apr 09 - 04:36 PM (#2608267)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: GUEST,mg

Bonnie Wee Jennie McColl..same\
Bridget Flynn..same
Bold Thady Quill..never heard the song
Kate Caffee ..Sullivan's John
Delta Dawn?? is that her last name?

Now I have a whole bunch like General Taylor and Big Bad John that are not full names so I will start another thread

09 Apr 09 - 10:27 PM (#2608431)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: Gweltas

Quote from bseed :-
"Gweltas, I stand corrected on Mary Macree/ma chroi, but your listing of Kris Kristofferson as Canadian--where'd you get that? He's an all-American boy. Check him out in Wikipedia where I found the proof you were right about Mary mo chroí."

Grovelling apologies for posting incorrect information --------- of course bseed(charleskratz) is perfectly correct about Kris Kristofferson being AMERICAN, not Canadian.
Perhaps some very kind Mudcat moderator might look at my last post and correct this unfortunate error ?

Thanks in anticipation !!

09 Apr 09 - 11:07 PM (#2608447)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: GUEST,.gargoyle

Wonderful thread MG. Well Done.


YOU are positively brillant!!!




Without a connection - the name means little . When you start another thread MG ... and I hope you do... soon...learn from this one...TEMPLATE...X-CELL...1090 tax form....etc...give a structure and also an example.... i.e. the best of the above.

09 Apr 09 - 11:49 PM (#2608464)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: Joybell

Myrtle Green and Bracken Brown

10 Apr 09 - 01:35 AM (#2608490)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: mg

Sweet Anna Liffey..Dublin in rare old times
John Brown(s) body..
Sweet Georgia Brown

10 Apr 09 - 05:08 AM (#2608538)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: BobKnight

Joybell: That made me smile - thanks. :)

10 Apr 09 - 06:17 AM (#2608566)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: VirginiaTam

From Graham and Eileen Pratt
John Bull in The Battle of Navarino
Ned and Eileen in Ned of the Hill
Mary of Wallington and Earl of Livingston in Fair Mary of Wallington or Bonny Earl of Livingston

From Maddy Prior
Dives and Lazarus
Jock of Hazeldean
Bold General Wolfe

From Leonord Cohen

From Folly Bridge
Young Simon John
Adieu Sweet Lovely Nancy
Old Molly Metcalf

10 Apr 09 - 10:14 AM (#2608649)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: Snuffy

From Durham and Northumberland

Cushie Butterfield, Tom Grey (Cushie Butterfield)
Sally Gee (The Lass Doon on the Quay)
Sally Wheatley (Sally Wheatley)
Elsie Marley (Elsie Marley)
Dolly Coxon (Dollia)
Sir John Lambton (Lambton Worm)
Bob Thompson, Mary Clarke, Jimmy Green (Keep Your Feet Still, Geordie Hinny)
Geordie Harley, Tim Jones (The Collier Lad)
Geordie Charlton (Byker Hill)
Geordie Black (Geordie Black)
Joseph (23), George (19) & James Burnett (17) (Trimdon Grange Explosion)

10 Apr 09 - 01:14 PM (#2608756)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: bseed(charleskratz)

Garg, thanks for the appreciation. It is a fun thread, all right.

Look for something in the mail via Joe.


10 Apr 09 - 01:46 PM (#2608772)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: topical tom

I didn't see mentioned "The Ballad of Hollis Brown", by Bob Dylan.

10 Apr 09 - 01:53 PM (#2608780)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: Bill D

Who can forget the kid with double names?

"James James Morrison Morrison" and many more..

"James James Morrison Morrison Weatherby George DuPree "

10 Apr 09 - 02:19 PM (#2608788)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: BobKnight

Sir Patrick Spens (Trad)
John Riley (Trad - Byrds)
Bill Dalton (Eagles)
Panama Red (I've forgotten)
Willie - The one that went tae Melville Castle (Trad)
The Ballad of "Indian" Peter - story of Peter Williamson, written by ME !!!
Sorry folks - really scraping the bottom of the barrel here.

10 Apr 09 - 02:49 PM (#2608804)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: Adrian Owlett

Although this could just be a little off-thread, I had the immense honour, together with the UK DJ John Peel, in having a recorded dedication to us both by Gene Vincent in his 1969 recording "I Heard The Lonsesome Whistle Blow".

I had been a friend of Gene for many years and had during the summenr of 1969 persuaded John Peel to stump up the cash to record, and then to release an LP by Gene. John had been a lifelong fan of Gene and it took no real arm twisting! You may recall that John had just started his own label - Dandelion.

I had always loved the Hank Williams song and had the pleasure of listening to Gene sing it to his own acoustic guitar accompaniment during a memorable private session in 1965.

As we put the album together my suggestion to Gene for him to use this title was heeded and the resulting track emerged - complete with the dedication to John and me. A very great honour indeed.

So there it is, I have been named in a song!

10 Apr 09 - 08:03 PM (#2608958)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: Jack Campin

William Marshall fiddle tunes:

The Marchioness of Normanby
Lady Menzies of Castle Menzies
Sir Charles Forbes of New and Edinglassie
George Forbes, Yr. of New and Edinglassie
Mrs Charles Stewart, Pettyvaich
Mrs Dr Laing
Aberlour's Squeeze
Miss Wilhelmina McDowal's Reel - of Arndilly
Miss Georgina B. Stewart, West Park, Elgin (couldn't he have included her mobile phone number as well?)

10 Apr 09 - 10:48 PM (#2609010)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: Gweltas

Thanks for the kind compliment, Gargoyle !! I had fun compiling that list and exercising my brain (even though I did manage to get Kris Kristofferson's nationality wrong !!)

10 Apr 09 - 11:02 PM (#2609013)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: Gweltas

Might I just point out that "Sweet Anna Liffey" is not a PERSON, but is in fact the River Liffey, which flows through Ireland's capital city of Dublin ! The Liffey is also referred to in poetic terms as "Anna Livia Plurabella" --- and frequently in far less complimentary terms when the tide is fully out, on a hot Summer's day !!!!!!!!!!
I foget which post it was in now and I'm feeling too lazy to go and read through all the lists to recall who posted it. It is a very easy mistake to make if one are not very familiar with Irish geography.

11 Apr 09 - 12:41 AM (#2609042)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: mg

I posted it and I knew that...

Lili Marlene.

11 Apr 09 - 01:10 AM (#2609046)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: Gweltas

To Add to the lists :~
Hello Patsy Fagan (from the song by Thomas P Keenan)
Michael Finnegan (who "grew whiskers on his chinigin")
Huw Puw, Dafydd Jones & Captain Llong (from the Welsh song "Fflat Huw Puw")
Bryan O'Lynn (from the song of the same name)
Captain Teare (from Hughie Jones' song "The Ellan Vannin Tragedy")
Illiam Dhone (from the trad Manx song of the same name)
Nicholas Raby (from the trad Manx song "Na Kirree Fo Niaghtey" - "The Sheep Under The Snow")
Eleanor Rigby (Beatles song)
Ben Bolt (from the song by Dr. Thomas Dunn and Nelson Kneass)
Little Jimmy Browne (from the song by Jim Ed Browne called "The Three Bells")
Johnny Murray & Albert Mooney (from the trad Irish song "I'll Tell Me Ma")
Captain Kidd (from the trad song "The Ballad of Captain Kidd")
Willie MacIntosh (from the Scottish song "The Burning of Auchindoun")
Parson Hawker (from Cornish songwriter Mike O'Connor's song "The Tregarten Anthem")

That's it folks! I've run dry, for now. Apologies if I've listed names that have already been posted.

I'm catching the ferry to Ireland tonight to firstly visit with my grand children and to represent Cornwall, along with Tom Paddle, Pol Hodge and Jane Ninnis at the Pan Celtic Festival in Donegal Town (April 14th to 19th). If you are in the area check it out !!
I will be attempting to fill in for Cornwall's well known mistress of song, Moe Keast, who was scheduled to be the main Cornish representative at Pan Celtic 2009 (and who has been a previous winner in the song competitions at this festival) but, she is now unable to travel, due to the very sad loss of her mother, earlier this week. Please spare some kind thoughts and prayers for Moe and her family at this sad time in their lives.

One of the songs I will be singing on Moe's behalf, in competition at the festival, was written by Mudcat's very own singer/ songwriter "Hawker" !! Moe fell in love with this song (a great song, called "Hevva"!) and it is a huge disappointment to all of us that she can't be with us in Ireland to sing it as she had planned.

In conclusion may I wish all of you a really Happy and Music filled Easter, wherever you may be.
Anne XX

11 Apr 09 - 07:14 AM (#2609139)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: Snuffy

I'm afraid "llong" is a Welsh word for "ship", so Capten llong is not a name but simply means "ship's captain"

11 Apr 09 - 11:41 AM (#2609223)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: Gweltas

Dear Snuffy,
Not being a Welsh speaker (I am Irish)-- I did wonder about using that one, myself, as the Irish language word for a ship is "long" (same word but spelled with just one letter L, and pronounced as "lung" !) but, as there are also plenty of people with the surname "Long" on both sides of the Irish Sea , I chanced that, combined with the word Captain. it was more likely a surname in this case.
Apologies for guessing wrongly and Ta Muchly for the timely correction, which I really do appreciate as misinformation can be really annoying. I will try to be more careful in future.
God Bless,
Anne XX

11 Apr 09 - 11:43 AM (#2609225)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: Gweltas

11 Apr 09 - 11:56 AM (#2609230)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: Bert

Clifton Plowers (Wolverton Mountain)
Harry Pollitt
John Hardy
Johnny Todd

21 Dec 09 - 04:45 PM (#2793821)
Subject: RE: People named in songs

Peter Amberly, aka Peter Emberley (Amberley, etc.) was a real lad from Prince Edward Island who went to work in the lumberwoods of Miramichi, New Brunswick around 1882 (I think). He is buried in Boiestown, New Brunswick where stands a gravestone erected in the early 1960s sometime at the behest of New Brunswick folklorist, Louise Manny and New Brunswick CBC journalist Kenneth Homer. For a tonne of great information about this NB song composed by John Calhoun of Boiestown, see Louise Manny and James Reginald Wilson's excellently-researched book on New Brunswick folksongs, their 1968 monograph "Songs of Miramichi" - or, contact me at

Also, an interesting tidbit about this Eastern Canadian song: apparently Bob Dylan got the idea/inspiration for one of his own songs from the story of Peter Amberley/Emberley. I have heard a (bootleg?) recording of Dylan saying something at the first of one of his songs about Amberley.
: )

21 Dec 09 - 06:32 PM (#2793909)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: JP2

"old John Price" from the song The Jeannie C by Stan Rogers.
It's very strange to be minding your own business in a folk club and hear your own name in a song,very strange.

21 Dec 09 - 10:29 PM (#2794027)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: MGM·Lion

Folks, here's a story 'bout Minnie-the-Moocher....

22 Dec 09 - 12:54 AM (#2794066)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: GUEST,Allen in Oz

John Peel ( as in "De Ye Ken ?)
Mrs Murphy ( as in "who put the overalls in ...)

22 Dec 09 - 02:26 AM (#2794079)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: BillE

Old Johnny Bugger / Booker / Bucka
Old Mrs ditto
John Blunt (go down and bar the door...)
(My name's) Napoleon Bonaparte
Brave Nelson ??

Happy Christmas


22 Dec 09 - 05:16 AM (#2794134)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: The Sandman

[Dick] Miles in The Sailors Dream
In the song lisdoonvarna,there are quite a few,includingthe concertina player Chris Droney.

22 Dec 09 - 05:24 AM (#2794138)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: John MacKenzie

Paul Simon

I been Norman Mailered, Maxwell Taylored.
I been John O'Hara'd, McNamara'd.
I been Rolling Stoned and Beatled till I'm blind.
I been Ayn Randed, nearly branded
Communist, 'cause I'm left-handed.
That's the hand I use, well, never mind!

I been Phil Spectored, resurrected.
I been Lou Adlered, Barry Sadlered.
Well, I paid all the dues I want to pay.
And I learned the truth from Lenny Bruce,
And all my wealth won't buy me health,
So I smoke a pint of tea a day.

I knew a man, his brain so small,
He couldn't think of nothin' at all.
He's not the same as you and me.
He doesn't dig poetry. He's so unhip that
When you say Dylan, he thinks you're talkin' about Dylan Thomas,
Whoever he was.
The man ain't got no culture,
But its alright, ma,
Everybody must get stoned.

I been Mick Jaggered, been silver daggered.
Andy Warhol, won't you please come home?
I been mothered, fathered, aunt and uncled,
Been Roy Halee'd and Art Garfunkel'd.
I just discovered somebody's tapped my phone.


(or how I was Lyndon Johnsoned into submission)
(alternative version)
Paul Simon - 1965

I was Union Jacked, Kerouac'd
John Birched, stopped and searched
Rolling Stoned and Beatled till I'm blind
I've been Ayn Randed, nearly branded
Communist 'cos I'm lefthanded:
That's the hand they use, well, never mind!

I've been Walt Disneyed, Dis Disleyed
John Lennoned, Krishna Menoned
Walter Brennan punched out Cassius Clay
I've heard the truth from Lenny Bruce
and all my wealth won't buy me health
So I smoke a pint of tea a day

I knew a man his brain so small,
He couldn't think of nothin' at all.
He's not the same as you and me.
He doesn't dig poetry. He's so unhip that
When you say Dylan, he thinks you're talkin' about Dylan
Whoever he is.
The man ain't got no culture,
But its alright, Ma,
It's just sumpthin' I learned over in England.

I've been James Joyced, Rolls Royced
Mick Jaggered, silver daggered
Andy Warhol won't you please come home?
I've been mother, fathered, aunt and uncled
Tom Wilsoned, Art Garfunkled
Barry Kornfeld's mother's on the phone

When in London, do as I do
Find yourself a friendly haiku
Go to sleep for ten or fifteen years

22 Dec 09 - 06:00 AM (#2794149)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: GUEST,John from Elsie`s Band

Not to forget Pete Seeger`s song "Amy McPherson" and her associate Armastad.

22 Dec 09 - 06:02 AM (#2794150)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: GUEST, Sminky

John O'Greenfield
Johnny Green
Miles Weatherill
Patience Kershaw

22 Dec 09 - 07:39 AM (#2794214)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: Dave the Gnome

Apologies if she has been mentioned before

Dolly Parton

:D (eG)

22 Dec 09 - 07:52 AM (#2794221)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: MGM·Lion

Songs named for, or naming, other singers are verging on a sort of incestuous, aren't they?

Cole Porter, with his superb 'lists' songs, was a master of using names - check out You're the Tops, e.g.

"You're the Tops, you're Napoleon Brandy,
You're the Tops, you're Mahatma Gandhi.

You're the rhythm of a melody by Strauss -
You're [someone someone someone someone] -
You're Mickey Mouse."

and so forth...

(From memory, you will gather — but you get the general idea...?)

22 Dec 09 - 09:45 AM (#2794266)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: GUEST,Jon Dudley

Bob Copper -
'Whisky, Bob Copper and me' - Linda Thompson

22 Dec 09 - 03:59 PM (#2794514)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: Genie

Does John Barleycorn count?

As for names that are people's names, how about:
Jenny Jenkins
Christopher Robin*
Bobby Shaftoe
Erica Levine
Jason Metcalf and Joe Bernstein (from "The Ballad of Erica Levine")
Lizzie Borden
Stephen (or is it Steven) Biko
Victor Jara

*No, his last name, Milne, isn't mentioned in Kenny Loggins' song "House At Pooh Corner," but anyone familiar with "Pooh" knows what it is.

22 Dec 09 - 04:28 PM (#2794542)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: Genie

I suppose Nancy Whiskey doesn't count either? ; D

Paddy Reilly
Peter O'Loughlin (Mts. O' Mourne)
Mrs. McGrath's son Ted (or is it Ned?) is mentioned by name in the song.
'Enry The Eighth
Tam Pierce
Sally Goodin
Hilo Hattie (not her real name, but the name she was known by)

Mack Heath, Louie Miller, Lotte Lenya, Sukey Tawdry, Lucy Brown, and Jenny Diver (?) are all mentioned in "Mack The Knife."

22 Dec 09 - 04:48 PM (#2794565)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: MGM·Lion

Sukey Tawdry & Jenny Diver (& Macheath) are all characters from The Beggar's Opera (John Gay 1729); but once start admitting songs from that, & from other such works [to say nothing of operetta, musical comedy, Broadway musicals, musical films ....] to this thread, & where will be the end of it?

22 Dec 09 - 04:58 PM (#2794569)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: Uncle_DaveO

I confess that I've only skimmed through the above, but in the process I didn't happen to see the following:

Pearl Bryan
John Henry
John Hardy
The Lost Jimmy Whalen
Old Mose Gilbert(and Dandy Bat, too)
Albert Johnson

Dave Oesterreich

22 Dec 09 - 05:00 PM (#2794573)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: John MacKenzie

Jamie Foyers
John MacLean
Leezie Lindsay
Soutar Johnny
Roddy McCorly
Annie McKelvie
Ted McGrath
Willie Moore
Jean McPherson

22 Dec 09 - 06:13 PM (#2794607)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: GUEST,Mike B.

Michael Brown's "The John Birch Society" (performed by the Chad Mitchell Trio) mentions Westbrook Pegler, Rosemary Clooney, Pinky Lee, Red Skelton, Norman Vincent Peale, Earl Warren and Mrs. Nikita Krushchev.

23 Dec 09 - 05:14 AM (#2794863)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: John MacKenzie

Lester Maddox, in 'Rednecks' by Randy Newman.
Hilarious song.

23 Dec 09 - 09:32 AM (#2794958)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: Bat Goddess

Dicey Reilly

23 Dec 09 - 10:15 AM (#2794979)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: Uncle_DaveO

In the interest of cultural completeness, I must mention Vicki Duggan.

For those young people here who never knew, or those who don't remember, I need to explain who the divine Vicki was.

I had seen the famous photo of her in her ball gown, and it was spectacular. But it was some years later that I heard the Limeliters' great song, Vicki, Turn Your Back on Me. As best I can remember the Limeliters' intro to the song, it went something like this:

"We have a song about a significant event. At (some newsworthy ball) a beautiful actress named Vicki Duggan was seen--and photographed!--in a gown that was back-less! It was cut sooooooo loooooow in back that it revealed . . . A NEW CLEAVAGE! We were disappointed that none of our younger composers had been inspired to celebrate the event in song, so we decided to do it ourselves!"

And then they sang the folk-rock-type song, which included this memorable snippet:

Vicki, turn your back on me
Come on, darlin' don't you see
There is something so revealing
That your gown is not concealing...
Oh! Miss Duggan, you're for me! Oh-oh! Oh-oh! Oh-oh!

Her face was gorgeous, but the "assets" revealed by the gown were outstanding!   Unfortunately, though she got lots of publicity from the photo, it doesn't seem to have done much for her acting career. I never heard of her again, except for the Limeliters' song.

Dave Oesterreich

23 Dec 09 - 10:29 AM (#2794993)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: Genie

How can we forget Viki Duggan? LOL

Or the Limeliters' tribute to the "finest name in gar-bazhe": Max Goulis!

23 Dec 09 - 10:58 AM (#2795005)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: Genie

Darcy Farrrow
Yancy Derringer
Wyatt Earp

Sam McCord, Billy McCord and George Pratt - North To Alaska

Virgil Cane (Caine) and Robert E Lee - The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down

Sean O'Farrell - By The Rising Of The Moon

Gunga Din
Angelina Baker
Rosa Parks

Carole Robertson, Addie Mae Collins, Denise McNair, and Cynthia Wesley (Birminham Sunday)

Abe Lincoln
General Washington and Squire David (Yankee Doodle)
Jim Weaver - (The Ballad Of Weaverville)

Stenka Razin

Wee Sandy Waugh
Wee Tammy Tyrie
Franklin D Roosevelt
Jack Doolan (Donald, Dugan), the Wild Colonial Boy
William Glen
William Grismond
Earl Richard - (Willie and Earl Richard's Daughter)

23 Dec 09 - 12:39 PM (#2795083)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: GUEST,Mike B.

Sam Stone
Little Jackie Paper
John Brown
Harriet Tubman
Captain Kidd
Billy the Kid
Belle Starr
Sarah Palin (mentioned in at least two songs I heard at last year's Takoma Park Folk Festival)

23 Dec 09 - 05:41 PM (#2795205)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: Genie

"There's No One As Irish As Barack O'Bama."

23 Dec 09 - 05:58 PM (#2795220)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: lefthanded guitar

May we also include the esteemed Christine Lavin ditty:

Harrison Ford

"Harrison Harrison Harrison Ford

The only movie star I ever adored"

Quite a touching ballad   ;D

23 Dec 09 - 06:49 PM (#2795259)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: quokka

Ingrid Bergman (words by Woody Guthrie, music Billy Bragg)
Woody Guthrie
Brendan Behan
Penny Evans' husband, Will
Bob and Charlie Ford
Mick Ryan
Edmund Ryan (Ned of the Hill)
Sally McLennane
Jock Stewart
and some from Oz -
Ben Hall
Ned Kelly
Dan Kelly
Kate Kelly
oh all right,the whole Kelly gang
John Boyle O'Reilly
Henry Lawson
Miss Nancy Blair (South Australia)
Jim Jones of Botany Bay
Flash Jack from Gundagai

23 Dec 09 - 10:49 PM (#2795372)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: GUEST,allen in Oz

Dear Quokka

Quite right....

Ned Kelly
Dan Kelly
Steve Hart and
Joe Byrne


Not to mention

Ben Hall

24 Dec 09 - 04:44 AM (#2795467)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: Genie

Red Wing

"Leonard Cohen's Day Job" (Austin Lounge Lizards)

The Ballad Of Anne Frank

Davy Crockett, Colonel Travis, Santa Ana, Jim Bowie, Captain Dickenson (songs about The Alamo)

The Ballad of Aimee McPherson
The Ballad Of Tonya Harding
The Ballad Of Harry Truman (of Spirit Lake)
The Ballad of Dennis Conner

Mother Jones

Pretty Boy Floyd
Clyde Barrow (and Bonnie Parker, whose last name isn't always given in the songs)

Guy Fawkes

Matt Casey (The Band Played On)

Won't You Come Home, Bill Bailey?

The Virgin Mary

Huckleberry Finn

"From the halls of Montezuma ... " (who I don't think had a last name)

"Goodbye, Norma Jean (... our Marilyn Monroe)" - by Elton John

"The Train Carrying Jimmie Rodgers Home" (by Greg Brown)

24 Dec 09 - 05:59 AM (#2795502)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: MGM·Lion

As for shanties: *Haul away for Rosie, e.g. with Round-the-Corner-Sally et al; & Little Sally Racket has every verse predicated on the name of a sailortown whore ···

Forebitters too - Maggie May &c &c &c

* {Have always btw found it of interest that this one of few shanties mentioned in Moby Dick — when the Puritan owner's wife comes aboard with improving tracts for the crew & the Quaker Captain Peleg attempts some psalmody, the 'hands at the windlass' prefer to 'roar forth a sort of chorus about the girls in Booble Alley, with hearty good will'[ch22]. A couple of forebitters/whaling·songs in ch 40 also - Spanish Ladies & Greenland Fisheries.}

24 Dec 09 - 12:48 PM (#2795729)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: Neighmond

Dewey Lee - Carter Family
Ira Hayes - Johnny Cash
Freeda Bolt - ?
Joe Bean - Johnny Cash

24 Dec 09 - 01:15 PM (#2795751)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: Genie

"Later on, if ya wanna,
We'll dress up like Madonna"
Walkin' Round In Women's Underwear

(Yes, I know her last name isn't mentioned, but it's clear which "Madonna" the lyric is about.)

25 Dec 09 - 06:31 PM (#2796420)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: GUEST,Allen in OZ

A few more:

Peggy Sue

Angela Jones


26 Dec 09 - 03:56 PM (#2796850)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: GUEST,Allen in Oz

Jenny Jenny Jenny ( Little Richard)

K-K-K Katie


26 Dec 09 - 11:40 PM (#2797025)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: Neil D

And here's to the churches of RICHARD NIXON and BILLY GRAHAM
Where the cross, once made of silver, now is caked with rust
And the sunday mornin sermons pander to their lust
All the fallen face of jesus is chokin' in the dust
And heaven only knows in which God they can trust
Oh, here's to the land you've torn out the heart of
richard nixon find yourself another country to be part
                                  from Phil Ochs

26 Dec 09 - 11:48 PM (#2797027)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: Neil D

"Amelia Earhart" The Handsome Family

27 Dec 09 - 01:39 AM (#2797046)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: Neighmond

Arthur Clyde

27 Dec 09 - 03:45 AM (#2797066)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: MGM·Lion

Has anyone ever counted how many Child Ballads have somebody's name [often more than one person, at that - e.g 'Lord Thomas and Fair Annet'] just as their titles, apart from who else may be named in the ballad? (How many are named in 'Chevy Chase', say - anyone know?) A quick count yielded me 29 of the first 50 — I hadn't the ❤ to count any further!

27 Dec 09 - 06:16 AM (#2797123)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: HipflaskAndy

Read thread, didn't see it, may have missed it... sorry if so.
Haven't time to re-read.

Bonny George Campbell (Child 210)

And if 'rule' is first and surname,
not sure Captain Kidd makes it?
- tho' later on someone did mention Willie Moore...
...Cap Kidd 'left him in his gore' - so that was good save!

27 Dec 09 - 07:49 AM (#2797170)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: MGM·Lion

Captain Kidd does make it if you are ref'ing to version that begins, "My name was William Kidd, As I sailed..."

27 Dec 09 - 08:16 AM (#2797179)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: MGM·Lion

Also, of course, the other Willie More - the one who was young, scarce 21, whose sad tale was told by Doc Watson & others — dependent on whose version as to whether he died of his broken ❤ by his true lover's grave or in Montreal; he ended up just as dead in either event.

27 Dec 09 - 08:21 AM (#2797183)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: HipflaskAndy

Ah, I see - cheers!

09 Aug 15 - 04:40 PM (#3729211)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: GUEST,Gealt

John Henry
Tim Finnegan
Master McGrath
Johnny Lad (not the same Johnny who went to Hilo)
(Red Hugh) O'Donnell Abú
(Bauld)Robert Emmet
Lord Franklin
Sullivan's John
Dan Murphy (who had a stone outside his door)
Jack Doyle (the man who boxed like John McCormack)
Wiliam Bloat (from the Shankill Road)
Persse O'Reilly
Napoleon Bonaparte
Henry Joy McCracken
Lily Bolero
Old Tom of Oxford

09 Aug 15 - 10:18 PM (#3729258)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: GUEST,Guest; MikeK

and..."We'll have William Jennings Bryan stoking coal on Number Nine... on that old Blue Water Line."

10 Aug 15 - 03:49 AM (#3729286)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: The Sandman

a Lyrics

Lisdoonvarna is the name of a town in Co. Clare - a place famed for its festvals!

Tabs by Oliver St John & Pete Cassidy

How's it goin' there everybody,
From Cork, New York, Dundalk, Gortahork and Glenamaddy.
Here we are in the County Clare
It's a long, long way from here to there.
There's the Burren and the Cliffs of Moher,
And the Tulla and the Kilfenora,
Miko Russell, Doctor Bill,
Willy Clancy and Noel Hill.
Flutes and fiddles everywhere.
If it's music you want,
You should go to Clare.

Oh, Lisdoonvarna
Lisdoon, Lisdoon, Lisdoon, Lisdoonvarna!

Everybody needs a break,
Climb a mountain or jump in a lake.
Some head off to exotic places,
Others go to the Galway Races.
Mattie goes to the South of France,
Jim to the dogs, Peter to the dance.
A cousin of mine goes potholing,
A cousin of heres loves Joe Dolan.
Summer comes around each year,
We go there and they come here.
Some jet off to ... Frijiliana,
But I always go to Lisdoonvarna.


I always leave on a Thursday night,
With me tent and me groundsheet rolled up tight.
I like to hit Lisdoon,
In around Friday afternoon.
This gives me time to get me gear together,
I don't need to worry about the weather.
Ramble in for a pint of stout,
And you'd never know who'd be hangin' about!
There's a Dutchman playing a mandolin,
And a German looking for Liam Óg O'Floinn.
And there's Adam, Bono and Garrett Fitzgerald,
Gettin' their photos taken for the Sunday World.
Finbarr, Charlie and Jim Hand,
And they drinkin' pints to bate the band.
.. Ain't it grand?


The multitudes, they flocked and thronged,
To hear the music and the songs.
Motorbikes and Hi-ace vans,
With bottles - barrels - flagons - cans.
Mighty craic. Loads of frolics,
Pioneers and alcoholics,
PLAC, SPUC and the FCA,
Free Nicky Kelly and the IRA.
Hairy chests and milk-white thighs,
And mickey dodgers in disguise.
Mc Graths, O'Briens, Pippins, Coxs,
Massage parlours in horse boxes.
There's amhráns, bodhráns, amadáns,
Arab sheiks, Hindu Sikhs, Jesus freaks,
RTE are makin' tapes, takin' breaks and throwin' shapes.
This is heaven, this is hell.
Who cares? Who can tell?
(Anyone for the last few Choc Ices, now?)


A 747 for Jackson Browne,
They had to build a special runway just to get him down.
Before the Chieftains could start to play,
Seven creamy pints came out on a tray.
Shergar was ridden by Lord Lucan,
Seán Cannon did the backstage cookin'.
Clannad were playin' "Harry's Game",
Christy was singin' "Nancy Spain".
Mary O'Hara and Brush Shields,
Together singin' "The Four Green Fields".
Van the Man and Emmy Lou,
Moving Hearts and Planxty too!


Everybody needs a break,
Climb a mountain or jump in a lake.
Sean Doherty goes to the Rose of Tralee,
Oliver J. Flanagan goes swimming in the Holy Sea.
But I like the music and the open air,
So every Summer I go to Clare.
Coz Woodstock, Knock nor the Feast of Cana,
Can hold a match to Lisdoonvarna.

Source: click here

10 Aug 15 - 04:20 AM (#3729290)
Subject: RE: People named in songs

Going completely off the subject, as you could go through thousands of name songs...and the thread was first and second names in songs. One of the most difficult to sing songs, 'Dear old Donegal' is a right old name tongue twister and memory tester. I was always amazed that my father could sing that one at gigs.

You could go on forever with first and second name songs, everything from folk songs through to the Beatles Eleanor Rigby, Free Nelson Mandela and a million other ones.

10 Aug 15 - 09:13 AM (#3729348)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: PHJim

Michael Chaser (With My Hands In The Pockets Of My Old Ragadoo)

Then there's John Hartford's "Tater Tate and Alan Mundy" in which he unfortunately spelled Al Munde's name incorrectly.

Tater Tate And Alan Mundy (Munde)

10 Aug 15 - 11:18 AM (#3729372)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: MGM·Lion

is the URL to access The Chevalier's Muster Roll, a song {which I recall hearing Ewan sing more than once} listing the clans gathering for the 1715, probably as extensive a list of names in a song as you will ever find.


-- typical couple of stanzas:

Duncan's coming, Donald's coming,
Colin's coming, Ronald's coming,
Dougald's coming, Lauchlan's coming,
Alaster and a's coming.

Borland and his men's coming,
Cameron and M'Lean's coming,
Gordon and M'Gregor's coming,
Ilka Dunywastle's coming.
Little wat ye wha's coming.
M'Gillavry o' Drumglass is coming..........

&c &c &c......

10 Aug 15 - 11:47 AM (#3729378)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: Megan L

William Angus Jamieson Jock McCall in "you can come and see the baby"

10 Aug 15 - 12:47 PM (#3729392)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: MGM·Lion

Famous smallpipe tune, Derwentwater's Farewell. Lord Derwentwater aka in balladry as Lord Allenwater &c--

'James Radclyffe, 3rd Earl of Derwentwater (26 June 1689 – 24 February 1716) was an English Jacobite, executed for treason. His death is remembered in an English traditional ballad, "Lord Allenwater", collected by Ralph Vaughan Williams in 1904 from the singing of Emily Stears' - Wikipedia


10 Aug 15 - 12:59 PM (#3729394)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: The Sandman

Michael all those men coming, but no women?

10 Aug 15 - 01:09 PM (#3729397)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: MGM·Lion

There would generally have been 'camp-followers', eh Dick?


10 Aug 15 - 07:44 PM (#3729475)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: CupOfTea

Ecclectricity's "Back to Beethoven" names a batch of country music stars to be avoided.
Crystal Gale, Willie Nelson, & Charlie Daniels get first & last name treatment, along with groups like Mandrell sisters, Oak Ridge Boys or George & Tammy.

How about an anti-name? "My name is Morgan but it ain't J.P."?

Then there was George O'Reilley (or O'Brian, YMMV)who was going to get Charlie off the MTA.

In the annals of weird, there's Leonard Nimoy's "Ballad of Bilbo Baggins."

The rest of my favorite double-name songs have already been mentioned - sorry I missed this thread in earlier incarnations.

Joanne in Cleveland

10 Aug 15 - 11:08 PM (#3729503)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: GUEST,Bert

Grace Darling
Noreen Bawn

10 Aug 15 - 11:31 PM (#3729506)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: Airymouse

Tom Dula, Laura Foster, Billy Stafford, Sanford Obrien, Jess Harold, John Jacob Jingleheimer Scmidt

11 Aug 15 - 12:52 AM (#3729519)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: MGM·Lion

"probably as extensive a list of names in a song as you will ever find"
I wrote above about The Chevalier's Muster Roll. But surely outdone in that respect, it occurs to me, by The Tour Of The Dales which Mike Waterson used to sing -- a list of all the Daleside villages, with a couple of the most prominent inhabitants of each specified. It is on Youtube at


11 Aug 15 - 01:04 AM (#3729521)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: MGM·Lion

Also worth a mention -- Captain Somerville, named as "the Irish captain" of the warship in the Coppers' "Warlike Seamen". Oddly, the name of the ship is inconsistent within the song, being "The Nottingham" in verse 1, but "The London" in a subsequent stanza.


11 Aug 15 - 01:08 AM (#3729522)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: MGM·Lion

I once mentioned this inconsistency to Bob Copper, who said that they had of course noticed it & thought of amending it; but as that was how it was in "The Book", they felt that family faith & loyalty required that that was how they should go on singing it.

11 Aug 15 - 01:57 AM (#3729525)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: Joe Offer

John the Revelator, along with Peter, Paul, Judas, and Noah and Adam and Eve. Then there's Pharaoh, Moses, and Joshua. Oh, and Abraham and Martin and John, Charlie of MTA fame and Walter/George O'Brien.

11 Aug 15 - 05:34 AM (#3729548)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: GUEST,Phil

Too many to list, so listen for your own self:

"Done Too Soon" (Neil Diamond)

"We Didn't Start the Fire" (Billy Joel)

11 Aug 15 - 05:39 AM (#3729550)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: GUEST,Phil

We used to play this game by "type" so...

Musicians (and a poet)
Waylon Jennings (Goodman & Prine)
Charley Pride (id.)
Merle Haggard (id.)
David Allen Coe (id.)
Brenda Lee (Hay & Kooymans)
Sidney Bechet (Patricia Kaas)
Frankie D (Guy Clark)
Roger Miller (id.)
Ramblin' Jack Elliot (id.)
Larry Mahan (id.)
Anita Bryant (Jimmy Buffett)
Patsy Cline (Jimmy Buffett; Emmylou Harris)
Bo Diddley (Bo Diddley)
Mama Cass (Phillips & Gilliam)
Dwight Yoakam (Mary Chapin Carpenter)
Lyle Lovett (id.)
Johnny Rotten (Neil Young)
Charlie Watts (John Hiatt)
T.S. Eliot (Brad Roberts – Crash Test Dummies)

Bob Hope (Billy Joel)
Carol Merrill (Jimmy Buffett)
Richard Pryor (Jackson Browne)
Lotte Lenya (Bobby Darin)
Betty Davis (Donna Weiss & Jackie De Shannon)
Jean Harlow (id.)
Greta Garbo (id.)
Tuesday Weld (Donald Fagen)
Bette Davis (Mark Knopfler)
Charlie & Oona Chaplin (Steve Forbert)
Warren Beatty (id.)

Joe DiMaggio (John Fogerty; Paul Simon)
Dale Earnhardt (John Hiatt)
Red Grange (Weston & Weston)

Politics (etc)
Rose Kennedy (Patricia Kaas)
George Murphy (Tom Lehrer)
Wernher von Braun (id.)
Eva Braun (Danny O'Keefe)
Harry Truman (id.)
Henry VIII (Murray & Weston)
Anne Boleyn (John Popper; Weston & Weston)

Oedipus Rex (Tom Lehrer)
Rita Ballou (Guy Clark)
Spider John (Willis Alan Ramsey)
Mona Lisa (Emmylou Harris; Livingston & Evans)
Charlie Brown (Clark M. Gesner; Leiber & Stoller)
Polk Salad Annie (Tony Joe White)

More to follow...

11 Aug 15 - 10:03 AM (#3729585)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: Jack Campin

For another inconsistency: Sir Hugh Montgomery features in both "Chevy Chase" and "The Battle of Otterbourne", two songs on the same battle. He's alive at the end of one of them and dies horribly in the other.

11 Aug 15 - 11:02 AM (#3729598)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: GUEST,Dave

Billy Henry, Willie Leonard and Willie Lennox, who were all poor swimmers.

04 Sep 19 - 01:52 AM (#4007247)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: PHJim

John Hartford's "Howard Hughes' Blues"

If he didn't have a nickel
If he didn't have a dime
He could do whatever he damn well please
He could do it all the time
But success is just a mess of overdues
For old Howard Hughes and all of his blues

04 Sep 19 - 04:03 AM (#4007262)
Subject: RE: People named in songs
From: The Sandman

lisdoonvarna North And South Of The River
The Craic Was Ninety In The Isle Of Man
Missing You
The Reel In The Flickering Light
Messenger Boy
Lakes Of Ponchartrain
Official page
Christy Moore wiki
Lisdoonvarna video
Christy Moore twitter
Lisdoonvarna Lyrics

Lisdoonvarna is the name of a town in Co. Clare - a place famed for its festvals!

Tabs by Oliver St John & Pete Cassidy

How's it goin' there everybody,
From Cork, New York, Dundalk, Gortahork and Glenamaddy.
Here we are in the County Clare
It's a long, long way from here to there.
There's the Burren and the Cliffs of Moher,
And the Tulla and the Kilfenora,
Miko Russell, Doctor Bill,
Willy Clancy and Noel Hill.
Flutes and fiddles everywhere.
If it's music you want,
You should go to Clare.

Oh, Lisdoonvarna
Lisdoon, Lisdoon, Lisdoon, Lisdoonvarna!

Everybody needs a break,
Climb a mountain or jump in a lake.
Some head off to exotic places,
Others go to the Galway Races.
Mattie goes to the South of France,
Jim to the dogs, Peter to the dance.
A cousin of mine goes potholing,
A cousin of heres loves Joe Dolan.
Summer comes around each year,
We go there and they come here.
Some jet off to ... Frijiliana,
But I always go to Lisdoonvarna.


I always leave on a Thursday night,
With me tent and me groundsheet rolled up tight.
I like to hit Lisdoon,
In around Friday afternoon.
This gives me time to get me gear together,
I don't need to worry about the weather.
Ramble in for a pint of stout,
And you'd never know who'd be hangin' about!
There's a Dutchman playing a mandolin,
And a German looking for Liam Óg O'Floinn.
And there's Adam, Bono and Garrett Fitzgerald,
Gettin' their photos taken for the Sunday World.
Finbarr, Charlie and Jim Hand,
And they drinkin' pints to bate the band.
.. Ain't it grand?


The multitudes, they flocked and thronged,
To hear the music and the songs.
Motorbikes and Hi-ace vans,
With bottles - barrels - flagons - cans.
Mighty craic. Loads of frolics,
Pioneers and alcoholics,
PLAC, SPUC and the FCA,
Free Nicky Kelly and the IRA.
Hairy chests and milk-white thighs,
And mickey dodgers in disguise.
Mc Graths, O'Briens, Pippins, Coxs,
Massage parlours in horse boxes.
There's amhráns, bodhráns, amadáns,
Arab sheiks, Hindu Sikhs, Jesus freaks,
RTE are makin' tapes, takin' breaks and throwin' shapes.
This is heaven, this is hell.
Who cares? Who can tell?
(Anyone for the last few Choc Ices, now?)


A 747 for Jackson Browne,
They had to build a special runway just to get him down.
Before the Chieftains could start to play,
Seven creamy pints came out on a tray.
Shergar was ridden by Lord Lucan,
Seán Cannon did the backstage cookin'.
Clannad were playin' "Harry's Game",
Christy was singin' "Nancy Spain".
Mary O'Hara and Brush Shields,
Together singin' "The Four Green Fields".
Van the Man and Emmy Lou,
Moving Hearts and Planxty too!


Everybody needs a break,
Climb a mountain or jump in a lake.
Sean Doherty goes to the Rose of Tralee,
Oliver J. Flanagan goes swimming in the Holy Sea.
But I like the music and the open air,
So every Summer I go to Clare.
Coz Woodstock, Knock nor the Feast of Cana,
Can hold a match to Lisdoonvarna.