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Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!

04 Jul 99 - 07:37 AM (#92257)
Subject: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: harpgirl are cordially invited to Art Thieme's online birthday party scheduled for Friday, July 9th. It will be a twenty-four hour affair so you may party at your convenience. Please bring your jokes, stories, songs, tunes, refreshments, tributes, and party favors! ..hope you all can make it!!!
.your humble hostess harpgirl

04 Jul 99 - 07:40 AM (#92258)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: harpgirl

...did I mention that we will only have time for one ocarina solo? I apologize in advance...harpy

04 Jul 99 - 07:55 AM (#92261)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: Banjer

Harpgirl, I don't know when you are having the ocarina solo, but I know I will be busy at that time. Sorry to have to miss it!! NOT!!!! I will however make an appearance with my banjo and new found information from Mr Clayton's instruction book. I will probably run off any folks that the ocarina solo failed to scatter!

04 Jul 99 - 10:28 AM (#92282)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: Peter T.

Ars longa, vita brevis
(Art is long, life is short).

04 Jul 99 - 12:52 PM (#92312)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: The Shambles

Who is going to volounteer to blow up those long colourless balloons, for the big day?

04 Jul 99 - 01:38 PM (#92318)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: Wally Macnow

Hey, is it true that this is Art's centennial or is it a sesquicentennial? my memory doesn't work so good no more. In case I can't remember when July 9th is, Happy Birthday, Art! Go for 200.


04 Jul 99 - 04:03 PM (#92346)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: Art Thieme

Harp---I think I'm angry you did this! ;-)

Were you at the fun song swaps at the old ARK with me & Michael Cooney & Joe Hickerson & Barry O'neil?? Those were grand times at the old house. You were probably upstairs babysitting for Anya. Or maybe it was that old fiddle-maker you used to hang out with? ;-)

I knew you had a son, but an ocarina??? ;-) ;-)

Yer amigo,

Art ;-)

04 Jul 99 - 04:41 PM (#92353)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: harpgirl

...oh Art I didn't mean to get you mad...please can we have a birthday party for you?
I was there and also upstairs hanging out with Anya...those were fine times on Hill Street!...harp

04 Jul 99 - 04:58 PM (#92359)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: Art Thieme


No, I'm not mad at all! I'm wantin' to hear all the music, for certain. But I remember.---You were probably watching TV with the Siglins while we were singin' our hearts out. I LOVE LUCY reruns if I recall... ;-)

05 Jul 99 - 01:02 PM (#92571)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: harpgirl

we need a volunteer to blow up the long colourless ballons...any takers? harp

05 Jul 99 - 01:29 PM (#92584)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: LEJ

Long colorless balloons? ....OH WAIT A MINUTE! I get it! Let's fill em with water instead. How about taking up a collection to get Art a new rubber chicken to stuff in his banjo?


06 Jul 99 - 07:54 AM (#92808)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: bbc

The day's getting closer, Art. I would have started the thread if harpgirl hadn't. Do you prefer 1-day birthdays or 3-week ones, like me?



06 Jul 99 - 08:04 AM (#92811)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: Ferrara

What's with you people? Not a single bad pun in this thread so far! I can't add any -- I never never make bad puns! -- Just ask Bill! -- But in deference to the Master, whose birthday it will be, let's get those puns coming. (But first get the long colorless balloons ready.)

06 Jul 99 - 12:25 PM (#92879)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: Night Owl

Still wondering what a "long, colourless ballon" is??? Does Art have one? ;o)

06 Jul 99 - 03:32 PM (#92928)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: Bert

Ars longa!! Don't say that he'll start bragging again.

Bert. (even longa)

06 Jul 99 - 03:37 PM (#92929)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: Liam's Brother

I heard that an Englishman, Frenchman and Art were relieving themselves off the Golden Gate Bridge one night.

The Englishman said, "Dear, but this sea mist is cold near the water"

The Frenchman said, "Oui, and the water is cold as well"

Art said, "Yup, and there sure are a lot of rocks on the bottom"

06 Jul 99 - 03:59 PM (#92934)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: Allan C.

I will be sure to attend. I will attempt to play backup to the ocarina solo on the washtub bass I am constructing. As for the long, colorless balloons, I hereby nominate 'Spaw. He's so good at blowing up things.

06 Jul 99 - 04:50 PM (#92954)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: Allan C.

Damn! I just re-read my post. I know what I meant by what I said but can see how someone might take it wrong. My appology is offered if that be the case.

06 Jul 99 - 05:51 PM (#92964)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: Bert

Of course, you realize now that the FBI are going to be knocking at his door. Just imagine the scene in court where he's trying to explain the kind of "blowing up" that he does.

"Well your honour, there's this possum see, and what I do is......"


06 Jul 99 - 06:57 PM (#92973)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: katlaughing

Well, ya know, 'Spaw ain't the only one what kin blow up things! By thet I mean with yer breath, right?

Now, watch me boys, as I purse my rosy red lips together, just so; I take in a deep, deep, soul shuddering breath, hold it; ever so gently put that limp, colourless balloon against my ever so soft lips and slowly let my air fill it....fill it....watching it grow and fill out...until POP! Oh! Darn! Rog never does that!!! Doe this mean I have to do it all again???!!! Oh, Art, Art...wherefor art thou, Art?


HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ART! ALL THE BEST! It is a pleasure to call you my friend!



06 Jul 99 - 07:10 PM (#92976)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: The Shambles

An anagram of our friend's name is Their Mate and he is.

Another one is Mr Hate Tie.

Or even Ha! Termite.

There is more.........

06 Jul 99 - 07:24 PM (#92979)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: Helen

Hi all,

I have to admit I only just read this thread because I thought it was going to be another in-the-flesh get-together over there in the U.S. and I'm way over here and down under and there's no way I could come too. Now I discover that it *is* another in-the-flesh get-together - long colourless balloons, risque puns and all - but that it is happening right here at the 'Cat. Sorry I didn't join in earlier.

I'll be joining in the celebrations - in fact, given how far advanced we are (time-lines, I mean) over here in Oz I might be one of the first to offer birthday salutations.

Peter T, I don't know what you meant by the word "POOF" but it has a particular meaning over here in Oz - I'm sure you didn't mean that, but then someone else mentions catsP blowing up a possum's arse and I start to wonder. ;->


07 Jul 99 - 07:29 AM (#93047)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: Allan C.

Helen, you've got my curiosity going. Is there an Artful way you can describe the meaning of the word? Was Katlaughing's post somewhere close?

Allan C. (ever on the track of better international relations...)

07 Jul 99 - 08:59 AM (#93054)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: Helen


It's a derogatory term for a homosexual man. The word is usually used in a very nasty way, unfortunately.


07 Jul 99 - 09:01 AM (#93055)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: Peter T.

Helen, me mean something off colour (or colourless), moi? I am shocked, shocked, that you would put me in such company. I know that I can speak for the demure katlaughing too, since her mouth is busy elsewhere at the moment, that everything we say is beyond reproach (way beyond reproach).
yours, Peter T.

07 Jul 99 - 09:22 AM (#93060)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: Jeri

Ooh I think I know that! "Poof" is used as a noun and means someone who's masculine in a feminine sort of way.

There's a definition (sort of) in Flying Booger's Half Mind Catalogue at There's also a downloadable songbook containing many rude hash-oriented songs. ("The Mayor of Bayswater's Daughter" is in there, for example, probably introduced by Rugby playing hashers.) The whole site, and the tradition of hashing is terrible un-PC and involves a lot of alchohol consumption.

07 Jul 99 - 10:49 AM (#93092)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: catspaw49

Art, I've stayed off this thread and I was going to wait til your birthday to post, but it's really got me now. It exhibits the best of Mudcat thread creep and gives you a good look at yourself too. We all love you Art, but no matter about anything else or anything you've done in your life.......Here at the 'Cat you are inextricably linked to condoms. Could be worse, you could be inextricably linked to possum inflation. And you have to admit that katlaughing has painted a portrait that is vivid, to say the least. Well, I'll be around here hangin' out and waiting for the big day.


07 Jul 99 - 11:19 AM (#93108)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: Art Thieme

Kat, why do I think we ought to share a cigarette?

Lately that's as good as it can get. Thank you! (All of ya!)


07 Jul 99 - 01:33 PM (#93152)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: The Shambles

Growing up in the UK, as I did, a humble working class lad, a Poof was an item of soft furniture, for placing ones feet on.

These were only found in 'posh' houses though.

07 Jul 99 - 06:00 PM (#93235)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: katlaughing

Oh, Art, dearie, doncha know I never light up!? LMAO! You are a dear, dear friend!

Love ya, kat

07 Jul 99 - 10:59 PM (#93293)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: Susan A-R

WOW! and thi8s is all pre July 9.

As it looks like I'll be away from computers at that point, Kat would you blow up a few for mer?? and Art, have a lovely day. Wish I could send along a virtual cake or something.


07 Jul 99 - 11:52 PM (#93304)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: Big Mick

I ain't saying s**t until the ninth.


08 Jul 99 - 12:16 AM (#93310)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: Sandy Paton

Caroline (from Indiana, originally) refers to a down comforter as a "poof." I don't know whether or not that's a regionalism, but our grandchildren love to leap from the arm of a couch into a cushion of two of 'em.

Birthday references on "Mudcat Dreaming," Art. See you on Monday.

Grandpa Sandy

08 Jul 99 - 02:22 AM (#93338)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: Helen

Well, it's 4.18pm here in Oz, so only 7 hours and 42 minutes to go. I haven't got any long colourless balloons, or any colourless (or colourful) jokes to offer. Oh well, still time to gather my resources.


08 Jul 99 - 04:52 AM (#93361)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: The Shambles

What long colourless balloons do Mudcatter's prefer?

I think my version of 'poof' comes from the same source as the way the British have of taking nice sounding French words like chalets and Chamois and tuning them into 'Shalley's' and 'Shammy's'.

08 Jul 99 - 03:10 PM (#93450)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: bbc

Those net "sponges" used w/ liquid soap are called poofs, too.


08 Jul 99 - 03:22 PM (#93454)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: The Shambles

The word is 'pouffe', pronounced as pu:f, meaning, a low stuffed seat or cushion.

The French always have a word for it. Sometimes they even have a letter for it?

08 Jul 99 - 05:27 PM (#93493)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: bbc

Poor Art,

We have badly thread-crept in your birthday thread, even though you tried your level-best to show us the error of our ways in the now-infamous condom thread (which brought joy to many, poster & lurker alike!). Instead of recognizing your pedagogical intent, we embraced the subject and pursued it w/ unflagging zeal! Sorry, Art! Maybe it's payback for all those years of punniness?

Best to you as your birthday creeps closer & closer!


08 Jul 99 - 05:58 PM (#93508)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: LEJ

The only proper definition of Poof! is the sound formed by air rushing in to fill a vacuum created by an object's disappearance, usually the result of a Magician's trick . The other definitions are, however, interesting. Take for example this description of a magic trick in which a low stuffed seat was made to vanish by Siegfried and Roy, because the fabric was an absolutely atrocious paisley pattern."With a flourish the two poofs made a gesture over the poof and suddenly poof it was gone!"

Art. While touring the orient,A famous concert Harpist decided to realize a life-long dream. He chartered a Chinese junk to carry him out in the bay, where he sat in the bow playing Sakura . Suddenly, he realized that the damp sea air was affecting his instrument, causing the delicate wood to swell and crack. The Chinese Captain came to his assistance, suggesting they stow the harp in a large container of cooking lard. It was not until the musician returned home that he realized he had completely forgotten the instrument. He did, however write a well-known song about the incident-

I Left my Harp in Sampan Crisco

08 Jul 99 - 06:20 PM (#93510)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: catspaw49

Ferchrisssakes, give it up Leej........


08 Jul 99 - 06:34 PM (#93514)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: Banjer

Same song, different verse:

A fellow had recently died and went to heaven. There he got issued his harp and other trapping of an official angel. They ran out of wings in his size so St. Peter told him until a new shipment arrived he could go back to earth for a week and do what he wanted. He decided to go see his friend, one Sam Frank who owned a nightclub. After a week of visiting he was called back to heaven. St. Peter asked him if he still had all the equipment he had already been issued, whereuppon the hapless fellow wailed, Oh no!

I Left My Harp In Sam Frank's Disco!"

08 Jul 99 - 07:22 PM (#93524)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: Helen

Well, I thought the other Aussies would get in before me, but here it is 9.18am on July 9th and I'm the first to wish you Happy Birthday, Art.

So, Arty Hapday, Birth ... no, that's not right. Birthy Artday, Hap... Oh, well, you know what I mean, and many more of them.

All the best, Helen

08 Jul 99 - 10:01 PM (#93556)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: Barbara

I dunno what's with all you staid Mudcats. Long colorless balloons??? Howsa bout some long purple grape flavored ones, or maybelemonlime ones or pink peppermint
Okay, okay, I'll wait for his birthday.

08 Jul 99 - 10:56 PM (#93566)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: catspaw49

Well Barb you have to admit we do keep saying LONG, colorless, balloons.......Shows spirit on our part...or just perhaps wishful thinking. And BTW......I wanted to pass on this tip to the rest of you. I wanted to get an early start on the balloons, but couldn't. I'd get them partially inflated and they'd fly out of my mouth, across the room. DO NOT buy the lubricated ones.


08 Jul 99 - 11:08 PM (#93569)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: Barbara

Mebby you need the bumpy ones with the ridges and wiggly things, for grip, 'spaw.

08 Jul 99 - 11:33 PM (#93574)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: Bill D

in case Shambles' little throw-away line way up ^ there went by you too fast, here is #952 in G. Legman's book "The Limerick"

"There was a young man of Penzance
Who rougered his three maiden aunts
Though them he defiled
He ne'er got them with child,
Through using the letters of France"

09 Jul 99 - 12:45 AM (#93587)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: Dave Swan

You're right catspaw, and they taste funny too. If you take Barbara's suggestion, you get not only a non-skid surface but some damned fine balloon animals. So far I've made a puffer fish, a pangolin and a 'possum on the half shell.


Cheers, D

09 Jul 99 - 02:54 AM (#93599)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: bseed(charleskratz)

Hey, Art--I hope you don't mind my appropriating your dog that lost its tail story. I always attribute it to you.

Happy birthday, my friend. I hope to sing with you at Mudstock 2000.


09 Jul 99 - 03:42 AM (#93603)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: Wolfgang

happy birthday, Art, from over here in old Germany

09 Jul 99 - 04:52 AM (#93618)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: Banjer

Remember your third grade teacher, you know the old bag that had that round key sounding that she could make sound like a gazoo. She would announce, "Class, today is ______'s birthday". She would then choose a key on her little blow disc and it would sound like:


Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dear Arrrt
Happy Birthday to you!

No matter what key she chose, we would all sing in whatever we felt comfortable with (having no idea what that key was anyway) and it would sound like a gaggle of geese at feeding time!



09 Jul 99 - 05:10 AM (#93622)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: Joe Offer

O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!"
He chortled in his joy.
Happy birthdya, Art!
-Joe Offer-

09 Jul 99 - 06:49 AM (#93625)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: Don Meixner, Lyman and Caroline King

Happy Birthday Art. Warmest regards from the Ontario Mud Flats.


09 Jul 99 - 07:16 AM (#93627)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: bob schwarer

From one July 9 to another:

Happy Birthday, Art. And many more happy ones to follow.

Bob S.

09 Jul 99 - 07:26 AM (#93630)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: The Shambles

He emit Art

Happy Birthday Art.

09 Jul 99 - 07:44 AM (#93634)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: Allan C.

A lot of people are amazed by all of the things I tell them about that go on here at the 'Cat. I always patiently explain that there is an Art to it.

Happy Birthday!

09 Jul 99 - 07:59 AM (#93636)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: Roger in Baltimore

Happy Birthday Art!

I have several balloons here. One is a purple, grape-flavored one that I got from Barbara. I also have a red one with little bumps all over it. I have a yellow one that has ridges and if you rub it with a popsicle stick it makes a fabulous sound. It will be my primary instrument during the singing and playing. Finally, I have a transparent one with little fingers at the end that didn't quite blow up, so they look like nipples now, an udder failure on my part.

I may have read this on the Mudcat: I young man returned to his home town for Christmas celebrations. He went to eat breakfast in a new eatery in town. He ordered Eggs Benedict. When his meal came, it was served on a Pontiac hubcap. When he asked the waiter about this strange presentation the waiter replied, of course, "There's no plate like chrome for the hollendaise."

I will put down my balloon and pick up my guitar for a rousing version of "She'll Be Comin' "Round the Mountain."

Many more, Art!

Big RiB

09 Jul 99 - 08:45 AM (#93643)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: Big Mick

Maith thu/, Art. Go maire tu/ an la/!
translation, for those that need it: Bravo, Art! Happy Birthday!

You are the best, you old fart. We have come to love you around here, and no one more than me. Many, many more, my friend. We need you to keep "passin' it on". It is an honor to have you in my life.


09 Jul 99 - 08:50 AM (#93645)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: MMario

Have a Happy B'day Art!


09 Jul 99 - 09:09 AM (#93653)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: Steve Latimer

Art, Happy Birthday from Whitby, Ontario. May you have many more.

Steve Latimer

09 Jul 99 - 09:23 AM (#93657)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: annamill


In honor of your birthday, I am going to play your CD and record at my house all this weekend. I love the stories and music. I am happy to be able to know and love someone so beautiful.

Love, annap

09 Jul 99 - 09:55 AM (#93665)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: catspaw49

Hey Dave, you're right. Better yet, I went out and got me some of the French Tickler jobbies and now I've got a neat looking animal---sorta' half porcupine and half possum. Just great!!! Anyway............

Well the Official Day is here and I'd thought I'd send you a tune you know well. I guess it's best on banjo, so let me tune this thing...........*#&$&^#^&$,just a sec........... Well tuned banjo is oxymoronic anyway. Here we go....."I wonder where and old riverman goes......................... ................ ................................."

Well that wasn't bad...wasn't real great either, but I like the song so to hell with it! I kinda' like the engineman verse best.

Happy Birthday Art. You know what everyone around here thinks of you (sorry) but I do fear that your influence on Leej and Banj has resulted in two gawdawful puns...a new low for both. Let me pass back some advice that a friend gave me back in May...."Relax and take it easy, just be sure you take it!"


09 Jul 99 - 10:36 AM (#93683)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: Jeri

'Spaw, it's a good thing you didn't try blowing up the ones with the spermicide - yech, ptoooey! I ordered a case of condoms and some duct tape at the pharmacy the other day. Me: "I need a case of condoms of assorted colors and ten rolls of duct tape for a party." Him: "I'm required to personally ensure quality when I sell such a large quantity. Where's the party?" Me: "Oh good, you can help blow some up. Can you draw happy faces?" Him: "Uh...never mind." He even threw in some free Chapstick.

Happy Birthday, from New Hampshire!

09 Jul 99 - 10:49 AM (#93685)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: Bert

Happy Bathday!

Remember "The older you get...."

Lots more ov 'em guy.


09 Jul 99 - 10:59 AM (#93689)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: Mike Regenstreif

I've got Mudcat on the screen and "The Older I Get, The Better I Was" in the CD player. Have a great one Art.


Mike Regenstreif

09 Jul 99 - 11:21 AM (#93697)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: Art Thieme


YOU are ALL AMAZING. Thank you a ton. (That's about what I weigh now.) Cannot believe you did this!

Please check out the "Folkie vs. Singer-Songwriter" thread if ya wanna hear my final word on that topic. (Really, I've no idea why you'd wanna know.) ;-)



09 Jul 99 - 11:26 AM (#93699)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: Bill D

Well, Art, it was from YOU that I learned about drink mixing..(about the Red Fox Inn)..neat drinks like the "Autumn Leaves"..(take one sip, change color, and fall!)....and how to make a "Blood Clot"..(Vodka, tomato juice, and jello)...along with a grand mix of songs, pickin' and fascinating information about the music and let's pop in this virtual saloon and see if they will make us one with a Geritol base!

Here's a fancy toast ummmmm...sorry...hold on a's a REAL fancy toast to you, my friend! It was a fine day when you popped in thru Mudcat's door...

09 Jul 99 - 11:28 AM (#93700)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: Rick Fielding

Jeez, I miss a couple of days, through heat-waves, guests, turmoil and neurotic behaviour, and see what happens. Happy Birthday Art!

09 Jul 99 - 11:43 AM (#93702)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: MAG (inactive)

They say it's your birthday (unh)/ Happy Birthday to ya (unh)/ John Lennon

-- MA

09 Jul 99 - 12:04 PM (#93705)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: Roy Harris, Cardiff, Wales

Greetings Art, I just picked up on Mudcat after an absence of a few months and what do I find? - Your Birthday. Happy Birthday Pal, and many more of 'em. Thanks for all the music and for being so uniquely yourself. Best wishes from Elaine, and from me, Roy ARTHUR Harris.

09 Jul 99 - 12:14 PM (#93710)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: katlaughing

Hey! Art! Just had to post, again, on the real day! Went looking for another toast to put in here and found this, which I think sums up a part you we all love and cherish:

He who comes with a story to you, brings two away from you.

There's more HERE


Love , katlaughing

09 Jul 99 - 12:24 PM (#93714)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: Dale Rose

Hi, Art, and the happiest of birthday wishes.

Didya hear the one about the banjo player who was standing there on this high platform with two banjos strapped to his feet?

The fiddler (it's always the fiddler) calls out to him, "NO, Art, it's bungee jumping!!"

09 Jul 99 - 01:01 PM (#93725)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: Liam's Brother

Hi Art!

The sun is shining in NYC today and I hope the same is true all the way over in Peru. Despite some less than good news during the week, everything today is fine. In homage to you, I started the morning listening to "Jerry, Go & Oil The Car." "Joint ahead and center back" will be the catch words for the weekend. Please accept my congratulations on your birthday and best wishes for the coming year.

All the best,

09 Jul 99 - 02:35 PM (#93746)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: annamill

Fun- I made this up.

There was a gentleman named John Phillip and he owned a ranch that raises mules. (Does anybody remember mules) Now not everybody know this but mules are sexless because they are produced by two different species. A female horse (Mare) and a male donkey.

Now working for him, John Phillip had several men who's job it was to gather up the mares and donkeys and get them together to do what had to be done to produce little mules.

There was one man who's job it was to oversee all the other men and direct the happenings.

This man was known as "Phillip's head screw driver"

My ex-husband used to like me to make up stories about whatever thing he happen to mention. One night he asked me to make up a story about a Phillipshead Screwdriver, so did.

Ta da! Love and happy birthday wishes again dear Art.

Love, annap

09 Jul 99 - 02:38 PM (#93748)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: harpgirl

Happy Birthday, Art...your admirer, Abby

09 Jul 99 - 03:41 PM (#93758)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

In response to the Arts longa, vita brevis concept:

We wish you a happy birthday
A joyous and celebrated birthday,
To our dear Aaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrttt,
We wish you a long, long life!

Enjoy! Allison

09 Jul 99 - 03:47 PM (#93761)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: LEJ

Good one Annap..unlike certain possum inflators, I appreciate a good play on words .Or a bad one. It's really a fine line.

Anyhow Art,this one's even better (or worse). A scientist in Florida was conducting tests with Dolphins to see if food affected their longevity. Amazingly, a diet of mynah birds seemed to slow down and even stop the aging process. Unfortunately, the population of mynah birds in Florida was soon depleted, and a truck was hired to haul the birds from Georgia. The truck was stopped at the line and the driver arrested. Of course, you know what the charge was....?

09 Jul 99 - 05:04 PM (#93777)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: Bill D

I know, I know!!..I know an even LONGER version!! *grin*

09 Jul 99 - 07:45 PM (#93812)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: Banjer

Leej, you forgot to mention that the birds had to be also carried over the top of a den of sleeping lions to get to the Dolphins....So the whole charge would be:

Transporting mynahs across staid lions for immortal poirposes!!

09 Jul 99 - 07:48 PM (#93813)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: lloyd61

Happy Birthday Art..........

Thanks for all the wonderful evenings at the No Exit.

May God give you health and years.


09 Jul 99 - 09:11 PM (#93827)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: annamill

How're you holding out Art? Is the bash still going?

I love your stories. Did you like my story?

I've had 2(two) tanquery and tonics in your honor. I may have more. ;-)

Love, annap

09 Jul 99 - 09:14 PM (#93828)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: Lonesome EJ

Ouch, Banjer!

Art- Last Word, and I mean it... The older you get, the better you are!!!Your sense of humor, your wisdom and your music make you what you are- a completely unique individual, and we all love you for it.


09 Jul 99 - 11:33 PM (#93847)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: catspaw49

Last word in no more screwed up puns? Sounds like a joke ... How many Mudcatters does it take to tell a joke? Aw, it's alright, I dunno' what I'd do without you and the General..........then again, maybe it's worth investigating......................

On the other hand, your last paragraph does speak for us all......a completely unique individual, that's Art. And in a way it describes you too. And Banj, Mick, Rick, Kat, Jeri, Barbara, Sandy & Caroline (of course), seed, Peter, Dave, Harpy, bbc, Helen, Alison, Alice, Sham, Bert, Dan, Joe and on and on.........maybe that's why this is such a unique place. The straights just fall away leaving the wackos. What a group!


09 Jul 99 - 11:38 PM (#93849)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: bbc

Takes all kinds to make the world go 'round, but I sure like the folks in our corner of it. Hope you've enjoyed your party, Art, & I hope the day ends in peace & a good night's rest. Then, on to tomorrow!



10 Jul 99 - 12:18 AM (#93857)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: Barbara

Gosh,if youre in the eastern time zone, I've already missed your Birthday! So let the wild rumpus continue -- here's some jokes for you, about your speed I think...
Q: What is a zebra?
A: 25 sizes larger than an "A" bra
Q: What do Eskimos get from sitting on the ice too long?
A: Polaroids.

Q: What has four legs, is big, green, fuzzy, and if it fell out of a tree would kill you?
A: A pool table.

Q: What's the difference between an oral thermometer and a rectal one?
A: The taste.

Q: What's the difference between roast beef and pea soup?
A: Anyone can roast beef.

Q: Why do bagpipers walk when they play?
A: They're trying to get away from the noise.

Q: Why do gorillas have big nostrils?
A: Because they have big fingers.

Happy happy happy all the time time time!

10 Jul 99 - 01:04 AM (#93866)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: Art Thieme

Amazing! Thanks good people. It's 11:30 PM here in Illinois and you've made this a fine one. I'm exhausted!! The cake DID set off the smoke alarm and the fire department didn't have much of a sense of humor at first, but then they got into the spirit of things. They just left the party about 10:00 tonight. The Laphraoig was flowing like water for several hours. I really must've drunk 'cause I put on OPERA records. One soprano hit a high C and within 5 minutes the fire trucks were back; they said they hadn't heard anything like that sound since the orphanage burnt down!! Figured they were needed again.
Right now I'm listening to one of 16 CDs Fritz Schuler (of the Golden Ring Folklore Center and Music Store in Manitowoc, Wisconsin sent me. It's a concert by the group THE BEST OF FRIENDS (Anne Hills, Bob Gibson and Tom Paxton)---just amazing! The rest of the one-of-a-kind CDs are just as historically important and musically splendid. And there's 7 videos of vintage smusical stuff too.

Between reading these threads and trying to imagine what all this obviously fine stuff is gonna sound like I've had a grand "B-day". Muchas gracias to all---and to all a good night!!!


P.S.----Isn't a B-day something like a urinal? ;-)

10 Jul 99 - 10:41 AM (#93929)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: Bill D

as the only full-time ßidét (B-Day) here, I assure you-being one 24 hrs. a DAY is more like being a peon...;>}...ok, so it is about the same..

11 Jul 99 - 06:38 PM (#94188)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: Wally Macnow

Hey Art,

I knew I'd miss it. That's why I wrote early. One hell of a party. Where did Roy Harris come from? Did you tell him he's not allowed to write from Wales? Or sing about Whales? He really should stick to Malarkey or sailboats or something.

Whaddijaget? Huh? Anything good? Huh? For my last birthday, I got some Dobro thumbpicks. Had to go to Maine for 'em. There aren't any in Vermont.

Here's good luck to the pint pot and also to you, sir.


12 Jul 99 - 08:33 AM (#94356)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: skarpi Iceland

Happy Birthday

in Icelandic---Til hamingju með afmælið. bless skarpi Iceland

12 Jul 99 - 10:22 AM (#94390)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: Art Thieme

Wally & all,

Roy Harris has been swapping tapes with me pretty regularly lately. We met at the Pinwoods Camp in Mass. when we were both on the staff there years ago. He sure is a fine singer even if he is in Whales. I keep trying to get him to do the S. Foster song, "Hard Times"---the one about "the whale that is hurt upon the shore!" It's a very sad song. Is ROCK CREEK still singing? Hope so. Twas a fine group you were in then if it ain't.

Was hangin' out with Sandy & Caroline Paton & Tom Paley & slews of good old friends yesterday at The Gebhard Woods Dulcimer Festival---Morris, Illinois. Sandy & all send regards to the Mudcatters. They'll be here this afternoon & I'll boot up so's he can send some personal words. Their set to close the festival was just great. Was good seein' & hearin' my old mentor.


12 Jul 99 - 11:52 PM (#94638)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: Art Thieme

Yep, we had a fine (decent) dinner tonight. Not the best place as their car was full of CDs & stuff and instruments & we had to go to a place close enough that I could walk to it---about 20 feet lately. So we went to the corner sports bar where we were able to watch an ancient rerun of a British soccer match from the turn of the century with a player named "Paul something". The guy was truly "football crazy
Football mad
The football it has taken away
The little bit o' sense that he had,
For it would take a dozen servants
To wash his face an scrub,
Since Paul became a member of
That terrible football club."

Does anyone know anything about that particular match?


13 Jul 99 - 03:31 AM (#94673)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: The Shambles

Art are you sure the match was as old as that? I can't think of any famous 'Pauls' from that far back.

The description would certainly fit our 'Gazza' very well, but he is only in his thirties now?

13 Jul 99 - 09:47 AM (#94719)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: alison

we've had a thread before on "Football crazy" it's older than Gazza......

I knew I'd miss it..... but better late than never.

Happy birthday Art and a big hug from the other side of the world.....



13 Jul 99 - 10:10 AM (#94727)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: Roger the zimmer

I was on holiday on the 9th so I'm sorry I didn't send you a greeting!
Re: Football crazy
I don't know much about football (I was an Aston Villa fan in my youth which proves it) and don't know what match you were watching but the song refers, I think, in the Hall/McGregor version I half-remember, to a Scottish team, [so perhaps I should have said " I dinna ken mickle aboot fitba'"] Celtic? Rangers? and I think mentions Hamden Park and one McGraw, but whether it was a real occasion or just invented I know not.

13 Jul 99 - 12:30 PM (#94754)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: The Shambles

No the song is not about Gazza, but he did live the song, I think that's what Art meant.

13 Jul 99 - 04:07 PM (#94826)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: The Shambles

Football Crazy

13 Jul 99 - 10:43 PM (#94943)
Subject: RE: Art's Birthday Bash:July 9th!!!
From: Wally Macnow

Rock Creek is defunct. Has been for a long time but I had a great time singing with Bill and Tom. Now I just noodle along doing a festival now and then or a house concert when asked. Haven't looked for a gig in years.

Tell all those people you're associating with to behave themselves. Remember if they get out of line, you can saw all their dulcimers in twain or even quatwain.