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Australian confectionary and marsupials B/S

05 Jul 99 - 10:48 AM (#92543)
Subject: Australian confectionery and marsupials B/S
From: The Shambles

This morning I received a mysterious parcel, all the way from Australia. I can't say who it was from as some people here may become insanely jealous. (But thank you, very much, Alison).

What can say after eating this piece of Australian confectionery? A novelty number, shaped like a wobat, with a special furry coating (which I assume is to stop it melting in the heat). It was very chewy and tasteless and I am not too surprised that you poor souls over there look forward to eating Galaxy.

I shall get some more in to send for Christmas....... Poor buggers!

By the way, do the real ones really smell bad and why are Mudcatter's so hard on marsupials?

Thanks again.

06 Jul 99 - 01:49 AM (#92740)
Subject: RE: Australian confectionary and marsupials B/S
From: alison

Glad you got it...... but... you weren't supposed to eat it!!!!

I don't know about smelling bad... but they all (kangaroos, koalas, wombats etc) have really wiry fur!!

I always thought koalas were cute cuddly things..... the fur is horrible and they have VERY long claws.....



06 Jul 99 - 02:39 AM (#92747)
Subject: RE: Australian confectionary and marsupials B/S
From: SeanM

I don't think it's us being hard on marsupials (with the possible exception of rectal inflation of one particular breed)....

I think it's probably just jealousy that they get an extra pocket to carry instruments in... Just think... on the average size 'catter, you could probably carry an extra accordion on the way to the city dump...

Wishing I could visit... after the Olympics...


06 Jul 99 - 03:06 AM (#92749)
Subject: Marsupials B/S - is this another possum thread??
From: Joe Offer

Uh...speaking of this a good thread for talking about possums??
My friend Claudia has a possum trapped on the back porch. It's been eating all the cat food and she wants to get rid of it.
Any suggestions for getting rid of possums without harming them? Claudia can't bring herself to hurt the darn thing - she's a Vegetarian, or some religion like that. Catspaw - you know about this stuff. You MUST have a suggestion.
-Joe Offer-

06 Jul 99 - 03:44 AM (#92790)
Subject: RE: Australian confectionary and marsupials B/S
From: bseed(charleskratz)

I assume the back porch has a door? Has she tried leaving it open with some delectable food (whatever possums find delectable) outside the door? Now skunks taking up residence in the crawlspace under the house--there's a problem. --seed

06 Jul 99 - 03:45 AM (#92791)
Subject: RE: Australian confectionary and marsupials B/S
From: SeanM

There'r 'no-harm' (or some other name... I ferget what) traps that can be used... they catch the critter without harming him, and then he can be taken on a loooong drive away from the homestead. Check local pet stores... they sometimes have them, if not there, try (of all places) sporting goods stores - the more 'hunting' oriented, the better.

Barring that, an all banjo-kazoo-accordion concert season would probably work...


06 Jul 99 - 04:55 AM (#92797)
Subject: RE: Australian confectionary and marsupials B/S
From: Banjer

There's a thought Joe, an accordian with banjo and bodhran backup. If that doesn't run the little feller off, he's probably some kin to Catspaw's ocarina, in which case I suggest someone pick him up gently and blow up his butt to see if he is also musically inclined!

As for SeanM's suggestion, many local humane societies will come set a trap and then transport the critter to safer environs.

06 Jul 99 - 01:43 PM (#92904)
Subject: RE: Australian confectionary and marsupials B/S
From: The Shambles

Does anyone know how to sex a wombat? It needs a name and as I do not know what sex it is, we only refer to it as it.

06 Jul 99 - 01:55 PM (#92909)
Subject: RE: Australian confectionary and marsupials B/S
From: Night Owl

Sounds like a great tune you know the lyrics??

06 Jul 99 - 02:34 PM (#92914)
Subject: RE: Australian confectionary and marsupials B/S
From: SeanM

Well, I suppose you could get said wombat drunk, put a copy of 'Barry White and the All Aboriginal Digeridoo Band' on the stereo, set the proper lighting and see what happened...


06 Jul 99 - 02:58 PM (#92918)
Subject: RE: Australian confectionary and marsupials B/S
From: MMario

this is probably dumb, but malesupials don't have pouches, do they? re: how do you sex a wombat?"


06 Jul 99 - 03:08 PM (#92920)
Subject: RE: Australian confectionary and marsupials B/S
From: Bert

All wombats are females, or is it all females are wombats?

Bert (getting ready to duck)

06 Jul 99 - 03:48 PM (#92932)
Subject: RE: Australian confectionary and marsupials B/S
From: Night Owl

Not sure if we've been insulted or complimented....

06 Jul 99 - 04:58 PM (#92959)
Subject: RE: Australian confectionary and marsupials B/S
From: Fadac

Just call it Pat the Possum. Or you could call it Cheeseburger. In Viet Nam, we had a dog named Lug-Nuts. She liked almost nobody, we had a sign, "Beware of dog, she bites." Then hash marks, red for enlisted and blue for officers.

06 Jul 99 - 06:51 PM (#92971)
Subject: RE: Australian confectionary and marsupials B/S
From: bseed(charleskratz)

Night Owl, that depends on how you feel about having someone...oh, never mind. --seed

06 Jul 99 - 07:25 PM (#92981)
Subject: RE: Australian confectionary and marsupials B/S
From: Banjer

How do you sex a wombat....That reminds me of the story of the feller visiting a friend. They was a'settin' on the porch when this dog laid down out in the yard and commenced to reach back and lick on his private parts. The feller said to his friend, 'Boy I sure wish I could do that!" To which his friend replied,"Well,....if'n ya scratch him for while behind his ears first, he may let ya!"

06 Jul 99 - 08:54 PM (#92993)
Subject: RE: Australian confectionary and marsupials B/S
From: catspaw49

Banj ol' buddy, I'm sure you know WHY a dog does that doncha'? Yeah, that's it alright......BECAUSE HE CAN.


P.S. To those of you trying to catch that possum:


Clean out entrails and skin---Retain liver
Wash and soak in 1 cup salt/1 gallon water solution for 24 hours
Rinse with boiling water
Make basic fowl stuffing plus diced possum liver and 1 TBL. cayenne pepper and stuff body cavity
Place in pan and cover with diced apples and 1 cup water
Bake at 350 for 2 hours

(Personal Serving Suggestion--Throw the whole f**king mess out for the cats)

07 Jul 99 - 11:13 AM (#93103)
Subject: RE: Australian confectionary and marsupials B/S
From: Penny S

Does this not belong with the Australin recipe for the galah?

07 Jul 99 - 11:17 AM (#93106)
Subject: RE: Australian confectionary and marsupials B/S
From: Fadac

Hmmm, yummy, sounds a bit like my golf egg recipe. Take a half doz. 100 lb golf balls. Soak in Scotch. Put in refrigerator for 1 min. toss out golfballs and drink the gravy.


08 Jul 99 - 09:37 AM (#93383)
Subject: RE: Australian confectionary and marsupials B/S
From: Steve Parkes

I suppose you know about the scientist who crossed a cricket with a wombat? He got a cricket wom. Ah well, you can't win 'em all ...


P.S. What was the name of that feller who hid in a wombat's hole to escape Ned Kelly?

08 Jul 99 - 09:43 AM (#93384)
Subject: RE: Australian confectionary and marsupials B/S
From: Bert

A Cricket Wom! I love it.

09 Jul 99 - 09:39 AM (#93659)
Subject: RE: Australian confectionary and marsupials B/S
From: Steve Latimer


Love your golf ball recipe.

Steve Latimer

09 Jul 99 - 11:24 AM (#93698)
Subject: RE: Australian confectionary and marsupials B/S
From: Shimbo Darktree

Most interested in the bloke who hid in a wombat's hole. Must be a bloody thin bloke!

Incidentally, I have found that the best way to sex a wombat is missionary ... they are very conventional!