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BS: Nice thread

21 Apr 09 - 05:03 PM (#2615874)
Subject: BS: Nice thread
From: Diva

Ok.......I am tired of doom and gloom and credit crunch.......this is a thread where you may post all the nice things that are happening to you and yours or if you have a nice occaision coming up. So anything that might fit the premise? Feel free to post

I will start.

After years of going to my local folk festival (Girvan in Ayrshire) I have been asked this year to be a guest.........I am soooooo excited

So what else is happening out there in Mudcat land?

21 Apr 09 - 05:08 PM (#2615881)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: Rapparee

We're just a millimeter away from having a bookmobile!

21 Apr 09 - 05:10 PM (#2615885)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: jacqui.c

We've got Judy Cook coming up to do a house concert at the weekend.

21 Apr 09 - 05:11 PM (#2615888)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: Spleen Cringe

Erm... I'm getting a new kitchen?

21 Apr 09 - 05:12 PM (#2615889)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: Diva thats good innit???

21 Apr 09 - 05:12 PM (#2615891)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: Emma B


21 Apr 09 - 05:15 PM (#2615896)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: Diva

Good one Emma B

21 Apr 09 - 05:18 PM (#2615898)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: Alice

The sun is shining and it is warm enough to go out without a coat!

21 Apr 09 - 05:23 PM (#2615906)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: jeffp

Last Thursday I played a gig on my 55th birthday. It was the best performance I have ever given and I enjoyed it more than I ever have before. Every song worked, and even the few age-related jokes I told for the occasion got more than a polite reception. I'm beginning to like this performing thing.

21 Apr 09 - 05:49 PM (#2615925)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: Diva

Takes a while jeffp but we get used to it

21 Apr 09 - 05:51 PM (#2615929)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: Amos

We are only ten days from flying to Belize to dive with the manatee, the rays, the whale sharks, and the second-largest reef in the world.


21 Apr 09 - 05:53 PM (#2615931)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: Emma B

I'm getting my tent out for the first camping weekend this year - and the forecast is fine!

21 Apr 09 - 05:55 PM (#2615933)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: Diva

Lovely jolly cheery thread!!!!

21 Apr 09 - 05:56 PM (#2615935)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: Diva

Emma...but you are taking the thermals just incase?...ner cast a clout till may is oot

21 Apr 09 - 05:57 PM (#2615936)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: Emma B

you betcha!

21 Apr 09 - 06:09 PM (#2615947)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: gnu

Union? You need a ticket for that?

Enjoy the coming weather.

21 Apr 09 - 06:14 PM (#2615950)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: Diva

LOL I work as an archive assistant and one of the items I had to list were some mens underwear from early 1900's.........

well it makes life intersting

21 Apr 09 - 06:19 PM (#2615959)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: artbrooks

I got out on my bicycle yesterday for the first time since my hand surgery in February.

It is shorts and sandals weather here.

Herself is over being mad at me.

21 Apr 09 - 06:31 PM (#2615972)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: Tangledwood

It's all good! Just returned from my first visit to the National Folk Festival in Canberra. Great performances and workshops, renewed old friendships and made new, then spent a few days on the beach at Byron Bay on the way home. Next Saturday there's an African singing workshop with Valanga Khoza, Sunday there's a house concert, then the following weekend there's "The Planting" working bee with entertainment at Woodford.
If this is doom and gloom give me more!

21 Apr 09 - 06:39 PM (#2615977)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: Emma B

Diva I am fascinated by historical fashion and occupational dress.
I did a course at a regional museum which gave us access to their archive material - including a pair of Queen Victoria's drawers - now I wouldn't need a tent if I had those :)

21 Apr 09 - 06:41 PM (#2615978)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: katlaughing

For the first time in over a week, I am not hacking my head off continuously and the sun is shining...I even heard some robins which means my ears are unclogged, too...someone must've call Roto-rooter!

21 Apr 09 - 06:43 PM (#2615979)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: RangerSteve

I woke up to the sound of a mourning dove the other day. And there's a birds nest under my bedroom window, guaranteeing that I will wake up to birds singing every morning for a while.

Now that I've had a chance to think about it, that last thing might not be too good. I might want to sleep late. Damn birds.

21 Apr 09 - 07:13 PM (#2616001)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: jacqui.c

As a result of the rainy day my hay fever has gone away.

21 Apr 09 - 07:36 PM (#2616013)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: Amos

Here's a miracle of jumpropes to raise your spirits!! Awe-inspiring.


21 Apr 09 - 07:55 PM (#2616023)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: Janie

I woke up today!

21 Apr 09 - 08:15 PM (#2616030)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: frogprince

Good grief, don't those stupid kids realize that a bunch of the things they're doing with the jumpropes are impossible???

21 Apr 09 - 08:57 PM (#2616049)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: Bee-dubya-ell

NPR's "World Cafe" program is playing John Prine's "That's the Way the World Goes Round" right now.

22 Apr 09 - 02:36 AM (#2616136)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: Liz the Squeak

I had breakfast in the highest manmade structure in the southern hemisphere today! Bacon and egg sandwich, and a coke.


22 Apr 09 - 05:33 AM (#2616189)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: Georgiansilver

After being ill, did a full workout at the gym today.... going to France for the Rederie at Amiens (street sale) hoping to buy antiques and collectables.... driving,ferry etc.. leave home Saturday Lunchtime.. back home by Sunday 10pm.. no sleep... but what fun... second time of doing. Life is such fun!!!
This thread is NICE.

22 Apr 09 - 07:03 AM (#2616204)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: Will Fly

I'm sitting here, playing over some 1920s and 1930s songs with my Martin. The lawn man has just been and mown lawn front and back. The sun is shining, it's warm, birds are singing and the smell of new-cut grass is drifting in.

Now - time for a fresh pot of coffee...

22 Apr 09 - 07:41 AM (#2616213)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: billybob

Heard a cookoo this morning!

22 Apr 09 - 07:45 AM (#2616216)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: Catherine Jayne

The weather is nice and the kids have been playing in the garden. We're in the middle of organising the twins naming ceremony. Had a lovely weekend in Scarborough seeing friends and family.

22 Apr 09 - 08:01 AM (#2616222)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: Donuel

This morning the CEO of Freddie Mac took bold and decisive action. As an act of personal respondsibility he took his life.
It is both a small and large step towards accoutability of both a man and a nation that effected the world.

22 Apr 09 - 10:25 AM (#2616269)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: Morticia

The loss of a life is always a sad thing, no matter who or why. Suicide is not a small step in accountability, it is the ending of a life only, who does it serve, how does it help? I bet that poor man's family don't see it as such either.

22 Apr 09 - 10:27 AM (#2616270)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: Morticia

Sorry to answer an inpropriate response in your thread, Kathy, I know it makes things worse but I couldn't not respond.

To get back on track, the sun is shining and we have a lovely day here.

22 Apr 09 - 11:20 AM (#2616297)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: CarolC

The weather here has been absolutely glorious for the last several days.

The porch is mostly painted, and it now has flower boxes and hanging planters all planted with golden pansies. The garden is partially dug and planted, and the seedlings that came up are doing very well. I found some landscape cloth that is way heavier, comes in vastly larger rolls, has an 8 year (I think) guaranteed lifespan, and is waaaayyy cheaper than any other hardware cloth I've found so far (yay!). The acupuncture allergy treatments have been helping a lot and I'm having what may be the last one this afternoon. The repair costs of one of our cars have begun to exceed its value so we decided to replace it, but we didn't have to spend anywhere near as much on a replacement car as we thought we would, and we didn't have to incur debt to do it (yippie!).

22 Apr 09 - 12:03 PM (#2616328)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: Micca

Following a contact made at old Keepers Easter weekend , a very nice young lady came and gave a personal wine tasting for me this afternoon, including some really pleasent and a couple of outstanding wines!! ending with some very beautiful Port and a taster of 1990 Armagnac!!! It is sunny and warm! very nice

22 Apr 09 - 12:14 PM (#2616335)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: topical tom

I'm going to see a concert by Tom Paxton on Sunday!

22 Apr 09 - 12:17 PM (#2616342)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: Emma B

Unlike last April when my morello cherry tree was covered in snow, it is now absolutely smothered with sweet smelling white blossom - looking forward to Autumn Clafoutis.

22 Apr 09 - 12:29 PM (#2616352)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: freda underhill

I can hear a frog croaking in the pond out the back.. The stars are shining and I have soft medieval chants playing.

22 Apr 09 - 01:50 PM (#2616405)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: CarolC

Heh... I said hardware cloth when I meant landscaping cloth. ;-|

22 Apr 09 - 02:18 PM (#2616418)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: Dave the Gnome

I am off work till next Wednesday. Going walking in Edale of Friday. The practice nurse at the doctors told me that my asthma is the best it has been and I can cut down the medication. Good eh? :-)


22 Apr 09 - 03:22 PM (#2616457)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: Bill D

The car passed emissions inspection with flying colors! And I am 'almost' finished with a very tricky item on my wood lathe....and haven't broken it or injured myself.

And the Azaleas are almost ready to bloom...the whole area will be bright colors in a week.

22 Apr 09 - 03:32 PM (#2616460)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: Bee-dubya-ell

Walked outside this morning just as the sky was starting to show daylight. The denizens of the night hadn't yet turned in and the daytime critters were starting to wake up. Within the space of a minute I heard an owl hooting, a bullfrog croaking, whipporwills calling, roosters crowing, guinea fowl screaming, cows lowing, and donkeys braying. There may have been a mourning dove cooing in there somewhere, but I couldn't have heard it for all the racket.

22 Apr 09 - 03:53 PM (#2616476)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: Bert

I just had a couple of slices of bread and drip.

22 Apr 09 - 09:33 PM (#2616677)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: Joe_F

I took care of stuff this morning that I was anxious about last night.
I was some use to an old buddy.
I saw a rainbow on the way to the supermarket.

Most of the time, tho, I don't belong here.

22 Apr 09 - 09:47 PM (#2616690)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: maeve

I'm glad you stopped by, Joe F.

Therapy has begun on my arm, and I can see the difference in range of motion. We found the greenhouse plastic we needed and couldn't afford; the price was 10 cents on the dollar so we bought it.

I am grateful for my husband, family, and friends.


22 Apr 09 - 10:40 PM (#2616708)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: open mike

I planted 3 iris today so will have colorful flowers along my driveway.

I also found Osage Orange trees sprouting in the rows where i planted
the seeds last winter,,

Last night i went to an inspiring lecture by Greg Mortensen, author of 3 Cups of Tea, a book about building schools and building friendships in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

23 Apr 09 - 12:22 AM (#2616734)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: JennieG

We have had rain this week, and more is forecast....I know that's not a bit deal to those of you who live in the northern hemisphere, but in dry Oz it's always welcome.

Himself's doctor gave him a good report yesterday.


23 Apr 09 - 02:28 AM (#2616759)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: VirginiaTam

I was asked to provide background voice to some compilation photo videos. Reportedly, I have a Mississippi growl singing voice. Woot!

23 Apr 09 - 02:56 AM (#2616767)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: GUEST,Slag

What a great thread! Weeeeeeeeee! Have a good trip Georgiansilver.

Monday I drove my Mom up a little dirt road that eventaully comes out on pavement in Bear Valley to the tiny towns of Ladoga and Stonyford in Colusa County here in Northern California. The wild flowers were in full bloom, the air clear and warm. What a treat. We met a couple of fellow artists working in plein air and I shot nearly 200 pictures. A great outing for us.

23 Apr 09 - 06:32 AM (#2616847)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: Janie

And I woke up this morning also!

23 Apr 09 - 08:03 AM (#2616873)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: billybob

Our new grandaughter, Pruedence 3 months, smiled at me yesterday!

23 Apr 09 - 08:14 AM (#2616880)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: Bryn Pugh

We saw Steeleye Span last Friday.

The latest addition to my coin collection is a George III Maundy three pence, in mint condition.

There is a thrush in the woodlands behind our home, which sings its arse off at five in the morning when it's just getting light.

I'm going to put new strings on the Tanglewood on Saturday.

Best of all : I have been asked again to teach the Morris to the youngsters at the school which my grandsons attend ; and the eldest grandson is in the Side.

23 Apr 09 - 08:22 AM (#2616885)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: Georgiansilver

Bryn, are you collecting any coins specifically or a general collection. Whilst buying Antiques over the years I have amassed a collection of British and world coins and recently joined an American forum which has a British section and a world section, to try to get some knowledge of them.

23 Apr 09 - 08:27 AM (#2616890)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: Bryn Pugh

GS - I have PMd you. Regards, B

24 Apr 09 - 02:25 AM (#2617533)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: Peace

It's a pleasure to read the obits in the morning and not see my name there. Very cool.

24 Apr 09 - 03:15 AM (#2617556)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: Liz the Squeak

New Zealand is lovely, we had a nice drive down towards Hamilton looking in fabric shops for quilting pieces and sewing stuff, but best of all, mother is much better and putting on weight, and is perking up. She gave everyone a bit of a fright but things are looking up now. We're glad we came.


24 Apr 09 - 04:14 AM (#2617592)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: Joybell

It's raining! It's raining! It's raining!

24 Apr 09 - 05:34 AM (#2617621)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: Catherine Jayne

Had a lovely day with the mother in law and the kids yesterday. Harry is growing up so fast it's wonderful to see him playing with George and Amelia. George is nearly crawling instead of rolling around the floor. Looking forward to spending some time in our forest this weekend.

Great news about your mum Liz!

24 Apr 09 - 06:08 AM (#2617633)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: Noreen

Wonderful birdsong at twilight last night in our garden. One particular bird at the top of a tree, I think may have been a nightingale- I have never heard a bird sing like that before.

Smaller than a thrush, larger than a robin- but at top of tall tree and against the sky impossible to see colouring. Don't know what else it could have been, but whatever, it was a beautiful moment.

Thanks for this, Kathy!

24 Apr 09 - 06:29 AM (#2617643)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: Diva

I'm enjoying this thread.......I am sick of doom and gloom...I have ballads for that thank you very much LOL

I think my lurgy is improving. The garden is tidy thanks to gardener
I haven't got a border ballad judge.....ach well not to worry

24 Apr 09 - 08:21 AM (#2617699)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: maeve

It's a beautiful morning.

Today I held a full glass of water in my left hand for the first time since I broke my wrist, then drank the water without spilling the liquid or dropping the glass.

I can turn my left hand palm up to about a 45 degree angle; enough to hold a small handful of walnuts yesterday making cookies, and strong enough to use the spatula with my left hand, lifting golden brown oatmeal cookies off the baking sheet.

24 Apr 09 - 09:39 AM (#2617739)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: Catherine Jayne

Thats great progress maeve!

My little girl said daddy this afternoon!! Awww, her first word!

24 Apr 09 - 11:14 AM (#2617797)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: Jeri

I took a couple fiddles in for tune-ups yesterday. I've hardly played since last spring, and they needed work then too. I also bought a capo since my Keyser seems to have crawled off someplace. Buying a capo that looks like a prehistoric chicken's head is just asking for trouble.

Anyway, it's funny how something so seemingly unimportant can lift my spirits. Today, I play on the guitar and outside in the dirt, because it's a BEAUTIFUL DAY!

25 Apr 09 - 08:14 AM (#2618424)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: Dave the Gnome

Well, we went walking on Friday and it was brilliant but a bit overshadowed by Thursdays events.

Grandson number 1, William George, was born on St Georges day:-) Delivered by C-section and 2 weeks early but both Mum and Baby are fine. Been to see him twice up to now and hoping he will be home tomorrow or Monday.



25 Apr 09 - 08:28 AM (#2618432)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: maeve

Good for you, Jeri! I will be relearning how to play my violin and other instruments. I'm thinking about the Maine Fiddle Camp this summer.

The bloodroot and pink violets are in bloom under a big old pine, with hundreds of Tete a Tete mini daffs like golden stars.


25 Apr 09 - 04:27 PM (#2618683)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: Catherine Jayne

Congrats DeG on the birth of your Grandson, fine name too!!

We had a lovely afternoon in our woodland today. Harry had a fantastic time running round and playing in the leaves.

25 Apr 09 - 04:57 PM (#2618703)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: VirginiaTam

Walk down by Danbury Lakes to take in the bluebells. Clouds of purply blue dappled by sun filtering through the trees.

Even better. Able to walk around without getting stiff painful hips and knees.

25 Apr 09 - 05:29 PM (#2618719)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: Peace

I'm in Victoria, BC, in the town itself. Saw a deer curled up resting just outside the back balcony at 8:15 this morning.

25 Apr 09 - 06:07 PM (#2618742)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: Claymore

I did a Marine Corps rollcall of all the bulbs I planted last year and all are "present", with no "accountings". I even have some renagade Lily of the Valley, and and my grafting of a Tropicana tea rose with climber I believe to be a Fiesta, has "gone green". I have long called the climber "The Rose That Ate West Virginia" and if the graft holds I will name it "The By-God Cha Cha."

In addition, I am gainfully retired with, as the Irish would say, Money in Both Pockets.

25 Apr 09 - 06:17 PM (#2618744)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: Donuel

I got an ever blooming Azalea, white with slight violet center, for the front corner of the house.

We will have cherry tomatoes in 70 days and large old fashioned stripped tomatoes in 90 days.

I mowed the lawn this cool morning before it turned 84 F.

I put up a steel arbor arched gateway to help train and support a dark purple blooming Wisteria. I swear climbing plants have eyes that spot overhead wires and other supports to reach for.

The kids are well and the wife is amiable.

Nice threads are sooo cutesy uggey wugums (*)

25 Apr 09 - 08:13 PM (#2618771)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: Joe_F

Somebody I irritated a while ago befriended me on LiveJournal.

It was hot today, and it is supposed to be hot tomorrow. If so, it will be time for my annual haircut.

25 Apr 09 - 08:31 PM (#2618784)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: Peace

Same place--just saw a family of raccoons go by, mother and two young.

25 Apr 09 - 10:28 PM (#2618812)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

..and Nero, has a violin gig at the palace!

26 Apr 09 - 02:03 AM (#2618875)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: open mike

i played nyckelharpa for a convention of VASA Lodge, Swedish organization this eve. Found several folks curious about my
Swedish instruments..Key fiddle and Wooden Shoe Fiddle. I
was wearing an old-fashioned folk costume and had fun.

26 Apr 09 - 06:47 AM (#2618928)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: Diva

Going off to a session this afternoon with some pals and then we are going on to a concert to see these guys   (sorry can't do blue clickies)

26 Apr 09 - 07:04 AM (#2618931)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: maeve

Diva's link

28 Apr 09 - 02:02 AM (#2620203)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: Diva

Thanks Maeve. A thoroughly grand day and evening. I sang at the session and was accompanird by oor Shona who is a very fine fiddler

The gig was great and we rounded it off with a pint in the pub.

07 May 09 - 06:07 PM (#2626639)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: Diva

Well I think I have finally come down from being at Girvan Folk Festival this May Day weekend. I had the most amazing time, heard some fantastic singers and musicians and had lots and lots of laughs. It was a very significant event for me. It was my very FIRST guest appearence at a folk festival.

07 May 09 - 09:16 PM (#2626783)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: Donuel

Molly the cow was still dehydrated and hot from the truck ride to the slaughter house on 109th St. in NYC when she kicked down a door and ran dowb 109th street onto a one way street. Her ability to take one way streets the wrong way helped her elude the police, animal control and slaughter house employees. She finally hid in a back yard when police shot her with a tranquillizer dart.

The ASPCA stepped forward and have now granted her sactuary for the rest of Molly's natural life.

A city paper wrote "Not to milk this story but this udderly true story would not have been so moooving outside NYC."

(a true story)

07 May 09 - 10:02 PM (#2626813)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: GUEST,Slag

I wanted to share this with you all. My darling daughter recently gave me a wonderful birthday present. At the ripe old age of 60 i am going to be a Grandpa for the first time! I anticipate doing a lot of visiting out of state in the near future!

08 May 09 - 02:18 AM (#2626885)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: Georgiansilver

At the ripe old age of 61, my oldest grandson is 16 and the youngest 7 this weekend.   The sun is shining brightly through my window as I type this.. lovely day... good feelings to start it, what more could a man want?

08 May 09 - 02:50 AM (#2626898)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: Liz the Squeak

I know this sounds terrible, but today Limpit goes to France for a weekend away with the school, and I'm contemplating a weekend of being alone in the house without having to worry about whether she is doing her homework or about to ring the doorbell or if she's secretly watching vampire porn anime (don't laugh, I bet there's a site out there somewhere!) on the computer... Manitas is working most of the weekend and I'm only busy on Sunday, so it's shaping up to be a blissful weekend, truly alone in the house with no responsibilities for the first time in a month. Bliss.

The only cloud in the ointment is the hole (and lingering smell) left by my dearest companion of the last 18 years... Last night I called out for Shadow to come and get some scraps and she wasn't there...


08 May 09 - 04:28 AM (#2626925)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: Catherine Jayne


08 May 09 - 04:46 AM (#2626934)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: mouldy

I don't have to be anywhere but here at home today, and I'm not climbing the walls with frustration at the thought!...and I'm not going to beat myself up if I don't achieve anything, either.

Liz, even after 5 years, I still catch myself occasionally calling my remaining hound by my old one's name! Just go with it for now, and feel that maybe she IS still around.


08 May 09 - 05:38 AM (#2626950)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: Bryn Pugh


Love and hugs from Erica and me, and purrs from Maisie and Smutts.

08 May 09 - 10:46 AM (#2627068)
Subject: RE: BS: Nice thread
From: Diva

I know what you mean about the cat, I still miss my auld Molly.

My wean who is a strapping lass and now taller than me has got her place on the BTECH Foundation Art Course, it has been her dream and the first step on the road to Dundee Uni for the animation course she wants to do. It is all the more sweeter as Jane has Aspergers