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Family Album reborn at bbc's Mudcat Resources

07 Jul 99 - 11:08 AM (#93102)
Subject: Family Album reborn at bbc's Mudcat Resources
From: bbc

As of today, Wednesday, July 7th, Mudcat Family Album photos are available at bbc's Mudcat Resources site, in addition to the email & birthday lists. Please bookmark the site for your convenience. The URL is also available on the Mudcat Links page under the new category "Mudcat Resources."

After a day and a half of hard work on this site (& listening to me talk about Mudcat for a year & a half!), my 17 yr old son David has joined us as a member (davidmc24). I hope you'll welcome him. He is a talented programmer & quite knowledgeable about the Internet. You might want to check out his homepage (linked from the site as "David"). If we have made any errors, please let us know. Also let us know if you want to be added to any of the 3 lists. We hope they will be useful to our cyber-community

best to all,


07 Jul 99 - 03:40 PM (#93187)
Subject: RE: Family Album reborn at bbc's Mudcat Resources
From: Bill D

so...there we are!...*big smile*...neat links -pictures centered..I knew if I just whined enough, someone would take pity on me..(or get tired of the hop-scotch arrangement I had going..)...anyway, it is in good hands now with David & bbc looking after it...The other pages are still there right now, but I will either cancel it, or use it to post woodworking pictures and other stuff about Mudcat occasionally..

07 Jul 99 - 07:39 PM (#93245)
Subject: RE: Family Album reborn at bbc's Mudcat Resources
From: Dave Swan

Wowzer, what a lot of hard work that must have been. Thanks to bbc and David. Welcome aboard David, to the place which proves family isn't always relatives, and adult is a relative term. The secret is out, PJ is nearsighted as hell, or a cutie like that would never have fallen for a dog like me. I fog her contacts every night when she's asleep. From the West Coast crowd I can say that Sonja's really that cute, Fadac's really got a grin that goofy, and bseed(Charles Kratz) really looks that distinguished---the perfect disguise. Cheers, D.

07 Jul 99 - 08:17 PM (#93263)
Subject: RE: Family Album reborn at bbc's Mudcat Resources
From: catspaw49


Thanks to Bill D. for getting it started, and a BIG CONGRATS to David and Barb (and thank Duane for staying out of the way).


07 Jul 99 - 08:36 PM (#93270)
Subject: RE: Family Album reborn at bbc's Mudcat Resources
From: Jeri

Great job, David!!! The site's very organized and clean. If I can get a halfway decent photo of myself, (it could happen, if I get a chance to bit-diddle it first - haha!) I'll send it.

07 Jul 99 - 09:42 PM (#93285)
Subject: RE: Family Album reborn at bbc's Mudcat Resources
From: alison

Hi Great job bbc but any chance of a big page(as well) like Bill had where we were all snuggled up together .. I thought it looked very like a family.



08 Jul 99 - 12:18 AM (#93311)
Subject: RE: Family Album reborn at bbc's Mudcat Resources
From: Rick Fielding

Thanks Barbara, you're a a credit to the community. Some surprises though. We're a hell of an interesting looking group! I'll try to get a few of the "Canajuns" to send 'em in.

08 Jul 99 - 01:10 AM (#93325)
Subject: RE: Family Album reborn at bbc's Mudcat Resources
From: Big Mick

Mudcat love to you for all your hard work. You are one of the best. Just goes to show that Mud is thicker than water


08 Jul 99 - 07:18 AM (#93366)
Subject: RE: Family Album reborn at bbc's Mudcat Resources
From: Roger in Baltimore


Very nicely done. It is clear and easy to access. My thanks to Bill D. for getting this idea rolling last year and to bbc for her Mudcat Resource commitment and inspiration for David.

C'mon Mudcatters. Send those photos in.

Roger in Baltimore

08 Jul 99 - 08:48 AM (#93373)
Subject: RE: Family Album reborn at bbc's Mudcat Resources
From: bbc

Thanks for all your kind words. I'm happy to do my bit to keep the community together. Alison, I'm sorry to say that the group photos don't work as well as the individual ones, either in arranging or labeling. I think the most important functions of the photos are to satisfy our curiosity as to what other 'catters look like & to help us identify each other on first meeting. For that, the individual pages certainly work best. We've already had problems w/ mislabeling folks in group shots. Sorry about that! We're working on the ones we've heard about. If we have you wrong, please let us know! As we get individual pictures of folks, we may phase out group photos on that page.

BTW, did you notice that David has already added a new feature to the site (Boy, that kid's mind is always working!)? If you like, you can have a personal profile--like a mini-homepage--at the Mudcat Resources site. Just send us the info & we'll get to work.

best to all,


08 Jul 99 - 09:07 AM (#93375)
Subject: RE: Family Album reborn at bbc's Mudcat Resources
From: Matthew B.

Dear Barabara,

Please copy every single word of praise from all the letters above and paste them into this message so that you can know how delighted I am with what you've done.

[ Paste Here ]

Okay, now that you know what a big fan of yours I am, what can we do to influence more of our fellow 'catters to submit their photos as well?

08 Jul 99 - 09:24 AM (#93378)
Subject: RE: Family Album reborn at bbc's Mudcat Resources
From: Steve Parkes


08 Jul 99 - 09:50 AM (#93389)
Subject: RE: Family Album reborn at bbc's Mudcat Resources
From: Sam Pirt

The mudcat resourse is a great idea and works well. It makes it an honour to be a mudcatter!!


08 Jul 99 - 10:44 AM (#93400)
Subject: RE: Family Album reborn at bbc's Mudcat Resources
From: Matthew B.

Now how about outting something into the mudcat main menu to get it

08 Jul 99 - 04:08 PM (#93469)
Subject: RE: Family Album reborn at bbc's Mudcat Resources
From: The Shambles

Great stuff.

08 Jul 99 - 04:42 PM (#93479)
Subject: RE: Family Album reborn at bbc's Mudcat Resources
From: annamill

I just had the opportunity to view this thread (I do work you know) and I was very impressed. Wonderful work, David. Was it fun creating? It's something I always enjoy on the computer. bbc, you have every reason to be proud.

I try and send a picture as soon as I can. I have a scanner. Can I send it via e-mail to you? All I need now is a decent photo.

Again, Great work!!

Love, annap

08 Jul 99 - 05:11 PM (#93484)
Subject: RE: Family Album reborn at bbc's Mudcat Resources
From: bbc

Hi, folks,

We will be doing fine-tuning for some time. If we have a photo of an individual, we have moved some of the larger group photos to a group photo page. At this point, we are thinking of that as a catch-all for get-together photos, suitable for browsing, without us taking the time/trouble to index them by individual (Good enough, alison?).

Yes, annap, you can scan & send by email--JPEG format, if possible.

Matthew B.--I'd love to see a link as part of the Forum heading, but that's not up to me.

BTW, folks, inspired by the site & Bill's upcoming party, we ordered a digital camera today. Now, to pay for it. Must be summer insanity!



08 Jul 99 - 05:55 PM (#93507)
Subject: RE: Family Album reborn at bbc's Mudcat Resources
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Great job, Barbara and David! I finally took my Old Songs film to be developed to disk- it should be ready tomorrow or the next day. I can't wait to see y'all at the Sables Sendoff - and a digital camera, no less! oooh lala!

08 Jul 99 - 08:44 PM (#93536)
Subject: RE: Family Album reborn at bbc's Mudcat Resources
From: bseed(charleskratz)

Barbara and David, absolutely terrific job. It's nice to be able to see everyone without all the scrolling back and forth (NOI, Bill. Enjoyed yours, also, and I'm impressed with your creations: great stuff from someone obviously descended from a termite).

Dave and PJ and Fadac and Winters Wages--see you tonight at Quinn's--and Mike Billo and Sean M.: ain't it about time you guys showed up?


08 Jul 99 - 08:51 PM (#93540)
Subject: RE: Family Album reborn at bbc's Mudcat Resources
From: alison

It wasn't a complaint bbc... I love what you have done. It is really easy to use. I also loved what bill had done.... we all looked so cosy together......

Now if we could just all get together for that big mudcat festival and we'd get a "family" snap of us all....



08 Jul 99 - 11:14 PM (#93572)
Subject: RE: Family Album reborn at bbc's Mudcat Resources
From: Bill D

well, thank you, seed.....I had not realized those pictures were picked up by David till today...I had put them there for a woodturning group, but I'll take a compliment!...I will have more crafts stuff of mine & Rita's up someday, as that is what we do these days..

(alison..,thans YOU for the kind words.. I take it that you liked the thumbnail pics....all the little rows? Trouble is, most of those have to be re-done each time you want to add someone, and they are tricky to break up into even groups...I was just debating how to deal with it when David & bbc offered to lift my burden...there is just no one best way to cope with constant new stuff..I think it looks pretty good for 2 days...)

09 Jul 99 - 12:43 AM (#93586)
Subject: RE: Family Album reborn at bbc's Mudcat Resources
From: WyoWoman

Oh, hey there, BBC and David. That was really quick. I emailed mine this afternoon and there it is. This technology is also awesome.

The performance photo, which I didn't think I had actually sent (the technology is way out ahead of ME!) is of me (reddish hair, bad cold, wrinkled clothes) singing with my friends at the High Plains Old Time Country Music Festival in Douglas, Wyoming, this year.

Thanks again. It's fun to be able to have faces to go with this community.


09 Jul 99 - 10:26 AM (#93678)
Subject: RE: Family Album reborn at bbc's Mudcat Resources
From: bbc

Yes, KC, we're quick, for now. We have the luxury of some time w/ little schedule, to get this thing set-up. Monday, David starts a summer job & we'll see what time he can spare us after that. Then, he'll actually get *paid* for doing this kind of stuff! Neat concept!


09 Jul 99 - 11:20 AM (#93696)
Subject: RE: Family Album reborn at bbc's Mudcat Resources
From: Alice

good job bbc and David, but YIKES! I must send you a different photo than that second one of me that came from my web-journal after I was very ill!
It will have to wait until I get back to town, but maybe we can do a family photo of myself, my son Ryan, the dog Leo, and some instruments.

alice in montana

09 Jul 99 - 11:46 AM (#93703)
Subject: RE: Family Album reborn at bbc's Mudcat Resources
From: catspaw49

Someone made the comment somewhere that we're an odd looking bunch or something to that effect. Well, in looking at all the pics, I have a different observation. With a couple of exceptions, like Mick, why is the male Mudcat so much worse looking than the female of the species. Good Lord......We are a somewhat sorry looking lot.

Is there an explanation for this?


09 Jul 99 - 12:06 PM (#93708)
Subject: RE: Family Album reborn at bbc's Mudcat Resources
From: bbc

Perhaps it's not so much the appearance, as the quality of photos. As you folks just keep getting gorgeous-er & gorgeous-er, send us the new ones & we'll replace. I know that's one of the reasons we ordered that digital camera. Since our displayed photos, my hair's grown below my shoulders & David's grown a beard! Stand by for the update!


P.S.--BTW, I mostly see you guys through your postings & that inner beauty shines through!

09 Jul 99 - 01:06 PM (#93727)
Subject: RE: Family Album reborn at bbc's Mudcat Resources
From: Jeri

Catspaw, we womenfolk have been taught from babyhood to try to look nice, whereas menfolk were off in the kitchen having belching contests and lighting farts. Tell a guy he's got a beer gut and he'll pat it proudly and tell you he worked hard for it. Tell a woman, and she'll cold cock you with a Miller empty.

09 Jul 99 - 01:48 PM (#93735)
Subject: RE: Family Album reborn at bbc's Mudcat Resources
From: catspaw49

Hmmm.....Jeri my dear you may be right and as proof, I'm doing all I can to restrain myself from starting a thread on lighting farts. Several fears: 1) I really don't want to totally PO some of our more refined members that possess a semblance of decorum. Perhaps a title like Flammable Flatulence or Phart Phenoms might help. Fart doesn't sound so bad if you spell it with a PH. 2) I also fear that along with condoms, tiples, possum inflation, etc., this might become a part of Mudcat Religion.

catspaw -- almost beyond restraint and it's your fault Jeri!

09 Jul 99 - 08:24 PM (#93819)
Subject: RE: Family Album reborn at bbc's Mudcat Resources
From: WyoWoman

Yeah, and that Miller she'd be cold-cocking you with would be a Miller lite! I could tell you a story about the time my son and one of his friends started saving pharts in a jar, but I"m much too genteel for that...


09 Jul 99 - 08:55 PM (#93824)
Subject: RE: Family Album reborn at bbc's Mudcat Resources
From: bbc

Oh, boy, thread-creep strikes again (& I was part of it!).


09 Jul 99 - 11:24 PM (#93846)
Subject: RE: Family Album reborn at bbc's Mudcat Resources
From: Jeri

I figure I'm probably the one who started it - sorry. Please imagine how much self-control I'm exerting now (too late) to refrain from making it worse.

09 Jul 99 - 11:36 PM (#93848)
Subject: RE: Family Album reborn at bbc's Mudcat Resources
From: catspaw49

Well ok there for it tomorrow. We can only have so much self control.


09 Jul 99 - 11:41 PM (#93851)
Subject: RE: Family Album reborn at bbc's Mudcat Resources
From: bbc

I notice you guys don't know when to go to bed, either! **grin**

sleep tight,

more tomorrow, for sure,



10 Jul 99 - 08:23 AM (#93911)
Subject: RE: Family Album reborn at bbc's Mudcat Resources
From: Sam Pirt

how about having a 'Mudcat gatherings' section?, in which gatherings like annaps gathering etc... would be logged for all catters to look at and wish they had gone

Cheers, Sam

10 Jul 99 - 09:07 AM (#93917)
Subject: RE: Family Album reborn at bbc's Mudcat Resources
From: bbc

That's pretty much what the "Group Photos" section is, Sam. I'll discuss it w/ David. We'll see how many pages & how mauch work we can handle. Perhaps if people could limit to sending us 1 group shot per event (w/ folks clearly labeled, so we don't make mistakes)?


10 Jul 99 - 10:32 AM (#93927)
Subject: RE: Family Album reborn at bbc's Mudcat Resources
From: Jeri

Bbc - I had just returned from a session last night when I posted. If LEJ reads this, I got some folks But Good with your "I left my harp in sanpan crisco" pun! Anyhow, I was imagining Barbara and David reading this and thinking, "Well, here we were, talking about the nice pictures of everyone and all the ideas we have, and now we're on rectal emissions. Poot, there goes another thread..."

Despite my silliness, I (and undoubtedly everyone else) appreciate the dedicated work y'all have done on the website.

(CatsPhart - I'm waaaiiiiting...)

10 Jul 99 - 12:18 PM (#93936)
Subject: RE: Family Album reborn at bbc's Mudcat Resources
From: Joe Offer

Darn. Missed out on another one. Where is that crisco harp pun? For that matter, I still haven't figured out tiples, possums, and the reason for the popularity of the condom thread....
Guess I'm condemned to being one of those "intellectual" sorta guys who never catches on to what's funny.
That's me - smart, but dumb. It's a sorry lot in life, walking around in a daze.
-Joe Offer-

11 Jul 99 - 04:04 PM (#94156)
Subject: RE: Family Album reborn at bbc's Mudcat Resources
From: WyoWoman

Ok, ok. I feel emboldend by Joe's contribution. I have something to say:

I don't know what a tiple is.

There. I've said it and I'm glad.

(Now. What the heck is a TIPLE??????!!!)


11 Jul 99 - 05:11 PM (#94167)
Subject: RE: Family Album reborn at bbc's Mudcat Resources
From: bbc

Hi, WW,

As I understand it, a tiple (pronouced tee-play) is a kind of musical instrument, mostly used for jokes here on Mudcat. It is part of the catspaw folklore. I was going to suggest a forum search, but it turned out to be too lengthy.


11 Jul 99 - 06:23 PM (#94183)
Subject: RE: Family Album reborn at bbc's Mudcat Resources
From: catspaw49

Dear WW,

No need to be ashamed!!! But if you're ready to explore the world of the tiple, allow me to assist in a little lite reading and you'll not only learn about the tiple and see a picture, but you'll see how it became a part of the Mudcat folklore. Ready? The Origins of Mudcat's Holy Tiple


11 Jul 99 - 06:42 PM (#94190)
Subject: RE: Family Album reborn at bbc's Mudcat Resources
From: WyoWoman

I feel so, like, enlightened. I wish all my pressing questions were so easily answered.


17 Jul 99 - 04:33 PM (#96272)
Subject: RE: Family Album reborn at bbc's Mudcat Resources
From: WyoWoman

Hey, look at how many new photos are up on the Album now. Very cool -- and continuing thanks to BBC and David for doing this.


17 Jul 99 - 04:36 PM (#96273)
Subject: RE: Family Album reborn at bbc's Mudcat Resources
From: WyoWoman

Oh, and by the way, Frank McGrath, I think you may be my long-lost cousin. (But six times removed, so we could still fool around... ;-} ) My great grandmother was a McGrath...


17 Jul 99 - 04:48 PM (#96279)
Subject: RE: Family Album reborn at bbc's Mudcat Resources
From: Rick Fielding

Hey that smile!

17 Jul 99 - 05:11 PM (#96289)
Subject: RE: Family Album reborn at bbc's Mudcat Resources
From: WyoWoman

Hey, thanks. My mommy gave it to me. I gave it to my daughter!
