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BS: Amazing Names

05 Jun 09 - 03:01 AM (#2648778)
Subject: BS: Amazing Names
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

On the bus yesterday, we stopped beside the village war memorial in Newton Poppleford...and I looked down at the name of some of the men who gave their lives for us in WWI.

And that's when I discoverd Kingsley Mozart Cody...wondered about him a lot on that journey.

Anyway, it made me think about this here it is, as I'm sure there must be a whole host of wondrous names out there...

05 Jun 09 - 04:12 AM (#2648809)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names
From: open mike

Frank Zappa had a daughter named Moon Unit
Grace Slick had a kid named God, if i remember correctly.

05 Jun 09 - 04:18 AM (#2648813)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names
From: Will Fly

I've got some good'uns in my family tree - Jabez Eke (Norfolk) was one - and Abel Mangnall (Lancashire) was another.

05 Jun 09 - 06:19 AM (#2648872)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names
From: WalkaboutsVerse

I once went into a golf pro-shop and noticed, on a board, that the pro. was due to give a lesson to Percy Power.

05 Jun 09 - 06:29 AM (#2648880)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names
From: Tug the Cox

The head of Music at Avery Hill College in the 60's ws Dr. Fiddler.

05 Jun 09 - 07:29 AM (#2648922)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names
From: Bobert

The drummer in a band I was associated with in the 60's: Latham Leonodos Thigpen III...

05 Jun 09 - 07:41 AM (#2648928)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names
From: Mr Red

In last week's issue (or the week before now) of the New Scientist. They told of the head of a facility looking into the stability of structures under 'quake conditions - Mr I Buckle (they call these connections "nominative determinisms"). In the same issue was reference (no funny connection though) to a researcher by the name of Wayne Kerswell.
And in the Westonbirt Aboretum magazine a retiring trustee is Peregrine Pollen (atchoo).

05 Jun 09 - 08:13 AM (#2648956)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names
From: Georgiansilver

Ewen Douzami was a name I came across years ago... and laughed my socks off.... when we were kids.. if someone said "I'll smash your face in"!!! or words to that effect... the reply was always "You and whose army"?

05 Jun 09 - 09:38 AM (#2649020)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names
From: GUEST,Neil D

These are real names collected in my days in telemarketing. I used to have a notebook full but it has long since disappeared.
Dewey Chambers
Harry Burroughs
Peter Gozinia
Tachawan Wang

05 Jun 09 - 09:47 AM (#2649031)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names
From: olddude

An insurance agent in my town had the first name John and the last name Assalone His company was called Assalone insurance
He had a daughter that he named Leema

True store

05 Jun 09 - 10:05 AM (#2649042)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names
From: Will Fly

Well, many years ago, we had a student from the Far East whose name was - and I'm being absolutely truthful here - Suk Mai Dik. He survived three years in the UK completely oblivious to what the pronunciation of his name meant in English.

05 Jun 09 - 11:00 AM (#2649077)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names
From: Bill D

Sir Ridgedale King Corndyke Artus II

oh....wait, you mean human names. That was a prize bull my mother told me about... *grin*

well... there was Penelope Klutchenbach, whom I never met, but who was advertised in a local paper in my hometown as "a 300 lb. GO-GO Mama"!.

05 Jun 09 - 11:13 AM (#2649094)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names
From: Rapparee

The local coroner is Kim Quick. Besides the obvious pun, he deals with the dead -- yes, it's the Quick and the Dead.

05 Jun 09 - 11:33 AM (#2649110)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names
From: Wesley S

I met a Harry Dyke one time.

05 Jun 09 - 12:07 PM (#2649144)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names
From: Mrrzy

I have a cousin Mather Lippincott, I rather like that.

Also a student named Bjorn Wei Gomez - how many cultures is that from?

05 Jun 09 - 12:08 PM (#2649145)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names
From: Mrrzy

And my sister had students named MerciDieu [ThankGod] Sukfuk, and N'du Ifudu..

05 Jun 09 - 12:36 PM (#2649166)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names
From: frogprince

I once sold shoes to a young man named Fairchild Dubois the Third. I still think of that as the "Yuppiest" name I've ever heard.

05 Jun 09 - 01:49 PM (#2649219)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names
From: Bill D

"Fairchild Dubois the Third"

If he has a middle name like 'Lippencot', he can be a college president. Ever notice how many of them have 3 names that can be rearranged in any order?

05 Jun 09 - 02:10 PM (#2649227)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names
From: frogprince

Dang, now I wish I had learned his middle name, to know if it was something like "Lippencot" or "Worthington", or if it was "Herman", "Ralph" or "Bob".

05 Jun 09 - 02:21 PM (#2649237)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names
From: frogprince

Apparently He's never become very famous; I just tried googleing the name, and all I got was a reference to a game between two schools, Fairchild and Dubois. Which means that I, who actually come up a few times if you google enough pages, am MORE FAMOUS THAN FAIRCHILD DUBOIS !

05 Jun 09 - 02:46 PM (#2649255)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names
From: Georgiansilver

Ran across someone on facebook called 'Xavier Kok' .....

05 Jun 09 - 03:01 PM (#2649266)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names
From: dwditty

There was a kid in my daughter's class named Harry Bahls. To top it off, he was Harry Balls, Jr. Now that's one pissed off Dad!

05 Jun 09 - 03:34 PM (#2649295)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names
From: frogprince

Sounds to me like he was NUTS...

05 Jun 09 - 04:20 PM (#2649347)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names
From: bill\sables

Head of Design in a Northern UK television company was called Jeremy Bear and he actually married a woman called Gresilda. My wife used to work in an office and had a customer called Seth Smith who lived in South Gosforth. When she phoned him she could never say "Is that Seth Smith of South Gosforth" You try it

05 Jun 09 - 05:48 PM (#2649429)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names
From: Dave the Gnome

Hi Bill - nice to see you:-)

The guy who used to run the cultural services department in Salford was Royston Futter. Wonder what the League of Gentlremen would make of it!


05 Jun 09 - 08:55 PM (#2649569)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names
From: catspaw49

Well I've told it before but I went to school with a girl named Sharon Peters. We were innocent enough in the 8th grade that we never noticed anything odd (it was a kinder, gentler time).   One day my friend's Dad heard her name and asked Mike and I, "Is that name or a bathroom game?"

Then we got it........and of course we,uh .................yeah.......... I feel kinda' bad about that..........***sigh***................


06 Jun 09 - 07:46 AM (#2649830)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names
From: GUEST, topsie

A subscriber to Reader's Digest in Canada in the sixties was called Forest Raspberry

07 Jun 09 - 07:53 AM (#2650483)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names
From: bubblyrat

I share Jabez Eke with Will Fly, and I have Christmas Eke too (over 100 Ekes to pick from).
My family tree research turned up a family from the Isle of Wight called FUCK, but,happily,the name was changed after about 1600.
My favourite strange names ,though,are Korean War US Fighter Ace Everret J Raspberry ,Jr, and West Indian shipping clerk Euclides Von Pussberger D'Jesus Maisonette !!

07 Jun 09 - 07:55 AM (#2650485)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names
From: bubblyrat

And we must never forget that the (fairly) recently deceased Archbishop of Manila was Cardinal Sin !

07 Jun 09 - 12:47 PM (#2650610)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

There's a whole family of Raspberry's in the churchyard in Castle Acre, Norfolk. Great name..

07 Jun 09 - 03:40 PM (#2650739)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names
From: Newport Boy

My grandfather was Jabez, and his twin brother was Joseph - good Biblical names both. They were both short men, but Jabez seemed to have Joseph's belly as well as his own! I have their earliest photograph, aged about 1, both in frilly dresses - very much the fashion in 1870.


07 Jun 09 - 06:56 PM (#2650869)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names
From: Pistachio

I trained a cyclist called Spoorthy Srirama...

- and I was mistakenly named as RICKTHING on a car insurance policy!

08 Jun 09 - 02:02 AM (#2651069)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names
From: Ernest

Watch your SPAM-mails: they are full of names like this...


08 Jun 09 - 05:03 AM (#2651129)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names
From: bubblyrat

Yes,I like Biblical names. I gather that Oprah Winfrey WAS going to be named Orpah,after the Biblical sister of Ruth, but her mother's spelling,or the registrar's,wasn't so good !
                   I am very taken by "Hepzibah", but have never encountered one,sadly.

08 Jun 09 - 05:15 AM (#2651135)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names
From: GUEST, topsie

While looking through old census forms I came across an Agenoria.

08 Jun 09 - 07:57 PM (#2651785)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names
From: Slag

A farmer (Hezekiah Rhodes) had a daughter in Delano CA, named, or at least nicknamed, Dusty. I knew a young woman in college named Sandy Beech. Two great last names from my time in the Air Force were Ditterlizzi and Clapsaddle. An other HS girl I knew was Jackie Pullen and her uncle was a dentist in Tulare CA who was in partners with a Dr. Yangk. In Bakersfield there was a Dr. who's last name was Doctor and that is how he was paged in the hospital where he worked: "Doctor Doctor!" (my wife was an RN). My Dad knew a WWII pilot named Bud Dagget. Not unusual but I always liked the sound of that name.

Then anyone who has had a passing interest in American football will recognize the last name, Balldinger. Man you have GOT to be tough with a name like that!

09 Jun 09 - 04:50 AM (#2652030)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names
From: mouldy

The former head of one of our local schools was Alan Key. He even had a personalised numberplate on his car!


09 Jun 09 - 05:07 AM (#2652034)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names
From: bubblyrat

Whilst searching for Mills family ancestors from Littlehampton,Sussex,this morning, I have stumbled across (no relation !)--
                Allas Fanny Sowter
James Gumbitten    Roseheha Clift    Elizabeth Umphrye

               John Michabunn      Janne Bardmard

                           Gentell Chappel

09 Jun 09 - 07:51 AM (#2652108)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names
From: GUEST,Raggytash

My biology teacher was named Joe Rabbitt, his brother Jack Rabbitt taught me French (or tried to)

09 Jun 09 - 06:00 PM (#2652652)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names
From: theman

There is a family that lives near by where I live. Their last name is Leir. They have a daughter named Chanda. So her name is Chanda Leir.

09 Jun 09 - 11:35 PM (#2652871)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names
From: GUEST,.gargoyle

I have met many...and my cousin married a Hogg - but not the I or U.

The BEST - out of ten thousand on ten thousand.

Mi Hung Dong

Unfortuatly she is a woman...and beautiful with charm.

Ahsome Weggie

No one believed me until I showed them the proof and later met the man ....Nigerian I believe.


10 Jun 09 - 01:01 AM (#2652888)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names
From: Gurney

My late aunt went to school with twins named Trump. 'Humourous' parents gave them the christian names Harry Will and Elsie May.

Trump was then a semi-polite term for passing wind.....

10 Jun 09 - 02:12 AM (#2652906)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names
From: semi-submersible

Dudley Doohoo (not sure of the spelling of the surname, but that's how I heard it pronounced.)

My grandpa (who also once had a lawyer named Crook) told me of a fellow he met whose given names and surname were "Captain George Vancouver Wilks." ("He wasn't expected to live," another Wilks family member discreetly explained.)

I remember a sweet and artistic lady with the married name Mary Christmas.

I imagine men carrying surnames like Stupich would need extra charm to win their brides. I know a Mr. Allcock who legally changed his surname (taking out the first "c") upon starting a family.

10 Jun 09 - 02:34 AM (#2652914)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names
From: semi-submersible

Then there was the discussion in the advice column (either Dear Abby or Ann Landers) of the sufferings of girls growing up with the surname Hoar.

One lady wrote in sympathetically to say she too had lived through this social affliction. "One day," her mother told her, "you'll meet some nice man, and this will all be behind you."

"And my mother was right," the letter-writer continued, "for on [she gave the date], I married Elmer Tramp." (Has to be true love, doesn't it?)

Oh, and can you guess what the editor put on for that column's headline?

"That's Why...

...the Lady...

...a Tramp!"

10 Jun 09 - 02:52 AM (#2652920)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names
From: bassen

A perfectly normal man's name in Norway - Odd Christian Bull. Not so much fun walking around an international symposium with THAT name tag on...

10 Jun 09 - 05:34 AM (#2652996)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names
From: Liz the Squeak

My family names are fairly commonplace although there is an Absalome Whittle Wills, who named his son Apslem because being illiterate he had no idea how to spell Absalome.

But I've come across some beauties in my time in the parish records and have a whole page of them somewhere.

There's a whole family called Shitler in one village - although they dropped the 'H' at some point in the 1880's.. just as well it wasn't the 'S' they dropped....

There was Hester Payne who married Eli Pester, thus becoming Hester Pester; Love Swaffield; Unity Abbot; The Rev'd Francis Goforth (as in 'go forth and multiply'?); Joel Rocket; Maudlin Dampney (there's an EMO name for you); Erasmus Cox; Christian Gibbons (who says animals don't have souls?); Penninah Charity Scard; Hipolett Mocket; Noah Gallop and Amaziah Payne to name but a few.

But the prize has to go to this lady... now bear in mind, she lived in the early 1800's in deepest, darkest, rural Dorset, a county that is still half a century behind the modern world. This is from the Baptism register of a west Dorset parish. She had the surname of Govin and was baptised Arabella Gerina Bachatina Megal. Isn't that splendid?!

I have more....


10 Jun 09 - 05:56 AM (#2653007)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names
From: bubblyrat

Please!! Keep 'em coming liz!

10 Jun 09 - 06:57 AM (#2653026)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names
From: skarpi



10 Jun 09 - 07:18 AM (#2653037)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names
From: Mr Red

bubblyrat - how about Hepzibah Mehhuin?

sister of Jehudi Menhuin - and a fine musician in her own right, somewhat overshadowed though.

10 Jun 09 - 07:22 AM (#2653039)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names
From: Newport Boy

Bubblyrat - Hepzibah has good musical connections - Hepzibah Menuhin was Yehudi's sister. A good pianist and also a human rights campaigner.


10 Jun 09 - 07:31 AM (#2653046)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names
From: Will Fly

Well, would you credit it? After mentioning the name Jabez Eke up this thread, it turns out that bubblyrat and I are third cousins once removed!

bubblyrat and my mother are 3rd cousins - and the "once removed" means that he and I are 3rd cousins, separated from each other by a generation. We share the same g-g-g-grandfather.

The power of Mudcat, eh?

10 Jun 09 - 10:49 AM (#2653153)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names
From: Liz the Squeak

Seven degrees of separation indeed!

More names from the lists:

There was a family by the name of Hodder (not sure if related, too many gaps) who took their inspiration from the Bible - as many did. This family started with Julia and Tabitha, but then progressed to Kezia and Bathsheba. The first son was Emanuel (sic), then came Barzilla, another girl. Obedia and Zibich completed the family.

I detect a Jewish influence with Sunecai Genteelei, although she was baptised in a very rural Church of England... Ann Collypriest is quite rhythmic, as is Minnie Burch and Mercy Budle. Zilpah Dunford appears somewhere in Toller Porcorum and Adoniza Zealley is from the same area. Jane Payne, Tirzah Fever and Parthena Staple have a certain quality to them, but Speaze Tizzard takes the biscuit (and incidentally the highest word score in Scrabble).

If you put these names into a book or screenplay, you'd be laughed out of the office!


10 Jun 09 - 11:44 AM (#2653204)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names
From: bubblyrat

I met some WRNS with interesting names whilst in the navy--There was a Glaswegian lass ( " See you, Jimmy"---ye didnae argue wi' HER !)called Bozena Radomski...actually,she was a pretty blonde. Then there was my friend,colleague,and fellow Air Radio Mechanic,Daphne Chedzoy.....apparently,it's a Somerset dialect word for "swamp",and since she came from Weston Zoyland,who could gainsay that ??
    A doctor in my home town was called T Staines-Reade, so you can guess what we called him ! And yes, I did used to work for Siemens,and they DID have a facility near Staines,and yes,none of the women who worked there would answer the 'phone.

10 Jun 09 - 04:10 PM (#2653418)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names
From: Liz the Squeak

I used to go to school with a Chedzoy, it's unusual but quite well known in Somerset and Dorset. I believe there is an author of that name - possibly David? who was the father or uncle of the Chedzoy at school.

Weymouth used to have a dentist called Ian Savage... my first doctor was a Dr Paine... there was a Dr Lazarus up the road from here and I used to work with a gentleman by the name of Nick Battcock.


11 Jun 09 - 01:17 AM (#2653746)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names
From: Gurney

There are about 9500 people in the UK who share the surname De Ath.

They get tired of "Keep De Ath off the road," a take on an old road-safety campaign.

11 Jun 09 - 03:49 AM (#2653776)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names
From: bubblyrat

De Ath in Venice
                  De Ath On The Nile
                                       De Ath of a Salesman

A shipmate,Dave Martin,tried to fix me up for a date with a Margaret De Ath, back in the Sixties,but I declined !

11 Jun 09 - 06:02 AM (#2653815)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names
From: WalkaboutsVerse

On another forum, a critic posted as TalkaboutWorse.

12 Jun 09 - 05:59 AM (#2654691)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names
From: Liz the Squeak

Oh, and when I worked in the library, one of my colleagues was called Novelette, honest!


12 Jun 09 - 08:16 AM (#2654757)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names
From: WalkaboutsVerse

I think Novella is quite a nice novel name for a female, come to think of it, Liz.

12 Jun 09 - 01:37 PM (#2654991)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names
From: Wyrd Sister

Been watching tennis. Murray has just beaten an American rejoicing in the name of Mardy Fish.

Meaning of 'mardy' (esp. 3)

13 Jun 09 - 10:58 AM (#2655590)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names
From: GUEST, topsie

Liz, my Agenoria was in that part of Dorset, but I can't remember exactly where, or what her surname was.

13 Jun 09 - 02:01 PM (#2655678)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names
From: WalkaboutsVerse

"Been watching tennis. Murray has just beaten an American rejoicing in the name of Mardy Fish." (Wyrd Sister)...Did you see that fine top-spin lob he caught Fish out with, WS?!
PS: the Murray River in Australia used to be quite popular for fishing...

Poem 5 of 230: STATE TO STATE


C F F F)

From Sydney Town,
    In uni. break,
I drove out west
    To earnings make
Onion picking,
    On the fields
Of Echuca,
    That year's yields.

                                  After day's work,
                                     From Y.H.A.,
                                  A group of us
                                     Would not delay
                                  To walk on down
                                     To the dirt rim
                                  Of the Murray,
                                     For a cool swim.

On one such day,
    I do declare,
Some three of us
    Had a big dare
To swim across,
    From state to state,
The wide Murray -
    I took the bait.

                                  Yes, foolishly,
                                     I took the bait -
                                  A choice that I
                                     Would come to hate,
                                  For I almost
                                     Did drown that date,
                                  Making the swim
                                     From state to state.

From (e-scroll)
Or (e-book)

14 Jun 09 - 09:25 AM (#2656078)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names

One of my favourites is the Irish DJ Rick O'Shea .

14 Jun 09 - 06:22 PM (#2656411)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names
From: McGrath of Harlow

The first president of Zimbabwe was named "Canaan Banana".

15 Jun 09 - 03:24 PM (#2657121)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names
From: GUEST,Boab

There are a set of twins who live in Ayrshire called
Armani and Versacci McClatchie. How mad is that. Apparantly they are famous and can be found on google.
There was also a hotel manager in South Africa called Willie Slabber. My partner has his business card.

16 Jun 09 - 02:28 AM (#2657441)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names
From: Gurney

Comes to that, Boab, Willy Nelson sounds like a wrestling hold.

16 Jun 09 - 10:17 AM (#2657709)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names
From: frogprince

"Comes to that, Boab, Willy Nelson sounds like a wrestling hold."

Or an alternative to other euphenisms like "John Thomas".

16 Jun 09 - 11:43 AM (#2657773)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names
From: GUEST, topsie

For a long time I really thought the singer Lou Rawls was in fact called Loo Rolls.

16 Jun 09 - 12:41 PM (#2657831)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names
From: bubblyrat

I remember seeing a game show on TV some years back,where two contestants,a married couple,both doctors,were asked if they had any children.It transpired that they had two, a boy & a girl.....they had called them Sam and Ella !

16 Jun 09 - 12:47 PM (#2657838)
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing Names
From: frogprince

Sam and Ella Poisonne?