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Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP

01 Jul 09 - 04:24 PM (#2669186)
Subject: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
From: catspaw49

I know we're all getting old but for the love of crap.........In the past 7 days we've had 15 different Obit threads. Is it the air or what?

We used to go for weeks and even months without discussing that someone had bellied up and gone down for the dirt nap but nowadays we seem to be running two new ones daily. I dunno' why I'm bitching about this, but why not? So like maybe we could add another section......Music, BS, and the Daily Croak?

BTW, I read that the boxer Alexis Arguello (retired) was found dead and they're conducting an autopsy. I guess the bullet wound in his chest wasn't the cause of death huh? Think I should start an Obit thread?


01 Jul 09 - 04:28 PM (#2669194)
Subject: RE: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
From: Becca72

Just read that Karl Malden has assumed room temp.

01 Jul 09 - 04:30 PM (#2669198)
Subject: RE: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
From: catspaw49

...........yeah.....thread already started here too!!!

Make that 16.....................


01 Jul 09 - 04:46 PM (#2669206)
Subject: RE: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
From: Jeri

It's not ME!

I sit here and feel sorry for myself. No money, few real friends and not much of a life.

But then there are all these rich, famous people and I have something they don't. For one thing, I'm not in a lot of trouble, and for another, I'm not dead.

Of course, I could be dead for a week or two before anybody'd notice, but I'm not currently.

01 Jul 09 - 04:52 PM (#2669213)
Subject: RE: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
From: GUEST,Russ


Glad to hear that you're still living.

What do you not bitch about?

Russ (Permanent GUEST who should know better)

01 Jul 09 - 04:57 PM (#2669217)
Subject: RE: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
From: catspaw49

I rarely bitch about Permanenet Guests but I could always make an exception.............


01 Jul 09 - 05:00 PM (#2669221)
Subject: RE: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
From: katlaughing

It has seemed a bit crazy. I'd like to see it go back more to obits on musical folks and let the pop culture icons fall by the wayside.

01 Jul 09 - 05:49 PM (#2669253)
Subject: RE: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
From: Joe Offer

I think it's a bit creepy. Folk music obits are a good chance to call attention to the lives of significant people, but the celebrity obits just seem like an expression of somebody's obsession with death.
But hey, I thought Spaw's post on the Karl Malden thread was interesting, so maybe I shouldn't complain.
Anyhow, I think maybe people should think twice before starting any thread.

01 Jul 09 - 06:03 PM (#2669260)
Subject: RE: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
From: McGrath of Harlow

Most people are dead.

01 Jul 09 - 06:05 PM (#2669262)
Subject: RE: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
From: catspaw49

Especially this one! I thought about it 3 times!

I don't mind the celebs actually and a number of them have been pretty interesting. Its just that anymore I seem to find out that someone checked out at Mudcat before I here about it anywhere else.......which is kinda'........uh....weird? Anyway............


01 Jul 09 - 06:06 PM (#2669263)
Subject: RE: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
From: catspaw49

I'm not dead....yet.....I was responding to Joe and not Mac......


01 Jul 09 - 06:17 PM (#2669270)
Subject: RE: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
From: number 6

Maybe we should open an obituary section in the Cat.

Sorta like your local newspaper ... we can have the Music Section, BS Section and Obituary.

OK .... I'm outta here.


01 Jul 09 - 06:32 PM (#2669277)
Subject: RE: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
From: Bee-dubya-ell

How about one big catch-all OBIT thread for non-music deaths? Don't start a new thread, just post a notification on that thread.

It would add an element of mystery and fun to the whole depressing OBIT scene. When you see the thread get bumped up to the top it means someone has croaked, and the object of the game is to guess who it is before opening the thread. If you're correct, you win a valuable prize! Like a canned fart or something.

01 Jul 09 - 07:00 PM (#2669301)
Subject: RE: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
From: Neil D

I wasn't about to start another Obit thread but now that you brought him up I must say I'll miss Alexis Arguello more than anyone else who's died recently. Not only was he one of the greatest boxers of all time, he was a truly class act, a hero of my youth. He never won a fight without going to the opponent imediately after the knockout. He would take their face between his gloves, look them in the eye and tell them they fought a great fight. He said it was to give them back their manhood, their pride. A real gentleman of the sweet science and I for one will mourn his passing.

01 Jul 09 - 07:26 PM (#2669306)
Subject: RE: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
From: DougR

Karl Malden died?

01 Jul 09 - 07:28 PM (#2669311)
Subject: RE: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
From: Bobert

Yeah, I agree 100 with Spawzer... We need a seperate obit category... Hey, I don't want dead people in the BS section and I'm sure all the highbrow above-da-liners don't want 'um cluttgering up their endless "Banjo Tabs for _________" threads...

So, hey, I vote for a seperate (but equal) obit category...


01 Jul 09 - 07:38 PM (#2669319)
Subject: RE: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
From: McGrath of Harlow

I've nothing against obits - you find out interesting new stuff about people you thought you knew already, and you find out about interesting people you missed out on hearing about while they were alive. I'd say the more the merrier, except that doesn't sound respectful in the circs.

My only gripe is when people stick up threads with just the name of someone I admire and value, and I open it assuming that they have died, when in fact it's just about some concert or record. I mean, that's a happy outcome, but I don't like being alarmed that way.

01 Jul 09 - 07:58 PM (#2669329)
Subject: RE: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
From: katlaughing

Well, if we're adding sections, I'd like to see two BS sections: One for the fun, positive stuff and Another for all of the cantankerous/sad stuff like ALL political threads, obits, and the like. I know I could somehow filter them out, but I think they need to be separate. I know of one blues site which flat-out does not allow ANY politics. I know, how can we have a folk/trad site without the protests songs and all. Fine, I understand that, but I have had it up to HERE with the constant political threads and I know I used to be a frequent posters. Bah! Enough, I say! If it is CONTEMPORARY politics BAN it!*bg*

01 Jul 09 - 08:21 PM (#2669342)
Subject: RE: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
From: Stilly River Sage

Ahem. With 30,000+ posts, I think the Mother of All BS threads has set a fine example of what many can do with one thread. Just start the Mother of All OBIT threads.

Did anyone start a thread for Gale Storm? (My Little Margie) She, like Karl Malden, is someone I thought was already dead.



01 Jul 09 - 08:51 PM (#2669355)
Subject: RE: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
From: catspaw49

I thought she was dead too.......I dearly loved My Little Margie when I was a kid. Later I learned a little more about her and found she was an alcoholic who fought the disease for over 20 years. When she beat it she became a fighter for understanding of the disease and its affect on lives. Though she did many B Movies, I thought she was poorly used, especially when I saw her in a live performance much later in her life.


01 Jul 09 - 09:12 PM (#2669365)
Subject: RE: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
From: Little Hawk

I think your idea of having a Daily Croak section is fabulous, Spaw.

God knows, I live in daily terror that William Shatner will croak before I do...and I wouldn't know how to go on if that happened. Life just wouldn't be the same anymore. The Michael Jackson thing doesn't throw me at all, nor did Farrah Fawcett's exit have any major effect on my mood...but what if Shatner bites the Big One????? Then what? It just doesn't bear thinking about. I should maybe take up some kind of dangerous outdoor hobby so as to improve my chances of "checking out" before the Captain does, eh?

I take comfort in the fact that Winona Ryder, on the other hand, will almost surely outlive me...

01 Jul 09 - 10:37 PM (#2669422)
Subject: RE: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
From: Liz the Squeak

UK Comedy Actress Mollie Sugden is the latest to join the Room Temp Assumers... best known as Mrs Slocombe in 'Are you being served?', from the 1970's...

Bring on the 'Daily Croak'... or does that sound too much like Frog Porn?


01 Jul 09 - 11:28 PM (#2669440)
Subject: RE: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
From: katlaughing

Oh, well, sad to hear Molly has passed on. She was a brill comic actress.

01 Jul 09 - 11:56 PM (#2669457)
Subject: RE: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
From: Little Hawk

Frog Porn!!! Gad.

The only thing worse than that is Penguin Porn. And to prove my point, there used to be a horrifyingly explicit website called "Deppity Bob's Penguin Lust Site" all about the amorous activities of the Penguin, nature's sexiest bird. It's been shut down. You can guess why. SHOCKING SCENES of AVIAN DEPRAVITY!

02 Jul 09 - 12:11 AM (#2669465)
Subject: RE: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
From: heric

I read that Karl Malden got nose implants because his mom used to make fun of his ten year old weiner.

02 Jul 09 - 12:22 AM (#2669473)
Subject: RE: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
From: Stilly River Sage

People are still trotting out variations of that junior high school boy joke (trying to apply to MJ, of course, but dancing all around the subject. Like they know it's really really stupid, but hope to pull it off.)

I didn't realize Molly Sudgen was still alive either. I saw those later programs after Are You Being Served ended, but even that new series ended a while back. It was set at a country estate, a hotel or retirement home or something. Wendy Richard/Miss Brahms (who died earlier this year, alas) was the youngest and most fit of the group, and seemed to run the place. I didn't see those over and over and over like I saw Being Served, so I can't recite the plots and outcomes like the older program.


02 Jul 09 - 01:00 AM (#2669484)
Subject: RE: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
From: catspaw49

Losing Wendy was tragic and now Molly Sugden........Did she still have her pussy?

The show Maggie refers to was "AYBS Again.   "AYBS still cracks me up even after seeing each episode a dozen times. Its not Fawlty Towers but its damn good.

Somebody could make a damn fortune here in the states with a new channel/network totally devoted to Britcoms......24.hours a day of Britcoms.


02 Jul 09 - 01:53 AM (#2669491)
Subject: RE: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
From: Ernest

Please let us have an extra O`Bit section for our Irish Friends....

...and (more important) an O`Bitch section for the nasty ones!


02 Jul 09 - 01:58 AM (#2669492)
Subject: RE: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
From: Ernest

soorry - should have been "OBITch" - without the apostroph...


02 Jul 09 - 08:08 AM (#2669618)
Subject: RE: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
From: Becca72

Very sorry to hear Mrs. Slocum has taken the big dirt nap. I LOVE AYBS and, like Spaw, have seen each episode dozens of times

02 Jul 09 - 08:16 AM (#2669623)
Subject: RE: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
From: Liz the Squeak

'Grace and Favour' was the second series alluded to starring Wendy Richards and Mollie Sugden, although I never watched it...

I daresay someone will look after her pussy, but not me, I've got tits.


02 Jul 09 - 08:22 AM (#2669626)
Subject: RE: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
From: Acorn4

I think the one on Margaret Thatcher will be very interesting!

02 Jul 09 - 01:13 PM (#2669882)
Subject: RE: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
From: pdq

Gale Storm died a couple of days ago.

I didn't see an obit on Mudcat, but she hasn't been in the public eye much since Kennedy was president.

Her sidekick ZaSu Pitts will always be seen as a doddering old lady. Pitts died at 63.

Gale Storm will always the young energetic ship's cruise director, yet she lived to be 87.

02 Jul 09 - 02:57 PM (#2669996)
Subject: RE: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
From: catspaw49

Didn't read the thread did you pdq?


02 Jul 09 - 03:25 PM (#2670018)
Subject: RE: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
From: Frozen Gin (inactive)

someone is afraid of looking their mortality in th eye

should someone start a thread *LOL* a BS Obit maybe.....

02 Jul 09 - 03:58 PM (#2670042)
Subject: RE: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
From: GUEST,mg

I think it is a very good idea to post them. After all, if we saw each other at the post office we would say did you hear Michael Jackson/Queen Elizabeth/Teddy Kennedy died?

And some figures..not Gail Storm perhaps..but certainly Michael Jackson -- are worldwide in their scope. THe more the world is united in whatever, music, even grief, the better off everyone will be in the long term. I think the Jackson memorial will be a spectacular event, and probably won't be to my exact taste, but people in every little village practically in the world will be watching.

Death is obviously primal. So is the girl plucked out of the ocean is Octomom. And this has been a week with so many deaths..of course Neda?? in Iran being probably the most

02 Jul 09 - 04:30 PM (#2670072)
Subject: RE: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
From: maire-aine

So sorry to hear about Mollie Sugden. And I didn't know about Wendy Richards, either. Rest in peace, both.


02 Jul 09 - 04:45 PM (#2670084)
Subject: RE: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
From: wysiwyg

Apologies if this has been posted.

It's the same old solution to the same old problem-- if you don't like Obit threads, don't open them.


02 Jul 09 - 06:38 PM (#2670166)
Subject: RE: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
From: goatfell

i agree WYSIWYG

03 Jul 09 - 12:40 AM (#2670311)
Subject: RE: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
From: catspaw49

Oh thank you for becoming serious! I was soooo worried that this serious matter was being treated in a light-hearted way as I am deeply fearful of staring down my own mortality I'm told.

Yes, yes......I shall try my hardiest to refrain from opening these troubling threads as my delicate psyche can handle so little with my advvancing years...................



03 Jul 09 - 01:05 PM (#2670767)
Subject: RE: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
From: Little Hawk

The thing you cannot handle, man, is facing up to the fact that Dachshunds rate and Weimaraners don't. You just can't face it, can you? Hmmm? Didn't think so...

03 Jul 09 - 01:27 PM (#2670780)
Subject: RE: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
From: wysiwyg

But I got him praying. :~)


03 Jul 09 - 01:31 PM (#2670784)
Subject: RE: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
From: Little Hawk

You can get a Dachshund praying too. Just place a frest roast of pork or a cooked turkey on the dining room table. He will start praying as soon as you leave the room...maybe even before you do.

03 Jul 09 - 03:20 PM (#2670876)
Subject: RE: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
From: catspaw49

Winona Ryder uses a Dachshund for dildo...........although lately I've heard she's considering stepping up to a Bassett Hound.


03 Jul 09 - 03:29 PM (#2670883)
Subject: RE: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
From: Rifleman (inactive)

"I am deeply fearful of staring down my own mortality I'm told"

No sense of humour sunshine.....? figures!

03 Jul 09 - 04:19 PM (#2670914)
Subject: RE: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
From: Bill D

"After all, if we saw each other at the post office we would say did you hear Michael Jackson/Queen Elizabeth/Teddy Kennedy died?"

WE? 'We' must be careful who 'we' include in our idea of stereotyped behavior. Most of the folks I know would NOT consider the average OBIT as the starting point for a conversation. If it is on the level of JFK or MLK or RFK, it is unlikely we would meet anyone who did not know...even Ted Kennedy is not 'quite' at that level. Queen Elizabeth? the USA, maybe, as a passing remark. Certainly worth a thread...but not in the music section.

**trying to figger out how to express my desire for restraint** ... I think it's just that too wide a scope **in a folk-based forum** dilutes the focus and makes almost anything fair game. There are gray areas, but if everyone who was ever in a TV series or had a hit song is included, someone will decide to post it. ..."Oh my...Wally Cox and Twiggy!"

There are forums where those are perfectly good topics, but I'll bet that there they wouldn't want Martin Carthy (long may he live!) debated.

03 Jul 09 - 04:51 PM (#2670944)
Subject: RE: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
From: catspaw49

No sense of humour sunshine.....? figures!

Oh I dunno'.......The other day I was reading a short pamphlet detailing your sex life and I like to died laughin'........


04 Jul 09 - 03:29 PM (#2671573)
Subject: RE: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
From: olddude

I have a better idea, how about a permanent thread with 1 post that reads. Today somebody died check your local news at 11 ...

that way it will include all of them in one shot with a news followup on TV...

04 Jul 09 - 04:02 PM (#2671584)
Subject: RE: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
From: Rifleman (inactive)

"Oh I dunno'.......The other day I was reading a short pamphlet detailing your sex life and I like to died laughin'"

My point is proven right here...give it up, sunshine....

05 Jul 09 - 12:06 AM (#2671816)
Subject: RE: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
From: Little Hawk

You haven't seen the pamphlet detailing MY sex life, Spaw, so you ain't seen "funny" yet...

Your remarks about Winona Ryder, however, are unforgivable. Remember what happened to Cheech Wizard's helper? Well, that's just a wee morsel of what's gonna happen to you, you pathetic jagoff...

05 Jul 09 - 12:48 AM (#2671824)
Subject: RE: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
From: Liz the Squeak

But Old Dude, we don't have a local news at 11 here in the UK...

If it weren't for Mudcat, I wouldn't know half of what goes on in the world!


05 Jul 09 - 08:50 PM (#2672353)
Subject: RE: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
From: Charley Noble

Look at the mourners,
Bloody great hypocrites,
Isn't it grand to be bloody well dead!
Let's not have a whimper,
Let's have a bloody good cry,
And always remember the sooner you're dead,
The sooner you're going to die!

Charley Noble, who still walks this earth

06 Jul 09 - 09:23 PM (#2673465)
Subject: RE: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
From: Charley Noble

Well, at least no one corrected my misremembered lyrics before I did:

Isn't it grand to be bloody well dead!
Let's not have a whimper,
Let's have a bloody good cry,
And always remember the LONGER YOU LIVE,
The sooner you're going to die!

Charley Noble

06 Jul 09 - 09:36 PM (#2673478)
Subject: RE: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
From: Donuel

I would like to submit an Obit regarding Donuel whom only two mudcatters have purportedly met.

He was a good man. He will be missed most by Donuel along with his many creditors. It was said by one of his former romantic conquests that he was like a flesh storm with a 90% chance of satsifaction. He had the musky alure of a pride of Chimpanzees. He developed the ambidextorous talent of using the mouse with either hand.

He was a curious person in more ways than one. He played the violin like a cello and the cello like a violin, which caused a final nasty wound to his neck when the endpin was not retracted.

He will now soon be driving the wooden Buick while taking a dirt nap and pushing up daisies that belong to the ages.

Go toward the light dear Donuel, no not this light, the other light.

07 Jul 09 - 08:54 PM (#2674308)
Subject: RE: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
From: Art Thieme

As I'm fond of saying, "Death is natures way of getting your family off your back!"


12 Aug 09 - 03:07 PM (#2698726)
Subject: RE: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
From: VirginiaTam

I just did a Mudcat filter on Obit for the last 365 days.

My god!

You know those joke emails?

Exercise hard, eat right, don't smoke, drink moderately, DIE anyway


Eat what you like, Drink what you like, Apparently it is speaking English that will kill you.

I am beginning to think that it is nothing to do with lifestyle, nationality or anything so bland.

Apparently, it is FOLK MUSIC that kills you.

12 Aug 09 - 03:52 PM (#2698772)
Subject: RE: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
From: Amos

FOLK MUSIC??? Waitaminnit!!! FOLK MUSIC is bad for you?? My God!! Why did no-one tell me???? I have wasted my life living dangerously by playing Burl Ives songs!! GAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!


12 Aug 09 - 03:57 PM (#2698777)
Subject: RE: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
From: Peace

Amos, did a little bitty tear let you down?

12 Aug 09 - 04:04 PM (#2698789)
Subject: RE: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
From: Amos



12 Aug 09 - 04:50 PM (#2698825)
Subject: RE: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
From: catspaw49

And if all you've been playing is Burl Ives songs, you have indeed wasted a lot..............


13 Aug 09 - 01:12 PM (#2699527)
Subject: RE: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
From: Art Thieme


Near Chicago, a black cemetary has been reposessing mortgages on graves, evicting the tenants, and re-selling the land so more erections might be enstated there.

It reminds me of the old wise oriental saying: "Man who screw hole in ground, has piece on earth."

I suppose they are only getting oriented.


13 Aug 09 - 01:39 PM (#2699551)
Subject: RE: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
From: Little Hawk

Being dead is actually great. No bills to pay. No more worrying about politics. No more being trapped in an aging body. Complete freedom, I call it. The fact that it is so great explains why so very few people have ever come (directly, I mean) back from the dead. They like it better there.

The Buddhists, though, say that if you still have any corporial desires driving you, then you will come back at some point via reincarnation. And I think they're probably right about that.

So even though it is better there than here, people usually do come back after awhile, drawn by their unsatisfied desires. And then they start bitching about all the usual troublesome stuff here (like the OBIT threads and Ann Coulter) and worrying about getting old and dying! ;-D

Divine comedy. Try to enjoy it if you can.

14 Aug 09 - 06:15 AM (#2700063)
Subject: RE: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
From: GUEST,Kendall

..assumed room temperature...:-)

14 Aug 09 - 06:18 AM (#2700064)
Subject: RE: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
From: kendall

How about some other ways of saying he/she died?

Bit the big one
Bought the farm
Snuffed it
Cashed in
Checked out

14 Aug 09 - 06:43 AM (#2700080)
Subject: RE: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
From: Backwoodsman

Strutted off this mortal coil. :-)

14 Aug 09 - 09:05 AM (#2700154)
Subject: RE: Obit: BS---OBIT threads--May they RIP
From: goatfell

obits are all right, but not all the time but as they say death co0mes to us all,and we have the right to express our feelings in that way.