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BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!

03 Jul 09 - 03:42 PM (#2670888)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin's at it again
From: Ebbie


WASILLA, Alaska - Sarah Palin plans to resign as governor of Alaska in a few weeks, KTUU-TV reported Friday.

Palin, the Republican vice presidential candidate in 2008, made the announcement at her home Friday morning, the station said.

Lt. Gov. Sean Parnell will take over at the end of the month, KTUU reported.

With her at the announcement were Parnell and most of her cabinet.

There was no immediate word as to why she will step down before the end of her first term, though some have speculated in the past that she may be interested in running for president in 2012.
© 2009
    Palin Posts from July combined into one thread.
    -Joe Offer-

03 Jul 09 - 03:45 PM (#2670889)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin's at it again
From: Ebbie

That's at:

03 Jul 09 - 04:03 PM (#2670901)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin's at it again
From: Ron Davies

As I said on another thread: Sanford's problems strengthen Palin. She senses blood in the water.   He won't trouble her any more for the nomination.   He was potentially a strong opponent--til the Argentina trip. She already has a strong national fan base. Huckabee has shot his wad.

And don't think politicians don't plan years in advance.   Look at Reagan.

Now let's see if there are any serious complications in Alaska which could yet derail her.

03 Jul 09 - 04:04 PM (#2670903)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin's at it again
From: Ron Davies

But thanks, Ebbie, for the heads-up.

03 Jul 09 - 04:06 PM (#2670904)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin's at it again
From: Alice

Watched Palin talking about this now on tv news, and she rambles on and on and on with incomplete sentences (it's like fingernails on a chalk board). Her brother is now on tv complaining that too many people attacked her and that's why she is resigning. Her statement was whining and complaining, too. She's cooked her goose, politically.

03 Jul 09 - 04:14 PM (#2670910)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin's at it again
From: SharonA

Wow indeed, Ebbie!!! Thanks for that news; it hasn't reached the airwaves around here (in PA) because they're clogged with Michael Jackson sh*tuff.

The best part of the story is that Palin plans to " 'affect positive change' from OUTSIDE government"! In other words, she's getting out while the getting's good. Guess she finally realized that the R's are out of infatuation with her.

So what's next for her? Sportscaster, or a seat on The View?

03 Jul 09 - 04:25 PM (#2670917)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin's at it again
From: Bill D

There sure are reporters who HOPE she will try to run for Senate or president....she writes stories for them by just opening her mouth. The latest revelations about her disastrous part in the campaign and Todd's awkward past may have told her "it's time"

03 Jul 09 - 04:31 PM (#2670922)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin's at it again
From: Stilly River Sage

Well, shit. It happened on a Friday. They won't be able to use this as a gag on Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me this weekend (it's taped on Thursday evening).

The woman is an idiot. Maybe she has decided she needs an education and will find one university to attend (and stick with it?)


03 Jul 09 - 04:43 PM (#2670930)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin's at it again
From: olddude

I love it, if Obama continues to do what he is doing, he is assured another 4 years yea, hope she does run, an 8 year streach without republicans will be a breath of fresh air

03 Jul 09 - 04:43 PM (#2670931)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin's at it again
From: DougR

Alice: "like fingernails on a chalk board>"
Strange. That's exactly what happens when I hear Obama.


03 Jul 09 - 04:45 PM (#2670933)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin's at it again
From: Bill D

The scuttlebutt is that she is intending to stay totally out of politics....that she is just tired of it all. But even her supporters are saying that this is "just bizarre" to do this now.

Ah, well....she has done all she could to contribute to the cause of the........

Democratic party.

03 Jul 09 - 04:46 PM (#2670934)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin's at it again
From: SharonA

Earlier this week, Palin challenged President Obama to a foot-race, claiming she had the endurance to win a "long race". Yeah, right, when her legs are about half as long as Obama's... She is, indeed, an idiot. White House spokesman Robert Gibbs' response was that he would ask the President "if he's got any free time in his summer to do that." In other words, Sarah, Obama is much too busy dealing with the business of the nation and the threats from countries you can see from your house to bother with your self-serving little ego trip.

03 Jul 09 - 05:27 PM (#2670980)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin's at it again
From: gnu


03 Jul 09 - 05:36 PM (#2670990)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin's at it again
From: kendall

Doug, Obama is well spoken, well educated, graduated from Harvard school of law and he taught constitutional law, and you would rather listen to that clueless airhead.
That Arizona sun is getting to you!

03 Jul 09 - 05:40 PM (#2670997)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin's at it again
From: Peace

Indeed . . . .

03 Jul 09 - 05:45 PM (#2671006)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin's at it again
From: Joe Offer

I'm surprised she's resigning. One would think that if she were planning to run for President, it would be good for her to finish out her term as Governor - I suppose it ends late in 2010, since she was elected in 2006. Maybe she just wants to be a mom.


03 Jul 09 - 05:49 PM (#2671009)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin's at it again
From: gnu

Ya know... clueless... airhead... poorly educated... poor debater... poor speaker... I'll stop there...

REALLY good looking babe that hunts moose. I am almost in love. As long as she stays out of politics and wants to squeeze out more pups, I am lining up if she ever dumps the separatist (he sounds REALLY flakey).

Minds me a the old Kent County saying, "I would drink moose piss out of a muddy hoof print for a shot at that."

Of course, I wouldn't want to have to talk to her.

I know. I don't care.

03 Jul 09 - 05:56 PM (#2671014)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin's at it again
From: Ebbie

My guess is that most Alaskans see this as a petulant move in response to all the fights she is in from both sides of the aisle. Like Bush, she acts from her 'gut'.

So far, everyone that I've heard talk about it is totally shocked, even though she said in her speech that it's been in the works for "some time".

Frank Murkowski, the former - and VERY unpopular - Alaska governor that she defeated almost three years ago must be chuckling.

03 Jul 09 - 06:01 PM (#2671016)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin's at it again
From: gnu

Many are chuckling. She may as well be the sacrificial lamb. She will get well paid for it and get lots of trips and free meals.

03 Jul 09 - 06:06 PM (#2671019)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin's at it again
From: pdq

All in good fun, I suppose...


03 Jul 09 - 06:15 PM (#2671029)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin's at it again
From: Peace

Can she REALLY see Russia from her house?

03 Jul 09 - 06:41 PM (#2671056)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin's at it again
From: gnu

She certainly can when there is a frozen ice crystal inversion in the lower atmosphere. Of course, she can't can't see Putin laughing his ass off at that resolution. She would need Hi Def.

03 Jul 09 - 06:54 PM (#2671068)
Subject: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

This news just in:

WASILLA, Alaska - Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, former Republican vice-presidential candidate, made a surprise announcement Friday that she is resigning from office at the end of the month without explaining why she plans to step down, raising speculation that she would focus on a run for the White House in the 2012 race.

Palin hastily called a news conference Friday morning at her home in suburban Wasilla, giving such short notice that only a few reporters actually made it to the announcement. State troopers blocked late-arriving media outside her home, and her spokesman, Dave Murrow, finally emerged to confirm that Palin will step down July 26. He refused to give details about the governor's future plans.

Lt. Gov. Sean Parnell will be inaugurated at the governor's picnic in Fairbanks at the end of the month, Murrow said.

Palin was first elected in 2006 on a populist platform. But her popularity has waned as she waged in partisan politics following her return from the presidential campaign. Her term would have ended in 2010.

Palin said she planned to make a "positive change outside government," without elaborating. She also expressed frustration with her current role as governor.

"I cannot stand here as your governor and allow the millions of dollars and all that time go to waste just so I can hold the title of governor," Palin said.

Later, on Twitter, she promised supporters more details: "We'll soon attach info on decision to not seek re-election ... this is in Alaska's best interest, my family's happy ... it is good. Stay tuned"

Palin's decision even took Parnell by surprise. He said he was told on Wednesday evening, and was not aware that any presidential ambitions were behind the move.

Palin emerged from relative obscurity nearly a year ago when she was tapped as then Republican presidential candidate John McCain's running mate.

She was a controversial figure from the start, with comedian Tina Fey famously imitating her elaborate hairstyle and folksy "You betcha!" on "Saturday Night Live."

Most recently, she led a public spat with "Late Show" host David Letterman over a joke he made about one of her daughters being "knocked up" by New York Yankees baseball player Alex Rodriguez during the governor's recent visit to New York. Palin's 18-year-old daughter, Bristol, is an unwed, teenage mother.

Letterman later apologized for the joke.

Palin's family and the ridicule they endure being in the public eye was part of her decision. She complained that her 14-month-old son, Trig, who was diagnosed with Down's syndrome, had been "mocked and ridiculed by some mean-spirited adults recently." She didn't elaborate.

Palin campaigned on ethics reform in the 2006 election, defeating incumbent Gov. Frank Murkowski in the Republican primary and a former two-term Democratic governor, Tony Knowles, in the general election.

She enjoyed an extended honeymoon with lawmakers and voters alike. Her popularity was in the 80 per centile range, even though that fell after the bruising, partisan presidential campaign.

Palin's delivery of two weeks' notice rattles a Republican Party plagued with setbacks in recent weeks, including extramarital affairs disclosed by two other 2012 presidential prospects, Nevada Sen. John Ensign and South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford.

Ensign, a member of the Christian ministry Promise Keepers, stepped down from the Senate Republican leadership last month after admitting he had an affair for much of last year with a woman on his campaign staff who was married to one of his Senate aides. Ensign later disclosed he had helped the woman's husband get two jobs during the affair.

A government watchdog group, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, wants the Senate ethics committee and the Federal Election Commission to investigate.

Just days after news of Ensign's affair broke, Sanford admitted an affair with a woman in Argentina. Some lawmakers are now calling for his resignation. Before the admission, Sanford had been missing from the state for five days visiting his lover. He had slipped his security detail, lied to his staff about where he was and failed to transfer power to the lieutenant governor in case of a state emergency.

Sanford admitted he also saw the mistress during a state-funded trip to Argentina last year. He promised to reimburse the state for part of the trip's costs. The state Commerce Department said the trip itinerary originally included only Brazil, but the governor requested economic development meetings in Argentina.

The Republican troubles seem to have left two prominent 2012 prospects, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and 2008 presidential hopeful Mitt Romney, unscathed, however.

03 Jul 09 - 06:57 PM (#2671070)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: robomatic

alaska's loss is alaska's gain.

(yeah i proofread that)

03 Jul 09 - 07:00 PM (#2671076)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Charley Noble

She sounded really emotional at the press conference. Maybe something else in the air is about to land.

She also refused to answer any questions from reporters.

Charley Noble

03 Jul 09 - 07:02 PM (#2671077)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Bill D

See the other thread for ...ummm... commentary

03 Jul 09 - 07:07 PM (#2671083)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin's at it again
From: artbrooks

Perhaps she has a shot as a TV yoga instructor? Her public pronouncements indicate that she has some potential there.

03 Jul 09 - 07:47 PM (#2671098)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Stilly River Sage

These things have a way of unfolding. Maybe someone found some nude photos of her and is going to release them to the press. . . quick, tell gnu. . .

03 Jul 09 - 07:58 PM (#2671100)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: wysiwyg

I hope no one talks her out of it-- it won't be so till it's done.


03 Jul 09 - 08:05 PM (#2671105)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin's at it again
From: Ebbie

An Alaskan friend of mine thinks that there is something else afoot.   He suspects that she has done something horrendous enough that she doesn't want to be governor when it comes out.

(And another friend said, "Hmmmmm? Has she been to Argentina recently?"

I see that in his usual detail-oriented way, Little Hawk has started another thread on this subject. :)

03 Jul 09 - 08:06 PM (#2671107)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Bobert

Well, I heard Ms. Sarah complainin' that she and Todd had racked up a half a million dollars in legal fees??? I'm not sure what those are all about... I didn't realize that running for VP was against the law...

But, okay, let's say that they did... Maybe a bunch of unpaid parking tickets, I donno... But if they do have a half amillion in leagal fees and she can fetch a hundred grand for a speaking engagement then about five speeches and they are outta the hole... And then on the plus side...

Face it, she cannot win the presdiency... That is out... Voters have turned on her as an airhead who really doens't make much sense... But there is another reason *now* why she can't win and here is how the ad goes:

"Sarah Palin... Quit on Alaska... America doesn't need quitters..."

So fir anyone out there thinking this is about the '12 race, forget it... She ain't going nowhere's...

You heard it here first...


p.s. BTW, I'm sure Hugh Heffner is on the phone tonight...

03 Jul 09 - 08:09 PM (#2671109)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin's at it again
From: Bobert

What, Eb... nude pics in Playboy...

03 Jul 09 - 08:16 PM (#2671115)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin's at it again
From: Alice

Bookmark this Alaska blog and check back for what will be unfolding NEXT in the Palin saga...

Of course, those who have been follwing the Alaska blogosphere closely are aware of the rumors bubbling up that there's something big…something really big that's headed her way; the iceberg that's headed for the S.S. Palin. We'll see.
end quote

03 Jul 09 - 08:25 PM (#2671120)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin's at it again
From: Riginslinger

I think she's changing jobs. Next month we'll see her behind the news-desk at Fox.

03 Jul 09 - 08:27 PM (#2671121)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

I think she was telling the truth about getting out of government. Maybe Rush Limbaugh has decided to retire and needed a replacement.

03 Jul 09 - 08:31 PM (#2671122)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin's at it again
From: Bobert

Nah, maybe a year from now, Rigs... Until then she'll rake in the big bucks doing speeches before her adoring fans... Then FOX...

03 Jul 09 - 08:33 PM (#2671123)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Bobert

Now there's an idea... All this studio time is cuttin' into Rush's drug time...

03 Jul 09 - 08:40 PM (#2671125)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin's at it again
From: kendall

Now let's be fair; she never said she could see Russia from her house.
She's numb enough without making up stupid remarks to lay on her.

03 Jul 09 - 08:44 PM (#2671135)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Rapparee

A month ago she canceled a speaking engagement in Boise next week. This wasn't a spur of the moment thing.

I suspect there are family problems....

03 Jul 09 - 08:55 PM (#2671142)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

You think Todd has been unfaithful? Or maybe Sarah was enticed by the bright lights of big-time politics, and took up with a Congressman from...

03 Jul 09 - 08:57 PM (#2671144)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin's at it again
From: Riginslinger

"Until then she'll rake in the big bucks doing speeches before her adoring fans..."

             I don't know. I'll bet Rupert pays Sean Hannity a princely sum. I wonder what he pays that slimy Glenn Beck character?

03 Jul 09 - 09:13 PM (#2671149)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Bobert

Word on the street is that Ms. Sarah is carryin' Michael Jackson's baby...

03 Jul 09 - 09:18 PM (#2671152)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin's at it again
From: Bobert

"...lay on her...", Capt'n???

Little Freudian slip showin' there???

Aww, jus funin' wid ya...

Yeah, the ol' gal will do fine no matter... FOX. Playboy, American Idol??? Don't much matter... Her fans love her...


03 Jul 09 - 09:22 PM (#2671154)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Alice

Rumor has it the truth about their home that was built using materials from the hockey center (that she put Wasilla in debt with) will be coming to light. We'll see.

03 Jul 09 - 09:27 PM (#2671158)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: catspaw49

An undisclosed source reported on MSNBC that she is scheduled into Bartlett Regional Hospital under her former name of Mittsy Jagov for a rectal resizing surgery. This has become necessary since she's been so full of hot air with her head up her ass for such a prolonged period of time that her farts have become quite a problem. Where they used to go "Zzzip" and "Flubb" and "Brawmp," they all now go "Whooosh." Even worse, 6 out of every 7 result in dropping a load in her Wonder Woman panties.


03 Jul 09 - 09:51 PM (#2671161)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

You've gone too far with that last little diatribe, Spaw. I will not stand idly by and hear my beloved Sarah Palin maligned in that fashion. I'm callin' you out, and the mangy horse you rode in on, not to mention the damned stinkin' Weimaraner! I and my Dachshund will be coming down to Ohio to settle your hash once and for all. We know where you live, man. Better enjoy the NASCAR and fritos while you can, buster, cos the big hammer is comin' DOWN!!!

03 Jul 09 - 10:35 PM (#2671180)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Rapparee

Oh, fer Chrissakes LH! You should do it like the gentleman you are. Chose a second to discuss the matter and see if Spaw will enter an apology. If he doesn't, then his second and your second can settle upon the time, place, weapons, rules of the engagement, and first, second, or third blood.

God man, you're acting like Shame McBride!

03 Jul 09 - 10:43 PM (#2671183)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin's at it again
From: Ron Davies

I heard her burbling on about how she will "pass the ball and get the victory" or some strained analogy of that sort and I could think of nothing but "Governor Barbie".   So this time when you pull the string she won't talk about math: it'll be "Governing is so tough."

03 Jul 09 - 10:45 PM (#2671184)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin's at it again
From: Ron Davies

However, it's hard to avoid underestimating her--but we'd best try.

03 Jul 09 - 11:19 PM (#2671199)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin's at it again
From: Riginslinger

Yeah, I wouldn't underestimate her. The media is calling her speech "rambling," but it rambles like a paragraph from Faulkner or Joyce.

03 Jul 09 - 11:36 PM (#2671202)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

You're right, Rapaire. I lost it for a minute there. I was white hot with tooth-grinding fury over Spaw's insulting remarks about Mrs Palin. Okay, I'm choosing you as my second if that's all right? Contact Spaw's second and make the necessary martial arrangements. I'm busy at the Mariposa Folk Festival this weekend, but we can pursue this unfortunate matter after that.

I am okay with knives, guns, swords, rubber chickens, noogies, and spitballs...any of those will do fine.

03 Jul 09 - 11:53 PM (#2671213)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Amergin

How much do you want to bet that the party told her the time was up?

03 Jul 09 - 11:59 PM (#2671215)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Genie

Well, some are speculating that she wants to step down to devote more time gearing up to run for the White House in 2012, but other political insiders are saying that a move like this would probably seriously undermine her chances as a Presidential candidate.
I'm inclined to believe the latter.   She wasn't exactly highly qualified as a VP candidate last fall (considering that the VP might have to take over as President at any time). She had no national political experience and only 2 years as Governor, of a very small state (population-wise), and, unlike many other governors and US Senators, she did not have a solid background in either law or business.    Had she stayed on as Alaska's governor till the end of her term and then been re-elected, or had she gone from the governorship to maybe being a Senator from Alaska, she would have had much better credentials as a Presidential candidate 3 1/2 years from now.   This doesn't seem to be a wise move if she aspires to national office.
And resigning from your elected post without any obvious good reason doesn't inspire confidence in one's commitment and sense of responsibility.

But who knows? Maybe she'll still run for the Senate later.

Apparently she and Todd are deeply in debt due to legal expenses. Maybe she's gonna write books and be the next Ann Coulter or go on the rubber-chicken circuit as a public speaker or become a rich lobbyist for the oil or turkey industries?

04 Jul 09 - 12:28 AM (#2671221)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Alice

She's resigning before the real s*** hits the fan:

From Alaska, The Oxdown Gazette,

Edward Teller

"Here's a quote I got from law enforcement here in Alaska yesterday afternoon regarding Palin "a criminal indictment is pending authorization."

04 Jul 09 - 12:34 AM (#2671223)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Barry Finn

Or maybe she'll just start running. Opps, looks like she's already started running.

"O Shara Palin where ya gonna run too (3x), all on that day"

"Run to the pipeline, pipeline won't ya hide me (3x), I am not gay"

"Run to the ridge, ridge won't ya hide me (3x), the wolf for to slay"

Run to Russia, Russia won't ya hide me (3x), not on a clear day

Run for MaCain, MaCain won't ya hide me (3x), please go away"

Devil said Palin, Palin come & see me (3x), I'll play you'll pay"

Shara's gone down on the devil, the Devil is a-smiling (3x), till judgement day"

"The sun is going down on her home town, just like they say a good thing never lasts"


04 Jul 09 - 12:43 AM (#2671228)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Peace

She has the runs?

Strawberry leaves as a tea.

04 Jul 09 - 12:55 AM (#2671232)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Stilly River Sage

it rambles like a paragraph from Faulkner or Joyce.

Rig, you are seriously confusing stream of consciousness with something else. Faulkner and Palin shouldn't be mentioned together in the same breath when it comes to intellect and writing skills. Faulkner is perfectly clear and lucid; I haven't read Joyce. I can't stand to read Palin.

Sarah Palin is a beautiful woman, and makes great eye contact and speaks clearly. People shouldn't confuse that outward communication with intellect or ability, yet her core group of admirers apparently do just that.

She's in such a hurry to get out, I wonder if she's hoping for some big job offer to help pay for those legal bills, a job that will keep her in the public eye?


04 Jul 09 - 01:49 AM (#2671244)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Peace

I disagree that she's beautiful. Calculation in her eyes--they speak volumes. And her remarks make her close to ugly, imo.

04 Jul 09 - 02:00 AM (#2671249)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Genie

Wunnerful, wunnerful, Barry! ROFL

04 Jul 09 - 02:51 AM (#2671260)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!

What a shame - she's a wonderful source of entertainment to us on the right-hand side of the Atlantic!


04 Jul 09 - 04:12 AM (#2671282)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

(Mystery of mysteries- the thread I had refreshed (Sarah Palin is at it again) several hours before this one is back in archives and it appears that today's (July 3) has disappeared. A glitch? But not to worry- if this is the thread everyone wants I'll join ya. Ya betcha.)

Nitpick with the title of this thread: Sarah Palin HAS resigned, EFFECTIVE July 6.

Tonight at music we talked about whether she will be here in Juneau for the 50th Statehood Anniversary. Some said she is here, as of today, that they'd heard someone say that. Others, like me, said they would take a bet on it that she won't appear. Can you imagine the questions she would have to field. I wouldn't be surprised if national newspeople were also here.

Unless it is attention she craves?

04 Jul 09 - 07:15 AM (#2671335)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

"Faulkner is perfectly clear and lucid..."

          Yeah, but you have to read several pages--sometimes the whole book--to get there. My point is, the media is calling her remarks "rambling." It appears that way, but everything she said had a point.

04 Jul 09 - 09:12 AM (#2671370)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ron Davies

Rig, get those stars out of your eyes --(even though it's the 4th).   Sarah still believes that drivel about those who don't support her being un-American, and the drivel about Armageddon, and the drivel about abstinence as the solution to teenage pregnancy and.....

Sounds like the question is: how much of this do you believe?

Point is: she already has a big national fan base and can now likely pick up some erstwhile financial supporters of Sanford by declaring she won't be occupied as governor of Alaska in 2012. Consider EMILY (Early Money Is LIke Yeast) on the Democratic side. That's true across the political spectrum.

And the Neanderthals who supported her in 2008 are ready to do so again.   Does that by any chance include you?

04 Jul 09 - 09:14 AM (#2671371)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Greg F.

If only someone could figure out what that point IS.

Palin was, is now, and ever shall be an idiot.

04 Jul 09 - 10:23 AM (#2671392)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Alice

A criminal indictment of Palin is pending authorization in Alaska - Palin actually looked anxious and worried in her statement, and soon we will know why.

04 Jul 09 - 10:41 AM (#2671403)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Charley Noble


I thought I heard the old man say,
"By, by, my Sarah Palin;
You're bound to run another day,
But you won't be Gov tomorrow!"

Another old shanty brought up to date. I'm not sure if it's best used for heavin' or haulin', or just catching crabs!

Charley Noble

04 Jul 09 - 10:56 AM (#2671411)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Alice


--- In Alaska it's become known as "the iceberg." The iceburg is rumored to be a piece of news that's so damaging, and so big, it will sink the S.S. Palin. The rumors also exist that it's coming soon. Speculation about IRS problems, issues with other three-letter organizations, more ethics complaints, and embezzlement abound. Questions have been raised about the construction of Palin's house by a bunch of Todd's buddies, at the same time that a giant sports complex was being built in Wasilla, and right after building codes had been abolished by the then mayor of Wasilla, one Sarah Palin. ----------

04 Jul 09 - 11:03 AM (#2671414)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: catspaw49

Sounds as if my earlier post regarding her rectal resizing may be more true that I joked! If even a forth of this stuff is true, she's gonna get her ass reamed but good!   

I can't wait.   Hopefully it spills over onto her husband as well.


04 Jul 09 - 11:10 AM (#2671418)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

Well, that explains the whole thing. She needs time to be convicted and the un-convicted, like Ted Stevens, before she can go on. The IRS shouldn't be a problem, she could follow the lead of all those Democrats that had to turn down cabinet posts. All of that will be old news by 2012.

04 Jul 09 - 11:13 AM (#2671420)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: dick greenhaus

Somehow, it seems that it's pointless for amateurs to attempt to demean Ms. Palin--she does a thoroughly professional job of it herself.

04 Jul 09 - 11:28 AM (#2671429)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

I agree with Riginslinger as to what she said in her news conference. If one accepts her reasoning as stated, she developed it logically.

Of course, any high school valedictorian could have done the same.

04 Jul 09 - 11:53 AM (#2671448)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Bobert

...or even a C- student, for that matter...

04 Jul 09 - 12:29 PM (#2671478)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Bill D

*IF* there are legal troubles brewing, that could explain all this....if not, she simply realizes she can make more $$$$$ as a 'celebrity' than as a politician. She will probably write a book, no matter which.

04 Jul 09 - 01:55 PM (#2671530)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ron Davies

She already has a multimillion dollar book contract.   As do GWB ($7 million) and Cheney ($2 million).

Let's see what comes out of Alaska--will the iceberg be big enough to sink her?

Never a dull moment, it seems.

04 Jul 09 - 02:12 PM (#2671531)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Alice

This is what I posted on this thread yesterday...
"Rumor has it the truth about their home that was built using materials from the hockey center (that she put Wasilla in debt with) will be coming to light. We'll see."

I'm seeing more reference now to the materials they used to build their house.... as the "iceberg scandal" about to hit the Palins.


"Though Todd Palin told Fox News he built his Lake Lucille home with the help of a few "buddies," according to Barrett's report, public records revealed that SBS supplied the materials for the house. While serving as mayor of Wasilla, Sarah Palin blocked an initiative that would have required the public filing of building permits—thus momentarily preventing the revelation of such suspicious information.

Just months before Palin left city hall to campaign for governor, she awarded a contract to SBS to help build the $13 million Wasilla Sports Complex. The most expensive building project in Wasilla history, the complex cost the city an addition $1.3 million in legal fees and threw it into severe long-term debt. For SBS, however, the bloated and bungled project was a cash cow."

There is an in-depth article in the Village Voice on this subject. Back during the presidential campaign, I posted a link to the Village Voice article somewhere in one of the Mudcat threads.


04 Jul 09 - 02:23 PM (#2671539)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

The first time I ever saw Sarah Palin's face was a few years back when Piper was perhaps two years old. She made a commercial for SBS (a building supply house).

04 Jul 09 - 02:33 PM (#2671547)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

By the way, Palin did NOT make an appearance at the 50th Anniversary celebration, even though I was told this morning that she definitely is in town (the Governor's 'mansion' sits not quite two blocks from the festivities). The July 4th Parade will begin about an hour and a half from now. Perhaps she will be in it. (?)

One gets the feeling that this is a troubled woman. Maybe I got that idea only from this thread though. :)

04 Jul 09 - 02:39 PM (#2671550)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: robomatic

I've found her painful to listen to for some time. She colors her phrasing with religious imagery as if she's addressing a Sunday school service with lots of kids in the congregation. And the logic of her statements is fleeting. The worst part about it is that it is hard to dismiss the notion that she believes what she says.

She's sorta reminiscent of Ronald Reagon only without the intellectualism.

04 Jul 09 - 02:58 PM (#2671561)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

"She's sorta reminiscent of Ronald Reagon only without the intellectualism."

                  My god, who could find any intellectualims about Ronald Reagan. He makes Sarah Palin look like Margaret Mead.

04 Jul 09 - 05:01 PM (#2671623)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Genie

I don't see Palin as "Reaganesque" at all. As much as I hated most of his policies, I realize that Reagan's public image and rhetoric were for the most part inclusive-sounding and optimistic with a ring of idealism. (More's the pity, since his personality helped him win over lots of people who really didn't agree with his political views.)    Regan could be snarky (e.g., the famous crack about "the seven most terrifying words ..."), but he generally came across like a warm, benevolent father figure. Palin, by contrast, almost from her first public appearance as VP candidate, has taken on a sarcastic smart-ass, highly judgmental persona -- going so far as to frequently accuse her political opponents of such things as hanging out with terrorists. She belittles everyone who sees the world differently than she does and often makes pretty vile accusations about their patriotism, honesty, and integrity.   (Consider, for example, that she's been urging people to label David Letterman a "pedophile," boycott his show, and maybe even seek prosecution, because he told a bad joke which she chose to assume was about her 14-year-old.)

To paraphrase Dubya, Palin is stridently a "divider," not a "uniter."   She's basically a prettier version of Ann Coulter.   Her books and public appearances should net her many millions.

04 Jul 09 - 06:21 PM (#2671670)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Peter T.

The kind of woman who gives bedbugs a run for their money.

The complete implosion of the Republican party continues. One can only imagine what on earth will be left in the ruins, apart from the even more total wingnuts, the fascists, and the godfearing adulterers.   Anyone know if Ross Perot is still alive?

Peter T.

04 Jul 09 - 06:23 PM (#2671671)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

I think of her as Bush in drag.

04 Jul 09 - 06:40 PM (#2671680)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: SharonA

Peace and Kendall: True, Palin did not say that she could see Russia from her house. I was referring to Saturday Night Live's send-up of her statement during an interview on September 11, 2008: "They're our next-door neighbors and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska." I referred to it because I was reminded of that particular gaffe by her recent challenge to run a footrace against Obama. Both are examples of her skewed logic: she seemed to think that Alaska's proximity to Russia somehow proved that she had ample foreign-policy experience to qualify her to be Vice-President (without describing what she had actually done); and she seemed to think that winning an endurance run against Obama somehow proved that she could be a worthy opponent in a political race against him (for the Presidency in 2012, perhaps?).

- - - - - - - -

Can't help wondering if she's resigning because her 14-year-old daughter is pregnant and that she conceived during that trip to New York that David Letterman joked about (after which Palin raised holy hell and Letterman apologized ad nauseum).

Nahhh, it's got to be because of the political iceberg that's looming ever closer to her, or because the Republican machine told her she had no place to go but out. Her MO is to use her concerns for her family as a smokescreen to obfuscate her concerns for herself and her political persona, so the more she whines about how her kids are being picked on, the more we should focus on what she's done that she's trying to hide.

- - - - - - -

PEDANT ALERT: Joe Offer said, "One would think that if she were planning to run for President, it would be good for her to finish out her term as Governor - I suppose it ends late in 2010, since she was elected in 2006." I thought that this was incorrect because some US governors' terms begin in the January following their election, but then I looked it up! In Alaska, the governor's term commences on the first Monday in the December following the election (i.e. in the same year).

04 Jul 09 - 07:16 PM (#2671709)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Alice


"The iceberg scandal allegations were all detailed during the election in 2008 in a lengthy piece by the Village Voice, but the federal investigation was still in its infancy and the allegations faded from public attention, until now.

According to the Village Voice, the contractor for the controversial $12.5 million Sports Complex, Spenard Building Supplies has close ties to the Palins. Spenard is a huge sponsor of Todd Palin's snow-machine team, responsible for tens of thousands in income for the Palins. Spenard also hired Sarah Palin to be a pitch woman for a television commercial in 2004

The building supply company is also a financial political contributor of Sarah Palin's

The iceberg scandal is one of simple greed, corruption and influence peddling. The scandal involves the construction of the Wasilla Sports Complex at the same time Palin's home was built. According to Antoine Bricks of Spenard's Wasilla's office, the builder supplied materials for Palin's home.

The builder even filed a notice "of its right to assert a lien" on the deed for the Palin property, which is standard when beginning a building project for labor and materials, as it apparently did for Palin. The arrangement between Spenard and the Palins was anything but standard, however.

Todd Palin was quoted as telling Fox News that he built the expensive 3,450-square-foot, lakefront home himself with the help of some "buddies." These "buddies" were apparently named Spenard and were allegedly quite generous with their time and materials.

Interestingly, Sarah Palin during her tenure as Mayor, decided that Wasilla would not require the filing of building permits, an action she took right before the building of her home, with the alleged help of Spenard contractors and materials. Without the filing of building permits, Palin effectively kept the identities of the people involved in the building of her home out of the public eye.

The scandal also suggests embezzlement. Spenard billed Wasilla for materials supposedly used to construct the Sports Complex, but allegedly diverted some of those materials to construct the Palin home. Both Palin's home and the Sports Complex are said to feature the "same windows, same wood, same products."

The Sports Complex was a hugely expensive project for the small town of Wasilla, costing the town an additional $1.3 million in legal fees due to legal land title issues, overlooked by Palin as Mayor, which plunged the town into debt that it's still attempting to recover from."

04 Jul 09 - 09:11 PM (#2671747)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

"I think of her as Bush in drag."

       Of course, that's not as bad as Reagan!

04 Jul 09 - 09:25 PM (#2671754)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

Associated Press that the Facebook posting was written by the governor.
          This from the AP:
   "...Palin attorney Thomas Van Flein on Saturday warned legal action may be taken against bloggers and publications that reprint what he calls fraudulent claims.

"To the extent several websites, most notably liberal Alaska blogger Shannyn Moore, are now claiming as 'fact' that Governor Palin resigned because she is 'under federal investigation' for embezzlement or other criminal wrongdoing, we will be exploring legal options this week to address such defamation," Van Flein said in a statement. "This is to provide notice to Ms. Moore, and those who re-publish the defamation, such as Huffington Post, MSNBC, the New York Times and The Washington Post, that the Palins will not allow them to propagate defamatory material without answering to this in a court of law."

04 Jul 09 - 09:42 PM (#2671760)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: pdq

In the last year or so, it seems that the Palin fanmily has been subjected to 15 "ethics violation" claims, all triumped-up BS done for the sole purpose of destroying her career.

Fighting these BS charges has cost her and her family 1/2 million dollars. She does not have that kind of money to spend.

If she needs a contribution I will send what I can.

Just because people have different points of view they should not be destroyed by professional characer assassins.

04 Jul 09 - 10:16 PM (#2671772)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Genie

For better or worse, public figures, including politicians and political candidates, are generally exempt from the libel and scandal laws that apply to ordinary citizens. Just think of the allegations that were (and continue to be) hurled at the Clintons, the Obamas, etc. -- allegations ranging from corruption in office to insider trading to rape to murder.   
Yes, it can be damaging and costly to the public figures in question, but without such waivers, I think political investigative journalism and discourse would be severely stifled, to the detriment of the public.

I do think that libel and scandal laws should protect public figures from outright accusations that are both severely damaging and blatantly false or totally unsubstantiated. E.g., I don't think you should be able to claim "_________ is known to have embezzled from his/her company (or state)" or "_______ fathered an illegitimate child by _______ while in office," etc.
But bloggers, newspaper columnists, radio talk show hosts, etc., almost always couch their stories in safe language such as "alleged" or "sources tell us that ... ". I can't see how Palin could successfully sue bloggers or news publications for reporting the facts they have and then suggesting hypotheses as to where those facts might lead.

04 Jul 09 - 10:55 PM (#2671784)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ron Davies

"...cost her family 1/2 million". She does not have that kind of money?

Uh, check her book contract.   And if you don't think deep-pocketed Neanderthals are also bankrolling her, you need to do a bit more research.

But if you feel the need to throw your money down that rathole, by all means don't let us stop you. Even if most Mudcatters are a bit more intelligent than to do that.

05 Jul 09 - 01:14 AM (#2671830)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

"I can't see how Palin could successfully sue bloggers or news publications for reporting the facts they have and then suggesting hypotheses as to where those facts might lead."

                     They can't be sued for reporting facts, but the New York times has a reputation for not doing that, Jason Blair, Judith Miller, and etc.

05 Jul 09 - 01:40 AM (#2671838)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: bet

Glad she's gone. Hope she stays home! bet

05 Jul 09 - 01:45 AM (#2671839)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: katlaughing

Hey, Sis, Happy 4th! I'll bet a lot of Alaskans feel the same way about her quitting!

05 Jul 09 - 03:21 AM (#2671853)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: SharonA

The latest from the Los Angeles Times is this...

Sarah Palin not under FBI investigation, agency spokesman says

By Josh Meyer
July 5, 2009

Reporting from Washington -- A day after Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin resigned, a federal official in her home state dismissed one potential explanation for her sudden and unexpected resignation: a rumored FBI investigation into the former Wasilla mayor on public corruption charges.

Despite rumors of a looming controversy after the Republican governor's surprise announcement Friday that she would leave office this month, some of them published in the blogosphere, the FBI's Alaska spokesman said the bureau had no investigation into Palin for her activities as governor, as mayor or in any other capacity.

"There is absolutely no truth to those rumors that we're investigating her or getting ready to indict her," Special Agent Eric Gonzalez said in a phone interview Saturday. "It's just not true." He added that there was "no wiggle room" in his comments for any kind of inquiry.

The FBI has been active in mounting corruption investigations in Alaska, some to see whether local, state and federal lawmakers illegally received favors, money or free construction work from businesses or people seeking favors.

The most high-profile case was against former Republican Sen. Ted Stevens, whose conviction last year on charges of lying on Senate ethics forms stemmed from charges that a politically connected developer had done work on his house illegally.

The Obama administration Justice Department threw out the charges in April, saying prosecutors had failed to turn over potentially helpful information to Stevens' defense team. Some bloggers have speculated that such an FBI investigation was underway on Palin, who still had 18 months left in her term.

Also Saturday, the former GOP vice presidential nominee posted a statement on her Facebook page, not offering specifics but indicating that she had broad goals after she leaves the governor's office.

She did not say whether she planned to run for president in 2012, but criticized media coverage of her announcement:

"How sad that Washington and the media will never understand; it's about country. And though it's honorable for countless others to leave their positions for a higher calling and without finishing a term, of course we know by now, for some reason a different standard applies for the decisions I make."

05 Jul 09 - 03:32 AM (#2671858)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Genie

Genie said: "I can't see how Palin could successfully sue bloggers or news publications for reporting the facts they have and then suggesting hypotheses as to where those facts might lead."

To which Riginslinger replied: "They can't be sued for reporting facts, but the New York times has a reputation for not doing that, Jason Blair, Judith Miller, and etc."

Actually, Rig, I believe the John Roberts SCOTUS recently ruled (or was it the Rehnquist court?) that the media are not required to be truthful in either their reporting or in advertising.   I don't agree with that ruling, but it seems it's now the law.

Oh, and I'd say the NY Times has (and deserves) a better reputation for truth and accuracy i journalism than Rupert Murdoch's many "news" outlets do. : )

05 Jul 09 - 03:39 AM (#2671861)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Genie

Palin: "How sad that Washington and the media will never understand; it's about country. And though it's honorable for countless others to leave their positions for a higher calling and without finishing a term, of course we know by now, for some reason a different standard applies for the decisions I make."

Huh? Who are these "countless others" who have resigned mid-term "for a higher calling" and not been criticized for that?

I can't think of any.

05 Jul 09 - 03:41 AM (#2671863)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Richard Bridge

Hmm, that last quote from Palin above almost sounds like the sort of thing Nixon might have said.

05 Jul 09 - 03:48 AM (#2671865)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

pdq, not all of the ethics suits were found to be frivolous. For instance, she agreed to reimburse the state for almost $10,000 for her children's travel.

I don't know how much debt she has but the greater share of the costs that the State has incurred in investigating the ethics complaints resulted from her own lawsuit against herself in order to have the board that she herself appointed investigate the ethics; this was after the State had found her at fault. Her own board cleared her.

05 Jul 09 - 06:50 AM (#2671922)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

pdq said - "Just because people have different points of view they should not be destroyed by professional characer assassins."

             I think that's what's really at the root of what irks me about it all, pdq. Politically, I don't agree with very much of Sarah Palin's agenda, but what the left wing media has done to her is far worse than anything Fox, Limbaugh or any of the screaming righties have ever done to a left wing candidate, at least since McCarthy. They've shown themselves to be real sleaze-bags.

05 Jul 09 - 08:03 AM (#2671946)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: SharonA

Now, hold on thar, Rig. Palin herself has done more than her fair share of name-calling and mischaracterization of people and groups she doesn't like, to the point of character assassination. I don't think that the left-wing media has done much of anything to her; she's done virtually all the damage to herself and then whined about how the left-wing media has pointed out that fact.

05 Jul 09 - 08:32 AM (#2671955)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

Sharon - I don't think you've been watching your Keith Olbermann. And that "Vanity Fair," piece that ran last week was the slimiest piece of journalism I think I've ever seen.

05 Jul 09 - 09:32 AM (#2671983)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: SharonA

Rig: He's not my Keith Olbermann.

Just scanned the Vanity Fair article by Todd Purdum entitled "It Came from Wasilla" -- is that the one of which you speak? I didn't see anything "slimy" in it. On the contrary, it's pretty insightful and sums up the problem with Palin well. Please quote the part you think is slimy.

05 Jul 09 - 10:05 AM (#2671999)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: wysiwyg

Sharon, here's a hot tip since you have not been around here much. Rig has a long record for completely senseless badminton. (Most of us just ignore it.) No one with any sense will confuse a lack of "defending" yourself from his posts with you being, in any way, wrong.


05 Jul 09 - 10:12 AM (#2672003)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Alice

The main stream media gave Palin a pass on her husband Todd's 7 year membership in a secessionist party. It would not have even been exposed so much as it is now in the CBS report, except that her emails showed that she tried to get the McCain campaign to lie about it.

Sarah is her own worst enemy. She keeps stirring the pot and the results are negative for her. She tries to get people to label Letterman as a pedophile because he made a bad joke. She complains about bloggers who have the right of freedom of speech to express their point of view. Now she looks like a kid pouting on the playground, picking up her jacks and going home.

05 Jul 09 - 11:10 AM (#2672023)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Alice

By the way, "law enforcement" does not necessarily mean just the FBI, as in 'law enforcement here in Alaska yesterday afternoon regarding Palin "a criminal indictment is pending authorization."' We just have to wait and see what comes to light.

05 Jul 09 - 11:11 AM (#2672024)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ron Davies

Also depends on who you call a left-wing candidate.   During the 2008 campaign, a flyer was sent out with the cover something along the lines of "Sympathy for Terrorists!"   And a big picture of Obama on the inside. Then there are the chants of "Barack Hussein Obama" and emphasis on the second name by various people at pro-McCain/Palin rallies.

I suppose this is just fine with Mr. Rig.

But any other observer would easily see this is at least as slimy as what has happened to good old Sarah.

Unless of course they are blissfully ignorant of how propaganda works.

And what about Sarah's insistence in various speeches that her opposition were not "real Americans"? Also just fine with Mr. Rig?

That comes under the heading of slime, I'd say. And typical Bushite smears.

But anybody who says "all" Murdoch's organs are totally unreliable is also dead wrong.   Officially Murdoch "owns" the WSJ. But so far there has been no change in the reporting. I challenge anybody to find an unreliable article--NB:   the reporting, not the troglodyte editorial page.   For my money the WSJ still has the best reporting of any newspaper in the world--or at least is the equal of the best newspapers in accuracy of reporting. If anybody thinks there is a better one, let's have the name, please.

05 Jul 09 - 11:25 AM (#2672035)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Alice

Here is what Karl Rove, Bush's master mind, had to say about Palin's resignation, from CNN:

'He called her move unclear and therefore a potentially harmful strategy for a politician.

"Effective strategies in politics are ones that are so clear and obvious that people can grasp," Rove said. "It's not clear what she's doing and why."'

05 Jul 09 - 11:39 AM (#2672043)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: GUEST,Dani

From Maureen Dowd this morning:


05 Jul 09 - 11:41 AM (#2672045)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ron Davies

And if Mr. Rove, the master, bar none, of murky underhand tactics, can't understand Sarah's latest move, that really is saying something.

I understand some Republicans are annoyed at her because by this action she has made herself an automatic lame duck. And a quitter--with over a year to go in her term as governor.

Neither of which are seen as good qualities in a politician, for some reason.

05 Jul 09 - 11:51 AM (#2672056)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

"We say good for her, however, because it's been nearly a year since the first-term governor has acted like she actually wanted the job. Still unknown, however, is why Palin is calling it quits, though her press office has given numerous reasons for why she isn't. They say:

• It wasn't because Palin can't take the criticism that comes with being an elected official.

• It wasn't because she is planning to run for higher office.

"• It wasn't because of bad press and bloggers."

AK Capital City Editorial on Palin's Departure

05 Jul 09 - 11:58 AM (#2672064)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ron Davies

How about that?--Maureen agrees with me (3 July 2009 10:43 PM) that Sarah, at her last "press conference" was "burbling".

I wonder if she also might agree about "Governor Barbie".

But we still should not underestimate Sarah--just as it's not really a good idea to underestimate a cobra. (And a cobra is actually a bit different from William Faulkner, Rig).

Even though it's a constant struggle not to underestimate her.

In her own milieu--Right to Life gatherings, etc. she's still a superstar.

And she did get out the Neanderthal base for McCain in the 2008 election. Which he never could have done himself. They still called him "Juan McCain", for instance.

It was only the financial collapse--and McCain's pathetic response to it, in contrast to Obama's quiet confidence--which elected Obama.

Some think Sarah united the Hillary folks behind Obama, But I suspect they would have come out for Obama anyway on Election Day--the Supreme Court is just too important.

05 Jul 09 - 12:40 PM (#2672089)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: pdq

Judge Orders Probe of Attorneys in Stevens Case

Prosecutor Misconduct Alleged In Former Senator's Trial

By Del Quentin Wilber
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, April 8, 2009

A federal judge focused scrutiny yesterday on a small Justice Department unit assigned to root out corruption when he dismissed the conviction of former senator Ted Stevens and appointed an outside lawyer to investigate allegations of misconduct by prosecutors.

The rare move to turn the investigation on the prosecutors themselves puts six federal lawyers, accused of mishandling evidence and witnesses, in the awkward position of becoming potential defendants in a criminal trial. It also creates a challenge for the Obama administration and Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr., who must put a tainted prosecution behind him as he tries to remake the reputation of his department, which has been troubled in recent years.

The Justice Department would usually examine such accusations internally. But U.S. District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan said yesterday that he has no faith in such an investigation after seeing so much "shocking and disturbing" behavior by the government.

"In 25 years on the bench, I have never seen anything approaching the mishandling and misconduct that I have seen in this case," he said.

The judge aimed his criticism at prosecutors from the Justice Department's public integrity section, which has faced a shortage of experienced prosecutors and other resources, and has drawn attention for not winning convictions in some cases.

Yesterday, Sullivan said he would appoint his own "prosecutor" to determine whether the six Justice Department lawyers should face criminal contempt charges. Convictions on such charges could lead to fines or jail time for the lawyers, who range from front-line prosecutors to the head of the public integrity section.

Last week, a new team of prosecutors asked Sullivan to dismiss Stevens's conviction and indictment after uncovering notes from previous prosecutors that contradicted testimony from a key government witness. Under court rules, the notes should have been turned over to defense attorneys before the trial, but Stevens's legal team did not receive copies until last month. Stevens was convicted in October.

Paul O'Brien, one of the new Justice lawyers, told Sullivan that "we deeply, deeply regret that this occurred." Laura Sweeney, a department spokeswoman, said officials will review Sullivan's order "and will continue to cooperate with the court on this matter."

Yesterday's court action was the latest twist in the troubled prosecution of Stevens, 85, a Republican from Alaska who narrowly lost his reelection bid eight days after he was convicted of seven counts of lying about $250,000 in gifts he received and free renovations to his Alaska house.

Stevens, who smiled before the hearing as he shook hands with the new prosecutors, told Sullivan that the Justice Department had "nearly destroyed" his faith in the legal system. "Their conduct had consequences for me that they will never realize and can never be reversed," he said.

During and after the trial, the judge reprimanded prosecutors several times for how they had handled evidence and witnesses. He chastised prosecutors for allowing a witness to leave town. He grew more agitated when he learned that prosecutors had introduced evidence they knew was inaccurate, and he scolded them for not turning over exculpatory material to the defense.

After the trial, an FBI agent came forward to complain about the conduct of prosecutors and another agent. And in February, Sullivan held three prosecutors in contempt for not complying with an order to produce documents connected to an investigation of the FBI agent's allegations. The judge said the most recent allegation linked to prosecutors' notes was "the most shocking and serious" so far.

Sullivan asked Holder to better train prosecutors in how to handle evidence and witness statements that may be helpful to defendants.

He identified those being investigated for potential contempt violations as four lawyers with the public integrity section: William Welch II, who heads the unit; Brenda Morris, the lead prosecutor on the Stevens case; Nicholas Marsh and Edward Sullivan; and two federal prosecutors from Alaska, Joseph W. Bottini and James Goeke.

To investigate the allegations, Sullivan appointed Henry F. Schuelke III, a former federal prosecutor who the judge said is known for his "fairness, integrity and sound judgment." Schuelke declined to comment.

Under Sullivan's order, Schuelke will review records and e-mail and will interview prosecutors, FBI agents and key witnesses. He will then recommend whether any prosecutors should be tried on charges of intentionally violating Sullivan's orders or rules on handling evidence. The judge could hold a trial in which Schuelke acts as the prosecutor.

Much of yesterday's hearing focused on what transpired during an interview on April 15, 2008, with the key witness, Bill Allen, a close friend of Stevens who is the former chief executive of Veco, a now-defunct oil services company.

During the interview, according to the notes taken by two prosecutors, Allen said he did not recall talking to a friend of Stevens about sending the senator a bill for work done on the house in Alaska, the judge and prosecutors have said.

Under oath at trial, however, Allen testified that the friend told him to ignore a note Stevens sent seeking a bill for the remodeling.

"Bill, don't worry about getting a bill" for Stevens, Allen said the friend told him. "Ted is just covering his [expletive]."

That testimony buttressed prosecutors' arguments that Stevens knew he was receiving gifts and was trying to create a paper trail. But defense attorneys have argued that Allen lied on the stand and that prosecutors allowed it to happen.

"It is clear from the evidence that the government engaged in intentional misconduct," Brendan Sullivan, Stevens's lead attorney, told the judge.

Staff researcher Julie Tate contributed to this report.

05 Jul 09 - 01:07 PM (#2672112)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Art Thieme

Yes, even a dead whale on a flatcar draws crowds.

And when built-up putrid gas pressure expands and bursts forth from the carcass, it doesn't mean that the thing actually blew a fart!


05 Jul 09 - 01:15 PM (#2672116)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

pdq, I thought everyone was already familiar with this. I don't get your point.

05 Jul 09 - 01:36 PM (#2672125)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

"Just scanned the Vanity Fair article by Todd Purdum entitled "It Came from Wasilla" ...I didn't see anything "slimy" in it."

                   This passage pretty much sets the tone for the article. It seems slimy to me. Certainly not objective journalism, and the writer makes less attempt to tone down his own political biases than anything on Fox.

    "As Palin makes her way slowly across the crowded ballroom—dressed all in black; no red Naughty Monkey Double Dare pumps tonight—she is stopped every few inches by adoring fans. She passes the press pen, where at least eight television cameras and a passel of reporters and photographers are corralled, and spots a reporter for a local community newspaper getting ready to take a happy snap with his pocket camera. For a split second she stops, pauses, turns her head and shoulders just so, and smiles. She holds the pose until she's sure the man has his shot and then moves on. A few minutes later, the evening's nominal keynote speaker, the Republican Party's national chairman, Michael Steele, who has been reduced to a footnote in the proceedings, introduces the special guest speaker..."

05 Jul 09 - 02:22 PM (#2672149)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: pdq

The modern version of Vanity Fair has nothing in common with the old one except the name.

The 1920 mag had Dorothy Parker, T. S. Eliot, Gertrude Stein, and Thomas Wolfe. Obviouly had class.

The new Vanity Fair started in 1983 and specializes in publishing nude fotos and accusing celebrities of alcohol and drug abuse. Sometimes worse things. Not much class.

05 Jul 09 - 03:05 PM (#2672166)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Richard Bridge

PDQ, are you not one of the coterie who defends US torture of prisoners? If you defend that government misconduct, why do you not defend the prosecutorial misconduct that you allege - it is still the government trying to get the bad guys, and never mind the rules, isn't it? Or is it OK when your side do it and not when the other side do it?

Or do you condemn the torture?

05 Jul 09 - 03:43 PM (#2672191)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: pdq

Speaking of deceased Cetaceans...

                                                                   there's one now

05 Jul 09 - 03:48 PM (#2672195)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ron Davies

If you don't like the article, Rig:

1)   What exactly in the excerpt you chose do you think is not true?

2)   Vanity Fair, as you might possibly be able to figure out from the title, does not purport to be an objective political journal--if there is such an animal. Also, any yahoo who wants to drop the names of Thomas Wolfe,   Dorothy Parker, etc. should be prepared to tell us how objective the articles by Dorothy Parker and Thomas Wolfe were.   It's even possible that both in the case of the earlier writers, and the current article, one of the goals was-- (gasp)-- entertainment.

05 Jul 09 - 03:55 PM (#2672201)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Barry Finn

That dead beached whale's name is Shara, some respect please.

For dead whales that is


05 Jul 09 - 04:51 PM (#2672226)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ron Davies

Of course I did not mean to say "any yahoo"; actually that should have read "any intellectual giant". Don't know how that mistake could have happened.

05 Jul 09 - 05:19 PM (#2672243)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ron Davies

Also, anybody who knows anything about Dorothy Parker, for instance, would know she was left of center, to say the least.

And, if she wrote an article about the illustrious Sarah, would likely have been delighted to savage Palin far worse than the current article in question has done.   Particularly since Palin is such a fat juicy target.

05 Jul 09 - 05:25 PM (#2672246)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: DougR

I have never read in one space personal attacks on any single individual (and that takes in a lot of very bad folks) that holds a candle to the vicious attacks in this thread on Sarah Palin.

How many of you personally know Sarah Palin?
How many of you have experienced the verbal abuse she has endured simply because her views differ from yours?

Sick, sick, sick.

And most of you consider yourselves liberals. The definition of "liberal" taken from the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language (New Edition): 1. Having, expressing, or following social or political views or policies that favor non-revolutionary progress and reform. 2. Having, expressing, or following views or policies that favor the FREEDOM (my emphasis)of individuals to act or express themselves in a manner of their own choosing. Number five is: "Tolerant of the ideas or behavior of others."

Yeah, right.


05 Jul 09 - 05:59 PM (#2672266)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Richard Bridge

All very well Doug, but she attacks those very ideals. She appears to be a very nasty piece of work.

05 Jul 09 - 05:59 PM (#2672267)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Richard Bridge

Ah, and PDQ, hello??

05 Jul 09 - 06:03 PM (#2672272)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: gnu

Dougie... she's a fuckin airhead. Two clues and all. She doesn't even deserve the disrespect shown to her on this thread. She's beneath even that for her continued crap. She is disgusting.

But, she's one hot babe.... as long as she doesn't talk.

05 Jul 09 - 06:17 PM (#2672278)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

"Vanity Fair, as you might possibly be able to figure out from the title, does not purport to be an objective political journal..."

               A lot like the Wall Street Journal in that respect, what?

05 Jul 09 - 06:42 PM (#2672287)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Art Thieme

If liberals are seen by some as being a bit over the top in their verbalizations concerning conservatives, it ought to be noticed that, as a country, we have endured way over a decade of character assassination from Limbaugh and Newt and so many others. In actuality, Bill Clinton endured the vitriolic personal assassination and impeachment because he had the temerity to say he didn't when he did.

Any extra polemics from liberals now is thoroughly understandable, and even acutely warranted--if not demanded!

Concervatives, your bellowing now in the light of this, your own history, is surely intolerable from the standpoint of those who withstood your non-fragrant belching you called freedom of speech. You did it just because you had the power then, and could do it----so you did.



05 Jul 09 - 07:38 PM (#2672313)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: robomatic

I have never read in one space personal attacks on any single individual (and that takes in a lot of very bad folks) that holds a candle to the vicious attacks in this thread on Sarah Palin.

How many of you personally know Sarah Palin?
How many of you have experienced the verbal abuse she has endured simply because her views differ from yours?

Sick, sick, sick.

And most of you consider yourselves liberals. The definition of "liberal" taken from the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language (New Edition): 1. Having, expressing, or following social or political views or policies that favor non-revolutionary progress and reform. 2. Having, expressing, or following views or policies that favor the FREEDOM (my emphasis)of individuals to act or express themselves in a manner of their own choosing. Number five is: "Tolerant of the ideas or behavior of others."

Yeah, right.


She's my Governor, Doug, (at least for three more weeks). She appeared to be a fairly decent if roughhewn Alaskan right up until August 29 2008. And especially when in the midst of the Republican Convention with her 'aw, shucks' pitbull and lipstick persona (which was a pure persona, I'm sure you'll agree) she allowed herself to become part of a Republican attack machine which could have become another incarnation of "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth".

So you'll probably not be surprised with my non-acceptance of your argument. I think she was a figurehead of a most definite political attack which was ad hominem, flirted with the politics of fear ("pallin' around with terrorists") and prejudicial ("the real America") And she brought with her her own jeering section. Family Values parading with unwed daughter-mother. So just where was the unfairness?

I think when you come down to the political facts of life, she was treated with more fairness than John Kerry, and she brought herself down more than any other character.

I personally harbor no severe feelings toward her other than some gratitude. Her selection by John McCain and her performance in front ofthe general public did the Obama campaign a lot of good.

Unfortunately, her national performance has made it harder for her o govern in Alaska since her eventual return. Maybe that's what she's trying to say in so few words as we've had directly from her.

05 Jul 09 - 08:25 PM (#2672335)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

"If liberals are seen by some as being a bit over the top in their verbalizations concerning conservatives, it ought to be noticed that, as a country, we have endured way over a decade of character assassination from Limbaugh and Newt and so many others."

                   That's true, but the country endured 40 years of liberal media bashing conservatives on the air before conservatives were on the air because the "Fairness Doctrine" kept them off.

05 Jul 09 - 08:31 PM (#2672339)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Charley Noble


Let's just go over one of her rationales for quitting (paraphrasing): that she doesn't won't to be a lame duck squandering the people's money like all the other lame ducks do.

I'm sorry but I know that some lame ducks believe in finishing the job they were elected to do without taking advantage of the position they were elected to. She implies that all lame ducks would take foreign trips, wine and dine their friends, and do little else. Maybe that's what she would actually do and, if so, she's doing the voters a public service by quitting.

I don't have a thing to say about her family, her religion or her physical characteristics. It's her warped point of view that I am critical of, her thinking process, and some of her history.

As a principled person, I would think that you would agree with my negative assessment of Palin, and even be able to expand upon it.

Charley Noble

05 Jul 09 - 08:31 PM (#2672340)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: McGrath of Harlow

People are rude and unkind about political opponents, and that's how the game is played. I can't see that Sarah Palin has been treated any worse than many another.

It'd be better if political discourse was carried on more of the time according to the advice of English politician Tony Benn: "Say what you mean. Mean what you say. Don't make personal attacks. Listen respectfully. Encourage people."

Of course Tony Benn is a socialist rather than a liberal. Unfortunately by no means all socialists see it that way, any more than many liberals or conservatives.

Anyway I'm pleased to see that in the light of the second part of that definition Doug shared with us, it's evidently OK now to refer to him as being "liberal", and that the word is no longer to be seen as an insult.

05 Jul 09 - 08:36 PM (#2672343)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

DougR: "I have never read in one space personal attacks on any single individual (and that takes in a lot of very bad folks) that holds a candle to the vicious attacks in this thread on Sarah Palin."

Since this is a lazy Sunday afternoon I had the time - and interest - to check out DougR's perception of our "vicious" attacks on Sarah Palin. Here, except for the segues which defend her, are the MOST negative of our comments, Doug. I suspect you wouldn't have any difficulty in measuring them against Palin's character assassination (unAmerican, palling around with terrorists, just for starters) It is not a case of winning by a nose. Sarah and her ilk win by a landslide.

1.She senses blood in the water.
2.she rambles on and on and on with incomplete sentences (it's like fingernails on a chalk board)
3.In other words, she's getting out while the getting's good. Guess she finally realized that the R's are out of infatuation with her.
4.She writes stories for them by just opening her mouth. The latest revelations about her disastrous part in the campaign and Todd's awkward past may have told her "it's time"
5.The woman is an idiot.
Segue: "like fingernails on a chalk board>" Strange. That's exactly what happens when I hear Obama. DougR
6.But even her supporters are saying that this is "just bizarre" to do this now.
7.She is, indeed, an idiot.
Segue: Doug, Obama is well spoken, well educated, graduated from Harvard school of law and he taught constitutional law, and you would rather listen to that clueless airhead.
8.Maybe she just wants to be a mom.
9 ya know... clueless... airhead... poorly educated... poor debater... poor speaker... I'll stop there… Of course, I wouldn't want to have to talk to her.
10.most Alaskans see this as a petulant move
11.alaska's loss is alaska's gain.
12.She sounded really emotional at the press conference.
13.Maybe someone found some nude photos of her and is going to release them to the press. .
14.He suspects that she has done something horrendous enough that she doesn't want to be governor when it comes out.
15.She ain't going nowhere's... p.s. BTW, I'm sure Hugh Heffner is on the phone tonight...
16. those who have been follwing the Alaska blogosphere closely are aware of the rumors bubbling up that there's something big
17.I think she's changing jobs.
18.Maybe Rush Limbaugh has decided to retire and needed a replacement.
19.Until then she'll rake in the big bucks doing speeches before her adoring fans..
20.She's numb enough without making up stupid remarks to lay on her.
21.I suspect there are family problems...
22.Or maybe Sarah was enticed by the bright lights of big-time politics, and took up with a Congressman from...
23.Word on the street is that Ms. Sarah is carryin' Michael Jackson's baby...
24."...lay on her...", Capt'n??? Little Freudian slip showin' there???
25.Rumor has it the truth about their home that was built using materials from the hockey center (that she put Wasilla in debt with) will be coming to light.
26.An undisclosed source reported on MSNBC that she is scheduled into Bartlett Regional Hospital under her former name of Mittsy Jagov for a rectal resizing surgery.
27.I will not stand idly by and hear my beloved Sarah Palin maligned in that fashion. I'm callin' you out, man...
28.I heard her burbling on about how she will "pass the ball and get the victory" or some strained analogy of that sort and I could think of nothing but "Governor Barbie".
29.However, it's hard to avoid underestimating her
30.How much do you want to bet that the party told her the time was up?
31.some are speculating that she wants to step down to devote more time gearing up to run for the White House in 2012,
32.Maybe she's gonna write books and be the next Ann Coulter or go on the rubber-chicken circuit as a public speaker or become a rich lobbyist for the oil or turkey industries?
33.She's resigning before the real s*** hits the fan: "Here's a quote I got from law enforcement here in Alaska yesterday afternoon regarding Palin "a criminal indictment is pending authorization."
34."The sun is going down on her home town, just like they say a good thing never lasts"
35.Sarah Palin is a beautiful woman, and makes great eye contact and speaks clearly. People shouldn't confuse that outward communication with intellect or ability, yet her core group of admirers apparently do just that.
36.I disagree that she's beautiful. Calculation in her eyes--they speak volumes. And her remarks make her close to ugly, imo
37.she's a wonderful source of entertainment to us on the right-hand side of the Atlantic!
38.if this is the thread everyone wants I'll join ya. Ya betcha.)
39.Sarah still believes that drivel about those who don't support her being un-American, and the drivel about Armageddon, and the drivel about abstinence as the solution to teenage pregnancy and... And the Neanderthals who supported her in 2008 are ready to do so again. ..
40.Palin was, is now, and ever shall be an idiot.
41.A criminal indictment of Palin is pending authorization in Alaska - Palin actually looked anxious and worried in her statement, and soon we will know why.
42.If even a forth of this stuff is true, she's gonna get her ass reamed but good!   
43.Somehow, it seems that it's pointless for amateurs to attempt to demean Ms. Palin--she does a thoroughly professional job of it herself.
44.One gets the feeling that this is a troubled woman.
45.I've found her painful to listen to for some time. She colors her phrasing with religious imagery as if she's addressing a Sunday school service with lots of kids in the congregation. And the logic of her statements is fleeting. The worst part about it is that it is hard to dismiss the notion that she believes what she says.
She's sorta reminiscent of Ronald Reagon only without the intellectualism.
46.I don't see Palin as "Reaganesque" at all.
47.The kind of woman who gives bedbugs a run for their money.
48.I think of her as Bush in drag.
Segue: This from the AP:
   "...Palin attorney Thomas Van Flein:
"To the extent several websites, most notably liberal Alaska blogger Shannyn Moore, are now claiming as 'fact' that Governor Palin resigned because she is 'under federal investigation' for embezzlement or other criminal wrongdoing, we will be exploring legal options this week to address such defamation," Van Flein said in a statement. "This is to provide notice to Ms. Moore, and those who re-publish the defamation, such as Huffington Post, MSNBC, the New York Times and The Washington Post, that the Palins will not allow them to propagate defamatory material without answering to this in a court of law."

Segue: Fighting these BS charges has cost her and her family 1/2 million dollars. She does not have that kind of money to spend. If she needs a contribution I will send what I can.
Segue: For better or worse, public figures, including politicians and political candidates, are generally exempt from the libel and scandal laws that apply to ordinary citizens. Just think of the allegations that were (and continue to be) hurled at the Clintons, the Obamas, etc. -- allegations ranging from corruption in office to insider trading to rape to murder.   

49.Glad she's gone. Hope she stays home!
Segue: The latest from the Los Angeles Times is this...Sarah Palin not under FBI investigation, agency spokesman says
50.Palin: "How sad that Washington and the media will never understand; it's about country. And though it's honorable for countless others to leave their positions for a higher calling and without finishing a term, of course we know by now, for some reason a different standard applies for the decisions I make."

Huh? Who are these "countless others" who have resigned mid-term "for a higher calling" and not been criticized for that? I can't think of any.

51.that last quote from Palin above almost sounds like the sort of thing Nixon might have said.

52.the greater share of the costs that the State has incurred in investigating the ethics complaints resulted from her own lawsuit against herself in order to have the board that she herself appointed investigate the ethics; this was after the State had found her at fault. Her own board cleared her.

53.The main stream media gave Palin a pass on her husband Todd's 7 year membership in a secessionist party. It would not have even been exposed so much as it is now in the CBS report, except that her emails showed that she tried to get the McCain campaign to lie about it.

54.Sarah is her own worst enemy. She keeps stirring the pot and the results are negative for her. She tries to get people to label Letterman as a pedophile because he made a bad joke. She complains about bloggers who have the right of freedom of speech to express their point of view. Now she looks like a kid pouting on the playground, picking up her jacks and going home.'s been nearly a year since the first-term governor has acted like she actually wanted the job.

56.Maureen agrees with me (3 July 2009 10:43 PM) that Sarah, at her last "press conference" was "burbling".

57.And, if she (Dorothy Parker) wrote an article about the illustrious Sarah, would likely have been delighted to savage Palin far worse than the current article in question has done.   Particularly since Palin is such a fat juicy target.

05 Jul 09 - 08:42 PM (#2672347)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: curmudgeon

"... but the country endured 40 years of liberal media bashing conservatives on the air before conservatives were on the air because the "Fairness Doctrine" kept them off."

This has to be the stupidest statement I've read since GWB left office.

05 Jul 09 - 08:42 PM (#2672348)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Alice

"because the "Fairness Doctrine" kept them off."

WHAT???!! The fairness doctrine didn't keep conservatives off the air.

05 Jul 09 - 08:45 PM (#2672350)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

Rig, purposely or not, that has to be perhaps the most ignorant statement I have ever heard.

The Fairness Doctrine forced media to make airtime available to each side of a controversial issue.

05 Jul 09 - 08:53 PM (#2672356)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Alice

Wow, Ebbie, I'm impressed.

You did leave out where I responded to the denial about the FBI. If you look at all the denial press releases, they keep saying no FBI, but no one in the Alaska blogs I read said anything about the FBI.

By the way, "law enforcement" does not necessarily mean just the FBI, as in 'law enforcement here in Alaska yesterday afternoon regarding Palin "a criminal indictment is pending authorization."' We just have to wait and see what comes to light.

05 Jul 09 - 08:58 PM (#2672360)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Richard Bridge

If the "fairness doctrine" kept conservatives off the air, what does that tell us about conservatives?

05 Jul 09 - 09:04 PM (#2672364)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

Alice, I waffled about the FBI thing- I was looking for pithy one liners. Sorry. :)

Richard, I should have added that the Fairness Doctrine forced media to give EQUAL time to all sides. It was Reagan who abolished the rule.

05 Jul 09 - 09:40 PM (#2672374)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: pdq

What Happened to Fairness?

More on This Story:
History of the Fairness Doctrine

"You may remember hearing about Sinclair Broadcast Group in October 2004. They attracted attention from other media outlets when they announced plans to air STOLEN HONOR, described by some as an "anti-Kerry documentary." Ultimately, the documentary was not aired, as critics called for balance from Sinclair by way of programming that showed the other side of the story, calling on a principle called the "fairness doctrine." While this doctrine is no longer enforced by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), it hasn't faded from public discourse. What is the history behind this doctrine?

The Communications Act of 1934, as amended, called for stations to offer "equal opportunity" to all legally qualified political candidates running for office. (Learn about the history of televised presidential debates.) The idea was to ensure even-handedness in a time when available frequencies were limited. This federal law did not apply to news programs, interviews, and documentaries. During the 1940s, stations were prevented by the FCC's "Mayflower Doctrine" from editorializing, but by the end of the decade, the ban had softened to allow editorializing only if other points of view were also aired to balance those of the station.

In 1949, the FCC adopted the fairness doctrine, a policy that viewed station licensees as "public trustees" and, as such, responsible for addressing controversial issues of public importance. The key requirement was that stations allowed opportunity for discussion of contrasting points of view on these issues.

Later, in 1967, two corollary doctrines were added. The first was the political editorial rule, requiring that if a station editorialized either for or against a candidate for public office, the station had to notify the disfavored candidate within 24 hours and allow him/her to reply to the editorial; the second was the personal attack rule, which states that when a person or group's character or integrity is impugned during the discussion of a controversial issue, the station must notify the person within one week, and offer a reasonable time for response.

By the 1980s, many stations saw the FCC rules as an unnecessary burden. Some journalists considered the fairness doctrine a violation of the First Amendment rights of free speech and free press; they felt reporters should be able to make their own decisions about balancing stories. In order to avoid the requirement of presenting contrasting viewpoints, some journalists chose not to cover certain controversial issues at all. In addition, the political climate of the Reagan administration favored deregulation. When the fairness doctrine came before the courts in 1987, they decided that since the doctrine was not mandated by Congress, it did not have to be enforced. FCC suspended all but the two corollary doctrines at this time.

As this was happening, Congress passed a bill to make the fairness doctrine into law. However, President Reagan vetoed the legislation and there were insufficient votes to override the veto. In 2000, when the FCC failed to justify the two remaining corollary rules, the political editorial rule and the personal attack rule were repealed.

Efforts to resurrect the fairness doctrine have come up again and again before Congress, but no bill has yet been passed. Read a conversation between Bill Moyers and Congresswoman Louise Slaughter about her latest effort, The MEDIA Act.

For further research, visit our FCC and media deregulation resources."

05 Jul 09 - 10:09 PM (#2672389)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: DougR

Wow, Ebbie, I'm impressed too! That took a lot of work.

It didn't change the way I see it though.

I wouldn't be surprised to see Sarah in the United States representing Alaska one of these days. That even could be the reason for her resignation I suppose.


05 Jul 09 - 10:17 PM (#2672391)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Jeri

You mean like Alaska sending her to the US as their ambassador or something?

05 Jul 09 - 10:32 PM (#2672392)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Bee-dubya-ell

There's a cliché about people who've "failed their way to success". Perhaps Ms Palin wants to see if it's possible to skip the failure part and just quit her way to success.

05 Jul 09 - 11:00 PM (#2672398)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Alice

Quitting seems to be a life pattern for her. She quit colleges and majors and skipped around to a lot of different schools before graduating. She quit her position as Wasilla mayor before her term was up. She quit her post on the oil and gas commission. Yup, seems like a pattern.

05 Jul 09 - 11:13 PM (#2672400)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

Here's the problem with the "Fairness Doctrine." 1. The reason people on the right listen to talk radio is because they work. They are in their cars either going to, or coming home from work when they listen to the programs. 2. People on the left do not listen to talk radio because they are at home on welfare. The media they are exposed to are sit-coms and sports casts on television. 3. If a media outlet had to present one hour of Rush Limbaugh and then one hour of somebody like Al Franken, the second hour would be simply dead air because nobody would be listening. That's why Air-America went broke so many times. 4. The sponsors would pull their ads from the second hour and the outlet would go broke. Nobody who works wants to hear that shit.

05 Jul 09 - 11:42 PM (#2672416)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: katlaughing

bobert beat me to it and I don't think the daddy is MJ, but I'll betcha she's preggers.

05 Jul 09 - 11:59 PM (#2672423)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Alice

"because they work"..... oh, brother, as if we don't all work!
Give me a break. I listen to the radio while I work, too, and that doesn't mean it has to be Limbaugh. I know many construction laborers who listen to NPR on the job.

06 Jul 09 - 01:09 AM (#2672450)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

The broadcasts are normally during the morning and afternoon drives. I think that's why it works, they're trapped in their cars and frustrated. I don't think Rush Limbaugh would have ever gotten to first base if he hadn't come along about the same time it was popular to have a car phone--when cell phones came along it just made it that much better.

                So those are the ingrediants 1. commute 2. car phones 3. end of the "Fairness Doctrine."

                Somebody listening to the radio at work wouldn't have an impact unless they could call in, so they might as well listen to NPR. Besides, how many jobs are there where you can listen to the radio at work?

06 Jul 09 - 01:23 AM (#2672452)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: DougR

Liberal talk radio hasn't been successful because there were not enough liberals tuning in. If the ratings had been there, advertisers would have signed on and talk radio would have survived.

Alice: So your point is, if elected president, she would quit before her term is completed? I would think you would rejoice at that possibility.


06 Jul 09 - 01:38 AM (#2672456)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

"Liberal talk radio hasn't been successful because there were not enough liberals tuning in."

             Exactly! They weren't stuck in traffic trying to get to work. They were either sitting in front of a television set counting their food stamps, or they were riding mass-transit.

06 Jul 09 - 02:27 AM (#2672465)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

Ha, I say. The reason that liberals don't listen to talk radio en bloc, en masse, in droves, is that liberals are much more independent and think for themselves much more and more carefully than do conservatives. Conservatives adore having someone else tell them what to think and what to do; they can't survive without it. If they could, they'd be liberals. :)

06 Jul 09 - 02:29 AM (#2672466)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: SharonA

Hi, Susan (WYSIWYG): I see your point. Riginslinger's posts since my last visit to this thread have been absolutely nonsensical, to the point of being trollish. I'll try not to feed him in future.


06 Jul 09 - 02:50 AM (#2672469)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

That's gotta sting, eh, Rig?

06 Jul 09 - 02:55 AM (#2672470)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

Those who are troubled by the lack of "liberal" radio commentary in the USA should move to Canada. ;-) We have a great deal of radio commentary here that would strike the average American conservative as shockingly liberal.

06 Jul 09 - 04:02 AM (#2672494)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: SharonA

This is a must-see -- it's too funny!!! Conservatives will disagree with me, as if I cared. :-D :-D :-D

06 Jul 09 - 07:37 AM (#2672656)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Richard Bridge

Very good. What is the German-language soundtrack really saying?

06 Jul 09 - 08:14 AM (#2672703)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ron Davies

So Doug R does not like Sarah's treatment by some of us here. Surprise, surprise.

OK Doug:   exactly which of our comments can compare with her constant theme of declaring only her supporters to be "real Americans", or strongly implying, if not spelling out, that Obama supports terrorists?   Both of these can and have stimulated some of her supporters to advocate violence against her opponents.

Let's have direct quotes, please, from Ebbie's list or other sources.

I wonder how much patience we'll need to get an answer.

06 Jul 09 - 08:15 AM (#2672706)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

"That's gotta sting, eh, Rig?"

          Not really! Susan is hopelessly addicted to the ancient superstition of Christianity, and therefore incapable of rationial thought. She gets converts where she can get them.

          It is a little uncomfortable defending Sarah Palin, because I disagree politically with almost everything she stands for, but the attacks on her are the most childish and irrational of anything I've ever seen.
          They attack Dick Cheney and Carl Rove this way, but not as viciously and they actually did things that affected the country.

06 Jul 09 - 08:24 AM (#2672717)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ron Davies

Original German:   It's from "Untergang".   Hitler tells his staff how he plans to defend Berlin. One of them tells him his plan won't work and why.   He tells most to leave the room, then explodes at the remaining generals, ranting that all who won't carry out his plans are traitors, losers, etc. He says he will never leave Berlin--"if you think that.....". Towards the end he says the war is lost.

06 Jul 09 - 08:35 AM (#2672725)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ron Davies

Specific quotes: "Es bleiben in Raum:   Keitel, Jodl" (and 2 others)-- "The following are to remain in the room." "Mit ihr eigenen Blut werden sie bezahlen"--With their own blood they will pay".   'Der Krieg is verloren" -- The war is lost.   

And a lot more ranting.

06 Jul 09 - 08:56 AM (#2672741)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Bee-dubya-ell

...Dick Cheney and Carl Rove... actually did things that affected the country.

It's not that Palin actually did anything; it's the fear that, if elected to high office, she would do something.

I personally know a number of conservatives, my own parents included, who found the idea of Palin being a John McCain heart attack away from the Presidency to be sufficient reason to vote for Obama.

06 Jul 09 - 09:19 AM (#2672761)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: SharonA

Susan is hopelessly addicted to the ancient superstition of Christianity, and therefore incapable of rationial thought. She gets converts where she can get them.

If that's not a trolling post, I don't know what is. Riginslinger's "attacks on her [and on me as a 'convert'] are the most childish and irrational of anything" that I have seen here. Riginslinger should take the log out of his own eye.

That is as far as I'm willing to take his bait. Hope that wasn't too big a snack for the troll.

06 Jul 09 - 10:38 AM (#2672838)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

Sharon - I you aren't careful I'll employ my troll powers and you'll wake up in the morning looking like Henry Waxman.

06 Jul 09 - 11:05 AM (#2672869)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: SharonA

Ah, Rig, there ya go making broad assumptions again (i.e. assumptios about this broad). First you assume I'm a convert to Christianity (quite the opposite, in fact), and now you assume that I don't already look like Henry Waxman. :-)

06 Jul 09 - 11:25 AM (#2672893)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Richard Bridge

Thank you Ron. I could hear it was not a la subtitles, but could not get enough to follow the rest...

06 Jul 09 - 11:37 AM (#2672910)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: pdq

Henry Waxman should be put on display at Madame Trousseau's.

06 Jul 09 - 11:52 AM (#2672930)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

Ay, la vida loca!

06 Jul 09 - 11:57 AM (#2672935)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Amos


Your assertions about the right and left are verging on the unhinged; you don't live anywhere near Steve Jobs, do you? I understand he has a strong "reality-distortion field".


06 Jul 09 - 12:23 PM (#2672960)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

I agree that Henry Waxman is not a handsome man. Perhaps that is why he has tried so hard and for so many years to make a difference for his country. What's your excuse? ;)

06 Jul 09 - 12:43 PM (#2672977)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

"What's your excuse? ;)"

             What can I say, I'm a handsome man :-)

   " don't live anywhere near Steve Jobs, do you?"

         No, but we think alike. The difference is, he has money.

06 Jul 09 - 12:45 PM (#2672978)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: McGrath of Harlow

Maybe she just wants to be a mom.

That's a negative comment?   What a strange world we live in...

06 Jul 09 - 12:53 PM (#2672984)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Alice

From the Associated Press, this article from Alaskan's point of view:


"...But to many Alaskans, Palin has been off the job for awhile already, acting as a disengaged presence around the state Capitol since she returned from the presidential campaign trail last year..."

06 Jul 09 - 01:14 PM (#2673001)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: pdq

Having a negative opinion of a politician is perfectly normal.

Expressing a negative opinion about a public figure is perfectly legal.

Conducting a political lynching like 6 federal lawyers did in the rigged trial of Ted Stevens is illegal. These people should do serious prison time.

Using the IRS to scare politicians and public figures is illegal. While Clinton was president, 80% of the Top 100 "conservative talk show hosts" were audited by the IRS at the request of Bill Clinton.

When Bill O'Reilly was audited for the fourth consecutive year, he "called-out" Bill Clinton personally. Clinton cancelled the fourth audit.

We are not talking about a few negative words aimed at Sarah Palin, we are taling about trumped-up criminal charges being leveled 15 times forcing a good person and her husband to spend 1/2 million dollars to defend themselves.

I'm not saying that Sarah Palin is "the best or the brightest". I am saying that "the best and the brightest" do not go into politics anymore because they will face relentless harassment and character assasination like Newt Gingroch, Sarah Palin, Tom DeLay, Tom Ridge, Don Rumsfeld and John Ashcroft did.

06 Jul 09 - 01:18 PM (#2673005)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: curmudgeon

Some documentation for your assertions, PDQ, please.

Thanks - Tom

06 Jul 09 - 01:39 PM (#2673029)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Amos

Newt Gingroch, Sarah Palin, Tom DeLay, Tom Ridge, Don Rumsfeld and John Ashcroft

These are your idea of the best and brightest? Dear me. Shouldn't you have included Karl Rove, and Heckuvajob Brownie?

This merely confirms my assessment, earlier, that your sense of logical analysis is wanting in depth.


06 Jul 09 - 02:27 PM (#2673079)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

Pdq never said that Newt Gingroch, Sarah Palin, Tom DeLay, Tom Ridge, Don Rumsfeld and John Ashcroft were among the best and the brightest, Amos. That was your extrapolation of what he said. What he said was that the best and the brightest among us wouldn't want to go into politics these days because they would fear being targeted in a similar fashion as has happened to many contemporary politicians, and they wouldn't feel it was worth it.

I think he's general. Many fine and exceptional people who might make great leaders just don't want to face the astonishing bullshit and hostility of contemporay politics and have their lives ruined by it.

Barack Obama is one of the best and the brightest who has dared face the vicious nature of today's politics...and so far he is standing up well to it.

06 Jul 09 - 02:34 PM (#2673085)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Amos

Well, I apologize for over-extrapolating and place my acidic comment back in the ready-room for later deployment if needed.

It needs no pointing out that everyone from Washington and Lincoln on up in the history of prominent American politicians has been berated and bedeviled and defamed by critics. FDR was thought by some capitalists to be the devil incarnate and the anti-Christ, Lincoln and Washington were both pathetic losers in their respective wars until they won, and Clinton has been reviled despite his successes because (mostly) the Republicans despised him from themoment he denied Bush I his second term.


06 Jul 09 - 03:22 PM (#2673117)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

Yeah, it's a heartless business.

06 Jul 09 - 04:37 PM (#2673186)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

shees... Your assessment of what pdq meant, Little Hawk, won't wash. He most certainly, imo, was listing them under 'best and brightest'. Parse the sentence and you will see it.

"I am saying that the best and the brightest do not go into politics anymore because they will face relentless harassment and character assasination like Newt Gingroch, Sarah Palin, Tom DeLay, Tom Ridge, Don Rumsfeld and John Ashcroft did." pdq

I am saying that the best and the brightest like Newt Gingrich, Sarah Palin, Tom DeLay, Tom Ridge, Don Rumsfeld and John Ashcroft do not go into politics anymore.

06 Jul 09 - 04:48 PM (#2673198)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: McGrath of Harlow

Here's a piece by the Daily Telegraph's US editor, based in Washington - Sarah Palin: the Empress has no clothes.

"...I've previously recognised Palin's qualities, highlighted the attacks on her and repeatedly given her the benefit of the doubt. But there comes a time when we all have to face reality..." (And the Daily Telegraph is very much a Conservative paper.)

The political culture of vicious personal attacks can be entertaining, but it is unpleasant and destructive, and we'd all be better it it could be curbed. But politicians who have wholeheartedly and ruthlessly played the game that way - and Sarah Palin appears to fit that bill - have little right to complain when they find themselves getting the same treatment.

06 Jul 09 - 04:55 PM (#2673207)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

It depends on how you parse the sentence, Ebbie. He may have meant it the way you interpret it, he may not have. I'm not sure. What I think, though, was that Amos leaped on the chance to interpret it that way...because that would be a fun and handy way to go after pdq...but he ignored the really important point that pdq made...and it's a very valid point: that politics has become such an ugly business that many of the best and brightest in society don't want to even get involved in it.

That's the important matter in what pdq said. It basically doesn't matter whether or not we think that Newt Gingrich or Tom De Lay are or are not among the "best and brightest". It does matter that people's partisanship is turning them into full time character assassins who have an unholy and perverse delight in personally attacking anyone on the other side of the partisan divide.

And it is that which poisons ALL the political threads on this forum.

That matters.

People can do better than this, don't you think? And I mean each one of us here when I say "people".

I also think some of the attacks on Sarah Palin here are just downright childish and quite inappropriate...and keep in mind, I have NO liking for Sarah's political stance whatsoever...but I don't like to see the total lack of respect for other people that is so evident on both the Right and the Left in all these discussions.

It seems pretty shameful going both ways to me.

So Amos wants to prove that pdq's logical analysis is "wanting in depth". What will happen if Amos succeeds? Will pdq be crushed in spirit and go off to live in a monastery? Will he cower, crying, in a corner? Or will he experience a change of heart, convert to fashionable liberalism and join the enlightened ranks that Amos regards as those who will save America...the people truly worthy of respect and acceptance here on Mudcat Cafe? Ohhhhh...the suspense!

(yawn....) Pass me a grape, would you?

06 Jul 09 - 04:57 PM (#2673208)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Amos


Strictly speaking, the people in PDQ's list were objects of the verb phrase "to face...harassment and character assasination...". Therefore LH is technically correct, although it is reasonable to construe his intention as including them as examples of the "best and brightest" noun clause which is the subject of the sentence. It is made even easier to so construe the sentence by PDQ's mistaken use of "like" for "as".


06 Jul 09 - 05:08 PM (#2673221)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: McGrath of Harlow

Anyone who describes herself as a "pitbull with lipstick" is surely committing herself to an attack dog style of political discourse, and implicitly encouraging supporters to wage politics that way. Live by the sword, die by the sword.

Maybe that style is on the way out. It certainly doesn't seem to be Obama's.

06 Jul 09 - 05:12 PM (#2673222)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

It's possible either way, Amos. What I'm thinking, though, is that your immediate instinct was to find something to criticize pdq personally for...criticize his intelligence. And that's not really worthwhile. What's worthwhile is taking a look at how ugly partisan divisiveness has become, and how badly that damages the political process.

Obama's been complaining about it ever since he began campaigning, and with good reason. It obfuscates useful communication. I love that man because he takes the high road. He discusses ideas rather than attacking individuals. Wow. Revolutionary! ;-)

06 Jul 09 - 05:33 PM (#2673240)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: DougR

Ron; Don't hold your breath.

SharonA: I think that little show starring Hitler is damned clever. One can recognize the talent required to produce such "show" without endorsing the message.

In the event that criminal charges are not brought against Sara Palin, (and according to reports from the FBI I have heard she will not)a lot of folks here are going to have a lot of egg on their faces.


06 Jul 09 - 05:40 PM (#2673247)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: pdq

My post of...

Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: pdq - PM
Date: 06 Jul 09 - 01:14 PM

is still there and says..

I'm not saying that Sarah Palin is "the best or the brightest". I am saying that "the best and the brightest" do not go into politics anymore because they will face relentless harassment and character assasination like Newt Gingroch, Sarah Palin, Tom DeLay, Tom Ridge, Don Rumsfeld and John Ashcroft did.

06 Jul 09 - 05:42 PM (#2673250)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Amos

Dammit, LH, you are showing your own bias. I have already withdrawn my acidic remark at PDQ, and furthermore submit it was provoked by his assertions without referent or detail. You are showing your own dueling scars in your haste to accuse me of being over-zealous. Mroowwwwr!


06 Jul 09 - 05:46 PM (#2673253)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Richard Bridge

So, PDQ, lets try that again.

You do support torturing prisoners don't you?

So prosecutors who break the rules (you think) deserve to go to jail, while prison guards and commanders who break the rules should go free?

You think?

06 Jul 09 - 06:29 PM (#2673309)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Alice

More about the IQuitarod....

'Even Fox News has started to turn on Sarah Palin. In the midst of a segment about the Alaska Governor's battle against "liberal" attacks, Liz Trotta went off-message.

Frankly, "the woman is inarticulate, undereducated," Trotta said, arguing that for once liberal criticism was "well-deserved."'

06 Jul 09 - 06:38 PM (#2673318)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Alice

wow... the VIDEO from Fox is even BETTER!
"she just begs for adjectives like flaky"
Thought I'd never hear that on FOX!
"we are not talking about a great statesman of profound experience..... we're talking about somebody who is a flashy person who gets into a lot of trouble and really has no credentials for any job...."

Hear it for yourself, FOX news:

06 Jul 09 - 06:43 PM (#2673327)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: SharonA

Alice: Thanks for that link! Love it!! "Caribou Barbie" - hahahahahahahaha...

06 Jul 09 - 06:52 PM (#2673336)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Alice

Liz asks a great question - what do you think William F. Buckley would have thought of Palin - that's what I've been thinking ever since Glenn Beck pushed Palin onto the national Republican scene. I respected Buckley's intelligence and Colin Powell's and wonder how the heck all the intelligent people in the Republican party could applaud Palin. Liz is telling it like it is! Good for her.

06 Jul 09 - 07:22 PM (#2673371)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: GUEST,mg

I definitely don't parse the sentence like Ebbie and I don't do it like Amos either. I think that harassment is the object of the verb face and that like joe and tom and susie is some sort of adverb clause for the verb face I would definitely not read it to say that joe and tome and susie are the best and the brightest, but that they were examples of people who had faced harassment. mg

06 Jul 09 - 07:58 PM (#2673395)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Bobert

Well, seems as if Palin now is blaming her quitting on the establishement media??? Like, excuse me, but what the heck did the media have to do with her up and quitting???

She also wnats folks to think she represents the average ordinary people??? WTF is she smoking??? She represents rednecks... Period... No one else... Rednecks ain't the only average ordinary people... Might of fact, rednecks don't even represent the majority of average ordinary people...

Bottom line, she has melted down... Prolly "horror"mones... Ya'll know how the womenz is... Awww, jus' funnin'... I loves all the womenz...


06 Jul 09 - 08:07 PM (#2673402)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Amos

Quite right, MG--the adverbial construction "as did x, y, and z..." modifies the verb "to face", whose direct object is harassment.


06 Jul 09 - 08:16 PM (#2673411)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Arkie

Many here at Mudcat and elsewhere would consider spreading false information, making false charges, and distorting facts as reprehensible irregardless of party lines.   However, there are some, Sarah Palin among them who have no qualms about attacking political opponents with false and misleading information. Then they act so hurt and mistreated when the same tactics are applied to them. Who was it that said "if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen". Maybe that is what Palin has done.

06 Jul 09 - 08:25 PM (#2673419)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Bobert

I think that was Harry Truman but I wouldn't bet on it...

Yeah, Sarah has the "rigtheous indignation" thing down to an art... Bruce Springsteen got it right when he sang about folks who are "martyrs with their papers in order"... That is Ms. Sarah to a tee...


06 Jul 09 - 09:15 PM (#2673453)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

Okay, but on July 27th I wouldn't want to be Jean Cummings.

06 Jul 09 - 09:24 PM (#2673466)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Donuel

I know why she quit.

In this grueling Alaskan Iquitarod the trail has had many twists and turns, but reaching the finish line is not important since everyone loves a quitter. All you have to do is walk a mile in her shoes and you would know that quit happens when you step in it. Half a million dollars in legal defense bills is nothing to sneeze at. (Unless you are the Clintons)

In the most literal sense the bottom line is that she will make more money by quitting and hawking her ghost written book on talk shows.
As a professional victim she will have much to complain about in the days to come like the expensive legal defense to all the ethics charges that were brought against her by her fellow Alaskans.

She also plans to level charges and sue various critics of her and her family. As a private citizen she hopes to collect big time in a libel warfare against Huffington Post, CSNBC and CBS' David Letterman Show. Only time will tell if her libel suit or slander plans pan out.

So instead of serving the people and fighting an angry State Congress, she plans to serve herself to some good hard cash.


Willow is now pregnant
The FBI knows anything about her Stadium kickback deal... yet.
Todd went to Argentina with Gov. Sanford.
She is hiking the Anwar trail.
Sarah was raptured by Rush Limbaugh.
God told her to quit.
She could care less about politics if it doesn't pay.

Although I have been strongly urged to not post so often, I will do so once every 30 days, just out of spite and giggles.

06 Jul 09 - 09:24 PM (#2673467)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: heric

Something just occurred to me. Why should she spend $500,000 defending herself from ethics investigations instead of spending nothing at all?

Her stupid legal idea of pretending that work related e-mails weren't work related if people were instructed to use yahoo accounts would be an expensive thing to defend, but that's because only a yahoo would try to get away with it.

06 Jul 09 - 09:33 PM (#2673476)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

"Something just occurred to me. Why should she spend $500,000 defending herself from ethics investigations instead of spending nothing at all?"

                      Simply because she has so much class!

06 Jul 09 - 09:35 PM (#2673477)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Art Thieme

In my earlier post, I said, "Even a dead whale on a flatcar draws crowds." --- and then I noted that 'the dead carcass, decaying in the sun, blew itself up and actually wasn't guilty of flatulence.

What wasn't real clear, I think, was that both jokes were only intended as analogies to Ms Palin who, after her political demise in the election, was, once again, able to, sadly, draw crowds. And a creature that has suffered it's demise, isn't capable of flatulence -- so her announcement about quitting must have been a byproduct of decomposition!

That was what I was alluding to with my other post.

It had nothing actually to do with real whales----alive or deceased.

Those of you who help whales ought to be commended---even if you give them silly names. ;-)   I meant no hurt on anyone.



06 Jul 09 - 09:39 PM (#2673481)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

"I meant no hurt on anyone."

         Except Sarah Palin!

06 Jul 09 - 09:50 PM (#2673488)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Art Thieme

Well if da foo defecates, wear it!

06 Jul 09 - 10:00 PM (#2673490)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: heric

. . . and it seems to me that most states would be paying any defense needed unless (1) the acts could only have been intentional misdeeds, not mistakes, or, maybe (2) if she should have known that the conduct was unethical (preventing the conduct from being classified as "official acts".)

06 Jul 09 - 10:46 PM (#2673508)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

Yes, heric. When a public person is attacked politically there is no reason why the public's money should not be used to defend oneself against the attack.

I have no idea of why Palin, as governor, would have to spend half a million dollars or even a half dollar against political attacks. I suspect that more information will come out on that.

As I said above, when Palin sued herself in order to have her own-appointed board check it out, she most definitely did not pay for it herself. (This was in the so-called Troopergate case. How tired I am of all these "gates"!) In fact, that particular defense was the costliest item among the ethics violation cases.

Incidentally, when Palin agreed - and has - to reimburse the state almost $10,000 for what she had charged the state in connection with her children traveling with her, it was in response to an ethics complaint.

06 Jul 09 - 11:38 PM (#2673531)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: GUEST,robomatic

NPR's Talk Of The Nation did a segment on 'our' Sarah today and some of the most critical callers called in from Wasilla.

Apparently Vanity Fair has an article out "It Came From Wasilla" basically on her.

07 Jul 09 - 12:05 AM (#2673536)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: katlaughing

Welcome back, Donuel!

07 Jul 09 - 12:25 AM (#2673544)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Barry Finn

I would like to correct you Art about your joke.

Palin is as usefull as a dead whale! It's not a joke but reality, she's also as usefull as a goat fart in a rain barrel. I'm not joking


07 Jul 09 - 12:37 AM (#2673547)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

My own feeling is that Sarah Palin inadvertently helped the Republicans to lose the last election...not that she didn't appeal to a significant number of people who voted Republican...but I still think she was a factor that did harm to the Republican ticket in an overall sense, and so did John McCain.

I'm grateful to both of them for leading their party to defeat. ;-) I would have been downright horrified if the Republicans had won again after the last 8 years of George Bush. (and I'm no fan of the Democratic Party, God knows!...but it could be worse than them, and it has been) Most of the world would have been horrified (with the notable exception of Israel). The sigh of relief and thanksgiving heard around the world when Barack Obama won that election was palpable. It was like Christmas morning on the day after...smiles and celebration to be seen everywhere.

07 Jul 09 - 01:01 AM (#2673555)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

In Juneau, Alaska, we are at the height of the tourist season. Judging by the overwhelming preponderance of questions and comments they make about Palin: "Where does she live?", "Will we see her?", "We just love her", "She's a breath of fresh air", "I voted for her - and I'll do it again", on and on and on, cruiseship tourists are either part of the great ignorami or they are indicative of Americans at large. (Although, come to think of it, some of these questioners are not even American)

I keep my demeanor unruffled as I answer questions but it ain't always easy.

07 Jul 09 - 03:18 AM (#2673593)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: PoppaGator

The Hiler video is at least the third different version ~ same video, different subtitles ~ that I've seen in the last year or so. In fact, it's the third that I discovered in a link from Mudcat.

The first I saw (tho perhaps not the very first) was "Hitler reacts to the news that a jazz band has been booked for his birthday party." The second appeared just within the last week: "Hitler learns that Michael Jackson is dead an won't be appearing in Berlin." And now, the Sarah Palin thing.

It's a good idea, works well with all kinds of different subject matter, and each reworking reaches many "new" vioewers unfamiliar with the previous incarnations. I'm sure we'll continue to see more of these.

07 Jul 09 - 06:08 AM (#2673684)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Peter T.

Cruiseship tourists are often from the same class George Bush came from: the country club circuit. Concerned about their class status, cocooned and catered to so that they can add Alaska to their list of "dones" ("We did Costa Rica last year"), and white.

(Lest you think this is pure prejudice, it is! I used to work on cruise ships. Many nice sweet people, and a whole lot of dreary, nouveau riche losers. Bitter? you bet.....)


Peter T.

07 Jul 09 - 06:49 AM (#2673705)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: kendall

I neither love nor hate Sara Palin. That remark about her daughter by Letterman was totally nasty and not a damn bit funny.
However, she condemns herself with her own mouth and needs no media to help her.
Katie Couric asked her a simple question about the job of the VP and she was clueless. How does that become the fault of the media?

She doesn't know her ass from two dollars a week, and that is not the fault of the media.

As far as LBJ goes, they should erect a statue to him in Washington for creating Medicare. I'd be sunk without it.

I see Gingrich is trying to climb up out of the slime hoping we will have forgotten about his dumping his cancer afflicted wife in favor of a chicky baby. Family values, sure, HYPOCRIT!

07 Jul 09 - 07:28 AM (#2673727)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Bobert

Count me in as another who questions why someone who has done nothing wrong has incurred $500,000 in legal fees... I mean, as far as I know there are no pending law suits suits against here and even the FBI has made an unprecidented announcement that she is not under investigation???

So can anyone explain why an innocent women could possibly need that much legal help???


07 Jul 09 - 09:47 AM (#2673856)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: SharonA

Poppagator: When I posted the link to that Hitler video the other day, I had noticed that there were other YouTube clips using that film footage and adding different captions. I looked at some of them, but in my opinion the person who created the video I posted did the best job of creating hilarious one-liners. He/she even wrote them in slightly stilted English, as if a translator was a native German and wasn't familiar enough with colloquial Engish speech. Brilliant!

Another inspired bit of scripting was the bit he/she wrote about Hitler's niece's nose: Hitler makes several references to it, peppered throughout his rant, and then we see the "niece" crying in the hallway and being comforted by the woman saying "Your nose really isn't all that bad". Definitely a cut above those other videos.

07 Jul 09 - 10:58 AM (#2673910)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: SharonA

More double-speak from Palin:

Today show interview -- Andrea Mitchell with Sarah Palin July 7, 2009

"The choice I had to make was, okay, how am I gonna react to the circumstances, to the changed conditions [after the 2008 Presidential campaign]? Am I gonna just keep pluggin' away an' keep my head down and not try to effect any more change, 'cause every time we DO somethin' we get hit with, um, y'know, an ethics violation charge or a lawsuit, because that's the political game that's being played right now, even though we won every single one of 'em that's been thrown our way..."

Huh????? She "won" every ethics violation charge and lawsuit against her? Since when?

"I am a fighter; I thrive on challenge..." and yet the challenge of "pluggin' away" at her job as Governor for another year and a half, when she had decided she wouldn't run for re-election, was too much for her to fight for! Sheesh.

07 Jul 09 - 10:58 AM (#2673911)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

It was darn good all right. I still love the old one about the jazz band too.

07 Jul 09 - 11:14 AM (#2673922)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

Here is a bone of contention that has been around awhile. I didn't now whether Palin was still collecting per diem since discussion first began. This complaint has been legally filed.

"Zane Henning alleges in the complaint filed Monday that Palin is violating state ethics law by collecting per diem when she stays in her Wasilla home instead of the Governor's Mansion in Juneau.

"It's the 16th ethics complaint filed against Palin, who noted in her resignation speech last week that "frivolous" ethics complaints had set her back more than $500,000 in legal debt. She steps down July 26.

"Most of the complaints, including another one by Henning, have been dismissed.

"The Washington Post reported in September that in Palin's first 19 months in office she had billed the state for 312 nights spent in her Wasilla home, while Alaska provides free lodging for her in Juneau. She collected $16,951 during that period.

"Palin's staff said the expense claims were legal because Palin's official "duty station" was in Juneau, and state employees get daily per diem when away from their duty station.

"The governor is entitled to a per diem, and she claims it," Palin spokeswoman Sharon Leighow told the Post."

Another Pesky Ethics Complaint

07 Jul 09 - 11:15 AM (#2673923)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: McGrath of Harlow

Eighteen months to go, with the expectation that she'd then run for re-election - and she calls that being a lame duck, not worth the hassle.

Is the word "wimp" used in America?

07 Jul 09 - 11:45 AM (#2673945)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

"Is the word "wimp" used in America?"

            Yes! The word "harassment" is not.

07 Jul 09 - 11:47 AM (#2673946)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: heric

Ten grand at stake for traveling with children. State decides you don't get reimbursed for bringing children (probably not as a novel legal question.)

Seventeen grand at stake for $50 per diem while at personal residence for first year and a half. State decides one way or another - simple.

Fourteen other ethics complaints - state investigates and dismisses thirteen of them (with the Troopergate wrinkle in getting to that point.)

Enduring this is not like enduring a few years as a POW with a fighter's spirit. Something is indeed missing as to this $500,000 of legal fees.

07 Jul 09 - 11:57 AM (#2673953)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: heric

How is she agonna stare down Putin?

07 Jul 09 - 12:23 PM (#2673972)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: McGrath of Harlow

I'd have thought have bringing your children along on work related trips would be a fair expense to be covered - they are part of the package.

I mean it'd be pretty silly if Obama gets charged for taking his wife and daughters along on the current visit to Russia.

07 Jul 09 - 12:36 PM (#2673982)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: robomatic

The erstwhile Soviet Union published "Soviet Life" in English to introduce their Communist wonderland to the American people. It languished on the shelves of the magazine stalls and ended up in copious quantities in US public libraries, a magazine that was almost antiseptic in its cleanliness because it was unopened, unread. (Those who lament the lack of good news in our popular publications, take note). I took Russian in high school, and was planning to visit the Soviet Union, so occasionally I took a gander at its pages. Lots of articles on healthy peasants and good crop yields, and I especially remember one article with questions (presumably from Americans) and answers from those versed in dialectical materialism. I especially remember the question:
"What do you think of political jokes?" I don't remember the words of the answer, except that the editorial staff strove to 'define terms' and go on at some length as to the social ramifications of this kind of humor. Even at a young age I knew the proper American response:

"Political jokes are fine, as long as they don't get elected!"

07 Jul 09 - 01:29 PM (#2674031)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: heric

I think the question becomes: What do the 49 other governors have to put up with? Schwarzeneger had to pay $200,000 in 2006 because his "Califonria Recovery Team" committee treasurer failed to timely file online 24-hour campaign reports disclosing independent expenditures.

Here's the California commission's agenda for last month

07 Jul 09 - 01:32 PM (#2674034)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

I don't know the policy of charging for taking family along at the presidential level. My understanding is that the official pays out of pocket for anyone who does not serve an official function.

I know that state dinners in the White House are paid for by taxpayers but historically the family pays for their own private dinner parties.

Incidentally, since February 2006, per diem for Alaskan lawmakers has been $145. Not being counted as income, it is not taxable.

07 Jul 09 - 01:48 PM (#2674042)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: heric

She only collected $54.33 per night for 312 nights at home ($16,951)according to the article.

07 Jul 09 - 01:50 PM (#2674043)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: heric

You guys owe her.

07 Jul 09 - 02:00 PM (#2674047)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: McGrath of Harlow

Families of politicians are typically used as part of their public relations team. I can't imagine going on thee trips is particularly fun for the rest of the family. It's work.

07 Jul 09 - 02:09 PM (#2674054)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: jeffp

It may be work, but it's not employment.

07 Jul 09 - 02:53 PM (#2674083)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: McGrath of Harlow

That distinction sounds rather akin to slavery...

07 Jul 09 - 04:32 PM (#2674153)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: jeffp

Or volunteer work. Or marriage.

07 Jul 09 - 06:25 PM (#2674218)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: SharonA

Palin's whiny lament ("How am I gonna react to the circumstances, to the changed conditions [after the 2008 Presidential campaign]? Am I gonna just keep pluggin' away an' keep my head down...?") stands in stark contrast with a statement made by newly-sworn-in Senator Al Franken in an AP interview yesterday, when he spoke about the changed conditions in his own career path:

Franken said in an interview with The Associated Press on Monday that while he is still garnering attention for his career as a comic, he expects the publicity to die down once he is able to establish himself in the Senate.

"I think they'll get to used to the idea that I'm a senator, that I've kind of changed careers," Franken said. "I just don't think it will take that long. They'll see what I do and what I say. Mainly I'm going to put my head down and get to work."

From this AP article (with emphasis in boldface by me) the answer to Palin's question is: Yes, Sarah, that's how it's supposed to be done. You put your head down and you plug away. It's called focus. Perseverance. Tenacity. Purpose. Moral strength (a.k.a. "grace").

07 Jul 09 - 06:32 PM (#2674224)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: McGrath of Harlow

"Grace under pressure"

07 Jul 09 - 06:32 PM (#2674225)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Art Thieme

She might want to try community organizing.


07 Jul 09 - 07:00 PM (#2674239)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Peace

Maybe she could try to organize a folk festival . . . .

07 Jul 09 - 07:06 PM (#2674245)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: gnu

She couldn't organize an orgy in a whorehouse with a handfull of hundred dollar bills and a half dozen drunk sailors.

07 Jul 09 - 07:10 PM (#2674247)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Peace

BUT, it would keep her busy!

07 Jul 09 - 08:27 PM (#2674289)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: heric

According to the Wall Street Journal one hour ago everything I guessed is exactly wrong - and all of the national media have missed the real reason she quit. Secret insiders have revealed the truth to the WSJ:

". . . it became clear that controversies and endless ethics investigations were threatening to overshadow her legislative agenda. "Attacks inside Alaska and largely invisible to the national media had paralyzed her administration," someone close to the governor told me. "She was fully aware she would be branded a 'quitter.' She did not want to disappoint her constituents, but she was no longer able to do the job she had been elected to do.""

To which I say bullshit. Look again at the agenda for a single California agency meeting. One meeting dwarves all of her travails put together. She could have almost ignored those ethics investigations.

07 Jul 09 - 08:41 PM (#2674297)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Peace

"The Odd Lies Of Sarah Palin: A Round-Up

Some readers have asked me to put all the various odd lies of Sarah Palin that the Dish has compiled in one helpful place. So that's what we've done. A couple of months ago, I asked an intern to re-fact-check all of them to make sure new details hadn't emerged that might debunk some. And I also asked to get any subsequent statements by Palin that acknowledged that she had erred in any of these statements that are easily rebuttable by facts in the public record and apologized and corrected. She has not. Since this was a vast project over the last ten months, it's possible there are some nuances or errors that need fixing. Please tell us if you find one and we'll acknowledge and fix. But it has been put through the ringer a few times.

After you have read these, ask yourself: what wouldn't Sarah Palin lie about if she felt she had to?"

Andrew Sullivan then goes on to enumerate and give proof about the lies.

07 Jul 09 - 08:49 PM (#2674305)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Peace

Her nose oughta be at LEAST the length of a football field--UK, Canuck, Yank, take your pick.

07 Jul 09 - 08:50 PM (#2674306)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: heric

NYT says 30 minutes ago, and I guess they're right and now I will forget about it:

"So in the end, this could simply be one of those it-is-what-it-is moments. Ms. Palin was weary of being governor, and, facing constant ethics complaints, she saw her family being chewed up by bad publicity and decided to trade those things for the opportunity to work on her book (for which she received a lucrative contract), tour the country giving paid speeches and consider offers from television or radio to become a highly paid commentator. . . .

From this perspective, the decision was simple and sensible: Less stress, and more national attention and money."

07 Jul 09 - 09:17 PM (#2674317)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

Still, though, if she could dream up that many lies she ought to go a long way in politics.

07 Jul 09 - 09:23 PM (#2674320)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Peace


07 Jul 09 - 11:23 PM (#2674376)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Alice

Wow, that list of her lies was so long, it made my eyes tired to read it.... and I had forgotten about the turkey slaughter interview! aargh

07 Jul 09 - 11:27 PM (#2674377)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Peace

Rig said something very important. It does seem we all have become used to politicians giving us a load of bullshit. I know we expect it from the majority in Canada, and certainly US citizens seem to be a bit less trusting of them. Curiouser and curiouser.

07 Jul 09 - 11:29 PM (#2674380)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Peace

What I mean is that it no longer surprises me to learn about it.

I think I will never vote again. I'll go to the polling stations, but unless there's a damned good person running, no party will get my vote. I ain't tired of it--just sick of it.

08 Jul 09 - 09:55 AM (#2674708)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Donuel

On a cold winter evenin, on a plane bound for nowhere,
I met up with the pit bull; we were both too tired to sleep.
So we took turns a starin out the window at the darkness
til boredom overtook us, and she began to speak.

She said, "Yah, Ive made a life out of readin peoples faces,
And knowin what they wanted by the way they held their eyes.
So if you dont mind my sayin, Ya gotta know who your base is.
For a taste of your Pepsi Ill give you some advice.

So I handed her my soda and she drank down my last swallow.
Then she looked out the window, at the bright midnight.
She saw her kids were asleep, and her face lost all expression.
She said, when folks don't know nuthin, its best to go far right.

You got to know when to hold em, know when to fold em,
Know when to walk away and know when to run.
You never count donations when youre sittin at the table.
Therell be time enough for countin when elections done.

Now evry govner knows, that the secret to survivin
Is knowin what to throw away and knowing what to keep.
cause big oil is a winner and tree huggers are losers,
And the best that you can hope for is to put the truth to sleep.

So when she finished speakin, she turned back towards the window,
She typed one last twitter and faded off to sleep.
Now somewhere in the darkness the pit bull, she broke even.
But in her final words there was advice that I could keep.

You got to know when to hold em, know when to fold em,
Know when to walk away and know when to run.
If you can't be a winner you can always be a quitter.
Therell be time enough for winnin when the talk show's done.

You got to know when to hold em, know when to fold em,
Know when to walk away and know when to run.
You never count your money when youre sittin at the table.
Therell be time enough for countin when the talk show's done.

08 Jul 09 - 10:57 AM (#2674749)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Alice

Sarah Palin displaying more of her ignorance:

Palin said there was a difference between the White House and what she had experienced in Alaska. If she were in the White House, she said, the "department of law" would protect her from baseless ethical allegations.

"I think on a national level, your department of law there in the White House would look at some of the things that we've been charged with and automatically throw them out," she said.

There is no "Department of Law" at the White House.

08 Jul 09 - 11:29 AM (#2674768)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: heric

She probably doesn't have the equivalent of White House counsel. If she did, that may have prevented some of her problems in separating official duties with political activities, and also nip her ethics questions in the bud. However, I really would bet that her legal fees were mostly caused by commingling her official communications with her personal communicattions, which probably has made compliance with Freedom of Information Act requests a nightmare- trying to decide what to produce and what can be withheld. Counsel could have stopped that at the outset, if she were inclined to listen, but now that it's done, her personal problems are not within the scope of governmental legal advisor's functions, and, importantly, not subject to attorney client privilege.

Further, these FOIA problems don't vanish just because she quit. The Governor's office staff have a bigger problem without her onsite and involved, but they will probably try to get away with saying they don't "have" her "personal" e-mails or something like that.

08 Jul 09 - 11:50 AM (#2674787)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

"'There is no "Department of Law" at the White House.'"

                  There is no law at the White House.

08 Jul 09 - 11:52 AM (#2674790)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: heric

A situation like this could spiral into a half million dollars of legal fees but it shouldn't have done so yet. Maybe expensive lawyers are preying on inordinate fear on her part, but I'm inclined to guess that she's lying to some extent.

08 Jul 09 - 11:57 AM (#2674796)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

If I was an Alaskan, I'd be devastated at the thought of Sarah's departure from the gubernatorial office. Just devastated. Her wink slays me. The thought, though, that she is now free to devote her attention to larger issues than merely running Alaska gives me some comfort. I await her next career move with bated breath. ;-)

08 Jul 09 - 12:00 PM (#2674802)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

She does have counsel at the Governor's office. An Attorney General is always available for legal advice; that's why s/he is there.

Of course, Palin didn't get that right either. One of her AGs apparently thought he represented only her and the advice he gave was problematical, to say the least.

For instance, during the Trooper thing he advised her staff that they needn't necessarily obey the subpoenas they were issued - and they didn't.

He's long gone, as are some of the others. She goes through a lot of staff and advisers and appointees.

08 Jul 09 - 12:17 PM (#2674819)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: katlaughing

I like it, Donuel!

08 Jul 09 - 12:25 PM (#2674822)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: heric

So she probably now thinks that if she had lawyers like Bush's White House counsel, they could do and write anything she wanted for her own benefit. It's easy to see how someone would get that idea!

08 Jul 09 - 12:28 PM (#2674825)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: heric

"Write me a memo that says I can mentally torture my sister's ex-husband, please. Tomorrow."

08 Jul 09 - 03:29 PM (#2674994)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Donuel

The enigmatic WHDOL (the white house department of law) has found that the numerous ethics complaints is largely the result of Sarah Palin's own campaign of reform that introduced the very bill that made so many ethics charges by so many people possible.

08 Jul 09 - 03:44 PM (#2675004)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: SharonA

Here's an even scarier quote than the "Department of Law" nonsense, from the same interview with ABC News (see this article: "Sarah Palin: Why She Resigned"):

"I don't need a title to be the one to usher in what it is that needs to be done in our state or our country."


08 Jul 09 - 06:12 PM (#2675169)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: SharonA

And the hits just keep on comin'...

Legislators challenge Palin LG appointment

July 8, 2009 -- Alaska legislators are questioning whether Gov. Sarah Palin can appoint the state's No. 2 elected official without their input.

When Palin's resignation takes effect, Lt. Gov. Sean Parnell will automatically become the state's chief executive and vacate the office of lieutenant governor.

In her resignation announcement Friday, Palin said Commissioner Craig Campbell of the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs would "assume his role as lieutenant governor."

It's not clear how that would happen, as the Alaska Legislature has already designated Commissioner of Corrections Joe Schmidt as next in the line of succession to be lieutenant governor. Deviating from the line of succession will take legislative approval, top legislative leaders say.

"I certainly think she can put Campbell into that position; it's a little bit more unclear whether he can take office without being confirmed by the Legislature," said House Speaker Mike Chenault, R-Nikiski.

From this article by Ben Smith

08 Jul 09 - 08:24 PM (#2675287)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ron Davies

Actually it's fairly clear what Sarah has in mind now.

As I noted in my first post on this thread (3 July 2009 4:03 PM):   think Reagan.

She envisions herself as the female Reagan.   It's certainly true there's the same minimal grasp of any issue.   But there the parallel stops.

Not being a student of history (to say the least), she does not realize Reagan opted not to run for a third term as California governor, so by 1974 he was free to travel the nation building up a reputation and amassing political IOU's he could then collect. Without an accusation of deserting his post.

He did not quit in his first term as governor.

And he came close to getting the nomination--from a sitting president.

She does however realize that, as I've noted earlier, Sanford is now finished as a rival for 2012, and therefore his potential financial backers are up for grabs. And EMILY (Early Money Is Like Yeast).   She also has a passionate fan base- (of yahoos, but unfortunately they do vote)-- and she's not seen as used merchandise, as are Huckabee and Romney. She imagines she'll get more of the female vote than they will (of those who vote solely based on chromosomes).

Further, as we saw in 2008 on the Democratic side, the Iowa caucuses are indeed important. The Republican Iowa caucuses are stuffed full of Right to Lifers.   There she reigns supreme-- of the likely candidates she alone can claim to have "walked the walk".

So between now and then her plan is to roam the nation (a la Reagan) supporting Republicans, appearing at various rightist fora, talking about her book (which will easily solve all her money worries, thanks to the multimillion dollar contract), and further building up her reputation as an attractive, aggressive "real American".

It all hinges on the economy. If the economy has not recovered substantially (e.g. from 9.5% unemployment) by 2011, voters will be in a mood to take it out on Obama and the Democrats.   In that gloomy scenario, some Republican will be the beneficiary in 2012. Sarah aims to be the one.

Not good to underestimate her.

08 Jul 09 - 08:49 PM (#2675307)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Peace

'There is no "Department of Law" at the White House.'

OK, then, the "Department of LNGSAFU".

08 Jul 09 - 09:43 PM (#2675335)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

"She envisions herself as the female Reagan.   It's certainly true there's the same minimal grasp of any issue.   But there the parallel stops."

               Does that mean she would not sign an amensty bill that would drive California--and much of the rest of the country--into insolvency 23 years later. And she would not initiate a peace time military build up that would run up so much federal debt that it wouldn't be paid off for another two decades, and that she wouldn't declare 1983--or any other year--to be the "Year of the Bible," and that she wouldn't be stupid enough to marry someone who thought you could "Just Say No To Drugs," and the drugs would all go away, and that she wouldn't make a deal with Iran to provide missles to shoot at Iraq to provide money for the purpose of flooding Los Angeles with crack cocain to provide a diversion as to what you are really doing, and that she wouldn't team up with somebody as grotesque as Margaret Thatcher to promote something as stupid as "supply-side-economics."

               She sounds like my kind of girl!

08 Jul 09 - 10:05 PM (#2675346)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ron Davies

" kind of girl".   Yup, no question. Your kind. Looking forward to the end of the world, since, being a committed Christian, she's "of the elect".   Would love to re-instate prayer in public school. Convinced the Lord has sent global warming.   Conversation restricted to "Governing is so tough."

At least we know where one of the yahoo votes for her would come from in 2012.

08 Jul 09 - 10:15 PM (#2675350)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

What the heck are you talking about, Ron?

It's completely clear that Rig thoroughly disagrees with both Reagan's philosophy and Sarah Palin's philosophy. He was making a joke, but it seems to have gone right by you. He detests Reaganism, and he suspects that Palin is someone who would undertake something quite similar to Reaganism as soon as she got the chance to.

He is speaking tongue in cheek when he says, "She sounds like my kind of girl." He's being satirical.

08 Jul 09 - 11:19 PM (#2675368)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ron Davies

If you think so, LH, you need to read a bit more of Rig's posts--before venturing your views.   He has defended many of her pronouncements--check the posts during the 2008 campaign-- though it makes him a total hypocrite, since he alleges to be against religion.   If you don't think he is serious about throwing out illegal immigrants, you need to read quite a bit more of his contributions. It's not at all clear that he would refuse to vote for a fundamentalist--as long as that candidate wanted to toss out illegal immigrants.

08 Jul 09 - 11:44 PM (#2675382)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

Ron - I think Ronald Reagan is the worst thing that's happened to America in my lifetime. To the extent that Sarah Palin would follow in his footsteps, I think that's scary. I don't think the American public would seriously consider her for the office of president--maybe that's where we differ.

            But these continued attacks make no sense to me. Is it true that some writer for the Huffington Post refered to her youngest child as a "retard?" Are we so down on Sarah Palin that we would happily attack a disadvantaged infant?

08 Jul 09 - 11:52 PM (#2675385)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

Like most people, Ron, Rig is a complex personality with complex viewpoints...and he does not fit some crude political stereotype. While he may disagree with you on some specific issues...he does not fit the general stereotypical mould that you are trying to place him in. It would be convenient for you if he did....cos then he could be as despicably awful as you seem to want him to be! ;-) But he doesn't.

I know Rig well enough to know that he is not suffering from the gross hypocritical conundrums that you ascribe to him. It's wishful thinking on your part.

It's entirely possible for a person to be extremely anti-religious (which Rig is...he's fanatically anti-religious as a matter of fact)...and STILL be in favor of some political view which IS espoused by some religious person....while disagreeing with many other political views that person espouses.

It's not a question of "all or nothing"...and why should it be?

Rig is simply addressing each specific issue that comes up on what he sees as its own merits rather than preaching from some pre-digested all-embracing script.

That's what any free-thinking individual does. He deals with each thing on its own merits. Those who don't think freely simply spout party line from their standard pre-digested script...rather a robot might. If Rig did that, then you'd have a reason to stereotype him as you seem to wish to.

I don't vote for OR against people on the basis of their stated religious beliefs, Ron. I've discovered that there are good and bad people amongst all religious groups...just as there are good and bad people among humanists and atheists. I judge a politician on what they say and do...not on their stated religious credentials or their lack of same.

Because Rig favors the odd specific thing Palin HAS does not indicate in any way that he favors most of what she says or, for heaven's sake, ALL of what she says. My impression is that he fears she would perpetrate the same kind of nonsense on the country that Reagan did if she attained the presidency.

If he's in favor of the odd thing she says...fine. That just shows he can think freely...and outside the box of blind lockstep knee-jerk reaction. It would be extraordinary if Palin had NEVER said anything that a person could agree with...even if that person disagreed with a great deal of what she said.

But, hey....let's ask him! There's a radical notion, eh? (grin) It might save you and I wasting an inordinate amount of our time here arguing about nothing.

08 Jul 09 - 11:55 PM (#2675387)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

Ah...there we go. Rig already has answered the question while I was composing my own post.

Case closed. He is NOT a Palin supporter or backer. He is a person who is simply a bit disgusted at the sheer pettiness and immaturity of the gross personal attacks many will stoop to in their desire to damage those they deem to be their political "enemies". And so am I.

09 Jul 09 - 12:38 AM (#2675397)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: SharonA

"Is it true that some writer for the Huffington Post refer[r]ed to her youngest child as a 'retard?' "

Apparently so, or else he used the word "retarded"; it's not clear which. I found this: Huffngton Post July 3, 2009 apology by Erik Sean Nelson ...a sort of backhanded apology in which he again uses the offensive word:

<>"I wrote a piece making fun of the fact that a Trig Palin joke was given as the reason that Sarah Palin left office. I wrote jokes that were offensive but my intent was for them to be ironic and therefore not offensive. I was wrong. Within ten minutes of my post I received some emails from the loved ones of the retarded and I saw that my piece was hurtful. Therefore, I removed the post right after receiving the first 2 emails.

"I removed it immediately because I saw that it did not come across as I intended. I apologize to all of those who were offended."

09 Jul 09 - 10:13 AM (#2675679)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Amos

"It's easy to look at the soon-to-be-former governor of Alaska as an iconic feminist, a path-breaking working mother, or noble rabble-rousing populist. But when the dust settles, the lesson may be that she was simply a woman who made no sense. Her meteoric rise and dubious fall will say less about America than you think, beyond the fact that America likes its politicians to communicate their ideas clearly. We will someday come to realize that while it's all well and good to be mavericky with one's policies, it's never smart to be mavericky with one's message."

09 Jul 09 - 10:28 AM (#2675692)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

"America likes its politicians to communicate their ideas clearly."

???? It does? Look, I know that a number of the more intellectually inclined people here do indeed like their politicians to communicate their ideas clearly....and I know that serious political columnists like it as well...but.....

My impression from all the ridiculous Hoo-Hah and bafflegab that goes on in the mass media generally and during election campaigns is that the majority of Americans aren't interested in clearly expressed ideas nearly as much as they are interested in vague but dramatic general impressions created by demagogues who very seldom present a clear idea! ;-) The American public in general is swayed by sweeping emotional impressions and boldly voiced platitudes and bizarre drama, not by clearly articulated ideas, for gosh sakes!

This is probably so in many other electorates as well.

If I may quote from a Jackson Browne song: "It's who you look like, not who you are." That's what usually works for getting the most votes in the USA. You have to look like you know what you're talking about.

Or as Charlie Brown once hollered at Lucy in utter frustration: "You think you're right, but you're NOT right! You just SOUND right!!!!!!!"

For instance, a demagogue like Ronald Reagan looked right and sounded right to the majority of American voters. He gave the vague impression of having some clear ideas, didn't he? He's even been called "The Great Communicator"! ;-) The master of creating those vague, fuzzy, feel-good impressions...and those snappy sound bites.

DougR will probably accuse Obama of the same thing... (grin) And it's true, Obama is very good at creating those general emotional impressions. He is also, however, absolutely brilliant at clearly grasping and articulating subtle and powerful ideas.

09 Jul 09 - 02:56 PM (#2675910)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Richard Bridge

+1 LH

09 Jul 09 - 05:04 PM (#2676027)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

Good god, Little Hawk. And what's your excuse? I seem to recall quite a few leaders of the known world who are less than pleasing to some of their electorates.

(I tire of stereotypes.)

09 Jul 09 - 05:16 PM (#2676036)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Amos

"You think you're right, but you're NOT right! You just SOUND right!!!!!!!"

THat is the exact essence of so much protest on the part of reasonable people everywhere when examinigng the highjinks rhetoric of the previous Admin gang. They do not care much about the ground truth, but they work very hard to sound right.


09 Jul 09 - 05:38 PM (#2676047)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

No excuse at all, Ebbie. ;-) I did say, "This is probably so in many other electorates as well."....and I meant it. Demagogues have succeeded in baffling their people the world over, going right back to ancient times. That's mainly because they have such effective means at hand to spread their message, I guess.

09 Jul 09 - 10:17 PM (#2676231)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ron Davies

Re: Rig:   The thing about the Web is that once you hit "send" your words are there, unless you specifically disown them.   I've read considerably more of Rig's contributions--particularly during the 2008 campaign-- than you, LH. He attacked Obama and praised Sarah. If he now disowns Sarah, that is a change.    I can cite chapter and verse, but you could actually do some research yourself to answer the question.

It is fairly evident what his overwhelming obsession is: illegal immigration.

If the 2012 election turns out to be Obama vs Palin, it's obvious that Palin will be far more harsh on illegal immigrants than Obama.   Therefore, in that event, it is likely that she would get Rig's support.

Perhaps he would care to dispute this. It would be interesting to hear.

09 Jul 09 - 10:33 PM (#2676237)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

Rig couldn't stand Obama, no doubt about that, Ron. It was a personal thing. He simply didn't trust Obama at all...and he thought Obama couldn't win, if I recall correctly (presumably because too many White Americans wouldn't vote for a "Black" president?) He much preferred Hillary Clinton to Obama, and it was Clinton he wanted to see win the election. A lot of Democrats and independents felt that way...but not quite enough of them to give Hillary the victory over Obama in the end. You'll recall it was pretty close. In my case, I liked Kucinich the best by far...but he never had a chance. I liked Obama way better than Clinton.

I notice that Rig has considerably modified his stance on Obama in the last few months and he's said some positive stuff about Obama evidently he's changed his mind some. That's good. It shows he's flexible and willing to change an old opinion when confronted with changing events.

Although all our past posts are recorded here...yes...that doesn't mean that our ideas can't change.

I don't know if the immigration issue is so important to Rig that he would side with a candidate simply on the basis of that issue alone. It seems unlikely to me, but I guess we'll have to ask him.

What say, Rig? Would you do that? Is immigration THE make or break issue for you?

09 Jul 09 - 10:36 PM (#2676240)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Peace

'"I [Huffington Post writer who used the word 'retard(ed) in a column--but s/eh was advised by readers that it was not so good] removed it immediately because I saw that it did not come across as I intended. I apologize to all of those who were offended."'

I wonder if SP ever thought like that?

09 Jul 09 - 10:39 PM (#2676243)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

Doesn't seem too likely to me, Peace. She gives the impression of being one who never doubts that she said and did exactly the right thing.

10 Jul 09 - 07:34 AM (#2676480)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

"What say, Rig? Would you do that? Is immigration THE make or break issue for you?"

             Little Hawk - The issue for me is the survival of the planet (at least the survival of life on the planet). I think the single biggest threat to the planet is unchecked human population growth.
             Probably the thing that amazes me the most are people who will get worked into a lather over deforestation, global warming, ozone depletion, and paved over farm land, but they can't make the connection of those things to increasing population. It seems to be like you say, if nobody puts a plank in their political platform about popultion growth, it doesn't exist for them.
             Worse than that, are those people who will openly complain about population growth, but can't seem to connect that eventuality to human migration. They continue to want to see it as a civil rights issue. It's a form of tunnel vision. They can look at Easter Island, and see what unchecked humanity did there, and then turn their gaze on Mexico City and fail to make the connection.
             Obviously, if you are going to do something about population growth, you would want to start with those places where the birth rates are the highest. If some place on the globe is spewing out more people than it can support, and the excess people are simply allowed to go somewhere else, it does nothing to control population growth where the person comes from, and increases the population where that person ends up.
             That's a long way around the question, but I would say yes, because population growth is the planets largest problem, I would support almost any candidate who would do something about it.
             Applying that litmus test to Sarah Palin, I'm not sure where she stands on immigration, but if she would come out strong against immigration, while preventing family planning programs in poorer nations, not much would be accomplished.

10 Jul 09 - 10:47 AM (#2676604)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Richard Bridge

As far as I understand it it seems likely that the depopulation of Easter Island (before the arrival of European diseases) was linked to deforestation, but it is entirely unclear whether the deforestation was caused by overpopulation or the need for logs to move the famous statues. Early reports seem to indicate productive farming despite the loss of large tree species, which in turn makes famine (without more) unlikely (despite the cannibalism stories).

I am tempted to conclude that territorial strife (and possibly a rapacious religion) are more likely causes of depupulaiton than overpopulation followed by famine.

10 Jul 09 - 10:48 AM (#2676607)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Richard Bridge

Oops, "depopulation".

As to breeding, family planning is one thing (and a murrain on catholicism in that respect) - but imposed population control is quite another.

10 Jul 09 - 10:52 AM (#2676611)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Richard Bridge

PPS. Voluntary limitation of families is only possible if the old do not need to rely on thier families to support them. Since voluntary saving for retirement is not always possible and even then not always effective (in times of capitalist meltdown) it follows that the community (in larger terms, the state) must provide, which in turn necessitates a state graduated pension (come back Barbara Castle) and that, in turn, necessitates significant and progressive taxation (and death duties and capital gains taxes).

10 Jul 09 - 11:03 AM (#2676622)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

Yes, well I don't find anything to argue with in all of that, except to mention that if voluntary limitation of families doesn't work, imposed population control will probably happen, either with a one-child policy like they have in China, or through war, famine, and disease.

10 Jul 09 - 11:04 AM (#2676624)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

The best humane way to reduce overpopulation in the world is to raise the standard of living of the poorest populations in the world. When people's standard of living and their economic security goes up, their birthrate goes down.

What we need is a worldwide Bill of Rights, a worldwide decently adequate minimum wage that's the same everywhere, worldwide employment in decent jobs, a wordwide level of good education available to all people........we need EQUALITY. And I don't mean forced equality....and I don't mean everyone made to be at the same material level....I mean equal opportunity and equal social services for everyone from the getgo.

That can only be achieved if we become a single united human race on this planet and get beyond our presently divided tribal and national consciousness.

It ain't gonna happen soon. But that would be the real moral solution to the overpopulation problem.

I find it strange that when we write science fiction stories about other worlds, we usually imagine the beings on them to be living as a single, united society rather than split up into warring little tribes and nations.

That's because it's eventually natural for a single race of beings on a planet to unite into one harmonious society...and we know that deep in our hearts.

If they don't do so, they will end up destroying one another when their weapons, number, and technology get too overwhelming.

That, I think, is the choice that is before us now. Unite and prosper....or stay divided and go down to misery and destruction.

10 Jul 09 - 11:55 AM (#2676655)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

Some anthropoligists think the key to they whole thing is the education of women. Societies, they say, who keep women from knowledge are the biggest impediment from advancement.

10 Jul 09 - 12:12 PM (#2676663)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

"Applying that litmus test to Sarah Palin, I'm not sure where she stands on immigration, but if she would come out strong against immigration, while preventing family planning programs in poorer nations, not much would be accomplished." Rig

Rig, Sarah Palin has 6. Six. SIX children.

Immigration regulation and restriction be damned- start with your own family. (Yes, I do realize that every country has rules on immigration, but I liked the phrase.)

10 Jul 09 - 12:18 PM (#2676667)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

How about - Start with your own damn family - Now there's a phrase!

10 Jul 09 - 12:41 PM (#2676692)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

Well, I have done my bit. No progeny at all so far.

10 Jul 09 - 12:51 PM (#2676702)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: jeffp

As of October 17, I will have 6 children and 5 grandchildren without having procreated once. Not for lack of effort, mind you!

10 Jul 09 - 01:16 PM (#2676726)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Richard Bridge

Well there you go Ebbie. Another example of detrimentally skewed input into the gene pool.

10 Jul 09 - 01:18 PM (#2676729)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: SharonA

"Voluntary limitation of families is only possible if the old do not need to rely on thier families to support them. Since voluntary saving for retirement is not always possible and even then not always effective (in times of capitalist meltdown) it follows that the community (in larger terms, the state) must provide, which in turn necessitates a state graduated pension (come back Barbara Castle) and that, in turn, necessitates significant and progressive taxation (and death duties and capital gains taxes)."

Ummm, guys, let's not forget that where there are fewer people, there are fewer taxpayers. Therefore the government of any country has no real incentive to control the general population (except perhaps for the lowest classes), nor to encourage people to depend on the government for a state graduated pension rather than on the support of their descendants in their senior years.

I agree that global overpopulation is the problem from which most of our current social/economic/environmental problems extend. But don't depend on "the government" to fix it. My thoughts: There needs to be a global shift in religious attitude away from going forth and multiplying, and TOWARD replenishing the Earth by being stewards of our natural environment. THAT will require a concentrated, sooperative effort by ALL major and minor religions to preach that -- hello -- we have long since fulfilled the commandment to multiply, and we are now "sinning" by destroying what "God" has "created" (whatever "God" is considered to be by any of those religions).

Good luck with THAT idea, right? What religion is going to preach that, when having fewer people ALSO means fewer converts and fewer $$$ in the offering basket? Greed is the sin that is turning out to be the deadliest for Mother Earth.

10 Jul 09 - 01:30 PM (#2676735)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: SharonA

By the way, no progeny from me, either. No natural progeny from my two brothers. We are the last generation of our branch of the family.

One brother has adopted two children (from unwed mothers) who have gone on to have 3 children (as unwed mothers) themselves, plus one child (as a married mother) who passed away after a year of expensive medical treatment, plus one miscarriage. So far. According to Palin and the rest of the religious Right, these kids are all "blessings". I have no idea whether any of them will be a blessing (support-wise) to me or to my childless brother in our old age, but I doubt it, since the kids have been a drain on the government's resources as it is... not to mention my legal-granddaddy brother's revenue.

10 Jul 09 - 01:49 PM (#2676761)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Bill D

Several things....

1)I'll tell you what Sarah Palin is up to: She is tired of dodging questions, reading harsh reviews of her campaign, going to work everyday with folks who no longer respect her...etc., and now she is so in 'notorious'...that she can write a book or two, and only has to pop-up now & then on HER schedule to keep fanning the flames - sort of like Ann Coulter. She will make millions and live comfortably and raise her family (provided no indictable offenses come to light). Not bad for being yanked out of obscurity a year ago.

2)After disagreeing with Rig on so many things, it is 'slightly' awkward for me to agree with him totally that overpopulation is the single greatest threat to humanity. It is the 'keystone' issue....if we solve ALL the other environmental problems and stop war besides, we will still be in trouble when there are 97 billion people.
My father used to befuddle my brother & I by asking, "If you were carrying all the feathers you can carry, can you carry one more?"
Apparently, the common answer is "sure!" Meaning, I suppose, that it is too hard to tell, and adding one feather seldom makes a huge difference. But you KNOW you can't carry 4 tons of feathers, so somewhere down about 200-400 lbs of feathers, you are gonna get so tired you collapse. You do the metaphor on population.

3) Palin's child IS retarded...the child is not insulted by the word, only those who want a PC version of everything. (I am, officially, OLD. 'Senior citizen' does not make me less old, and the guys who come by every Monday are 'trash collectors', not 'environmental refuse associates'.)
I would not call her child "a retard" to her face - nor even in print...he is a child, and no one needs a sad label applied to a loved one. But a non-judgmental adjective is a different matter. There may be other words, but 'retarded' is not prima facie insulting.

10 Jul 09 - 02:02 PM (#2676774)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: SharonA

Bill D sez: "I'll tell you what Sarah Palin is up to: She is tired of dodging questions, reading harsh reviews of her campaign, going to work everyday with folks who no longer respect her...etc., and now she is so in 'notorious'...that she can write a book or two, and only has to pop-up now & then on HER schedule to keep fanning the flames - sort of like Ann Coulter. She will make millions and live comfortably and raise her family (provided no indictable offenses come to light). Not bad for being yanked out of obscurity a year ago."

Yeah, but she brought the questions, reviews and disrespect upon herself, so her continual bleating about how she's being picked on and misunderstood is just so much kaka. She was yanked out of relative obscurity but she was already notorious in Alaska at the time of the yanking. Bottom line is that the folks she is tired of are equally tired of her, if not more so.

10 Jul 09 - 02:35 PM (#2676810)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

It is interesting to conjecture where Palin would be right now if McCain had not "yanked her out of obscurity." She has gone from being popular - wildly so in some quarters - to being an object of frustration and irritation.

Without the greater visibility that occurred with the campaign. people like me might not ever have wakened to the fact that she is vindictive, small minded, a biblical-literalist, bullheaded, rules from her gut rather than from available facts, has a strange blend of negligence and protectiveness in her mothering... but there were some in Alaska who already knew that.

A local woman I respect greatly wrote a letter to the editor yesterday remarking upon Palin's absence from the 50th Anniversary Celebration of Alaska statehood and she made the point that the celebration was for Alaska, not the city of Juneau, and that it was extremely rude of Palin to sit in the Governor's house two blocks away and not attend the ceremony nor even send a representative. Coming out later and watching the July 4th parade, making it obvious that it was a deliberate snub, simply underscored the rudeness.

10 Jul 09 - 02:48 PM (#2676828)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: SharonA

Ebbie: Maybe she thought that showing up at the 50th gala would draw reporters (like flies) and detract from the celebration, but if so, she should have thought about that before she decided to make her resignation announcement on July 3rd. The polite thing for her to have done would have been to delay her announcement until after the 50th celebration, attend the gala and Independence Day parade as head of state, and make her resignation public AFTER the official anniversary of Alaska's statehood (July 7th).

But noooOOOOoooo...

10 Jul 09 - 02:51 PM (#2676831)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: McGrath of Harlow

I would not call her child "a retard" to her face - nor even in print..

How kind of Bill.

"'retarded' is not prima facie insulting." It is where I live, and I strongly suspect it is where Bill lives too. Words can take on associations, and that can mean good manners requires that we recognise that. "Mongol" was at one time used without an intent to cause offence, but it couldn't be now.

"Retarded" isn't equivalent to "old" in the insult stakes. It's closer to "nigger".

10 Jul 09 - 03:57 PM (#2676886)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: GUEST,mg

I count only 5 children..Track?? Bristol, Willow, Piper and Trigg. Who is the sixth? mg

10 Jul 09 - 04:03 PM (#2676890)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

The brain child of Sarah's book.

10 Jul 09 - 04:13 PM (#2676902)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

Hmmmm. You're right - just five. Unless one counts Tripp- chances are pretty good that he will continue to spend a lot of time in the ol' home place. After his mother is out of school- when? five years from now? - things may be different.

Oh, OK, five. (grumpily)

10 Jul 09 - 05:26 PM (#2676951)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Bill D

"Words can take on associations,..."

Yes, Kevin...they can, but 'nigger' was always meant to be demeaning, and there was no middle ground. It is nowhere NEAR 'retarded', which was meant simply to refer to those with 'diminished capacity'. I'd suspect that folks using 'retard' as a pejorative term caused others to react to ANY form of the word. Remember when someone used 'niggardly' in a commentary a few years ago? and horrified screeches arose from those who could not cope with the fact of that word having a NON-derogatory meaning?

Words do not go out and grab meanings....people (often the ignorant ones)imbue them with meanings beyond their original ones

"Mongol" was always a bad choice and a de jure insult to a race.

"How kind of Bill"..kindness has nothing to do with it. I know better than to USE the word in most contexts, for the reasons noted above. I am simply **noting** my opinion that it is NOT in the category of certain other words. I do not appreciate being forced to scan & censor my own vocabulary unnecessarily to conform to gratuitous changes.

10 Jul 09 - 05:48 PM (#2676967)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: McGrath of Harlow

"Nigger" was originally just a word meaning "black", an alternative to the earlier "neger", nothing particularly insulting about it. It acquired those associations from the society in which it was used, in which black people were exploited and despised. Which is the same process by which other words which may initially have been quite free from intended insult can take on that coloration because of the way a society treats and regards the people covered by it.

The word "niggardly" of course has no connection whatsoever with all this, and the incident referred to where there was a row over that was a clear misunderstanding by someone with a limited knowledge of the English language. A bit like the internet filters which are said to have had problems with the name of the Lincolnshire town of Scunthorpe.

10 Jul 09 - 05:50 PM (#2676968)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

The word "retarded" long was and still is a perfectly normal word that describes a condition. It means the same type of thing as "developmentally handicapped" or "mentally challenged", it just doesn't have near as many syllables. It has never been a word for insulting or demeaning people...though some individuals are taking it that way nowadays.

The insulting and demeaning word was and is "REE-tard"...with the emphasis on the first syllable. That was and is the abusive word used by nasty schoolchildren to insult other children...and you can tell quite easily by the aggressive sound it has when someone uses it, that sound being notable on the first syllable.

It is as much of an error to equate the normal word "retarded" with the abusive word "REE-tard" as it is to equate the abusive word "nigger" with the normal word "negro" or the normal word "niggardly", as BillD pointed out.

And that's about all there is to it. If you get upset over someone using the word "retarded" to describe a medical condition of someone, then you have been misled by some form of political correctness lobby into imagining that a perfectly normal and neutral adjective is some kind of personal attack on people. It's not.

But if you think it is...then nothing I or anyone else could ever say will be able to convince you it isn't, right? Well, fine. Go ahead and get all het up about it then, but don't expect me to join you.

These are just changing styles in language, driven by various political lobbies and fueled by self-righteous indignation for the most part. People are forever fighting needlessly over changing styles in language. When they do that, they're just like a bunch of lemmings rushing to join the rest of the politically correct mob in the latest trend and rush off the cliff together...or throw someone else off it, more likely.

You wait. Some perfectly normal phrase or word that YOU take for granted today and mean no harm by when you use it will be considered just terribly AWFUL by a bunch of people 30 or 40 years from now, and they will be raising hell over it. I guarantee it.

The only thing I can't tell you is which normal phrase or word of the present it will be....

A tempest in a teapot, I'd call it.

10 Jul 09 - 06:00 PM (#2676977)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: pdq

For the umpteenth time, the word niggardly has nothing to do with the "N word".

It comes from the Swedish word Nygaard and means "cheap' or "miserly".

10 Jul 09 - 06:07 PM (#2676984)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

Well, of COURSE it has nothing to do with the "N" word, pdq. That's my point. But some people, you know, are looking so hard to find something to be offended by that they are capable of finding offense almost anywhere.

The only thing that is truly offensive is bad intent. When a word is used with bad intent, it's offensive, even if it is a word that the politically correct have not decided to demonize or ban. Intent is the thing to watch for. One can assassinate another person just as effectively with polite and acceptable words as one can with forbidden words. It's always the intent and the delivery which tell the real tale. If offence is intended, that is generally quite clear by the delivery, the tone, the attitude....and that's what matters.

10 Jul 09 - 06:20 PM (#2676996)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Bill D

But in the USA, where I live, only "Negro" was used in any sort of 'neutral' way. In the South, even today, (though less & less) you will hear those who are pretending not to use THE "N Word", saying "Nigra".
Both forms were clearly meant to affirm the user's disdain/hatred/contempt for a racial/ethnic group, and simply referring to color was seldom in their minds. Most bigots were probably not even aware of the etymology.
It was interesting, being in the college NAACP and watching as the "CP" changed what they wished to be called...from 'colored' or 'Negro' to 'black' to African-American (even those from the West Indies). Now 'black' is sort of back in style...depending.....

I try to respect the wishes of those affected, as far as I can determine it in various contests.

10 Jul 09 - 06:22 PM (#2677000)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Richard Bridge

In the context of the discussion here of overpopulation, I admire the restraint of President Obama today. The Pope gave him a handbook setting out the catholic view on abortion and exhorted Pres. Obama against abortion in the USA.

THe temptation to stick it up the pontiff's infertile arse must have been almost overwhelming.

10 Jul 09 - 06:23 PM (#2677001)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: pdq

Yep, in the mid-1960s lots of Junior High School students (loosely defined) would insult each other by yelling "REE-tard!!!" or "SPAZZ!!!" (from "spastic").

It looks like some of Sarah Palin's detractors are stuck in the intellectual equivalence of grade school.

10 Jul 09 - 06:27 PM (#2677005)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

The teens around this town are still doing that.

10 Jul 09 - 08:27 PM (#2677098)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Charley Noble

So what's Sarah up to today? Is she beyond the pale, or is that pail?

Has she netted any more salmon?

Charley Noble

10 Jul 09 - 08:38 PM (#2677107)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: heric

If you say retarded, it's only because you're geriatrically advanced.

The older we get, the less we keep up with these little politenesses, just as we start mixing plaids more and more.

(Your mother said colored with no contempt, but you don't say it at all.)

10 Jul 09 - 08:39 PM (#2677108)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Bobert

The problem with Sarah Palion isn't as much the doing of the press, or her detractors but herself... I mean, yeah, folks like her... I like her... She's interesting and entertaining... But interesting and entertaining isn't what we need in the way of a president... We found out that the guy you'd like to have a beer with isn't the same guy you want running the show... If ya'll think the US suffered under George Bush then think how screwed up the country would get with Palin as president...

Anyone want to step to the plate here and tell my why they think Sarah Palin would make a good president???

Didn't think so...

That's the real story...


10 Jul 09 - 08:55 PM (#2677116)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: heric

I can't believe she has any political ambitions if she would insult Alaskans on their 50th festivities in such a pithy way. Alaska and Alaskan approval are her cachet.

I think she either wants to be an Alaskan mom with royalties or a TV star.

10 Jul 09 - 09:16 PM (#2677124)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: gnu

PDQ.... "It looks like some of Sarah Palin's detractors are stuck in the intellectual equivalence of grade school."

Perhaps. Now, if Sarah actually made it past grade school, I am sure she made it because the grade school teachers were tired of explaining things to her over and over and over... maybe she would know where Russia is.

President? I wouldn't leave her in charge of, "I'll take a message."

10 Jul 09 - 10:20 PM (#2677141)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

Heric, the reason I don't say "colored" at all anymore is simply because it's gone out of style and I say "Black" instead because it's come into style....but I did have a Black girlfriend from England a few years back and she proudly used the term "women of color" a great deal when describing herself and other Black or brown-skinned women (such as East Indian women, for instance). I didn't find it offensive when she did that, although it was an expression I hadn't heard for some time. I knew she didn't mean anything offensive by it.

I don't find it offensive to call a retarded person retarded when no offense is meant. I don't find it offensive to call a blind person blind or a deaf person deaf or a lame person lame when no offense is meant. If one wishes to call them by some more complex phrases such as: "developmentally handicapped" or "sight impaired" or "hearing impaired" or "suffering an ambulatory handicap" or some cumbersome thing like that...well, fine, do that if it pleases you, but I don't think it will win you some kind of special morality and sensitivity medals or get you into "heaven" (I'm speaking figuratively, not literally when I say that).

10 Jul 09 - 10:25 PM (#2677143)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: heric

I think one of the reasons it fell out of favor, beyond the mean comedy usage, was that it is not very accurate even when used as correctly as possible, and became much more inaccurate in general usage. . . . might be wrong about that.

10 Jul 09 - 10:29 PM (#2677146)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Richard Bridge

"handicap" is widely resented. The origin of the word is fromthe period when those affected were unable to work, and so begged - holding out their cap to receive money gifts. They went "cap in hand". Hence "handicap". Or so a very bright wheelchair-user student of mine once told me.

10 Jul 09 - 10:32 PM (#2677149)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

Hmmm. No kidding? Well, we've got "handicapped parking" spots all over here, but I never realized the term was considered offensive by some people.

10 Jul 09 - 11:11 PM (#2677168)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Amos

From hand in cap, in reference to holding the game stakes in a cap. It was used in reference to horse races and golf first.

c.1653, from hand in cap, a game whereby two bettors would engage a neutral umpire to determine the odds in an unequal contest. The bettors would put their hands holding forfeit money into a hat or cap. The umpire would announce the odds and the bettors would withdraw their hands -- hands full meaning that they accepted the odds and the bet was on, hands empty meaning they did not accept the bet and were willing to forfeit the money. If one forfeited, then the money went to the other. If both agreed on either forfeiting or going ahead with the wager, then the umpire kept the money as payment. The custom, though not the name, is attested from 14c. Reference to horse racing is 1754 (Handy-Cap Match), where the umpire decrees the superior horse should carry extra weight as a "handicap;" this led to sense of "encumbrance, disability" first recorded 1890. The verb sense of "equalize chances of competitors" is first recorded 1852, but is implied in the horse-race sense. Meaning "put at a disadvantage" is 1864. The main modern sense, "disability," is the last to develop; handicapped (adj.) is 1915.
Online Etymology Dictionary, © 2001 Douglas Harper "

11 Jul 09 - 05:14 AM (#2677295)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Richard Bridge

Yes, Oxford English dictionary largely agrees. Looks as if my student was being creative.

11 Jul 09 - 09:05 AM (#2677383)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Alice

Palin is an example of the "dumbing down" of American politics.

11 Jul 09 - 11:18 AM (#2677453)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: pdq

From concerning the bogus high scool test scores attributed to Sarah Palin:

Origins:   Altering photographs of politicians to make them appear silly or ridiculous is a common way of poking fun at political figures, but other forms of image manipulation can be used for denigrative purposes as well. Case in point: The image displayed above, which purportedly reproduces a test scoresheet showing Alaska governor (and Republican vice-presidential nominee) Sarah Palin as having achieved high school grades and an SAT score that were decidedly mediocre.

There are several contextual clues that would give this image (which was part of a spurious background report on Sarah Louise Heath Palin) away as being a fake, such as the fact that Sarah Palin was a member of Wasilla High School's Honor Society, a standing she was unlikely to have achieved if she had truly pulled a barely average 2.2 GPA.

We don't need contextual clues to debunk this image as phony, however. It's clearly a manipulated version of a genuine test report belonging to Dawn Eden, who posted it on her own blog back in January 2004:

Ms. Eden noted in an October 2008 blog entry that:

"Gawker fell for a forgery that purported to be Sarah Palin's SAT scoresheet but was actually a Photoshop job — made by someone who stole my own scoresheet off my blog and pasted in bad grades.

The forger lowered the grades and scores on the printout to make Palin, an honor-society member, look like a mediocre student — but wasn't smart enough to hide the obviousness of the Photoshop job."

11 Jul 09 - 11:25 AM (#2677462)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ron Davies

She certainly is an amazingly inarticulate honor society member.   Perhaps grade inflation was more virulent earlier than we had thought.

11 Jul 09 - 11:35 AM (#2677468)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: heric

I think handicapped and disabled are more along the lines of BillD's and LH's thinking. There was a movement about to replace them with "differently abled" and other terms that didn't really catch on. (I still avoid them, just using the more specific term e.g paralyzed or whatever, and I don't think I'm scheduled for heaven anyway.)

I will always remember pressuring my unseen landlord on the telephone for window coverings I had been promised, when she told me I should back down because she was an invalid !!

Who's Sarah Palin?

11 Jul 09 - 11:40 AM (#2677474)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ron Davies

Sarah Palin is Tina Fey's understudy. And she's coming right along. (Not that I mean to underestimate her, of course)

11 Jul 09 - 11:43 AM (#2677478)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: GUEST,mg

Why are people confusing being articulate with being intelligent? Two separate things. mg

11 Jul 09 - 11:51 AM (#2677486)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: gnu

You could be on to something there mg. Although, a politician who cannot explain even simple things due to being inarticulate may be seen to have failed somewhat in their decision making process when opting to offer themselves as VP of the USA.

Or, to be more concise and, perhaps, less articulate, she's as stunned as me arse.

11 Jul 09 - 01:17 PM (#2677558)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Bill D

She's quite articulate....she's just incomprehensible.

11 Jul 09 - 01:22 PM (#2677566)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: gnu

Now, if she was articulated, she could make a lot of money on the internut. Larry Flynt would give her a signing boner.

11 Jul 09 - 01:45 PM (#2677592)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Alice

An Alaskan blog had a contest for the best title for Palin's book.
The winner is......


11 Jul 09 - 02:31 PM (#2677654)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

How about: "I Never Met a Moose I Didn't Shoot"

11 Jul 09 - 02:37 PM (#2677657)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Alice

"Aerial Hunting Wolf Blitzer"

11 Jul 09 - 02:37 PM (#2677658)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: pdq

Actually, she is wrting a math book called "Moose Turd Pi".

11 Jul 09 - 02:49 PM (#2677661)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ron Davies

We need to take her seriously, actually. She is planning for 2012, as I noted earlier.

11 Jul 09 - 02:52 PM (#2677664)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

Agreed, Ron. I take her seriously.

11 Jul 09 - 02:53 PM (#2677665)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: McGrath of Harlow

Why are people confusing being articulate with being intelligent? Two separate things. mg

Absolutely. And politicians who are articulate without being intelligent are probably even more dangerous than those who are the other ways round - or those who are neither, like the bloke you had for the last four years.

11 Jul 09 - 03:06 PM (#2677673)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Alice

Are you referring to George W. Bush who we had FOR THE LAST EIGHT years??

11 Jul 09 - 03:14 PM (#2677677)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: McGrath of Harlow

I was referring to the period during which he had actually been elected president.

11 Jul 09 - 04:09 PM (#2677708)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

Actually, he may never have been. There were some rather peculiar voting irregularities in Ohio in 2004.

11 Jul 09 - 04:50 PM (#2677734)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Amos

Palin's lack of articulateness may not mean she is unintelligent but it means she cannot share her intelligence in communication. To be persuasive, therefore she has to resort to rhetoric and bullying, or flirting.

I suspect there is actually a good deal of coupling between intelligence and articulateness within the set of people exposed to a sophisticated language and a body of literature and science.

She abuses words in a way that makes her thinking look stupid even if it is not, and one would expect her to be smart enough, if she were smart, not to do that.


11 Jul 09 - 05:03 PM (#2677748)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

Maybe she's deliberately talking that way to appeal to a certain constituency that's out there, Amos. One thing I know for and I don't belong to it. ;-)   I don't think she's stupid. Overly aggressive and impulsive maybe, but not stupid.

11 Jul 09 - 06:08 PM (#2677788)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: McGrath of Harlow

I agree. I think she's very articulate indeed, in relation to the audience she is aiming at. She gets across very clearly what she is trying to get across, which isn't a matter of communicating information or even ideas, but of persuading that audience to like her and trust her.

11 Jul 09 - 06:45 PM (#2677815)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: heric

There's no overestimating youse guys's underestimating of Americans. Palin was rejected decisively and immediately. Obama was elected. Now she has imploded. Talk shows and magazines. The end.

11 Jul 09 - 06:57 PM (#2677826)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Richard Bridge

Yep. We take misunderestimating very seriously here.

11 Jul 09 - 06:58 PM (#2677829)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

The Republican Party was rejected. That was mostly because of the economic crisis which gutted McCain's chances of getting elected, partly because of McCain's own incompetence, partly because of Obama's brilliant speeches and impressive cool, partly because of Palin's incompetence.

It would be a serious error to credit it all to Sarah Palin, and she is definitely popular with a certain segment of the American public. She could build on that, specially if Obama makes some noteworthy mistakes in the next 3 and a half years and the public gets angry at the Democrats.

On the other hand, she could dwindle off into obscurity. I don't have a crystal ball on that, and neither do you.

12 Jul 09 - 03:46 AM (#2678013)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Peace

I wonder how long it will take people to forget Susan Palin?

12 Jul 09 - 07:19 AM (#2678088)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

I don't think I ever knew Susan Palin!

12 Jul 09 - 09:52 AM (#2678170)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ron Davies

"I don't think I ever knew Sarah Palin".   Bingo.

Nor did the poster who said this ever do any research to find out. It would be refreshing if he would start thinking before favoring us with gems like this:

Popular Views on Palin:

9 Oct 2008 10;25 PM

"At least she (Palin) has more executive experience than Barack Obama and wasn't associated with an organization as subversive as ACORN".

Not that the Alaska Independence Party, which she praised several times, and which her husband belonged to for quite a while--though she now seeks to muddy the water on this-- is in the least subversive.

And again:

12 Oct 2008 9:00 PM

"What ever (sic) she did, or did not do the only hope now is to support her and McCain. Look at the alternative."

As I've said before, a poster always has the option to think before hitting "send".   

The poster who gave us the above quotes-- and many more-- must have taken a vow not to think.

12 Jul 09 - 09:54 AM (#2678171)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ron Davies

And that--refusing to think--is a well-known field mark of the common yahoo. Quite common, unfortunately.

12 Jul 09 - 09:55 AM (#2678172)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Amos

Well, passions rise during times of great uncertainty and decision, Ron, and may be forgiven, no?


12 Jul 09 - 10:09 AM (#2678182)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: SharonA

I can't find any biographies of Sarah Palin that say that she was ever in the National Honor Society. The ONLY reference I found is a paragraph in an article on The Gun Toting Liberal site, and I assume it to be an attempt at sarcasm, not background information:

"We'd all love to be rescued by The Department Of Law from some sort an "injustice" we've suffered over the years, wouldn't we? Too bad there is no such thing as "The Department Of Law Of The White House" — we could always use a new, FOURTH branch of government after all, couldn't we? Combine both the Executive and Judicial branches into one secretive little office called "The White House Department Of Law" to rescue us when we need it and there we go, eh? Or would that be the FIFTH "Superbranch" since The Barracuda seems to have agreed with FORMER (Thank God) Vice President Richard "Dick" "Shotgun" Cheney's observation that a vice president is his or her fourth "Superbranch" of government since he or she sits in the Executive yet breaks Legislative ties in the Senate?

I swear to God, I don't know how this happened. After all, as many of you know, Sarah and I both attended school together in Wasilla, Alaska and I could SWEAR we both sat in the same classroom as we were being taught about the Separation of Powers, the Constitution, and our three equal but separate Branches of government. She was a member of the National Honor Society ("NHS") and always earned straight "A's" while I was mostly a perennial camper on the "2nd Honor Roll" and I remember her being very well spoken at that. I remember her being a very likeable, decent, pretty, approachable and highly intelligent young lady back in those days…

What's up, Sarah? I'm beginning to worry about you."

From Poor, Poor Sarah Palin — Where's The White House's "Department Of Law" When Ya' Need 'Em? on

I found a statement in Palin's bio on the Alaska State Government page of which says that she was "recently" inducted into the Sigma Beta Delta Honor Society at Alaska Pacific University. That is not one of the colleges Palin attended, and Palin graduated college in 1987 whereas Sigma Beta Delta was not established until 1994. Her induction appears to be a purely political gesture to give her credit for her achievement in having been elected governor of Alaska, and not to honor any academic achievement.

12 Jul 09 - 10:11 AM (#2678184)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ron Davies

As long as the poster makes it clear that he does not support Palin now.   He seems to waffle now--one might think he believes nothing--just likes to run off at the mouth.

Sounds like a sighting of the Garrulous Yahoo.   Perhaps a bird not quite as common as the Common Yahoo.

12 Jul 09 - 10:20 AM (#2678192)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: SharonA

Ummm... Hey, Ron Davies. I think you need to go back and re-read Riginslinger's post. He was kidding Peace about her typo wherein she said, "I wonder how long it will take people to forget SUSAN Palin?" If you were to have taken your own advice to "start thinking before favoring us with gems", you would have noticed that Riginslinger's post says, "I don't think I ever knew SUSAN Palin!"

You misquoted Rig -- ya didn't even have the decency to copy-and-paste his post -- you substituted "Sarah" for "Susan" when quoting him. Looks like it's time to renig on your own vow not to think!

Or at least get yourself a sense of humor.

12 Jul 09 - 10:28 AM (#2678199)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Richard Bridge

Her typo?

12 Jul 09 - 10:30 AM (#2678200)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: SharonA

Richard: Oh, sorry, is Peace a "he"? Thought he was a she. Oopsie.

12 Jul 09 - 10:55 AM (#2678216)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Amos

Peace, baby!

12 Jul 09 - 11:06 AM (#2678222)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Amos

Frank Rich remarks:

"The essence of Palinism is emotional, not ideological. Yes, she is of the religious right, even if she winks literally and figuratively at her own daughter's flagrant disregard of abstinence and marriage. But family-values politics, now more devalued than the dollar by the philandering of ostentatiously Christian Republican politicians, can only take her so far. The real wave she's riding is a loud, resonant surge of resentment and victimization that's larger than issues like abortion and gay civil rights.

That resentment is in part about race, of course. When Palin referred to Alaska as "a microcosm of America" during the 2008 campaign, it was in defiance of the statistical reality that her state's tiny black and Hispanic populations are unrepresentative of her nation. She stood for the "real America," she insisted, and the identity of the unreal America didn't have to be stated explicitly for audiences to catch her drift. Her convention speech's signature line was a deftly coded putdown of her presumably shiftless big-city opponent: "I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a community organizer, except that you have actual responsibilities." (Funny how this wisdom has been forgotten by her supporters now that she has abandoned her own actual responsibilities in public office.)

The latest flashpoint for this kind of animus is the near-certain elevation to the Supreme Court of Sonia Sotomayor, whose Senate confirmation hearings arrive this week. Prominent Palinists were fast to demean Sotomayor as a dim-witted affirmative-action baby. Fred Barnes of The Weekly Standard, the Palinist hymnal, labeled Sotomayor "not the smartest" and suggested that Princeton awards academic honors on a curve. Karl Rove said, "I'm not really certain how intellectually strong she would be." Those maligning the long and accomplished career of an Ivy League-educated judge do believe in affirmative-action — but only for white people like Palin, whom they boosted for vice president despite her minimal achievements and knowledge of policy, the written word or even geography.

The politics of resentment are impervious to facts. Palinists regard their star as an icon of working-class America even though the Palins' combined reported income ($211,000) puts them in the top 3.6 percent of American households. They see her as a champion of conservative fiscal principles even though she said yes to the Bridge to Nowhere and presided over a state that ranks No.1 in federal pork."

12 Jul 09 - 11:11 AM (#2678226)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Amos

PEggy Noonan does a fine job of putting Palin in a more accurate perspective and deconsructing some of the silliness around her.


12 Jul 09 - 11:16 AM (#2678228)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: SharonA

Thanks for the blueclickie, Amos. I think my misconception of Peace's (Bruce's) gender had its roots in Mudcat lore: the long-defunct ex-user-name of WYSIWYG (Susan), The Mudcatter Formerly Known as Peace. I realize that the current Peace is not Susan, but the memory of Peace once being a female lingered on in my mind. My apologies to Bruce!

12 Jul 09 - 11:22 AM (#2678229)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

I found this on Menard's collection of Wasilla High School yearbooks contains pictures of Palin on the honor society, student council, cross-country team and, most notably, as co-captain and point guard of the 1982 championship basketball team."

12 Jul 09 - 11:40 AM (#2678241)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: SharonA

Ebbie: Thanks for the reference. linked me to this article that contains the quote Ebbie pulled. I'm wondering whether "the honor society" means the National Honor Society or something locally-based or school-based. It still puzzles me that it's so difficult (impossible?) to find a reference that says straight-out that she was a member of the NHS. Why would that not be in every bio -- or at least in every right-wing bio -- if it were true?

12 Jul 09 - 12:19 PM (#2678269)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: SharonA

Hahahahaha.... someone on Ebay is trying to sell website domain names: "" and "" -- only 10 bucks each!!! Funny how he's got no bidders so far...

12 Jul 09 - 12:46 PM (#2678288)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

I agree, Sharon A. Rating inclusion in the National Honor Society is not that difficult - one needs to have a GPA of a certain level - but it is still prestigious enough that in a biography it would likely be mentioned.

I especially doubt it in Palin's case because as a sports jock if she were also in NHS that would be an accomplishment and it would seem very likely to be prominently displayed.

12 Jul 09 - 12:56 PM (#2678302)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: heric

GPA 3.0 is all it takes (unless school has higher req.)

12 Jul 09 - 01:10 PM (#2678316)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: SharonA

Heric: Apparently, in the case of Wasilla High, the requirement is a 3.5 GPA -- See this page

12 Jul 09 - 01:17 PM (#2678329)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: gnu

So, McCain says she ".. will remain "a major factor" on the national scene..."

Think she'll get the nod as the sacraficial lamb to lose to Obama in the next election? Nice job... good pay... travel... no stress...

12 Jul 09 - 01:20 PM (#2678331)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Alice

A 3.5 grade point average in high school is not hard to achieve. You just have to take easy electives.

12 Jul 09 - 01:27 PM (#2678335)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Alice

As I posted earlier, she quit her job as mayor, she quit her job on the oil and gas board, and now has quit her job as governor. She was put in place as Mayor of Wasilla when she had no ability to run the town. It cost Wasilla more to have her as mayor, because she had to hire a city administrator who actually did have the skills to run the town.

She is a hypocrite. She claims to be a fiscal conservative, but she ended up costing the city of Wasilla far more.

Remodeling the mayor's office, $50,000 that should have been put toward road improvements.... when challenged by the city council, she said, well as mayor she could do what she wanted.
The story of Palin putting Wasilla deep in debt, in the Millions, when the city was not in debt before she became mayor, .. here -->

12 Jul 09 - 01:31 PM (#2678339)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: gnu

Alice... easy electives... cake courses. Cake seems to be appropriate.

12 Jul 09 - 01:35 PM (#2678344)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Alice

Seriously folks, watch this from the people who have had to live with Palin as their mayor.

12 Jul 09 - 01:46 PM (#2678362)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

"Or at least get yourself a sense of humor."

          Yes, humor is always nice!

12 Jul 09 - 02:06 PM (#2678383)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: SharonA

I think it's very telling that the high-school achievement the CNN writer found "most notable" in 2008 was NOT Palin's student-council activity or academic honors, but that she was co-captain and point guard of a high-school-girls' basketball team that won a state championship. Perhaps the writer thought it was of note at the time because that's where Palin got her nickname "Sarah Barracuda" for her competitive spirit. It is of note now, in reference to her resignation speech, which included this snippet:

"Let me go back to a comfortable analogy for me -- sports... basketball. I use it because you're naïve if you don't see the national full-court press picking away right now: A good point guard drives through a full court press, protecting the ball, keeping her eye on the basket... and she knows exactly when to pass the ball so that the team can WIN. And I'm doing that -- keeping our eye on the ball that represents sound priorities -- smaller government, energy independence, national security, freedom! And I know when it's time to pass the ball -- for victory."

Yet, from what I read on the subject, a "good point guard" keeps his eye on the whole court, not just the ball, by developing good peripheral vision, and he doesn't necessarily drive through a full-court press. Additionally, according to the advice on this site about basketball fundamentals, "the point guard must have a close working relationship with the coaches and be very 'coachable'.... The point guard must know his role on the team... You must also be able to communicate with your teammates both on and off the court.... Avoid passing in the direction you are looking, or 'telegraphing' your passes.... A good point guard knows how to control the pace or tempo of the game, and how his coach wants the tempo.... You must try to get along well with all your teammates and be a 'peace-maker'."

So, although in some ways she's been trying to play the political game like a basketball game (funny, I always thought it was a "political football") and imagining herself in the role of point guard for the Republican party, and although she has a couple of attributes that might make that analogy sound somewhat reasonable (feistiness comes to mind), she has played the game poorly and cannot be considered to have been a "good" point guard at all. Her analogy is just more delusional drivel (or would that be "dribble"?) from Sarah the Palin'.

12 Jul 09 - 02:21 PM (#2678398)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: heric

I want to file a complaint to find out who paid for the tanning bed in the Governor's mansion.

12 Jul 09 - 02:27 PM (#2678402)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: gnu

A rink instead of sewage treatment? Where it's kinda coolish in the winter? Holy shit!

12 Jul 09 - 02:40 PM (#2678418)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ron Davies

Sorry, Sharon.   You're wrong on this. Look at his Rig's long-term record--supporting Palin and attacking Obama.   My quotes from the campaign were accurate.   And I thought you were one who read carefully.   Perhaps not.

As far as a sense of humor about Palin.

1)    I did point out that she was Tina Fey's understudy.

2)    She is in fact a real possibility for 2012. That's not very funny.

12 Jul 09 - 02:46 PM (#2678425)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: gnu

Ron... "possibility"? of?

12 Jul 09 - 02:57 PM (#2678435)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Bill D

(clarification: "ex-user-name of WYSIWYG (Susan), The Mudcatter Formerly Known as Peace." Susan was formerly known as "Praise".)

12 Jul 09 - 02:59 PM (#2678438)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

Elizabeth Snead, through

"Seems Sarah Palin installed a tanning bed in the governor's mansion in 2007.

"She did. She paid for it with her own money," Roger Wetherell, chief communications officer of Alaska's Department of Transportation and Public Facilities told Us Weekly.

"It was done shortly after she took office [in early 2007] and moved into the mansion," Wetherell told the Narco News, who first reported the story.

"According to Wetherell, it was paid for with her own money and purchased used from a health club"

12 Jul 09 - 03:05 PM (#2678442)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

Rig wanted Hillary Clinton to get elected, Ron. You keep ignoring that for some reason. He once humorously referred to a hypothetical McCain/Cheney team as the "War and Hate" ticket. ;-) He was against Obama and for Clinton. You are applying selective tunnel vision...that is, only seeing exactly what you wish to see in Rig's past posts and disregarding the rest. You wish to cast Rig as a neo-con Palin supporter.   He is not. He has clearly stated that he is not. You wish to cast him as a hypocrite who supports the religious Right while hating religion. He is not that either.

We've been over this again, and again, and again...but you're just to proud to back down and admit to having been mistaken about something you said, and that's about all there is to it.

12 Jul 09 - 03:10 PM (#2678448)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

Little Hawk, just what in the world would we do if we didn't have you to explain everything?

12 Jul 09 - 03:14 PM (#2678452)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: SharonA

Ron: What exactly was I "wrong on"??? I did not say ANYTHING to you about your quotes of Rig's posts from the 2008 campaign in my post of 12 Jul 09 - 10:20 AM. All I said to you was that you misread and misquoted Rig's post of 12 Jul 09 - 07:19 AM. Let's review:

Peace said on 12 Jul 09 - 03:46 AM: "I wonder how long it will take people to forget Susan Palin?" [He said SUSAN, not SARAH.]

Rig said on 12 Jul 09 - 07:19 AM: "I don't think I ever knew Susan Palin!" [...and who would know SUSAN Palin? We have been talking about SARAH Palin!]

YOU (Ron Davies) said on 12 Jul 09 - 09:52 AM: " 'I don't think I ever knew Sarah Palin'.   Bingo. Nor did the poster who said this ever do any research to find out...."

Read your own post, Ron -- you substituted the word "Sarah" for Rig's word "Susan", and then you based the rest of your rant on your supposed gotcha moment when, in fact, you didn't get what Rig said in his post of 12 Jul 09 - 07:19 AM. And apparently you still don't get it. Now you're jumping down my throat, claiming I'm "wrong" about something I never even said to you.

Please try to calm down long enough to re-read my post of 12 Jul 09 - 10:20 AM, and you will see that you failed to think about Rig's little pun before jumping down HIS throat at 9:52 AM for something HE never said... and you have failed again at 2:40 PM.

Ah, but according to your post of 9:52 AM, you consider thinking before hitting "send" to be an OPTION. In my opinion, it should be considered more of a necessity in your case! :-)

I guess that what I'm trying to say is, if you're going to be an attack dog, please try not to be a Sarah Palin-style pit bull without the lipstick. In other words, make sense!!!!!

12 Jul 09 - 03:17 PM (#2678454)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: SharonA

Bill D: How right you are, about Susan/Praise/WYSIWYG. My bad. (My bad memory!) Thanks for straightening me out.

12 Jul 09 - 03:35 PM (#2678466)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

Ebbie - WHOA! That's a troubling question to ponder, isn't it?   Gad! The insecurity of just thinking about it gives me the shivers, and I can only hazard a guess at how nervous others may feel at the prospect... ;-)

12 Jul 09 - 03:57 PM (#2678489)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

I hope you sleep tonight. :)

12 Jul 09 - 04:27 PM (#2678514)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: gnu

Who can sleep with Sarah on their mind? I pine for her. Maybe, if I ran for PM, and she dumped that separatist dead weight, she and I could lose together and go moosin into the sunset like forbidden lovers.

12 Jul 09 - 05:58 PM (#2678589)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: robomatic

From the NYT, posted with a cute graphic of Sarah riding a plummeting elephant, a la "Strangelove"
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
She Broke the G.O.P. and Now She Owns It


SARAH PALIN and Al Sharpton don't ordinarily have much in common, but they achieved a rare harmonic convergence at Michael Jackson's memorial service. When Sharpton told the singer's children it was their daddy's adversaries, not their daddy, who were "strange," he was channeling the pugnacious argument the Alaska governor had made the week before. There was nothing strange about her decision to quit in midterm, Palin told America. What's strange — or "insane," in her lingo — are the critics who dare question her erratic behavior on the national stage.

Sharpton's bashing of Jackson's naysayers received the biggest ovation of the entire show. Palin's combative resignation soliloquy, though much mocked by prognosticators of all political persuasions, has an equally vociferous and more powerful constituency. In the aftermath of her decision to drop out and cash in, Palin's standing in the G.O.P. actually rose in the USA Today/Gallup poll. No less than 71 percent of Republicans said they would vote for her for president. That overwhelming majority isn't just the "base" of the Republican Party that liberals and conservatives alike tend to ghettoize as a rump backwater minority. It is the party, or pretty much what remains of it in the Barack Obama era.

That's why Palin won't go gently into the good night, much as some Republicans in Washington might wish. She is not just the party's biggest star and most charismatic television performer; she is its only star and charismatic performer. Most important, she stands for a genuine movement: a dwindling white nonurban America that is aflame with grievances and awash in self-pity as the country hurtles into the 21st century and leaves it behind. Palin gives this movement a major party brand and political plausibility that its open-throated media auxiliary, exemplified by Glenn Beck, cannot. She loves the spotlight, can raise millions of dollars and has no discernible reason to go fishing now except for self-promotional photo ops.

The essence of Palinism is emotional, not ideological. Yes, she is of the religious right, even if she winks literally and figuratively at her own daughter's flagrant disregard of abstinence and marriage. But family-values politics, now more devalued than the dollar by the philandering of ostentatiously Christian Republican politicians, can only take her so far. The real wave she's riding is a loud, resonant surge of resentment and victimization that's larger than issues like abortion and gay civil rights.

That resentment is in part about race, of course. When Palin referred to Alaska as "a microcosm of America" during the 2008 campaign, it was in defiance of the statistical reality that her state's tiny black and Hispanic populations are unrepresentative of her nation. She stood for the "real America," she insisted, and the identity of the unreal America didn't have to be stated explicitly for audiences to catch her drift. Her convention speech's signature line was a deftly coded putdown of her presumably shiftless big-city opponent: "I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a community organizer, except that you have actual responsibilities." (Funny how this wisdom has been forgotten by her supporters now that she has abandoned her own actual responsibilities in public office.)

The latest flashpoint for this kind of animus is the near-certain elevation to the Supreme Court of Sonia Sotomayor, whose Senate confirmation hearings arrive this week. Prominent Palinists were fast to demean Sotomayor as a dim-witted affirmative-action baby. Fred Barnes of The Weekly Standard, the Palinist hymnal, labeled Sotomayor "not the smartest" and suggested that Princeton awards academic honors on a curve. Karl Rove said, "I'm not really certain how intellectually strong she would be." Those maligning the long and accomplished career of an Ivy League-educated judge do believe in affirmative-action — but only for white people like Palin, whom they boosted for vice president despite her minimal achievements and knowledge of policy, the written word or even geography.

The politics of resentment are impervious to facts. Palinists regard their star as an icon of working-class America even though the Palins' combined reported income ($211,000) puts them in the top 3.6 percent of American households. They see her as a champion of conservative fiscal principles even though she said yes to the Bridge to Nowhere and presided over a state that ranks No.1 in federal pork.

Nowhere is the power of resentment to trump reason more flagrantly illustrated than in the incessant complaint by Palin and her troops that she is victimized by a double standard in the "mainstream media." In truth, the commentators at ABC, NBC and CNN — often the same ones who judged Michelle Obama a drag on her husband — all tried to outdo each other in praise for Palin when she emerged at the Republican convention 10 months ago. Even now, the so-called mainstream media can grade Palin on a curve: at MSNBC's "Morning Joe" last week, Palin's self-proclaimed representation of the "real America" was accepted as a given, as if white rural America actually still was the nation's baseline.

The Palinists' bogus beefs about double standards reached farcical proportions at Fox News on the sleepy pre-Fourth Friday afternoon when word of her abdication hit the East. The fill-in anchor demanded that his token Democratic stooge name another female politician who had suffered such "disgraceful attacks" as Palin. When the obvious answer arrived — Hillary Clinton — the Fox host angrily protested that Clinton had never been attacked in "a sexual way" or "about her children."

Americans have short memories, but it's hardly ancient history that conservative magazines portrayed Hillary Clinton as both a dominatrix cracking a whip and a broomstick-riding witch. Or that Rush Limbaugh held up a picture of Chelsea Clinton on television to identify the "White House dog." Or that Palin's running mate, John McCain, told a sexual joke linking Hillary and Chelsea and Janet Reno. Yet the same conservative commentariat that vilified both Clintons 24/7 now whines that Palin is receiving "the kind of mauling" that the media "always reserve for conservative Republicans." So said The Wall Street Journal editorial page last week. You'd never guess that The Journal had published six innuendo-laden books on real and imagined Clinton scandals, or that the Clintons had been a leading target of both Letterman and Leno monologues, not to mention many liberal editorial pages (including that of The Times), for much of a decade.

Those Republicans who have not drunk the Palin Kool-Aid are apocalyptic for good reason. She could well be their last presidential candidate standing. Such would-be competitors as Mark Sanford, John Ensign and Newt Gingrich are too carnally compromised for the un-Clinton party. Mike Huckabee is Palin-lite. Tim Pawlenty, Bobby Jindal — really? That leaves the charisma-challenged Mitt Romney, precisely the kind of card-carrying Ivy League elitist Palinists loathe, no matter how hard he tries to cosmetically alter his history as a socially liberal fat-cat banker. Palin would crush him like a bug. She has the Teflon-coated stature among Republicans that Romney can only fantasize about.

Were Palin actually to secure the 2012 nomination, the result would be a fiasco for the G.O.P. akin to Goldwater 1964, as the most relentless conservative Palin critic, David Frum, has predicted. Or would it? No one thought Richard Nixon — a far less personable commodity than Palin — would come back either after his sour-grapes "last press conference" of 1962. But Democratic divisions and failures gave him his opportunity in 1968. With unemployment approaching 10 percent and a seemingly bottomless war in Afghanistan, you never know, as Palin likes to say, what doors might open.

It's more likely that she will never get anywhere near the White House, and not just because of her own limitations. The Palinist "real America" is demographically doomed to keep shrinking. But the emotion it represents is disproportionately powerful for its numbers. It's an anger that Palin enjoyed stoking during her "palling around with terrorists" crusade against Obama on the campaign trail. It's an anger that's curdled into self-martyrdom since Inauguration Day.

Its voice can be found in the postings at a Web site maintained by the fans of Mark Levin, the Obama hater who is, at this writing, the No.2 best-selling hardcover nonfiction writer in America. (Glenn Beck is No.1 in paperback nonfiction.) Politico surveyed them last week. "Bottomline, do you know of any way we can remove these idiots before this country goes down the crapper?" wrote one Levin fan. "I WILL HELP!!! Should I buy a gun?" Another called for a new American revolution, promising "there will be blood."

These are the cries of a constituency that feels disenfranchised — by the powerful and the well-educated who gamed the housing bubble, by a news media it keeps being told is hateful, by the immigrants who have taken some of their jobs, by the African-American who has ended a white monopoly on the White House. Palin is their born avatar. She puts a happy, sexy face on ugly emotions, and she can solidify her followers' hold on a G.O.P. that has no leaders with the guts or alternative vision to stand up to them or to her.

For a week now, critics in both parties have had a blast railing at Palin. It's good sport. But just as the media muttering about those unseemly "controversies" rallied the fans of the King of Pop, so are Palin's political obituaries likely to jump-start her lucrative afterlife.

12 Jul 09 - 06:49 PM (#2678628)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

gnu - I keep having those fantasies about Sarah too! I know there's a forbidden volcano of passion lurking behing her saucy wink. And...what happens when the glasses come off? OOOO-wee! The Sarah Palin fantasies momentarily interrupt my more or less fulltime Winona Ryder fantasies, rather like jaywalkers crossing the busy street of my mind against the light... (grin)

12 Jul 09 - 08:55 PM (#2678703)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: heric

Well, thanks, Ebbie, but what I really want to do is file one of those complaints. I'll just add Wetherell as a conspirator.

12 Jul 09 - 09:33 PM (#2678724)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Peace

No problem at all, SharonA. I was posting from my feminine side. :)

13 Jul 09 - 04:50 AM (#2678875)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: The Sandman

I have never heard of her,is she related to Micheal Palin

13 Jul 09 - 04:57 PM (#2679404)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: SharonA

Peace (Bruce), thanks for understanding and smiling. :) :) :)

13 Jul 09 - 05:08 PM (#2679420)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Barry Finn

Last night's news claimed that Shara is planning on making a run for a national office. Was this a joke, it wasn't aired on Saturday night live?
Anyone else catch this?


13 Jul 09 - 05:16 PM (#2679430)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

The Associated Press

WASHINGTON - "Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin said she's not only staying involved in national politics, but she plans to jump back into the national scrum when she leaves office at the end of the month.

"The former Republican vice presidential nominee said she plans to write a book, campaign for political candidates from coast to coast - even Democrats who share her views on limited government, national defense and energy independence - and build a right-of-center coalition.

"I will go around the country on behalf of candidates who believe in the right things, regardless of their party label or affiliation," she said during an interview published Sunday in The Washington Times.

Here, as Reported

13 Jul 09 - 05:28 PM (#2679438)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: gnu

GEORGE! Back off ya frigger! Yoooo stick with yer Winona fantasies and leave Sarah alone. I saw her first. She's my fantasy. Ya wanna jaywalk with Sarah? I gotta jacked 4X4 F150 with 36" mudders that will run yer ass inta the crosswalk where ya belong and then back over ya and spin on toppa ya. Yer mind'll be all over busy street if'n ya mess with my gal fantasy again.

I mean, sorry, man, but those glasses make the little fellah spasm eh. Like you and Nonnie, eh? Ya know eh? Can't help myself.

13 Jul 09 - 05:33 PM (#2679444)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

I feel your pain, gnu. I really do. ;-)

14 Jul 09 - 11:28 AM (#2679980)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

It'd be cheaper and more sure-fire to buy the glasses, gnu.

14 Jul 09 - 12:52 PM (#2680048)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

The "naughty librarian" look is pretty devastating, no doubt about it. And the glasses are an important part of that look. Sarah should consider the alternative career possiblities if the political thing doesn't work out.

14 Jul 09 - 01:15 PM (#2680076)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: SharonA

Little Hawk: Whaddaya mean, "if"???

14 Jul 09 - 01:22 PM (#2680083)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

She's going to reserrect herself in the black community!

14 Jul 09 - 01:26 PM (#2680087)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

I think she'd get along very well with Chongo Chimp. He likes guns, action, straight talk, and long-legged, feisty women. Maybe they could team up in the next presidential election. But who would get the top position?

14 Jul 09 - 01:38 PM (#2680101)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Amos

I think that issue was a sore point between Sarah and John McCain, also...


14 Jul 09 - 01:49 PM (#2680112)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

McCain cuts a very poor figure alongside Chongo. No comparison really. I think Sarah would much prefer teaming up with Chongo, as they would be a far better match for one another.

14 Jul 09 - 02:03 PM (#2680130)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Azizi

She's going to reserrect herself in the black community!

Which black community?

There are millions of communities where Black people live in the USA and elsewhere, so why the singular reference? All Black communities aren't the same just like all Black people aren't the same.

But I'd be hard pressed to find any Black community where Sarah Palin would be lauded-resurrected or otherwise.

14 Jul 09 - 02:35 PM (#2680164)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: gnu

Azizi?? That is a common reference used daily to indicate that someone wishes to appeal in a better light to black people... no??

14 Jul 09 - 03:10 PM (#2680192)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

Yes, Azizi, of course you're right about all of that. It was only that I thought it so outrageous to consider that I mentioned it at all. Bad material that I ought to forward to David Letterman, I suppose.

14 Jul 09 - 04:32 PM (#2680257)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Azizi

gnu, sometimes I share information about African Americans that is a given or is already known to those posting on Mudcat threads.

However, there are lots of other people who read these discussions than those who post to them. I'm pointing this out to them-in case they are interested-more than I am pointing this out to Mudcatters.

Also gnu, I saw that you wrote "Black people" and not "The black man" which used to be what mainstream society [meaning White folks] used to use. So things are changing for the better.

My point is that we [Black people] are plural and not singular.

14 Jul 09 - 05:27 PM (#2680291)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

There are a lot of other collective expressions for groups of people along that line too, like:

the White man
the Red man
the Mohammedan
the westerm woman
the Christian
the Hindu
the Scot
the Frenchman
the Mason

They aren't necessarily derogatory or condescending in use or depends on the context in which they are used, but they can sometimes sound a bit odd to anyone in the group indicated.

14 Jul 09 - 11:50 PM (#2680476)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Peace


15 Jul 09 - 02:07 AM (#2680501)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk


15 Jul 09 - 11:38 AM (#2680789)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

This Fairbanks News-Miner editorial board, like other newspapers in Alaska has not been able to meet with Sarah Palin, due, apparently to her mistrust of the "liberal" media (Fairbanks, by the way, is NOT liberal). In a radio interview she cited Walter Cronkite's opinion - but took it out of context.

She ain't nice.

"She has Changed"

"She did it again on Friday, posting on Twitter in advance of her appearance on KFAR radio in Fairbanks: "Candidly, I love radio vs some newspapers bc... 'Most newspapermen by definition have to be liberal; if they're not, by my definition, they can hardly be good newspapermen.' W. Cronkite"

"Of course, the governor has misinterpreted the quotation for her own use. Cronkite, in the 1973 interview with Playboy magazine, used the word "liberal" as meaning open-minded.

"PLAYBOY: Implicit in the (Nixon) administration's attempts to force the networks to "balance" the news is a conviction that most newscasters are biased against conservatism. Is there some truth in the view that television newsmen tend to be left of center?

"CRONKITE: Well, certainly liberal, and possibly left of center as well. I would have to accept that.

"PLAYBOY: What's the distinction between those two terms?

"CRONKITE: I think the distinction is both clear and important. I think that being a liberal, in the true sense, is being nondoctrinaire, nondogmatic, noncommitted to a cause - but examining each case on its merits. Being left of center is another thing; it's a political position. I think most newspapermen by definition have to be liberal; if they're not liberal, by my definition of it, then they can hardly be good newspapermen. If they're preordained dogmatists for a cause, then they can't be very good journalists; that is, if they carry it into their journalism."

15 Jul 09 - 12:28 PM (#2680831)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: heric

She's going to do well as Fox's Fox.

15 Jul 09 - 12:41 PM (#2680841)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

Frankly, I think the paper is wrong. The media did change. Once they saw her as a credible national political figure instead of a local candidate in Alaska. She became a threat to them and they circled their wagons.

15 Jul 09 - 12:49 PM (#2680847)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: heric

Of course they did, and, as the article points out, she showed no capacity whatsoever to challenge them. That's as it should be.

Obama used to be a terrorist with delusions of being the second coming of Christ.

15 Jul 09 - 01:03 PM (#2680855)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

Okaaay! And what is Obama now?

15 Jul 09 - 01:05 PM (#2680857)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: heric

Remember the best she had to offer us was that she used to stare down Russian fighter jets while fishing, and would so the same for all of us. Political theatre of the absurd.

15 Jul 09 - 01:05 PM (#2680858)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: heric

(I knew you would say that!)

15 Jul 09 - 02:42 PM (#2680917)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

Ah, but you have no idea how many Russian surprise attacks were turned away when the pilots panicked under the angry gaze of Sarah Palin, turned tail, and flew back to their airfields in Siberia. ;-)

15 Jul 09 - 02:50 PM (#2680923)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

The image of Putin sticking his head up over the horizon still makes me giggle.

15 Jul 09 - 02:51 PM (#2680925)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: heric

I believe she did it with one wink through her magic glasses, but that's supposed to be classified.

15 Jul 09 - 03:57 PM (#2680968)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: gnu

Well, they glassify me. I felt hard for her.

15 Jul 09 - 03:58 PM (#2680970)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: gnu

FELL hard.

Yeah... yeah.

15 Jul 09 - 04:06 PM (#2680973)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: robomatic

You folks have been looking at Palin's high school phots. More and more she is showing some age, and the person she is gonna look like is becoming more and more apparent.

That person is Janet Reno.

15 Jul 09 - 04:07 PM (#2680974)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

gnu! You got a cellar? Go there.

15 Jul 09 - 04:56 PM (#2681007)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: gnu

Ebbie. I can't help myself. Alaska and New Brunswick have kinship. Both are lumber woods. Hard woods. Soft woods. I pine fir her. If I could spruce myself up enough to cedar, I'd moose my way through ruts to mountain ash, beech myself wailing for her... she is the alder scratch on the truck of my life.

15 Jul 09 - 05:02 PM (#2681008)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Amos

But as it is, you may pine as you will and treat your cones with your alder palms.


15 Jul 09 - 05:52 PM (#2681028)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Donuel

oooo shame on gnu
you should be pun ished

I think her courageous move should be emulated by Arnold Schartzenegger , Sanford and many others. Afterall this is the home of the brave. Like Sarah says, "When you drive naked, use seat cushions".

Of course I don't get it but thats why we love her.

15 Jul 09 - 06:02 PM (#2681037)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: gnu

She uses seat cushions when she's out boggin in the nude in the mudder? Now, that is calss! Tellin ya, I am one Bud away from confessin.

15 Jul 09 - 06:19 PM (#2681055)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: gnu

DAM that's some beaver! I'd like to kit her kaboodle.

Cellar fer sure.

15 Jul 09 - 09:25 PM (#2681136)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

This discussion is indecent!

15 Jul 09 - 11:56 PM (#2681188)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: katlaughing

I can't remember now who said it, but there was a slogan going around the rodeos which comes to mind: "Ride naked. Your cheeks could use some color."

16 Jul 09 - 12:42 AM (#2681198)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie


16 Jul 09 - 05:03 AM (#2681257)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: gnu

Rig... yes, very much in descent.

16 Jul 09 - 11:49 AM (#2681479)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

From The Baltimore Sun

There are many exceptions, I'm sure, but I tend to agree with Susan Reimer.

"The reaction of the punditocracy to Sarah Palin's abdication as Alaska's governor broke, not surprisingly, along gender lines.
The guys were flabbergasted. The women were furious.

"Women are mad because whatever you thought of Palin's politics, she was our horse in this race and she failed to cross the finish line -- and not because of those politics. She bailed. And she bailed with a garbled torrent of excuses. She blamed the media. She blamed the haters.

"Women are mad because Palin said she was being "altruistic, sincere and articulate," but she was not. She was self-pitying, melodramatic and scatter-brained. She was all the things women have been trying to out-run since we got the vote.

"And finally, I think women are mad because Palin's tabloid family life and her political meltdown seemed to confirm what we are all afraid might be true: Women can't have it all. Work or family. Choose, or you will end up doing both jobs badly.

"Columnist Ruth Marcus might have been speaking for all of us when she wrote, "I think my hostility has to do with our shared gender. I'm anxious to see women succeed in the political arena, as elsewhere, and I think (John) McCain's cynical choice of Palin and her faltering performance since has served to set back that cause."

16 Jul 09 - 02:41 PM (#2681637)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

Yes, it's too bad Hillary wasn't elected!

16 Jul 09 - 03:19 PM (#2681662)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: katlaughing

Ebbie, I don't agree with them. We've had so many women who have already served as governors and in other higher political positions to use as role models. I'm ecstatic that she has been such a f***up and do not feel it puts all women in such a bad light. If young women don't know that, then the journos should enlighten them with bios of Anne Richards, Maxine Waters, Olympia Dukakis, Hillary Clinton (yes!) and many, many more.

16 Jul 09 - 03:23 PM (#2681670)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

kat, I must agree with you. We're probably past the day when individual women can make or break the entire issue.

16 Jul 09 - 06:20 PM (#2681779)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Barry Finn

She'd have failed just as bad as a man. She's just not that good as a human, she'd have been much better as an android.


17 Jul 09 - 01:09 PM (#2682282)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: gnu

I hear she might to a photo shoot for one a them magazines. The centrefold will be a pic of her dressin out a sixty board shoulders deep.... with a rusty jack knife.

Ahhh, if ya dunno, don't ask.

17 Jul 09 - 05:25 PM (#2682479)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

Well, then, I guess I won't ask.

17 Jul 09 - 06:45 PM (#2682523)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: gnu

Ahhh shucks... sorry again, Eb. I guess I should just give it the rest it deserves. But, I am drawn, like a cock raven in a mating swoop in figure eights at break neck speed, wings aflap. Oh, to demonstrate my prowess at the defense of the nest such that I might share in the carrion of Sarah's Orion conqusets. Saint Hubert himself would find jealousy, indeed.

Yeah... time to let this thread fall off the board... sniff... unrequited...

17 Jul 09 - 08:54 PM (#2682579)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

As I said, man....I feel your pain.

17 Jul 09 - 11:07 PM (#2682639)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

And you can believe him, gnu. Remember, he hsn't got Winona. Yet. There, there, Little Hawk.

20 Jul 09 - 07:05 PM (#2684145)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Peace

He has the blow-up doll, Ebbie.

IF sarah Palin had been the first-ever female to run in politics, and had this happened 150 years back, I think women would have been set back by a thousand years. But after the Nellie McClungs, Hillary Clintons and others like them, the "womwen's" cause will not be affected by Palin. SHE'S an idiot, but I think people no longer make generalizations of that kind of sexist nature. Hell, if that were so, after Bush and Palin, the only people left to run would be dogs and cats, and I'd rather vote for a smart Siamese than a stupid Poodle, regardless of gender.

20 Jul 09 - 07:32 PM (#2684174)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: gnu

Regardless of gender.... yup... stunned as me arse knows no boundaries.

Besides... I really don't see that skinny ass luggin a large quarter too awful far on the bog.

But, as the old saying goes, for the smitten, "I'd drink warm piss out of a muddy hoofprint fer...."   ahhh... ever seen a cow moose do a piss dance?... maybe the nature channel might have it on some day.


(But, it's a sight to see. Been there... 20 feet away. Wish I had a videocam with me... it would be on PBN.)

20 Jul 09 - 07:39 PM (#2684178)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Peace

Gnu, to quote LH, "I feel your pain."

20 Jul 09 - 10:57 PM (#2684234)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

These scurrilous rumours that I have a blow-up doll of Winona Ryder are outrageous and totally untrue. ;-) I was trying to get one of Hillary Clinton a few years back, but that's another matter entirely.

Despite exhaustively searching all possible sources, I was utterly stymied in my search for a Hillary Clinton inflatable doll. It seems that her people arranged to buy them all up and destroy them some time well prior to the last election. They feared that those dolls might be used to embarrass the Clinton campaign.

The world has lost a treasure. I weep to think of it.

21 Jul 09 - 12:19 PM (#2684516)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Peace


21 Jul 09 - 01:45 PM (#2684608)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: gnu

5 1/2

21 Jul 09 - 01:56 PM (#2684618)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

Here's a thought. How about I get Chongo to contact his friends in the wrestling trade and they set up a steel cage match in Miami between Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin and use it to raise money for charity. I think the draw to such an event would be simply incredible.

People might feel that Sarah would have an unfair advantage, due to her relative youth, but I think that Hillary's greater experience would count heavily and that it would be a very even match. I have confidence in Hillary's instinct to go for the jugular, but I would hesitate to predict who the ultimate winner would be.

One thing for sure, the betting would be furious on this one. There's millions to be made here, people! Maybe even billions!

21 Jul 09 - 02:06 PM (#2684628)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Peace

That would be a sight to beheld.

21 Jul 09 - 02:21 PM (#2684646)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

It would certainly bring out all the most rabid hardcore Democrats and Republicans in Florida. They'd have to have a phalanx of police 8 deep around the ring just in case the crowd got out of hand. Maybe have the National Guard standing by too...

21 Jul 09 - 02:24 PM (#2684652)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Amos

Hillary would wear a little bejeweled ring with a poison stinger on it. One scratch and Ms Palin woudl lie around looking like an untrimmed moose.   This would only be fair considering their different ages and backgrounds.


21 Jul 09 - 02:43 PM (#2684665)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

LOL!!! Yeah, but she wouldn't use the ring until at least the dying moments of the 3rd round of the match. The crowd has to get their money's worth, ya know.

21 Jul 09 - 03:15 PM (#2684698)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Stilly River Sage

I'll just jump in here with a link to a clever article that Vanity Fair did. They took the transcript of Palin's rambling resignation speech and copy edited it.

Here it is.


21 Jul 09 - 04:33 PM (#2684757)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

Good grief. I take back my thought that, given her premise, Palin was coherent in developing it.

She is a certified journalist? Heavens above.

21 Jul 09 - 04:35 PM (#2684758)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Peace

"Yeah, but she wouldn't use the ring until at least the dying moments of the 3rd round of the match. The crowd has to get their money's worth, ya know. "

Poor old Lady Macbeth . . . .

21 Jul 09 - 04:55 PM (#2684777)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Peace

SRS, I've seen less red at a deer-meets-car MVC.

21 Jul 09 - 08:49 PM (#2684959)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Charley Noble


What's black and white and red all over?

Charley Noble

22 Jul 09 - 08:59 AM (#2685231)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

In five days she'll be shed of the yoke of the governorship of Alaska. After that, I expect Vanity Faire will be in he cross-hairs.

22 Jul 09 - 11:25 AM (#2685293)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

Yes, and then the road will be clear to the big fight with Hillary in Miami in September. The pre-sales on this are going to really be something to see.

22 Jul 09 - 11:37 AM (#2685299)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

Okay, I give up, why Miami?

22 Jul 09 - 11:40 AM (#2685303)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

Because it's such a tacky place, that's why. The whole state of Florida is almost unbelievably corrupt, but I figure it all comes to a head in Miami...sort of like a gigantic pimple sitting on the face of North America. ;-)

Then again...maybe we should set up this fight in Las Vegas. Hmmm.

22 Jul 09 - 12:13 PM (#2685336)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Amos

Darn good editors!


22 Jul 09 - 12:17 PM (#2685340)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: gnu

"In five days she'll be shed of the yoke of the governorship of Alaska."

In five days Alaska'll be shed of the joke of the governorship.

I dunno why... she just really bugs me.

22 Jul 09 - 12:52 PM (#2685361)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

"Darn good editors!"

             Yeah, if James Joyce had had editors like that, just think how skinny and easy to read his books would be today!

22 Jul 09 - 12:54 PM (#2685362)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

"I dunno why... she just really bugs me."

          Probably because she's not super-rich and graduated from the University of Idaho. Americans have gotten it into their collective heads that only super-rich and products of Ivy-League institutions should run.

22 Jul 09 - 01:56 PM (#2685393)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: gnu

You could have sommat there, Rig.

Nah... she's an airhead.

22 Jul 09 - 02:00 PM (#2685399)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

I know, but so was George Bush!

22 Jul 09 - 02:01 PM (#2685401)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: gnu

Two wrongs do do not make a right.

22 Jul 09 - 02:04 PM (#2685405)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: katlaughing

Or, in their case, they do...the FAR Right!

22 Jul 09 - 04:24 PM (#2685478)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: gnu

Far out... errr, spaced out.

22 Jul 09 - 05:54 PM (#2685543)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

Your comment about the editing seems quite apt to me, Rig. ;-) I think that with a sufficiently negative attitude toward someone it would be easy to edit almost anyone's speech in a similarly nasty fashion and cross out at least half of it.

Not that I think her speech was a very well-crafted one. I don't think so. But I think that the editing excercise was done by someone with a big political axe to grind and a strong partisan desire to simply ridicule Sarah Palin quite regardless of what she says or doesn't say...not by someone with an objective and unbiased mind.

It was a mean-spirited exercise. But it will delight and amuse all those who already detest Sarah Palin, of course, so that means it will get a very enthusiastic reception here on this forum. ;-) Whoo-hoo! Party time!

It's all so utterly already know what the standard reactions will be before the event itself even happens.

22 Jul 09 - 06:01 PM (#2685548)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

And, no...I am NOT a Sarah Palin supporter in any way whatsoever. Thought I'd better say that before some fool here conveniently assumes that I am just on the basis of that last post.

22 Jul 09 - 07:09 PM (#2685594)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Amos

Little Hawk:

You are so full of hot air sometimes!! When I said "good editing" I meant that each sentence was made clearer, more energetic, better worded, more concise, by the editorial suggestions. There was nothing mean-spirited about it, and it is clear you have never spent much time editing the windy wanderings of someone who did not think clearly but who wanted to write anyway.

Your slanting of my remarks was opportunistic humbuggery on your part. You are clearly a ne'er-do-well.


22 Jul 09 - 07:27 PM (#2685607)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Peace

Her writing was as clear as her thinking.

22 Jul 09 - 07:32 PM (#2685615)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: gnu

WHO did the rediting?

22 Jul 09 - 07:35 PM (#2685616)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

Little Hawk:

You are...clearer, more energetic, better (and) more concise... There it is... you have spent much time editing... ...the windy wanderings of someone who did not think clearly (my remarks) was opportunistic humbuggery. You are clearly... well.


22 Jul 09 - 08:56 PM (#2685667)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

Man. Speak of predictable. Little Hawk and Rig, you have successfully completed your degree in the art of predictability.

Rig, agreeing with the editing has nothing whatever to do with money or an Ivy League education. Good writing has to do with communication. (Not to mention that Palin allegedly has a degree in journalism. And journalism, if nothing else, aims at clarity and pithiness.)

Little Hawk, I think that sometimes you jump on the bandwagon just because its wheels are turning. It doesn't seem to matter to you what is being said or which side is speaking- you take the other side. I hope that does not mean that you are not principled?

22 Jul 09 - 09:24 PM (#2685676)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

Amos? Huh? What???? Say again?????? I don't even remember having you in mind at all when I typed that post. I was thinking about whoever did the editing job on the Palin speech, not about you. You must be bearing some deep resentments over my incisive analysis of the pressing psychological problems which prompted you to concoct the bizarre character "Chinga" and inflict her on me and my poor, hardworking buddy Chongo, who is only labouring day after day behind a hot desk so that people in Chicago can breathe easier and sleep better at night while he keeps the bad guys at bay. Yeah, that's gotta be it. ;-D Well, I feel your pain too, man. I do.

Do what I did. Get a poster of the upcoming Hillary vs Sarah steel cage match in...wherever it's gonna be...Miami? Las Vegas? Atlantic City? Fresno? ....and paste it on your wall. Just looking at it will do wonders for your morale.

Ebbie - Nope. (grin) It just means that I tend to resist crowds that are caught up in imitative group behaviour...gangs...swarmings...hazing of outsiders...bullying....cushy little self-congratulatory "in" groups of people that get their kicks by harassing those who are not part of the "in" group...that sort of thing. It stems from my early childhood experiences, mostly in school. There was no group I was part of...but BOY were there a bunch of tight little groups around me. Yessiree. And they all had their favorite dogs to kick. So does this forum.

In the sense of principles, I utterly oppose Sarah Palin's social and political slant on things. I also oppose the absolutely crass and destructive and vicious partisanship that BOTH the Democrats AND the Republicans constantly indulge in when they go after each other. I oppose political parties altogether, matter of fact. I'd like to see them all gone, and replaced by nothing but independent candidates of no party affiliation whatsoever.

And I think you'd know that, if you'd been reading my posts for the last few years.

Oh, one last thing: I like Barack Obama. ;-) I like him a lot. I like his style. I like his attitude. I bet I won't hear too many complaints about that here, will I? Maybe from Bearded Bruce, but certainly not from you or Amos. No...because now I am talking the gospel, right?

22 Jul 09 - 09:55 PM (#2685687)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

"Rig, agreeing with the editing has nothing whatever to do with money or an Ivy League education."

                It does in this sense. If the left-wing-looneys went after Mitt Romney in the same manner, he'd simply write a check for the legal expenses of exposing them for what they are, and he'd go on about his business. The left-wing-looneys know he can do that, so they don't attack him. Instead, they attack Sarah Palin who has a much more difficult time coming up with the needed legal expenses. They know that, so they attack her over and over and over, and eventually, they'll go back and try to make the case that she used the money inappropriately.
                Then they're off on another wild adventure.
                It don't cost them nothin'.
                They're assholes.

22 Jul 09 - 10:50 PM (#2685704)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Amos

Little Hawk:

Oh, follow the thread, from the point where I commented on the editing that was done, to Rig's remarks and then to yours, and you can plainly see what I was referring tou. All this backpedaling!! Goodness!! Either you are suffering from insensitivity beyond all normal limits, or you are CYA-ing at a mad rate,

Rig: I think if you look closely at the editing done on Palin's remarks, you will find the editing does not alter or twist the ideas she is communicating. So what is all this tomfoolery about? The fact that she does not speak clearly is self-evident, but it seems to me you are muddying the waters with other issues and some past hurt of your own.


22 Jul 09 - 11:23 PM (#2685715)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

"If the left-wing-looneys went after Mitt Romney in the same manner, he'd simply write a check for the legal expenses of exposing them for what they are, and he'd go on about his business. The left-wing-looneys know he can do that, so they don't attack him. Instead, they attack Sarah Palin who has a much more difficult time coming up with the needed legal expenses." Rig

What blind baloney, Rig. If and when Mitt Romney becomes relevant again there will be plenty of attacks.

Paragraph 1: "Ebbie - Nope. (grin) It just means that I tend to resist crowds that are caught up in imitative group behaviour...gangs...swarmings...hazing of outsiders...bullying....cushy little self-congratulatory "in" groups of people that get their kicks by harassing those who are not part of the "in" group...that sort of thing. It stems from my early childhood experiences, mostly in school. There was no group I was part of...but BOY were there a bunch of tight little groups around me. Yessiree. And they all had their favorite dogs to kick. So does this forum."

ME: To my mind you ARE fighting your early childhood experiences, Little Hawk.

Paragraph 2: "In the sense of principles, I utterly oppose Sarah Palin's social and political slant on things. I also oppose the absolutely crass and destructive and vicious partisanship that BOTH the Democrats AND the Republicans constantly indulge in when they go after each other. I oppose political parties altogether, matter of fact. I'd like to see them all gone, and replaced by nothing but independent candidates of no party affiliation whatsoever.
And I think you'd know that, if you'd been reading my posts for the last few years."

ME: May I postulate that you are confusing "absolutely crass and d"estructive and vicious partisanship" with what is happening in actuality. We, in general, are looking at what Palin has done and said. The problem, imo, lies in how YOU choose to interpret it. To my mind, so far as I can tell, we are not attacking what she does and says on a partisan basis. "Far right"-ness, yes, because that is what her actions and speech reflect. I couldn't care less that she is Republican (although I would add that if she had the views that I admire, in all likelihood she would not identify herself as Republican these days because the Republican party has been hijacked by malignant elements. Incidentally, I think we have demonstrated objectiveness as opposed to partisanship because you may have noticed from time to time how admiringly we have spoken of the occasional Republican who gets it right).

ME: Of course, I am aware that you oppose political parties and labeling. But you might drop that mantra because I think you might concede that that won't happen for at least the next 50 years.

"Oh, one last thing: I like Barack Obama. ;-) I like him a lot. I like his style. I like his attitude. I bet I won't hear too many complaints about that here, will I? Maybe from Bearded Bruce, but certainly not from you or Amos. No...because now I am talking the gospel, right?"

But, Little Hawk, the way it comes across to me is that in recent months if someone were to glow about Obama - and someone else were to denigrate the man and his views -you would feel constrained to join in with him or her. I certainly agree that freedom of speech is a good thing- I don't agree that palpable nonsense deserves the same attention and respect that a reasoned response would entail. Especially if that 'someone else' refuses to answer objections or to elucidate.

23 Jul 09 - 12:21 AM (#2685736)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

Of course I'm fighting my early childhood experiences, Ebbie. Virtually everyone I've ever met is doing that. Maybe literally everyone I've ever met. We all encounter various painful issues when we are very young, and we get patterned into battling around those issues for the rest of our lives. The question is whether one becomes aware of what's really happening or just acts it out blindly. If you become aware of it, then you can usually moderate it quite a bit.

I never like to see a mob of people ganging up on their favorite target...whoever it may be. I tend to stick up for the underdog and the outsider. I tend to look for something decent in a person that a crowd paints as all bad. I try to balance the equation.

This does not require me to betray any of my political or social principles. It just requires me to look beyond stark black and white stereotypes of "good and evil" in specific individuals, that's all.

Now, while I do not in the least agree with Sarah Palin's politics or her philosophy, I find it a bit distasteful watching the left (which I am part of) chasing her about with glee like a bunch of hunters chasing a fox. I would find it equally distasteful if the Right chased someone around like that...and they do, of course. Some of the stuff they threw at Obama during that election campaign was positively astounding.

I know perfectly well that political parties are not going to go away anytime soon...but neither is the Mafia! And neither are the A-bombs. And neither is the CIA. And you know what? I'm dead against all of them. And I know that the fact that I'm dead against all of them isn't going to make a particle of difference....but I do have principles, and I stand by them, regardless of whether there's any hope of my personal stand changing anything.

It's not so much when people "glow" about someone that it bothers me. It's when they gather in a self-congratulatory mob to denigrate and destroy someone they have all decided to go after and they do it for their own mean emotional satisfaction that I am bothered. That someone could be Barack Obama. It could be Hillary Clinton. It could be Sarah Palin. It could be a member or a Guest of this forum. And it often is.

It's public lynchings I don't like, Ebbie.

I'm not accusing you and Amos of carrying out any such lynchings, either. I'm simply talking in general terms about what I don't like to see people in general (in our society) doing...that is, ganging up on someone like a mob of people at a lynching.

It's herd mentality, Ebbie. People will do things as part of a mob that they would probably be a bit ashamed to do if they were on their own. Part of the charge they get is knowing they have a supportive audience. That's why excitable people in groups can be quite dangerous at times.

If you and Amos insist on taking that personally, then you are missing the point of why I'm even talking about it. I'm talking about humanity, not about you. I'm talking about tendencies that are probably latent in every one of us...given the wrong circumstances.

23 Jul 09 - 12:54 AM (#2685742)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

I'm not taking it personally, Little Hawk, but I would suggest that you are using a cudgel far more often than the scalpel. I frequently agree with your views but heavy hands, frankly, are ugly.

23 Jul 09 - 04:33 AM (#2685792)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: SharonA


23 Jul 09 - 08:50 AM (#2685929)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

"What blind baloney, Rig. If and when Mitt Romney becomes relevant again there will be plenty of attacks."

                He is relevant. The last poll I saw had him as the likely front-runner for 2012. But he has money, went to the right schools, and they leave him alone. These journalists are just simply snobs. It interesting to look into their backgrounds and see how some of them got to where they are.

23 Jul 09 - 08:57 AM (#2685935)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: beardedbruce

""Oh, one last thing: I like Barack Obama. ;-) I like him a lot. I like his style. I like his attitude. I bet I won't hear too many complaints about that here, will I? Maybe from Bearded Bruce, but certainly not from you or Amos. No...because now I am talking the gospel, right?""

Actually, I like Obama, too- as a person. It is his politics, policies, and the effect of what he is trying to do that I complain about. And anyone is entitled to LIKE whoever they wish ( as much as some here deny that)

That and the fact that his worshippers here have given him the benefit of the doubt that they refused to give Bush.- IF you want to hold someone accountable for what goes on in his administration, you can't claim that the next one is NOT responsible for what goes on in the next administration.

23 Jul 09 - 11:55 AM (#2686051)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

I would be interested, bb, in hearing how you think the Bush deficit should have been addressed.

23 Jul 09 - 12:16 PM (#2686064)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Amos

I don't think anyone has said that Obama was not responsible for his administration, Bruce. However, even you will allow that starting with a record surplus, as Bush did, and no wars, is a LOT easier than starting with two wars, a collapsed economy, and the largest deficit in history.


23 Jul 09 - 12:29 PM (#2686072)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: SharonA

I don't know why this thread is being clouded with talk of Obama's administration, Bush's administration, etc., etc. The point here is Palin.

I think that invoking an image of Sarah Palin being publicly lynched by "the left" or "the media" is outrageous hyperbole. Lynching is an act of mob violence that results in the physical death of the victim, and Palin is not targeted for death by "the left" or "the media", nor is she a victim.

It is not an act of mob violence to point out Palin's many self-contradictions, violations of law, outright lies, inability to communicate with clarity, and other characteristics that make her unfit for executive office in the federal government and even in Alaska state government. Rather, it is an act of vigilance.

As long as she insists on keeping herself in the public eye, that eye should see clearly just who and what she is, and not be obscured by the rhetoric of "the right" and its insistence that nothing is wrong with their picture of her in the Oval Office.

Poking fun at her is not only impossible to resist, but it is necessary to do as long as there are people out there who take her seriously and are so taken by her charms that they would vote for her. Those people need to be convinced otherwise.

Please, let's drop the word "lynch" from this thread's conversation. I don't want her to die. I just want her to go away and have a happy life fishing and raising her kids and grandkids. Mind you, I don't envy the kids and grandkids who have to listen to Sarah prattle on incoherently, but hopefully they will learn not to listen too closely and just love her as a family member... and visit her in jail if she should ever end up there for her political crimes.

23 Jul 09 - 12:43 PM (#2686077)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

Deficits can be quite a problem...mainly because they accrue interest...and a system that is founded upon usury constantly enlarges the money supply...which causes the money to lose value...which causes inflation...and society suffers. The ones who derive the most benefit in a monetary system which allows usury are the moneylenders: that is, the banks and financial institutions.

Here's an interesting article on the history of usury, and how the meaning of the term has changed in our vernacular (it used to mean charging ANY interest on lent now means charging what is though to be excessive interest on lent money):

the historical definitions of usury

It's in the interest of the banks to encourage the public to borrow money...usually more money than is wise. Thus we see the proliferation of credit cards and buying on credit. People are encouraged to be irresponsible and get themselves into debt, because that benefits the moneylenders.

The moneylenders likewise have encouraged governments to borrow vast amounts of money and get themselves into debt.

Such borrowing always encourages lots of mercantile activity for awhile, but it also enlarges the national money supply, weakens the value of the dollar, and loads a society with an ever-enlarging burden of debt.

And to whose benefit? To the benefit of banks.

Presently you have a situation where the dollar has fallen to, say, a tenth of its original value...or a 20th of its original value...and where the government owes so much money on past debts that it is utterly beholden to the banks and therefore in their power.

The whole thing becomes a pyramid scheme because it finally inflates beyond all possible hope of recovery...due to the creation of vast amounts of "new" money (which appeared by the stroke of a pen or a computer key) through lending and charging interest on existing loans. Interest even ends up getting charged on interest, in effect!

It's a recipe for disaster, but it makes bankers rich. If the bubble eventually happens with all pyramid schemes...then there is a financial collapse due to so many people (and governments) being unable to pay off their loans.

This happened recently.

And what did the government do? They bailed out the banks! They did not throw the moneylenders out of the temple...they rewarded them for their own irresponsibility.

I think that if Obama or anyone in the presidency actually tried to reverse the present usury-based banking system and make it an honest and responsible system, that he'd end up dead by assassination, because the financial forces that are running the status quo are not about to give up what they have put in place ever since the reign of Henry VIII in England in the 1500s. They have a money tree that makes them fabulously rich at the expense of the rest of society and that gives them the whip hand over government policy. That gives them control of society. I can't see any president really being able to reverse that at this point without immediate peril to his own life.

If I were in Obama's position, I would very stringently regulate the banks and greatly reduce their lending margins. And then I would hire the best bodyguards I could possibly find, cross my heart, and hope to live to the end of my term...

Here in Canada we are being told that the recession is ending and we're on the road to recovery. I hope that is so. It seems to be so, but we'll have to wait and see what happens in September-October.

The main thing that has protected Canada through this recent financial crisis has been that our banks are much better regulated than the banks in the USA or the UK. We were lucky this time.

23 Jul 09 - 01:24 PM (#2686113)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

"Poking fun at her is not only impossible to resist, but it is necessary to do as long as there are people out there who take her seriously and are so taken by her charms that they would vote for her."

                   Which is the same motive that entices radio talk show hosts to continue to push to see a copy of Obama's birth certificate.

23 Jul 09 - 01:25 PM (#2686115)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: pdq

Not exaktly, Birdfeathers...

At the time the housing bubble burst, the two federally-created mortgage companies Fannie Mae (by FDR) and Freddie Mac (by Lyndon Johnson) held the majority of mortgage money secured ty single-family housing in the entire country.

Private lenders (by a small amount) held a minority of such loan money.

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac answer to House and Senate committees and are not subject to the regulation that private lenders are.

"Alan Greenspan and the Federal Reserve Warned Congress – Greenspan Testified for McCain's Bill to Fix Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in 2004 and 2005 – Democrats Voted No in House and in Senate Blocked it Along Party Lines!

Posted by iusbvision on September 23, 2008

Brit Hume covered this story on Sept 23 and came to the same conclusion as we did here at IUSB Vision.

The Republicans, in a bill co-sponsored by John McCain,  tried to change the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac oversight regulations to those that are used by bank regulators. The bill to change the oversight rules was eek-ed by the Senate Committee in a party line vote with Democrats against it, but since Democrats were filibustering most significant legislation they didn't like the Republicans did not have the 60 votes to pass it. Not one Democrat would budge.

Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae answer to the banking committee's in Congress – NOT the Treasury Dept, and are monitored by a small agency called OFHEO to report to the committee's, so Congress KNEW this was coming and have for years...

If we fail to strengthen GSE regulation, we increase the possibility of insolvency and crisis. … As I concluded last year, the GSEs need a regulator with authority on a par with banking regulators, with a free hand to set appropriate capital standards, and with a clear and credible process sanctioned by the Congress for placing a GSE in receivership, where the conditions under which debt holders take losses are made clear."

23 Jul 09 - 02:16 PM (#2686152)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: SharonA

Me: "Poking fun at her is not only impossible to resist, but it is necessary to do as long as there are people out there who take her seriously and are so taken by her charms that they would vote for her."

Rig: "Which is the same motive that entices radio talk show hosts to continue to push to see a copy of Obama's birth certificate."

Sorta, Rig, but not exactly. The right-wing-radio talk show hosts are motivated by the Republican Party's talking points, and the R's are indeed motivated by the threat of losing votes to the D's. But the talk show hosts are also motivated by ratings, advertising revenue, keeping themselves on the air by firing up unthinking people with thoughtless rhetoric... that sort of strictly-business thing.

Also, the talk-show hosts are continuing to harp on non-issues, like the President's birth certificate (perfectly legitimate -- see Snopes) and his former ties to the church of the Reverend Wright (severed due to Wright's behavior) and such -- non-issues that have already been proven to be insignificant and irrelevant to Obama's ability to hold the highest office in the land in a somber, responsible manner that is respectful of that office and of the law of the land. In stark contrast, those who report on Palin's comments, her behavior and her record of abuse of her office as mayor and governor are reporting on issues that directly relate to her ability to govern should she seek higher office in future, as well as to her ability to take any kind of leadership role in her political party.

The right-wing talk show hosts are trying to make Obama out to be something he is not. The people who report Palin's activities, and even those who do things like "edit' her speech, are trying to show her as she is.

23 Jul 09 - 02:26 PM (#2686168)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: heric

Sarah Palin Meets the Gnu

23 Jul 09 - 02:54 PM (#2686197)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

Well, Sharon, like I've said, I don't agree with most of what Sarah Palin stands for politically, but the level of bitterness against her seems unrealistic to me.

23 Jul 09 - 03:01 PM (#2686204)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: SharonA

Well, Rig, Sarah Palin herself seems unrealistic to me! *grin*

23 Jul 09 - 03:02 PM (#2686207)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

Enter into the equation, Rig, that if Palin were qualified to inhabit the highest and most visible office we have in the US, no one would be happier about it than Alaskans, of whatever stripe.

But she is not. Far from being a feather in Alaska's cap, she would be an embarrassment, if not worse.

Even those partisan peeps who bemoan the reality that her stab at vice president was short lived and hope she runs for president in 2012 cannot give one actual reason that she should. The closest to a reason that I've heard is that "a president has LOTS of advisers- she'll do fine."

I think they confuse her with Walter Brennan. They like her looks and her folksy ways.

23 Jul 09 - 03:14 PM (#2686222)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Amos

I don't recall that she was forced to throw her hat in the ring; and in choosing to do so, she would ordinarily be expected to either steel herself against the slings and arrows of the spotlight, or ensure she was well-qualified enough to prevent them from being sent at her.   In the event she did neither and leapt into the ring under-qualified and over-sensitive, both. Not a good public strategy, that.


23 Jul 09 - 03:17 PM (#2686226)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Peace

How can we miss her if she won't go away?

23 Jul 09 - 05:19 PM (#2686333)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

"I think they confuse her with Walter Brennan. They like her looks and her folksy ways."

                   Frankly, I was never all that crazy about Walter Brennan's looks.

23 Jul 09 - 05:31 PM (#2686346)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

I suppose as a young man his looks were OK. :)

23 Jul 09 - 07:42 PM (#2686412)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

"They like her looks and her folksy ways."

Of course! ;-) Nothing works like good looks (or the right kind of looks) and folksy ways to get someone into the White House. There's a long and proud tradition of getting American politicians elected on the basis of their looks and their folksy ways. It usually beats intellectual prowess and clear thinking by a mile. Being seen as too intellectual is usually a big drawback for American politicians, because they are thought to be "elitist" if they appear too well-spoken and don't say things like "Aw, shucks!" now and then.

Fortunately, though, Obama's obviously keen intelligence was not enough to keep him from being elected this last time, because the Republicans had totally run ouf of credibility by 2008.

And Obama does look good, of course, so he didn't have that particular strike against him. His main disadvantages were being "Black" (although he's half White)...being "Muslim" (although he isn't)...and being "elitist", of course, because he talks like a very intelligent and well-educated man and has an international outlook. Whoa! Scary!!! ;-) Could he be a secret Al Queda operative infiltrating the White House????? Yikes! I'm sure there were people who thought he was, and who still think so.

Palin's main disadvantage in 2008, despite her good looks and folksy ways, was that the Republicans, as I said before, had totally blown their credibility in the previous 8 years. McCain picked her in what must have been a mood of recklessness or desperation...but I don't think it would have made much difference whom he had picked in the final analysis (though he could definitely have done a bit better than Palin). He was not going to win that election after the economy tanked on top of everything else that had gone wrong under Bush. No way. His only hope really was that enough Americans were still so terrified by the thought of a "Black" man in the White House that Obama couldn't win merely on account of his skin color. That, fortunately, didn't happen.

It's very common to see a party get kicked out of office when the economy takes a nosedive. That's why Bush the Elder didn't get re-elected in '92, despite his successful war with Iraq the year before. That's why McCain had no chance in November. Palin was an intriguing sideshow to the main event. She both got McCain votes and lost him votes...but the economy was what killed him.

24 Jul 09 - 01:07 AM (#2686554)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

"I suppose as a young man his looks were OK. :)"

         It depended on who he was looking at!

24 Jul 09 - 01:16 AM (#2686557)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Stilly River Sage

Counting the minutes. . .

24 Jul 09 - 01:44 AM (#2686565)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Joe Offer

So, it's still a mystery to me why she's quitting a good job like Governor of Alaska. I'm thinking she doesn't want to face the ethics investigations, but I have to say that she really doesn't seem to be all that corrupt. I disagree with her politics, but the charges laid against here have all been of the penny-ante variety.

Hey, maybe FoxNews offered her a job as an anchor?


24 Jul 09 - 08:21 AM (#2686720)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

I think she'll end up in the media someplace, and when she does I woudn't be surprised to see her go after all these whiners who have been going after her.

25 Jul 09 - 05:04 PM (#2687048)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Peace

Will she slap our peepees? Be still my beating heart . . . .

25 Jul 09 - 05:36 PM (#2687080)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: gnu

From this.

"I cannot express enough there is no plan after July 26. There is absolutely no plan," she told The Associated Press earlier this month. "The decision (to quit) was made in the vacuum of what was best for Alaska, and now I'm accepting all the options, but there is nothing planned," Stapleton said.

Ahhh... be still my beating.

25 Jul 09 - 06:28 PM (#2687104)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

Peace - G'wan! Yer just indulging in wishful thinking when you say that. ;-)

I think she'd make one hell of a hockey commentator and would give Don Cherry a real run for his money. If Cherry gets too old for the gig, then she can take over his spot.

25 Jul 09 - 07:46 PM (#2687145)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: gnu

Take over from The Cherry? Well... hey... ahhh... a woman?... well, now, don't get me wrong, eh, but, when ya comment on the world's fastest game and, well, face it, ya don't skate that fast, well, hey, it's like, ya know, that's all I gotta say about that there, eh?

Geeze, eh? Ya know?

25 Jul 09 - 07:53 PM (#2687150)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: robomatic

What's the difference between a pit bull and a hockey mom?

25 Jul 09 - 08:08 PM (#2687159)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Peace

Hey, Robomatic, what's the difference between a pitbull and a hockey mom?

25 Jul 09 - 08:31 PM (#2687176)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: gnu

Lips stuck?

25 Jul 09 - 09:12 PM (#2687200)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

Maybe here's the problem: "The decision (to quit) was made in the vacuum of what was best for Alaska, and now I'm accepting all the options, but there is nothing planned," Stapleton said.

The "vacuum of what is best"?

25 Jul 09 - 09:18 PM (#2687203)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Alice

Well, that is the typical Palin-speak we have come to expect.

25 Jul 09 - 09:19 PM (#2687206)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Peace

Just struck me: who the heck resigns on a Sunday? Maybe she'll have a revelation while in church and reverse her decision. Maybe GOD will TELL her to hang onto the governorship. Folks, it ain't over until it's over.

25 Jul 09 - 09:23 PM (#2687207)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Melissa

Maybe "vacuum of what is best" is her fancy way of saying she has decided that the job sucks?

25 Jul 09 - 11:35 PM (#2687242)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

Maybe so, Melissa :)- nah, she's not that subtle.

26 Jul 09 - 08:50 AM (#2687256)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Peace


26 Jul 09 - 11:14 AM (#2687326)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Micca

" The Ides of March have come,Soothsayer........"

26 Jul 09 - 12:03 PM (#2687348)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

"A word means whatever I want it to mean." I'm beginning to think that Sarah Palin will have a brilliant career in politics. (Eb)

"She's feeling shackled, she can't really do her job in the fullest because of the record requests, ethics complaints, the lawsuits," said Mike Nizich, Palin's chief of staff, at a press conference following her resignation.

"Nizich said that was a tactic of Palin's opponents, to "throw the governor on her heels" and keep her from being able to govern.

"Those claims are contradicted by records released under the Alaska Public Records Law and interviews with administration and other sources. They show a pattern of the Palin administration using public resources and the state's ethics laws in an effort to block and discredit both frivolous and credible charges made against the governor.

"Most of the cost so far stems from that obstructionist effort and not the complaints themselves, the Empire's inquiry shows.

"That's a disappointment for some of Palin's early allies on ethics issues, including former House Minority Leader Ethan Berkowitz of Anchorage.

"The administration has been bullying people who lodge complaints," he said. "That's a completely unacceptable use of the government's power."


"Palin and her staff also have been misstating the outcome of at least two known investigations. In her resignation statement, she claimed that all the complaints against her - 15 by her count on July 3 - had been dismissed."We've won!" she said."

"To claim an unbroken string of victories, Palin had to exclude the legislative investigation that found she had abused her power, a Personnel Board case in which she reimbursed the state for questionable travel expenses, and another Personnel Board case in which a staff member was referred for ethics training.
That her characterization of them as frivolous has been accepted by many in the media is frustrating to some observers."

26 Jul 09 - 12:06 PM (#2687351)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Peace

Has she now resigned?

26 Jul 09 - 12:25 PM (#2687360)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

The resignation, Peace, will be official about 3:00 this afternoon. It will be televised.

Another editorial from today's paper, with an interesting insight:

"Palin's chance to become a contender for the Republican nomination depends on one thing: she must prove she can mobilize voters to elect Republicans in the 2010 mid-term elections. Palin receives adulatory receptions from social conservatives across the country, but here in Alaska she's a lightning rod for controversy and criticism. Had she remained our governor, the drumbeat of adverse news from Alaska would have intensified. Freeing herself from that wellspring of controversy will quiet fears of right-wing congressional and senatorial candidates that some political, legal or personal bombshell lobbed from Alaska could strike while she is campaigning in their district. Eliciting invitations from those candidates in 2010 is essential to Palin's strategy. Without those invitations, she has no chance to display her star power and prove she can mobilize the social conservative base and win elections."

"During her first 18 months as governor, Palin focused on overhauling the state's policies on gas pipelines and petroleum taxes. She was brilliantly successful. One reason was the alliance she forged with Democratic legislators. Another was the reluctance of Republican legislators who supported of the oil industry to oppose Palin in the face of her unprecedented popularity. In September 2007, ten months after her inauguration, according to the Hays Research Group, an astounding 87 percent of Alaska voters had positive or very positive feelings about Palin.

"That has all changed. Palin's alliance with Democrats disappeared in the smoke of the 2008 Troopergate investigation. Relations with Democrats further soured after Palin's nomination as the Republican vice-presidential candidate and her campaign attacks on Barack Obama.
A Hays poll taken in May showed Palin's popularity among Alaska voters down by 33 points. That dramatic drop emboldened her Republican legislative opponents. In terms of shaping policy, Palin's work as governor is finished, regardless of whether she stays or resigns."

"Palin Resignation Only Chance for 2012 Run"

26 Jul 09 - 12:27 PM (#2687362)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Peace

Is she so deluded that she thinks she could run and win in 2012?

26 Jul 09 - 12:35 PM (#2687366)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Jeri

Damn. I thought I had a little gas and missed it. So 3PM there is 6PM here maybe?

26 Jul 09 - 01:24 PM (#2687409)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

This is good. Very good. I have high hopes that Chongo can persuade Sarah to run on the Primate Party ticket in 2012. They both love using guns. They are both extremely outspoken and not afraid of pressing their point. They both use folksy language. They both don't give a toot what anyone thinks about them.

The only problem is that Sarah may want the top spot in the 2012 Primate Party ticket rather than the VP...

I can't see it happening. There's no way that apes and monkeys nationwide will vote for a human female to represent them in the Oval Office. They're just too prejudiced to do that, I'm afraid, so it's unrealistic to expect them to. Anyway, Chongo has the presidential spot all wrapped up already.

Nope. She's gonna have to settle for VP or Secretary of State under Chongo Chimp. I bet he's working right now on some way of sweetening the deal so that she agrees to play second fiddle.

26 Jul 09 - 01:33 PM (#2687417)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

Little Hawk, remember that she kills animals. From a distance. I have little doubt but that Chongo would end his illustrious career hanging on her wall.

Jeri, 3 o'clock in Alaska will be 7 o'clock on the East Coast.

26 Jul 09 - 01:43 PM (#2687423)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

Resignation Will Be Streamed Live beginnging 2:45 ADT

Might even be beginning at same time.

26 Jul 09 - 01:51 PM (#2687430)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

Well, yeah, Ebbie...but has she ever killed an animal that's wearing a pinstripe suit and a fedora and smoking a cigar?   Has she? I don't think so. Naw...all ya need with a gal like Sarah is to make the proper introductions and formalities. Sure, if Chongo were to doff all his clothes and go shambling around through the tundra grazing on wild berries and Sarah saw him....well, yeah, she'd shoot him for sure!

But we are talkin' negotiation here. Phone calls. Faxes. Power lunches at local delis. Skype. Text messaging. Meetings on the third floor of Primate Central. Speeches at local riding associations. I think we can depend on Sarah to behave in an appropriate manner, don't you?

26 Jul 09 - 02:49 PM (#2687474)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: gnu

14:45 ADT was two hours ago. Atlantic Daylight Time.

26 Jul 09 - 03:08 PM (#2687487)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

Ha, I say. Gnu, ADT in this country means Alaska Daylig

Hmmmmm. Wrong again. It's AST.


26 Jul 09 - 03:55 PM (#2687507)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: gnu

Atlantic Standard Time?

26 Jul 09 - 03:56 PM (#2687509)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Peace

Ebbioe. You have always been a sweetheart. Would you please message me when she's gone? I ain't got a watch.

26 Jul 09 - 04:23 PM (#2687523)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Amos

IT's 12:21 Anchorage time right now. while New York is 16:21 and San Diego is 13:21.

Paris is already at 22:21, London at 21:21.

Any questions?


26 Jul 09 - 04:42 PM (#2687540)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: GUEST,SharonA, without enough time to log in

Only one question: Why is she waiting till 2:45 Alaska time?

IMO, it shoulda been done one second after midnight Greenwich Mean Time.

But then, really, it shoulda been done months ago...

Counting the seconds...

26 Jul 09 - 05:47 PM (#2687592)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: gnu

Way ho?

26 Jul 09 - 05:53 PM (#2687599)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: robomatic

Ushering in Governor Parnell, so maybe the Irish will be freed!

26 Jul 09 - 06:53 PM (#2687629)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

After checking around, I find that MSNBC/ Breaking News on the computer offers the best, quickest access to the resignation/swearing in. I have it on now.

26 Jul 09 - 07:55 PM (#2687661)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

She discovered that big time politics is a game one can't play without money. Once she has the money, my guess is, she'll decide the game isn't worth the effort.

26 Jul 09 - 08:06 PM (#2687672)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

We have a new governor.

26 Jul 09 - 08:08 PM (#2687674)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Peace

You wouldn't have needed one had you not been driving so fast.

26 Jul 09 - 09:13 PM (#2687701)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Amos

Congratulations to the much-esteemed State of Alaska on their progress.


26 Jul 09 - 09:17 PM (#2687703)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

All right so far. :)

26 Jul 09 - 09:18 PM (#2687704)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

*g*, Peace!

26 Jul 09 - 11:08 PM (#2687740)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

Once again, for those who remember the movie "The Sting," if you're gunna make it in the big con, you gotta have money!

26 Jul 09 - 11:24 PM (#2687745)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Peace

Rig, love you as I do, and so seldom seeing you miss the target, man, you fucked this one. They did it with NO money, and when the world is against you, I will be your friend nevertheless.

Can yo believe that's a word?

26 Jul 09 - 11:40 PM (#2687748)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Peace

Ebbie, please allow me to emmbarrasss/embarasass/emmbarass make you blush. Of all the people I ever met on Mudcat, you are it.

26 Jul 09 - 11:50 PM (#2687758)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: katlaughing

My sisters called to tell me of something they heard on tv this morning:

Palin's last act in saying farewll was to look out her window and wave goodbye to Russia.

I'm sure they will miss her.:-)

26 Jul 09 - 11:54 PM (#2687762)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

"They did it with NO money, and when the world is against you, I will be your friend nevertheless."

                Well, thanks, Peace. I guess you're right about the con artists making it with NO money. But they continued to say amongst themselves it wasn't possible. Maybe that was the genius of the movie. In any event it was my all time favorite movie. I'll forever and always think it was a great movie.

                And besides all of that, Scott Joplin was awarded the Pulitzer prize for the soundtrack posthumously. That ought to be worth the price of admission alone.

27 Jul 09 - 12:09 AM (#2687768)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Peace

Only if you're Scott Joplin, Rig.

27 Jul 09 - 12:18 AM (#2687770)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Peace

That is the absolute very best piece of wit I ever saw on Mudcat, Kat.


27 Jul 09 - 12:32 AM (#2687773)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Peace

Kat, that is the best 'piece of wit' I ever saw on Mudcat. Thank you.

27 Jul 09 - 01:26 AM (#2687776)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Stilly River Sage

"The View"--look out, here comes Sarah!

27 Jul 09 - 01:43 AM (#2687779)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Joe Offer

I listened to the farewell speech. It may be the last speech she gives to a national audience, before she fades into obscurity.
She had better speechwriters when she was running for Vice President. This speech was a little loopy.
Sarah, I do think you would fit well into a job on FoxNews.

27 Jul 09 - 03:48 AM (#2687805)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: McGrath of Harlow


27 Jul 09 - 08:13 AM (#2687906)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

"Sarah, I do think you would fit well into a job on FoxNews."

             Which would save her from obscurity!

27 Jul 09 - 08:25 AM (#2687922)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Charley Noble

Well, it's no longer July 26! We can all get over it.

Maybe, just maybe, we won't have this sassy and loopy lady to kick around anymore, but that's OK!

Charley Noble, who has sworn off this thread!

27 Jul 09 - 11:07 AM (#2688007)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Amos

"I think the Palin drama is actually important. It's not because of her: she's a delusional, narcissistic and disturbed person who would be voted off a reality show in the first rounds. It's because of John McCain, the Republican establishment and the mainstream media. What happened last fall was a warning sign to all of us about how corrupt and cynical the GOP, McCain and the MSM are. They colluded in such a way that this unstable, erratic, know-nothing beauty queen could actually have been president of the United States. What matters is that all those in on this scam be exposed and their way of conducting themselves be reformed until they stop risking the fate of the country and the world on their own vanities and cowardice.

McCain knew full well that Palin was unqualified to be commander-in-chief at this period of time; and he knew there was no way she could ever learn enough to do the job. So his decision to pick her was pure cynicism and irresponsibility. The MSM knew full well that there were very serious questions about this unknown person's background, lies, mental stability, and secrecy - but they were so terrified of being called biased they refused to do the proper vetting.

The Republican establishment has long condescended to the pro-life, anti-gay, de facto soclialist, de iure capitalist heartland voters - and they cynically believed they had found a formula to get them to vote for McCain on ground of pure class resentment and sex appeal to older white males. Even sane decent people like Matt Scully and Mark MacKinnon signed up. Peggy Noonan was caught lying on national television. The convention was a surreal implosion. I agree with Richard Cohen this morning:

Naming Palin to the GOP ticket -- a top-down choice by McCain -- was the most reckless decision any national politician has made in the longest time, and while it certainly says something about McCain, it says even more about his party. It has lost its mind.

The reason we need to get to the truth of what happened is that these people nearly took this country off a cliff. They need to be held accountable. They need to be removed from their positions of power. We cannot move on until they are. And John McCain should retire from public life. After that decision, nothing he says can be taken seriously on the national or international stage." Andrew Sullivan, columnist

27 Jul 09 - 12:17 PM (#2688062)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Peace

Jus' settin' here prognostakating/prognosstickating/progno/ thinkin' 'bout shit and I figure that Sarah Palin will team up with Ann Coulter. Scary, huh?

27 Jul 09 - 12:21 PM (#2688068)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk


27 Jul 09 - 12:21 PM (#2688070)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Jeri

I think SP is already an honorary blond so who knows?

27 Jul 09 - 12:38 PM (#2688083)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Bobert

Well, I'm kinda bummed...

Ms. Sarah is one very entertaining and foxy lady and I'm afraid that the media just ain't gonna follow her around from speech to speech if she doesn't come up with some new material and now she has cut herself off from getting any... Ay least as Governor, even if she wasn't sayin' anything new, she at least got coverage...

Poor LH, too... I mean, he may need some Betty Ford time...



27 Jul 09 - 12:46 PM (#2688091)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

"Naming Palin to the GOP ticket -- a top-down choice by McCain -- was the most reckless decision any national politician has made in the longest time..."

                   There's no end to what these people will say. Ronald Reagan was a lot more dangerous that Sarah Palin ever could have been. Imagine Reagan, waking up from his nap, forgetting WWII was over, and pushing the button to discharge a nuclear war.

27 Jul 09 - 01:16 PM (#2688117)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

Rig, Chongo never tires of telling me shocking and hilarious anecdotes that his old friend Bonzo passed on to him about making that movie with Ronald Reagan way back when. The man couldn't act his way out of a paper bag. He made Shatner look like Olivier. Bonzo said that if Reagan had been born an ape, his momma would probably have dropped him out of a tall tree when no one was looking, and he wouldn't even have been missed.

Bobert, you will hear a whole lot from Sarah in 2011 when she and Chongo launch the Primate Party's next bid for the presidency of the USA. You betcha. Wait for it. Her problem last time was that she was saddled with that worn-out old loser, McCain. You won't see her for dust when she runs alongside Chongo Chimp.

27 Jul 09 - 02:05 PM (#2688157)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: catspaw49

I hear she became so enthralled with reality TV after meeting with Paul Tuttle from Orange County Choppers she has signed on for the next season of episodes on "Ice Road Truckers."   Early reports were that she would actually be driving but now it seems she will be a waitress at a truck stop in Fairbanks where she gives cheap blowjobs.


27 Jul 09 - 05:00 PM (#2688314)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: gnu

I am cashin in my Air Canada frequent flyer miles! I am gowin WAY DOWN to ALASKA!

27 Jul 09 - 05:29 PM (#2688341)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

You shouldn't talk that way about a future Primate Party vice presidential candidate, Spaw. You should be ashamed of yourself. You want me to send Chongo down there to whup yer ass?

27 Jul 09 - 05:58 PM (#2688362)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

Just a thought!

1. She's a politician.
2. She promised to quit, and kept that promise.

You don't often get the chance to say a politician kept a promise.

Somebody call up the Guinness Book of Records.

Don T.

27 Jul 09 - 06:37 PM (#2688391)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

That's a good point, Don. Sarah seems to have raised the bar for American politicians.

27 Jul 09 - 06:43 PM (#2688399)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

Didn't Bush promise to invade Iraq?

27 Jul 09 - 08:53 PM (#2688475)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: GUEST,SharonA,, still unlogged in

Is the text of the farewell speech somewhere on the internet? I can't find it, and I wasn't able to watch TV when it happened.

27 Jul 09 - 09:20 PM (#2688484)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

Here it is, Sharon

27 Jul 09 - 09:23 PM (#2688485)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

Sarah Palin will resign on July 26! And she did. Now what?

27 Jul 09 - 09:43 PM (#2688497)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Donuel

Never have so many owed so much bullshit to such drivel so poorly spoken, by Sarah Palin, that Dan Quayle's legacy is growing more scholarly by the day.

At least other politicians be they Reagan or GWB or Arnold Schwartzenegger could quote Milton Friedman as the guru of deregulation and free for all markets unincumbered by any oversight no matter how much damage or death they cause.

Believers see Sarah Palin as one of them. The WIllie and Wilma Lowman's out there know that while they may be under educated their perseverence and effervescense can open doors to the big time money machine. Nothing can pay off as much as being a celebrity for merely being famous.

For "the rest of us" we may seem outraged at the incompetence and ignorance of this woman. We needn't be. This is exactly the kind of person that too big to fail multi national corporations want to lead the herd. Whenever we fall for a charismatic, we end up paying through the nose for the right to be slaughtered financially or literally. (Unless you are a war profiteer or criminal invesment banker.

One thing I've learned in DC is that what completely outrages normal people is quite normal and completely acceptable to insiders.

But then again I have been saying this for 10 years now and things will still get a lot worse before they get better.

Palin sings: "Life is just a bowl of cheeries, on the sunny side of the street.. except for media... grey skies are gonna clear up on the Godly side of the street... now doncha cry now, just sing sing singin in the rain - I SEE RUSSIA!"

27 Jul 09 - 09:56 PM (#2688504)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Donuel

Hey Spaw they have spot open on the show "Pitchmen".
Maybe Sarah can geterdone on that show too.

27 Jul 09 - 10:04 PM (#2688507)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: robomatic


"What's the difference between a pitbull and a hockey mom?"


"A pitbull never quits!"

27 Jul 09 - 11:41 PM (#2688530)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Alice

As one supporter at a Palin rally told CNN in a report I watched, he liked her because she could "talk down to our level".

28 Jul 09 - 12:04 AM (#2688538)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

Bush was good at that too. Kerry, on the other hand, seemed like an Ivy League elitist to such people, and so does Obama.

28 Jul 09 - 04:17 PM (#2689036)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Donuel

good one Rob O.

A pitbull never quits...or stops biting.

28 Jul 09 - 05:40 PM (#2689150)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: gnu

Oh... she bites....

28 Jul 09 - 06:56 PM (#2689215)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

She will now that she has teeth.

29 Jul 09 - 11:44 AM (#2689641)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Stilly River Sage

Don't give pit bulls such a bad rap. My pit bull is a sweetheart, and she is also much smarter than Sarah Palin.

Conan O'Brien has figured out what Sarah was up to in her resignation speech. William Shatner demonstrates.


29 Jul 09 - 11:48 AM (#2689647)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Stilly River Sage

BTW: I haven't followed this thread, just blind posted a couple of times, but I did take a moment to glance back at the last 50 entries. I had wondered if LH might be smitten with Ms. Palin. Since he is, he will be in seventh heaven with Shatner interpreting Palin's rambling speech as poetry. :)

29 Jul 09 - 11:58 AM (#2689652)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

I must say it sounded a whole lot better coming from Mr. Shatner. :)

29 Jul 09 - 04:53 PM (#2689883)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: gnu

That was priceless! That was some great Shat!

29 Jul 09 - 08:42 PM (#2690026)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: SharonA

Thanks for the link to the farewell speech, Ebbie. Hoo boy, what a wackazoid ol' Sarah is. The text alone doesn't show just how far out-there she is; it's necessary to view clips of her delivery. Hoo boy.

Frankly, I'm disappointed in Shatner's version; he was far too subdued. I was hoping for a "Mr. Tambourine Man"-style rendition... y'know, closer to Palin's own rendition. :-)

So, was there ever a bumper sticker that said, "we don't give a darn how they do it outside"? (or even "a damn"?) I'm not seeing any hits for the phrase on Google other than in reference to Palin's speech, except for one oblique reference in a chat thread on

30 Jul 09 - 01:09 AM (#2690116)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

"we don't give a darn how they do it outside"

I've heard reference to that phrase but it was used way before my time. I suspect it was before Alaska statehood, or not too long afterward.

There are still oldtimers around who refer to "the states" when they plan a vacation in the lower 48 and the phrase may have come from their heydey.

30 Jul 09 - 01:46 PM (#2690416)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

If I was a smoker, I would have had to have a cigarette after hearing Shatner's very cool rendition of Sarah's stunning and impassioned free verse about Alaska...

And I feel exactly the same way when I watch Sarah deliver her Alaskan poetry herself. Whooo-whee! You wanna just help her jump right out of her power suit and do it right there on the steaming tundra. Yessiree. You betcha. Stand back, you lumberjacks!!! She's MINE!   ;-D

30 Jul 09 - 03:08 PM (#2690505)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie


30 Jul 09 - 03:31 PM (#2690532)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: gnu

LH. You got Winnie. Back off varmint.

30 Jul 09 - 04:59 PM (#2690591)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Alice

News today, Clear Channel Radio (the stations that have Rush Limbaugh) have rejected the idea of a Palin talk radio show. Apparently they didn't think she had the skills to handle 15 hours of radio each week.

30 Jul 09 - 05:58 PM (#2690628)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

But if Rush Limbaugh can do it how much sense can it take?

30 Jul 09 - 08:47 PM (#2690749)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: SharonA

Wow... Clear Channel doesn't want a Sarah Palin talk-radio show? I'm amazed. Of course she could spout nonsense for 15 hours a week, and the talk would be so far out-there that it would have been a far more entertaining show than Limbaugh's or Hannity's. On the other hand, I can't see Palin interacting with others on-air (taking calls, interviewing dignitaries) without losing her temper at them and alienating them (and, eventually, her listeners?), so I guess Clear Channel made the right call for their business.

31 Jul 09 - 08:46 AM (#2691000)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Charley Noble

So, when do Shatner and Palin announce their candidacy for President, and who gets "top" billing?

Charley Noble

31 Jul 09 - 08:53 AM (#2691003)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

She's not running with Shatner. She's running with Chongo on the Primate Party ticket in 2012.

Well, all right, it isn't confirmed yet...but that's the plan anyway.

Shatner can't run for your president, because he was born in Montreal. Damn shame. That man runs a tight ship.

31 Jul 09 - 10:13 AM (#2691036)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Alice

Another Palin cancellation of attendance to a Republican event - this is becoming a pattern! Quitting or canceling... probably why Clear Channel thought she would not stick it out long enough to fulfill a contract.
"...Palin schedule chaos hits GOP....
Despite an earlier announcement from a California Republican women's group, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin will not be speaking to an event sponsored by the group scheduled for next weekend at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, a spokeswoman for her political action committee said Thursday night — the latest such high-profile incident of confusion over the governor's schedule over the past few months......"

31 Jul 09 - 10:45 PM (#2691394)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: SharonA

"...Clear Channel thought she would not stick it out long enough to fulfill a contract."

Oh, yeah, that quitting-in-the-middle-of-the-contract thing. Maybe she would have considered herself a lame-duck talk-show host! :-)

I agree with Alice that Palin's quitting is becoming a pattern, and so is her denial of ever having committed herself to do the things she quits. See the article below (boldface is mine):

From "SIMI VALLEY (AP) -- Former vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin won't be visiting the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Southern California next week. Palin had been invited to an August 8 gala at the Simi Valley library honoring the 50th anniversary of a local Republican women's group....

Palin spokeswoman Meghan Stapleton posted a note on Palin's web site Thursday [July 30] saying Palin never promised to attend and won't because of other commitments.

Republican Women Federated spokeswoman Pat Saraceno confirmed Palin's absence and said refunds would be offered, but the event will go on."

...I love that "OTHER commitments" bit -- is it a Freudian slip on Stapleton's part that acknowledges that Palin's attendance WAS one of her commitments, despite the supposed lack of a "promise"?

31 Jul 09 - 11:08 PM (#2691399)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: SharonA

Here's Stapleton's full statement that was posted on Palin's Facebook page, according to Ben Smith at

"As repeatedly stated to several in the media over the last week, former Governor Sarah Palin is not committed to attend the Simi Valley Republican Women's event at the Reagan Library and in fact is not attending the event. Neither the Governor's state staff nor SarahPAC has ever committed to attending this event or speaking at this event, and even requested that the Governor's name be removed from the invitation several weeks ago. The Governor has other work and commitments to take care of at that time. She looks forward to visiting her friends in California soon.

All event requests must be confirmed with Meghan Stapleton of SarahPAC. Additionally, all invitations bearing the Governor's name must be approved by her attorney before proceeding.

Thank you.
Meghan Stapleton"

..."several weeks ago" she tried to have her name removed from an invitation to an event she supposedly never committed to (so why was her name on the invitation in the first place?), and yet, as late as July 29th (the day before Stapleton's post), all indications in the media were that Palin would attend and speak. It's positively Orwellian!

31 Jul 09 - 11:34 PM (#2691405)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: SharonA

According to various etiquette sites, it is not proper for Stapleton to have referred to Palin as "the Governor" in her statement yesterday. Palin is, of course, the former Governor. The proper form of address would be "The Honorable Sarah Palin" but perhaps that stuck in Stapleton's craw.

01 Aug 09 - 11:47 AM (#2691631)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

Bumper sticker seen: "Sarah Palin for President 2012- 2014 1/2"

01 Aug 09 - 05:08 PM (#2691818)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: SharonA

What's next for Sarah Palin might be a divorce from Todd Palin. This from an article by Ryan Witt of the St. Louis Political Buzz Examiner: Is media "makin' stuff up" with rumors of Sarah Palin divorce?

"The website Alaska Report has released a story that Todd and Sarah Palin are set to divorce. If the website is correct it will be another big break for the organization that claims to have also first reported Sarah Palin's Governor candidacy and her Vice Presidential candidacy. Alaska Report claims to have confirmed the story with multiple sources in Wasilla and Anchorage.

At this point I am holding out for more confirmation from other sources before trusting this report. The story run by Alaska Report does not name its confirmation sources which gives me reason to doubt. In addition, just in browsing the Alaska Report website it appears to be slanted toward the anti-Palin side of the media. Finally, the one source the report does cite is The National Enquirer which does not always maintain a great deal of credibility. However, The National Enquirer was the first to release the story of former Senator John Edward's affair so they have been known to break a big story every now and then.

Having said all this, if the Alaska Report is correct they will get tremendous credit for being the first to report what could be a huge story. I for one hope the story turns out to be false. I may disagree with nearly all of Palin's views but I would hate for a family with that many children to be split with divorce."

This begins to sound like a ripoff of "Jon & Kate Plus Eight"! (How 'bout "Todd & Sarah Plus Two-Pair-ah Plus a Spare-ah"?)

01 Aug 09 - 05:21 PM (#2691826)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Alice

Along with that rumor are the rumors that she threw her wedding ring into the lake and has purchased land in Montana. I HOPE SHE HASN'T bought land in Montana!! We don't want her here!

Alice in Montana

01 Aug 09 - 05:23 PM (#2691827)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Alice

Huffington Post article, Palins Divorce???

01 Aug 09 - 06:56 PM (#2691866)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: gnu

SO... there is hope?

01 Aug 09 - 07:23 PM (#2691886)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: SharonA

Apparently so, gnu. If you wanna go after a woman who names her kid after a branch of mathematics, hey, who am I to judge? Follow that rainbow.

01 Aug 09 - 07:52 PM (#2691902)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Alice

oh.... I thought Trig was named after Trigger, you know, as in gun, or maybe the horse.



01 Aug 09 - 08:03 PM (#2691908)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

Chongo's been talking about what he would name his kids if he had some.

The boys...


The girls...


I see more and more in common between him and Sarah Palin, and I think they'd be an amazing presidential team.

01 Aug 09 - 08:23 PM (#2691921)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Amos

Hard to say which is the cartoon, and which the imaginary playmate...


01 Aug 09 - 08:28 PM (#2691923)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: gnu

Hey... I don't wanna marry her... I just

01 Aug 09 - 10:02 PM (#2691961)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Charley Noble


You have your mission.

Make an honest women of Sister Palin.

Now I really need some sleep!

Charley Noble

02 Aug 09 - 11:48 AM (#2692192)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

Gnu, I have decided to step aside and give you free rein to make your play for the ravishing Mrs Palin. After all, I'm busy enough courting the delightful and irresistible Winona Ryder that I can't really handle the conflict of interest. So good luck! If you do succeed in your objective, pass on a message from Chongo. It is: "We need YOU, Sarah Palin, for the Primate Party of America in 2012!"

02 Aug 09 - 12:03 PM (#2692206)
Subject: RE: BS: View of Governor Parnell
From: Ebbie

Governor Parnell is known to be as conservative as former Governor Palin but he has a very different style. When he lived in Juneau's Starr Hill neighborhood he made good friends here.

"Gov. Sean Parnell's first week in office was spent mending fences and rebuilding bridges between the governor's office and Juneau, just as local residents had hoped he would when he assumed the role.
Parnell appeared genuine and sincere this week when he made a commitment to work with local lawmakers and residents for the betterment of our city and state as a whole. That much was apparent at Thursday's Chamber of Commerce luncheon when residents packed the Moose Lodge to standing-room-only capacity to greet their new governor.

"Parnell knew exactly what the city's residents wanted - and needed - to hear: He's committed to working and living in Juneau. Family obligations (his eldest daughter is a high school senior) will keep Parnell from living in Juneau full-time in the immediate future, though he has pledged "to spend a majority of his time here.."

So Far, So Good

02 Aug 09 - 12:09 PM (#2692212)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

Local Cartoonist's View

02 Aug 09 - 10:04 PM (#2692543)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

Ebbie - Do you think Parnell will try to distance himself from Sarah Palin? And do you suspect he will try to cover her tail for some of the allegations that have been made against her?

02 Aug 09 - 11:07 PM (#2692561)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

I doubt very much, Rig, that he will bad-mouth her; for one thing, it wouldn't be good politics.

On the other hand, just by changing some things that she did he is already acknowledging that he doesn't agree with her.

Parnell lived for at least 8 years in Juneau and is good friends with a number of people I know. Even though he himself is a Republican, his father was an influential Democratic
Parnell has the reputation of being a pragmatist, he works toward the goal. He also does not have the reputation of being vindictive.

So, yes, we have hopes that a new day has dawned.

02 Aug 09 - 11:31 PM (#2692566)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Amos

The good people of Alaska may be proud.

How many of them, BTW, voted for the Palin ticket vs. the Obama one?


03 Aug 09 - 03:08 AM (#2692623)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

I just checked, Amos-

192,631 McCain/Palin
122,485 Obama/Biden

59.8% vs. 38%

Alaska is a conservative state. Weird, even. Take a look at some of the people she has elected over the years.

By the way, I bobbled the previous post, and lost some of it in addition. I had said that Governor Parnell's father was an influential Democratic legislator.

03 Aug 09 - 12:50 PM (#2692843)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: GUEST,Chongo Chimp

It's that rural White-guy thing, Ebbie. Ya find a lotta conservatives in them frontier kinda states where there is a lotta country and not much city. They grow up thinkin' they are all Daniel Boone or Clint Eastwood or somethin' and they just naturally vote fer the guys like McCain or Reagan or know, White-guy cowboy cement-head stereotypes. They distrust anybody who don't fit their Dodge City mentality that they got from the old TV shows.

You know how many votes the Primate Party pulled in Alaska when I ran fer president in 2008?


That tells ya what's goin' on right there. I happen to know fer a fact that there are thirteen chimps of voting age in the whole friggin' state of Alaska. Not one human Alaskan voted for REAL change in Washington in 2008!!!!!

Furthermore, when I find the one damn chimp who voted against us there, I am gonna kick his ass!

You don't need to "see Russia" to know that somethin' is way off the beam in Alaska. If I was president, I'd sell the state to Canada at a bargain basement price they couldn't refuse and be done with it. It don't make no sense havin' that place in the Union nohow anyway if ya ask me. It's too far north. You look at it on a map and you can see it was a stupid idea.

- Chongo

03 Aug 09 - 12:54 PM (#2692845)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Amos

LOL!! Chongo demonstrates his profound political sensibility.

WHile we're at it could we give back Louisiana, Mister Chongo?? Why do we need a bunch of French land in the good ole Yew Ess of Ay, I ask you???


03 Aug 09 - 01:13 PM (#2692864)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

Yeah, he's "profound", all right... ;-) The trouble with Chongo is, he's way too honest to get elected. I have to teach him more about saying what the people want to hear than what he really thinks for gosh sakes!, and then get him some good speech writers. It'll be a really tough makeover to get Chongo to a place where he can appeal to Middle America and break out of the narrow species-defined image that's holding him back. Really tough. We're talkin' Olympic-level tough here. We're talking putting an 18-wheeler through the eye of a needle. Making Madonna acceptable to the Ayatollah. Getting Barack Obama and Osama Bin Laden to sit down and have a beer together. Convincing Bearded Bruce and Doug R that a massive input of socialism is what America really needs.


Maybe I should call up Karl Rove and see if he has some ideas on what could be done?

03 Aug 09 - 01:28 PM (#2692881)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: GUEST,Chongo Chimp

Well, the way I see it with Louisiana, I don't see no problem there. Fer one thing, it's directly attached to the rest of the USA and it's between Texas and Mississippi. If we was to sell it back (not GIVE it back!) to the French, that could be a dangerous situation further down the road and it could lead to some future war with them beret-wearin' Pepe Le Pewers and they might temporarily block traffic on the Mississippi if that was to happen.

Now, while I am 100% confident we could decisively win such a war with the Quiche-eaters and take Louisiana back from the French, I can't see the point in gettin' into such a sticky situation in the first place. No sir. I have been to Louisiana. They got a great club scene down there. It's warm in Louisiana. That's another big plus. I also got quite a few votes from Louisiana last time so I think there are some progressive elements there that oughta be encouraged to flourish. One day soon you may see a chimp governor of that state. That's my prediction. Possibly even a gorilla in the governor's chair...but I'm hopin' for a chimp.

03 Aug 09 - 01:59 PM (#2692901)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Peace

Why do you want a chump in the Governor's chair? Thought it was already tried.

03 Aug 09 - 02:02 PM (#2692905)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

That was a champ!

03 Aug 09 - 02:12 PM (#2692913)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Peace

OH. A chomp? It ain't a dining room.

03 Aug 09 - 04:53 PM (#2693031)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

When it comes to Alaska, the Chump is onto something there.

A great many - a GREAT many - people came to Alaska in search of the freedom they thought that Alaska typified. A good many of them had trouble fitting in in their own towns and states and they headed north with a dream of building a cabin in the woods someplace and living off the land with no regulations and therefore no more run-ins with the law.

Things have changed, but they tend to vote for those politicians who still talk the good fight.

I've met a few of them and that's how I see it.

04 Aug 09 - 07:15 AM (#2693410)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

"...people came to Alaska in search of the freedom they thought that Alaska typified. A good many of them had trouble fitting in in their own towns and states and they headed north with a dream of building a cabin in the woods someplace and living off the land with no regulations and therefore no more run-ins with the law."

                      Like Tom Bodett, for instance!

04 Aug 09 - 11:08 AM (#2693511)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

Tom Bodett? I don't know of any trouble he has in fitting in. Amplify?

04 Aug 09 - 01:22 PM (#2693610)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

I didn't mean to imply he had trouble fitting in. He says in his bio, something to the effect, he was trying to escape, started driving north, and ended up at the "end of the road."

04 Aug 09 - 05:15 PM (#2693781)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

He has accomplished more at the end of the road than most of us do.

04 Aug 09 - 06:25 PM (#2693846)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

That's very true, Ebbie.

04 Aug 09 - 10:33 PM (#2693935)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: mg

isn't he the motel 6 guy? mg

04 Aug 09 - 10:37 PM (#2693940)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Alice

they'll keep the light on for ya.

31 Aug 09 - 10:07 PM (#2713380)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: gnu

31 Aug 09 - 10:11 PM (#2713385)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: gnu

Shine the light.

But, her raw fémme is just so intoxicating that my head swims when I see her. She is just so... librarian. My knees go weak and my... nevermind.

31 Aug 09 - 10:29 PM (#2713394)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: robomatic

Well, given the shape of Alaska and the position of Alaska, not long after moving up here I started describing Alaska as the great continental lobster trap, a lot of folks who don't fit in down south knock about and by various circumstances find their way up here, and maybe they don't fit in up here but it takes a modicum of competence to get together the werewithal to get yourself out again, which is the problem that lobsters have in the two-chambered traps they use back east.

01 Sep 09 - 08:19 AM (#2713598)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

Well, there seems to be a lot of speculation that Sarah Palin resigned for the purpose of "getting out."

01 Sep 09 - 08:49 AM (#2713616)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Donuel

drill baby drill
quit baby quit

she has 980 speaking engagment requests.

She is getting over $100K for her talk in Hong Kong, or is it Taiwan.

The formula of cashing in as a celebrity who is famous for being famous, as well as being exceptionally dumb, is working for Sarah even better than it worked for Brittany.

01 Sep 09 - 10:28 AM (#2713681)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

My guess is that Palin will stress this question:

"3. Foreign policy vs. national security. National security is the main issue for some Republicans. America's world standing and relationships with other countries, to them, is almost the same thing as its national security. Palin could satisfy a chunk of her base by talking more about terrorism than anything else."

And run into a spot of trouble with this:

"4. How will she deal with China? Being in China, one almost has to say something about it. Hillary Clinton has taken some heat for not speaking out against Chinese human rights abuses; will Palin touch it? In a Democratic debate last year, candidates agreed that China is neither friend nor foe, but a strategic competitor. Will Palin lay out a vision of how the U.S. and China should interact?"

If she shows up.

01 Sep 09 - 10:32 AM (#2713683)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!

Dumb? Probably not. She was smart enough to be elected governor. Palin was certainly not presidential material and may never be but calling her dumb is very short-sighted. As with most politicians,Palin's handlers will have their hands full if they expect her to run in 2012 but don't be foolish enough to dismiss her chances.

01 Sep 09 - 11:15 AM (#2713707)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

Being famous for being famous is an interesting phenomenon that we've been seeing more of lately. Or at least it seems that way. I think the best example of it ever is Paris Hilton, but Sarah Palin is quite accomplished in that respect as well.

I agree, gnu, that she is just sooooooo librarian that, well, it takes my breath away!

Nevertheless, I am going to restrain myself and keep focusing on Winona Ryder.

Only a long life of intense spiritual discipline has given me the strength to avoid being utterly swept away and overwhelmed by the devastating charms of Sarah Palin.

01 Sep 09 - 12:21 PM (#2713770)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

"Hillary Clinton has taken some heat for not speaking out against Chinese human rights abuses; will Palin touch it?"

             When Condoleeza(sp?) Rice was in China she insisted on going to church. I thought that was pretty stupid.

01 Sep 09 - 12:31 PM (#2713777)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!

Perhaps her religion requires her to attend mass once a week?

01 Sep 09 - 12:41 PM (#2713784)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Jamming With Ollie Beak (inactive)

I see no problem with Ms Rice attending church, no matter where she maybe. The Christian church, in China, is very much an underground thing, very much the way Christianity was in the beginning.

Charlotte Olivia Robertson (Ms)
yes I have visited China myself.

01 Sep 09 - 01:21 PM (#2713825)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

So which church did she to to?

Maybe she did it just to bug you, Riginslinger. ;-D

01 Sep 09 - 01:22 PM (#2713827)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

Word does get around, you know, Rig. :)

01 Sep 09 - 01:46 PM (#2713845)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Donuel

OK SINSULL maybe she should not be called dumb in the same way that you can't cure stupid, but rather she is globally ill-informed and completely immersed in the evangelical culture war seccesionist fear mongering kind of dumb.

The difference is subtle though. Its like the difference of your leg being numb or simply feeling it has "fallen asleep".

01 Sep 09 - 01:59 PM (#2713856)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

"So which church did she to to?"

       I don't recall, but the whole thing was just too, too!

01 Sep 09 - 04:05 PM (#2713967)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

Oh, and I suppose YOU've never made a typo, have you, Mr smarty-pants?


01 Sep 09 - 04:53 PM (#2714002)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!

Donuel - never underestimate your enemies. If you do not want Palin in the White House or a heart beat away from it, find valid arguments against her perceived stupidity. Simply name calling will not work. We just had eight years of stupidity mindlessly supported by the Republicans and too often the Dems who were more concerned with reelection than the consequences of a war that couldn't be won.
Republicans fell in right behind their candidate and still defend her "qualifications". She's not going away.

01 Sep 09 - 05:14 PM (#2714010)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: McGrath of Harlow

Being stupid doesn't stop someone being elected. In fact it can even help. Smnart candidates frequently make a point of making themselves out to be a lot more stupid than they actually are. Palin may be a case in point. (Bush was not.)

01 Sep 09 - 05:18 PM (#2714014)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Barry Finn

"The difference is subtle though. Its like the difference of your leg being numb or simply feeling it has "fallen asleep".


Donel. I'm glad you point out those subtlities. I wasn't sure if she was just plain stupid or dead door nail dumb. Now that I have had another angle in which to view her from I can clearly see that she's neither, she's a totally daft ignoble ignorant.

Mary, calling her names is very much approprate. After what she's called those that voted for Obama she's lucky to not have been tarred & feathered & run out on a rail. The only reason she wasn't was because no one wanted to see Little Hawk's exciement reach a critical point.

Hopefully China will keep her & we can keep Tami Fay in her place


01 Sep 09 - 05:32 PM (#2714025)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

No, we certainly wouldn't want to see that, would we, Barry? ;-)

01 Sep 09 - 05:37 PM (#2714027)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Barry Finn

well,,,er,,,, maybe! :/)


01 Sep 09 - 05:49 PM (#2714037)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Donuel

My ideas for long winded bumper stickers or sound bites.

____Palin - Boehner
__President & VP 2012
This time she won't quit

    Vote Palin
or throw in the towel
Quiters aren't LOSERS
they're quiters

Palin is hailin the White House
Palin is nailin the polls
There's no failin in Palin
so by hand or by mail in
go get your vote in

again and again and again

01 Sep 09 - 05:53 PM (#2714040)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

They shoot moose, don't they?

01 Sep 09 - 05:56 PM (#2714041)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Donuel


Quiters aren't LOSERS
they're quiters

Palin is hailin the White House
Palin is nailin the polls
There's no failin in Palin
so by hand or by mail in
go get your vote in
cuz QUIT HAPPENS again
and again
and again

01 Sep 09 - 06:19 PM (#2714063)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

I forget who wrote:

Sarah Palin for President
2012-2014 1/2

As long as you're editing, Don, it's "quitTers" :)

01 Sep 09 - 06:27 PM (#2714072)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: CarolC

I don't know how people can say she's librarianesque. I've personally never met a librarian as inarticulate as Sarah Palin. I've met one who was thick (a former mother-in-law), but she wasn't inarticulate.

01 Sep 09 - 07:33 PM (#2714124)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Donuel

My Sarah Lies Over the Ocean

My Sarah lies over the ocean
Sarah lies most of the time
Sarah lies on FOX news TV
We all know that is'nt a crime

bring back bring back
bring back my liar to me to me
bring back bring back
bring back my Sarah to me

Palin is sailin to DC
Palin is racin to speak
Palin forgot all her cliff notes
So she opened her mouth for her feet


Palin hears voices to guide her
Palin is clued in by God
Palin says Jesus loves pipe lines
HE said "My God she is awfully odd"


Palin is hailn the White House
Palin is nailin the polls
There's no failin in Palin's election
cuz quit happens to silly ass holes

Bring back bring back
bring back my quitter to me
Bring back bring back
Pleas bring back my Palin to me.

Palin is rakin the pay in
Palin hates all the bail outs
Palin makes liberals all cringe
When she should remain quiet she shouts.

Bring back bring back
bring back the bible to rule to rule
bring back bring back
bring back a President fool

01 Sep 09 - 09:04 PM (#2714183)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Peace

"Palin plays Hong Kong
Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is traveling to Hong Kong later this month to give her first speech for money since resigning her office.

It's a biggie.

The 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee will keynote the annual meeting of CLSA Investors Forum, a gathering of global investment managers. Previous speakers to the group have included Bill Clinton, Al Gore, and Alan Greenspan.

"Our keynote speakers are notable luminaries who often address topics that go beyond traditional finance, such as geopolitics," CLSA spokesperson Simone Wheeler said in a statement.

CLSA did not disclose how much money Palin will be paid.

The former governor's speech on Sept. 23 will be closed to the press.
Palin had a rocky time talking about foreign affairs during the 2008 campaign. The then-governor was widely lampooned for her you-can-see-Russia-from-Alaska statement, and lack of foreign travel.

The Anchorage Daily News noted on Monday that Palin received her first passport in 2007, when as governor she visited Alaska National Guard troops stationed in Kuwait and Germany."

Does Hong Kong have an army? Are we going to be in a shooting war ten minutes after she opens her mouth?

01 Sep 09 - 09:25 PM (#2714192)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

That was a big mistake on Palin's part, running for office with no money for backup. It's interesting, when one looks into it, how other candidates just happened to stumble across money before making the leap into big time politics.

02 Sep 09 - 01:53 AM (#2714311)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

Rig, those who are meant to get the money DO get the money. Others don't.

Did you really think the American public chooses who gets to be their next president??????????????? Does Dracula use Crest?

Nope. They just go out and rubber stamp it after the choice is made for those with the money.

02 Sep 09 - 07:18 AM (#2714440)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

I remember when the right-wing-wakkos were all over the big bucks Hillary Clinton just happen to make in the cattle futures market just before her husband ran for governor, and Obama's book(s) suddenly became a hot commodity just before he ran for the Senate, and then there were the oil guys who financed and told George H.W. Bush just where to drill before he made some political move or another.
          I don't think it works if they just give a candidate the money--besides there would be tax problems. They laughingly make it look like the candidate earned it.

02 Sep 09 - 07:21 AM (#2714441)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: McGrath of Harlow

Post 666...

02 Sep 09 - 08:10 AM (#2714460)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!

I wonder how the CLSA Investors Forum members feel about the choice of speakers. Palin seems pretty lightweight compared to Greenspan, Gore and Clinton. They certainly can't expect an in depth look at the economy. This will be interesting. Wonder why the press was barred?
From their website:

CLSA Investor Forums
CLSA Investor Forums have become the most successful events of their kind. First held in 1994, CLSA now runs seven major Forums in Asia and the US, which attract more than 5,000 institutional investors, corporations and speakers annually.

Global leaders and industry specialists use CLSA Investor Forums as a platform to examine the economic, political, environmental, technological and financial trends impacting global markets. In the past, keynote speakers have included Bill Clinton, Alan Greenspan, Al Gore, Henry Kissinger, Lee Kuan Yew and Archbishop Desmond Tutu, to name a few.

CLSA Investor Forums also offer high-level corporate access. Each year, more than 1,600 CEOs and CFOs from 750 corporations present to and meet with CLSA clients, while an average of 1,500 private meetings are held at each Forum, ensuring maximum one-on-one face time for companies and investors.

Client login to Investor Forums website

Media at CLSA Investor Forums

02 Sep 09 - 08:12 AM (#2714461)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!

Re the media at CLSA events:
Media at Investor Forums
CLSA Investor Forums are invitation-only events. They are designed to provide CLSA's global client base an opportunity to meet with Asia's leading corporations, industry specialists, heads of state and high-profile keynote speakers.

CLSA Investor Forums are open to registered and accredited media. Media briefings and one-on-one interviews provide excellent access to CLSA analysts and, on occasion, specialist speakers and companies.

Occasionally, keynote and specialist speaker presentations are open and promoted to the media. A designated seating area is provided for media and photographers. Please note that during these sessions media are not permitted to ask questions to the presenters during the Q&A session.

At each Investor Forum there is usually a media centre equipped with printers, photocopiers, computers and internet access, where refreshments are provided throughout the day. In addition, there are separate media rooms where media briefings and interviews are conducted.

We issue media invitations to register for Investor Forums one month in advance.

02 Sep 09 - 10:06 AM (#2714537)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: CarolC

How would a book becoming popular and selling well be artificially arranged by people wanting to direct money to a potential political candidate? How would they do that?

02 Sep 09 - 10:29 AM (#2714557)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

All they would have to do is hype it. It would be the easiest thing in the world for the right people. Wouldn't take much energy at all. It would money, but not a lot of energy.

02 Sep 09 - 12:31 PM (#2714662)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

It could be done, Carol. The big publishing houses and the mass media are concentrated in just a few wealthy hands, and I'm sure it is possible to effectively promote (or suppress) any particular book that some of those major players wish to promote (or suppress). If so promoted, it will sell in very large quantities. It just needs to be brought to people's attention, that's all.

The same thing is done with music. Buffy Sainte-Marie's music, for example, was very effectively suppressed between about 1965 and 1975 by undercover agents of the Johnson and Nixon administrations who brought pressure on the media that play popular music, and it basically killed her career in North America at that time in the sense that she got NO airplay and consequently sold a lot less records. Certain other people got massively promoted during those same years because they weren't seen as a threat by the powers that be...and there was money to be made.

Seems to me like it would be child's play for those people to successfully pump up the sales of a book...if they wanted to. All that is needed to do it is the desire to do it. The means are always there. The public buys what they hear effect, they buy what they are told to buy by the authoritative voices in the media.

02 Sep 09 - 01:11 PM (#2714700)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

Otherwise, how would Glenn Beck ever sell a book?

02 Sep 09 - 01:46 PM (#2714741)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: CarolC


02 Sep 09 - 03:29 PM (#2714834)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

Ummm...okay...who is Glenn Beck?

I know I could look it up, but it's more fun to let you just tell me...and fun for you too, I'm sure. I like spreading the fun around some.

02 Sep 09 - 03:49 PM (#2714859)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Wesley S

"The same thing is done with music. Buffy Sainte-Marie's music, for example, was very effectively suppressed between about 1965 and 1975 by undercover agents of the Johnson and Nixon administrations who brought pressure on the media that play popular music, and it basically killed her career"

I've never heard that story before. I'm not disputing it - just saying I've never heard it before.

Did they really need undercover agents to ruin her career? She was - and is - a FOLKSINGER. "Career" and "folksinger" don't exactly go together.

02 Sep 09 - 03:53 PM (#2714861)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!

Palin's ex-future son-in-law is having a field day letting out the family secrets. Wonder if someone will shoot him...accidentally?

02 Sep 09 - 04:04 PM (#2714869)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Alice

LH, Glenn Beck is a guy who gets on the radio and scares people about the end of the world as he knows it coming, then runs ads selling gold, and laughs all the way to the bank. He gets on his FOX tv program and cries, weeping about the end of the world as he knows it coming, and then laughs all the way to the bank.

02 Sep 09 - 04:11 PM (#2714876)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

It's a very well known story by now, Wesley, for those who have followed Buffy's career closely or attended her concerts and heard her speak of it. You would find numerous writeups about it in articles written about Buffy in mainstream journalism. There were a few folk acts that were heavily blacklisted at various times...among them Buffy Sainte-Marie, The Weavers (at an earlier date than Buffy), and Eartha Kitt (who was blacklisted in the 60s because she spoke out vigorously against the Vietnam War).

Buffy made far better money than you think, but she had to make it mostly in Europe and the Far East during those years of the blacklist (which only took effect in the USA and Canada). There were always a handful of famous and very gifted "folksingers" out there who had an extremely lucrative career in music, and among those were people like Buffy Sainte-Marie, Joan Baez, Judy Collins, Joni Mitchell, and Leonard Cohen, for example. Just because your average folksinger makes diddly-squat does not mean that nobody makes good money singing folk music.

Yes, they needed undercover agents to wreck her North American career. She was one of the artists being managed by Albert Grossman, and most people that Grossman handled did very well indeed during the 60s and 70s.

Government agents were sent to every radio station in the USA and Canada to strongly suggest that they not play music by Buffy Sainte-Marie. They said that she was a "communist" (untrue) and a "subversive" (their opinion).

She launched a court case in the mid-70s to secure a copy of her FBI file (and it is her constitutional right to be provided with that, if she requests it). The case took some time to resolve, and was costly, but they did eventually provide her with a copy of said file. There was nothing incriminating in it at all...merely a lot of pointless innuendo such as..."---------, a known subversive, was seen attending a Buffy Sainte-Marie concert at ----------" etc... This was a case of being under suspicion because you have written and performed a few protest songs that piss off the government. Period.

It was Lyndon Johnson who lowered the boom on Buffy Sainte-Marie. He was bothered by her songs "My Country 'Tis of the People You're Dying" and "Now That the Buffalo's Gone", among others.

Buffy says now that it was sort of like the government was going after a gnat with a giant sledgehammer...given that her ability to actually threaten the existing status quo in North America was virtually nil. ;-) It seems quite ridiculous in retrospect that they would have mounted such a big effort against her, but I think it demonstrates rather well the utter arrogance of the people at the top in this society.

Eartha Kitt's career was also very badly damaged by those same people, but she did VERY well in Europe, as did Buffy.

02 Sep 09 - 08:41 PM (#2715074)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

Thanks, Alice, for the info on Glenn Beck. He sounds like quite the character. Perhaps we would all be better off if the world as Glenn Beck knows it did come to an end....if you know what I mean. ;-)

02 Sep 09 - 10:02 PM (#2715100)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

LH - If Glenn Beck's world came to an end, he wouldn't know it. It never really existed in the first place.

02 Sep 09 - 10:03 PM (#2715102)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: CarolC

Vintage Glenn Beck...

02 Sep 09 - 10:16 PM (#2715108)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

Beck is an example of why the US can't have a reasonable dialogue about anything. Maybe the worst thing about him is he doesn't really have a position on issues himself, he just takes a position that opposes the caller's position so he can garner higher ratings.

03 Sep 09 - 10:01 PM (#2715877)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

"Word does get around, you know, Rig. :)"

             Yes, well maybe the most discouraging part of it was, here we have a country that is actually doing something about stamping out the scourge of religion, and our own Secretary-of-State is filmed wallowing around at the feet of a witch doctor.

03 Sep 09 - 10:27 PM (#2715892)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

"wallowing around at the feet of a witch doctor"

Has she been consulting the financial planners on Wall Street again?

04 Sep 09 - 12:21 AM (#2715928)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: CarolC


04 Sep 09 - 10:22 AM (#2716123)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

I was thinking of less honest witch doctors, but okay...

04 Sep 09 - 10:27 AM (#2716129)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

Surely you jest? There are no less honest witch doctors than are found in the higher echelons of Wall Street.

04 Sep 09 - 10:54 AM (#2716143)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

I submit to you, Pat Robertson and Elmer Gantry are less honest!

04 Sep 09 - 11:20 AM (#2716154)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

You think? Well, I guess it all depends on your definition of honesty. I know any number of religious people who are extremely honest. That doesn't mean you would necessarily agree with them about everything, though. I bet there are witch doctors who are completely honest too...simply because they DO believe in what they are doing.

Elmer Gantry was a bit different than interesting case indeed! But he was rather a likeable rascal, I thought.

04 Sep 09 - 11:35 AM (#2716164)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

When we speak of Elmer Gantry, shouldn't we be speaking of Sinclair Lewis? Gantry surely is a composite.

04 Sep 09 - 01:21 PM (#2716241)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

Yes, he's a fictional character. Burt Lancaster played the part with real gusto, and it was quite an entertaining film.

If you want to see some absolutely chilling examples, Rig, of what extreme anti-religious and proudly atheist fanaticism can the movie "Seven Years in Tibet", watch it through, and see what the Maoists did in Tibet in the 1950s.

Then watch some documentaries on Pol Pot and the Khymer Rouge who managed to kill about 1/3 of the entire domestic population in their own country in just a few years of organized insanity. They were atheist fanatics too.

Fanaticism can take any conceivable viewpoint and turn it into a murderous obscenity.

04 Sep 09 - 01:32 PM (#2716249)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Donuel

Palin and her entire brood, have now become politically irrelevant.

Human interest in stories like hers is just another Miss America loses her crown story. Just another Brittany Spears melt down story.

What fascination remains is that these people still end up making vast sums of money. There is a vicarious thrill in watching complete asses make a fortune, it makes folks still believe that they too have a chance.

04 Sep 09 - 01:45 PM (#2716258)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

That's a good point, Donuel, but the religious right still think she will lead them to greatness. Only the ones who have not read "Elmer Gantry," of course.

04 Sep 09 - 06:07 PM (#2716440)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

People who are into the "naughty librarian" look are pretty taken with her too...but NOT for religious reasons! ;-)

12 Sep 09 - 06:25 PM (#2722571)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: gnu


12 Sep 09 - 06:30 PM (#2722577)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

LOL! Jacky and Dunlap at their best.

12 Sep 09 - 07:26 PM (#2722606)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

Last week we had our 4th Annual Top of the Mountain Music Mini Fest, accessed by tramway. There were 10 sets of performers for the evening and among them was a 'Bluescast', a political satire.

Among the songs they had us singing was (to the tune of Alouette):

Where is Sarah? Tell me, where is Sarah?
Where is Sarah? Tell me where she is.

Did she quit her governorjob
Yes she quit her governor job
Quit her job, quit her job

Where is Sarah? Tell me, where is Sarah?
Where is Sarah? Tell me where she is.

Is she on a speaking tour
Yes, she's on a speaking tour
Speaking tour, speaking tour, quit her job, quit her job

Where is Sarah? Tell me, where is Sarah?
Where is Sarah? Tell me where she is.

Has she got an author deal?
Yes, she's got an author deal
author deal, author deal, speaking tour, speaking tour, quit her job, quit her job


Where is Sarah? Tell me, where is Sarah?
Where is Sarah? Tell me where she is.

Will she run for president?
Oh, sure, she'll run for president.
President, president, speaking tour, speaking tour, author deal,author deal, quit her job, quit her job

Ooooohhhhhhhhh Oh"

Written by Ed Schoenfeld and Jeff Brown, Juneau, Alaska

And to the tune of Mrs. Robinson:

"Here's to you, Levi Johnston.
There's a place for those who kiss and tell.
We call it hell.
What's up with you, Levi Johnston?
Some say that you will go far.
As a porn star.
So says the Enquirerrrrrr."

12 Sep 09 - 09:04 PM (#2722642)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

I suppose if she does run for president, it will help her book sales and increase her speaking fees.

            She won't get the Republican nomination now, so I would advise her to revive Teddy Roosevelt's "Bull Moose" party and go for the gusto!

12 Sep 09 - 09:10 PM (#2722644)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Bobert

Just what we need... President Palin... Yeah, that oughtta get the 200 plus million people with IQ's on the plus side of a 100 to leave and leave the country to the roaches...

And, ahhhhh, 700... Maybe...


12 Sep 09 - 11:57 PM (#2722692)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ebbie

I think she's a good candidate to revive the 'Know Nothing' party.

13 Sep 09 - 05:35 AM (#2722759)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

Chongo's still trying to get her for the APP in the next election. Only problem is...she wants his spot and he won't agree to that. He's offering her the Secretary of State position if he gets elected and she helps pull in the Christian vote. She figures that's not good enough. Chongo says she oughta take what she can get, and I can see his point. It would certainly have an interesting effect on America's foreign policy with Sarah as Secretary of State, don'tcha think?

Russia would really sit up and take notice, I'm sure...

13 Sep 09 - 08:49 AM (#2722811)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

"I think she's a good candidate to revive the 'Know Nothing' party."

             I think Nancy Pelosi has dibs on that project!

13 Sep 09 - 10:09 AM (#2722837)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: curmudgeon

Rig,you epitomise the essence of the Know Nothing Party, a brief and correct summation from Wikipedia:

"The Know Nothing movement was a nativist American political movement of the 1840s and 1850s. It was empowered by popular fears that the country was being overwhelmed by Irish Catholic immigrants, who were often regarded as hostile to U.S. values and controlled by the Pope in Rome. Mainly active from 1854 to 1856, it strove to curb immigration and naturalization..."

Does no one study American history?

Disgusted - Tom

13 Sep 09 - 10:29 AM (#2722845)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Greg F.

I would advise her to revive Teddy Roosevelt's "Bull Moose" party...

And yet more disgust @ historical ignorance: The Bull Moose Party & Roosevelt were Progressives fer chrissake - you know, what Palin & the BuShites call "liberals" and "socialists" trying to bring down America...

13 Sep 09 - 10:48 AM (#2722850)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Little Hawk

We seem to be on the verge of yet ANOTHER unwanted federal election in Canada! Virtually no one in the general public wants it, but the party politicians are playing their usual games of musical chairs. So.....our local Conservative Party member here in Simcoe Country is spouting bullshit about how we should vote Conservative to stop the evils of "socialism" from threatening!

He's appealing to his usual dumbass constituency, those who are stupid enough to respond to that sort of thing...despite the fact that their pensions, their health care, their roads, their schools, their municipal works, their libraries, their police, their fire department, their utilities, and a huge number of other things they want, love, and absolutely can't do without are provided by.....................socialism!


I know Bruce Stanton (the Conservative party member) and he doesn't strike me as a stupid man, so I presume he's simply saying whatever the Conservative party machine thinks will scare people off voting for the other parties and keep him in office. Surely he can't believe it???? No, I don't think he's that stupid by any means.

The average demographic around here is an older age group of rural and small town White English Canadians that is fairly (or considerably) well off financially...and that is exactly where the Conservative Party draws its strength in this country. It's the Old Guard. They live in the past and are terrified of the hordes of immigrants and other have-nots whom they envision clambering at the gates...

You can get a blind dog or a drunken gorilla elected in this town...just as long as he's a Conservative Party member. ;-) (not that I'm suggesting anything about Bruce I said, he's an okay guy, he's just batting for a bad team, that's all).

13 Sep 09 - 04:10 PM (#2722908)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

"The Bull Moose Party & Roosevelt were Progressives fer chrissake,..."

                Still, they were Republicans just the same. The right-wing-religious-wakkos were mostly Democrats, so one can be "progrssive," it seems, going either way.

13 Sep 09 - 05:46 PM (#2722959)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Greg F.


You apparently haven't the slightest idea of what the Progressive movement and/or the Progressive Party in the U.S. was & what their platform & ideology was.

Still, they were Republicans just the same.

No, they were not. TR had broken rather violently with the Republican party was a 3rd party candidate.

The right-wing-religious-wakkos were mostly Democrats

Not hardly. Sorry.

one can be "progrssive," it seems, going either way.

I don't have a clue what this is supposed to mean.

13 Sep 09 - 07:45 PM (#2723030)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

"I don't have a clue what this is supposed to mean."

            Probably because you don't take the time to look up the facts, Greg. Does the name William Jennings Bryan mean anything to you?

13 Sep 09 - 10:49 PM (#2723108)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Greg F.

Yeah, Bill Bryan's quite familiar to me: Democrat, lawyer, cross of gold speech, Scopes Trial & all that. But his presidential races & early populist leanings were all before TR's independent bid in 1912.

So what's Bryan got to do with the price of tea in China?

14 Sep 09 - 08:18 AM (#2723301)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

No, they weren't. In fact, he was the first Secretary of State in the Wilson Administration.

             But here's the way it came down. TR was in Africa shooting lions with a lever action Winchester when his life was saved by William Howard Taft, who had begun to abandon TR's work as a trust buster and was climbing back into bed with big business.
             It pissed TR off to the point where he came back and tried to wrest the nomination away from Taft for 1912, when that didn't work, he formed his own party and ran against him. That split the Republican party and got Wilson elected.
             So, most of the people supporting TR were progressive Republicans, the one's supporting Taft were pro-business Republicans, while the voters supporting Wilson were Democrats.
             Bryan, of course, supported Wilson with the right-wing-religious-wakko wing of the Democratic Party.

25 Sep 09 - 02:03 PM (#2731251)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: gnu

News reaches Berlin.

25 Sep 09 - 09:36 PM (#2731519)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Riginslinger

Whoever made that film had a pretty perverted grasp of history, in my opinion.

26 Sep 09 - 03:08 AM (#2731635)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: SharonA

Gnu: I posted a link to that YouTube clip on this thread on 06 Jul 09 at 04:02 AM. It's still funny, though.

26 Sep 09 - 02:30 PM (#2731903)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: Ron Davies

That clip is the best of the breed so far, seems to me.   Hitler: " Every time she winked I thought it was just for me."..."Now Romney is our only hope."   Classic.    I must have missed it the first time it was posted.

Rig, your sense of humor must have been shot off in the war.   Only question is which one.

26 Sep 09 - 02:32 PM (#2731906)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
From: gnu

Yer not the only one, as SharonA has taken the time and effort to point out.