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Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey

04 Jul 09 - 05:01 AM (#2671298)
Subject: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Dave Roberts

I hope I may be forgiven for startign a new thread on this subject, to disentangle it from the thread about MFAB.

The Bob Webb Music website has details about the Bull Bay Festival, and I'm sure Liz Rosenfield will be pleased to supply further details if required

link here

07 Jul 09 - 12:51 PM (#2673993)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Dave Roberts

It's reported that Dom Collins has had to drop out due to other commitments, but other bands are being booked all the time. There'll also be plenty of opportunities for sessions/singarounds.

07 Jul 09 - 01:35 PM (#2674037)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Busy Lizzie

31st July – 2nd August 2009

Well here is the latest line up! With some extraordinary guests from all around the UK and USA! Most of these bands or artists have a myspace or website so do have a look! This is a lovely little festival with camping at the rear of the pub and it is right on the bay! Gorgeous! With an early arrivers session on Thursday eve hosted by Liz and the rest of the Murfitt clan! Bands from Friday night through to Sunday afternoon.
Please note that the facilities are er a field! There is an outside loo and inside the pub the WC's are available all weekend. Views and walks and music sessions all weekend, pending weather. Large room for sessions inside and lounge bar for bands.
On behalf of Jo and the team and Bull Bay and Liz and the family here in sunny Middlewich - we are looking forward to seeing you!
Do contact me if you need any info; Liz

I'll be updating my 'inanyevent' website as soon as I break up from teaching!! (HOORAY!!)

Scaravegas           London Blues Band
Weavils                Weaver Delta Northwich Cheshire
Keith Haines        Jazzy Blues, Country Folk, Bluegrass
Nigel Beck         Manchester singer songwriter
Jonathan         Singer Songwriter
Paul Billington Sandbach Folk Club
Yvonne and Ray        Sandbach Folk Club
Debbie and Jennifer Sandbach Folk Club
Some Sandbach folk   Sandbach Folk Club
Andy Bird    Cambridge Jazz Funk Blues Maestro
Pete Latham Blues Man from deepest Stoke
Lost in the Mist    Folk Poetry and Song from Cheshire
Bob and Jill Anderson
Steve and Norma Dent New Fiddle and Percussion
Andy Callen (PICNIC AREA)                
Iain Bowley         Northwich Folk Club Singer
Vicki and Trefor Williams Welsh Duo        
Mr Happy and the Gloom Band                
Jim and Barbara                
Dave Dove                        
Jonathan Tarplee
Jonathan Beckett
Nigel Beck
Andrew and Carole McKay Swansea
From USA Barry Finn

08 Jul 09 - 02:07 PM (#2674921)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Busy Lizzie

Hooray I broke up from my teaching job but I need to go and play some music tonight - THEN I'll update my website!!

09 Jul 09 - 04:45 AM (#2675471)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: My guru always said

Sounds like a fabulous weekend, hope you manage to relax and enjoy it too Lizzie! No way we can get along & join you but maybe next year if we plan it early enough!

09 Jul 09 - 05:48 AM (#2675515)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Busy Lizzy

Thanks for looking anyway! Let me know in good time it is a festival that is trying hard to grow!!

email me on my regular email if you like!

Liz e-mail

09 Jul 09 - 07:47 AM (#2675585)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Dave Roberts

The Bob Web Webbsite now has teh schedule:


09 Jul 09 - 11:04 AM (#2675731)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Mr Happy

The Gloom Band & Misericords are all soooooooo excited!

Can't wait - Yeeeehaaaaaah!!

09 Jul 09 - 11:20 AM (#2675748)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Mr Happy,_Anglesey

09 Jul 09 - 05:12 PM (#2676034)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Busy Lizzy

I have done it! Updated my website! Spelt everyone's names wrong but I blame the disleksia and even spelled my husbands name wrong so the rest of you have nothing to worry about!

But the InAnyEvent website is now updated and includes Acoustak although they are unable to confirm as Ian the banjo player is away.

Looking forward to seeing you all!

oops that's the Lizettes, that plastercine gets everywhere!

09 Jul 09 - 06:10 PM (#2676076)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: SussexCarole

Looking forward to a great weekend - see you there

10 Jul 09 - 03:38 AM (#2676336)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Busy Lizzy

Can't get a full compliment of Lizettes but a few of us may be there! We'll bring the plastercine and we can have the Youtube version!

10 Jul 09 - 08:10 AM (#2676508)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Mr Happy

10 Jul 09 - 09:17 AM (#2676539)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Dave Roberts

Ah, but Ms Rosenfield's version of plasticine is a special sort which can sing.

10 Jul 09 - 09:24 AM (#2676547)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Mr Happy

Tee Hee! 8-)

10 Jul 09 - 12:14 PM (#2676665)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Busy Lizzy

Ah yes the singing kind is quite hard to get hold of! I am trying to persuade Dr Bob to attend, he is the master of the plasterscene and plays rather well too and flycatching master of the guitar solo is practising from his book as we speak and may well be with us.

12 Jul 09 - 06:09 AM (#2678061)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Busy Lizzy

and another late addition to the Anglesey Fest, Tony Smith and John his singing partner formerly Kick the Cat who used to be based in London, a fantastic addition to our list of performers. This due have a comic edge to their serious folk music and are a real delight.

Just a reminder, booked bands will play in the lounge bar and on-going sessions and singarouds will be either outside or in the dining room pending weather.

It's getting closer!!

Really looking forward to it. I believe there are still a few rooms left but still plenty of camping.

12 Jul 09 - 06:15 AM (#2678063)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Mr Happy

Will there be any faculties facilities on the campsite this time?

12 Jul 09 - 06:17 AM (#2678064)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Mr Happy

........or will I need the 'SatLav' again?

12 Jul 09 - 06:21 AM (#2678066)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Busy Lizzy

I am afraid that you will need your 'sat lav' as facilities same as last year, outside loo for night time emergencies and the lavatorial faculties in the hotel available all weekend. Jo keeps the doors open through the night if you wish to walk a little further for a warm loo seat without spiders!

12 Jul 09 - 08:57 AM (#2678129)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: GUEST,Bass Harmony

Really looking forward to it. It was quite something last year to open my caravan door and watch the dolphins swimming by ( In the sea, not the camp site.). Then we all went to the hotel and ended up sitting outside on a balmy evening murdering folk songs as we had all had a little too much falling over juice. A real Plastered Scene.(Sorry).
If you haven't been before then this is about as laid back as music weekends get. Pre Madonnas need not apply.

12 Jul 09 - 09:00 AM (#2678130)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Mr Happy

Wot's a Pre Madonna?

12 Jul 09 - 09:02 AM (#2678132)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: GUEST,Bass Harmony

Just read my entry back and my English Teacher would have killed me and it appears that Busy Lizzie is a teacher (Help).
My caravan was in the camp site which was on the land and the dolphins were in the sea which is conveniently very near the land, well next door really. The Hotel is also on dry land.

12 Jul 09 - 09:04 AM (#2678133)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: GUEST,Bass Harmony

Ask a pre Madonna they will be only too pleased to explain.It's something like a Primadonna .

12 Jul 09 - 09:09 AM (#2678137)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Busy Lizzy

Madonna, is she coming?! I hope she brings the kids!

12 Jul 09 - 12:31 PM (#2678276)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: terrier

Prob'ly not safe to let kids near bulls.. or red tents for that matter.. if Madonna's on the guest list, I'll be there!

13 Jul 09 - 06:12 AM (#2678918)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Bass Harmony

Madonna may be there, there is some talk of her adopting a welsh child. There are no worries about the Bull, he will be kept at Bay!

14 Jul 09 - 01:14 AM (#2679669)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Barry Finn

I'm very excited to find out that close by they'll be dolphins swimming with the Madonna & child (Welsh? I was thinking she was Greek) at a near by beach. Do they also sing?
I'm asking about the Dolphins, I'm sure that the Madonna & kid do some harmoonies together at night.


14 Jul 09 - 06:49 AM (#2679777)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Busy Lizzy

Ooh Dear I do hope we can keep up with your expectations, the dolphins are porpoises and Madonna hasn't been seen in public for some time!!

But you never know!!

14 Jul 09 - 06:53 AM (#2679784)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Bass Harmony

As long as it's Harmoonies and not harpoonies, we should see a few dolphins or porpoises or something though. Big Fish.
Any truth in the rumour that Flipper is on the Bill????????
I've packed my Bikini, sun block souwester and wellies, well it is in wales.

14 Jul 09 - 09:12 AM (#2679882)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Busy Lizzy

Don't forget your tent!

14 Jul 09 - 03:47 PM (#2680230)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: terrier

Well, if God is walking his porpoise out, you might get a vision of the Madonna and child as well?

15 Jul 09 - 05:18 AM (#2680560)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Busy Lizzy

There is no truth in the recent rumour that the world famous welsh fiddler Stefan Grapelli will be visiting.

15 Jul 09 - 05:31 AM (#2680565)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Mr Happy

Not same's this bloke then?

15 Jul 09 - 06:47 AM (#2680593)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: terrier

I'm sure Stefan ap Grapelli will be there in spirit if he can :)

15 Jul 09 - 07:03 AM (#2680596)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Busy Lizzy

I don't remeber booking him!

15 Jul 09 - 07:14 AM (#2680602)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Bass Harmony

There is obviously some confusion here. Stefan Grappelli was French. The famous and oft confused dazzling Welsh fiddler is Stefan Grallelli.
Simplz !

15 Jul 09 - 07:22 AM (#2680608)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: terrier

Was he from Pwllhelllli ?

15 Jul 09 - 07:36 AM (#2680612)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Bass Harmony

No he comes from
Translated into English this means. Small town just over the bridge with very little to offer apart from a ridiculously long name, a dysfunctional station and a large tourist shop full of fat American tourists.
Nice Place though. Turn Left just over the Britannia brigde.

15 Jul 09 - 08:03 AM (#2680630)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Mr Happy

Didn't they call him Cosher Grappelli?

15 Jul 09 - 08:12 AM (#2680638)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Mr Happy

A well-known fiddler Grappelli
Played a gig in Abergele
And he gave it so much welly
They could hear him in Pwllheli
Was you ever saw, was you ever saw
Was you ever saw such a funny thing before?

15 Jul 09 - 09:05 AM (#2680673)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Busy Lizzy there's lovely!

15 Jul 09 - 01:21 PM (#2680869)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Dave Roberts

Hear that?

That whirring sound is the sound of my ancestors turning in their graves...

David Gareth Roberts

15 Jul 09 - 03:13 PM (#2680937)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Bass Harmony

Request from one of my young ones. Are we allowed to have a beach bonfire and sit around it massacring folk music? And perhaps throwing on the odd melodeon to keep the flames going. I know there is a harbour master and a life boat and stuff, don't want to upset the natives. (if you aint been before you can visit the life boat. It gets very lonely. And you can buy an RNLI pencil or something.)
As for Dave Roberts being of welsh extraction,NEVER, he was born in a pub in Wheelock and has lived in various pubs in Middlewich ever since !!!!

16 Jul 09 - 03:40 AM (#2681226)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Busy Lizzy

You can talk Bass Harmony! You come from a place so flat we have to give you an oxygen mask before you can walk to tesco!

I am under instruction that no folk music will be massacred at the Bull Bay Festival.

Burning of melodeons at your own risk.

No melodeons were harmed in the making of this thread.

16 Jul 09 - 06:47 AM (#2681304)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Dave Roberts

It's true. I was born in the building next door to the Nag's Head in Wheelock (pronounced 'Willock')which is now an insurance company or something. In 1952 it was Sandbach Nursing Home and mothers-to-be went there to give birth.
It's also true that I have lived in various pubs in Middlewich ever since, but I have had a leek in each one, so I still qualify.

16 Jul 09 - 09:35 AM (#2681398)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Dave Roberts

Just to darg this thread, kicking and screaming, back on topic, here's a link to the original info page which has links to other links, including a link to back here.
More links than a chain link fence, to quote Oscar Wilde.


16 Jul 09 - 09:38 AM (#2681401)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Dave Roberts

Let me just try that again. 'Darg' by the way, is East Anglian for the English word 'drag'.


16 Jul 09 - 09:40 AM (#2681402)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Mr Happy

'Git along little dargies'?

16 Jul 09 - 10:49 AM (#2681445)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Mr Happy

A mandolinist named Correlli
Went to dine with Steph Grappelli
Having Tagliatelli & Vermicelli
They both came down with Delhi Belly
Was you ever saw, was you ever saw
Was you ever saw such a funny thing before?

16 Jul 09 - 04:59 PM (#2681722)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: terrier

Well, the boss has given me leave of absence so's I can come to your fezzie. Can anyone tell me if I have to book in advance to park a campervan or will I have to dos in the layby?

17 Jul 09 - 03:38 AM (#2681994)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Busy Lizzy

Fantastic, no campervans will need to be parked in layby's as there aren't any conveniently close - so drive right up to the hotel and up the little drive at the back and you will find more happy campers there!

No you don't need to book in advance! This is as much advance notice as we need!

17 Jul 09 - 04:33 AM (#2682012)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Bass Harmony

I do hope Mr Happy will have put his little ditty to music by the time we all arrive.

17 Jul 09 - 08:12 AM (#2682114)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Mr Happy

You like?

I try to please!

17 Jul 09 - 09:36 AM (#2682165)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Bass Harmony

17 Jul 09 - 10:14 AM (#2682179)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Mr Happy

Last year, there was a Viking festival on at nearby Amlwch & there some activities also near Bull Bay, anyone know if its on this time?

17 Jul 09 - 10:44 AM (#2682200)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Busy Lizzy

As far as I know Jo picked a different weekend so everyone all be at Bull Bay!


18 Jul 09 - 05:22 AM (#2682697)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Bass Harmony

We went shopping in Camaes cause there are no shops at Bull Bay and we went for a meal there. There were some rock band playing in various pubs for some sort of festival weekend. It was Ok. Meal Nice. Try the Black Welsh Pie.

18 Jul 09 - 08:42 AM (#2682761)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Busy Lizzy

Don't forget Bull Bay Hotel is a very highly recommended fish restaraunt! They also have great bar meals and very good chips!

Update, Acoustak may be with us Sunday and Tony and John from London based band Kick the Cat are definately joining us Friday and Saturday.

Sadly Picnic Area Andy and Wayne are unable to be with us.

I think there was also a festival at one of the bays we went to visit where the RNLI did a demo rescue and there was a bit of a street fair, but I was cross as the demo then turned into a water fight in the harbour and all the kids (and grown ups) on their boats were having lots of fun with water filled balloons then popping them, I couldn't help thinking about all the bits of non biodegradable balloon in the water! Didn't seem too eco-friendly to me!!

19 Jul 09 - 09:30 AM (#2683272)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Mr Happy

Frankenstein was wrote by Shelley
Raglan Road came from Luke Kelly
Feetwarmers was George Melly
Arty paintings, Botticelli
Was you ever saw, was you ever saw
Was you ever saw such a funny thing before?

19 Jul 09 - 09:53 AM (#2683279)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Mr Happy

It's just occured to me that since we'll be in Wales, & Mr Roberts is Welsh, then my new Grappelli song should be done in Welsh a la Les Barker.

Unfortunately, I have no grasp of Cymraeg but can compromise by at least pronouncing all the double 'L' words in the Welsh way.

If you happen to hear me performing it, then it won't mean I'm attempting to clear my throat prior to imminent expectoration!!

19 Jul 09 - 10:22 AM (#2683286)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Mr Happy

Incidentallly, if you re-arrange all the letters of

'Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey' ,

you get 'unbelievably stagy fellas!'

Could this be an omen?

19 Jul 09 - 01:58 PM (#2683370)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: terrier

..and for anyone thinking of leaving their kids at home.. Allies babysat vengefully.    Oops! 8)

20 Jul 09 - 08:44 AM (#2683819)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Busy Lizzy

Where do you all get it from! Looking forward to the weekend only 2 weeks to go!

20 Jul 09 - 10:42 AM (#2683867)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Mr Happy

..............& on rearranging your name Liz, we get

'Doll Frenzies'!   

Appropriate, eh?!? 8-)

20 Jul 09 - 12:20 PM (#2683916)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Busy Lizzie

With a bit of tweeking you can have OL' FRIENDS!

Or better still, IS ZONED REFILL

but even better 'fill ride zones!'

ha ha!!

21 Jul 09 - 10:36 AM (#2684451)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Mr Happy

A famous soccer player Pele쳌fs
Football boots got very smelly
He tried filling 쳌eem with jelly
They all thought he was a nelly!
Was you ever saw, was you ever saw
Was you ever saw such a funny thing before?

21 Jul 09 - 03:27 PM (#2684709)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Barry Finn

I'm now on the way but it'll take me a little while to get there.
See ya


22 Jul 09 - 06:05 AM (#2685126)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Busy Lizzy

Hi Barry! I am sure you will have a great time on route! Looking forward to seeing you!
Enjoy your journey, I'll be there from Wed or Thursday!

22 Jul 09 - 02:36 PM (#2685423)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: terrier

BeddGelert is just down the road from Anglesey and it's there you can visit Gelert's grave ( honest )

Llewellyn and Gelert

Now Llewellyns doggie Gelert
Wouldn't hunt, or so they tell it
but he stayed at home that mornin'
by the fireside, tired and yawnin'
Was you ever see, was you ever see,
Was you ever see such a funny thing before

When the Wolfie he came callin'
and the baby started bawlin'
Gelert he sprang into action
leaving Wolfie needing traction
Was you ever see, etc

Prince Llewellyn he went wild
'cos he couldn't find his child
so he stuck his sword in doggie
'cos he felt rather grogy
Was you ever see, etc

But then he heard some cryin'
just as Gelert he was dyin'
and he found his baby lyin'
safe and sound amongst the ironin'
Was you ever see, etc

So now Gelert he is buried
By Llewellyn who is worried
what he's going to tell King John
about the queer things going on
Was you ever see, etc

apologies to Mr H

23 Jul 09 - 07:01 AM (#2685849)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Mr Happy


Brilliant, we could do a duet!!

23 Jul 09 - 07:34 AM (#2685877)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Mr Happy

............does this mean we're now 'singer/ songwriters ?

I'll ask Liz to arrange a navel contemplation workshop! 8-)

23 Jul 09 - 11:59 AM (#2686055)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Mr Happy

24 Jul 09 - 06:50 AM (#2686676)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Dave Roberts

Well, there's just one week to go (or less than that if you include Lizzie's Thursday for early arrivers).
Lost In The Mist will be there on Sunday afternoon. This may be construed as saving the best until last or as putting off the evil day, as preferred.

24 Jul 09 - 08:23 AM (#2686725)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: billybob

Piece of usless information for you, Pete Chopping( one time bass player with Skinners Rats)owned, and lived on, "The Pride Of Anglesea" which was the RNLI lifeboat at Bull Bay, built in 1904. It was a sailing lifeboat and later converted into a rather lovely live on boat.Legend has it that when he bought it, in Lowestoft, he then sailed down the East coast to the River Medway with an AA road map!

24 Jul 09 - 08:56 AM (#2686753)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Busy Lizzy

You are most welcome to impart useless info here! The rest of us do! That is a little more interesting though!

24 Jul 09 - 10:13 AM (#2686800)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Mr Happy

Here's a bird's eye view of the pub & camp field,-4.37069|18|32&bd=useful_information&loc=GB:53.4228

The campsite's up the track going north past the hotel, then to the left.

You can see how close to the cliffs & sea it is!

25 Jul 09 - 02:26 PM (#2686947)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: GUEST,Val & Ral

Have really enjoyed reading all the emails so far.building up so much anticipation. First time at the festival (have been to many bigger festivals in the past, but this sounds like the best) but have been to the Bull Bay Hotel a few times, always in fantastic weather.
Good to see an East Anglian link (from Lost in the Mist) as we are travelling from Norwich.... how many are travelling further I wonder?

I am a quarter Welsh tho & will call in on family in N. Wales on the way over.Billybob's email very interesting as I, Val am from The Medway Towns (on the River Mudway) & Ral is from Lowestoft!

BTW on a pratical note.....will there be a stand pipe in that camping field?
See y'all soon,
Val & Ral

26 Jul 09 - 12:35 PM (#2687367)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Dave Roberts

UHU adhesive is named after the Uhu, or eagle owl.

26 Jul 09 - 12:38 PM (#2687373)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Busy Lizzy

Pertaining to facilities! Water - I tried to send this earlier but Mudcat was off for a bit!

THere is an outdoor water tap at the back of the hotel so not in the camping field but a short walk about 50 yards. If you need any help moving water - let us know. On that point there isn't a point for getting rid of waste, but there is an outside loo, close to the back of the hotel, but facilities inside are available all weekend and through the night! As Mr Happy says, nothing is more than a 5 minute walk. The track is a little bumpy and you'll need a torch for night time, but that's camping! The views in the morning are well worth it!

26 Jul 09 - 06:09 PM (#2687607)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: terrier

Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Dave Roberts - PM
Date: 26 Jul 09 - 12:35 PM

UHU adhesive is named after the Uhu, or eagle owl.

I immediately searched for a pic of an Eagle Owl by typing UHU into Google. Mistake! Pages and pages of UHU's and not one pic of a bird of prey! :)
Try Bubo Bubo..

OK, I'm bored...

26 Jul 09 - 09:48 PM (#2687712)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Dave Roberts

Well, quite. But now that we have established that this thread may be used to impart completely useless information. I would like to tell everyone who may be interested (and also everyone else) that the first person to photograph ice crystals with a microscope was William A Bentley (1865-1931).
And I have an impeccable source for my UHU information, I'll have you know.
On the other hand, I'd hate anyone to think I was just posting drivel on this thread in order to keep it going until the Bull Bay Festival actually starts. Perish the thought.

27 Jul 09 - 05:02 AM (#2687825)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Busy Lizzy

I'd like to get it 100 posts by the time I leave on Wed afternoon! Do you think we can do it!

27 Jul 09 - 05:21 AM (#2687831)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Mr Happy

OK, how much relevant useless info can you take?

27 Jul 09 - 06:12 AM (#2687857)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Busy Lizzy

We'll Dave seems to have set a precedence!!

27 Jul 09 - 06:33 AM (#2687867)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Mr Happy

Hope his post doesn't mean we may expect ice crystals at the weakend!

27 Jul 09 - 07:37 AM (#2687892)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: My guru always said

Met Office are showing the chance of showers for Holyhead on Friday, maybe they'll miss Bull Bay!

28 Jul 09 - 04:14 AM (#2688592)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Dave Roberts

Now here's a bit of useless information which will go a little way towards putting this thread back on topic.
My researches indicate that the word 'Mist' in German is slang
However, some would say that this merely makes the name 'Lost In The Mist' even more appropriate.

28 Jul 09 - 04:40 AM (#2688597)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Busy Lizzy

Some worrying news for mudcatters ears only just at present. I had a phone call from a very shocked Trefor Williams yesterday as of Vicki and Trefor to say that Vicki is quite ill and they won't be joining us at the weekend. I do have more info but will tell you more at the weekend, speaking on behalf of all their good friends I am sure we will all want to wish her a speedy recovery and I know we will all think of a way to wish her better and we'll all look forward to seeing them both at future festivals and events!

28 Jul 09 - 04:41 AM (#2688598)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Bass Harmony

Beware of the Mist on the Campsite AKA the field that usually has cows in behind, the Hotel. One must be especially careful of Der Mist in the mist.

28 Jul 09 - 05:36 AM (#2688620)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Bass Harmony

For those of you who are avid Lost in Der Mist fans. They will be performing at the Woodside caravan park Llanssantffraid Powys . On the Saturday night. This is a short 2 hour drive from Bull Bay.
Incidentally word check does not like the word Llansantffraid and offers the alternative.... Antidepressant.

28 Jul 09 - 05:49 AM (#2688624)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: WalkaboutsVerse

Poem 65 of 230: NORTH WALES

"Hills meeting sea"
    Proclaims to me
"Good scenery."

And it's views of North Wales,
    Both sides of the train-rails,
Whereupon this thought hails.

From (e-book)
Or (e-scroll)
(C) David Franks 2003

28 Jul 09 - 05:54 AM (#2688629)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: WalkaboutsVerse

Sorry, I forgot the http, above -

From (e-book)
Or (e-scroll)
(C) David Franks 2003

28 Jul 09 - 06:39 AM (#2688642)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Mr Happy

Sorry to hear about Vicky, hope she recovers soon.

28 Jul 09 - 06:43 AM (#2688643)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Dave Roberts

Just to echo Mr H's words about Vicky. Let's hope she's soon feeling better.

28 Jul 09 - 08:48 AM (#2688700)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Mr Happy

...............counting down, only another 3 & 1/2 days to go, [2 1/2 for those going Thursday]

I'm picking Mrs H upfrom work in Liverpool around 2pm ish on Friday, then straight to Bull Bay - Yippee!

28 Jul 09 - 03:00 PM (#2688968)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Bass Harmony

Caravan on drive, battery charging. We are off at about 2pm tomorrow so we can have a couple of days with the kids, digging mantraps on the campsite, watering the beer and arranging torrential down pours. You can be sure we will nick the best camping spot.
We will also be removing local road signs so we don't get disturbed by guitar strumming unshaven folk types.

28 Jul 09 - 03:13 PM (#2688979)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Busy Lizzy

Terry Wogan happened to mention on his 'ask Lynne' spot a morning or two ago a particular road sign pointing to something in Camaes that read, '...............previous left! Can't remember what he said it was pointing to but I am going to find it!

28 Jul 09 - 03:35 PM (#2688998)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Bass Harmony

Only one more entry before the magic 100 is reached then we can start the Bull Bay at New year thread. Mind you I will hopefully be gigging at New Year again. Any one want a Ceilidh Band for new year ????
Right must go and put my bucket and spade in the Caravan.

Is this a cynical way of making 100 entries????

28 Jul 09 - 03:41 PM (#2689004)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: My guru always said

Ok, my first 100!

28 Jul 09 - 03:45 PM (#2689008)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Bass Harmony

Congratulations you have won the opportunity to choose the day you wash up after breakfast !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

28 Jul 09 - 03:48 PM (#2689011)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Busy Lizzy

Poo! It should have been me!!!!

Thanks all of you for having such fun with this!

I am just off to Sandbach folk club to have a sing and a bit of fun with some of me mates then home to bed and tomorrow I'll pack my sou'wester, wellies a bikini (oh no I haven't waxed) and my suncream, not to forget the kids and a guitar!

Liz xxxxx

28 Jul 09 - 03:51 PM (#2689015)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Bass Harmony

How do you wax wellies ??? And I only wax my guitar if I am going surfing with it....... It's a big Guitar.

28 Jul 09 - 09:27 PM (#2689289)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Dave Roberts

See you all on Sunday (or Saturday).

And now, my work here is at an end...

28 Jul 09 - 09:44 PM (#2689298)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Barry Finn

We (Carole, Andrew & myself) are now in Swansea looking for my voice that I lost in Scarbrough & hoping to find it on Anglesey before we arrive, reguardless, we are hoping to drive out the mist & rain on our way up.


29 Jul 09 - 03:39 AM (#2689399)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Busy Lizzy

Mist and rain pretty much guaranteed I am afraid! But that won't stop the music and making merry! Looking forward to meeting you.

29 Jul 09 - 05:24 AM (#2689451)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Mr Happy

Bass Harmony

'Right must go and put my bucket and spade in the Caravan.'

So is this arrangement your solution to overcome the lack of conveniences on the campsite?

Very lavish!! 8-)

29 Jul 09 - 11:44 AM (#2689643)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Mr Happy

............only one & a half days to go - hope the weather bucks up!

30 Jul 09 - 02:53 PM (#2690491)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Barry Finn

Hi All
Is there anyone attending that's headed back to the Manchester area after the festival that I can accompany & spilt travel expenses with? I can leave the festival after it's over or continue camping till Monday morn. I have a train ticket for Monday late afternoon but thought riding with someone might be more enjoyable for all around.
I'll be headed up that way to make my flight home on Wednesday morning.
In the meantime if anyone any has suggestions on "folk" musical events, clubs, venues, sessions or sings in the Manchester area that's going on this coming Monday &/or Tuesday, day or evening I'd be very thankful for your input as well as any places to bed & board (cheap) for those couple days.

I'll be able to check back here tonight & tomorrow morning, I don't think I'll be near a computer after that but will have my ears & eyes open & on at the festival

Thanks, see you tomorrow

31 Jul 09 - 08:15 PM (#2691344)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Richard Atkins

Mr Happy
Guru and myself were nearly at this Festival our loss.
All thoughts and love from us and others to Vicki and Trefor are on the BS thread .

01 Aug 09 - 07:02 AM (#2691533)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Busy Lizzy

We are here and it is FAB!!! Lots of people, lots of rain, lots of blue sky, dolphins, seals, sheep and a fantastic turn out! HOW MANY tents on the campsite, we are going to move the fence today to fit you all in! Having a great time! Oh and Madonna sends her apologies and Stephan Grappelli joined us for the session last night!

02 Aug 09 - 06:21 AM (#2692067)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: GUEST,bull bayer

We have been introduced to the world of folk music this weekend and it has been fab, the weather has been great which allowed us to sit in the garden and listen, it has been a fantastic family fun weekend great music, good food, wonderful real ales,here`s to today.

thank you all

03 Aug 09 - 06:41 AM (#2692672)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Busy Lizzy

Jo from Bull Bay Hotel here hijacking Liz,s thread!

My back aches! My head aches, my feet are knackered, barrels are dry, the kitchen is empty but we had a fantastic weekend. The music was fab, amazing and Liz is going to teach me how to use a computer, Kerry will teach me to use Mudcat! Thanks to all! Love Jo

03 Aug 09 - 07:06 AM (#2692685)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: My guru always said

Sounds like you all had a Fab time!! Will try to join you next year if we can! Who ended up doing the washing-up by the way?

03 Aug 09 - 10:31 AM (#2692768)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: bull bay hotel

hi and thanks to everyone who made this weekend all it turned out to be,which was along with the sunshine real ale and lager made this the best do anywhere this weekend ,,,probably,,,the only thing that didn,t run out was the sunhine, well not until mon morn anyway (and we weren`t bothered then),,,,,,,,from myself (steve),jo the boss, jay the star of the bar,the kids kai and`little bugger` ooops lachlan,kerry and dippy di the background crew and general dogsbody`s,,,,,,THANKS,,,,,we have a few ideas in the pipeline already for another weekend so watch this space,but we need to go to sleep for a while now,until thursday should do,actually there are a few people who dont really appreciate the fun weve all had this weekend,they are the hotel guests who are in from today,because we have no beer left hehehe lol

03 Aug 09 - 02:17 PM (#2692916)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: terrier

Buzzzzzzzzzzzz, now that's what I call a session! Thanx to everyone involved for putting together a weekend to remember. Shame about Madonna :)

03 Aug 09 - 05:08 PM (#2693040)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Busy Lizzy

Yeah! I missed Madonna! But we got so many lovely people! Steve send me your email to my own email (look for the link in a message above)will you! And then teach Jo how to use the computer!! Many thanks for your fantastic hospitality - you are a lovely 'family' your kids are super a credit to you. Your staff are friendly and can't do enough to help and keep us all happy, the food was fab and totally affordable, all in all, a good weekend was had by all!

Looking forward to our next visit!

04 Aug 09 - 09:18 AM (#2693458)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Dave Roberts

A quick note of thanks to Liz and everyone at the Bull Bay Hotel for their kindness and hospitality on Sunday. And thank you to everyone for all the appreciative comments after our appearance on Sunday afternoon.
See you all again before too long.

Bob, Dave and Ian,
Lost In The Mist

04 Aug 09 - 01:56 PM (#2693647)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Bass Harmony

Yes it was brill
We kept a bit of a head count and there were 70 people in the session room Friday and 50 on Sunday, Missed Saturday cause I was elsewhere, earning Sundays beer money.Not Bad for a little do. I thought some of the music in the garden was particularly nice.
See you all around soon . My daughter sang about old mac donald and his slug all the way home.

By the way when we got home we discovered a stow away in the bus......Any one missing a sheep ?????? Only it's eaten the vegetable patch and is making a start on the window boxes !!

04 Aug 09 - 02:45 PM (#2693680)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Busy Lizzy

It was a lovely weekend and the sun shone on the rightious the whole time! Honestly it did!

Just a little note,    __    __      
         / /   / /   
       0/0/ 0/0/   __   __
                   / / / /
                0/0/ 0/0/

we all truly missed the good company and not to mention the good singing of both Vicki and Trefor this weekend but I have to say and I am sure you will all agree that the strength of feeling for this lovely couple was overwhelming really. I am sure our singing and music was sending positive thoughts to them both across the Welsh Hills!

04 Aug 09 - 02:58 PM (#2693686)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Busy Lizzy

ok those looked like music notes when I made them and previewed them!!

          / /

04 Aug 09 - 02:58 PM (#2693688)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Busy Lizzy

i give up!

05 Aug 09 - 09:07 PM (#2694475)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Dave Roberts

I too was very taken with Mr Happy's version of 'Old MacDonald', featuring eerily accurate impressions of the noises made by, among others, slugs, mute swans, worms
This inspired piece should be made part of the national curriculum as soon as possible.

06 Aug 09 - 07:12 AM (#2694633)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Mr Happy

I'm very mollified that most of the congregation enjoyed my compositions.

At one stage, I was a little miffed when the wild colonial boy accused me of removing the urine from traditional folksongs!

Cheers y'all, & many congrats to Liz for magicing the superb weather, despite the ominous portents of the 'forecasters'

Also, big gratitude to all who attended for making our weakend by the sea so pleasureable!!

06 Aug 09 - 12:34 PM (#2694826)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Busy Lizzy

It wasn't half bad wasn't it, but of course being that I have a hotline to him what provides the weather... all part of the service!

We have a date for next year, please put it in your diaries.

30th 31st July 1st August!

See you all then! (if not before!)

06 Aug 09 - 06:52 PM (#2695074)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Barry Finn

Thanks to Lizzie & all who had a hand in the festival & thanks to those that extended a welcoming hand. I had a great time espically meeting Mr Happy & Terrier. Jon do not do "Llewellyn and Gelert" as a duet with Mr Happy, you heard what he did with "Old MacDonold", he will turn your wonderfull ballad into a howl, no offense Mr Happy but you do have a way with a song. Tom It was a real pleasue & joy to meet & hear you, sorry to have put you under the spot light so many times but it was worth it Ha,ha.


09 Aug 09 - 04:39 PM (#2696527)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: GUEST,Val & Ral

Finally back in Norwich (via Keswick & York....must get satnav!) & can only reinforce what has already been said about what a great weekend it was in all respects, weather, food, drink but above all the friendly & talented company. Fantastic music from people of all ages has made me determined to master an instrument by next year (yes, I know it takes decades) & to bring musical family members too. (Will also gen up on Sid Kipper to bring a bit of Norfolk culture!)Thanks to everyone involved & see you next year.

09 Aug 09 - 05:22 PM (#2696552)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: bull bay hotel

theres a few videos on you tube if you can all bear watching yourselves, more still to be added thanks again.... steve bull bay
they should be easy enough to find if any probs look in ..reykai..should all be on my page

10 Aug 09 - 05:38 PM (#2697255)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Busy Lizzy

Hi Barry, we LOVED meeting you and thanks so much for coming!! You really enhanced our weekend. I am sure the others will agree! If you find yourself around here again you must get in touch!!

Sorry we left early from the folk club but kids at home and pretty tired! And now I must watch some video's!

Don't forget to watch mine!!

Search for Lizettes on youtube   
Lizettes   or try this! Enjoy!

10 Aug 09 - 05:54 PM (#2697268)
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
From: Busy Lizzy

Here are the links to a few fantastic musical snapshots of a little of the fun we had at Bull Bay!

Bull Bay Music Festival