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BS: Good Grief! Posters are Vandalism?

10 Jul 09 - 05:42 PM (#2676962)
Subject: BS: Good Grief! Posters are Vandalism?
From: Ebbie

The artist who created the "Hope" poster of President Barack Obama was sentenced to probation on Friday after pleading guilty to three vandalism charges in Boston. Prosecutors dropped 11 other charges.


Fairey was arrested in February when he was in Boston for an event kicking off a solo exhibit at the Institute of Contemporary Art. The arrest came three days after he failed to appear in court on a charge of placing a poster on a Boston electrical box in September 2000.

In the plea deal, he admitted to the 2000 incident and two others this past January: placing a sticker on the back of a traffic sign, and placing a poster on a private condominium building.

Fairy faces no further vandalism charges in Suffolk County. Boston prosecutors had already dropped 14 charges claiming he placed stickers on public property.

The Whole Story (?)

10 Jul 09 - 06:01 PM (#2676979)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Grief! Posters are Vandalism?
From: Paul Burke

No Yanksy* then?

* US version of Banksy- a Brit grafitti artist.

10 Jul 09 - 07:10 PM (#2677022)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Grief! Posters are Vandalism?
From: artbrooks

Being an artist, talented or not, doesn't give a person the right to paint, post or hang his creations on either private or public property. As the saying goes, there's a time and a place for everything.

10 Jul 09 - 07:16 PM (#2677025)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Grief! Posters are Vandalism?
From: pdq

When you have to call-in the "anti-graffiti task force" at taxpayer's expense to remove junk he posted, yes it is vandalism.

This guy is 39 years old and knows what he does is illegal.

10 Jul 09 - 07:41 PM (#2677055)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Grief! Posters are Vandalism?
From: Joe Offer

Well, pdq, the guy was 30 years old when the crime took place, and 39 when convicted. What's wrong with this picture?

Still, I have to say that as the custodian of a building that has been defaced by grafitti and eggs and human feces and whatnot, I really hate people who put graffiti on buildings - even if it's just stickers.

Magic Marker is the worst to clean off - the chemicals I have to use, are even worse than feces.


10 Jul 09 - 07:51 PM (#2677067)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Grief! Posters are Vandalism?
From: GUEST,Dave MacKenzie

'Cause the law is for protection of the people (Kris Kristofferson)

A fig for those by law protected!
Liberty's a glorious feast!
Courts for Cowards were erected,
Churches built to please the Priest.

(Robert Burns)

10 Jul 09 - 09:23 PM (#2677125)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Grief! Posters are Vandalism?
From: Ebbie

Given the types of music I'm involved in, I do a lot of postering. It is true that I use only surfaces meant for that- windows, with the shop owners' permission, inset blank walls where other posters hang, and bulletin boards provided for the purpose.

However, I frequently see posters - for music, yard and garage sales, speakers and meetings - put on poles, construction site walls, even light stanchions. Some of them are ugly - for instance, there is a new band in town that puts its posters up with swatches of bright blue duct tape. I'm sure it is not strictly legal.

BUT if anyone should object, the offender would be very easy to find- by their very nature posters give all the information needed.

I'm sure that the person would be called and warned not to do it in future. I can't imagine being hauled off to court.

11 Jul 09 - 12:46 AM (#2677203)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Grief! Posters are Vandalism?
From: GUEST,Slag

YARD Sale!!!! This WEEKEND! etc. Vandalism

11 Jul 09 - 02:01 AM (#2677222)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Grief! Posters are Vandalism?
From: Peace

Montreal provides some bulletin boards for posters. So does Edmonton. They are generally in high profile locations. However, people still do their tags in places they shouldn't. The stuff on rail cars--for example--does little to make them look good. imo

11 Jul 09 - 02:21 AM (#2677228)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Grief! Posters are Vandalism?
From: Peace

Makes a guy wonder . . . .

11 Jul 09 - 03:04 AM (#2677237)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Grief! Posters are Vandalism?
From: DMcG

One of the things that has struck me occasionally abount graffiti is that - except for the relatively rare full word - it is impossible to tell whether it came from North or South America, England, France, Germany, Greece, Scandinavia ... I haven't travelled in Asia or much in Africa so can't comment on those first hand.

11 Jul 09 - 03:06 AM (#2677239)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Grief! Posters are Vandalism?
From: eddie1

Was in "The Gents" in a pub once where the walls were painted black and there was a box with coloured chalks!


11 Jul 09 - 03:33 AM (#2677248)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Grief! Posters are Vandalism?
From: Ebbie

Graffiti isn't much of a problem in Juneau. We do have some murals, which is nice.

11 Jul 09 - 04:44 AM (#2677283)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Grief! Posters are Vandalism?
From: Kampervan

It's not confined to the U.S.

We have the same petty-minded officials here too.

When the police pointed out to a man that he'd just dropped a £10 note he thanked them at first, then they fined him for littering.

11 Jul 09 - 05:06 AM (#2677288)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Grief! Posters are Vandalism?
From: Richard Bridge

Postering and graffiti are vandalism. Where's the debate?

Kampervan, I'd need to be convinced of that...

11 Jul 09 - 10:12 AM (#2677409)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Grief! Posters are Vandalism?
From: Ebbie

On line Dictionary :

  /ˈvændlˌɪzəm/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [van-dl-iz-uhm] Show IPA
Use vandalism in a Sentence
1.         deliberately mischievous or malicious destruction or damage of property: vandalism of public buildings.
2.         the conduct or spirit characteristic of the Vandals.
3.         willful or ignorant destruction of artistic or literary treasures.
4.         a vandalic act.

Ahha! A clear case of Continental Divide. Destruction or damage- and postering causes neither. I rest my (heavy brief)case.

11 Jul 09 - 10:14 AM (#2677411)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Grief! Posters are Vandalism?
From: GUEST,leeneia

"One of the things that has struck me occasionally about graffiti is that - except for the relatively rare full word - it is impossible to tell whether it came from North or South America, England, France, Germany, Greece, Scandinavia ...

I agree! I have seen graffiti from California to Budapest, and it is always slavishly, tediously the same.

It's often in places that were dangerous to be in.

Why are we producing so many youths that seem to have no intelligence?

11 Jul 09 - 10:20 AM (#2677418)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Grief! Posters are Vandalism?
From: pdq

"Why are we producing so many youths that seem to have no intelligence?"

If you really want an answer, look at their role models.

11 Jul 09 - 10:28 AM (#2677423)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Grief! Posters are Vandalism?
From: Richard Bridge

On the contrary, postering does indeed cause damage.

On the property of a third party, if no permission has been given, it is also trespass.

11 Jul 09 - 11:21 AM (#2677457)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Grief! Posters are Vandalism?
From: artbrooks

"Destruction or damage - and postering causes neither." Well, I suppose. If someone puts posters that say "Huzzah for the BNP" (a fairly uncommon thing in New Mexico, granted) on my car, and the paint doesn't come off until I try to remove them, it isn't the people who put them on who caused the damage, but the person who took them off. If I happen to like a bright red car, and prefer that appearance to a plethora of posters and stickers, that doesn't mean that those posters are actually damaging anything. The same applies to buildings and the owners of them. They clearly have no grounds for complaint.

11 Jul 09 - 02:11 PM (#2677632)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Grief! Posters are Vandalism?
From: GUEST, Richard Bridge elsewhere

Goodness me, was that irony?

11 Jul 09 - 09:53 PM (#2677932)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Grief! Posters are Vandalism?
From: Joe Offer

No, certainly not, Richard.
There's a law against irony in New Mexico.


11 Jul 09 - 10:05 PM (#2677937)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Grief! Posters are Vandalism?
From: Richard Bridge

What, as well as sex other than in the missionary position?

11 Jul 09 - 10:13 PM (#2677941)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Grief! Posters are Vandalism?
From: artbrooks

You are thinking of Utah.

11 Jul 09 - 10:15 PM (#2677942)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Grief! Posters are Vandalism?
From: Peace

"During lunch breaks in Carlsbad, New Mexico[,] no couple should engage in a sexual act while parked in their vehicle, unless their car has curtains."

11 Jul 09 - 10:49 PM (#2677951)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Grief! Posters are Vandalism?
From: Stilly River Sage

Posters are a huge nuisance and a big territorial thing in places like New York City. Graffiti is generally vandalism, but it can rise to an art form. The work of Keith Haring is an example of this. Alas, shortly after he went "legit," he died of AIDS.