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BS: Non-alcoholic alternatives to beer

16 Jul 09 - 04:22 AM (#2681237)
Subject: BS: Non-alcholic alternatives to beer
From: GUEST,Gadaffi

For purely health reasons known to some 'catters, I am approaching Sidmouth FolkWeek and pondering what acceptable low or non-alcoholic alternatives there are to beer! I don't want to spend an arm or a leg, and non-alcoholic beer/lager seems to cost that! Nor am I really considering coffee, or sugar/saccharin containing soft drinks for fear of rotting my teeth. I am on friendly terms with the pub landlord concerned and would like to keep it that way without smuggling in a water bottle - which might just happen anyway!
This is a serious question, as I am due to chair a daily lunchtime session and am trying to keep my blood pressure stable.

16 Jul 09 - 04:44 AM (#2681247)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-alcholic alternatives to beer
From: GUEST,Mr Red

Beware the "low" alcohol beverages. A lot of them retain certain ingredients for the colour & flavour, called "congeners". But to give them a proper name - alcohols. The problem is that there are so many forms of alcohol and the darker the brew the harder it is for the liver to digest them, and hence the finding with some people that they give you a headache far sooner. Hence the red wine story. They call such people "red heads".
And some of them wear the colour as a reminder of the susceptability!

I avoid any cider that proclaims "with artificial sugars and sweeteners" - which seem to offer the same cranial facility. "cider" is a legal definition within the EC (milled from apples), anything extra has to be listed as ingredients. Low alcohol ciders are particularly heady.

16 Jul 09 - 04:59 AM (#2681252)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-alcholic alternatives to beer
From: Dave the Gnome

I have not had a proper alcoholic drink since Novemeber. Alcohol free beers were OK but I find they give me a headache. Not quite alcohol free but I find shandy suits me fine - Particularly when there is a good dark mild available. Main thing is that while I would be quite happy with 6 or so pints of beer I am just as happy to stop at 2 pints of shandy. Good luck

Who is going to have a couple of pints next month to get acclimatised for hols in September:-)

16 Jul 09 - 05:53 AM (#2681274)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-alcholic alternatives to beer
From: McGrath of Harlow

I cant imagine a friendly pub landlord would have any objections to letting you have tap water, or bottled water for that matter. (I always found the soft tap water in Sidmouth didn't taste too good, since I'm used to the hard water here in the South-East.) After all there'll be enough punters around drinking the pub dry, and if you're running a lunchtime session you'll probably be increasing beer sales.

16 Jul 09 - 06:13 AM (#2681283)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-alcoholic alternatives to beer
From: Leadfingers

Lime Juice and Soda is a nice refreshing drink , and shouldnt be too pricy unless the Landlord is overgreedy !

16 Jul 09 - 06:18 AM (#2681286)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-alcoholic alternatives to beer
From: GUEST,Neovo

or grapefruit and soda if you want something with a bit more kick.

16 Jul 09 - 06:29 AM (#2681293)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-alcoholic alternatives to beer
From: Will Fly

I find a mix of fresh, natural of orange juice and cranberry juice to be refreshing after I've had my statutory one-pint-'cos-I'm-driving beer.

16 Jul 09 - 07:05 AM (#2681307)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-alcoholic alternatives to beer
From: Stu

Anything with soda works for me.

16 Jul 09 - 07:33 AM (#2681315)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-alcoholic alternatives to beer
From: Ron Davies

Not precisely germane, but related.

AP: Police say a homeowner in Maine used beer to entice an intoxicated intruder to leave. The intruder didn't realize that it was a nonalcoholic beer. Bar Harbor police say the homeowner awoke early Monday to find 22-year-old Scott Cote-- (I first typed Sott)--in the bedroom and used the beer to convince him to move on. Police say they found the suspect breaking into cars a short time later and arrested him after he fled into some woods.

Headline for this in the DC Metro free paper:   Man Willingly Drinks O'Doul's

16 Jul 09 - 08:02 AM (#2681331)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-alcoholic alternatives to beer
From: 3refs

Canada Dry Green Tea Ginger Ale-The Champagne of Ginger Ales!
Sorry, it's got sugar though.

16 Jul 09 - 08:49 AM (#2681369)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-alcoholic alternatives to beer
From: Bobert




16 Jul 09 - 09:05 AM (#2681382)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-alcoholic alternatives to beer
From: Wesley S

Cocaines for horses, not for men.

The doc says it will kill me but he won't say when....

16 Jul 09 - 12:58 PM (#2681539)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-alcoholic alternatives to beer
From: gnu

Another drift.... years ago, the barmaid said the "lite" beer was on sale and I said I'd rather be fat than sober.

16 Jul 09 - 01:59 PM (#2681587)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-alcoholic alternatives to beer
From: irishenglish

Don't know if you have them over there, or if they are to your liking anyway, but as its summer, you could do some of those "virgin" mixed drinks, like pina colada and such...i don't have a recipe in front of me, but they are refreshing, they have no alcohol, yet give you the feeling you are drinking one. I had one recently, and if they hadn't told me there was no alcohol, I would not really have known

16 Jul 09 - 02:05 PM (#2681596)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-alcoholic alternatives to beer
From: Wesley S

Water is pretty nice - refreshing too. I'd suggest iced tea but I've heard it's pretty hard to find in England.

16 Jul 09 - 02:07 PM (#2681597)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-alcoholic alternatives to beer
From: Little Hawk

Ron, I think that may have been Shane McBride under an assumed name.... ;-) Certainly sounds like Shane, anyway.

There are any number of excellent non-alcoholic alternatives to beer! I can highly recommend the following:

Ripe mangos!
Fresh coconut juice! (available in Vietnamese restaurants)
A walk in the park!
A nice hot bath!
Ontario maple syrup, eh?

Try any of these and you may never get the urge to touch beer again.

16 Jul 09 - 02:31 PM (#2681622)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-alcoholic alternatives to beer
From: Wesley S

A nice hot bath in maple syrup will be an experience you'll never forget. Refreshing too.

16 Jul 09 - 03:40 PM (#2681686)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-alcoholic alternatives to beer
From: Girl Friday

My other half has not drunk alcohol since last November. He favours lime and soda. Grapefruit is a no-no for heart attack victims. He also likes ginger beer/ale. For home drinking we like shandy. Co-op 2 litre bottle only 59 p. Nicer than Morrison's, and cheaper.

16 Jul 09 - 03:43 PM (#2681689)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-alcoholic alternatives to beer
From: Sorcha

Not too sweet lemonade. Lovely stuff.

16 Jul 09 - 03:56 PM (#2681697)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-alcoholic alternatives to beer
From: Dave Sutherland

The beverage of the moment (see Re-Imagined Village thread) Dandelion and Burdock!!

16 Jul 09 - 04:01 PM (#2681700)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-alcoholic alternatives to beer
From: gnu

We get cold pressed cranberry juice here... add some lemon juice and NO kidney or gall stones... and it tastes great. Cleans out the urinary tract like piss thru a race race horse.

16 Jul 09 - 04:29 PM (#2681707)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-alcoholic alternatives to beer
From: Smokey.


16 Jul 09 - 05:07 PM (#2681731)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-alcoholic alternatives to beer
From: McGrath of Harlow

Dandelion and Burdock is a good suggestion. Looks a bit like Guinness too.

16 Jul 09 - 05:08 PM (#2681732)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-alcoholic alternatives to beer
From: Ebbie

Little Hawk, she says patiently. You ar not thinking. The house might object to a bath in a pub, warm or not. Same is true for sex.

16 Jul 09 - 05:40 PM (#2681756)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-alcoholic alternatives to beer
From: Paul Burke

There aren't any. Otherwise they'd be available and commercialised. But Fenton's ginger beer, dandelion and burdock etc. are at least not insulting.

16 Jul 09 - 06:34 PM (#2681785)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-alcoholic alternatives to beer
From: Little Hawk

Yes, I know, Ebbie....but I was just talking in more general terms. There are better things to do in life than drink beer, don't you think? Things that are a LOT more fun. In any case, there are some pubs emerging now in the 21st century which are quite broad-minded. The Vicar's Inn in Twillingsgate, for instance, has changed quite a bit since it was purchased by Winston Wellington-Jones. You have to go there after midnight, though, and you must be a member and present your card. That's when the REAL fun begins. Penelope Rutledge refuses to go there at all anymore. She's disgusted and outraged and says she will "never darken their door again". That tells you something.

16 Jul 09 - 11:20 PM (#2681919)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-alcoholic alternatives to beer
From: Dorothy Parshall

Never had a beer so do not need a substitute. Have had lots of fun; some might think too much but that is their lookout. Seems as though others need to ingest quantities of alcohol to have that much fun. I remember my fun, though.

Good spring water cannot be beat, imo. But the pub owner might like to serve sparkling water.

17 Jul 09 - 06:47 AM (#2682068)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-alcoholic alternatives to beer

there are none

17 Jul 09 - 10:51 AM (#2682208)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-alcoholic alternatives to beer
From: Stringsinger

there should be a rogues gallery of beer drinkers in which their bellies could be tape measured.

17 Jul 09 - 01:42 PM (#2682317)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-alcoholic alternatives to beer
From: John J

DECENT orange cordial & soda. Very refreshing and affordable at around 80p a pint in the Anchor last summer. Also, at 80p a pint, it's a nice earner for the pub.


17 Jul 09 - 06:44 PM (#2682522)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-alcoholic alternatives to beer
From: GUEST,

I seldom look at BS threads - but I could not resist this.
I think it is amusing that the makers of Bud & Bud Lite also make O'Douls non-alcoholic beer - AND IT IS BETTER THAN THEIR OTHER BEERS!!!
Tim Radford

17 Jul 09 - 08:18 PM (#2682560)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-alcoholic alternatives to beer
From: The Sandman

urine,no Iam not taking the piss.

18 Jul 09 - 08:42 AM (#2682762)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-alcoholic alternatives to beer
From: Dave the Gnome

I mentioned shandies but the mention of other beverages reminded me of the others I have tried and liked - Dandelion and Burdock and Ginger Beer. I have usualy had shandies made with the usual lemonade but mix it with mild, when avaiable, bitter if not; lager for emergencies and, on the very odd occasion, found cider shandies very refreshing. BUT... here is where the others come in. Try Mild and Dandelion and Burdock or Bitter and Ginger Beer for something realy unusual. Barman looks at you funny though!
