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BS: Recent innovations we don't need...

17 Jul 09 - 01:37 PM (#2682312)
Subject: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: Little Hawk

Stickers on fruit.

17 Jul 09 - 01:44 PM (#2682322)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: Rapparee

They've been there for years.

How about "infomercials" and the World Wide Web on a cell phone?

17 Jul 09 - 02:03 PM (#2682340)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: GUEST,leeneia

EZ-open can of corned beef with a handy pull tab that breaks off. My burly husband needed plyers and an ice pick to ez-open it.

17 Jul 09 - 02:06 PM (#2682343)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: Alice

The little avatar and social connections that Yahoo mail has suddenly added to my email account.

17 Jul 09 - 02:06 PM (#2682344)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: number 6

canned corn beef


17 Jul 09 - 02:08 PM (#2682345)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: gnu

Turn signals on vehicles. Well, no need to have them in Moncton. I am the only person here that uses them BEFORE I turn. Arrrggghhhhh!

17 Jul 09 - 02:10 PM (#2682346)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: Lox

Internet discussion forums ... bloody time consuming nightmare ...

17 Jul 09 - 02:26 PM (#2682358)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

Corporate B*stards!

17 Jul 09 - 04:04 PM (#2682428)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: Rapparee

Opposition to my way of running the world.

17 Jul 09 - 04:16 PM (#2682434)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: gnu

That is not a recent innovation, Rap.

17 Jul 09 - 04:25 PM (#2682439)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: Little Hawk

Indeed not! In fact, I think it could hardly be called an "innovation" at all at this late date... ;-)

I fail to see the point in Blackberries, but I may be unduly prejudiced just because I've never had one. Obama seems to love his.

(and no, I'm not talking about the ones that grow on bushes...)

17 Jul 09 - 04:26 PM (#2682440)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: number 6

gnu ... "Turn signals on vehicles. Well, no need to have them in Moncton. I am the only person here that uses them BEFORE I turn. Arrrggghhhhh!"

I feel your pain ... same here in SJ ..... Arrrrrrrggggghhhhh!


17 Jul 09 - 04:41 PM (#2682450)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: GUEST,Slag

Low-Flo toilets. What's the savings if you have to flush two or three times (or more)!

Plastic encasement of just about every household commodity.

Smaller seats on airlines when, worldwide, the average size of human beings is becoming larger: both lenght and girth. Yes, we need to lose weight but, sheesh! Deal with the reality at hand!

Cell phones.

17 Jul 09 - 04:43 PM (#2682453)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: Sorcha


17 Jul 09 - 04:51 PM (#2682458)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: gnu

sIx... it's rather simple, innit? Put on yer turn singal when you take your foot off the gas pedal. It's a FUCKING signal, not an explanation after the fact. Oh, you actually do know where you are going? Good for you. Nobody else did.

At least the ambulances use their sirens on their way to these assholes.

And, I get the finger a lot these days because I usually drive about 30kph... and often get to give them a wave and a smile when I drive past them after they change lanes and get stuck at the next red light.

Yeah... I am a crotchety old SOB. And I drive an F150 with a Triton V8, so I can pounder downder and keep that asshole in the wrong lane when he gives me the finger. >;-)

17 Jul 09 - 05:05 PM (#2682469)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: Amos

iPOds are a saving grace in a sea of degradation, Sorcha.

AIrlines that serve only bad air. "Homeland" Security, reminiscent of the Motherland obsession of the Soviet era. Hard plastic cases that cannot be opened around every product. Commercial email--that was a major setback, when that battle was lost.


17 Jul 09 - 05:59 PM (#2682500)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: Bee-dubya-ell

I like stickers on fruit. The stickers have numbers which positively identify the items for cashiers. It's hard to tell a Bartlett pear from a D'Anjou pear, or a vine ripened tomato from a regular tomato, but the stickers remove the guesswork. They make it less likey that I'll be overcharged.

Also, stickers are the reason supermarket produce departments are able to carry a much wider variety of fruits and vegetables than they did forty years ago. Cashiers don't need to be trained to tell the sometimes subtle differences between various varieties of apples, plums, melons, etc. They just have to be able to read the numbers on the stickers.

Yeah, the stickers are a bit of a pain, but I dislike being overcharged far more than I dislike having to remove a sticker before eating an apple.

17 Jul 09 - 06:52 PM (#2682527)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: pdq

Chaquita Banana has had stickers on their fruit for a long time. Since 1963 I think, but am too lazy to check facts today. It's 101 F outside and the neighbor's dog has been barking for twenty minutes straight...

17 Jul 09 - 09:31 PM (#2682604)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: heric

I sure as hell am going to have retractible running boards some day.

17 Jul 09 - 09:47 PM (#2682611)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: Little Hawk

I can't fathom ipods either....but then, I can't fathom walking around all day with any kind of sound device plugged into my ears. Nope, I'd rather listen to the ambient noise of the real world around me.

Still, I guess it's an advance of sorts over the giant ghetto blasters of the 70s and 80s. ;-) Much less noise pollution for those not listening.

17 Jul 09 - 10:05 PM (#2682616)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: Bill D

"I am the only person here that uses them BEFORE I turn"

Come down HERE, and I'll show you double left-turn lanes with 20 cars in each lane and 75% of them blinking so's you know they're going to turn....when there's nothing else they COULD do. I assume they do it because they have time...whereas, in real moving traffic, they can't cope with taking a few seconds to signal that they are going to turn or change lanes.

17 Jul 09 - 10:41 PM (#2682629)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: George Papavgeris

Collaterized Debt Obligations (spelling intentional)
Wii Fit
Those "memory improving" games by Nintendo
ASBOs (in UK)
Sperm creation in the lab
X-Factor (on TV)

17 Jul 09 - 10:46 PM (#2682631)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: katlaughing

I am glad my daughter back East has a cell phone with internet access. It's the only way, for now, that we can send email back and forth. I use it to send her quick, little positive messages when I know she's having a tough day.

video games - wish they'd never come about

television adverts for prescription meds

18 Jul 09 - 05:06 AM (#2682693)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: alanabit

Mobile phones, most forms of advertising, chewing gum and remote controls for televisions. I can just see some of us boring the pants off youngsters in years to come:

"Life was 'ard when we was young! If you was watching ITV and you wanted BBC, you didn't just press your remote... Oh no no no... You had to get up, walk all the way to the television set and adjust the switch on the television..."

Another thing I could do without is ninety per cent of the "innovation" to car electronics. More wire and complex circuitry in cars simply makes them more vulnerable to faults and more difficult (and expensive) to repair. Frail and useless as I am, I still feel perfectly capable of winding down a window for instance.

18 Jul 09 - 07:52 AM (#2682741)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: GUEST,HiLo

Sit on lawn mowers for an eight by ten lawn

18 Jul 09 - 08:16 AM (#2682746)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: Little Hawk

That's for sure! I've got an enormous lawn here, and I'm still using a normal (self-propelled/walk behind) lawn mower, because it's an excellent way of persuading myself to get some least during the warm season. ;-) It takes about an hour and a half to mow it all.

18 Jul 09 - 08:26 AM (#2682750)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: catspaw49

I LOVE those prescription med ads kat!!! First you try to figure out what the hell they're for since they never seem to tell you until the end.......and not always then. You have to figure it out through the completely unrelated video of people dancing through the meadow or some old fart playing with a kid. I thought at first that one was some anti-pervert drug.

Then you get the long list of side effects with lines like, "Men who are warm and breathing should not take this medication as their balls might explode" or 27 other unpleasant possibilities often including death and you wonder what kind of numbnuts would take the shit? I think the one for psoriasis is the worst at that. It has a terrible list of side effects and I swear to you, I think one of them is a rash.   What's the point?

I COULD DO WITHOUT the pre-arranged funeral spots. Its bad enough going day to day trying to keep your head above water and worrying if you have enough money to live. I don't need an asshole reminding me that I can't afford to die either.


18 Jul 09 - 08:27 AM (#2682751)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: Andrez

Sorcha beat me to it but I second the motion: Ipods!



18 Jul 09 - 10:24 AM (#2682797)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: GUEST,leeneia


Yesterday we were relaxing at the dinner table, and I remarked, "They seem to be blowing the leaves in Heaven."

The DH said, "That's a helicopter landing at Kansas University Hospital."

18 Jul 09 - 12:09 PM (#2682844)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: Little Hawk

My mother uses one of those f*cking things religiously. WHOOOOOOMMMMMM! WHOOOOOMMMMMMM! Day after day. I hate it. The dog hates it. The wild animals hate it. I bet the neighbours don't like it much either.

18 Jul 09 - 12:38 PM (#2682862)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: gnu

Bill D! Hahahaa. Yup. It's like half of the general population is 50% below average intelligence.

18 Jul 09 - 12:53 PM (#2682868)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: katlaughing

LMAO, Spaw!

18 Jul 09 - 02:24 PM (#2682907)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: Don Firth

I have to admit, I am rather fond of my TV remote. I can change channels, increase or decrease volume, and all kindsa stuff with a mere twitch of the thumb. I especially value the "mute" button. Zapping commercial breaks gives me a substantial measure of satisfaction.

It was in the news. Right out of a cartoon. A couple of days ago, a teen-aged girl was walking down the street busily texting on her cell phone and fell into an open manhole. She got a couple of minor bruises and scrapes, a pair of shoes full of sewage, and one helluva surprise!!

I wonder if she got the message. . . .

Don Firth

18 Jul 09 - 02:36 PM (#2682912)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: Smokey.

Non-square teabags.

18 Jul 09 - 02:42 PM (#2682919)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: gnu

Smokey... sac... ralegious!

18 Jul 09 - 02:52 PM (#2682924)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: Bill D

Leafblowers are my salvation! 25 years ago, I moved to this house and spent 5-6 years raking a LOT of leaves in a yard with many obstacles and a back yard physically separated from the front.
It took me many days, and left me with blisters and excessive struggle with 2-3 sizes of rakes. (Those of you who rake smallish, flat lawns have NO idea!)

The leaf blower (I use electric) was like giving a cripp;e a set of crutches.

Almost any technology can be useful for some, given the right circumstances. I will NOT answer a cell/mobile phone while driving...or make a call. I pull off if needed. But having one made life a lot easier for my wife once when the car died way out on a highway. She called AAA, and got help & a tow and only lost 4 hrs instead of 8-9.

There is much cell/mobile technology today I'd love to play with, but I simply don't NEED it, as I am home most of the time. So I save my $$$ for TV remotes... *grin*

18 Jul 09 - 02:53 PM (#2682925)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: Smokey.

Being a gentleman, I won't even mention caffeine free teabags.

18 Jul 09 - 06:24 PM (#2683038)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: McGrath of Harlow

"supermarket produce departments are able to carry a much wider variety of fruits and vegetables than they did forty years ago.

Imported from across the world. We could do without that too. And we'd likely still have a wider selection of local varieties which have been driven out of production.

18 Jul 09 - 09:33 PM (#2683092)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: Little Hawk

I'll admit, Bill, that the leafblower is a real boon at the time of clearing all those autumn leaves. That's okay.

Just don't use the flippin' thing on the driveway and graveled areas beside the house EVERY DAY between 11 AM and 3 PM is all I ask!

There's a time and a place for technology, and that time is when it's actually needed.

18 Jul 09 - 10:24 PM (#2683115)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: Rapparee

Well, I think that decaf anything and electric detonating caps are silly. The first gives you flavored water and so what's the point? The second takes all the suspense out of life.

18 Jul 09 - 10:45 PM (#2683123)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: ragdall

Oy! Leafblowers are for those of us who are spineless and can't sweep.

Besides, the noise it makes helps even things up with the neighbour who rides her noisy sit-on mower on a small city lot every couple of days, for two hours at a time.

biLL, tinned corned beef has been around since I was a toddler. That was a long time ago. I went to school with Moses.

18 Jul 09 - 10:57 PM (#2683128)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: number 6

ragdall .... I'm so old, 50 years ago seems like it was just yesterday. :)


19 Jul 09 - 04:13 AM (#2683194)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: Liz the Squeak

All those silly kitchen gadgets like spring loaded choppers and mini whisks for coffee.... what is the point? My kitchen drawers and cupboards were full of things that were used once in a blue moon, and then only when there was an X in the month.... I threw a load of them out in May, Manitas still hasn't commented on their absence.


19 Jul 09 - 12:34 PM (#2683333)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: Richard Bridge

Car windscreen wipers that turn themselves on when it rains.
Car lights that turn themselves on when it gets dark.
Parking sensors! Learn to reverse and park you f888wit.
ABS, if you know how to drive.
Automatic gearboxes.
Audio compressors.
99% of apps on mobile phones.
Any Microsnot software after 95+USB. What was wrong with DOS? Why create new OSs in stead of making the old ones work?
Region codes on DVDs
The Video Recordings Act
The Financial Services Act
In fact, most changes in the law
The EU (most of the time)
Most Health and Safety regulations
Deodorant and worse still antiperspirant (very unhealthy)
Menthol cigarettes
Chewing gum and worse Bubble gum

19 Jul 09 - 01:46 PM (#2683362)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: Little Hawk

Great list, Richard!

Here's a good alternative to conventional deoderants: Get one of those mineral salt deoderant stones instead. It looks like a clear rounded-off pillar of rock hard salt inside a small canister. It is just plain old natural mineral salts and it works when you wet it and rub some on, because the bacteria that cause body odor will die in the presence of salt. That's why salt makes a good preservative for things like salt pork, beef jerky, etc.

19 Jul 09 - 01:52 PM (#2683365)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: McGrath of Harlow

Copyright extended for ridiculous periods.

19 Jul 09 - 02:29 PM (#2683396)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: Don Firth

The legend has it that Diogenes wanted to strip his life of nonessentials. He lived in an overturned tub at the edge of town and the only possession he kept, save for a toga and sandals, was a drinking cup.

One day, he saw a young boy drinking from a nearby well using his cupped hand. Diogenes said, "I see I have kept something unnecessary," and threw the cup away.

I wouldn't mind having a 53" widescreen wall-mounted high definition television though. Or the kind of guitar that Swedish guitarist Gören Söllscher plays (CLICKY). Or. . . .

Don Firth

19 Jul 09 - 04:50 PM (#2683479)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: Slag

Them dagnabbed horseless carriages and now I heard they be a couple of fellers up Kitty Hawk way tied a motor to a big kite and made a flying machine. What's the world coming to? An end?

19 Jul 09 - 06:00 PM (#2683520)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: Rapparee

Sending messages through wires...ditditdahdit all dagnabbed day. Next thing you know they'll be trying it without wires. GOD DIDN'T MEAN FOR THINGS TO BE THIS WAY! You mark my words....

19 Jul 09 - 08:01 PM (#2683583)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: Gurney

Glued-together bubble-packs. When you find the item doesn't fit, you can't take it back.
Shoes for which there isn't a appropriate cleaner/polish.
Sports shoes that Andy Pandy would reject.
Expensive disposable items.
Telesales people.
Telesurvey people.
Virus writers.
Teenage shop-assistant's music.

20 Jul 09 - 03:40 AM (#2683696)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: open mike

oh--now i remember, we used to collect banana stickers.

21 Jul 09 - 03:38 AM (#2684287)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: Penny S.

Little Hawk, those mineral salts are based on an alum, an aluminium (aluminum) salt, and so very similar in effect to the other sort of deodorant in effect. I've checked every label I've come across, and not one did not have an alum in it.


21 Jul 09 - 06:58 AM (#2684347)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: Acorn4

Life coaches!

Are there honestly people stupid enough?

21 Jul 09 - 08:05 AM (#2684387)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: Richard Bridge

Freedom of speech for the BNP

21 Jul 09 - 08:32 AM (#2684404)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: number 6

an alternative to conventional deoderants ... don't eat red meat.


21 Jul 09 - 08:54 AM (#2684412)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: GUEST,Jonny Sunshine

Stickers on fruit may be mildly annoying, but it's a very simple way of labelling something that doesn't need any packaging.

I actually once spotted a 6-inch square moulded plastic bubble containing a single small orange, labelled "Citrus Fruit Snack, produce of Spain".

21 Jul 09 - 01:48 PM (#2684611)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: Little Hawk

Penny, thanks for the info. I didn't know about that.

22 Jul 09 - 05:36 AM (#2685115)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: kendall

I never rake or otherwise remove leaves. They are best left to become mulch which feeds the lawn. All you need is a mulch mower which chops them into small bits.

Here in Scarborough Maine there is an ordinance that says you must signal before changing lanes.

22 Jul 09 - 06:13 AM (#2685131)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: Rapparee

Got a State Law that says that out here, Kendall. Folks still save the bulbs in their turn signals.

22 Jul 09 - 08:52 AM (#2685225)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: number 6

Penny and L.H. ... there is a deodorant to be found that is alum free

Dessert Essence

It can be found here in Maritiem Canada at any of the Atlantic Superstore chains ... specifically in the natural products section.


22 Jul 09 - 09:49 PM (#2685685)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: Don Firth

I understand that it's still on the books. In San Francisco, it's illegal to shoot rabbits from a cable car.

Don Firth

23 Jul 09 - 05:31 AM (#2685817)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: Amergin

I love my mp3 player....I go on long walks every night...and it helps to keep the boredom at bay....and it is much better than having a stack of cassette tapes and three or four packets of spare batteries in my backpack....

23 Jul 09 - 02:24 PM (#2686164)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: Irene M

Don, that conjures up an awful lot of bizarre images. How many rabbits are there in SF, anyway?

Er............electric bread makers?
Chocolate fountains?

23 Jul 09 - 03:58 PM (#2686265)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: olddude

Sarah Palin

23 Jul 09 - 05:37 PM (#2686354)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: Richard Bridge

Air conditioning in England.

23 Jul 09 - 09:29 PM (#2686480)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: Amergin


24 Jul 09 - 02:58 AM (#2686578)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: Richard Bridge

Since the name "fascism" is derived from the fasces that used to be carried by the Roman lictors I am doubtful that it would be right to call fascism modern.

24 Jul 09 - 03:30 AM (#2686586)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: Acorn4

I had a Victor Meldrew "I don't believe it" moment when I accidentally ran across this one. Warning, this is not for the squeamish, don't view this if you are about to eat!

I Don't Believe It!

Somewhere on the planet, there are people stupid enough!

24 Jul 09 - 03:39 AM (#2686588)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: Amergin

Well...Richard, the fasces was a symbol of the Roman REPUBLIC, hardly a dictatorial state.

The symbolism of this bundle of birch rods was twisted by the likes of Mussolini, and later the British Union of Fascists.

24 Jul 09 - 04:01 AM (#2686600)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: Acorn4

The Jeremy Kyle Show!

24 Jul 09 - 07:50 AM (#2686701)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: RangerSteve

Smuckers markets a ready-made peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Because spreading PB and J on bread is suck a chore. Oscar Mayer markets a microwave hotdog on a bun. Because micro-waving a hot dog and putting it on a seperate bun is such a chore. I'm surprised they haven't come up with pre-buttered toast - just stick it in the microwave and it's done. Saves you valuable seconds that you would otherwise spend in putting the butter on the bread yourself.

24 Jul 09 - 08:02 AM (#2686705)
Subject: RE: BS: Recent innovations we don't need...
From: number 6

Now that is just damned scarry RangerSteve ... is this where we have come to.

Microwaves ... that is something we don't really need. We don't have one.
