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DT (& other Mudcat abbreviations) - definition

09 Aug 09 - 12:10 AM (#2696196)
Subject: DT - definition please
From: GUEST,MtheGM

Newish to this site. Terribly sorry to appear ignorant; but would somebody kindly enlighten me as to what DT stands for???   Pur-leeze!

09 Aug 09 - 12:19 AM (#2696197)
Subject: RE: DT - definition please
From: Peace

"The Digital Tradition is a data base containing the words and music to thousands of folk songs. These songs have been collected over the last eleven years by Dick Greenhaus and friends. Originally distributed as a free PC DOS program with full text search and audio playback, the Digital Tradition is now also as plain ASCII text (e.g. for UNIX systems), and most recently via a World-Wide Web Internet server and in CD-ROM format. It has been—and hopefully will again be soon-- available for Macintosh computers; we're currently encountering incompatabilities between our MAC version and Apple's newer operating systems."

Up at the top there is a 'box' with the word GO to the right of it. Go to that box and click on the arrow head pointing down. A longish list of theings will come up. Fourth from the bottom is About the Digitrad. Click on that and Bob's yer uncle. It's explained there in Dick's own words, some of which are quoted above in this post.

09 Aug 09 - 12:52 AM (#2696201)
Subject: RE: DT - definition please
From: GUEST,MtheGM

Many thanks -- & as ever, Peace 2U!!!    M

09 Aug 09 - 12:57 AM (#2696202)
Subject: RE: DT - definition please
From: open mike

DELERIUM TREMENS...a syndrome that hits some die hard mudcats when the site is off line...(also a Belgian beer with the same name)

09 Aug 09 - 02:42 AM (#2696226)
Subject: RE: DT - definition please
From: Little Robyn

Or you can find the box above that says Lyrics & Knowledge Search, in the bottom half it says DT Lyrics A and the next box says Browse.
Choose your letter, push the Browse button and there it all is!
You'll find just about any song you want.

09 Aug 09 - 02:47 AM (#2696227)
Subject: RE: DT - definition please
From: Joe Offer

But it's a good point - visitors often don't understand our abbreviations. Especially when posting in music threads, it's best to spell words out completely (and to document the sources of your information, by the way.)
It's also important to post universally-understandable dates. It's far better to post 9 Aug 2009 instead of 9/08/09 or 8/09/09.

09 Aug 09 - 03:19 AM (#2696229)
Subject: RE: DT - definition please
From: Jack Blandiver

And BS stands for Breeze Shooting - rather than what a lot of folk around here think it stands for!

09 Aug 09 - 03:38 AM (#2696235)
Subject: RE: DT - definition please
From: Joe Offer


09 Aug 09 - 03:48 AM (#2696240)
Subject: RE: DT - definition please

Take the next step Michael and join


09 Aug 09 - 04:07 AM (#2696248)
Subject: RE: DT - definition please
From: Bonnie Shaljean

Then you'll get to PM people and start BS threads as an OP and make blue clickies :-)

Send and receive Personal Messages that are not seen on the public boards

The general non-music discussions below, affectionately (or not) referred to as Bull Shit, as Joe has indicated. He wasn't dissing the previous post.

Original Poster, the opening message that kicks off the thread (each column of discussion is a thread)

Clickies are hyperlinks leading to other sites, highlighted in blue, which sometimes gets elided to "blickies"

Welcome aboard

BS (which in this case stands for Bonnie Shaljean)

09 Aug 09 - 04:35 AM (#2696255)
Subject: RE: DT - definition please
From: VirginiaTam

I know it is tempting to jump in with both feet. I did and have almost drowned a couple of times. So a good place to start is Mudcat FAQ - Newcomer's Guide . You'll be glad you did.

Confused by Mudcat allusions that others in a thread are familiar with? Check Mudcat Perma Threads to get a line on some of those vague allusions everyone else is nodding along with. I am just starting to trawl through the Classic threads section. Also gives you an idea of the social dynamic of the place and insight to personalities.

Welcome to the MC (Maison Crazy). You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave. (your posts will live on in perpetuity.


09 Aug 09 - 06:49 AM (#2696295)
Subject: RE: DT - definition please
From: Susan of DT

The Digital Tradition now has over 10,000 songs and is over 20 years old. Since it has a full text search, it is better to search for a song using an usual word or short phrase, avoiding proper names, words spelled differently on the two sides of the pond, and conjunctions than it is to use the title search. You cannot count on the title a song is under being what you think the title is.

09 Aug 09 - 06:34 PM (#2696585)
Subject: RE: DT - definition please
From: McGrath of Harlow

And if all else fails start a thread looking for the song, and someone is bound to tell you where you can find it. And somebody else say there's a different version...

09 Aug 09 - 07:43 PM (#2696623)
Subject: RE: DT - definition please
From: Peace


09 Aug 09 - 10:31 PM (#2696683)
Subject: RE: DT - definition please
From: Joe Offer


Oh, and I confess to giving the title to our "FAQ," which the dictionary says means "Frequently Asked Questions." And my excuse for using such an acronym is, that it's in the dictionary.
