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Music on Buses

21 Aug 09 - 08:26 AM (#2705359)
Subject: Music on Buses or Trains
From: GUEST,Mike from Hessle

I was sat on the bus this morning along with seven other people. I was on the seat under the poster that tells you what is acceptable on the bus - No hot food, smoking, no loud music etc, etc.

All the other passengers were on Mobile Phones and what a load of mind-boring twaddle I had to listen to 'I mean who wants to listen to someone telling the person on the other end what shops they are going past - I already b----y know because I am going past them at the same time. I thought why can't they have something installed on the bus to stop the phone signal or am I just becoming grumpy in old age. I have not been on a train in years and wonder do the same restrictions apply - No music etc, etc ??

I would much rather listen to some good music on the bus whilst travelling, preferably Folk or, at a pinch, light Classical.

What do other Catters think and what Music/Songs would they like in the same situation.

21 Aug 09 - 08:32 AM (#2705365)
Subject: RE: Music on Buses
From: The Sandman

there is normally one quiet carriage on a train,mobile phones and their environmental pollotuion are a pain in the arse.

21 Aug 09 - 11:02 AM (#2705436)
Subject: RE: Music on Buses
From: melodeonboy

Now call me old-fashioned, but piped music on the bus (or anywhere else for that matter) is not what I'd want.

I've stopped going to my local Asda and now travel much further to Sainsbury's, mainly so I can shop in relative quiet. The local Asda is half way to being a disco. And I find it difficult (and somewhat inelegant!) to boogie on down while holding a bunch of spring onions!

I know bugger all about the technology of it, but I was under the impression that railway carriages could be "lined" in some way so that mobile phone signals can't penetrate. I'm not sure that all railway companies have quiet carriages. I know that South West trains have them (and they enforce the rules - good for them!), but I'm not aware of any on Southeastern.

21 Aug 09 - 11:19 AM (#2705454)
Subject: RE: Music on Buses
From: GUEST,Tunesmith

I was sitting on the toilet in British Home Stores recently having to endure some loud whailing pop singer! After the government ( British in this case ) have got tired of tackling obesity, smoking and drinking, they should turn their attention to noise in society. As a nation, I bet our ears are in a dreadfully unhealthy state!

21 Aug 09 - 11:21 AM (#2705459)
Subject: RE: Music on Buses
From: The Sandman

piped music on buses,is an infringement of personal rights.

21 Aug 09 - 11:30 AM (#2705465)
Subject: RE: Music on Buses
From: Ebbie

On the buses I frequent, a 'leaking' headset is reprimanded by the driver. However, mobile phones are not Maybe the thought is that a conversation won't last long and can be suffered through.

Mobiles are a pain. For some reason, most people talk loudly into them. They must be the motorcycles of the wireless world as motorcycles are the bodhran of the music world.

I would dearly love to have the bus passengers around the mobile participate in the mobile/cell phone conversation, as in, HI, JANET!

21 Aug 09 - 11:32 AM (#2705467)
Subject: RE: Music on Buses
From: GUEST,Mike of Hessle

Hello Melodeonboy

I would much rather listen to piped music (played softly) then a rabble discussing loudly what they had for tea the previous day, how their boss is 'as thick as two short planks' or the size of the woman just walking along the road and the shops they were going past plus other mindless drivel.

I almost got off the bus but would have had to wait 30 minutes for the next one. Perhaps Mobile Phones should be handed to the driver when you get on the bus and then he gives them back when you get off.

And why do I always get the drunk sat next to me on the bus going home and he wants to talk and all you get from him is garbled and noxious. Probably one on the bus in half a hour when I go home.

21 Aug 09 - 11:41 AM (#2705479)
Subject: RE: Music on Buses
From: nickp

I note that there are handheld jammers available online for about £25 with about 30 ft range. Anyone tried one?

21 Aug 09 - 11:45 AM (#2705481)
Subject: RE: Music on Buses
From: GUEST,Mike of Hessle

Where can you obtain them from - please let me know.

Just packing up to go home and would have loved one to use tonight.

21 Aug 09 - 12:00 PM (#2705491)
Subject: RE: Music on Buses
From: Les from Hull

Jamming equipment is illegal to use in the UK as it violates section 8 of the 2006 Wireless Telegraphy Act. You can have your own choice of music through an ipod or other MP3 player. If you are bothered by the music or conversations of others use full headphones rather than 'in ear' ones.

Piped music is a modern curse. I hate it. It's never what I would choose to listen to, whether it's a radio station or other recordings. And I have very catholic music tastes. You sometimes get this sort of piped music on coach trips, and you'll never suit everybody with it.

Users of MP3 players should keep the volume right down, to avoid hearing damage and getting pummeled by someone sitting next to you who just hears the pss psss pssh trebley sound that leaks out. But the worst of all are people who try to listen to MP3s on their mobile 'phones but though their tinny speakers rather than earpieces.

21 Aug 09 - 12:02 PM (#2705493)
Subject: RE: Music on Buses
From: Rasener

We have a public toilet in Market Rasen and you get to hear things like this whilst you have a jimmy riddle

Yes thats right classical music.

21 Aug 09 - 12:11 PM (#2705503)
Subject: RE: Music on Buses
From: Geoff Wallis

When I lived in Upper Holloway a few years ago I regularly travelled on the #41 bus. It was not uncommon for a group of local lads to occupy the back seats on the upper deck and turn on their boombox, usually playing Hip Hop at high volume (far better, sometimes on a Ladbroke Grove bus you'd get some high quality Dub). There was also a regular passenger on the #41, an elderly Jamaican woman, who would stand at the bottom of the stairs and bellow some highly original versions of well-known hymns, all of which seemed to end with "I know 'cos Jesus loves me".

21 Aug 09 - 12:20 PM (#2705509)
Subject: RE: Music on Buses
From: GUEST,Jim Knowledge

I `ad that geezer from the `ighgate `ealth and Safety office in my cab the other day. `e`ad an enormous pile of records with `im and a list of public conveniences.
I said, "Whatcha got there Guv.? A load of clobber from a boot sale or something?
`e said, " Nah, I`ve gotta change the tune they play in all the public bogs. They reckon it makes people more comfortable `aving songs going while they`re powdering their nose"
I said, "What`s the choice for this week, then?"
`e said, " Poetry in Motion!!"

Whaddam I Like??

21 Aug 09 - 12:24 PM (#2705512)
Subject: RE: Music on Buses
From: melodeonboy

That's the best laugh I've had all day! Good one, Jim!

21 Aug 09 - 12:30 PM (#2705521)
Subject: RE: Music on Buses
From: Rasener

If anybody can remember that far back, Matt Monro used to work on the buses and from my memeory used to sing to the passengers.

21 Aug 09 - 12:49 PM (#2705537)
Subject: RE: Music on Buses
From: GUEST,mg

I do participate in conversations with people carrying on phone calls on buses..yes, I do believe you should leave, let's have chicken for dinner, I saw that movie and I didn't really enjoy it. Just butt into their conversations, unless you think they are likely to beat you up. Chime in..say nice talking with you etc. mg

21 Aug 09 - 12:57 PM (#2705540)
Subject: RE: Music on Buses
From: Geoff Wallis

There's always this benighted soul - - and Jimmy Rogers was, of course, 'The Singing Brakeman'

22 Aug 09 - 12:47 AM (#2705942)
Subject: RE: Music on Buses
From: Martha Burns

More music on a bus:

22 Aug 09 - 01:42 AM (#2705957)
Subject: RE: Music on Buses
From: open mike

ha! yes, but if it is on trains you prefer, you gotta try this moving music festival...have you seen the movie festival train with janis joplin, oh, gosh who else? on a train across Canada..

Well you can LIVE that experience...
each trip has a little different flavor..
cowboy poets and musicians,
scottish fiddle and cell0,
rockin rodeo on the rails..
flying under radar

Yookers..(UK) your pal Peter O'Brien on there...)

oh i must find a link....

22 Aug 09 - 01:59 AM (#2705962)
Subject: RE: Music on Buses
From: Peace

"mobile phones and their environmental pollotuion are a pain in the arse."


22 Aug 09 - 02:29 AM (#2705969)
Subject: RE: Music on Buses
From: Rasener

And there is this very famous person

very famous person

22 Aug 09 - 02:54 AM (#2705975)
Subject: RE: Music on Buses
From: manitas_at_work

How about Reg Varney?

22 Aug 09 - 05:52 AM (#2706030)
Subject: RE: Music on Buses
From: SPB-Cooperator

What rattles me is the string of obscenities you hear sometimes emanating from 'music' played on mobile phones, and from some people speaking/shouting on them, with no regards to the fact young children are also on the bus.

22 Aug 09 - 01:24 PM (#2706212)
Subject: RE: Music on Buses
From: Martha Burns

The Villan, Thanks for that video. Very cute.

27 Aug 09 - 07:09 AM (#2709711)
Subject: RE: Music on Buses
From: GUEST,Catherine Littleton

How about Geoff Unwin?
He composed buses music for the 3 70's films about the busmen?

27 Aug 09 - 07:21 AM (#2709716)
Subject: RE: Music on Buses
From: Crow Sister (off with the fairies)

If Buses themselves, were quiet places (like sitting peacefully in a nice garden or something) and thus other noise, disturbed my otherwise peaceful ride, I might sympathise. But merely riding on a bus, is to expose oneself to an enormous racket in the first place! Even when there is no-one else on board, it's an almighty case of noise pollution. They grumble and rumble, they rattle, they squeak, the engines make an awful noise. Even traffic on the road outside the bus, makes miles more noise than anything on the bus itself. Can't see the point in selectively zooming in on a few minor additions to all the usual racket tbh ;-)

27 Aug 09 - 07:30 AM (#2709718)
Subject: RE: Music on Buses
From: Tattie Bogle

Agree with that Crow Sister: one reason that folk shout into their mobile phones is that they can't hear themselves speak over the noise the bus itself is making! So any piped music would have to be loud to overcome background noise.
Just don't need it!
Occasionally, if I remember, I'll take my Ipod on longer journeys, then I can have the music I like.

Having said that we did once play live music all the way from Edinburgh to London on a train, even dancing in the aisles! Our party occupied most of one carriage, but anyone coming through on the way to the buffet car looked a bit bemused!

27 Aug 09 - 07:41 AM (#2709731)
Subject: RE: Music on Buses
From: Crow Sister (off with the fairies)

Ditto, an iPod for me too.

27 Aug 09 - 07:54 AM (#2709736)
Subject: RE: Music on Buses
From: Jack Campin

Jamming equipment is illegal to use in the UK as it violates section 8 of the 2006 Wireless Telegraphy Act.

Somebody tell whichever agency of the state it is that jams mobile signals around the Eurotunnel terminal, then.

A lot of Turkish buses have two cirular logos sandblasted into the windows - a fag packet and a mobile phone, both scored with "don't" lines. Both bans work. The only time I've heard anyone use their mobile on a Turkish bus, they were directing the emergency services to a major crash.