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Unrepentant Fenian Radio

17 Jul 99 - 02:32 PM (#96223)
Subject: Unrepentant Fenian Radio
From: Freedom's Day

And until freedom's day I pledge to fight for the IRA.

Radio Free Eireeinn

Fenian Radio

This week RFÉ chronicles the surrender of Provisional IRA weapons with Irish Times writer Susan Breen who wrote a story about how the PIRA are taking inventory of their weapons to be decommissioned by the British. RFÉ then does a phone parity on how a PIRA decommission 800 phone line would sound. We then speak with Deirdre McAlister in Belfast about the Orange culture coming to her hood. RFÉ then speaks with George Harrison life long Republican and IRA gun runner from Brooklyn, NY about the weapons he sent over to Ireland being surrendered. We finish with Republican Sinn Fein member Joe O Neil calling on the PIRA to devolve.

17 Jul 99 - 02:38 PM (#96226)
Subject: RE: Unrepentant Fenian Radio
From: Peter T.

Go away. Go away nicely, but go away.

17 Jul 99 - 02:39 PM (#96227)
Subject: RE: Unrepentant Fenian Radio
From: katlaughing


17 Jul 99 - 02:52 PM (#96232)
Subject: RE: Unrepentant Fenian Radio
From: Big Mick

I agree. Not the place, sir. We can discuss the issues fine without a bunch of propaganda. Trust me, we have strong views both ways. Thanks for stoppin by. See ya.


17 Jul 99 - 03:53 PM (#96256)
Subject: RE: Unrepentant Fenian Radio
From: The Shambles

Are we not in danger here of having double standards?

We have the choice to click or not to click, for we do advertise and promote other radio shows on Mudcat?

17 Jul 99 - 04:01 PM (#96258)
Subject: RE: Unrepentant Fenian Radio
From: katlaughing

Okay, Shambs, I'll bite: those other radio shows do not blatantly flame us with inflammatory messsages such as this one; they do not advocate a specific stance on any one political issue, esp. one of such heartbreaking violence.

Just because we have uplifting radio programs listed on here and we are a fairly democratic lot (and I am NOT talking political parties, here) doesn't mean we have to open the site up to anything that comes along!


17 Jul 99 - 04:45 PM (#96277)
Subject: RE: Unrepentant Fenian Radio
From: gargoyle

ms. laugh cat

I listened to the show for the last hour and half.


Don't pre-judge it. Some nice music I have never before heard. And some interesting ideas. It is NOT in the least inflamatory.

Given your objection to my (on topic) weapons references in another thread (Armalite) I would believe that YOU would be the very FIRST to applaud their distruction:
1. Over 800 fire arms being turned in.
2. Weapons being put in a pit and encased in concrete.
3. Disposal being supervised by both a Catholic priest and a Protestant minister.

If your ENTIRE world is limited the Mudcat from a Wyoming window - I suggest you seek counseling for addiction therapy - seriously.

17 Jul 99 - 04:55 PM (#96282)
Subject: RE: Unrepentant Fenian Radio
From: Rick Fielding

Kat. I'LL be your therapist! Keep smilin'. Enough folks will take this thread seriously and get red in the face. Let's be two who don't.
Rick (unarmed observer)

17 Jul 99 - 05:20 PM (#96290)
Subject: RE: Unrepentant Fenian Radio
From: Peter T.

A basic informal rule here has been to keep advertising or propaganda that is simply posted, off this site, whether it be for political reasons or to promote an album or concert. This is because this is a site for discussion, playful and serious. The exceptions have been for people who are genuinely involved in discussions, who are part of the give and take of what is going on, members, etc. Posting advertising or political news is not part of a discussion: it is pre-empting discussion.
Similarly, though it is not a rule on this site, but might make a reasonable rule for living, personal insults and racial slurs are bad manners -- manners being what one owes to another human being in reflecting their dignity -- because they are designed to assault and not consider.
As Mick points out, there is a thread for this discussion, which is being held (if occasionally barely) within reasonable temper. The sooner this thread is eliminated from this site the better off we will all be, including those who hold different views and look out from different windows.
yours, Peter T.

17 Jul 99 - 07:18 PM (#96312)
Subject: RE: Unrepentant Fenian Radio
From: catspaw49

Well written Peter T. I cannot add anything that could reflect my feelings better or elucidate your statement...nor would I.

Thank You


17 Jul 99 - 11:49 PM (#96356)
Subject: RE: Unrepentant Fenian Radio
From: gargoyle

We have "lesbian threads"

We have "sickness threads"

We have "death threads

We have "god threads"

We have "pro-Orange threads"

Which version of your "REAL-WORLD" do YOU choose to ignore?

Visit the station, listen, and THEN render your judgment based upon the FACTS.

It is difficult for me to imagine that most of you people are Americans or present yourselves as "world-liberals."

17 Jul 99 - 11:55 PM (#96358)
Subject: RE: Unrepentant Fenian Radio
From: gargoyle

How long you been around Mr. Peter T?????

Are YOU the voice of dick, or Susan or MAX?

Have YOU choicen to annoit yourself one of the "gods?"

If matters not....because YOU "know" the "unwritten rules."

Humph off little fella....create your own world....

A world wear the "Minstral Boy" lives on, and the "cold, still, reality of death" or "politics" NEVER invades the "warm-fussy's world" of "folk music."

LIFE IS or die!!!

18 Jul 99 - 08:54 AM (#96423)
Subject: RE: Unrepentant Fenian Radio
From: Jeri

Mr gargoyle, I don't think you've seen any pro-war, pro-killing threads here.

This is Peter T's world. I suggest you consider whether even one other person here wants to discuss this, and then decide who's in the wrong place.

Please note: this is my first and final comment on this subject.

18 Jul 99 - 09:36 AM (#96428)
Subject: RE: Unrepentant Fenian Radio
From: Rick Fielding

Actually Mr. G., Peter T is hardly a little feller. Stands about 6'1", but I don't figure he's done much "annoiting" lately.
rick (chuckling quietly)

18 Jul 99 - 02:25 PM (#96494)
Subject: RE: Unrepentant Fenian Radio
From: Big Mick

Aisy, lads and lasses. While I have been guilty on occasion of rude outbursts, for which I later had to repent, I have rarely seen from regulars the vitriol that seems to be creeping in. Sure Shambles and I disagree, but try to do so in a civil manner. Gargoyle, you have been around here a long time. What's up with the attacks on Kat? Did I miss something she did? You have gone after her in two different threads. I am genuinely interested in knowing where this comes from.

Back to the topic at hand. Gargoyle makes a very good point when he says we should listen before we judge. In fact, I have listened to this site on a number of occasions as it reflects many of my views as you are all aware. My objection to it here is not in the making 'Catters aware. In fact, those of you who disagree most are the ones that should listen. As I said in the Armalite thread, it is best to subject ones beliefs to the tests of debate. It insures that we do not fall into the "blindly following" trap that has caused so much misery.

My objection is the way this was presented, which was as an "ad" as opposed to an FYI. I don't like propagandizing. I do like debate. If it were presented as a source, instead of "the answer", I probably would not have objected.


18 Jul 99 - 02:33 PM (#96499)
Subject: RE: Unrepentant Fenian Radio
From: katlaughing

I agree, Mick. I most definitely was put off by the blatant presentation and rhetoric. AN FYI, in a civil tone, would have gotten a positive response of curiosity and at least a quick listen. I never seen a time, on here, when coming in like gangbusters was necessary nor welcomed.


18 Jul 99 - 03:00 PM (#96511)
Subject: RE: Unrepentant Fenian Radio
From: catspaw49

Yeah, we have never gone for the blatant ad, which this was. Sure we plug Rick and some others around here, but if a person can't see the difference 'tween the two.........words are not going to help.

I doubt if you remember that I took a shot at Curtis and Loretta for a post (only their second) which struck me as a commercial plug. I did try to do it with some humor and an explanation. Loretta came back with their explanation and it was quite good. Curtis and Loretta are now Mudcatters, and though they don't often post, they are wonderful folks that add what they can, when they can. The difference is obvious.

Good Keericed, I'm gettin' old and losin' it! I say words are not going to help and then...........


18 Jul 99 - 06:32 PM (#96567)
Subject: RE: Unrepentant Fenian Radio
From: Legal Eagle

Perhaps we could find a descendant of Oliver Cromwell (an ambivalent figure in English politics, with some virtues and some vices, but, I think, pretty unrelievedly malevolent from the Irish perspective), or Lord Louis Mountbatten (at least he was a soldier, even if a bit retired) and try to set them up with a radio station.

18 Jul 99 - 10:16 PM (#96672)
Subject: RE: Unrepentant Fenian Radio
From: Rick Fielding

Thanks for that Cat, I was gettin a bit antsy. I hate commercial plugs. Guess that's why I'm always broke and have stayed with folk music for so long. I do appreciate that some of our "cat" community listen to the show (from now on known as "Repentant Canajun Radio")and especially that some take the time to phone in.

19 Jul 99 - 03:35 AM (#96758)
Subject: RE: Unrepentant Fenian Radio
From: Joe Offer

Ah, but Rick, it's your uneasiness that gives us such a kick out of the crassly commercial plugs we give for you. Just wait 'til you see what we have in store for your album release.

I do get a bit worried about the flare-up of nastiness and such that we've had the last few days. Not enough to use the "delete" button, though - I save that for those few direct attacks on individuals that I've seen here.
While the remarks of the first poster were inflammatory, they would have disappeared by now if nobody had responded. Instead, we have this and a number of other long threads carrying on, with all sorts of sermonizing. Maybe it's best for all of us to ease off - no talk of rules or censorship. I think we'd do better to deal with stuff like this with the intelligence and gentle humor that is Mudcat at its best.

-Joe Offer-

19 Jul 99 - 12:24 PM (#96894)
Subject: RE: Unrepentant Fenian Radio
From: GOD



19 Jul 99 - 02:33 PM (#96950)
Subject: RE: Unrepentant Fenian Radio
From: j0_77

Look - Gargoyle IT IS OVER - finito - gone - history there is a peace agreement and every body in IRELAND has voted for PEACE so stop the 'provoking' and troublemakin - the Politicians and the people of Ireland will stop the violence because they have the vote to do it with. The IRA do not need guns - so put em in a furnace and melt em down. Part of the healing process is being nice to one and other

19 Jul 99 - 10:16 PM (#97129)
Subject: RE: Unrepentant Fenian Radio
From: Wee Six

I must confess to a grimace of distaste when faced with strident outbursts of bombastic bigotry such as the initial posting by the unfortunate "Freedom's Day". I say "unfortunate" as it has been my experience that those most inflammatory in their fulminations and protestations of unswerving adherence to the code of violence are just as vehemently opposed - or so it seems - to extending to the Irish Language the common courtesy of spelling it correctly - unfortunate in their lack of education and in their choice of parent. Wee Six

20 Jul 99 - 12:37 AM (#97207)
Subject: RE: Unrepentant Fenian Radio
From: Big Mick

Nicely done, Wee Six. You are new here, are you? Welcome.


20 Jul 99 - 01:12 AM (#97219)
Subject: RE: Unrepentant Fenian Radio
From: j0_77

Same goes fer you Wee Six - any more shenanigans an I'll be stick - (Takes down old tennis shoe) See I told ya so!

20 Jul 99 - 02:27 PM (#97394)
Subject: RE: Unrepentant Fenian Radio
From: Wee Six

I happenedupon Mudcat due to my interest in Songs and Traditional singing. If I had thought I would have had to wade thru a welter of ill-informed foreigners with brains clogged with political porridge (with lumps uggghh!), I would have saved myself the bother. Thefriend who recommended this site to me has some explaining to do !! I am in general agreement with those who fight shy of Censorship, but where it becomes patently obvious that the hospitality of a site is being abused in the furtherance of interests other than the raison d'etre for that facility, then I think that it is incumbent upon the controllers of the site to press the delete button. This is not censorship, this is protecting the integrity of the site and its genuine subscribers. If this offends anyone, then so be it. Wee Six. N.B. Thanks for the welcome, Big Mick, but I think your stomach is stronger than mine. There is no shortage of Traditional Music sites. I don't have to stay with this one. From my browsing, I see a member called Martin has withdrawn. He will be missed more than me. Good Luck, lads. WS

20 Jul 99 - 04:12 PM (#97415)
Subject: RE: Unrepentant Fenian Radio
From: Rick Fielding


20 Jul 99 - 04:19 PM (#97420)
Subject: RE: Unrepentant Fenian Radio
From: katlaughing

WS: if you'll look back through the older threads, even up to last week, by setting the filter to a number of days, you will see there is a lot of music on here, without the particular vitriol which made this a distinctive, thankfully unusual weekend at the Mudcat. Those who've been most heinously vocal in recent days do NOT represent the majority who are good and kind souls. It's worth sticking it out and as we tell each other, if you don't like a particular thread, start one of your own (we al love new threads) or go read another.
