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BS: Are you American & want Public Option?

04 Oct 09 - 03:58 PM (#2738176)
Subject: BS: Are you American & want Public Option?
From: Alice

Republican minority leader John Boehner told reporters, "I'm still trying to find the first American to talk to who's in favor of the public option, other than a member of Congress or a member of the administration. I've not talked one and I get to a lot of places. I've not had anyone come up to me -- I know I'm inviting them -- and lobby for the public option. This is about as unpopular as a garlic milkshake."

So, if you are an American and support the Public Option in health care reform, you can let Boehner know by signing this petition:

04 Oct 09 - 04:01 PM (#2738185)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you American & want Public Option?
From: Alice

Here is a page about the group behind the petition, Health Care For America Now.
about us

04 Oct 09 - 04:04 PM (#2738188)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you American & want Public Option?

Signed it. Forwarded it. Thanks Alice.

04 Oct 09 - 04:06 PM (#2738190)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you American & want Public Option?
From: CarolC

Signed it.

04 Oct 09 - 04:12 PM (#2738194)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you American & want Public Option?
From: pdq

Just for fun, check out this site for the...

                                                      Gilroy Garlic Festival

I'm sure they serve garlic ice cream as well as garlic milkshakes.

04 Oct 09 - 04:18 PM (#2738201)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you American & want Public Option?
From: gnu

CC... was it you that posted a video link about this a short while back?

04 Oct 09 - 04:20 PM (#2738203)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you American & want Public Option?
From: Alice

I found that petition from a health care reform Facebook group link.

Whether you are an American or not, there is a place to post your opinion about "public option" on the group's discussion page.
So far, I see just a few posts by people who lived or traveled in other countries and were able to experience other medical care systems.
Here is where you can post Facebook discussion click here

04 Oct 09 - 04:22 PM (#2738207)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you American & want Public Option?
From: mmm1a

Signed it

04 Oct 09 - 04:31 PM (#2738213)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you American & want Public Option?
From: Greg F.

If Bohner is enough of a imbecile - or an ideologue, or both- to make an idiotic statement of that sort, why does anyone think that a petition to the jackass will make any difference whatsoever?

04 Oct 09 - 04:36 PM (#2738215)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you American & want Public Option?
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

Politicians generate their own 'public opinion' from what they perceive as the opinion of their constituents. Petitions from outside their constituency won't change their mindset; only if a majority of their constituents want change will they change horses.
Among many in the south and west, unfortunately 'the public option' is regarded as socialist perversion.

Petition your own Congressmen, don't waste time and paper on those outside of your state.

04 Oct 09 - 04:46 PM (#2738222)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you American & want Public Option?
From: Alice

Boehner specifically said "Americans", so this it is completely appropriate for any American in or out of his state to respond to him.

Signing makes a point of responding to what he said and what he questioned.

04 Oct 09 - 04:58 PM (#2738231)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you American & want Public Option?
From: Don Firth

Signed it. Thanks for the heads-up on this, Alice.

John Boehber must live in some hermetically sealed universe for either the Right-wing or the incredibly stupid. Or do I repeat myself?

If he really wants to know, not just shoot his mouth off, I could introduce him to quite a few people who will really chew his ear about what an overwhelming number of Americans really want.

Don Firth

04 Oct 09 - 04:59 PM (#2738233)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you American & want Public Option?
From: GUEST,heric

Boehner-head probably believes if you want a public option you are not "American," so he can't lose.

04 Oct 09 - 05:00 PM (#2738235)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you American & want Public Option?
From: Alice

If you want to call his office and leave a voice mail message, the phone number is:
(202) 225-6205

04 Oct 09 - 05:37 PM (#2738287)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you American & want Public Option?
From: Genie

Boehner speaks with forked tongue. Even at the time he made that claim, he had already received numerous phone calls an emails from his constituents asking him to support a strong public option for health insurance.

04 Oct 09 - 06:08 PM (#2738324)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you American & want Public Option?
From: CarolC

I may have posted something about it in video form, but I'm not sure, and I didn't post the online petition. So thanks to the original poster for this!

04 Oct 09 - 06:09 PM (#2738325)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you American & want Public Option?
From: CarolC

And thanks for the phone number!

04 Oct 09 - 06:12 PM (#2738329)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you American & want Public Option?
From: CarolC

The voice mail must be full. It's not answering. I'll try again tomorrow.

04 Oct 09 - 06:27 PM (#2738348)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you American & want Public Option?
From: McGrath of Harlow

Boehner-head probably believes ...

It seems pretty naive to imagine that, just because a politician says something as stupid as that, he actually believes it.

04 Oct 09 - 06:32 PM (#2738352)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you American & want Public Option?
From: pdq

Perhaps Mr. Boehner should simply read the polls:

                                                                      Rasmussen Poll

04 Oct 09 - 10:53 PM (#2738526)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you American & want Public Option?
From: CarolC

Yes, he should read the polls. For instance this poll that actually asks whether or not people support the public option (the Rasmussen poll does not appear to have asked that question). 65% do support a public option.

Or he could read the poll that asks doctors whether or not they support the public option. 73% of doctors support a public option, either along side private options, or public option only (10% of doctors support a public option but no private options).

04 Oct 09 - 10:54 PM (#2738528)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you American & want Public Option?
From: Peace

Polls: The polls showed that Obama would lose the election.

04 Oct 09 - 10:58 PM (#2738530)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you American & want Public Option?
From: Stilly River Sage

Sent it. And I usually never do online polls.


04 Oct 09 - 11:36 PM (#2738539)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you American & want Public Option?
From: Michael Harrison

If there is no public option then - what is the point? Cheers,..mwh

05 Oct 09 - 12:03 AM (#2738545)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you American & want Public Option?
From: Don Firth

Exactly, Michael! Without it, it's just the insurance companies playing musical chairs. Bloody pointless.

Unless "mandatory insurance" gets passed. And then it's a big sop to the insurance companies and a ridiculous burden on those who don't have insurance because they can't afford it.

Don Firth

05 Oct 09 - 12:42 AM (#2738560)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you American & want Public Option?
From: maire-aine

Signed it. Thanks for posting this, Alice.

05 Oct 09 - 02:07 PM (#2738999)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you American & want Public Option?
From: Genie

Pretty sure most of the people who support the idea of a "public option" do NOT mean they think the not-for-profit government-administered health insurance plan should be available ONLY to a small minority of people, most of whom are poor, unemployed and/or otherwise uninsurable because of "pre-existing conditions."

Trouble is, most of the "public option" plans being proposed in Congress would not be available for most of us to buy into even if we want to. Any insurance plan, including a public not-for-profit one, needs to have a large, diverse pool of insurees to spread the risks and make it viable. That is why a "mandate" to have health insurance is needed -- just as everyone pays into Medicare during their working years.   But a mandate to buy insurance from private, for-profit companies is a whole nuther thing.

I am opposed to health insurance coverage being mandated unless people have the option of buying into viable non-profit and or publicly-administered programs.    I also hope that Congress will NOT pass a highly restricted, weak "public" program that is set up to fail, thus giving the anti-government crowd the example to use to say, "See? Told ya. The government can't run anything well!"

05 Oct 09 - 06:27 PM (#2739190)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you American & want Public Option?
From: Michael Harrison

Well, personally, I believe that the American people should get exactly the same inurance package that our senators and congressmen get! Who in the hell are they to sit there in grand style and cherry-pick their benefits and force us to grovel for horseshit?

I want the same damned benefits that congress gets - no more and no less - period! Until then I will not vote for an incumbent at their level. Cheers,.....................mwh

05 Oct 09 - 09:02 PM (#2739257)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you American & want Public Option?
From: Alice

I agree, we should be able to get the health care coverage those in Congress have.

05 Oct 09 - 09:09 PM (#2739261)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you American & want Public Option?
From: Stilly River Sage

Whatever it takes to get for-profit bean counters to stop practicing medicine without a license. The mandates need to be as much on the companies as on people to have insurance. Level that playing field.


06 Oct 09 - 09:49 AM (#2739537)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you American & want Public Option?
From: McGrath of Harlow

The polls showed that Obama would lose the election.

Myb impression, fromm the media and the net, was that they seemed to indicate that he was likely to win.

06 Oct 09 - 10:21 AM (#2739561)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you American & want Public Option?
From: Mrrzy

Signed and forwarded, thanks, Alice!

06 Oct 09 - 02:18 PM (#2739771)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you American & want Public Option?
From: Stringsinger

Single Payer is the only real answer. Otherwise the insurance companies control everything.

Without a Public Option, however, Obama has weakened his chances for re-election.

06 Oct 09 - 07:41 PM (#2740031)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you American & want Public Option?
From: Neil D

I agree Stringsinger. The public option is a poor second choice to a single payer system and is already a compromise. It is still better than the Baucus Bill, which has been called a gift to the insurance companies by a former vice-president of Cigna. I wrote my Senator, Sherrod Brown, and said if that's the best you guys can do, then do nothing at all.

06 Oct 09 - 11:48 PM (#2740160)
Subject: RE: BS: Are you American & want Public Option?
From: Peace

"Myb impression, fromm the media and the net, was that they seemed to indicate that he was likely to win."

Some did, some didn't. That is often the way with polls.