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BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???

08 Oct 09 - 10:46 AM (#2741126)
Subject: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???
From: Bobert

Well, I just heard that folks is talkin' about Europe needing a President and seein' as Chongo ain't throwed his hat in the ring that I might as well...

(But you don't even speak European, Boberdz...)

Details, details... I gotta matchbook right in front of me where I can send $99 and get a corresondence course in speakin' European... Hey, how tough can it be???

(Where exactly is Europe, Boberdz???)

Hey, look... It's gonna be a long campaign an' I got lotta time to learnt up that geometry stuff... Right now I'm busy with trying to find some good people to work on the campaign and to get my position papers in order... BTW, do them Europeans smoke pot??? If so, that's a good start... Maybe a slogan " A Little Pot in Every Voter"...


Candidate Bobert

08 Oct 09 - 10:58 AM (#2741136)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???
From: Rapparee

I kin speak some of that Yurpeen, Bobert. I'll run as your running mate as long as you don't try no funny stuff other than the smokin. And I know where it is -- it's kinda Easty of Virginy and sort of South of the North Pole (where Santy lives, ya know). Here, I'll translate "Voting Fer Bobert Is The Best Thing Fer Yurup" into Yurpeen to demonstrate how good I talk it:

Votez-du por Bobert esta muy gutter thingo for toot Yurup, ya sure betcha!

I'll go along with yer "A Chicken In Every Pot and Some Pot In Every Chicken" motto, too.

08 Oct 09 - 11:05 AM (#2741145)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???
From: olddude

I will make ya a web page Bobster, Have your sidewalk bob out there as a campaign tune. Get yer mud all over the net fer ya.   Heck I bet I can dig up some dead relatives that will vote also ...


08 Oct 09 - 11:08 AM (#2741150)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???
From: gnu

I'll offer my services as Secretary of the Inferior.

08 Oct 09 - 11:17 AM (#2741159)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???
From: Bobert

Listen, ya'll... I ain't taken the European langage course yet so it's okay to talk Americanese fir now...

BTW, Rap... Is that really Europeanese... Lot like way back in Wes Ginny in Deliverin' country...


08 Oct 09 - 11:23 AM (#2741165)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???
From: Rapparee

Yup, sure is. Them WVians don't know they talk good Yurpeen.

08 Oct 09 - 11:33 AM (#2741176)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???
From: Rapparee

We could call you "President Bobert the First". Them Yurpeens like folks with numbers after their names, like Alexander the 6 and Ivan the Three. It's kinda like football players' numbers.

08 Oct 09 - 11:47 AM (#2741187)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???
From: Bill D

They also describe their favorite leaders... like "Ethelred the Unready" or "Pippin the Short" could be "Bobert the Bewildering"

08 Oct 09 - 11:52 AM (#2741193)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???
From: GUEST,leeneia

Five months ago I was in Europe. Going from England to France on the train, we went through a long, long tunnel and I asked myself, "Was that it? Was that the famous Channel Tunnel? Are we in France now?"

For a long time I studied the landscape and could not tell. Roads, fields, trees, rocks all looked the same. There were no billboards to show me the language. (What a blessing!)

Finally I spotted a truck and saw that it was driving on the right side of the road. That was the only way I could tell that we had entered France. Gosh, all those centuries of war, and now a traveller can only tell them apart by the road rules.

Rapaire: brush up on the meaning of 'football' before you and Bobert announce your candidacy.

08 Oct 09 - 12:13 PM (#2741215)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???

I bet I can organize the Floozies and act as their Wardrobe Lady. Have to find an old VW bus painted psychedelic day glo - that will get you the over 60 vote and they're the only ones who vote over there I think.

08 Oct 09 - 12:17 PM (#2741219)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???
From: Bobert

Lotta good thinkin' goin' on here...

VW bus??? Absolute genious...

08 Oct 09 - 12:23 PM (#2741225)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???
From: Peace

Europe? Beautiful country.

08 Oct 09 - 12:35 PM (#2741237)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???
From: Bill D

I dunno 'bout a VW bus... the only ones what look 'right' when painted are before 1960, and them things ain't dependable. That rear cylinder on the left (#3?) gets too hot and you wouldn't wanta try getting thru Swisherland in one...them hills can be durn near vertical!

Maybe tow one behind something sturdy and use it as yer traveling throne room.

08 Oct 09 - 12:37 PM (#2741240)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???
From: Peace

Good idea, Bill.

08 Oct 09 - 12:51 PM (#2741251)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???

I guess the Floozies can ride on top. But where do we store the boas?

08 Oct 09 - 01:52 PM (#2741293)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???
From: Crow Sister (off with the fairies)

Here you go B, why not check this for top campaign tippets?

"Magic Bus" tour through UK

08 Oct 09 - 01:57 PM (#2741301)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???
From: Amos

Wait--we have to see his burf certificate. He wasn't born Yurpeen, was he?


08 Oct 09 - 02:01 PM (#2741308)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???

No but his great great great great great great grandafather fought for the Brits in the Revolutionary War. You can't refuse the offspring of a veteran.

SHHHH I know Bobert. But by the time they check it out (thirty years of research at least) your term will be up and the damage done.

08 Oct 09 - 02:13 PM (#2741321)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???
From: Bill D

I don't think we oughta let Bobert go over there. He 'might' just win, and ruin the entertainment value of Berlusconi and Sarkozy.

08 Oct 09 - 02:36 PM (#2741342)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???
From: gnu

I see Peace has tried to surreptitiously usurp my offer of Secretary of the Inferior, but I stand on my record, and if you check it out, I am sure you will agreee I am far more qualified.

08 Oct 09 - 02:38 PM (#2741344)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???
From: VirginiaTam

leenia - you wuz in yurup if they was driving on the right side of the road. in england they don't and that's a fact.

Bobert - I'll shore vote fer ya. But you don't wanna be travelling that there chunnel thing. Just last week it was closed down over night for some damn reason. The traffic was backed up to Dartford Crossing. That's a 60 mile tailback. Longtime for the Floozies to be sitting on the roof of the VW. They would need down comforters rather than feather boas. Is there enough in the campaign coffers for that?

Don't recommend the ferries either as the din of car alarms in the hold during gale force 5 crossings can deafen you. You would be a hollering "Que?" and "donde el banjo?" at all them digitaries and amb-ass-doors all the time.

Take the hovercraft to Holland. Pot there is real good and the Floozies can pick up some work and fill the campaign coffers too, in that red light district.

08 Oct 09 - 02:40 PM (#2741348)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???
From: Peace

Listen up Gnu. You are NOT more qualified than me to be the Inferior Secretary. YOU SEEN MY LEGS?

08 Oct 09 - 02:50 PM (#2741364)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???
From: MMario

according to wikipedia yurope consists of NATO in the west and Warsaw-packs in the east; and as a Merican Bobardz is NATO-ese, so he fills the citizenry requirement, yes?

08 Oct 09 - 02:52 PM (#2741367)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???
From: Peace

Yea. He doen't yet speak Yerpeen, but he'll learn.

08 Oct 09 - 03:00 PM (#2741374)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???
From: GUEST,leeneia

'...those hills can be durn near vertical.'

Bill D. where I was, the hills WERE vertical. Take a look at this:

don't fall off!

08 Oct 09 - 03:04 PM (#2741375)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???
From: gnu

Peace... unfortunately, yes. Now, I haven't worn short pants since I was a youndg man, even though I have the legs of a squash player who could take on foes for several hours in a row.

Fact is, that is not in the statement of duties and qualifications for the position in question. If this degrades to a contest ala "Jaws movie scar comparison", I can send you pics by email that I would advise you not to open.

Now, back to the real question of who is less qualified... please?

08 Oct 09 - 03:15 PM (#2741390)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???

Do either of you have a driver's license? Someone has to drive the portapotty bus. How about a credit card? At some point the Floozies will want to sleep and bathe and buy souvenir teaspoons and the like.
Maybe even 'irate shirts.

08 Oct 09 - 03:24 PM (#2741403)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???
From: gnu

I have a license. And the pic doesn't show my legs. I also have a credit card with a large limit, but I could never pay it, so I wouldn't put any floozies on plastic.

Does the portapooty bus have a condom dispenser, or is it one a them cheap ones?

08 Oct 09 - 03:35 PM (#2741418)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???

There will be NO fraternizing with the Floozies. As Wardrobe Mistress, I will see to that.

08 Oct 09 - 03:36 PM (#2741420)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???
From: VirginiaTam

I told you if you only read. the Floozies can earn their's and everyone else's keep if you start in Amsterdam, Holland.

08 Oct 09 - 03:39 PM (#2741424)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???
From: Bill D

A street in Amsterdam

08 Oct 09 - 05:01 PM (#2741476)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???
From: Bobert

First of all, I know all about #3 exhaust valves and VW buses... That's what reverse gear is fir, Bill... Ya' se, it's a taller gear than 1st so that means you don't work the modor as hard on hills if ya back up 'um... Get it???... This is why I should be electrcuted as the next European president... 'Cause I know all the right stuff, that's why...

As fir the Floozies??? They gonna ride in style... I gonna have my Couzin Rufus take all his Chevettsan' cut 'um up and we're gonna build us a Floozie Stretch-vette and stuff all the
Floozies in the back... Hey, if we take on more Floozies... I mean, add some, then we gonna just weld on some more Chevettes to accomodate them... I was kinda thinkin' that we'de take about 5 Chevette engines and weld 'um together and have a 20 or so modor to run the Floozie Stretch-vette... Might of fact, I can get back there with them and they can help me with the new langage...

More proof that I am eminently qulaified...

C.B. (Candidate Bobert)

08 Oct 09 - 05:09 PM (#2741480)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???
From: gnu

AmsterDAM! looks expensive... and dangerous.

Of course, here, ya gotta pay $20 up front and at least $100,000 later if ya get a dud.

Amsterdam has a certain apPeal.

08 Oct 09 - 05:40 PM (#2741504)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???
From: Skivee

Hey Mr Ex-Preserdental Now Youripian Presdiental Candidude Bobster, Iff'n you need a Secertary of sumthin', I sure would like to go to Youripe fer a while. Your choice. Just make it a cushy job, okay buddy?
It mite just help me get over the disapointment of the last big campain

08 Oct 09 - 07:46 PM (#2741589)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???
From: RangerSteve

I'd like to be considered for the post of Secretary in Charge of Countries That Are Too Small to be Noticed, And that Should Be Part of a Bigger Country, but Aren't For Reasons That Nobody Quite Understands. (Malta, Andorra, Monaco, Liechtenstein, San Marino). Yurp's a big place, and those guys can get overlooked. There you are, trying to rule the place, when all of a sudden, these little guys start making trouble, asking questions, wanting favors, and suddenly you realize you've never heard of them. Why not send them to me, a guy who knows of their existence? I'll pat them on the head, say something patronizing, like "Aren't you cute?", give them a cookie and send them on their way, and you (Bobert) can devote your time to more important things, involving countries that matter. I'll even declare Cyprus to be part of Asia, in case that hasn't been done yet.

08 Oct 09 - 07:48 PM (#2741590)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???
From: Bobert

Hey, Skivz... I was kinda thinkin' that you could be like, ahhhhh, the driver this time around... That way you ain't gotta get all emotionally twisted up in yer tummy like last time...

Of course, yer gonna have to set aside your passion for Yugos when you sit behind the wheel of the Floozie Stretch-vette but think about it this way... There was a time in yer life when ya' had to hide yer Mad magazines inside adulter magazines, right??? Well, this is kinda like that... We all gotta make some sacrifice... I mean, just look at me... Hey, I'd rather smoke pot and get drunk everyday but if I get elected then I'll prolly only be able to do that a couple times a week... See what I mean??? Hey, it's only four danged years, ain't it??? You can just put the Yugo in storage with a big old tarp over it to keep the dust off it...

What else???

Oh yeah... Amsterdam... I think that would be a cool place to have a White House... Yeah, we can put a windmill on the side of it and grow tulips around it... I hear that they bring you hash with yer salad in the finer resturants... No wonder folk quit immigrating to the US from Europe...


08 Oct 09 - 07:53 PM (#2741593)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???
From: Bobert

I hadn't got that far with my geometry, RSteve... I didn't realize that there were, ahhhhhh, these countries... But, hey, if you can buy them off with a pat on the head and a cookie then, sheet fire, you got the job... Sound like rug rats to me but, hey, they vote... I think???... Maybe they don't... I don't know... Back to studyin'... Hey, this job ain't goina be easy... It's hard bein' president...


08 Oct 09 - 08:09 PM (#2741599)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???
From: olddude

Hey Bobster, how about putting Popcorn Sutton on the new currency when you are pres ... being how you like shine an all

popcorn sutton

08 Oct 09 - 08:10 PM (#2741601)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???
From: Peace

Hey, Bobert, ya dizzy bugger, you ain't been elected yet.

08 Oct 09 - 08:16 PM (#2741603)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???
From: Peace

Uh, can I get beheaded for calling the soon-to-be President of almost the entire world with the exception of Patagonia and Ville Emard a dizzy bugger?

08 Oct 09 - 08:25 PM (#2741612)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???
From: Peace

It is with great sadness that I declare Gnu the soon-to-be Secretary of the Inferior. I am applying to be the soon-to-be Secretary of the
Pot Patch and Assorted Psychedelic Mushrooms an



08 Oct 09 - 08:56 PM (#2741636)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???
From: Rapparee

Who wants to be Sexraterry of De Fence? De fence needs some new pickets and slats, so you gotta be willin ta work and mebbe even put in some fence posts. Otherwise the cows'll git out inta the corn field.

08 Oct 09 - 09:31 PM (#2741654)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???
From: Peace

And Jimmy will do the crackin'. BUT, I don't care.

08 Oct 09 - 10:54 PM (#2741685)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???
From: Janie

Real Bluesmenz don't wanna be prezident of no country.

Well, mebbee country bluesmenz do....

08 Oct 09 - 11:00 PM (#2741689)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???
From: Rapparee

Peace, I care. I care very much. You might not care but I do.

09 Oct 09 - 12:04 AM (#2741734)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???
From: GUEST,leeneia

God, it's lonesome today. My beloved is 200 miles away, it's been raining all day, and no one will even look at my beautiful picture of Switzerland.

Whatsamatter? Afraid the other boys will jeer at you if you talk to a girl?

NB: you can't go up those slopes in a bus. You will need a VW Beetle.

09 Oct 09 - 03:16 AM (#2741779)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???
From: VirginiaTam

How many Floozies?

Mr. Bobertz... ummm ... eerrr... may I just correct you on one little mispro...nancy...nashun

it ainit 'nt geometry. It is joggraphy..

You don't want to go gettin yerself asscoiated wif that other prsident that couldn't talk good.

09 Oct 09 - 07:24 AM (#2741879)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???
From: Monique

Bobertz, I sugest ye to run furst for prisdent of a coal lishun Lux and Burg - Swiss or Land - Licht on Tyne, das is vere most of der moni is. Dopo ye won't needle be elected by el pee poll since in este vurl, el pee poll don't kaunt. Ye know I know becose I'm Yurpeen!

09 Oct 09 - 07:43 AM (#2741885)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???
From: VirginiaTam

Ranger Steve... you be ceerful of them small semi invisible nayshuns. I mean look at Bellejim.

it makes all the deecisions for the Yurpeen union much to the aggervashun of England et al.

09 Oct 09 - 08:04 AM (#2741901)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???
From: gnu

After readin about Obama this mornin, I think Bobert should get nominated fer the Nobel Peace Pipe Prize right quick like.

09 Oct 09 - 08:07 AM (#2741905)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???
From: olddude

"a chicken in every pot, and shine in every jar"

09 Oct 09 - 08:17 AM (#2741911)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???
From: Crow Sister (off with the fairies)

"the Nobel Peace Pipe Prize"


09 Oct 09 - 08:41 AM (#2741933)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???
From: Bobert

What is a dizzy bigger, anyway??? Maybe we need a scretary to keep an eye on them, unless of course, I am one of them... Well, that ain't exactly right neither... If that secretary looks anything like half the Mudville womenz that I have met then she can keep an eye on me anytime she danged well wants...

As for Peace Pipes??? Yeah, as part of my new strtegic plan for bringing about better cooperation between my new country, Europe, and the US then I reckon a peace pipe summit is long overdue... We'll invite Putinhead, too... He could use a few good tokes, hisself...

Wouldn't it figure that Monique would be advising to go go where the money is... According to this correspondence book "monique" is European fir "money"... I shoulda guessed that one...

Also, I was thinkin' that if I get elected then maybe we should begin talkin' about sanctions against the US fir all the dumbass stuff they do... I mean, let's get real here... They done bombed just about everyone here on Earth and are now out bombin' the moon??? What next??? Mars??? Venus??? And what the heck is that health reform thing I been reradin' about??? Force people to give their hard earned money to corporations??? Ain't that like extortion??? Sanctions, folks... Sanctions...

Well, gotta get back to my studying... George Bush was right... It is hard being president and I even president... Yet... Maybe I'll just get elected and take an early retirment and collect a pension... I donno???


09 Oct 09 - 08:54 AM (#2741944)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???
From: Skivee

Hey Mr Ex-Preserdental Now Youripian Presdiental Candidude Bobster, that's a mitey fine offer (but not Joe).
I mite take you up on it, but I kinda want ta drive a yugo in yugoslavania. So I hope that parts negoshabal And I donno about that drinkin and drivin. Never seemd like a good idear ta me. I'm alot safer when I'm smoking weed and drivin. In fact I'm smokin weed and drivin right now.
No, wait, I'm sittin at my watcha call No wonder I couldn't get this thing in reverse. Why sometimes I'm such a good driver when I'm all smoked up that I safelike take an hour ta drive ta the end of the driveway, It ken make a trip ta the store for crunchy cheetoes a mite long, but you kent be too careful. By tha time I got there last time the dang Seben-Leben was closed fer the night. It turned out alright though. I found some more crunchy cheetoes in the seat cushuns.
I figger that sort of attenshun ta detail is why you keep hirin me.
Ah, I get ta hang out with tha floozzies, right?
By tha way, I'm not wearin pants right now. Iz that okay?

09 Oct 09 - 09:47 AM (#2741979)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???

Ranger Steve - is Canada on that list?

Virginia Tam - these Floozies are all part of the Evil Sisterhood and I love them dearly but who the hell is going to pay money for them? A bunch of over the hill folkies with bad backs losing the war against gravity. When these girls shake their booties, worlds tremble...I know


09 Oct 09 - 09:59 AM (#2741989)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???
From: VirginiaTam


Clearly you ain't been indoctrinated to the kinky tastes of the polyitical set.

The bigger and older the Floozie the more them Yurpeen kinksters'll pay.

You put the Getaway Floozies in leather and latex and there will be collective global polytical orgazma. That's got to be good for the econimcal climate thingmabob.

09 Oct 09 - 10:10 AM (#2741996)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???

I did put them in leather and latex (see Getaway 2006). Most choose to forget.
But the other side of the coin is: Are you going to make my Floozies fraternize with people who don't use deodorant? That French guy paid for little boys in Thailand - the Floozies will castrate him if they get their hands on his family jewels - that can't be good for business.
Maybe we need to carefully vet the customers for personal hygiene, sexual preferences and bank accounts. That might work.
But some of them have husbands who would have to be consulted. And frankly I don't want to end my life as the Madam of the House Of The Setting Sun.

09 Oct 09 - 11:04 AM (#2742032)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???
From: Bobert

"Collective global polytical orgazma" is exactly what we are talkin' about here... No, we ain't talkin' Mount St. Helens either...

Deodorant??? Yeah, I been givin' that alot of thought, too... Hey, not like we need some kinda authoritarian president but we do need less stinky people... Like why bathe at all if ya' aion't gonna use no deodorantz??? That like crazy...

Now as to the Floozies... Here's the rule... Touch one and we'll bomb yer ass... Period!!!

(Wait, Boberdz... You ain't runnin' fir president of the US... You can't just bomb everyone...)

I can't???

Sheese, this job is gonna be hard work...


09 Oct 09 - 11:32 AM (#2742064)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???
From: Rapparee

Bobert, you jist let the Floozies take care of those who touch when they don't wanna be touched. They'll be pickin' up pieces for days and for miles around.

This here is my Offishull Vice Presidenshull Adviz to you. And don't go messing with the Floozies yer own self neither -- you know that "Remember the Alamo" thing? Well, you "Remember the P-Vine!"

09 Oct 09 - 12:12 PM (#2742105)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???

Think they'll give our bobbie a Noble Prize for Piece if shares the Floozies?

09 Oct 09 - 12:30 PM (#2742123)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???
From: DMcG

There's a problem if Bobert gets the job. For an American to go round saying "You're a peón" has unfortunate overtones.

09 Oct 09 - 01:06 PM (#2742152)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???
From: Rapparee

Yeah, but Bobert wasn't born in the US. He was born in either VA or WV or someplace like that.

09 Oct 09 - 01:51 PM (#2742185)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???

That's true. Still flying a Confederat flag, I'll bet.

09 Oct 09 - 05:05 PM (#2742363)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???
From: Bobert

Well, I weren't born in none of the states... I was born is DC... That ain't like no state... And even tho I was reared, ahhhhh, raised in Virginny and live in Wed Ginny 20 years I ain't got no love fir no CSA flags... Might of fact, them things disgust me...

As fir Floozies... I got my respect fir them... They can put a hurt on ya' in a heartbeat...


10 Oct 09 - 11:03 AM (#2742801)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???
From: Rapparee

Well, hell, that settles it. Ol' Bobert ain't no American citizen cuz he warn't borned in a State or a Territory or even on a Army base in Panama er someplace.

All Hail President Bobert the One of Yurp!

Long live the President!

And as yer President of Vice, would you like some of these DELICIOUS candies? I got them from this little store in Rome called "Borgia's Bon-Bons".

10 Oct 09 - 06:50 PM (#2743129)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???
From: Bobert

I got some of them allready, Rap... Can't keep the sumabiches lit long 'nuff to catch no buzz...


19 Oct 09 - 02:24 PM (#2748095)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???
From: Amos

As a consolationary reeward, Bobes, here's th enews of the day:

"The Obama administration delivered new guidance on medical marijuana to federal prosecutors Monday, signaling a broad policy shift that will mean fewer crackdowns against dispensaries and the people who use them.

Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. instructed government lawyers that in 14 states where medical marijuana use is legal, federal prosecutors should focus only on cases involving higher level drug traffickers or people who use the state laws as a cover story.

"It will not be a priority to use federal resources to prosecute patients with serious illnesses or their caregivers who are complying with state laws on medical marijuana, but we will not tolerate drug traffickers who hide behind claims of compliance with state law to mask activities that are clearly illegal," Holder said. "This balanced policy formalizes a sensible approach that the Department has been following since January: effectively focus our resources on serious drug traffickers while taking into account state and local laws." "

So yer safe for a while. Make sure your medical card is current, though.


19 Oct 09 - 03:08 PM (#2748131)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???
From: gnu

Time for some Johnny Weedseeds?

19 Oct 09 - 07:44 PM (#2748365)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???
From: Bobert

Yeah, I heard all about that, Amos and...

...count me in!!!

Please send me a bag o' weed fir my head cold.... I'll gladly repay you when Virginia goes "green" (wink, wink)...

Actually, now that Obonga is on board with this look for other states to go ahead and get on board, too... Yeah, these referemdum things do make it onto ballots but in the past why vote for it when Bush ain't gonna let ya' smoke it no matter what... I heard tonight that there are another 7 states ready to get on the bandwagen... Won't be long before we have Reefer Nation!!!



20 Oct 09 - 07:30 AM (#2748586)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???
From: GUEST,CrazyEddie

Bobert, you don't wanna learn "Yurpeen" you wanna learn Latin.
Then, if it all goes wrong fer ya in Yurp, y'all can go to Latin America, & speak to the nice folk there.

20 Oct 09 - 08:47 AM (#2748627)
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert 1st Pres. of Europe???
From: Bobert

Ya' ean like ex post facto, CrazEd??? Shoot, I allready know lotta that stuff all ready... Why they call it Latin America anyway??? Ain't nowhere near Latin...
