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BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009

18 Oct 09 - 07:17 PM (#2747557)
Subject: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 200
From: Bat Goddess

Here's the initial thread -- Original Thread - Biopsy, etc.

We take the Downeaster to Boston tomorrow morning. Figures, Durham is the only station that has no accommodation for leaving a car for 5 days. So Jeri has generously offered to drive us and our week's gear there "so ear-li in the morning" -- and keep an eye on our felinities during the week we're away.

Tom's got pre-op tests, etc. tomorrow afternoon then his surgery with Dr. Zeitels is on Tuesday. He'll spend Tuesday night in Mass General, then we stick close to the hospital (Holiday Inn Beacon Hill -- about a block from the hospital on Garden St.) until Friday when we can come home.

My presumption is that he won't be able to speak after this surgery for a couple days -- vibration of the vocal cords encourages scarring, and that's not good. He didn't see the pictures (tiny camera down his nose), but I did -- there's a fair amount of cancerous tissue to remove from his right vocal cord.

I'm taking an antique (read: slow) laptop with me and should be able to hook up with the hotel's wi-fi to keep in touch here and at Facebook.


18 Oct 09 - 07:44 PM (#2747578)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 200
From: Janie

Will be sending light and Mudcat love.


18 Oct 09 - 07:58 PM (#2747591)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 200
From: Bill D

Best wishes for easy & felicitous outcome! I'm just glad he has a top-notch place to do this.

*sending thoughts of Jello & ice cream*

18 Oct 09 - 08:00 PM (#2747595)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 200

Best of luck. Here's hoping we can sing outrageous things by spring but if not then we can all get to know other wonderful parts of Tom.

18 Oct 09 - 08:24 PM (#2747613)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 200
From: ClaireBear

Wishing and planning for an astonishingly successful outcome. Best of luck! Hugs to both of you, and a glass of fine port.

18 Oct 09 - 08:45 PM (#2747622)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 200
From: RangerSteve

Best Wishes.

18 Oct 09 - 08:47 PM (#2747624)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 200
From: Rapparee

Ice cream. When I had my tonsils out they gave us ice cream.

Mind you, we were too sick from the ether to eat any....

Mass Gen is one of the good hospitals. He's gonna be okay.

18 Oct 09 - 09:38 PM (#2747646)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 200
From: bbc

Here's hoping all goes smoothly & successfully.

love & prayers for you both & the doctors,


18 Oct 09 - 09:40 PM (#2747648)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 200
From: Charley Noble

We'll be thinking about you both.

Charley and Judy

18 Oct 09 - 10:17 PM (#2747667)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 200
From: Tinker

Love and light to you both -- keep your fingers crossed, I finally found all the right camera pieces and I'm going to take the "ladies of the club" video to work tommorrow and see if I can dub it on DVD... Yes, I work at a church, like I said, keep your fingers crossed....

remember giggles and grins heal ( no guffaws from Curmudgeon til he heals)

18 Oct 09 - 11:12 PM (#2747682)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 200
From: Morticia

hugs and good thoughts to both of you xx

19 Oct 09 - 12:47 AM (#2747716)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 200
From: Sandra in Sydney

best wishes from this side of the globe


19 Oct 09 - 02:49 AM (#2747734)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 200
From: VirginiaTam

I am directing a beam of hope and steadiness at that doctor's hands.

Hugs to both Bat Goddess and the Mudge.

19 Oct 09 - 04:12 AM (#2747745)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 200
From: John MacKenzie

Bon chance mes amis. You are in good hands, and you have each other for support. That in itself is better than most analgesics.

Best wishes for a successful outcome.

((Tom & Linn))


19 Oct 09 - 05:00 AM (#2747758)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 200
From: gnu

Thoughts & prayers continue for both of you.

19 Oct 09 - 10:06 AM (#2747903)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 200
From: jacqui.c

You know we'll be keeping you in our thoughts tomorrow. Here's hoping for a good result.

19 Oct 09 - 10:11 AM (#2747908)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 200
From: maeve

Thanks for letting us know, Linn and Tom. Thank you to Jeri for the ferrying of these two dear friends of ours.


19 Oct 09 - 10:48 AM (#2747933)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Jeri

They should be on the train to Boston right now. Linn has the laptop, and Tom had a smallish suitcase that I swear weighs about 50 lbs. Tests and 'poking around' are on the agenda today, and then some lying around and Linn trying to get the laptop to work (which will probably involve some Bad Words). I hope it all goes smoothly.

19 Oct 09 - 10:54 AM (#2747939)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Flash Company

Ouch! Love and best wishes from Brian Q, Sheila and friends in Mid Cheshire. Mudcat was there for us, we're here for you


19 Oct 09 - 11:01 AM (#2747944)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: katlaughing

{{{{{{{{{{Lin & Tom}}}}}}}}}}}}

19 Oct 09 - 11:05 AM (#2747945)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: GUEST,SussexCarole

Thinking of you both - all best wishes

Carole & Andrew x

19 Oct 09 - 11:52 AM (#2747977)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: catspaw49

I am once again here and waiting to hear.....and I expect nothing but good news!


19 Oct 09 - 01:16 PM (#2748028)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009

50 lbs of Laphroiag maybe?
In my thoughts and prayers, guys.

19 Oct 09 - 03:10 PM (#2748134)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: My guru always said

Sending positive thoughts, love & hugs to you both!
Hil x

19 Oct 09 - 05:31 PM (#2748245)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Peace

Very best wishes to you, Tom.

19 Oct 09 - 07:24 PM (#2748347)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Hollowfox

Good thoughts and midwestern juju going out to you now, and the $#!@-reduction candle series starts when I get home from work. (Thanks for helping 'em out, Jeri)

19 Oct 09 - 07:25 PM (#2748349)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Peace

She's an angel, that's for sure.

19 Oct 09 - 07:43 PM (#2748363)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Jeri

Aw, shucks.

I hope Linn gets on line, but it's probably been an exhausting day.

19 Oct 09 - 09:17 PM (#2748432)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Jeri

Well, Linn called a bit ago. She's tired and pissed off that they don't have a DVD player in the room. She also didn't get the laptop connected, but that's an adventure for another day.

19 Oct 09 - 10:19 PM (#2748450)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Beer

Here is wishing the best in all results.

20 Oct 09 - 12:54 AM (#2748491)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Janie

Hopefully both she and Tom are sleeping now.

20 Oct 09 - 01:23 AM (#2748495)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Genie

Rapaire is right. You deserve ice cream, Curmudge. And you NEED it too.

As ClaireBear said, do get well and recover your voice ASTONISHINGLY well and fast!

And don't forget the brews.


20 Oct 09 - 02:50 PM (#2748874)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Tinker

Jeri, thanks for relaying the info that you have.

Hugs all around.... blessings and light, healing and sustanance....


20 Oct 09 - 07:41 PM (#2749049)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: ranger1

Anyone heard anything yet?

Thinking of you both, Tom and Linn.

20 Oct 09 - 08:35 PM (#2749074)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: SussexCarole

It's early hours of Wednesday morning here in Uk. We're thinking of you

20 Oct 09 - 09:23 PM (#2749098)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: sing4peace

Thinking of you both tonight -
sending light.

20 Oct 09 - 10:05 PM (#2749121)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Janie

Hope all is well. Sending good thoughts.

20 Oct 09 - 10:11 PM (#2749125)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: ClaireBear

Healing energy and hugs all round from my part of the world.

20 Oct 09 - 10:14 PM (#2749127)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Jeri

No phone call. I figure Linn is probably worn out. Hopefully, she'll find time to call tomorrow.

20 Oct 09 - 10:25 PM (#2749130)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: maeve

Thanks, Jeri.

Sweet dreams, Tom and Linn.

20 Oct 09 - 11:03 PM (#2749143)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: JudyB

Good thoughts....

And hugs....

   ~JudyB & Charley Noble

20 Oct 09 - 11:16 PM (#2749146)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: catspaw49

I should have mentioned earlier that we have available at the Neil Young Center for the Terminally Screwed, a special warehouse program. Right now, our Spare Parts Repository is a bit low, but we do however have a fine assortment of artificial parts that require no anti-rejection meds by the user, although in some cases the meds may be needed by those around the recipient.

For instance, we have 27 "Nancy Reagan Vacuous Smiles" which are always in demand by those who have spent time in the James Taylor Rehab Wing for the Chronically Bland at the NYCFTTS. Modeled after James himself, we also have 48 "Pre-Conditioned Electronic Voice Boxes" programmed to make everything you sing sound like "Fire and Rain." Of course there are always a large supply of the special model (built for Neil himself) of the Neil Young "Fart of Gold" Rubber Assholes.

If some of this can be of help, let me know as the NYCFTTS and all its services are free to 'Catters.


21 Oct 09 - 09:43 AM (#2749417)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: jacqui.c

Good to know that Spaw.

I just had a call from SINSULL. Linn's laptop and wi-fi card don't want to play well together and so she is off line for the present. Once she gets to a working computer she will report on how things went.

They are waiting to see whether Tom will be sprung from the hospital today.

21 Oct 09 - 09:50 AM (#2749423)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: maeve

Thank you, Jacqui.


21 Oct 09 - 09:57 AM (#2749433)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Charley Noble

Here's hoping for early release!

And, Spaw, it's good to know you're there when needed.

Charley Noble

21 Oct 09 - 10:02 AM (#2749437)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: John MacKenzie

Fingers crossed here.
Eyes too.


21 Oct 09 - 01:20 PM (#2749565)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: gnu

Me too.

21 Oct 09 - 02:01 PM (#2749585)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: maeve

Waiting, waiting, waiting in sunny Maine.


21 Oct 09 - 02:26 PM (#2749597)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: VirginiaTam

Thanks for keeping us posted Jacqui and Jeri. And thanks to Spaw for keeping us entertained while we wait. So glad you are doing so well after your recent down time.

21 Oct 09 - 02:52 PM (#2749614)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Rapparee

Spaw had one of those Neil Young Goldens installed.

21 Oct 09 - 03:13 PM (#2749621)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: gnu

Installed? I understood he supplied the design specs for the prototype... and it went straight to market as it was perfect.

21 Oct 09 - 04:07 PM (#2749656)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Jeri

I went to the gym, then fed, watered, and petted the cats. I returned home to find a message from Lynn. Tom didn't get out of surgery until after 5 last night and then went out to dinner after. By the time Linn could call, it was too late. She said he was feeling/looking better today and that they might let him out this afternoon/evening. They still have to stay in Boston for a couple days.

21 Oct 09 - 04:20 PM (#2749668)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: gnu


21 Oct 09 - 05:01 PM (#2749708)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Hollowfox

(whew) The !@#$-reduction candle series for the two of them will go on a bit longer, just to be sure.

21 Oct 09 - 05:04 PM (#2749714)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Hanging around Boston in the autumn ain't so bad, as long as they're both feeling ok.
Sending lots of love and light and healing energy your way, Tom and Linn!

21 Oct 09 - 05:05 PM (#2749715)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009

Yesterday was a hurry up and wait day starting for Linn and Tom at about 10AM. No coffee for Tom made for a less than happy camper. He was supposed to go into surgery at 12:30. We said our goodbyes. Linn and I trecked the forty miles from his room to the waiting room and sat in the dreariest, noisiest surgery waiting room I have ever experienced. It was manned by volunteers who made and enforced "rules". LOL We had just sat down when Volunteer #2 stalked over, planted himself in front of us and announced "You left without signing out and came back without signing in."
We said - no, we just got here. "I watched you." NO WE JUST GOT HERE!
" must have been somebody else" and off he stormed in search of a more willing victim.

Tom didn't get into surgery until after 2PM and out about 5:30. We got to see him at 8PM. His color was good but he was groggy from the anesthesia and it was hard to hear him with all the paraphernalia hissing, beeping, gurgling, etc. He wanted to sleep so once we were sure he was OK we left. By the time we got back to the hotel it was too late to call anyone.

So...the cancer has been removed., The doctor believes he got all of it. And I believe the doctor. He takes his work very seriously. The bad news is that the entire right vocal cord was involved as well as part of the left so there is major healing to take place before reconstruction can begin. The doctor said it will be a long process. Tom should not be discouraged by setbacks. He will have a speaking voice if he behaves and a singing voice if he works his ass off.
Now the really bad news - NO CAFFEINE. Anyone who knows Tom knows that he takes his morning coffee almost as seriously as I do. Poor Linn. The doctor suggested herbal tea and we both laughed out loud.

When I left this afternoon, Linn was headed back to the hospital expecting to pick up Tom, walk him to his surgeon's office nearby and then take him back to the hotel.

He had passed all the tests re: eating swallowing, and peeing. They checked out his defribulator (SP?). He looked good and was walking. Very eager to get away from all the healing noise and commotion of the hospital. They want him to stay nearby at least until Friday so they can monitor him especially for infections.

So - that's everything. As good as could be expected. Words of encouragement for Tom both here and on Facebook are welcome. Frankly, I think that Linn has the worst of this - a cranky caffeineless Curmudgeon.

21 Oct 09 - 05:11 PM (#2749723)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: GUEST,Bob Frost

Well, that is certainly encouraging news, except for the caffeine part. Plenty of white light on ya Tom, you, too, Linn...

21 Oct 09 - 05:12 PM (#2749725)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009

Though the waiting room was green, its official name is The Gray Waiting Room For Surgery Patients' Families. An apt description.

21 Oct 09 - 05:14 PM (#2749727)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: ClaireBear

Thank you for that most informative update. How wonderful that you are there, Mary!

As for the nformation you've relayed, I find myself breathing a cautious, tentative sigh of relief. As we all wait for more information...

{{{Tom}}} & {{{Linn}}}

And for that matter,


(you also serve, who only go to the waiting room and sit)


21 Oct 09 - 05:17 PM (#2749731)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: ranger1

Oh, dear. Mega-huge hug for Linn! Big hug for Tom, too, but Linn's gonna need it more!

21 Oct 09 - 05:18 PM (#2749732)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Tinker

SINSULL, thanks so much for the update, and for all the support the rest of us can only fling into cyber space.

(Okay I can't figure out why google is trying to sell Bagpipe suppplies on this thread.... hmmmm)

Back on subject, as a coffee addict myself my sympathies go in to overdrive on this one.... A new morning ritual is in order, perhaps Spaw and the boys can come up with something rousing.... (and legal)

Love and light to you both


21 Oct 09 - 05:21 PM (#2749734)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: VirginiaTam

Bless Linn.

Thanks Mary.

Tsk tsk Tom... you just gotta suck it up on the no coffee thing. Don't give your good lady grief.

BTW... good job coming through the procedure with flying colors. Now concentrate on it being permanently successful.

21 Oct 09 - 05:26 PM (#2749737)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: gnu

Double YEAH!

21 Oct 09 - 05:46 PM (#2749747)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Jeri

Sorry about the coffee! I mean sorry, Linn, and anyone else within the morning de-caffeinated Tom zone.

Mary, I'm glad you could be with Linn yesterday, and thanks for passing on the news. Here's to the getting-better stage of the journey.

21 Oct 09 - 05:46 PM (#2749748)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: GUEST,suzi

What ClairBear said, love and blessings to you all. suzi. x

21 Oct 09 - 05:54 PM (#2749757)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: GUEST,Bat Goddess at Holiday Inn

Ah hah! Finally got online via the hotel's business center.

What Mary said -- when I got back to the hospital (go in closest entrance to hospital, take elevator to Main Lobby, got to other side of Main Lobby, go down corridor a couple miles, turn left at Ellison Corridor, take Ellison elevators to 3, walk down another long corridor, beg entrance at PACU..., they'd returned Tom's clothes from wherever they held them hostage and had unhooked most of the stuff connected to him. (Spent the next half hour finding and removing other connections.) We needed to get to Dr. Z's offices in the Voice Center in Bowdoin Square, so they organized the shuttle. Finally, they took Tom by wheelchair to the opposite side of the hospital (through corridors Mary & I hadn't traversed previously), and the shuttle got us to about a half block from the Voice Center. Upt to the 11th floor, then wait. Then get into examining room...and wait. Snake cameras down his throat & nostril...and wait. Sonny came in and entertained us. Dr. Z wanted more pics...moved to another room, waited. More stuff snaked through nostril...and waited.

Yes, Tom's curmudgeoning. Finally got several more appointments sorted out, got the shuttle called and made it back to the hotel a little after 5. Had to go fill a prescription. Hope to get back to the room in a couple minutes so we can find close food.

Since Tom won't look at any of the pictures of his throat & vocal cords, I'm on more intimate terms with them than he is. And, by the way, the doctor who did the biopsy and told him it was "early stage" was full of compost right up to his eyeballs. It's been brewing for years -- right vocal cord is a goner and part of the left was involved. It's going to be a looooong haul with lots of work involved for both Dr. Z and Tom. But Tom's in a pretty positive state considering he can't have caffeine during the healing process -- or beer (carbonation), etc.

Thanks for EVERYONE's good wishes and positive thoughts.

By the way, Mary -- the name of the nurse that was taking care of Tom today was Mary Sullivan. I didn't actually look at her tag until I went back after you left. She got a kick out of it, too.


21 Oct 09 - 06:14 PM (#2749771)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: bbc

Hi, dears,

Sorry to hear the bad news, but hope it's not too bad. I'm glad you're, at least, through this part. Thanks for letting us know. Many care!



21 Oct 09 - 06:46 PM (#2749796)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009

Well that's good Karma, Linn.

Snaking down the throat again? Poor Tom. Any chance he can take Laphroiag intravenously?

Poor Linn! I still say that Linn is the one who needs the most sympathy and support.

Lots of wine, Linn.

21 Oct 09 - 06:48 PM (#2749798)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009

Who's Sonny? And does he play the banjo?

21 Oct 09 - 07:14 PM (#2749831)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: kendall

Sounds like Tom has the same problem that has haunted me for the last 9 years. It's a bitch but it could be worse.

21 Oct 09 - 07:14 PM (#2749832)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: John MacKenzie

Sounds hopefull, and I wish him all the best, and a successful outcome.


21 Oct 09 - 07:15 PM (#2749835)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: haddocker

Tom and Linn,
            You are both in my heart and in my prayers.
                         Blessings and Peace,

21 Oct 09 - 07:41 PM (#2749849)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Sandra in Sydney

thanks for the updates & best wishes


21 Oct 09 - 07:45 PM (#2749851)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Peace

Got Tom and you in my prayers, Linn.


21 Oct 09 - 07:59 PM (#2749855)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: katlaughing

Thanks for the updates, Lots o hugs for you both,

Julie Andrews has a lawsuit pending against a surgeon who apparently misdiagnosed and caused her to lose her singing voice...she was on NPR last week talking about her new book and mentioned it, I thought of you, Tom, AND you, Kendall.


21 Oct 09 - 08:51 PM (#2749880)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009

Hi there Linn and Tom...have been going crazy trying to get to this thread but made it. Glad to hear Tom is in good spirits. Get some rest both of you. Jeff and I have been muddling through at work,,,I have been a bit overwhelmed, jusy found out my Dad is in stage 4 cancer and it is in the bones too...though they said lymphs still look ok...he is getting shot up with mass dosages of female hormones..will have hot flashes and all jsut like us! Ok I have to try and laugh about something.Rom

21 Oct 09 - 08:54 PM (#2749882)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: JudyB

Must admit I'm moving pretty slow most mornings before I get my coffee - but taking it slow and easy is probably a good thing right now.

(Note to Linn - I'm also snippy until I get my coffee - extra hugs for you!)

Sending good thoughts your way - and (((((hugs))))) to Tom, Linn and their support network!


21 Oct 09 - 09:47 PM (#2749912)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Rapparee

Knowing is always better than not knowing. Now you know, and now you can move onward.

Jello ice cream is the answer!

21 Oct 09 - 10:12 PM (#2749937)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Charley Noble

How about caffeine injections? Or a caffeine patch?

Here's to recovery!

Is alcohol alright?

Charley Noble

22 Oct 09 - 09:33 AM (#2750195)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: My guru always said

So glad to see that Tom's surgery seems to be successful, obviously just in the nick of time. Glad too that the surgery date was fixed fast despite the diagnosis of early stage. Love and hugs to Tom & Linn and also to the everhelpful Mary!

22 Oct 09 - 12:39 PM (#2750344)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009

Check out this thread, Linn. Tom's doctor in the news. Julie Andrews is his patient.

22 Oct 09 - 01:06 PM (#2750368)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: gnu

Ditto what Kendall said. Keep the faith guys.

22 Oct 09 - 03:42 PM (#2750502)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: catspaw49

That link is pretty exciting and I'm sure Tom will get the best this Doc can offer even though it might be a long road.

But if that's the case, you guys might be interested in some of the Vocal Cords at the NYCFTTS Spare Parts Repository I mentioned in the interim until Tom's are ready to go.

I went through the inventory and stock list but things are in a sad state and its a real mess. We do have the James Taylor ones I mentioned but I can't think a steady diet of "Fire and Rain" would be what Tom would like.

I found an old donation...a pair of cords belonging to the Velvet Fog, Mel Torme. Unfortunately, they were stored with the fog included which caused a lot of mold, rot, and other detioration on them and I think they're pretty useless now.   I don't think Tom would go for the Buffy Ste. Marie ones either as they also cause garbled words and an uncontrollable vibrato.

We DO have several sets of Dylan vocal cords and I see that Bob himself just picked up a new set to do his Christmas album. 'Course if you heard clips from his Christmas album you would know that these aren't worth a shit and might be some of the worst cords ever produced. Maybe they're just worn out but its hard to believe that anything could sound that bad even so.

Now here's something! The Official Frankie Valli model is still in stock!......Wait......bit of a problem. The only sets we have are the falsetto version. But Tom might like that for just a temporary thing............hmmmmm.......maybe not. I just read the instructions for them and see Tom would be required to have his balls in a C-Clamp all day so those are out too. Sorry.........

I'll keep looking.....This place is one helluva' mess though so don't hold your breath.


22 Oct 09 - 03:46 PM (#2750509)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Bill D

I won't even suggest those 'Spaw overlooked from Everett Duerkson....

I will just hope Tom's own heal in the best possible way.

22 Oct 09 - 03:57 PM (#2750519)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009

Walter Brennan's might be nice. I can hear Tom reciting "...that mule, ole Rivers and me."

Too late - I am already down in the CELLAR!!!!!!

22 Oct 09 - 04:03 PM (#2750526)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: gnu

Can I order several? So I can change them out for the occasion?

You lookin at me? Yeah, go ahead and make my day, punk.

22 Oct 09 - 04:08 PM (#2750527)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: gnu

If there are any Tommy Makem models, I will donate top dollars to the the NYCFTTS. Lad had a t'roat on 'im like a Gannet, 'e did.

22 Oct 09 - 04:21 PM (#2750534)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Rapparee

You got any Phil Ochs down in that there storeroom?

22 Oct 09 - 05:05 PM (#2750556)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: gnu

Might be some pillocks.

22 Oct 09 - 05:08 PM (#2750560)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: GUEST,Bat Goddess In Boston

No alcohol, no caffeine, no acid (citrus, vinegar, tomatoes, peppers), no carbonation -- it all interferes with healing. Tom's already on a low sodium diet, so he slips into a bit of a depressed state saying almost everything he truly enjoys is being taken away. I counter that it's not permanent, but since he has another procedure scheduled (to romove the last bit of cancer from his left vocal cord) and then there will be rebuilding of the area of the right vocal cord, he just feels that the "healing period" will be stretching into long long months.

Yes, Tom's doctor, Dr. Steven Zeitels, is regarded as the best in the world for laryngeal problems, cancer in particular. He's been helping Julie Andrews get her singing voice back since the original surgeon screwed it up.

We'll be heading home tomorrow. It will be good to be home. It will be VERY good to be home!

Thanks for everyone's good wishes and prayers. His voice right now isn't as "breathy" as I thought it would be, but he has no volume whatsoever. I can hear him in a quiet environment. It's not really much quieter, though, than the voice he's had since June. (No match for The Press Room, though -- and his handwriting is, uh, less than optimal.)


22 Oct 09 - 05:31 PM (#2750580)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: GUEST,Bat Goddess In Boston

By the way, the "no caffeine" means no coffee, no DE-CAF coffee, no tea -- herbal tea okay, but that's it.

22 Oct 09 - 05:58 PM (#2750598)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Nancy King

Thanks for the updates, Linn! Sorry to hear the cancer was more widespread than originally thought, but glad to hear the doctor is optimistic. Hope Tom is, too! Sounds like a dauntingly long list of forbidden foods/drinks, but stuff like ice cream should help a little. Take care of yourselves, both of you!


22 Oct 09 - 06:04 PM (#2750600)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Charley Noble


Thanks for the update.

That's one pretty strict diet but I suppose it's what's needed for the long run.

But there's going to be one hell of a bash when the healing's done!

Home is OK.

Charley Noble

22 Oct 09 - 06:16 PM (#2750608)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: GUEST,Bob Frost

David Behm would (and did) say, "Down the road to new adventure." I'm happy that there is at least positive prognosis for speaking and a collaborative positive prognosis for singing.

Caffeine will happen.

I join with all the folks here sending positive energy to Tom for healing and to Linn for maintaining at least a comfortable level of insanity ;-) White Light onya both.

22 Oct 09 - 06:58 PM (#2750631)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009

" Tom's already on a low sodium diet, so he slips into a bit of a depressed state saying almost everything he truly enjoys is being taken away. I counter that it's not permanent..."

And not a peep from Spaw.

Everything, Tom? You need a slap this side of your head! There's Linn and the Press Room gang, the Mudcat enclave, your festival and its performers, the Getaway crowd, etc. etc. etc. - I am allowing you ONE WEEK OF WALLOW! ONE! Then I will come down and straighten you out!

A night in your own bed will help. Then think about a book or a CD of old recordings or whatever you think will occupy your mind.

Make a lsit of what you do like and can have and we will provide it -all except money.


22 Oct 09 - 07:23 PM (#2750647)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Jeri

There's still garlic and onions and meat. There are mushrooms and there's cheese and sour cream. There is white pizza, which probably has too much sodium, but you can invent your own. I'm getting hungry, and I just ate.

Tom ought to work on some recipes and write a low-most-everything cookbook, even if it's just a local seller.

Hugs to youse guys.

22 Oct 09 - 07:31 PM (#2750655)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Crane Driver

So pleased that the doc was able to clear all the crap. Here's to a full recovery - we know you can do it together. We'll be back in Portsmouth one day to sing with you.
Carole & Andrew xx

22 Oct 09 - 08:03 PM (#2750678)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: JoeSimes

Glad to hear the news Linn!! No coffee and no beer! Yikes it's gonna be a long road! :)

22 Oct 09 - 08:20 PM (#2750686)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Leadfingers

I could manage the 'No Alcohol' bit (HONEST !!) but the No Coffee would be a Killer ! Hang in there mate , and we can share a Coffee at Getaway next year !

22 Oct 09 - 08:20 PM (#2750687)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Leadfingers


23 Oct 09 - 08:37 AM (#2750991)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009

Home yet?

23 Oct 09 - 08:41 AM (#2750996)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: maeve

Inquiring minds want to know;

Hearts, too.


23 Oct 09 - 09:04 AM (#2751004)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: GUEST,Bat Goddess Still In Boston

Heading home in a couple hours -- friend from New Hampshire is coming to get us.

Yes, home will be a major, major improvement. Maybe I can sleep past 5 a.m. (Well, then there's the cats...maybe not.)

Jeri, no onions, no garlic -- no anything that can cause any acid reflux. Sigh. I think he's feeling the lack of coffee even more than the lack of scotch, rum, etc. (even Guinness!).

Mary, he did say "almost everything" -- he appreciates that he has ME and wonderful friends, etcet etcet.

And the fact that he recognizes he's going to need some help with the depression is a good sign.

Onward! It'll be great to get home to OUR computer!


23 Oct 09 - 11:57 AM (#2751100)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: gnu

Maybe a good thread would be about such things to moderate to avoid throat damage, including vocal cords.

I was not aware that caffiene, alcohol, bubbly drinks, etc, could cause major problems. The most shocking of all to me was that problems can be induced by "repetitive stress injury", such as might happen if one sung too often, too loudly.

23 Oct 09 - 01:38 PM (#2751179)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Bat Goddess


The cats are happy. (Rufus is ecstatic -- his food dish was almost empty.)

Thanks sooooo much to Larry Job who picked us up at the hotel this morning and drove us out of Beantown.

We'll not be going to The Press Room this afternoon. We're both absolutely wiped. But we DO have to head over to Autos In the Orchard and pick up Tom's "new" (1996) car. AND...(which will take more time) clean out his old one. Taking along a lot of trash bags...(sigh; what can I say? It's HIS car!)

Gotta go -- will post later.


23 Oct 09 - 01:42 PM (#2751186)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009

Welcome home, guys. Snuggle a kitty and enjoy sleeping in your own bed.

23 Oct 09 - 02:22 PM (#2751212)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: gnu

Home is good. Wish I had some wisdom to impart, but mine parted long ago. Take care of yourselves.

23 Oct 09 - 02:36 PM (#2751218)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: catspaw49

After just spending our anniversary in the ER the other day with an acute diverticlar attack, I found this excellent website with loads of diets for gastrointestinal problems like GERD and excess acid, etc., plus other specialty diets as well.

Check it out and I think you'll find some excellent diets that can be combined and give you an idea of some other things that might help the healing.......or at least not slow the process.

Excellent G-I Diet site


23 Oct 09 - 02:40 PM (#2751222)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Big Mick

Attaboy, Tom ....... wait long enough and someone will clean the damn thing....... great tactic, I use it all the time ....... (but keep that between us, cause MaryLou will be pissed if she finds out.......)

Get well,


23 Oct 09 - 02:57 PM (#2751234)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Charley Noble


Charley Noble

23 Oct 09 - 03:52 PM (#2751281)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: sing4peace

Glad you are through the worst part. Sending my support along with all these other cats.

Peace and comfort to you both,

23 Oct 09 - 03:56 PM (#2751288)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Jeri

I figured my stalking skills needed some exercise and I visited them while they were cleaning the old car. They really needed some archaeologists, but there wasn't time to look for any. Tom's new car is nice and has lots of room.

23 Oct 09 - 03:57 PM (#2751292)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Bat Goddess

I will NOT say another thing about the state of trash accumulation (eee-ewww!) in Tom's old car. (But I did sort of kick him in the ankle and say, "You owe me" while he was passing the check/doing paperwork on his "new" car. Actually, he rather "paid me back" by not getting an automatic so we have a bit more flexibility as far as the cars go.)

I'm absolutely exhausted, but have to download the photos (of which I just received the prints) from the tall ships in August and the Portsmouth Maritime Folk Festival in September. A fair amount of photos of Barry in both groups.

Planning on curling up with the cats...after I do a pile o' dishes and change the bed ("Into what?" asks Tom...) and throw in a load of clothes...

Hey, nice, useful website, Spaw! Thanks!


23 Oct 09 - 06:36 PM (#2751383)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: GUEST,Tyler

I know you're both glad to be home, despite the numerous tasks. If you'd stayed over the weekend I was going to invite you to dinner- so be thankful you escaped my cooking too!

Best of luck on the journey ahead. Is champagne acidic?

23 Oct 09 - 06:39 PM (#2751388)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: gnu

Curl up with the cats first... all of that other stuff will still be there in the morn. Get some rest and.... mellllllowww out.

23 Oct 09 - 07:18 PM (#2751420)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Bat Goddess

Tyler -- No alcohol of any caffeine (including de-caf and chocolate) whole bunches of other stuff. At least for all the times (including now) when he's healing.

He's curmudging, of course, but drinking more water than he ever has. (Which is VERY good for healing.)

Did some hand wash, some dishes, have a load of wash in, still intend to change the bed cuz I really want clean sheets tonight. (Staying in a hotel spoils you -- why can't someone come in every day and put clean sheets on the bed?!?) Will try to find a book that's mindless enough. I know there will be cats to pet...

'Night, All.

23 Oct 09 - 07:41 PM (#2751431)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: gnu

Yeees! I used to spend weeks on the road... clean hotel bed linen every night! mmmmmm.... it ain't like home, but it's a close second!

23 Oct 09 - 07:47 PM (#2751437)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Janie

Welcome home to you both.

Roomy new car? Good for holding lot's more "stuff!"

24 Oct 09 - 12:22 AM (#2751491)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: katlaughing

Glad to hear you are home and by now, snuggled in with cats, Tom, and comfy sleep.

24 Oct 09 - 06:05 AM (#2751565)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: kendall

Tom, although you haven't asked my opinion, I'm going to stick my neck out and dump it on you anyway.
You have been hit with a major demand to change your life style. Ok, you still have a choice, you can get healthy or you can continue to do as you always have.

What I have learned in this same situation is, man can adjust to anything but a stone in his shoe*. You can adjust to no coffee, tobacco or booze. Of course it's not easy, if it were you would have done it long ago.

The secret is simply energizing the thought. If you dwell on the problem it will get you down and keep you there. You can spend the rest of your life in the "Poor me" mind set. Or, you can fight it by doing exactly what the Doctor says. Sup to you.

*Even a stone in a man's shoe has a benefit, it's a great birth control method; it makes you limp.

24 Oct 09 - 06:26 AM (#2751573)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: John MacKenzie

Apropos of something gnu said further back.
It's an odd thing that the untrained voice is the norm in folk music, yet it appears to also be the untrained voice that is more prone to ailments of the vocal cords/folds.
I have been told that this is because we untrained singers use our voices wrongly, and put undue stresses and strains on the voice box. Don't know how true this is, but when one looks at the people we know who have suffered from problems in this department, it makes sense to me.
Apart from our own friends Tom and Kendall, I can immediately think of Alex Campbell, and I'm sure there are more, they just don't come to mind.
So folks, take care of your voice if you're a singer, and maybe look into vocal exercises, that may help us avoid damaging our own vocal equipment.
Continued improvement to both Tom and Kendall.


24 Oct 09 - 07:11 AM (#2751590)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Bat Goddess

Thanks, Kendall.

It's not going to be easy and it's not going to be quick and Tom's going to have to work harder towards a positive outcome than anything he's ever done before. But **I** think he's strong enough to do it.

And I love him more than I have words to describe.


24 Oct 09 - 07:29 AM (#2751596)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: John MacKenzie

What more could a man ask for.
Linn, you are Tom's best medicine.


24 Oct 09 - 08:04 AM (#2751609)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: bbc

Linn & Tom,

Welcome home! Rest & heal. Keep us informed & know that many care how you are doing.

best to both,


24 Oct 09 - 08:28 AM (#2751625)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

I hope you got a good night's rest (in clean sheets!) and that you'll take all the good advice you got (Kendall, yours was spot on!).
Re John's advice, I agree completely. Tom, when you're all healed and have the green light to sing away, I will gladly come give you some vocal coaching (or you could come here for dinner and friendly schmoozing as well). I've been teaching singing for 25 years and have a few pretty simple tricks up my sleeve I'd be happy to pass along.

24 Oct 09 - 11:03 AM (#2751681)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Bat Goddess

Alas, by the time I got upstairs last night, I just had no energy to change the bed. Sometime today. Sometime before bed tonight.

Heading out to do some errands in the rain -- including enlisting our local herbalist and friend in the quest for an absolutely no caffeine reasonably robust and flavorful hot drink for Tom.

Tom's planning a chicken stew for tonight -- he's thinking positively about what he CAN eat instead of curmudging about what he can't for the time being.


24 Oct 09 - 11:40 AM (#2751696)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009

Cooking is good. Tom is finally in control of one whole aspect of his life.
I am partial to Swanson's chicken broth - low sodium. Makes a hot and comforting afternoon or evening drink.
Herbal teas are not my strength. I would sip warm water before I could face those first thing in the morning. Not helpful, I know.

24 Oct 09 - 11:59 AM (#2751701)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: kendall

Allison, my ex wife, the therapist used to say I should hang out a shingle, that I'm a natural therapist.

Sinsull, how many herbal teas have you tried?

24 Oct 09 - 12:12 PM (#2751708)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: catspaw49

No Kendall, it was a typo......She wrote you are "the rapist".....and however pathetic that may be, it does at least mean having the penile hydraulics installed was successful!


24 Oct 09 - 12:49 PM (#2751732)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: gnu


24 Oct 09 - 02:05 PM (#2751793)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: sing4peace

For a nice non-caffeinated tea for those who prefer coffee and black tea, I recommend Bancha twig tea. It has a nice dark flavor. Goes well with milk and honey. It's a staple in macrobiotic diets. Has calcium. It's my favorite non-caffeinated beverage besides water.

Roastaroma is nice too.

There are de-caf versions of English - Irish - Scottish breakfast teas

Miso broth is nice too.


Hope you are both comfy, entertained and occupied.

Light from RI

24 Oct 09 - 06:55 PM (#2752010)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Bat Goddess

De-caffeinated anything is no-go -- there's still too much caffeine in de-caffeinated coffee OR tea. And miso is way too high in sodium (he's been on a low sodium diet since before his heart surgery).

But...I may have found an herbal tea that's flavorful and robust enough (at least he'll give it a try) and a friend offered a sample of a coffee substitute available at health food stores that is roasted grains and chickory -- so that might be acceptable. We'll find out. I'll investigate the Bancha twig tea, though, too.

I really need to transfer the date of Tom's next procedure in Boston to my calendar -- and post it here, too.

Didn't get as much accomplished today as I had on my list.


24 Oct 09 - 07:02 PM (#2752013)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: bobad

You can also try rooibos tea from South Africa - no caffeine and high in antioxidants and flavonols and all that good stuff, also Celestial Seasonings makes a herbal Chai tea that is quite flavourful.

24 Oct 09 - 07:41 PM (#2752031)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: kendall

Spaw, if you ever go crazy, how will we know?

25 Oct 09 - 06:24 AM (#2752233)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: My guru always said

Hope you're both starting to settle and rest, have some time in the day where you ignore the lists. Sending love & Hugs,
Hil xx

25 Oct 09 - 06:42 AM (#2752239)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: John MacKenzie

Bovril makes a lovely hot drink, I have it often, and it's lovely and warming. Not sure about the salt content though, it may be too high.


25 Oct 09 - 08:10 AM (#2752279)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: gnu

One packet is 30% of daily allowable sodium for an "average" person in good health... all foods must have a label here in Canuckistan and certain things, like salt, are assigned daily % values.

25 Oct 09 - 08:29 AM (#2752291)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: John MacKenzie

Nope, I just looked at the label on my jar, and it's got sodium AND salt in :(

25 Oct 09 - 09:04 AM (#2752300)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: gnu

10. Is sodium the same thing as salt?

Sodium (Na) is one of the chemical elements found in table salt. The chemical name for table salt is sodium chloride (NaCl). Salt is a common ingredient in processed and prepared foods, such as canned soups and processed meats. Sodium, without chloride, may also be added to foods through additives such as disodium phosphate, sodium nitrate, or sodium gluconate. Some foods, such as milk, contain sodium naturally. Sodium can contribute to increasing the risk for high blood pressure.

25 Oct 09 - 10:48 AM (#2752341)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Bat Goddess

Since Tom's heart surgery (valve job, tune-up, some electrical work, now he'll never play football again), he's been on a low sodium diet -- less than 2000 mgs a day. (Or maybe 1600 mgs; it might have changed.) Not that he had a heavy hand with the salt shaker before the surgery. We read labels very, very closely. Most prepared foods are totally out of the question. Fortunately, Tom likes to cook. I probably don't eat much more sodium than Tom -- I don't miss it. Salt is usually used to cover up bad flavor or unfresh ingredients -- and there's waaaaaay too much of it in most people's diets.

Gotta head to work soon.


25 Oct 09 - 12:26 PM (#2752409)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: gnu

I cut back on salt and now I spit some stuff out that I used to love. Odd just how used to sommat you can get over time.

25 Oct 09 - 01:06 PM (#2752432)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009

Campbell's Chicken Noodle Soup was a treat when I was growing up. Now I can choke on the salt in it. Unbelievable.

25 Oct 09 - 08:47 PM (#2752697)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: kendall

I used to love Dinty Moor's beef stew. Now, since cutting back on salt, I just can't swallow it.

25 Oct 09 - 09:34 PM (#2752719)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: gnu

Thread drift.... but for a good cause... too much salt and milk (cheese... cheese!) can cause salivary gland problems too. I have been thru two nasty bouts of it, with three cutups. On the operation table for 12 hours in total while a surgeon tries not to disfigure your face and mess up your facial nerves and muscles.

Cheese.... I lost my business income to cheese. Cheese!

Of course, even with the scars and my ears not "in line" due to the slice&dices, I still am good looking. I mean, when a lad is this handsome, it would take more than some scars and an uneven ear to put off the view, eh?

Soooo... salt... not good for any person of any age or any health.

26 Oct 09 - 08:45 AM (#2752857)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009

So grow a beard and cock your head knowingly to one side to even out the ears.

Wasn't there an old vaudeville routine about an ill fitting suit?

Gnu, we have all reached the age where time and gravity have rendered us less than perfect physically (except for the Captain, of course). It is part of our charm. Be your beautiful self.

Now back to Tom - how was the chicken stew? Have you found a suitable beverage yet? Any good drugs to sahre?

26 Oct 09 - 08:20 PM (#2753313)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: dick greenhaus

Considering how cheap and easy it is to make chicken soup from scratch, it hardly seems worthwhile to worry about commercial products. A chicken (or parts thereof), some water and a few vegetables, and a pot to cook them in is all that's required.

26 Oct 09 - 10:41 PM (#2753380)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Janie

Is lemon off limits?

27 Oct 09 - 06:08 AM (#2753484)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: John MacKenzie

I am very fond of Raspberry tea, sweetend with honey. Not alot of honey either. I don't take sugar in tea or coffee, but honey is nice in this particular drink.


27 Oct 09 - 08:01 AM (#2753532)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009

Citrus, Janie and off limits.

Seamus and I are fond of Swanson's chicken broth. I stock up (no pun intended) when it goes on sale.

27 Oct 09 - 08:30 AM (#2753549)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Tinker

Still thinking of you both....

27 Oct 09 - 10:42 AM (#2753625)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009

Come on Tom. We are just talking nonsense until you show up to give us an update.

27 Oct 09 - 10:54 AM (#2753629)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Bat Goddess

No citrus -- Don't know why Tom doesn't join this conversation. Hands on a keyboard have no trouble being heard.

He's found a coffee substitute that "will do" and some time today he'll be going on a quest to see if Radio Shack or something has a personal amplifier that might make him heard (if everyone will be quiet for a moment) at The Press Room.

I've got to head to work momentarily and need to get some stuff done first.


27 Oct 09 - 11:29 AM (#2753653)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Jeri

Dr Gourmet and reflux.

27 Oct 09 - 08:19 PM (#2754022)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: curmudgeon

Nonsense can be nice, too. First, let me thank all of my friends herein for the avalanche of well-wishes, healing thoughts, prayers, white light,beneficial advisories, and other good intentions.

One week since the ordeal, and I'm starting to feel much better - minimal sore throat and no other real discomfort, aside from lack of gustatory satisfaction. In addition to avoiding anything that might cause stomach acid, I must also avoid taking in anything already acidic and esp. carbonated. However, healing will take place in due time, and I will be able to ingest such delights as has been my custom.

The voice is another story. After initial surgery is complete, the vocal cords need repair work, some of which may have to wait for FDA approval, now in the works.

Thanks again!

More as it happens - Tom

27 Oct 09 - 08:59 PM (#2754048)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: gnu

Thanks Tom. Keep the faith eh!

27 Oct 09 - 09:34 PM (#2754060)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: bbc

Good to hear from yourself, Tom, as much as I like Linn.

love to both,


27 Oct 09 - 10:15 PM (#2754080)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Art Thieme

...and more healing vibes are coming from us here in Peru!

Art & Carol Thieme

27 Oct 09 - 10:41 PM (#2754087)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: CET

It's great to hear from you Tom. I look forward to our next visit.

Linn, I entirely agree about the therapeutic value of an intrusive tomcat.


28 Oct 09 - 10:58 AM (#2754111)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009

Good to hear from you, Tom. You can borrow Alice if you like.

28 Oct 09 - 11:11 AM (#2754121)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: John MacKenzie

Vocal amplification devices listed here Tom


28 Oct 09 - 11:29 AM (#2754135)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Nancy King

Good thoughts coming to you from here! Keep mending!


28 Oct 09 - 12:47 PM (#2754194)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: jacqui.c

Good to hear from you Tom. We've been thinking about you.

28 Oct 09 - 07:23 PM (#2754430)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Bat Goddess

If it isn't one thing, it's another. Tom made a WONDERFUL chicken soup with egg noodles tonight (Springer Mountain chicken) and baked a loaf of bread, but for some reason was having swallowing problems (there's currently quite a gap in his vocal cords) so wasn't enjoying it as much as he should have, spending a lot of time coughing to expel a drop that went the wrong way.

I've got to make two calls tomorrow morning to set up an appointment at the same time Tom has a follow-up in a couple weeks -- I've had a roving dry spot down in my throat since June, plus, I think, more feeling of needing to clear my throat than I should. (In the middle of selling a pair of glasses, the voice goes south and tears come down from one or more eyes -- and I have to reassure my customer that they're not making me cry...and then get a sip of water, throat lozenge or something.) I don't think I'm absorbing Tom's symptoms. Hope it IS just allergies, but will feel better if I check it out ASAP.


28 Oct 09 - 07:29 PM (#2754432)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: catspaw49

Geeziz Linn......Y'all need to catch a break on something! I'll be here waiting and sending good vibes for you too...........


28 Oct 09 - 08:31 PM (#2754492)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Sandra in Sydney

keep healing, both of you!


28 Oct 09 - 11:41 PM (#2754589)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: katlaughing

Linn, sounds like allergies...try not to fret, darlin'...lots of good thoughts and thanks givings coming for you from Colorado. Love you both!

29 Oct 09 - 10:42 AM (#2754800)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Bat Goddess

Re: Allergies

I know that's what it sounds like and that's how I've been treating it, but it's been going on since spring (well, ya know what the weather's been like here in New Hampshire), but the throat clearing, etc. has been waking me up at night and the last time I saw my doctor, she mentioned seeing a nose and throat guy.

Well, ya know what? After the supposed best in the area telling Tom his cancer was very early stage, I don't think I want to see him or can trust anyone around here.

So...won't hurt to be scoped. If Tom had done it a few years ago, he'd be in a lot better shape vocally than he now has hope of.

Granted, I've never smoked, never so much as TRIED smoking, but I've been around second hand smoke since I was born -- both my parents smoked. And New Hampshire didn't ban smoking in public places (like our venues) until two years ago.


29 Oct 09 - 11:03 AM (#2754818)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: katlaughing

Good for you, for being aggressive about getting it checked out by someone you trust then and good luck!{{{hugs}}}}}

29 Oct 09 - 11:23 AM (#2754841)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009

Sorry Linn but I have this picture of you and Tom having an argument in sign language.

Get it checked, girl, ASAP.

29 Oct 09 - 11:33 AM (#2754852)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: John MacKenzie

How are your sinus' Linn. Fluid draining from them into the back of your throat, can cause irritation, and coughing.


29 Oct 09 - 06:08 PM (#2755208)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Susan A-R

Geeze, I don't feel as if I'm checking in often enough. Hope all continues to improve with Tom, and glad you are checking things out thoroughly Linn, My thoughts are with you both.

29 Oct 09 - 08:33 PM (#2755317)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: bobad

You may also want to consider reflux, that could be a cause of the symptoms you have.

30 Oct 09 - 02:39 PM (#2755912)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: GUEST,Peadar (formerly) of Portsmouth

Looking forward to seeing you both.

All the best,


31 Oct 09 - 02:11 PM (#2756790)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Bat Goddess

It's not acid reflux, but could very well BE allergies. It's just that since Tom's cancer has been around for several years unrecognized, I'm a little on the twitchy side. And since his local nose & throat guy -- who is thought to be really good by the local medical establishment -- thought it was "early" stage (no way, no how), I certainly don't trust him. If I can get my throat checked at the Voice Center when Tom has his follow-up, fine. Otherwise, I have another recommendation for a local doctor.


01 Nov 09 - 11:07 AM (#2757264)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Bat Goddess

Been realizing I've been keeping a pretty tight lid on my emotions for the past couple months. I ended up snapping at my boss (and his attempt at humor) on Friday. I apologised right afterwards, of course, and he, in retrospect, understood that his timing wasn't particularly well thought out. (All three of us at work happen to be under a lot of personal stress lately.)

Fact of it is, I think I need to let myself mourn the loss of Tom's voice as we have known it, and the loss of his ability to discuss the fine points of musical and folkloric information, especially in a loud venue such as The Press Room. I desperately miss singing with him RIGHT NOW.

I never was good at deferred gratification.


01 Nov 09 - 11:11 AM (#2757267)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009

Is Tom taking Prilosec or the generic equivalent? It cures acid reflux instantly.

01 Nov 09 - 11:12 AM (#2757271)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: maeve

Do what you need to do to process and mourn, Linn. The struggle each day must be beastly. It is a hard time for you both. Times like this I hate being so far away from friends in need.


01 Nov 09 - 01:35 PM (#2757370)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: gnu

Kind words, maeve. Echoed by many, I am sure. Even cyberspace friends like me.

01 Nov 09 - 03:48 PM (#2757440)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: bbc

Oh, Linn. Yes, it certainly *is* a loss for you, too. You can't always be strong; you'll break if you try. I agree w/ maeve. Wish we could be there for hugs & chat!


01 Nov 09 - 07:16 PM (#2757604)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: GUEST,sing4peace

I'm not married to Tom and I feel sad about the changes he (and you) are going through...
a good boo hoo is good for you...

01 Nov 09 - 08:02 PM (#2757621)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Charley Noble

Or maybe just a few blasphemous words to sort of clear the air. Whatever works!

Charley Noble

02 Nov 09 - 08:54 AM (#2757864)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Bat Goddess

Yes, Tom has been prescribed and is taking the generic version of Prilosec, but still has to adhere to a diet that doesn't cause acid reflux.

At times I really wish I COULD cry, but it's something I had trouble doing even as a kid. Easier, perhaps, when I'm angry and frustrated than other reasons. Sigh. Except during menopause when I'd tear up inappropriately at the damnedest things.

Right now fighting to get full pay for the time I had to take off work the week of Tom's surgery. I have the hours available, but there seem to be some rules on the increments in which they may be used. Don't know yet, but this could lead to suitable frustration to release tears.


03 Nov 09 - 04:22 AM (#2758489)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Sandra in Sydney

I assume THEY are saying that if they bent the rules for you, EVERYONE would expect the same ...

more hugs wending their way from this side of the world


03 Nov 09 - 05:13 AM (#2758509)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: maeve

Good morning, Tom and Linn.


03 Nov 09 - 07:55 AM (#2758584)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009

What's new on the hot beverage front? Inquiring minds want to know.

03 Nov 09 - 08:29 AM (#2758603)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: catspaw49

Ya' know, I knew this couple who were truly in love and after they'd been together about 15 or so years, he became ill with several potentially fatal problems.   She was his rock and his support through it all and one day she looked him square in the eye and said that even though she knew he really didn't mean for this to happen, although his earlier life had led to much of it, she was really angry at him. She said she knew it was an unreasonable anger but it was there nonetheless and she had to say it.....

So she let it all out and told him how she felt cheated, that the person she so loved, her best friend, had probably cut short much of their life together and ........... well ........ she just felt cheated and was mad about it and had to get it out! The guy wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, but he understood this all too well. He could do no more than offer a worthless apology along with his sincerest testament of his love for her that any man ever spoke. When it was all over their love was not diminished but was stronger than ever!   They became even closer if that was indeed possible.

I think they're up to about 25 years now and no matter what has come along, they hold on tight and know there is only what is........and that's enough for them.

If I hear anything else about them, I'll let you know. Just thought you might enjoy the story.


03 Nov 09 - 10:19 AM (#2758641)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: katlaughing

Spaw, tell Karen she is even more of a saint than I knew.:-)

{{{{{{{{{Linn & Tom}}}}}}}}}}

03 Nov 09 - 10:31 AM (#2758643)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009

Nicely done, Spaw.

04 Nov 09 - 03:35 AM (#2759189)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: gnu


04 Nov 09 - 01:07 PM (#2759518)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Ebbie

Spaw, if we all draw into our lives what we deserve, you are a lucky man indeed. *g*

(No, no, that is not what I mean to say.)

Spwa, if we all draw into our lives what we deserve, your Karen is a grand testament to your character.


04 Nov 09 - 02:38 PM (#2759586)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Hollowfox

Sorry I haven't posted much. The @#$!-reduction candle series continues for you (both) apace.

04 Nov 09 - 02:57 PM (#2759594)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: VirginiaTam

Very worrying Linn. Please see your doc and if you are not happy with outcome ask for second opinion and be upfront about why.

Please keep us informed.

04 Nov 09 - 04:54 PM (#2759694)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Bat Goddess

VT, I'm not finding it particularly worrying, just that the symptoms are annoying and not going away...and, at this point, they are ONE MORE THING adding to the general stress level.

Just found out (a couple minutes ago) that I won't be scoped on the day Tom has his follow-up with Dr. Z. cuz I just couldn't be scheduled on that day. (I can't see Dr. Z. because he doesn't take my insurance.) So it'll happen on another day I'm in Boston with Tom. Or I could see a local woman nose & throat doctor that a friend has recommended. I know I DON'T trust the nose & throat guy who did Tom's biopsy and said it was early stage cancer.

I was able to vent at lunch today about all kinds of feelings & issues I've been trying sort out lately. Really need to start writing all this down, but part of the keeping a lid on everything has made that difficult to do. Oh, yeah, and talked to Tom about some of it, too -- and getting him to talk to ME about what HE'S feeling, etc.

Gotta go escape right now into a couple episodes (on DVD) of Rosemary & Thyme.


04 Nov 09 - 05:29 PM (#2759711)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Bupkes

Linn, my 2 cents: Call and ask the "local woman nose & throat doctor that a friend has recommended" if she can somehow record the laryngoscopy digitally. If so, go see her, get a first look, and take from her a copy of the video or the multiple snapshots, in case you want to show another doctor for another opinion. I bet even Dr. Z would take a quick look at your images and tell you if there's anything suspicious. In other words, get some specialist to take a look soon. After all, even the local doc whom you don't trust anymore knew that Tom had a cancer, despite being wrong about how far advanced it was. Start the process, and you may get a load of stress relieved if you find it's a benign condition.

04 Nov 09 - 06:35 PM (#2759752)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Bat Goddess

A) of all -- I'm not worried, just, in light of Tom's diagnosis and early symptoms, more aware of those symptoms so want it checked out. And, B) of all, it WILL be -- by an associate of Dr. Zeitels when Tom and I are in Boston. It's just not going to be on Nov. 18th. Tom (and I) will have to be in Boston at The Voice Center MANY times over the next year or so. If it looks as if getting my throat checked out might be delayed too long, I'll make an appointment with Dr. Azar (the local ENT recommended by my friend).

Thanks, Marty (and all), for being concerned, but compared to everything else going on right now, this is a fairly minor issue.

By the way, I don't know why Tom hasn't commented on the hot brown stuff in a cup that he now (temporarily) drinks in the morning.


04 Nov 09 - 08:53 PM (#2759818)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: maeve

Nosy friends want to know exactly what Tom is drinking in these noncaffinatedcarbonatedacidic days.


05 Nov 09 - 05:15 AM (#2759956)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Micca

Yeah, Linn, what is this warm brown stuff??? I think we should be told!!! I am , of course thinking about you guys and burning candles(large and Green this week) and stuff with all the "reducing" stuff added (whether it is for "things in the throat" or stress I leave to you to decide)and my thoughts are often turn to the woods of New Hampshire,watching the rain and leaves through the window of your home in the silence, It is very soothing for me

05 Nov 09 - 06:14 AM (#2759980)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

And from this side of the state, the loving thoughts are pouring forth~

05 Nov 09 - 07:53 AM (#2760028)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Bat Goddess

I got him some stuff with mate and chickory, I think, and roasted dandelion root from a long time friend and herbalist, but Tom hasn't tasted it because it would have to be put in a defuser or brewed in a tea pot and he can't deal with that first thing in the morning.

The brown coffee-looking like stuff (I find it tasteless -- not bad, just mostly harmless) is Pero.

I'll let him tell you about it.

Oil change, etc. on car this morning before I go to work -- argh. ONE MORE THING!


05 Nov 09 - 09:42 AM (#2760095)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: curmudgeon

The hot brown liquid drunk with cream from a cup in the morning is just that; not much taste, pleasant hint if bitter, and capable of fooling brain and taste buds before they're fully awake - mostly harmless, but no substitute for real coffee.

However, it's now less than two weeks till my check-up, at which time I hope to be declared healed, at least enough so as to return, if briefly, to a more civilised life of food and drink.

Thoughts, sentiments, well wishes, etc., still greatly appreciated - Tom

05 Nov 09 - 11:02 AM (#2760154)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Bill D

found this in today's news

"A molecule found in the yellow curry spice turmeric may one day be used to treat cancer. Researchers found that esophageal cancer cells treated with curcumin, the substance that gives turmeric its yellow color, began dying within 24 hours. These data support previous research that suggests curcumin can suppress tumors and that people who eat lots of curry may have a reduced cancer risk. "

05 Nov 09 - 09:24 PM (#2760535)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Bat Goddess

Yeah, Bill, I read that, too, lately.

Too bad it didn't work on the cancer growing on Tom's right vocal cord. He makes WONDERFUL curries, several varieties. Alas, right now it's on the verboten list while he's healing.


07 Nov 09 - 09:44 AM (#2761493)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Bat Goddess

Yesterday morning I trimmed the scraggly ends of Tom's hair -- okay, so it looked like about three inches. This morning I had to "fight" with him to let me cut off a patch I'd missed.

I am NOT Delilah! He still has hair halfway down his back, but not the uneven ends that get tangled in the brush every day and pull out more from the top of his head. His pony tail looks amazingly neat and thick.

You'd think I'd thrown out his favorite (and very disreputable looking) wooly shirt (yeah, THAT one, the one that looks and smells as if he's been following around the south end of a north-bound moose).



17 Nov 09 - 10:22 AM (#2767724)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Bat Goddess

To Boston tomorrow for Tom's post-surgical follow-up with Dr. Zeitels. Will also find out about Tom's next vocal cord procedure in December. Hope Dr. Z considers things have healed enough that Tom can have some tastes of so far forbidden foods and beverages.

Tom saw his cardiologist last week -- he doesn't need to have his defibrillator battery renewed until after the holidays.


17 Nov 09 - 10:26 AM (#2767727)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: John MacKenzie

I hate those christmas presents that arrive without a battery Linn :)
Hope all goes well tomorrow.


17 Nov 09 - 10:43 AM (#2767738)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Charley Noble

Here's hoping for the best!

Charley Noble

17 Nov 09 - 11:24 AM (#2767770)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: gnu

Same here.

17 Nov 09 - 11:59 AM (#2767785)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009

Good luck, guys. I will be thinking of you.

17 Nov 09 - 01:17 PM (#2767825)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: My guru always said

Sending positive thoughts, love & hugs, candle lit!
Hil & Richard x

17 Nov 09 - 02:26 PM (#2767892)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: VirginiaTam

Hey Hil. Just don't let that candle get too near Tom's woolly shirt. The fumes as Linn describes them may just be flammable.

I am still finger crossing and toe crossing and eye crossing with wishes for good outcome.

17 Nov 09 - 02:48 PM (#2767907)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: maeve

Go forth and conquer, Tom and Linn. We're still thinking of you both.


17 Nov 09 - 03:21 PM (#2767932)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: jacqui.c

All the best. We'll be thinking about you.

17 Nov 09 - 05:34 PM (#2768007)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Hollowfox

The midwest thoughts and $#@1-reduction candle continue as well.

17 Nov 09 - 05:49 PM (#2768019)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: SussexCarole

Hope all goes well tomorrow    Our love to you both
Carole & Andrew

17 Nov 09 - 06:56 PM (#2768059)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: catspaw49

My ICD battery is in great shape but I'm checking into some cutrate replacements from "Batteries-R-Us." Maybe Tom would like to try one out first? I ran across this guy who'll do it cheap too. I can send Sammy Stilletto over your way with one of the recycled batteries and if it goes well for Tom, I can try it later...........

However......Good luck tomorrow.....Karen and I are making the Doc rounds ourselves tomorrow but only light duty test/check things so we'll have our best thoughts winging your way. I'm expecting good news from you!


18 Nov 09 - 02:52 AM (#2768217)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: VirginiaTam

Here I am this morning. Just thinking....

thinking healing thoughts really hard at you, Tom.

thinking skill and ground breaking solutions at the medicals who are lookin' after you.

thinking calmness and strength at Linn.

just thinkin'

18 Nov 09 - 02:55 AM (#2768218)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Sandra in Sydney

sending more good wishes


18 Nov 09 - 09:54 AM (#2768404)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: GUEST,Guest MikeL


I am very new here at Mudkat. So I have only just caught this thread.

Can I say that I know everthing that you are both going through because I have been through the throat cancer/vocal chords thing.

I too had many ups and downs and some false dawns.

I too had to give up eating and drinking most of the things that up until then were my favourites.

Above all I had obviously to give up singing.

There is a happy ending though - I got through it and gradually ( and I mean gradually ) things got better.

I have now been officially cleared by The Christie Hospital here in Manchester England. They finally threw me out and don't want to see me any more. lol

I send all my very best wishes to you both and can I finally finish on a very positive note by saying that recently I have dug out my old guitar and have started to sing again !!!!

All things are possible in this amazing World in which we live.

My prayers are added to all those thousands that have already been sent by this fine body of people.

My Best regards


18 Nov 09 - 10:05 AM (#2768412)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: maeve

Guest, MikeL.- Thank you for your thoughtful and encouraging post. Congratulations on your return to health and music. Welcome to Mudcat.


18 Nov 09 - 02:10 PM (#2768576)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Bat Goddess

Welcome, GUEST,Guest MikeL! And thanks for your encouragement! See also Kendall's thread "Another Biopsy" -- he went through this all about 7 years ago. There are others here, too, who have weathered various vocal chord problems. Don't be afraid to join up here at Mudcat -- then you can use the PM communication system, etc. You don't have to worry about spam or other cyber hassles.


18 Nov 09 - 02:46 PM (#2768608)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Bat Goddess

That being said, here's today's report...



Tom is healing very nicely. So nicely that Dr. Z says he can skip the herbal tea (or rather, the roasted horse food) and have some de-caffeinated coffee. Not high test, but coffee nonetheless. (Still can't have tomatoes, citrus, vinegar, carbonation, alcohol, etcet etcet...but at least he can see it's working.)

At the time of the surgery a month ago, Dr. Zeitels had left the little bit of cancer on the left vocal cord so that during the initial healing that area wouldn't grow together with the area of the right vocal cord.

So mid-December (gotta check the date -- 15th or 16th, I think) Tom will have a much shorter procedure at Mass General to both remove the remaining cancer on the left vocal cord and to inject some of his body fat (probably from the stomach area) to start rebuilding the area of the right vocal cord. Dr. Z said he couldn't estimate how long or how many procedures will be necessary to rebuild the areas of the vocal cords. Everyone heals differently and differing amounts of fat is re-absorbed by the body, so it's hard to estimate. We'll just have to do it and wait and see.

A friend drove us down and back (and managed to incorporate a little work during the lift. If we'd had to take the train to Boston, we wouldn't have gotten home until after 6.


18 Nov 09 - 03:48 PM (#2768651)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Janie

Sounds hopeful. I don't post much to this thread, but my good wishes go out everyday.

Decaf is better than no cafe, eh?

18 Nov 09 - 04:11 PM (#2768673)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: gnu

Sounds promising, Linn. Here's hoping all goes well.

18 Nov 09 - 04:12 PM (#2768674)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Bill D

Get him GOOD decaf, and he can pretend until he can have the hi-test again!

Glad to hear the better news!

18 Nov 09 - 05:36 PM (#2768752)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: catspaw49

First, thanks to Mike L and I too would suggest you join. Only a few of us bite!

Linn, I said I was expecting good news and you brought it! It doesn't get much more encouraging then that!!! And..... Karen and I both got great reports today as well on our tests. Its a good day.

Send me your snail mail something for ya'!


18 Nov 09 - 05:40 PM (#2768757)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: maeve

Thanks for the progress report, Linn. I appreciate the information, and I'm cheering you both on from here.


18 Nov 09 - 05:57 PM (#2768769)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Zany Mouse

Only just caught up with this thread. All the very best from Worksop.

Love and positive thoughts

18 Nov 09 - 06:01 PM (#2768774)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009

Careful, Linn/ Spaw has an inordinate amount pf singing dancing battery operated crap mostly from the east coast.

Good news on the medic front. One step at a time.


18 Nov 09 - 06:13 PM (#2768782)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: gnu

Good news from Spaw too! Turning into a decent day!

The fact that my fridge died a few hours ago is not a worry at all when I hear that friends are getting by okay... comforting... I have even stopped swearing about it.

All is reasonably okay with my world. And the beer will be cold in the garage.

18 Nov 09 - 06:27 PM (#2768793)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Sandra in Sydney

poor fridge, replaced by a garage.

It was good to read MikeL's report, & your latest, Linn

sandra (who can't stand the smell or taste of coffee, but understands others like the yukky stuff)

18 Nov 09 - 07:44 PM (#2768856)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: John MacKenzie

Linn, I am so happy to hear your news. You and Tom are nice people, I think of you both as friends, and I don't like it when nasty things happen to my friends.
Healing wishes to you both, for your scars and for your woes.
Thinking of you both.

18 Nov 09 - 10:40 PM (#2768920)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: Charley Noble

Maybe we'll bring along a bag of our favorite de-caffeinated Ethiopian coffee to the press Room this Saturday.

Sounds like better news to me.

I like it!

Charley Noble

19 Nov 09 - 03:26 AM (#2768989)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: My guru always said

Great to hear good news!
Welcome & thanks to Mike!

19 Nov 09 - 05:52 AM (#2769048)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: GUEST,Guest MikeL

Hi All

Many thanks to Linn, Maeve and spaw - and others who I may have overlooked - for the very kind comments and welcoming me to the fold - so to speak.

I promise that I will join and stay very close to this thread as I start to try to digest as much of the interesting information here as I can.

Tom I am pleased to hear that you are progressing - I know the feeling of " one day at a time" and ( what to others may be small steps ) that even the chance of a cup of coffee can do to boost confidence.

As I said in my earlier message, I progressed through all this having lived for some time during and after my final 32 weeks of treatment on almost totally some kind of mixture that came in yoghurt-like pots that contained a paste of easily ( ha ha) digestible high calorie sludge.

The problem with cancer is that it is important to eat well to keep up one's strength but with throat cancer at times this is almost impossibly painful. A friend I made during our treatment together described it as "the nearest thing to eating broken glass".

So the high calorie "sludge" for me was a life saver.

Gradually though I progressed and now I am pleased to announce that I have no foods ( or drinks ) that I am forbidden to take. Yes I can even have "real" coffee and occasional glasses of my favourite tipple.

Voluntarily I have switched from drinking too much beer to a couple of glasses of red wine at night.

As a regular visitor to Spain I have come to regard Spanish red wine as a constant friend.

I do drink beer on the occasions when I go out with my mates.

So again Tom best wishes and I am with you all the way.



19 Nov 09 - 07:22 AM (#2769103)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Oh, wonderful news!

19 Nov 09 - 07:51 PM (#2769517)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: curmudgeon

Thanks to all for the good words, and esp. to newcomer and former fellow sufferer, MikeL.

For reasons which I can't quite figure out, I'm feeling more optimistic than before. Perhaps because I see the possibility of getting some voice back sooner than I had hoped.

Thanks again - Tom

19 Nov 09 - 08:18 PM (#2769529)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: maeve

It's wonderful to read your positive post, Tom. Thank you.


19 Nov 09 - 11:19 PM (#2769589)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: katlaughing

That is really great news! Thanks for keeping us in the loop.

And, MikeL, what a welcome addition you are to our group. Thanks to you, too, for sharing.


20 Nov 09 - 05:39 AM (#2769682)
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Vocal Cord Cancer, Oct. 2009
From: GUEST,Guest MikeL

Hi Tom

Glad to hear about the confidence returning. It sure helps.

By the way I notice that in my last message a made a should have read 32 days...NOT weeks !!

This was the radio treatment that was taken over 32 consequetive days. My treatment was around Easter and I even had to come in every day over the Easter week-end.....but boy was it worth it !!!

Keep your pecker up..

