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Lyr Req: Anti BNP songs

21 Oct 09 - 08:55 PM (#2749883)
Subject: Lyr Req: Anti BNP songs
From: Tug the Cox

Anyone got any good lyrics, I'm holding a singaround later when the BNP are on telly ( it'll be in a pub, with the telly on but the sound turned down,)lots of good songs needed. If it goes well will reprise it at CSH when wild hunt, or whoever, are on!

21 Oct 09 - 09:16 PM (#2749896)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Anti BNP songs
From: Richard Bridge

Colonel Bogey, segued into that participative mixture of Pack up your Troubles with Long way to Tipperary?

21 Oct 09 - 09:26 PM (#2749902)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Anti BNP songs
From: Peace

Oh, the BNP are gutless,
Most the men are nutless,
I tell you one and all,
It's the women wear the balls.

21 Oct 09 - 10:01 PM (#2749926)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Anti BNP songs
From: GUEST,.gargoyle

Hello -

Can ANYONE tell me what BNP is????

Why is THIS thread worthy of being in the "Upper Kingdom?"


Let the SUN shine a little lite.

21 Oct 09 - 10:09 PM (#2749932)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Anti BNP songs
From: GUEST,.gargoyle

There seems a lot "evil" not "funny" hatred generated by these "Anti" and "Folks Against"...baptism, etc people....

Isn't there a "Clone on the Throne" tonight...that can send this sort of thread to the "neather regions" down below?


Whack Kack a Mole'....I thing I am in MudChat...with a clone....Whoooaaaa....scored big-time.

    Chill, Gargoyle. The thread requests songs, and I would think there should be some songs on the subject. So no, this thread isn't a candidate for moving to the non-music section - but it will be limited to music discussion.
    -Joe Offer-

21 Oct 09 - 10:14 PM (#2749939)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Anti BNP songs
From: jeddy

sorry the only ones that come to mind are chumbawamba songs.
mouthful of shit.
enough is enough

best one yet!!

the day the nazi died.

sorry it has all been chumbas but they are cracking songs.
i hope that even one of these helps?

take care and good luck with the singaround tug!!!

jade x x x x

21 Oct 09 - 10:28 PM (#2749947)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Anti BNP songs
From: Richard Bridge

From the FaF fakebook group: -

"At concerts on in Belgium last weekend, Coope Boyes and Simpson told audiences about Folk Against Fascism in their introduction to Jim Boyes' anti-fascist song, "Under a Stone"."

I don't know the song but if its CBS it's probably good!

22 Oct 09 - 05:33 AM (#2750056)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Anti BNP songs
From: Old Vermin

Maggie Holland's 'A Place called England'

22 Oct 09 - 05:59 AM (#2750072)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Anti BNP songs
From: GUEST,Jean Morrison

A group called "Roger the Chorister" made two. I wasn't very impressed with the vocals. Both songs seemed more pro Bnp than anti.


22 Oct 09 - 06:01 AM (#2750074)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Anti BNP songs
From: theleveller

Well, here's a song I wrote after the BNP won their EU seat in Hull & East Riding. It struck me as ironic that Hull should be the birthplace of William Wilberforce who worked so hard to end the slave trade. It's aimed at my fellow voters in East Yorks. Sorry I haven't recorded it yet so can't give you the tune - feel free to add one if you wish.

The Legacy

In Hull, William Wilberforce first struck the spark
That kindled a beacon which lit up the dark
And as the flames soared it was clear to see:
The message that men must be equal and free.

So keep it alive, now, keep it alive,
William's legacy has to survive.
Freedom's hard-won so don't let it die
Use your voices and votes to stamp out the lies.

Today there are those who would put out Will's flame
And put our traditions and values to shame.
If you're black or you're brown, or a leftie, or gay,
Get out of our country, you're not welcome, they say.


Now they don't have shaved heads, they wear collars and ties
But the cold light of hatred still shines in their eyes
And instead of the boot they use soft words and smile
But the message they peddle is equally vile.


They may think their views have legitimacy
And the Queen may invite them to join her for tea
But let's stand together and blow on Will's flame
And shout to these bastards: "Not in my name!"


So good people of Hull and the East Riding towns
Don't let these bigots and fascists gain ground.
We've opened the door to their doctrine of hate
Now let's slam it again before it's too late.


22 Oct 09 - 06:04 AM (#2750076)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Anti BNP songs
From: Stower

Billy Bragg's 'England Half English' to the tune of John Barleycorn.

The English traditional 'The Flying Cloud'.

Robert Burns' 'The Slave's Lament'.

Could anyone folk up Michael Jackson's 'Black Or White'?!?!

22 Oct 09 - 06:27 AM (#2750088)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Anti BNP songs
From: Brian Peters

Chris Wood's excellent 'Spitfires', on the Folk against Fascism site (scroll to the bottom of the page ).

22 Oct 09 - 07:41 AM (#2750120)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Anti BNP songs
From: jeddy

greta words leveller, a shanty tune would work really well, as i was reading it i was singing in my head.

have a great day all

jade x x x x

22 Oct 09 - 08:28 AM (#2750137)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Anti BNP songs
From: GUEST,J Smith

A Lily is Just Pond Life

This is a funny song - humor is always strong.

Who are you? Who do you think you are?
A star? Because of your power?
Look at you. You think you're cool.
Falling out of taxis at three in the morning,
You're the cool.
Do we can't see you screwing up your hair
Flashing underware, until you have to swear
Are they the only words you know?

You don't know what you're talking about
Lets get, guess who's- who banned
How'd you get yourself into power?
You know it takes a little power,
Let's be right, for just one night

A lily is just pond life - Yes!
A lily is just pond life -

You think that you're cool,
You think that you're clever,Yeah! Whatver

We can see through you
Silly girl with delusions of grandeur
Daddy's looking after you
And the music we are forced to endure.
You talk of politics that you know not about

What more, what less, risque dress
Flaunting with your boobies out.
You don't know what you're talking about
Let's get the truth out

You's like to pick your a flower
You know political powers
Let me delight for just pond life.

A lily is just pond life - Yes!
A lily is just pond life

A lolly - pond, pond, pond, more pond
hahaaha, one of those
pond love, pond life, pond life, pond life
Pond live, a pond life, more pond life.

The sapling ears totaly look up to you
The tricking in trucks the all night clubs
You'll not want to mess up my shooes

You don't know what you're talking about
Lets get the Truth out.
You like to think of yourself as a flower.
Dutiful polical power
But lets be right
For just one light

You don't know what you're talking about
Let's get the truth out.
You like to think yourself as a flower
You know political power
Let me delight for just what right
Oh lets be right For a just life.

A lily is just pond life Yes!
A lily is just pond life

Great White Records
Lily Allen Anti BNF
"Joey Smith"
    Message undeleted, but remember that you're supposed to use the same identity each time you post.
    -Joe Offer-

22 Oct 09 - 08:33 AM (#2750142)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Anti BNP songs
From: Crow Sister (off with the fairies)

Fuck You Very Much

22 Oct 09 - 08:52 AM (#2750160)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Anti BNP songs
From: GUEST,Young Buchan

Given their obsession with English superiority, they should be really annoyed by Deutschland Deutschland Uber Alles. It's just that a little bit of me thinks they WOULDN'T be.

22 Oct 09 - 09:01 AM (#2750168)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Anti BNP songs
From: mandotim

My Grandfather Tommy organised a group of like-minded people to throw Oswald Mosely and the Blackshirts out of Oldham in the 1930s. When the BNP and the National Front began stirring up trouble in Oldham, my Dad commented 'this has happened before you know', and told me the story. I wrote these lyrics, and a rudimentary tune, but a better tune is needed and I haven't got around to it yet.
In the year of 36 the Blackshirts came to town
         C                         G                         A7                     D7
With banners flying in Tommyfield, the people gathered round
C                            G                   C                           G
Mosely stood and thundered his words of fear and hate
                                                                D7                        G
And how his National Socialists would keep our country great
Verse 2

Standing in the crowd that day Big Tom was lost in thought

Harkenin' to messages his heart would not be taught

He heard the crowd responding, heard the angry hum

Deep inside a voice told him summat must be done
       C                         G                           C                         G
And Tommy went to find his mates, and found a score or more
C                        G                   A7                      D7
Decent men and honest men, men both rich and poor
C                        G                   C                      G
Bricklayers and navvies, even servants of the Crown
Men who threw the Blackshirts out of Oldham town

Verse 3
The Blackshirts were marching, cheered on by the crowd
Singing as they strutted, each man strong and proud
Turning into West Street, they came face to face
With twenty six good Oldham lads, now who's the master race?
The battle soon was over, the master race were shamed
With only cuts and bruises, Oldham was reclaimed
No more flags in Tommyfield, no more marching up and down
Thanks to t'men who threw the Blackshirts out of Oldham town
Last Chorus
And where are Tommy and his mates, we need ten thousand more

Decent men and women, drawn from rich and poor

People who will stand up tall, and vote the racists down

And never let the Blackshirts come back to Oldham town

22 Oct 09 - 09:49 AM (#2750202)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Anti BNP songs
From: Keith A of Hertford

Black and White is a nice racial harmony song by Roberts and Robinson.
The Spinners memorably used to do it.thread.cfm?threadid=51897#792372

BNP are strongly anti Iraq and Afghanistan wars, so you could do some jingoistic pro war stuff too.

22 Oct 09 - 10:06 AM (#2750210)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Anti BNP songs
From: Fred McCormick

Keith A. "BNP are strongly anti Iraq and Afghanistan wars, so you could do some jingoistic pro war stuff too."

The BNP have been fighting a high profile campaign under the slogan "The Battle For Britain". They are not pacifists and they doubtless sing a lot more jingoistic pro war songs than I would ever care to hear.

Ask yourself why they are opposed to war in Afghanistan and Iraq. Could it be that in their desire to purge the world of Semitism and Zionism, they're hoping Al Quaeda or Iran or Afghanistan might blow the state of Israel off the planet and save them having to do the job?

22 Oct 09 - 12:53 PM (#2750358)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Anti BNP songs
From: Stower

Thank you, Crow Sister, for your link. My respect for Lily Allen has just gone sky high.

22 Oct 09 - 01:43 PM (#2750395)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Anti BNP songs
From: Crow Sister (off with the fairies)

"My respect for Lily Allen has just gone sky high."

FYVMuch is one of those god-awfully catchy tunes too - a really jolly protest song if ever there was one.

22 Oct 09 - 03:27 PM (#2750486)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Anti BNP songs
From: GUEST,Mark Stevens

'A Lily is just Pondlife! '

Yes, I like that, JSmith. Is it on You Tube ?

22 Oct 09 - 07:01 PM (#2750633)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Anti BNP songs
From: Richard Bridge

Hello Guest Jean. Another suspect person. Of the members of Roger the Chorister, one is dead, one is a member of UAF, one is a crippled ex member of Special Boat squadron but I still suggest not annoying him, and the other is me (unless there was another Roger the Chorister). We only ever played three self-penned songs (and indeed that was after we were down to a duo, the dead one and me) one about the plans for Cliffe Airport, one about the Licensing Bill (since an Act) and one about rights of way - which I still do. None were ever recorded although the rights of way one was broadcast live on Radio Medway. So we'll take that as a bit of BNP byplay shall we?

22 Oct 09 - 07:38 PM (#2750660)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Anti BNP songs
From: jeddy

how did the singaround go tug?
did you use any of the songs recommended here?

i hope a great night was had by all

take care all

jade x x x x

22 Oct 09 - 08:39 PM (#2750696)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Anti BNP songs
From: Tug the Cox

Thanks for all the ideas.... enough for an FAF benefit here! Anyone up for organising it?

    Jade, must fess up. Only started this thread cos I was a bit cross that Joe closed my BNP on question time thtread. 'Only one thread', I said mischievously....I'll see about that. The ugly gargoyle complained.....but Joe himself said that this second thread was Ok as it asked for tunes. How glad I am that I was a naughty non-conformist. Some great stuff has come to light, and more in PM's which I hope senders will eventually put into the public domain.
   Its an ill wind....... ( though sorry, Joe, I do really appreciate your moderating...and you did re-open my thread just after!).
   There was a music only a white ( erm multicultural)lie!

22 Oct 09 - 10:38 PM (#2750760)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Anti BNP songs
From: jeddy

LOL, you need a smacked wrist tug!!

i am glad you did it though too.

sleep well all

jade x x x x x

23 Oct 09 - 06:51 AM (#2750917)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Anti BNP songs
From: GUEST,Red Claire

This song was beginning to get popular play
It is a nostalgic reflection - thank you.

Sung by the Irish band "Red Claire"
Words by Colin Auty (Dewsbury East)


Ali shops on the corner,
And there are Mosques all over town.
24 hours a day kebab house,
Asian taxis run by Crown.
This little piece of England,
Green and often pleasant land, why the hell am I complaining,
And why don't I understand.

And I say.
Where is the chapel, where my grandma used to pray?
Where is the alehouse, where my father drank each day?
Where is the butchers shop, our mam would buy her pork?
Where have all the white folks gone, who used to stop and talk?

The bookies halfway down our street,
Are long since gone as well.
And Dr Watson ís been replaced,
By a man they call Patel.
It ís curried rice and foreign dips,
No British fish & chips.
And the languages that we hear all day,
Come from foreign lips.

Repeat Chorus.

The bowling green and veterans club,
Are now a ghostly past.
It ís mainly used for cricket now,
Bangladesh were batting last.
If it ís drugs you lack, you'll find your smack,
And the dealer promises more,
If next time youíll pass, you'll bring a lass,
Of 12 and not much more.

Repeat Chorus.

BNP, Savile Town, Colin Auty, song lyrics

23 Oct 09 - 07:06 AM (#2750925)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Anti BNP songs
From: Brian Peters

Was that heavy irony, mischief-making, or did someone not read the thread title?

"It ís curried rice and foreign dips,
No British fish & chips."

In my home town - a typcial small town in the North of England - we have curries, kebabs, Chinese cuisine, Thai, Italian, AND good old fish and chips. What a great range of choices!

And how dare those awful Bangladeshis play CRICKET?! It's just not... er....

23 Oct 09 - 07:28 AM (#2750944)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Anti BNP songs
From: Stower

Know your history. Fish and chips did not originate in Britain any more than curry did.

My appetite's half English, and I'm half English, too.

23 Oct 09 - 08:40 AM (#2750995)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Anti BNP songs
From: GUEST,Fred Claire

I think after last night's showing the football fan's version of Go West may be appropriate...all together now

"You're shit, and you know you are..."

Oh, and doesn't scan and is grammatically inaccurate. And shite


23 Oct 09 - 11:56 AM (#2751099)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Anti BNP songs
From: greg stephens

REd Claire: how vey rewarding to see someone posting such well-thought out and intelligent lyrics on our little community's site. I am sure we will all be singing them down at our quaint black-and-white half-timbered puvves at our next jolly singaround. Until then, go forth and mulitiply.

23 Oct 09 - 05:56 PM (#2751352)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Anti BNP songs
From: GUEST,Mark Stevens

Red Claire,

That was quite a catchy pop folk song. What's happened to Colin Auty these days, is he still writing ?

Mark ye Morris. x

23 Oct 09 - 06:47 PM (#2751395)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Anti BNP songs
From: GUEST,Georgina Boyes

Colin Auty's amateurish strumming used to feature on the BNP website, but seems far less prominent now. Has there been a falling out amongst the white brotherhood?

23 Oct 09 - 11:13 PM (#2751474)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Anti BNP songs
From: GUEST,.gargoyle

What DID happen to Colin's "Lily Pond" lyrics???

They were posted here...on MUDCAT

There are comments that refer to the removed lyrics...within THIS thread....what ether did those lyrics disappear into????

FAF stormed the BBC...within the last 36 prevent the "exchange of ideas" in the free-market of public opinion.

Over the past 10 has become apparent that "Facism" as defined by "Brits" (racism) and "Facism" as defined by Americans (govt. take over of business)is clearly different. "Copyright" and "freedom of speech" are also clearly different.

I hope that "The Mudcat" will continue to be forum dedicated to "free speech"...since it has risen beyound the limited domains of "Blues and American Folk."


Accchhhhkkkk....I know.....they were removed....(by a moderator in America??? a country founded on "Free Speech" and an "Example to the World)

    They were posted by a person who seemed to never be able to use the same identity twice. Multiple identities, gets you deleted. Too bad, eh? But just for you, I'll undelete it. -Joe Offer-

24 Oct 09 - 04:46 AM (#2751537)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Anti BNP songs
From: theleveller

"What's happened to Colin Auty these days,"

Nothing pleasant, I hope. Not only is it a crap song but it bears absolutely no resemblance to reality. But then, the BNP have always lived in Cloud Cuckoo Land - which is what the title of the song should be.

24 Oct 09 - 06:00 AM (#2751561)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Anti BNP songs
From: GUEST,Lox

Yes indeed - the day the Nazi died would be the one I'd suggest.

If only it hadn't already been suggested.

I am happy to second the motion though.

24 Oct 09 - 06:17 AM (#2751570)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Anti BNP songs
From: GUEST,matt milton

"Round and Round Hitler's Grave" by the Almanac Singers (which is sung to the tune of Old Joe Clark) could, I'm sure, be retooled fairly easily to be of relevance.

24 Oct 09 - 10:37 AM (#2751669)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Anti BNP songs
From: Richard Bridge

Anyone who thinks that "fascism" is the government takeover of business really needs to buy a dictionary, and then get someone else to read it to them.

24 Oct 09 - 12:53 PM (#2751736)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Anti BNP songs
From: Tug the Cox

Crikey, two members of the BNP consecutively above, followed by the sadly misinformed gargoyle!

24 Oct 09 - 06:41 PM (#2752001)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Anti BNP songs
From: Mr Fox

Ghosts of Cable Street
(The Men They Couldn't Hang)

There is also a poem or song about the same event from around the time it actually happened, but I only know the last verse:

We stood at Gardiner's Corner, we stood and watched the crowds,
We stood at Gardiner's Corner, firm, solid, voices loud.
Came the marching of the Blackshirts, came the pounding of their feet,
Came the sound of ruffians marching where the five roads meet.
We thought of so many refugees fleeing from the Fascist hordes,
The maimed, the sick, the young, the old, those who had fought the Fascist lords.
So we stopped there at Gardiner's, we fought and won our way.
We fought the baton charges, no Fascist passed that day!

24 Oct 09 - 06:51 PM (#2752008)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Anti BNP songs
From: Tug the Cox

No Passaran! Wonderful.....rings down the decades...wish Tony Benn ( he thought Griffin should be allowed a platform) had remembered this.

24 Oct 09 - 07:26 PM (#2752024)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Anti BNP songs
From: Murray MacLeod

Richard, Gargoyle is talking about " facism ", not " fascism "

24 Oct 09 - 07:37 PM (#2752028)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Anti BNP songs
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

What's he got against faces then?

Don T.

24 Oct 09 - 07:50 PM (#2752038)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Anti BNP songs
From: GUEST,Mark Stevens

.. the small faces , or the new faces ?

24 Oct 09 - 09:03 PM (#2752077)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Anti BNP songs
From: SylviaN

Bill Prince's "There must be some mistake". See his website:

Lyrics and story behind "None of my Business"

and a gentler song, but with the right message:

The Temple of Heaven

