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Come you pranksters, fess up!

22 Jul 99 - 11:46 PM (#98343)
Subject: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: Margo

I was reminded in another thread about some of the pranks we played in school. Like the time we filled up the first chair trumpet player's trumpet with water. Gads, he actually blew the water out! It was pretty funny. I used to do a lot of that kind of stuff, how about you?


23 Jul 99 - 12:05 AM (#98349)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: Mudjack

I already know more about you than I should. The next I see you singing your most serious song, I'm going to have visions of you bowing to your judo instructor, why do you do these things to us? Now everytime I see a trumpet blower, I'm going to imagine the waters flowing and gushing from the the horn.
At a sing (song circle) a participant excused himself to the rest room,leaned his guitar on the chair and went.He returned, sat down and patiently waited for two more songs and came his turn. Raised his guitar and announced his song, key of c and began except his guitar was sourly out of tune thanks to his buddy sitting next to him. He grinned and said "Gotcha"

23 Jul 99 - 04:43 AM (#98391)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: Joe Offer

I guess I never really did pranks - I'm the kind who always gets caught, so I'd best behave. I have to say, though, that I really enjoyed the MIT Hack Gallery, which chronicles the legendary prianks played at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
-Joe Offer-

23 Jul 99 - 04:47 AM (#98392)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: Roger the zimmer

My secondary school had low dais in each classroom that the teacher's desk was one. In those days, post war but Pre-Thatcher we had free school milk. The 1/3 pint bottles were small enough to slip under the dais. After a few days, they'd wonder where the smell was coming from...

23 Jul 99 - 08:23 AM (#98428)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: catspaw49

Never. I was a model student. Truth.


23 Jul 99 - 11:29 AM (#98486)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: Shimbo

I recall a fellow high school student who would hassle everyone for a drink of their ginger beer (it was an "in" drink at the time). Happens the water of the local river near a sewer outlet was of a similar colour. It didn't kill him, but ever after he gave up greedily gulping down as much as he could before the bottle was recovered.

23 Jul 99 - 12:21 PM (#98506)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: Jack (who is called Jack)

23 Jul 99 - 12:27 PM (#98509)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: Margo

I guess it runs in the family. My dad can't tell this story without laughing: My father was born and lived in eastern Europe. In a jewish school in Turkey, the rabbi would often fall asleep right after lunch, with his head on the table, beard flowing out over his arms. I guess with the kids doing lessons, he figured he could spare the time........

Any way, my dad said that one day they glued the rabbi's beard to the table. My response was that the rabbi woke up and exclaimed, "It won't be long now........"


23 Jul 99 - 12:42 PM (#98512)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: MMario

Heck - I was the sixth in my family to go through the same small New England school system....I wouldn't have had a chance getting away with a prank....but my oldest brother, now THERE was a prankster...

the white phosphorus down the toilet (an open secret - but never confessed to as they had to replace the pipes in most of the wing)

the snowman on the roof of the principals car. and the school - and the fire house and the town stage. (same moved each night)

The principal's car on the roof of the school (okay - so I WAS involved with that one. he needed lots of help)

Well. what else is there to do with oneself in a small town?


23 Jul 99 - 12:45 PM (#98515)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: Jack (who is called Jack)

Gotta stop hitting enter when I want to skip from the ID field to the message field.

Anyway, I have contempated pranks but never executed them.

And this prank that I heard of but never verified assured me that any prank I could think of would be minor league.

For me this is the king of all college pranks, not just outrageous, but subtle and clever.

Apparently a psychology student who had just finished a class on learning and conditioning theory came up with the following idea. He was taking courses over the summer, and every day at 1:00pm he went to the football stadium, put on a vertical black and white vertical striped shirt, blew an athletic whistle, and scattered generous amounts of bird seed at his feet. He did this very often over the summer. When the time the first football game of the season came around, (they traditionally start at 1pm, the time of his feedings), the referees in their striped shirts blew their whistles, and the well conditioned birds, thinking the dinner bell had rung once again, descended on the field en masse, surrounded the gape-mouted officials and proceeded to follow them every where they went.

As the story went, eventually the game had to be called due to excessive birds.

I hope this story is true, but even if apocryphal, it wins.

23 Jul 99 - 02:27 PM (#98550)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: Margo

Jack, that is great!I'm chuckling as I write. Hey, here's one not for the faint at heart:

My friend's cousin went into the movie theatre balcony with a bag of warm oatmeal. You can see where this is going. Yes, 10 minutes into the show, he made the appropriate heaving noises, and dumped the bag on the poor unsuspecting audience below. It was a real show stopper.

I think the story is funny, but I would never do something like that, and I wouldn't like to be one of the oatmeal recipients.


23 Jul 99 - 02:38 PM (#98553)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: bbelle

I was a perfect student and never even skipped school, however, my first job out of college was with the National Geographic Society in Washington, D.C. It was during the holiday season, December, 1970, when I, and a few cohorts, spiked the water cooler on our floor with vodka. It was a grand time we had for a couple of days and the water coolor ran dry faster than anyone could ever remember ... moonchild

23 Jul 99 - 02:39 PM (#98554)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: Walrus

Family legend has it that, when young, two of my uncles managed to "borrow" a couple of live chickens and smuggled them into a cinema showing Hitchcock's "The Birds", releasing them from the balcony at an appropriate point. I leave the results to your imagination.


23 Jul 99 - 03:25 PM (#98565)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: Den

I worked on a building site with some pranksters. They just loved to play tricks on the young apprentices. One of the apprentices had a metal lunch box so one of the tricksters screwed it to the lunch room table. The kid couldn't figure out why he couldn't lift it off the table. It took him quite a while to see the screw in the bottom of his lunch box.

23 Jul 99 - 03:26 PM (#98566)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: MAG (inactive)

New England must breed 'em; my oldest sister Susie was voted class clown in high school. Hew best one might have been to cut classes at every opportunity on picture day and manage to get in every club and group picture in her yearbook, including the knitting club, which she wouldn't have touched.

Little me, I was so terrified of my parents' wrath I didn't dare pull stuff, except once I was out joyriding with a couple of buddies -- Pat Bomba and Eddie Willis -- and we ran Pat's car into the mud where it stuck. The guys knew I and they were in for it if my parents found out; they knew my parents, so we were scooping mud away from the car with our bare hands. My parents would not have understood that with TWO guys nothing could have gone on ...

Susie taught me chinese fireman (sorry, that's what we called it then), melon stealing, and lying to the folks about what movie we were going to see. (actually that was blackmail: tell the truth and we can't go anymore.)

boy, this takes me back. My sister susie is gone and I miss her terribly.


23 Jul 99 - 03:30 PM (#98569)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: Helen

When I was at university, in the mid 70's, there was one week when student pranks were expected. I had the good fortune to be in a group of people which included a man with a bent for pranks, executed with military precision. He organised about 10 people to act as lookouts at various points so that 2 others could paint two little strokes of paint on a billboard sign which is lit up and visible for at least half a mile down a long street.

We have a pest control company called Flick and their billboard sign was just that one big word with letters at least 3 feet high. The painting squad just joined up the bottom of the "l" with the bottom of the "i" and joined up the dot of the "i" to its vertical stroke, making the naughty "f" word. It was there for at least 2 weeks. I don't think most people even looked at the sign because it had been there, unchanged, in the same place for decades. I still laugh about that.


23 Jul 99 - 03:32 PM (#98571)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: dwditty

As a prank only funny to adolesent boys, we would sneak into the classroom before class and urintate on the hot raditors, making sure the door was closed when we left. By the time class started, the stench was unbearable (particularly if we had asparagus the night before). By the time class was half way through, the temperature would be sub-freezing as all the windows were thrown open wide. The teacher would have no choice but to dismiss class early.

23 Jul 99 - 03:43 PM (#98576)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: WyoWoman

When I was at church camp at the age of 13, the boys played pranks on us incessantly. I couldn't get any of the girls to join me in retaliation until the final night when one other girl joined me. We slipped into the boys' dorm during the dinner hour and put Saran Wrap across all the toilets. We also put vaseline on the toilet seats. We short-sheeted about a dozen beds before the dinner bell rang and we had to high-tail it outta there. At bedtime we were most gratified to hear much commotion coming from the boys'dorm.

In college, the same thing happened -- after repeated hassles from the guys in the dorm across the quad, I finally sneaked into the boys' dorm -- an offense that could get one kicked out of school at that time -- went to the top floor and the started pulling fire alarms as I went down the 12 floors of stairs.

(Irresponsible, I know. However, they had been doing it to us all summer, just to see all the girls gather on the quad in their nighties...) At any rate, this night the girls were ready and were standing around applauding when the guys started stumbling out in their little jockey shorts.

I was, briefly, a hero. Er, heroine.


23 Jul 99 - 04:00 PM (#98582)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: SeanM

Under the 'destructive and pointless things' pranks department...

This is a true story (I swear!)

Friend of mine's brother was in charge of munitions disposal at a Naval Weapons Station about 2 miles from my High School (Southern California).

Said brother sold said friend about 15 pounds of metallic sodium, which said friend then distributed to all of his friends. Sadly, I had the flu during distribution and didn't get any (Really!).

A season of exploding lockers and trash cans ensued, along with a fire on the front lawn (metallic sodium combusts and/or explodes in contact with water. Crumble sodium, sprinkle on lawn shortly before the sprinklers come on...)

The last straw was when some genius dumped about a full pound block in to the pool. It emptied a large amount of the water out of the pool, cracked the bottom, and caused an evacuation.

The wages of sin were fierce... the school admin launched an investigation, found out who was distributing, and searched all of his friend's lockers. Anyone found with sodium was expelled, and a few were brought up on criminal charges.

Tonight on Mudcat... WHEN PRANKS ATTACK!


23 Jul 99 - 05:51 PM (#98613)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: Margo

Dwditty: ASPARAGUS??????? It sounds as though you and 'Spaw have gotten cause and effect thing down to an art! (Fart?)


23 Jul 99 - 06:39 PM (#98626)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: Bill D

well, my father tells of (at age 14-15) disassembling (with friends) a farmers buggy one Halloween, and reassembling it on the roof of his shed ..Then next day, they went round to take a look, and the farmer, seeing some agile youths...*grin*...hired them to get it down again! (he said he always thought the farmer really knew)

But here is someone else's prank that impacted me....first, look at this pic...Morrison Hall, Wichita State Univ

see the clock tower?Note the colors!... (it has 4 faces..can be seen from all over campus). In the mid to late 1960s, that clock was white, with black hands. Some art students found it irreistable, and one morning, all 4 faces were noticed to have Mickey Mouse painted on them!..well, after a few days, it was re-painted....but several months later, it happened again, and again was duly re-painted...When it happened a third time the next year, meetings were held...(Morrison Hall was becoming known as Mickey Mouse Hall) was decided to paint the face black, and the hands white, making it VERY hard to paint a visable mouse on it. also made the hands, which were lit at night by curved neon lights mounted around the edge, hard to see at electricians were asked to re-mount the neon lights down INSIDE the inset clock faces, where they would illuminate the hands better...

Now, at this time I was working at building & grounds as a student asst. in the carpentry dept....and my boss came up to me and my buddy, Dwain, who also worked there. Boss was grinning...seems the new location of the clock hands was a problem...the minute hand would now not clear the neon tubes! WHAT to DO!??..the answer buddy & I got to go up the inside of that tower..out onto the roof, bearing a BIG pair of bolt cutters...and circumcise all 4 minute hands! Took off about 3"...and for years I kept those aluminum hand tips in my dresser. Ah, memories!!

23 Jul 99 - 06:56 PM (#98634)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: Angus McSweeney

I grew up in a quiet town in Iowa. Down in this pastoral park there was an old black train bridge spanning a small creek. It was the perfect easel for all the brilliant kids who loved to spray paint smutty words - you know, every town has a place like that. Well, the first year (high school seniors), my three buddies and I snuck down one night with black paint (the color of the bridge) and painted over all the offending words. The second night, after the paint had dried, we went back down with white spray paint and repainted all the smut - but cleaned it up. Now the bridge said, "Fudge, Gee Whiz, Shucks," etc. We envisioned the local news headline the next day to be "Fort Dodge Terrorized by Puritan Gang".

But that's not the end. The next summer, we chose to do something on a grand scale. We measured the dimensions of the bridge, built stencils over six feet tall, constructed a rope harness so that we could lower a person over the top of the bridge, put two of us in the creek with a ladder so we could climb up and stabalize the lower section of the stencils, and proceeded to paint, in exactly perfect proportion "LIONEL".

Fast forward...that was 1969. At our 20th reunion - it still remained. The city fathers chose to leave it as a our 25th, some enterprising young folks had cleaned it up and repainted it - letter for letter using our carefully placed lettering.

When I die, this is truly my legacy.

23 Jul 99 - 07:43 PM (#98658)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: Banjer

Ah, where to begin....? In my senior year of High School I helped six others put a teacher's VW between two poles in the outside hallway. We actually picked up the car and slid it sideways into that position, havin discovered that the sapcing of th epoles was 5" longer than the car!

One of my coworkers always brought a sandwich and two hardboiled eggs to work for his lunch. He got quite a chuckle out of cracking the eggs on his head in order to peel them. I brought two raw eggs and exchanged them for the hardboiled ones. He never did find out who was the cause of his 'egg shammpoo'. Probably just as well, cause he doesn't seem to have much of a sense of humor....

Saw this one on the Little Rascals onetime and thought it was a great idea. My fourth grade teacher didn't enjoy the frog in her top center desk drawer, however. (My classmates thought it was neat)

Nasty old curmudgeon neighbors can be handled by placing a goodly collection of dog droppings and other unpleasant things in a paper sack, putting same on their front porch, lighting the bag, ringing the doorbell and retiring quickly to a safe vantage point....I could go on, and on and on......I guess I was quite the little hellian in my younger days....

23 Jul 99 - 09:31 PM (#98682)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: Bill D

one day, while working my way through college as a grocery checker, I had JUST finished a big rush of orders and was taking a deep breath...when a lady with a HUGE cartfull came heading up the asile..the smartaleck in the next checkstand hopped out of his stall, came in front, and smilingly guided the giant order to MY checkstand! *grump*..

well, about 30 minutes later,he locked up and went on his 15 minute break...when he came back, he quietly resumed checking...until he opened the cash drawer as he finished the first customer...and found the penny bin totally filled with sugar!..Who, ME?..*grin*..(I was a relief checker and had a key)

23 Jul 99 - 09:39 PM (#98686)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: Banjer

Bill, is that what folks refer to as "Sweet Revenge?"

I love it!!!

24 Jul 99 - 12:16 AM (#98742)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: Les B

Myself, I'm prankishly impaired, but I was told this one many years ago and always thought it had a certain touch of finesse.

One day, when a street construction crew had gone off to the tavern for lunch, a group of bright college guys with the appropriate hard hats, signage, etc. proceeded to detour traffic for several blocks and ultimately to guide the cars down a dead-end alley, where they were stuck, causing a large grid lock and lots of consternation for the city fathers. The college boys were suspected by the police, but there was no proof.

Several weeks later a bona fide construction crew was working in front of the college. Seeing their opportunity, the college guys called in anonymously to the police station and reported that a bunch of college guys were dressed up as workmen and pretending to do road work out in front of the school. Then they ambled out on the lawn and watched the ensuing fracas when the police arrived and tried to arrest the real workers !

24 Jul 99 - 01:41 AM (#98781)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: WyoWoman

There is much inspiration in this thread. I have yet begun to prank!


24 Jul 99 - 07:13 AM (#98818)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: Banjer


The preceding messages are NOT intended to be construed as instructional! They are listed here solely for the entertainment of the reader.DO NOT TRY THEM AT HOME!

(However, should you choose to ignore this disclaimer be advised that an M80 has almost as much destructive power when flushed into an upstairs commode at school as does the white phosphourus, in the absence of frogs, garter snakes make good substitutes, and given the price of sugar a few ounces of cola would suffice in the cash drawer!)

24 Jul 99 - 05:36 PM (#98912)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: Angus McSweeney

Les B, Your story reminds me of a great humorist of the 1920's - Robert Benchley (his grandson is the fellow that wrote "Jaws"). Any Mr. Benchley was a very popular columnist - Dave Barry is a modern descendant of his genre. But when he was a young college student he and a couple friends dressed up as workmen and headed for the "toniest" part of town. Walked up to a grand mansion, rang the bell, and when the maid answered, announced "We're here for the davenport!" Well, she was startled and confused, but being a good employee, she showed them to the davenport. They picked it up, carried it out, and thanked her. They then walked over to the next mansion, knocked on the door and, to this startled servant, announced "We're here with the davenport! Where should we put it?" One can only guess as to how that was ever untangled. Another time he went to Grant's tomb in the middle of the night and left two empty milk bottles outside with a note for thge next days delivery!

24 Jul 99 - 06:23 PM (#98924)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: Dave Swan

Oh my, where to begin. A cop friend of mine once K-Y jellied the door handles of my emergency vehicle. In the same spirit of public spirited jollity, I waited until he had parked his cop bike on the ambulance dock of a local hospital. Picture concrete troweled to a near mirror surface. I laid a bead of KY the size of the average banana slug under his rear tire. I was there to see him try to take off. Ride 'em cowboy. Made him put his foot down. He knew who it was, I was the one bent over and crying.

On the other hand, I am told that if you fold a large inner tube (say fire engine size) in half and sandwich it between the mattress and box springs of a bed you're half way there. Hide and extend a suitable hose to a high pressure air bottle. 4,500 psi will do nicely. About two in the morning open the air bottle. The innocent slumberer is launched across the room as the innertube unfolds. Or so I'm told.


24 Jul 99 - 06:27 PM (#98925)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: Dave Swan

Oops, sent too soon. Angus, the Lionel stencil has all the elements of style and class in a practical joke. I'm glad it's been perpetuated. Quite a legacy. D.

24 Jul 99 - 11:13 PM (#98972)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: Rick Fielding

There once was a small Italian restaurant in north Toronto that myself and two other members of "The Gangreen Boys" used to visit. David, our mandolin player was an incessant practical joker, and once while he was in the washroom I decided to get him back on his own terms. I carefully lifted the topping from his pizza and poured half a jar of chili peppers under it, disguising it quite nicely. He came back, took a big bite (and swallow)...and then..let out a yell! He seemed to immediately that I was the one who'd done this dastardly deed (I wonder how come), picked up the rest of the whole pizza and whammed it into my face! We were shown the door VERY quickly.
Ahh to be young and (very) stupid again.

24 Jul 99 - 11:48 PM (#98982)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: LDB

Angus McSweeney

In the '80's, I was director of YCC in Fort Dodge, and one of our projects was to clean the railroad bridge and repaint the "LIONEL" sign. Glad to know it's origin! Thanks.

25 Jul 99 - 12:59 AM (#98999)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: DonMeixner

In my youth when I was a church goer and every man had a beige trenchcoat hanging in the church coat rack Dave Hutchings and I went through all the pockets and moved the car keys to different coats. Then we hung up the coats next to different womans coats. The initial choas was wonderful, the second stroke was beyond imagination.


25 Jul 99 - 01:08 AM (#99002)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: Songster Bob

A prank sworn to my my old friend Alberto Vazquez (I'm reminded of it by an earlier prank in this thread):

A friend of Alberto's was an astronomer in Arizona (U. Of?) and his observatory was far away from the city lights. The parking lot for same became a lovers' lane, so one day he arrived at work to find the parking lot closed off by a chain. And him not given a key, of course. So he got out his handy bolt cutters and snipped the light chain, drove in and parked, and went to work.

Next day, a heavier chain; Bolt cutters still worked, though. Next day, heavy duty chain and big-mother lock. So he jacked the posts out of the ground.

Then he waited till the University workmen arrived to set the posts in, this time with concrete. Once they were well on the way to accomplishing this, he called the campus police and said, "A bunch of fraternity boys, dressed as campus workmen, are closing off access to a campus parking lot."

A few, carefully-timed minutes later, he called the city police, and said, "A bunch of fraternity boys, dressed as campus policemen, are harrassing University workers here at the observatory."

Then he sat back to watch the fun. Eventually, the University gave up on blocking off the parking lot (or gave him a key, or something like that).

This story is true, even if it never actually happened.

Bob Clayton

25 Jul 99 - 03:54 PM (#99087)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: Tim Jaques

There is a book put out by Re/Search press called "Pranks". Contains interviews with performance artists and people like Abbie Hoffman. I have it in my possession if anyone is looking for ideas.:) Rebellion seems to have been so much more fun in those days.

I never played too many elaborate pranks myself. Down home some of the guys used to get the groom drunk at his stag, put him passed out on the train to Montreal (five hundred miles away) with five hundred bucks in his pocket, a nice chunk of change in the 70s.

He would then wake up in his room (they always got him his own room) with a conductor pounding on the door telling him to get up as the train was in the station.

25 Jul 99 - 07:35 PM (#99124)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: MAG (inactive)

Would spray-painting "this insults women" on my least favorite billboards, in my 20's, count, IF I had done anything so shockingly illegal??


25 Jul 99 - 11:21 PM (#99174)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: Margo

Oh, some of you are quite daring! I remember when I worked at a guest ranch in southern Oregon the staff were constantly pulling pranks on each other, especially the girls against the guys and vice versa.

One of the girls, Sue, was going steady with one of the ranch hands, Joe. This ranch was set up to be self sufficient, and there was a working saw mill. Some of the timber was cut down to build guest houses.

On this particular day, the guys were peeling logs. One big log's bark came off all in one piece. Everyone marvelled at how it looked just like a real log with the end peices of the log cut and carefully placed in the bark.

Then the idea was hatched. Joe put ketchup in his mouth, and we brought Sue out to the sawmill. The guys then "accidently" dropped the fake log on Joe, and he feigned a fall, ketchup spurting and all. Sue was in shock, her mouth agape, but completely puzzled as to why everyone else was laughing. Oh, that was a mean one. At least we didn't let her go on thinking he was hurt.

26 Jul 99 - 11:13 AM (#99279)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: Bill D there is an example of something I was trying to think about...a prank/joke that could be traumatic..i.e., cause someone to panic, of have a heart attack...I suppose it went ok, but if I had been doing it, I'd have set up a deal where ol' Joe complained about the log being in the way...then bent over and picked it up and walked off with it!!

there is a story...perhaps apocryphal, about a circus midget who used a cane in his act, and his 'friends' dreamed up a joke where they would sneak in each night and cut ¼" off his cane...well..after 2-3 weeks, he was convinced he was growing, and since he knew no other life and had no skills, he committed suicide...true or not, it makes a point..

contrast this with the joke where a guy has a pet turtle, and every night someone sneaks in to the turtle pen and replaces it with a slightly larger turtle..until the guy is telling everyone about the amazing growth rate of his pet.....then they start back, replacing it with smaller & smaller turtles! Now there's a prank!

26 Jul 99 - 11:34 AM (#99289)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: Margo

Thank you, Bill. I like your idea about carrying the log off instead of what we did. Kids can be cruel.


26 Jul 99 - 02:32 PM (#99350)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: Nogs

A rather pompous fellow lived in our dorm in college. A personal feature were his keys, a big ring of them, attached to one of those chains that retract into a sping-loaded metal cannister attached tohis belt (firmly attached . . ) Aided by his long-suffering roommate, we got into his room after nightfall before his return, hung his desk out the window and attached it by means of a rope to the doorknob across the room. We then pulled the pins from the door hinges, pulled the door back into its frame, and locked the deadbolt so that it was the only thing that was holding the door in place. Dashed to my room (adjoining), and listened. Sounds of his feet in the hall, key in the door, some struggle with the lock, then (in rapid succession) the lock opening, the door crashing inward and sliding across the room, the crisp zip of a key chain being fully unwound from its canninster and th shout of surprize as the wearer is pulled after (dont woory,the door stops at the window.

26 Jul 99 - 06:35 PM (#99443)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: Tim Jaques

There must be some old hippies on the Mudcat who have played elaborate public pranks in the old days, to prove some political or social point, or just to cause a kerfuffle in the press.

I liked reading about the one where the man claimed to be opening a bordello for dogs (motto "Let Your Dog Get A Little Tail") Apparently he had the press fooled for weeks.

26 Jul 99 - 06:55 PM (#99448)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: SandyBob

I had a summer job in college working in a plant that built roof trusses for commercial buildings. The boss was always after me to speed up production, to help him motivate the other workers and to "kick them fuckin' trusses out." After weeks of 10-12 hour days and working Saturdays I asked for a long weekend off to go river rafting. He said no. I was so mad, the next day I "accidently" started building the world's longest roof truss. I just kept splicing 12 foot 2x4s together with gang nails until I had a 90 foot-long truss that looked like modern art snaking off the rollers, across the plant floor and out into the warehouse. My boss came running and screaming when he saw it, face beet-red. I got my long weekend and then some. It was almost time to go back to school anyway and it was worth it to see the look on his face.

26 Jul 99 - 07:09 PM (#99450)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: Angus McSweeney

OK, old practical jokes with a political statement, eh Tim? If you refer to my earlier contribution you already know that spray paint and stencils are my medium. It was the height of the Viet Nam war. In our little bucolic midwestern town two friends and I spent an entire night spraypainting the word "War" directly under the word "Stop" on all the stop signs. This, like "Lionel" made the front page of the paper. LDB, small world! And nice to know I can actually thank someone for keeping the bridge going!

27 Jul 99 - 01:48 AM (#99597)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: WyoWoman

At a job years ago in Oklahoma, one of our secretaries had terrible trouble with a husband who was a drinkin' foolin' around kinda guy. Every Monday, she'd sob into her coffee during break and tell us of some new offense by Mr. Wrong. We all kept trying to support her, telling her she was better than that, that she needed to boot the creep out, show him th door, etc.

finally, one Monday, Gloria came to coffee break with a very satisfied look on her face. What happened? we asked.

Well, Gloria says, Mr. Wrong did it again Saturday night -- stayed out 'til 2 in the morning, drinking and misbehaving, and when he came in, he unmistakably had the smell of another woman on him.

"I didn't say anything to him that night," she says, "I just let him go to bed and pass out. But the next morning early, while he was still sleeping it off, I went and got the SuperGlue and glued his little red rooster to his thigh. When that boy woke up, he was in a world a' pain."

(Don't know if that rates as a prank or just decent karma...)


27 Jul 99 - 11:06 AM (#99701)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: Margo

Wyo Woman, I read recently a song in the DT that is about a similar thing. Kat put a link to it in another thread, but I don't remember which one.

Anyway, the lady in a similar situation was beaten every time her husband came home drunk. Finally one night, she waited until he was "dead" alseep, and sewed and sewed and sewed until he was encased in the sheets and couldn't move. When he awoke, she beat him with the frying pan, and told him that if he didn't change his ways, he was out the door. His behaviour changed.

The song is based on a true story......


27 Jul 99 - 12:37 PM (#99745)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: Bill D

well, thinking back again to my college days, it dawns on me that the 4 or so years when I was a junior-senior-grad student in philosophy were a series of quirky, silly prank-filled times by the rag-tag bunch of Philosophy students we had...we actually had a Philosophy club, called Dialectica. Anyway, we did things like, when the area in front of our building flooded after heavy rains, due to the ineptitude and inability of the grounds dept. to drain the area, we placed planks across the deeper parts, along with a sign that read..."John Gaddis Memorial Swamp...temporary bridge courtesy of the Dept. of Philosophy Corps of Engineers" (Gaddis was the director of the physical plant for many years)......we also unveiled from a balcony on the student union one day, a 30 foot long by 3 ft. high banner which read .."HAPPY BIRTHDAY, FREDDY NIETZSCHE" us in the school paper!

But the best was what we did to/for the entire school!! It was 'about' 1968-69, and way out west, the beat poet, Allen Ginsberg had just gotten a $5000 grant from someone..(he said it was the most money he had ever had up to then)..and set out to tour the country in an old VW bus..and one of his friends (Charlie Plymell) was a Wichita State alum! Charlie suggested Ginsgerg stop and see dear old WSU!. Well, Ginsberg contacted the English Dept, and offered to give a poetry reading, but the ARCH-conservative bunch there were NOT gonna have this drug-ridden, foul-mouthed hippie talk to THEIR sweet students!.....
....enter the Philosophy club!..We got wind of this, and with with wicked glee at sticking it to the entire school and the stodgy English Dept, we said WE'D sponsor him...and in the Student Union for a major appearance! *grin*..The authorities huffed & puffed, but they could not figure out how to deny a legal campus organization the right to sponsor a nationally known speaker! But they COULD threaten to censor sending the Dean of Liberal Arts to monitor things and shut it down if 'ol Alan crossed the line!...So Ginsberg arrived, with Peter Orlovsky, and happily gave a couple of private talks to Philosophy classes,(he was neat!)...then the main event...the place was filled..even TV cameras showed up! The poor Dean was there, NOT relishing this job...and not even sure what standards to apply. Well, Ginsberg was masterful!...he started very slowly, reading low-key poems and telling witty stories, enchanting everyone....then occasionally inserting a slighty naughty anecdote or poem...until after about 1½ hours, he was rolling...reading his most controversial stuff, liberally laced with 4-letter words and 'attention getting' themes...but the transition was so masterful, that, like putting lobsters in cold water and slowly raising the temperature, the audience barely realized they were being had...and the Dean saw NO abrupt change where it was obvious he should stop things...

So.., although we did it half as a prank, it actually worked VERY well...students were exposed to a real talent and piece of history, our club gained real stature and it dawned on a lot of folk that no one was 'corrupted' by hearing about aspects of the 'counter-culture'

I guess there WERE those who continued to huff & puff, but it was ok, and serves to make the point that a 'prank' can easily have positive consequences.

30 Jul 99 - 03:32 PM (#100978)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: Barbara

Seems like it was our local SDS (remember them?) at Michigan State University that infiltrated the YRA (Young Republicans) and positioned themselves in key roles for organizing the national convention and running the sound.
The resulting chaos was pretty amazing. I don't think the Young Republicans ever knew what hit them.

30 Jul 99 - 06:04 PM (#101014)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: Bob Landry

My brother, a policeman in Eastern Canada, was asked by his commanding officer (who was leaving on holidays for a few weeks) to keep an eye on the house, feed the pets and water the plants. Seems the CO's prized possession, a fully-restored 1957 Chevy was parked in the garage. Bro rummaged around until he found the keys, drove to the local shopping mall and had a secret meeting with the manager. CO comes back from holidays as scheduled and the next morning phones bro in a panic asking where the car was. "I don't know" was the reply. So began the search. Two or three days later, the CO is walking through the mall and comes across a table with a sign advertising the sale of raffle tickets. The main prize, parked behind the table, was a fully-restored 1957 Chevy!


01 Dec 04 - 07:15 AM (#1344205)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: GUEST,jamie

u all suck u r not even rell   pranksters

01 Dec 04 - 07:22 AM (#1344209)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: Cluin

I stole jamie's dictionary years ago.

01 Dec 04 - 08:32 AM (#1344247)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: The Fooles Troupe

Another Mickey Mouse Clock.

Queensland University (A Real University, as distinct from Queensland University of Technology - A University for The Real World! - but that's another story!) has a beautiful campus originally intended to resemble all old 'traditional' Universities, has a large oval limestone cloisters and a tower with a clock that is about 30 ft or more in the air up a vertical face, and about 15 feet from the roof, etc..

One day, the Vice Chancellor happened to be crossing the quadrangle in the morning looked up and there was Mickey Mouse in all his glory, poster on wall behind hands and neat little white gloves and all....

Stayed there for three days, until the grounds staff finally decided that they really needed a cherry picker....


There is a hill near Toowoomba called Table Mountain, and one a nice religious lady claimed to have seen a vision, and so a small white wooden cross was erected on the top of the Mountain - without obtaining Council Permission to erect anything on Public Land - which became a pilgrimage point.

Cross got pulled down, thrown over side.

Larger cross erected, same thing.

Still larger, same thing.

So the forces of Good rallied and erected a huge Steel Monstrosity set in concrete...... determined people can backpack an oxy cutting set up a steep narrow winding mountain, you know.... :-)

There is no cross there today...

01 Dec 04 - 09:56 AM (#1344333)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!

I was the victim of a prank once. I've always been well known for my weak stomach. I gag easily at nasty, gross things. When I was in the Navy as a watch supervisor, my operators pulled a practical joke on me. In those days, supervisors kept the watch log on an IBM Selectric typewriter. I worked in a classified area at the time, which was "sanitized" by drawing curtains over equipment and areas that had to be hidden from the view of uncleared personnel. The typewriter was behind the curtains. One day, while the spaces were sanitized, I stepped out for a smoke. When I came back in and sat down to make some log entries, I felt somthing squishy and sticky between my fingers and some of the keys. I looked at my fingers and saw what looked like several big boogers. Instantly grossed out to the extent of being nauseated, I was, shall we say, rather vocal in my disgust. There I was, gagging and cursing behind that curtain, shaking my hands vigorously to get the boogers off. "EEEEWWWW, boogers!!! OK, who's the sonofab---- that put the f---in' snot on my typewriter!?" I actually lost my lunch, if you catch my drift. I knew I'd been had when I heard the hysterical laughter from my operators who were all there waiting on the other side of the curtains for my reaction. They had taken some cellophane tape and rubbed off the gummy adhesive into very realistic looking balls and stuck them all over my keyboard. Better stop while I'm ahead. The thought of boogers is making me queasy.



01 Dec 04 - 10:57 AM (#1344385)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: Bill D

well! I have had a ball re-reading this old thread!...and don't miss a later thread on the same theme.

(and Cluin....I gather you replaced jamie's dictionary with the Reader's Digest condensed version!)

01 Dec 04 - 11:26 AM (#1344415)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: Uncle_DaveO

Bill D:

Your story about the midget and the shortening cane, followed by his suicide, was a short story which I read somewhere.

Dave Oesterreich

01 Dec 04 - 12:12 PM (#1344467)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: Uncle_DaveO

A comedy in three acts. Stay with me.

My sophomore year in high school.   A teacher who was rather, shall we say, "vague".

First day of the year, she passed around a sheet of paper, and asked that each of us write our name on it. She would use it for the rest of the semester for the class roll call. She neglected to count the names that came back, which included one Ralph Warden, who was not physically present--indeed, did not exist.

Next morning she called roll: Suzie Jones? Here. William Smiley? Here. Ralph Warden? (silence) Ralph Warden? "Oh, he's sick today, teacher!" Next day and the next day, Ralph was "sick". Then he was visiting his relatives in the southern part of the state. It was about a week and a half before the teacher checked with the office, learned of Ralph's nonexistence as a student. She stopped calling his name, but never said a word to the class. All of this was an in-group joke for as long as the conspirators were in that school.
Only an elite group knew and enjoyed this joke.

Now fast forward fifty years.

At our fiftieth anniversary reunion, a few years ago, included in the list of those who would be there that was sent out was our old friend Ralph Warden. That was good for a lot of good private snickers. But better was the fact that at the banquet, a speech was scheduled by that well-known, business-success classmate, Ralph Warden! The MC (one of the elite few) sadly announced, "I'm truly sorry that I received a telegram from Ralph Warden, whom all of you remember, that he'll not be able to make it to speak to us tonight. I'm sure you're all as disappointed as I am!" And indeed, several of the subsequent class-member speakers (who weren't in on it) expressed their disappointment, how they'd been looking forward to seeing ole Ralph again, how they remembered his amazing personality and drive and so forth.   Only at the end of the dinner, last gasp, did the MC explain how everybody had been had, and told the original incident.

Next morning those who had not already left town met for Sunday brunch. One of our classmates stood up and said that her son, who was waiting in the lobby for her to come out of the dining room, to drive her to his house, told her he had been approached by a man who asked, did he know where the Class of '48 was meeting? "Yes," he'd said, "the dinner is up in the second floor dining room, and I think it's just about to break up." "Darn," says the man, I had hoped to be there, but was delayed. Well, it's too late now, and I can't stay for tomorrow's brunch, either." The son said, "Can you give me your name? I'll let my mother know that you were here, so she can at least pass your regrets to those at the brunch tomorrow morning."   "Okay," says the man, "tell her Ralph Warden said hello."

Dave Oesterreich

01 Dec 04 - 01:03 PM (#1344520)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: Ima Gittin'

You'd be suprised at the vast sudsing action of 18 LARGE boxes of Oxydol Laundy Detergent(showing my age here) poured into the filter ports along side of the olympic sized school pool......I know we were! ;D

01 Dec 04 - 01:08 PM (#1344527)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: GUEST,Clint Keller

That's interesting, Uncle D, because in my high school the ficticious student was Irwin Sweeney. He showed up in a lot of places.

I graduated in 1948 too. Conspiracy?


01 Dec 04 - 01:11 PM (#1344531)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: Ima Gittin'

Oh....and a tip...The prank played in the movie 'Private Benjamin' REALLY works! We did it LONG before that movie came out. We poured tempra powder in a variety of colors into the shower heads in the boys locker room......

Oy! Almost forgot about the Bengay Mentholated Pain Rub in the jock straps...........but that's a whole 'nuther story.

01 Dec 04 - 01:29 PM (#1344547)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: Rapparee

We carefully put chemical indicators (colorless in themselves) in the urinals of our all-male high school.

Ever see a freshman come running out yelling, "I'm peeing blue!"?

01 Dec 04 - 01:51 PM (#1344570)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: Ima Gittin'

Hey Rapaire. :) .....ya know?..I woulda paid money to see that one!

01 Dec 04 - 01:55 PM (#1344574)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: CarolC

I went to an experimental sort of high school. We had a rich and lively hall culture, and we had commandeered one of the science offices (as well as one of the English offices and a social studies office), for hanging out and putting our stuff in.

For some reason, most people kept their musical instruments in the science office. There were usually one or two French horns laying about in the office, along with some bunsen burner hose and a desk that was only a shell and was completely hollow underneath.

One time, when I had a bit of a wild hair up my arse (which really was most of the time), I took one of the French horns out and laid it on top of its open case. I took the mouthpiece off of the horn, attached a length of bunsen burner hose to the French horn, attached the mouthpiece to the other end of the hose, and arranged it all on top of the hollow desk in such a way that the hose could not be seen by people entering the room. It just looked like a French horn placed somewhat carelessly on top of an open French horn case.

Then I sat under the desk, holding the hose with the mouthpiece at the end of it, while another student sat at the desk about two feet away from the French horn. The plan was for him to give me a little kick when someone came into the room, and I would blow on the mouthpiece... no small feat, since it required a lot of air pressure to make a noise with that much bunsen burner hose between me and the horn. We succeeded in startling a few people with the joke, but the best was the guy who was stoned out of his gourd (I don't remember if it was LSD or hashish, but he was wrecked). He walked in, heard the horn blowing all by itself, said "Ohh... My... GOD!!!", turned around, and ran out of the room. I still remember that stoner quite fondly.

When I was in junior high school, I used to like to put spitballs and pour salt down the pants of the guys sitting in front of me as they leaned forward in their seats (creating a bit of a gap between the top of their pants and their backs). That was a lot of fun.

01 Dec 04 - 02:47 PM (#1344630)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: darkriver

Bill D, your July 99 posting about the midget--

it's a short short story. I forget the name, but it's in the form of one person's court testimony, and it tells the story you mentioned.
A chilling tale of ingratitude.

I've enjoyed reading these. What a great bunch of folks.
I was always "a good boy" although, now that I look back on it, it was from fear, since I was also inwardly quite rebellious.



01 Dec 04 - 03:42 PM (#1344681)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: CarolC

Oh, how ironic. I just read Bill D's circus midget story. The name of the stoner who was traumatized in my story was Richard Midgett.

01 Dec 04 - 03:43 PM (#1344683)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: Once Famous

Which one should I relate?


The prank of the burning dogshit.

On Halloween night, we would fill a paper bag full of dog shit from someone's yard and put it on someone's door step. We would lite the bag on fire, ring the doorbell, and run away. Most who answered the door would stomp on the bag to put out the fire.........

01 Dec 04 - 03:51 PM (#1344689)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: mack/misophist

The college I went to had small pillows on the dorm beds. If you were very, very careful - and knew the technique - you could put a condom full of water in the pillow case and put it back on the bed. Then there's the fact that it takes about 10 minutes for a condom placed over a light bulb to melt and stink.

01 Dec 04 - 04:29 PM (#1344728)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: HuwG

I heard about but didn't see this variant on the "car on top of the outbuilding" stunts.

Sheil Barracks in Verden in West Germany (as it then was) was home in 1980 to the British 1st Armoured Division HQ and Signal Regiment. There was some mutual aggravation between the (British) Commandant of the town and barracks, and the officers of the units who lived there.

The Commandant issued an order that officers' vehicles (whether private or official) were not to use the main parking area, as this was required as a helicopter landing pad. This caused much inconvenience. However, he made a point of leaving his official vehicle, a black Ford Escort estate there, to show that he was not bound by his own orders.

The officers of the Signals Regiment clubbed together, and went to local scrapyards where they purchased various wings and panels and windows off wrecked Escorts. (A right-hand drive version of the Escort was manufactured in Germany, so there were plenty of these in the knackers' yards.)

When they had accumulated enough body parts to make a complete Escort shell, they painted them black and went out at night and pushed the Commandant's Escort out of sight. They then assembled their dummy Escort around a straw bale, securing the various parts with twists of baling wire. Add plenty of petrol, light the blue touch paper and retire. Then telephone the Commandant, and say "Sir, you'd better get down to the parade ground. There's something you ought to see."

The Commandant arrived bleary-eyed on the parade ground to see what appeared to be his official vehicle ablaze, while Royal Signals officers toasted bread and sausages on the pyre.

01 Dec 04 - 04:42 PM (#1344738)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: Jeri

I'd forgotten about this. I was on a military installation with two guys from my unit at another installation. We were taking a class, and I'd driven there, so I gave them both rides every morning in my rather tiny Honda Civic. One morning, I came out to find the guys had gotten there early, picked it up and set it down sideways between two other cars.

This would have been a great practical joke and I would have been really pissed off, except for one minor detail: these geniuses expected a ride. I said "Oh well, we can take the bus," and they said "Crap..." and re-aligned the car.

01 Dec 04 - 05:26 PM (#1344768)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: Bill D

about the midget story...I was not sure where I heard it, but it at least makes my point about the need to carefully assess pranks before the fact.

and cars....oh, yes....when I was about 17, working at a grocery store, one guy had a BIG yellow Buick convertable. He had a habit of pulling pranks on others, the infamous 'potato in the tailpipe in freezing weather'... so one day when he was parked way out in the corner of the lot, several others jacked up the rear of his yellow barge, put blocks under the rear axel just high enough to make the rear wheels clear the ground...maybe ¼ inch...and balanced delicately. He came out, got in, started the engine, put it in gear and....nothing...wheels humming, but no moving. He put it in reverse, raced the engine, put it back in drive and the torque shifted the weight so that it came OFF the blocks and jumped 15-20 feet before he could brake....Wouldn't you know...he whined!

01 Dec 04 - 06:14 PM (#1344805)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: Rapparee

Boy Scout Camp, 1962, and I'm on the staff.

Hank shot a black powder rifle, and had decided to make his own gunpowder for it from the old saltpeter, sulphur & charcoal recipe. Well, it worked right enough, but it was very, very, very dirty in burning, so Hank went back to the store bought stuff.

Still, he had a quart of the homebrewed stuff. Naturally, he took it to Boy Scout Camp where he, too, was on the staff that summer.

Now, the latrines were, well, two holers with a nice metal trough for a urinal. Concrete block in construction, they were vented around the top edge with screening to take the edge off the pervasive odor.

So Hank and couple of other guys (all of whom shall remain nameless) poured the quart of black powder into the urinal trough and ran two wires from the trough out to an old crank-type magneto. The three guys then retired to await a visitor to the latrine.

Along comes a young Tenderfoot scout, looking like a cross between a stereotypical birdwatcher and a gawky colt. His luncheon of beans and franks had obviously grabbed him in most disquieting way, and he was unbuckling the Boy Scout Belt that held up his Boy Scout Shorts as he opened the door.

Pause for 20 seconds.


A sudden FUFF!! from inside the latrine and a cloud of grayish smoke filters from the screening just below the roof, achieving a very nice mushroom cloud effect.

The Tenderfoot stumbles out the door, his Boy Scout Shorts around his Boy Scout Knee Socks, saying repeatedly, "The latrine blew up!"

Three staff members quickly gather in about 50 feet of wire and make for the hills....

01 Dec 04 - 11:05 PM (#1345040)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: mack/misophist

A San Francisco cable car gripman told me this one. In the old days, management hired people to ride around and check whether the conductors were turning in all the fares they collected. There was one man who was cheating rather blatantly. He used the money to customize a Cadillac convertable with every accessory he could possibly squeeze on. Management found out about it and waited till the day the car was finished. Then they fired him. Management had more class 50 years ago.

01 Dec 04 - 11:14 PM (#1345051)
Subject: RE: Come you pranksters, fess up!
From: Rapparee

Anyone know what happens when you're going 50 or 60 mph in a military deuce-and-a-half (Marine 6-by) and you turn the engine off, and then flip it back on? I do -- it sounds like shotgun going off, and it REALLY disconcerts passing motorcyclists, smart-asses in convertibles, and other such folks.