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BS: My Mom's time has come!

10 Nov 09 - 07:15 AM (#2763328)
Subject: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: 3refs

With all I've been through in my life, now comes the hardest decision. My Mother has been hospitalized since Sept 30, turned 93 in October, and today I go for a meeting with the Doc's to take her off all life preserving medications because the cancer is so advanced. I'd sooner be back in jail!

10 Nov 09 - 07:22 AM (#2763336)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: catspaw49

Sorry but if you love her and remember all the things she did for you, just take this as doing the best for her as you should.

It just ain't easy..............and for what its worth, you have my very best thoughts coming your way and whatever tiny support that it may be worth,

Much Love to you and all who support you........and to your Mom for an easy passing.


10 Nov 09 - 08:07 AM (#2763356)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: John on the Sunset Coast

My condolences to you. You must make the hardest decision of your life. But you do her no favor by allowing her to remain as she is. Please celebrate her life, say good-bye in the best way you can, and give her release, if she cannot make that decision for herself.

You will miss her terribly, but you will have all the wonderful memories of your life with her, and I pray they will sustain you.

Like 'spaw, I wish you the very best, and a better place for your mother.


10 Nov 09 - 08:09 AM (#2763357)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: Hawker

Holding your hand and reassuring you that whatever you decide is the best decision for you and your mom. Sometimes we remove the suffering from a pet and know that it is right, but when it is your own mother, it is a harder decision to make. Sometimes the greatest way to show you love someone is to let them go. Hugs to you and yours. be strong. xx

10 Nov 09 - 08:14 AM (#2763360)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!

This is truly the hardest thing you will ever have to do. I feel so sad for you. Have courage and remember the good times - you are freeing her from pain, something no doctor can do. Good luck. My thoughts are with you. xx

10 Nov 09 - 08:47 AM (#2763373)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: LilyFestre

I wish I had some words that would make today easier for you. You'll be in my prayers.


10 Nov 09 - 08:57 AM (#2763381)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!

I am sorry. Stay strong and do what you know is right for her.

10 Nov 09 - 09:00 AM (#2763384)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: Wesley S

I'll be thinking of you too. It's a tough decision to make but you'll do the right thing.

10 Nov 09 - 09:05 AM (#2763386)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: Catherine Jayne

Thinking of you.



10 Nov 09 - 09:15 AM (#2763392)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: wysiwyg



10 Nov 09 - 09:32 AM (#2763402)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: Rapparee

You're telling her that she can move on, that she's done all she can for you. It's tough, I know.

10 Nov 09 - 09:44 AM (#2763410)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: gnu

Thoughts and prayers.

10 Nov 09 - 10:22 AM (#2763430)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: Janie

Thinking of you and your family, 3refs.



10 Nov 09 - 10:57 AM (#2763457)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: open mike

wishing you the strength to do what must be done, and the energy to
make the right decision. I hope the doctor is able to offer wisdom
and compassion in this difficult moment.

10 Nov 09 - 11:00 AM (#2763459)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: Ebbie

You have had her all your life and you know what? You will never lose her. Bless you both.


10 Nov 09 - 11:29 AM (#2763482)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: KT

Right, Ebbie!

All the best to you 3refs, as you walk this part of the journey. Will be thinking of you ~

10 Nov 09 - 11:35 AM (#2763485)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: GUEST,Skivee, From a Friend's Comp

Thinking of you and your mom

10 Nov 09 - 11:37 AM (#2763487)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: Bobert

So sorry, refs...

My mom is pushing 91 and it's easy to say, "Well, she has had a long fruitfull life" but its going to be ver hard when she passes...

Say "Hey" to her from this old hillbilly, will ya, and let her know that she is in my thoughts...


10 Nov 09 - 11:47 AM (#2763496)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: Tinker

Sending off blessings and light to you both as you continue on your journey. As the path forks and your journeys meander in differing directions, take strength from the times when you shared your best with each other and know that those times have brought you both to exactly where you are meant to be right now.

Loving care and cyber hugs


10 Nov 09 - 11:52 AM (#2763499)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: eddie1

Hi refs
Can't add much to what folks have already said but I've already told my daughter that if the only way to keep me alive is artificially, it means I don't have any meaningful life left and to let me go while I still have some dignity.

Thinking of you mate!


10 Nov 09 - 12:04 PM (#2763510)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: katlaughing

I cannot think of a greater blessing for a loved one than to have someone compassionate and loving, such as yourself, to assist in that final release. I wish I had been there to do that for my dad. Lots of hugs and thoughts of calm peace and knowing what is the right thing to do for the highest good of all concerned...please come back when you need us and let us know how we can help.

In Peace Profound,


10 Nov 09 - 01:31 PM (#2763576)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: Dorothy Parshall

Some may be interested in reading this journal kept by a friend of mine whose partner died on Halloween. Lynn stopped eating, then stopped drinking in order to hasten her passage "through the veil". A deeply spiritual woman, she did not fear death but, having done her very best to stay healthy, she reached the point of believing death was the preferred option. With the support of dear friends, she was able to make the transition with the same grace as she had lived a beautiful life.

A second friend is now posting on caring bridge as he, at 83, chooses not to fight the lung cancer diagnosed last month.
"The biggest part for me is the opportunity for an end-of-life celebration with family and friends. Just as I spent last year planning that wonderful Hill Island adventure with family and kayaking buddies, I will be looking for ideas and partners to celebrate a wonderful life, particularly with youse guys."

So many good posts on this thread. My dear friend (95) who died very suddenly in September, told us a few minutes earlier that "my Dorothy is here" - his wife who had died a year earlier. Perhaps she was there for him.

10 Nov 09 - 01:33 PM (#2763579)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: Dorothy Parshall

PS: I am grateful that my son has agreed to let me go when I say it is time. That is a gift he will give me.

10 Nov 09 - 02:11 PM (#2763606)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: Charley Noble

3 refs-

I would do the same for my parents if either were in that condition (and a doctor were in agreement).

My sympathies and condolences.

Charley Noble

10 Nov 09 - 02:45 PM (#2763623)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: VirginiaTam

Dear 3refs

I am so terribly sorry for your pain and your mother's.

Please try to make the last days as comfortable and as full of happy memories as you can. Surround her with light. Sit with her, remember out loud together, the stories of your childhood. Thank her again and again for the amazing things she has taught you, the life she provided you. Promise that if its meant to be that you will find each other again.

My thoughts are with you.


10 Nov 09 - 02:47 PM (#2763624)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: GUEST,number 6

you have my sympathies and prayers.

It's a hard decision to make .... whew.


10 Nov 09 - 04:08 PM (#2763689)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: GUEST,olddude

I am so sorry to read this, very sorry , you have my deepest sympathies always


10 Nov 09 - 05:30 PM (#2763742)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: Beer

This is really tough man. We lost Mum in 2007 with similar circumstances. Its not easy. My thoughts are with you.

10 Nov 09 - 06:27 PM (#2763783)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: 3refs

You find strength in the most unusual places!

I suspect that I'll never have the good fortune to meet any of you in person. I want you all to know that your words of kindness, and the guidance you've provided, are immeasurable!

God bless you all!

10 Nov 09 - 06:35 PM (#2763788)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: Joybell

My thoughts too, as you prepare to give your Mom the ulimate gift.

10 Nov 09 - 07:18 PM (#2763811)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: EBarnacle

If her mental status is at a point where she is in no condition to participate in the decision, she has already told you what needs doing. It is difficult but there is no point in continuing this sort of existence.

11 Nov 09 - 01:01 AM (#2763916)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: Gweltas

You are in my thoughts and prayers.

11 Nov 09 - 03:03 AM (#2763936)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: Hawker

Still holding you in my thoughts.x

11 Nov 09 - 06:56 AM (#2764036)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: folk1e

I lost my dad to cancer, even got to hold his hand when he went!
I also lost my wife this year so I can appreciate your situation.
The only positive thing I can sugest is that if the situation were reversed, what would you want to happen? Do not feel guilty, you are almost certainly preventing further suffering! What greater gift can you give?

11 Nov 09 - 10:18 AM (#2764123)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: Maryrrf

Add me to the list of those who send my concern and encouragement at this difficult time. I concur with those who have said that, to assist a loved one on their final journey, so that they may leave this plane of existence with dignity, is a privilege and honor. Whatever the case, I hope your mother's passing is gentle and peaceful.

11 Nov 09 - 10:26 AM (#2764128)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: maeve

3refs- A family member had to make that choice for his much loved wife. It was hellish for him but it was what he had promised her.

May you and your mother be surrounded by loving kindness.

11 Nov 09 - 11:51 AM (#2764185)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: jacqui.c

So sorry my friend.

I agree with what has been said before - if there is no quality of life then the most loving thing you can do is to help your mother to pass as easily and with as much grace as possible.

It's clear that she was a good mother to you and was there when you needed her for the whole of your life. Now's the time for you to return that love.

Good thoughts coming from Maine.

11 Nov 09 - 01:59 PM (#2764249)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: vectis

I had to make this same decision for my Dad a couple of years ago and let him go.

Don't waste a single second of the time you have left or leave a question unasked (if she can still answer it) or you will regret it.
Blessings and all hopes for an easy and early end to her suffering.

11 Nov 09 - 03:51 PM (#2764326)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: fat B****rd

My very best thoughts and kind regards to you at this sad time
Charles in Dunfermline

11 Nov 09 - 04:01 PM (#2764330)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: gnu

3.... some advice to consider...

Hold her hand, tell her how much you love her, thank her for everything.. and tell her this... you will be okay.

11 Nov 09 - 04:45 PM (#2764357)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

Your Mum is very lucky to have a child like you.

Being able to be with someone when they pass on is an absolute gift, and that is a gift on both sides...I held my Dad's hand as he died..and I saw how at peace he was instantly he'd passed on to the next phase of his 'life'...

It's right, somehow....being there with your Mum as she starts the next part of her journey, just as she was there with you when you started on your journey into this world.

She'll never be far away from you, always close by...always connected in that circle of life that binds each and every one of us to those we love so much. Just give her a kiss, tell her you love and then...let her fly...and let her fly knowing that there will be other arms to instantly hold her through her next journey, and she will never be alone.

And this thread illustrates the Real Beauty that is Mudcat.

Love and Peace to you, fellow Mudcatter, and I know that your Mum will be just fine, so don't you worry too much.

Lizzie x

11 Nov 09 - 05:14 PM (#2764389)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: open mike

there was a beautiful passage in a book by Aldous Huxley called
Island...where an adult "child" was with their mother at the end
of her life...

the main thing i remember about this is that the character was
holding their mother's hand telling her it was ok to let go..
to go towards the light she was seeing..

this was something that i recalled when attending my own mothers' last days...letting her know that it was ok to let go...she had
been holding on for so many days...

the passing is often difficult for the one who is
"going" as well as for those of us who are "staying"

I read this passage in the car decades before, while the
family was on the way to my grandmother's funeral..
it brought me great relief.

best of passages to you...and to your mom.

11 Nov 09 - 05:26 PM (#2764399)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: skarpi

All the best to you 3refs.
this is way we all go , nothing is forever unless
we go somewhere else after this life into the next one .

we all have our path to go .

All the best Skarpi Iceland

11 Nov 09 - 05:32 PM (#2764403)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: Lox

How horrifically painful.

You have my deepest understanding.

11 Nov 09 - 07:03 PM (#2764453)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: Stilly River Sage

My heart goes out to you--no matter their age, it is never easy losing a parent. But she has been so fortunate--think of her pain if you had died before her. Things are in their proper order. Hold her hand, tell her you love her, tell her you will be okay. Even if you aren't sure if she can hear you, tell her this, because I'm sure she can hear you, in her heart, if not through her ears.

Take care, stay healthy, be well.


11 Nov 09 - 08:34 PM (#2764494)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: Amergin

God that is awful....I hope I never have to go through's tough enough making the decision for a pet...

That being said sometimes the best decisions are the hardest ones to make...

12 Nov 09 - 02:45 AM (#2764587)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: VirginiaTam

Lizzie - It's right, somehow....being there with your Mum as she starts the next part of her journey, just as she was there with you when you started on your journey into this world.

Brought tears to my eyes.

Still here with you 3Refs. Yes I make repeat visits to these threads. Don't always leave a message. Just a ritual of directing my thoughts to those in need.

12 Nov 09 - 09:55 AM (#2764749)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: jacqui.c

Still here with you 3Refs. Yes I make repeat visits to these threads. Don't always leave a message. Just a ritual of directing my thoughts to those in need.

Nicely put VT - I do the same.

12 Nov 09 - 04:55 PM (#2765049)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: gnu

Me too.

12 Nov 09 - 05:48 PM (#2765080)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: Janie

And me four, 3refs.

I check in at least once daily, and continue to hold you and your mother to the light.


12 Nov 09 - 08:44 PM (#2765151)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: Tinker

Remember that we all stand here with you.... day and night.... watching and wating in community


12 Nov 09 - 10:09 PM (#2765186)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: maeve

Another one here.


13 Nov 09 - 02:49 PM (#2765467)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: VirginiaTam

I'd like to say, that if ever I am in the position 3Refs Mom is, I hope the one I love who has to make the tough decision to take me off meds, life support, whatever, will do just that.

I will need him/her to be strong for me, if I cannot answer for myself.

14 Nov 09 - 02:03 PM (#2766033)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!

3Refs, sorry to hear about your Mom and the decision you are left with. We had to make the same decision with my mother-in-law. I wish I had learned something from the experience to tell you that would make your path easier. I didn't. But at least know that you are not the only one who has had to walk that path. God bless.
- Phil

14 Nov 09 - 02:16 PM (#2766042)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: Crow Sister (off with the fairies)

Good luck man, and best wishes.

I lost my Mum last year, but remembering that her very blood, life-force - and all the years of learning from her example, remained in 'flesh and blood' within *me*, reminded me on the day she died that I very literally, I would never be separated from her - even in death.

You'll find the strength you need to make the choices you need to make, *from* those tough times that you've been through before... x

14 Nov 09 - 04:24 PM (#2766114)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: sing4peace

You are in our thoughts, our prayers as we wish you peace of heart and the comfort of knowing you are standing in the Light of compassion.

In sympathy,

17 Nov 09 - 10:48 AM (#2767748)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: 3refs

Things I wish I could say now!

17 Nov 09 - 07:01 PM (#2768063)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: Hollowfox

Somehow I thought I'd posted to this back on the tenth. 3refs, a $#@!-reduction candle series has been going for you and your mother since this thread started. It's to help things go as smoothly as possible, you know, and keep the $#@! to a minimum. My heart goes out to you both.

17 Nov 09 - 07:16 PM (#2768070)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: Tig


I wished we had been allowed to make this choice after my mum had her stroke. She suffered for another 2 years being 'peg fed', unable to talk or move.

Your mum has had a good, long life this time and hard though it is making this decision has been part of your 'learning' this time round.
Hug her and tell her how much you love her. She'll always be there for you in your mind if not in body.

Lots of love, hugs and bright blessings
Tig xxxx

25 Nov 09 - 07:35 PM (#2773793)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: 3refs

My Mom passed away this morning at 10:00am.

Thanks for all your support!


25 Nov 09 - 07:36 PM (#2773796)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: wysiwyg

RWR, you have been much on my mind and in my prayers.

(((your family)))


25 Nov 09 - 08:17 PM (#2773823)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: Ebbie


25 Nov 09 - 08:22 PM (#2773826)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: maeve

Thinking of you tonight.


25 Nov 09 - 08:33 PM (#2773832)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: frogprince

"We gather together, to ask the Lord's blessing"

25 Nov 09 - 08:50 PM (#2773835)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: LilyFestre

Peace for all of you.



25 Nov 09 - 09:07 PM (#2773839)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: Janie

Thank you 3refs, for allowing us to share in this process with you.

Holding you and all who loved your mother to the Light.


25 Nov 09 - 09:17 PM (#2773843)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: Leadfingers

Commisserations !!!

25 Nov 09 - 11:07 PM (#2773866)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: EBarnacle

As one who has lost several relatives over the years withing a few days of the same holiday, the only advice I can give you right now is to do you best not to tie the holiday to your loss. What is, is.

26 Nov 09 - 12:32 AM (#2773884)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!

Your Mum is at peace and beyond suffering now. May God comfort you and console you and her other loved ones. You are (and have been) in my thoughts and prayers. (((((((((((BIG HUG))))))))))))

26 Nov 09 - 05:47 AM (#2773964)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: gnu

Thoughts and prayers to you and your family.

26 Nov 09 - 08:19 AM (#2774026)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: Mooh

You and yours have our hopes and prayers.

Peace, Mooh.

26 Nov 09 - 11:40 AM (#2774162)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: jacqui.c

Condolences to you and your family.

26 Nov 09 - 03:12 PM (#2774346)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: VirginiaTam


You are in my thoughts. I know you will miss her and will wish it could have been different, time longer, suffering less.

Try to focus (I know from experience this is very hard) on the past joys and the fact that she is not suffering now.

She would want that, wouldn't she?


26 Nov 09 - 04:21 PM (#2774396)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: maire-aine

Please accept my deepest condolences.


26 Nov 09 - 05:38 PM (#2774454)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: vectis

Whilst you will be grieving for your Mum just remember that nothing can ever hurt her again.

26 Nov 09 - 07:36 PM (#2774525)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!

So sorry for your loss and so glad she is at peace. You remain in my thoughts and prayers.

26 Nov 09 - 08:52 PM (#2774578)
Subject: RE: BS: My Mom's time has come!
From: Sandy Mc Lean

My deepest sympathy!