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BS: The mither of all BS threads

29 Nov 09 - 06:24 PM (#2776334)
Subject: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Little Hawk

All richt. Ye cannae post here onless ye post in Scots dialect. If it's nae Scottish, it's crap!

29 Nov 09 - 06:33 PM (#2776342)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Amos

Ye're daft, an' need a guid skelpin.


29 Nov 09 - 06:47 PM (#2776349)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Ed T

Wee hawk disnae soond loch a true scottish clan nam tae me.

29 Nov 09 - 06:50 PM (#2776351)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Ed T

Ur ye a campbeel ur a clan donald? catholic ur hin...Wee hawk?

29 Nov 09 - 06:51 PM (#2776352)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Dave MacKenzie

Aiblins his mither wis fae Scoatlan an his faither wis fremit.

29 Nov 09 - 07:54 PM (#2776384)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Rapparee

Fiddle dee dee, ya wee blatherskite. Postin' in the language of the sassenach and claimin' it's Scots!

(Mind you, historically "Scot" meant "Irish" and vice-versa and the two were inseparable. But that wouldna bother a Canuck.)

29 Nov 09 - 08:45 PM (#2776410)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Janie

I'm contacting the ACLU. I'm being discriminated against cuz me folks crossed the pond so long ago all we speak now is hillbilly.

29 Nov 09 - 08:46 PM (#2776411)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: GUEST,confused Brit

mither - To make an unnecessary fuss, moan, bother.
          To pester or irritate someone.   
seems to make more sense to translate the thread title in this meaning rather than the dialect of the north of England and Scotland :)

*Postin' in the language of the sassenach and claimin' it's Scots!*

to skelp meaning to slap is an old English word btw!

29 Nov 09 - 08:48 PM (#2776412)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Ed T

Wee haw, Ur ye a highlander, a lowlander ur a celt frae cape breton. Do ye hae hair under yer kilt, ur ur ye a yoong fellaw?

29 Nov 09 - 08:49 PM (#2776414)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Steve Shaw

Eyup, yer mardarses...

29 Nov 09 - 09:13 PM (#2776421)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Amos

HAwkster is the mardarse.


29 Nov 09 - 09:25 PM (#2776424)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Ed T


29 Nov 09 - 09:30 PM (#2776428)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Ed T

Climate change main make uir scottish weaither better....maybe it will reach 13 C in th' summer.

29 Nov 09 - 09:51 PM (#2776436)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: katlaughing

*Aside* LMAO! good one, Janie! To the rest of ya, Lang may yer lums reek!

29 Nov 09 - 10:01 PM (#2776442)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Little Hawk

Ma mither's people cam frae bonny Scotland an' ma clan is MacGregor.

29 Nov 09 - 10:33 PM (#2776463)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Rapparee


Well, that explains an awful lot about you. Do you know who your father's people were?

29 Nov 09 - 10:47 PM (#2776468)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Little Hawk

Aye, Rapaire. They wis frae Czechoslovakia and they wis all completely daft. Their name wis "Yrtnevoc" wi' a wee daft symbol o'er the final "c" tae mak the "ch" sound. Tae fit in be'ter in England ma fither tairned the surname backwards tae read "Coventry", but the English wis nae fooled by that, sae he cam tae Canada (The True North Strong and Free) tae start afresh in a land where onyone can lairn tae be a grrreat actor or even becam prime minister ane day. (witness: William Shatner's career and Jean Chretien, etc...)

29 Nov 09 - 11:54 PM (#2776487)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Amos

Ye're a rare bawbag wi' a face like a skelpit erse. Awa' an' bile yer haid.

30 Nov 09 - 12:52 AM (#2776508)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Rapparee

If your mother was a MacGregor who went to Coventry, how did you come to be?

30 Nov 09 - 05:33 AM (#2776589)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Dave Hanson

Is that a doughnut or a meringue ?

yer nae wrang laddie, it's a doughnut.

Dave H

30 Nov 09 - 07:46 AM (#2776649)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Ed T

Th' Campbells also pit th' bitts tae th' Macgregors , didne they noo?

30 Nov 09 - 09:57 AM (#2776725)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Ebbie

I'm being discriminated against cuz me folks crossed the pond so long ago all we speak now is hillbilly." lol Great line

30 Nov 09 - 12:16 PM (#2776835)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Little Hawk

Time tae see a wee bit o' Scottish culture...

Taysiders In Space!!!

30 Nov 09 - 05:38 PM (#2777076)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Little Hawk

Here's a grrreat book frae learnin' Scots dialect:

Luath Scots Language Learner

03 Dec 09 - 12:17 PM (#2779680)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Dave MacKenzie

There's some gey unco Lallans scrievit i this thread. Aiblins it's a Sassunachs talkin funny!

03 Dec 09 - 12:19 PM (#2779684)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Little Hawk

Och aye!

03 Dec 09 - 01:08 PM (#2779738)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: VirginiaTam

a'right. I'll do it... but I think yur too white for it

M' name is Angus Iben Ali
Caliph o the tay in old Dundee
I hang me heather in a Bedouin tent
I'm a camel ridin turban wearin lowland gent

Hemmm laddie hemmm laddie

I was cookin up a batch of haggis and fallafel
And I mus' admit tha' it smell's pretty awful
Me old friend Yogi he came alang
and he said "Hey Angus, what's that sang?"

Ayyyeie aaayyeiie yeiie rum tum diddlee idee di do day

In my caftan plaide there hangs to the floor
A scimitar the size of an old claymore
I wave to the lassies as I walk doon the street
and they say, "Hey Angus, Where's your troosers?"

Oh shite, at's the wrong song
I'll just have to play it again

We'll just wait for it to come aroond again on the doombek

Well tha's my song and it's not verrah guid
I only wrote it cause I knew I cuid
I'll sing barradee and I'll pipe till I'm blue
and then I'll play a little bodhran tune

Go Angus, Go Angus, Go Achbar

There is but one God
Bonnie Prince Charlie
And Robbie Burns is his prophet

That is a little song written by Master Effenwealt Whystle

03 Dec 09 - 01:41 PM (#2779792)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: gnu




03 Dec 09 - 01:50 PM (#2779799)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: WalkaboutsVerse

I've wander'd mony a weary fit

03 Dec 09 - 02:07 PM (#2779818)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Little Hawk

Whit a braw sang ye writ, Virginia Tam! I hae a tear in my one guid ee...

03 Dec 09 - 02:19 PM (#2779834)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: WalkaboutsVerse

I forgot, sorry - "Wander'd mony a weary fit" (Burns, Auld Lang Syne).

03 Dec 09 - 03:30 PM (#2779890)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Rapparee

One true Scot, one who drinks nae but the heather's finest, one whose plaid is always laid, one who shows the best of Scotland and a Scots' ancestry, has not yet posted here. I doubt that he can be afraid ta do so, but where, oh where, is the immortal Shame McBride, scion of the Clan McBride, part of the MacDonald Clan Ranald, one who could ask to wear tartan 2144.

03 Dec 09 - 04:22 PM (#2779935)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Dave MacKenzie

Scottish - "in formal contexts stressing national or historical aspects"

skelp    - "smack (specif someone's bottom)"

Concise Scots Dictionary, 1985

03 Dec 09 - 05:22 PM (#2779979)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Little Hawk

I think that Shane is Irish, Rapaire, nae Scottish. It micht be that there wis a distant Scottish connection tae the McBride line. I'll hae tae ask him....

03 Dec 09 - 10:27 PM (#2780180)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Rapparee

The Scots, as I noted before, were historically Irish and vice-versa. Both are languages are goidelic, demonstrating quite it quite clearly. In the same manner, parts of Wales, northern England, and the Isle of Mann are also goidelic (although prior to Scotti it may have had a Brythonic language. Shame's folks probably spoke either Gaulish or, more probably, communicated by a system of grunts and other bodily noises. In any case, I'm certain sure there was ne'er a tilt to his kilt.

03 Dec 09 - 10:31 PM (#2780183)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Little Hawk


Well, ye may be richt, laddie.

03 Dec 09 - 10:37 PM (#2780189)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Amos

The Goidelic languages form one of the two branches of the Insular Celtic languages, the other consisting of the Brythonic languages. They historically formed a dialect continuum stretching from the south of Ireland, through the Isle of Man, to the north of Scotland. There are three modern Goidelic languages, Irish (Gaeilge), Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig), and Manx (Gaelg). These all descended from Primitive Irish through Old Irish and Modern Irish.

The Goidelic branch is also known as Q-Celtic, because Proto-Celtic *kʷ was retained in this branch (later losing its labialisation to become plain [k]), as opposed to the Brythonic branch, where *kʷ became [p]. This sound change is also found in Gaulish, so Brythonic and Gaulish are collectively known as "P-Celtic". In Celtiberian *kʷ is also retained, so the term "Q-Celtic" can be equally applied to it as well, although it is not a Goidelic language, just as Gaulish is not Brythonic.
Early Modern Irish was used as a literary language in Ireland until the 17th century, and its equivalent, Classical Gaelic was used as a literary language in Scotland until the 18th century. Later orthographic divergence has resulted in standardised pluricentric diasystems. Manx orthography, based on English and Welsh, was introduced in 1610 but was never widely used.

(From Rapaire's Confidential Informant)

03 Dec 09 - 10:44 PM (#2780195)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Little Hawk

Very interesting, Amos.

I have not found much trace of those language roots in Shane's speech patterns. I don't think "bolthole" is a Goidelic word, for instance, but I'm not sure about "flip".

03 Dec 09 - 11:16 PM (#2780208)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Rapparee

Flip is a drink, much loved in the US in Colonial times, made from strong beer or ale, sweeting (maple syrup, dried pumpkin, sugar), a gill of rum, and heated with a red-hot loggerhead or poker.

Amos, why do you think I copied that information instead of writing it from my own knowledge? It is true, I suppose, as the poet wrote:

Faghaimse díreach brí chun buaite
Is feidhm id chaíntse a bhrídeach bhuartha.
Feicím, is is dóigh gur dóite an radharc liom,
Síolrach Órfhlaith Mhóire is Mheidhbhe,
An seifteoir caol is an créatúr cladhartha,
An ceisteoir claon is an déirceoir daigheartha,
Sú na táire is tál na coimse
Ag súil le sárfhuil sámh na saoithe.

Ah, well, I take comfort in the Ancient's words:

Am gáeth tar na bhfarraige
Am tuile os chinn maighe
Am dord na daíthbhe
Am damh seacht mbeann
Am drúchtín rotuí ó ngréin
Am an fráich torc
Am seabhac a néad i n-aill
Am ard filidheachta
Am álaine bhláithibh
Am an t-eo fis
Cía an crann agus an theine ag tuitim faire
Cía an dhíamhairina cloch neamh shnaidhite
Am an ríáin gach uile choirceoige
Am an theine far gach uile chnoic
Am an scíath far gach uile chinn
Am an sleagh catha
Am nómá tonnag sírthintaghaív Am úagh gach uile dhóich dhíamaíní
Cía fios aige conara na gréine agus linn na éisce
Cía tionól na rinn aige, ceangladh na farraige,
cor i n-eagar na harda, na haibhne, na túatha.

29 Sep 10 - 09:04 PM (#2996517)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Little Hawk

There's nae been muckle crack here awa newlins. Whit's the matter?

29 Sep 10 - 09:33 PM (#2996532)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Rapparee

Wasn't this originally called "The zither of all BS threads"?

29 Sep 10 - 10:24 PM (#2996552)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Janie

No Rap, I think it was "The dither of all BS threads."

Seems kinda redundant, tho', don't it?

30 Sep 10 - 04:18 AM (#2996619)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: gnomad

My apologies for a non-dialect post, but I feel you specialists might be amused by this YouTube video.

Please carry on, we lurkers enjoy this stuff.

30 Sep 10 - 07:42 AM (#2996720)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Little Hawk

LOL! That's grrrreat!

30 Sep 10 - 09:20 AM (#2996780)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: VirginiaTam

snort... that's great

how aboot

whither all BS threads?

13 Oct 10 - 06:21 PM (#3006394)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Little Hawk

Wha's the cuif noo?

13 Oct 10 - 06:39 PM (#3006408)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Bill D

"Please type slowly and distinctly"

13 Oct 10 - 06:46 PM (#3006413)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Little Hawk

Whit d' ye mean? Ye're nae but an ill-farrant skellum, laddie.

13 Oct 10 - 08:59 PM (#3006494)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Rapparee

Is this one of those "Carry On" films now?

07 Apr 12 - 10:52 PM (#3335224)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Little Hawk

Whaur's ma coo? Ah cannae sleep wi'oot ma coo!

08 Apr 12 - 12:43 AM (#3335239)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: EBarnacle

'Tis wi your blankie!
How is't that Scot came to mean penalty or harm?

08 Apr 12 - 06:52 AM (#3335301)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Rapparee

Ye hae warning, ye blatherskite....

08 Apr 12 - 05:05 PM (#3335478)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Little Hawk

Dinna tak tae me, ye harum-scarum blether.

09 Apr 12 - 10:35 AM (#3335716)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Bill D

right here

(I asked you to "Please type slowly and distinctly"... see what happens when you ignore simple requests?)

09 Apr 12 - 12:32 PM (#3335750)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Amos

Little Hawk is a moral floozy, a blatherskite, and an intellectual round-heeled ne'er-do-well who would go down on a new thread for gumwrappers. He should be deeply and profoundly and enduringly ashamed.


09 Apr 12 - 06:50 PM (#3335976)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Little Hawk

Don't talk to me about shame, Amos. You are the man who goes down to Mexico several times a year for illicit liasons with a female chimpanzee who runs a bordello.

09 Apr 12 - 08:16 PM (#3336005)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Richard Bridge

Will someone please explain to those of us from the UK?

What does this mean?

Is it funny and if so why?

09 Apr 12 - 08:27 PM (#3336014)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Amos


Little Hawk is dramatizing the heretical deviancy in his genes by challenging the arch-supremacy of the MOAB with this skimpy pseudo-Scots wannabe imitation, is all.

26 Apr 16 - 02:30 PM (#3787316)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: keberoxu

but no one has quoted:

ma fither was born a Hebrew
ma fither was born a Jew
ma fither was born a Hebrew
an' Ah'm a Hebrew too

26 Apr 16 - 02:49 PM (#3787320)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Little Hawk

Ye're all daft buggers!

26 Apr 16 - 03:19 PM (#3787326)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Dave the Gnome

Hey, McCloud, get offa my ewe!

26 Apr 16 - 06:32 PM (#3787346)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Ed T

""So tell me what ewe want, what ewe really really want, 
I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna really really really wanna zigazig ha.""

26 Apr 16 - 08:02 PM (#3787360)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Amos

Little Hawk's aspirations have fallen in the mud, and his cheap and slovenly effort to mock the hallowed Mother of All BS have come to naught. He hasn't been able to raise 700 posts! What a slumgullion, round-heeled slacker! He should roll up his tent and slink off into the night like a mackerel shining in the moonlight.

26 Apr 16 - 08:38 PM (#3787368)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Little Hawk

Amos, ye're a wee scabby beastie whit shuid slink off tae yer ane vile lair and nae be troublin' yer betters frea the bonny hills o' Scotland!

26 Apr 16 - 09:52 PM (#3787375)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Rapparee

For this, LH, you should be sent to Coventry.

26 Apr 16 - 10:48 PM (#3787383)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Bill D

Little wat ye wha's coomin...

26 Apr 16 - 10:53 PM (#3787384)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: gnu

From: Dave the Gnome - PM
Date: 26 Apr 16 - 03:19 PM

Hey, McCloud, get offa my ewe!

From: Rapparee - PM
Date: 26 Apr 16 - 09:52 PM

For this, LH, you should be sent to Coventry.

27 Apr 16 - 06:11 AM (#3787413)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Ed T

It's cloud illusions I recall
Ewe really don't know clouds at all

27 Apr 16 - 12:05 PM (#3787462)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Gallus Moll

whaur's a' yon Scots leid noo?

27 Apr 16 - 03:36 PM (#3787497)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: keberoxu

....there's a moose loose aboot this hoose....

27 Apr 16 - 06:01 PM (#3787509)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Ed T

I'm a big brown moose,
I'm a rascally moose,
I'm a moose with a tough, shaggy hide;
and I kick and I prance
in a long-legged dance
with my moose-mama close by my side.

I shrug off the cold
and I sneeze at the wind
and I swivel my ears in the snow;
and I tramp and I tromp
over forest and swamp,
'cause there's nowhere a moose cannot go.

I'm a big brown moose, 
I'm a ravenous moose
as I hunt for the willow and yew;
with a snort and a crunch,
I rip off each bunch,
and I chew and I chew and I chew.

"When together we slump
in a comfortable clump --
my mountainous mama and I --
I give her a nuzzle
of velvety muzzle.
Our frosty breath drifts to the sky.

I'm a big brown moose,
I'm a slumberous moose,
I'm a moose with a warm, snuggly hide;
and I bask in the moon
as the coyotes croon,
with my moose-mama close by my side." 
― Joyce Sidman, Winter Bees & Other Poems of the Cold

27 Apr 16 - 07:11 PM (#3787518)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: keberoxu

by Harry Hagan:

Ah'm a cat, ah'm a cat, ah'm a Glesca cat, an' ma name is Sam the Skull
Ah've got claws in ma paws like a crocodile's jaws, an' a head like a fermer's bull
Ah'm no' the kind o' cat that sat on the mat, or the kind that ye gi'e a hug
Ah'm the kind o' cat that strangles a rat and even the occasional DUG

28 Apr 16 - 08:35 AM (#3787591)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: akenaton


28 Apr 16 - 09:45 AM (#3787600)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Rapparee

I hae not a word ta sae save "Scots Wha hae"!

Albannaich a chail ur fuil
Fo'n laoch Uallas'us fo Bhrus,
Failt' do shuain ur bais an duigh,
No do bhuidhinn stri.

Feuch an latha, so an uair,
Faicaibh gnuis a bhlair fo ghruaim,
Feachd righ Eideard teachd le uaill,
'S geimhlean cruaidhe dhuinn.

Co bhiodh iudasach sa chath,
Co'n uaigh gealtair a bhiodh taisgt',
Co a bhiodh na thraill fo smachd,
Teich gu grad 's na till.

Co as leth tir aird an fhraoich,
Thairneas claidheamh treun na saors',
Le'n fhearr bas na geill' do h-aon,
Thig do'n raon leam fhein.

Le gach truaighe fuaight' ri' daors',
Le cuing thruaillidh cloinn ar gaoil,
Doirteamid ar fuil na taom,
Ach sar shaor bidh sinn.

Sgriosaibh na Sr-foirnidh dhan,
Tuitidh aintighearna 's gach namh,
Anns gach beum tha saors' an aigh,
Buaidh no bas biodh leinn!

Arise ye Scots!!!

28 Apr 16 - 09:58 AM (#3787604)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Rapparee

Ye who claim tae be Scots ...never mind.

28 Apr 16 - 10:07 AM (#3787610)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Rapparee

One of my favorites....

28 Apr 16 - 11:41 AM (#3787620)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Bill D

I can claim Scots ancestry.... Scotts on my mother's side and Murrays, Armstrongs and Bogles on my father's side...........but like many in the U.S., it's a mixed stew, with far more English, 'some' Irish, a bit of French & Dutch....

But my surname comes from Wales originally Morgan Dee is as far back as I can trace the name. (I can go back even further in England)

28 Apr 16 - 05:53 PM (#3787689)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: keberoxu

Apropos the Luath Scots Language Learner, recommended by Little Hawk, post dated 30 November 2009:

both the book, and the compact disc that goes with it, are on my bookshelf.

Since I'm a Yankee, I'll critique them in Yanktalk.

The book anchors itself in the Scots of what used to be Banffshire, don't know what it is called today, and also leans towards Aberdeen. Geographically this orientation in Scotland is to the Northeast. It favors the coast, and the fishermen, of that region.

Well, George MacDonald, the great fantasy author (his writing persuaded C.S. Lewis to attempt fantasy), was an Aberdonian, so there is a literary link to this part of the land. Which reminds me of "Sir Gibbie," which is a cross between Wordsworth and Dickens, and has much dialogue in Braid Scot.


the speakers on the compact disc sound a bit different than the book -- and these speakers are meant to be working from the "scripts" organized into lessons and tutorials inside the book. If you already have Scots in your ear, and previous exposure, then this may not much disturb you; for someone as complete an outsider as I, this is downright jarring. I refer, for example, to the book saying "Whit" while the speaker says "Fit," and "whiles" versus "fylies."

28 Apr 16 - 07:48 PM (#3787704)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Gallus Moll

Rapparee, Ah dinna think Robert Burns spoke or wrote in Gaelic- - Ayrshire Scots and sometimes English -- (Scots Wha Hae)

28 Apr 16 - 07:54 PM (#3787706)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Ed T

Bill D:

Weren't the Murrays Irish? Or, were they transplanted to Ireland in later years?

28 Apr 16 - 09:16 PM (#3787717)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Rapparee

You, too, can learn to insult people in Scots!!!!

01 May 16 - 02:23 AM (#3788040)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Little Hawk

Wha wull be mither tae aw' Scotland?

01 May 16 - 12:33 PM (#3788134)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Bill D

Ed T... my Murrays were Scottish....

Google says the name was used in both countries, but seems to be older and more common in Scotland

01 May 16 - 04:14 PM (#3788172)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: keberoxu

"To the Glasgow people I would say only one word, but that is of gold:
I have not written a book about Glasgow."

--"Edinburgh,"   Robert Louis Stevenson

02 May 16 - 09:10 AM (#3788267)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Rapparee

They are fermin the fower winds:                        
Five grey- stemmed daffodils                                
on the hill abuin Eynhallow                                
that whirlmagig air intil pouer.                        

Aa Simmerdim on Flotta –
a thrummlin column o virr:
the fleerin ee o Sauron lowps
and rages in its touer.

...Sunlicht asklent a green wave
maun be wrocht as an equation:
the Physic mind is mappamouned
whaur aa is swack and sure.

The makar speirs the silence,
raiks the taigle o time-wrack
for signs and kennings, patterns
thrang in his hairst o hours.

            --C. Chimp

02 May 16 - 07:28 PM (#3788334)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: keberoxu

Good for you, you got "makar" in there.

30 Jul 18 - 04:23 PM (#3940484)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Little Hawk

That's grrreat poetry! Wha can gie us mare?

30 Jul 18 - 04:51 PM (#3940492)
Subject: ADD: Bowl Aboot (Alexander Anderson)
From: Kenny B (inactive)

A wee Scottish poem about a domestic argument

By Alexander Anderson

Lang Jock McLean the toozie loon,
Was ken'd an' noted roon' an' roon'
As ane wha couldna let abee
The drink when signboards took his e'e;

But in wid bang wi richt guidwill,
Cryin'"Landlady bring in a gill"
Then if some drouthie frien's cam' in,
The glasses roon' an' roon' wid spin
Till ilka ane began to feel,
His nodddle spinnin' like a wheel,

But Jock is noo fu snod an' douce,
An' never heeds a public hoose,
An' how this cam tae be wrocht oot,
Was simply done by "bowl aboot",

Ae nicht as jock cam fae the toon,
As usual wi' a dizzy croon,
He staucher'd on fu' gruff an' grim
For a' things had gone wrang wi him,

So he resolved tae lay the blame,
O' a' if ever he got safely hame,
On Jean wha sat alane puir body,
Cursin' late hours an' steamin' toddy,

At length she heard him at the sneck
But never jee'd or turned her neck
Then in he cam' wi' ae lang stagger
An' looked roon' him wi a swagger,

Roared oot as he tried tae be steady,
"Jean, where's my supper? get it ready"
But aye she sat upon the stule,
Nor spak' a sentence guid or ill,

Then wi' an oath that wasna made,
For print, Jock tae the dresser gaed,
Took up a bowl an ' turnin' roon',
He heaved it up abune his croon,
An crash! It gaed upon the flair,
In fifty different bits an' mair,

Then Jean as mad as mad could be,
Sprang up sic spitefu' wark tae see,
Ran tae the dresser took anither,
An crashed it doon withoot a swither,
Then turned tae Jock, half skriechin' oot,
"Come on, ye deevil, Bowl aboot"

Then mercy me what wark began-
Bowl after bowl in flinners span,
An' aye as Jock himsel' took ane,
Jean seized its mate an' made it spin,
Baith wrocht as if for life an death,
Not stoppit tae recruit their breath,

But crash an' crash went bowl an' plate,
Till Jock half-ruein' at their fate,
Began to parley for cessation,
O' siccan dreid exclamantion,
"Haud Jean" he cried wi savage broo
"Own that this ploy began wi you,
An' no ither bowl by token,
This nicht between us will be broken,"

"Na faith I, Jock" Jean cried ""Ower lang,
I've listened to the same auld sang,
Hae borne yer bickerin' smash an' talk,
Nor gied ye an ill answer back,

Hae sat up many a weary nicht,
My heart up in my throat wi' fricht,
Thinkin' ye micht fa' ower the brig,
When rains had made the water big,

But come what may be't guid or ill,
This nicht I'll let ye hae yer fill,
So bowl aboot an' see wha's the winner,
Ye guid-fur-naethin' drunkin' sinner,

There's mine" - an' ere he was aware,
Jean smashed her bowl upon the flair
An ' Jock (his peaceful thochts in vain),
Swore an' fell to his wark again,

Till ashets, bowls, broth plates an a',
That looked sae nicely in a raw,
Lay on the flair - a broken harl,
The ruins o a crockery warl,

Next mornin' when Jock rase an saw,
The awful smash he scarce could draw,
His trooser on, but glowered to see't,
Until he nearly cut his feet,

Among the broken skelps that lay,
Like snowflakes on a winter's day,
Then wi' a scairt at his braid croon,
He gied a grum'le an sat doon,
To sup his parritch oot a pot,
For nae hale plate was in the lot,

But just afore he daun'ered oot,
He gied a boast an' turned aboot,
Flung doon his purse upon a chair,
Then pointed to the dresser bare,
Sic action said to Jean fu' plain,
"There, get the dresser fill'd again,"

That nicht when Jock fae wark cam' hame,
The fire shot oot a cheerfu' flame,
As far's the dresser where new delf
Was nicely ranged upon each shelf,

The table sat afore the fire,
An oan it was a' that ane could desire,
An' by it sat Jean a' the while,
Upon her face a cheerfu' smile,

Jock glowered an wonner'd when he saw,
His hoose sae snod, an' trig, an' braw,
At length when he had ate his fill,
He sat but keepit thinkin' still,

Until at last he turned to Jean,
An said, the big tears in his een,
"Wife, I hae thocht an' still I think,
I've been ower lang the fule o' drink,
But here this very nicht I voo,
To be a better man to you,
An leave gill stoops an' a' their mirth,
For purer joys beside the hearth,

For here's my han' t'ye as a proof,"
Jean rase an took his honest loof,
Kiss'd him an' ca'd him John an' grat,
Wi joy that it had come to that,

Blessin' sic was her happy state,
The breakin o' each bowl an' plate,
For plainly it was that brocht on,
The wish'd for happy change in John,

Frae that to this, as far's I've heard,
Jock aye has stick't to his word,
Comes home fu' sober, ticht an' square,
At nicht frae big Drumshauchle fair,

An' Jean since he has left the drappie,
Is noo fu' cheerful bien an' happy,
But aye when Jock prepares to gang,
To fairs an' roups an' sic like thrang,

She snods him up wi' great respeck,
Twines a big gravit roon' his neck,
Convoys him halfway doon the green,
Then wi' a smile aboot her een,
Stops, pu's his beard, an whispers oot-
"Noo Jock keep min' or bowl aboot!"

30 Jul 18 - 11:05 PM (#3940536)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Little Hawk


01 Aug 18 - 06:18 AM (#3940784)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Kenny B (inactive)

Doric is a Scots dialect from the north east ie Aberdeenshire & surrounding areas.
In Doric one complete sentence can contain the same word five timse and make sense to a Doric speaker
Spoken       "Fit fit fit fit fit"
translation "Which shoe fits which foot"

01 Aug 18 - 07:48 AM (#3940800)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Gutcher

"Atweel lassie ye ur aa loesum kimmer en ma fegs ye hae a braw twaesum o paps. It"s aiblins, gin ye wur afeerin, wi cuid forgedder i the yow-trammel fur aa darg o houghmagandy---gin ye wad spier whit aa hud bin troopin tae ye aa wid hae tae souch et intae yir lug".

How to proposition a modern miss without fear of receiving a skelp on the lug.
The name of the chosen one could be substituted for lassie.

01 Aug 18 - 10:16 AM (#3940835)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Little Hawk

Astounding! 'Tis a pi'y that Shane McBride will ne'er succeed in mastering sich dialect.

01 Aug 18 - 11:07 AM (#3940845)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Gutcher

A question LH-----who is Shane McBride?

01 Aug 18 - 11:38 AM (#3940852)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: keberoxu

Mudcatter and neighbor Gutcher,
Shane McBride is a Mudcat Insider.
He is as Inside as you can get.
Shane McBride is so Inside the Mudcat
that I would be no end of surprised
if anyone Outside the Mudcat has an inkling of his existence.

I'm a relative newbie to Mudcat
and I find myself acknowledging Shane McBride
by dodging out of the way whenever
certain Mudcat longtimers
holler that Shane McBride is near.
I've never actually laid eye nor ear on him myself.

01 Aug 18 - 11:54 AM (#3940858)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Little Hawk

Just do a search for "Shane" in the filter box, search "All" past posts, and ye shall find, Gutcher!

To help you out, I have refreshed one of them.

01 Aug 18 - 01:03 PM (#3940872)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Little Hawk

And by the way, there ARE people outside Mudcat who know about Shane McBride. Namely...various of my friends, and quite a few people on Facebook.

Shane, of course, is a legend in his own mind and is convinced that he is known and admired the world over for his many amazing skills, most of which have to do with getting drunk, getting stoned, getting arrested, and harassing the local women in an oafish and unproductive fashion.

Oh, and stealing local vehicles too, specially snowmobiles. Can't forget that!

01 Aug 18 - 09:07 PM (#3940945)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Rapparee

What happened to my posts? Did they rot away or something, like Shame's "equipment" is?

01 Aug 18 - 10:03 PM (#3940948)
Subject: RE: BS: The mither of all BS threads
From: Little Hawk

Too many Dachshunds peed on your posts, year after year, until they finally rotted, fell down, and were gradually broken down by bugs and microbes and became indistinguishable from the surrounding soil. You need to erect some new posts.