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Ray Fisher unwell (Dec 2009)-died 31 Aug 2011

03 Dec 09 - 04:21 AM (#2779270)
Subject: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Wolfhound person

Singer Ray Fisher is in hospital again as a result of complications / after-effects from the surgery she had a few years ago.
She's painfully thin, but the sense of humour is still intact (just) as is the way with words.

Any spare good thoughts Catters may have would be welcome, and I'll try to pass messages on. When I saw her yesterday she was cheerful but obviously in some discomfort. I think it would help her to know that people are rooting for her.


03 Dec 09 - 04:36 AM (#2779281)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Bonnie Shaljean

I sure am rooting for her - I haven't had the joy of seeing Ray for many years now, but I always remember what fun she was, and what a gorgeous voice. As it happens, I am just back from visiting Packie in Donegal, who thinks as highly of Ray as I do and has always spoken of her warmly. I know he would send his best wishes too.

Here's to a speedy recovery, Ray!

Bonnie xx

Packie had an ancient folkie mag lying around his house which I was looking at - and amongst its photos was one of a very young Ray when she was just starting her career.

03 Dec 09 - 04:44 AM (#2779285)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: The Borchester Echo

I had the pleasure of seeing Ray sing a year or so ago, outwardly fully recovered and in as marvellous form as ever. I'm sending every good wish and fervent hope that this setback is a mere blip and that she'll be back performing soon.

03 Dec 09 - 04:47 AM (#2779288)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Joe Offer

All I know of Ray is her recordings, but oh, they're wonderful. I hope she knows how much she's appreciated.

03 Dec 09 - 04:52 AM (#2779292)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Ruth Archer

Diane - was that at the Bert Lloyd event at Cecil Sharp House? I saw her sing there with Desi Stefanova of the London Bulgarian Choir - it was the highlight of the evening for me.

03 Dec 09 - 04:53 AM (#2779293)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Ruth Archer

I should have added: best wishes to Ray and here's hoping for a quick recovery.

03 Dec 09 - 05:06 AM (#2779299)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: peregrina

It was wonderful to hear Ray at Whitby last summer--sending all good wishes

03 Dec 09 - 05:06 AM (#2779300)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Folkiedave

And I was lucky enough to hear her at Whitby. She was wonderful. Speedy recovery Ray.

03 Dec 09 - 05:36 AM (#2779318)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: John MacKenzie

Ray, you must know how much you are loved by us all, and I'm sure all that affection will carry you through this wee hiccup.
I too had the pleasure of meeting up with you again at Whitby over the last two years, and I look forward to meeting up again in 2010.
Frae yin Glaswegian tae anither, awra best hen.

Lang may yer lum reek.

John MacKenzie

03 Dec 09 - 05:56 AM (#2779332)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Dave Sutherland

Best Wishes to Ray; it has been far too long since I last saw and heard her.

03 Dec 09 - 05:58 AM (#2779335)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Dave Hanson

I saw Ray and Colin at Ripponden Folk Club a few years ago, she was on top form [ as was Colin Ross ]

Best wishes, Dave H

03 Dec 09 - 06:11 AM (#2779342)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Jim McLean

We go back a long way so please give her my regards and wishes for a speedy recovery.

03 Dec 09 - 06:29 AM (#2779351)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Jack Blandiver

Ray remains one of my heroes & inspirations; back in the eighties she sang up a storm every week at The Bridge and always had a wry twinkle in her eye at our own wayward endeavours. Her records are too few for so outstanding a genius; & I remember sharing a few happy words when she had her wool stall in Tynemouth flee-market...

Good thoughts, Ray - and best wishes - for auld lang syne & the future to come!


03 Dec 09 - 07:03 AM (#2779372)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: GUEST,Ken Wilson

We were talking to Ray a couple of months ago still maintaining her great sense of humour, and remembering some great late night sessions, one of which I seem to recall Ray dancing on the tables in a bar at Redditch festival.

Ray's a battler and I'm sure she'll see this latest setback off!

Best wishes Ray from the Wilson Family.

Ken & Chris.

03 Dec 09 - 07:18 AM (#2779385)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Brian Peters

Please pass on my best wishes to Ray as well. I haven't seen her for some time, but I remember a good evening and a lot of laughs when she played our local folk club in the 1990s and cleaned us out of malt whiskey (with a bit of help from me, it must be admitted).

Ray Fisher will always come top of my 'female singers' list and very likely my 'any singers' list, too. She can weave incomparable magic with the great ballads, but also make what in other hands could be a throwaway song into something profoundly moving.

Hope I get the chance to hear you sing sometime soon, Ray.

03 Dec 09 - 09:05 AM (#2779486)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Silas

Well, I do wish her well. I have not seen her since the old Bromyard days when Cilla and Ray all performed together - great times.

03 Dec 09 - 09:07 AM (#2779488)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Silas

Sorry, I meant Cilla Ray and Archie!

03 Dec 09 - 09:14 AM (#2779494)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: GUEST,Derek Schofield

a great singer who has never, in recent years, got the recognition that her talents deserve. She was on top form a year ago at the 50th anniversary celebrations at the Bridge in Newcastle (when she and husband Colin - and Louis Killen - also received the EFDSS Gold Badge) ... great singing and full of her usual fun and jokey comments.
get well soon Ray!

03 Dec 09 - 09:55 AM (#2779522)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: GUEST,Andymac

As a relative latecomer to the folk scene, I never thought much of Ray at first as I'd heard no more than 1 or 2 songs from recordings others had played for me. Then I saw her judging at a small festival in the Scottish Borders, then again at a concert with Cilla and Archie and since then I've gone on to buy every one of her recordings I could find.
She's a one-off, as Brian says: she's got a way with the big ballads but can also effortlessly switch from profoundly moving to hilarious within the space of an intro to a song.

I agree with many of the other posters in that she's been criminally under-appreciated, especially by the high-flying youngsters. Get better soon Ray, I haven't seen you anything like often enough yet...


03 Dec 09 - 10:28 AM (#2779556)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Vic Smith

One of the all time greats with a voice to die for and a way of putting over songs that showed that she knew what it was all about.
The stories that she told about life in Glasgow were an absolute hoot!
All best wishes to Ray

03 Dec 09 - 10:37 AM (#2779562)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: RoyH (Burl)

I agree with every word of the above posting fom Vic Smith. Ray is an exceptional artist and human being. Best wishes ffro a speedy recovery my friend.

03 Dec 09 - 10:43 AM (#2779566)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: RoyH (Burl)

Excuse typo. Should read Best wishes FOR a speedy recovery..

03 Dec 09 - 10:53 AM (#2779576)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: GUEST,George Henderson

Haven't seen Rae for many years but I still listen to her recordings. A great, great singer. Get well soon Rae.

03 Dec 09 - 11:00 AM (#2779585)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: GUEST,chris

best wishes and love from Chris and Annie at Swan Folk Loughborough

03 Dec 09 - 11:08 AM (#2779590)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: maeve

Ray was especially kind to me when she, Cilla, and Archie were touring the US several years ago. I especially enjoyed our conversations at The Folkway Coffeehouse and the Iron Horse. I'll send her a note.

Ray- You are one of the reasons I sing in a strong voice. Thank you.

maeve in Maine

03 Dec 09 - 11:17 AM (#2779592)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Anne Lister

Please pass on my very best and warmest wishes to Ray. I haven't seen her for far too long and I'm very sorry to hear that she's unwell.

with love


03 Dec 09 - 11:26 AM (#2779606)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please

I first saw Ray,Cilla and Archie at the Chocolate Church in Brunswick Maine. What a performance! And the story Ray told about getting into a traffic snarl in Boston? or NY and the Irish cop mistook them for Irish, and they went right along with him and got out of the jam! Wonderful! Be well and please come to Maine again.

03 Dec 09 - 12:03 PM (#2779658)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: maeve

Guest- Remember the story about Ray and Cilla's cooperative gear shifting? One to work the shifter and one to work the pedal and steer the car.

"Shift and spin..."

I'll never forget Ray in a lineup of amazing women at the Edinburgh International Folk Festival years ago, performing "I AM Woman: W-O-M-A-N.

And Ray- I still owe you and Cilla a visit to a wild Maine pub with "nightlife".


03 Dec 09 - 12:08 PM (#2779666)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: GUEST,EKanne

So sorry to hear that Ray has had a setback, but she's a fighter, so here's hoping for her improvement soon.
One of my early and treasured memories of her was in the Berkeley Hall in Glasgow around 1960 when she, Archie and the fiddler Bobby Campbell were part of the support for Cisco Houston at a concert put on by Janey and the late Norman Buchan. Cisco did a wonderful set of hard-hitting songs (including Guthrie material that we all sang with him) and brought back Ray etc. for a finale. She just stood at his elbow and gazed up at him in wonderment! (Not that any of the rest of us would have done any different.)
All my best wishes to Ray and family.

03 Dec 09 - 01:30 PM (#2779777)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Little Robyn

Hi Julia,
Please give Ray our love (and Colin too).
Mitch and Robyn in NZ

03 Dec 09 - 01:35 PM (#2779785)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: kendall

That Guest was me, I didn't know I had lost my cookie.

03 Dec 09 - 01:59 PM (#2779810)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Wolfhound person

Thanks for all the messages so far, I'll get them to Ray as soon as I can.


03 Dec 09 - 02:13 PM (#2779825)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Spleen Cringe

Best wishes for a speedy recovery from me. Never met Ray or seen her sing, but The Bonny Birdy is one of the all time most wonderful folk albums ever made.


03 Dec 09 - 02:15 PM (#2779830)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Anglo

Do wish her the best from me too. We had some great times together over the years, particularly one week, a good many years ago, where we co-hosted a session at Pinewoods camp.
John Roberts

03 Dec 09 - 02:20 PM (#2779836)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Surreysinger

Best wishes from me (and from my sister too, who has always been a great fan of Ray's ). It was a joy to see her back in action in the ballad session at Whitby Folk Week this year.
Irene Shettle

03 Dec 09 - 02:42 PM (#2779856)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Herga Kitty

Every best wish from me. Glorious memories of Ray singing and dancing (including at Sidmouth, practising morris in the shelter on the Ham) and relating the embarrassing incident of how she broke her hosts' loo when she guested at Herga....


03 Dec 09 - 03:00 PM (#2779868)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Dan Schatz

She certainly has my good thoughts. Ray is a marvelous musician.


03 Dec 09 - 03:04 PM (#2779869)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Paul Davenport

Much love and best wishes to Ray from us both
Paul & Liz

03 Dec 09 - 04:23 PM (#2779936)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Richard Hardaker

Happy memories of Ray running ceilidhs & judging competitions at Newcastleton festival over the years. I value her encouragement & example for developing myself as a ballad performer.

Best wishes, Richard Hardaker

03 Dec 09 - 04:36 PM (#2779946)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: GUEST,Ken Campbell, Scotland

Ray rightly remains hugely important to Scottish Traditional Music and a great lady as well.

She taught me and many others a lot about singing traditional songs and did me the huge honour of writing the sleeve endorsement on my first solo album. Highly regarded in the USA and further afield as well.

Please convey best wishes to her and Colin for a full and speedy recovery from me and everyone on the Scottish scene.

Ken Campbell

03 Dec 09 - 06:19 PM (#2780021)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: RiGGy

Thank you, Ray for your kindness to me and my fiddlin' partner, John Specker when we landed in Tyneside back in the early 70s. I've had a great appreciation for your music ever since. Feel good, real soon !! Riggy

03 Dec 09 - 08:16 PM (#2780123)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: karen k

Ray, Thinking of you and wishing you well. Fond memories of your singing and songs and fun driving you around Connecticut. Best wishes.

03 Dec 09 - 11:14 PM (#2780207)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: GUEST,Cookieless KathWestra

Thinking of you and sending you all best wishes for a speedy recovery, freedom from pain, and the continued good health of your wonderful sense of humour. Haven't seen you since you and Jo Freya stayed at my house in Silver Spring too many years ago and watched squirrels and cardinals on the deck. We sure laughed a lot in between the songs!
Be well,
Kathy Westra

03 Dec 09 - 11:50 PM (#2780226)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: GUEST,Pat & Frank Scaglione

So sorry to hear that Ray is unwell again. We have fond memories of billeting Ray & Colin at our home in Haumoana, when she toured New Zealand with the Northumbrian Pipers in 2001.
Please pass on our love and good wishes.
Pat & Frank Scaglione
Huamoana,Hawke's Bay
New Zealand

04 Dec 09 - 07:36 AM (#2780392)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: GUEST,Derek Schofield

I alerted Ray and Colin's friend Sheila Miller to Ray being in hospital and she's spoken to Colin. Sheila has asked me to post this message here:

"I phoned Colin last night to find out. It turns out that she wasn't eating, because eating was causing her pain. As a result, she was suffering from malnutrition. It came to a head while they were at her cottage on Barra. Colin got the doctor round (he had to sneak out while she wasn't looking, because she kept telling him not to go for the doctor), and he sent her to hospital. They found out that, as well as the malnutrition, she had pneumonia, and she was there for a couple of weeks, but is now in the North Tyneside Hospital. They tried feeding her through a tube in her nose, but some reason that didn't work (it has worked for her in the past), so they've now put some kind of implant in her abdomen, and have been feeding her through that. She's now quite a bit better, and is the life and soul of the ward, Colin says."

04 Dec 09 - 07:44 AM (#2780395)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: maeve

Derek and Sheila- thank you both very much for the update. Do, please, let Ray know she is loved and respected by so many here. What can we do: Send cards? Music? Funny papers?

Thanks to Colin as well, for making things happen for Ray's well-being. We are grateful.

maeve, in Maine

04 Dec 09 - 08:03 AM (#2780408)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Diva

Ray is a treasure and always supportive of singers. Our paths have crossed many times over the years and its always a joy. Hope you are soon on the mend

Kathy Hobkirk

04 Dec 09 - 12:26 PM (#2780609)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Wolfhound person

Maeve (and anybody else)

Ray is in:

Ward 9
N. Tyneside General Hospital
Rake Lane
NE29 8NH

where she's known as Mrs Ray Ross.

She was only in hospital on Barra for 5 days: Colin brought her home as soon as she was stabilised, but she was admitted to N. Tyneside the next morning.
I've printed out all the messages up till this morning and passed them on. I'll continue to do so with any new ones.

I hope to see her again in a couple of days or so: at present family are staying and I don't want to intrude on their time with her.


04 Dec 09 - 12:48 PM (#2780625)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: maeve

Paws- Thank you very much. I'll send out a card asap. I'm thinking calls to the hospital will NOT be a good idea as it usually becomes a burden for staff and a disturbance for patients.


04 Dec 09 - 02:24 PM (#2780711)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Northerner

She was an inspiration to me when I was a young singer and gave me encouragement. I was lucky enough to see her in Whitby this summer and she was as splendid as ever. I wish her well.

04 Dec 09 - 07:06 PM (#2780954)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: GUEST,Bob Coltman

Ray, get well, we need you and love you. Bob and Amba Coltman

04 Dec 09 - 07:29 PM (#2780972)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Wheatman

Gan Canny Bonny Lass. We are rooting for you in the flat lands. How we remember Ray staying with us when we lived in Stevenage in the 70's and helped to run the club there and how I remember driving her to the singers club in London. Wonderful times. She is one of the finest singer around with oh so much empathy for the music, she just delivers what it needs.

04 Dec 09 - 11:25 PM (#2781056)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: GUEST,David E.

Wanted to let you know that your music is being played today in our home half way across the world in California and that you are in our thoughts and prayers.

David and Dona Evpak

04 Dec 09 - 11:43 PM (#2781058)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: lisa null

Hi Ray:

Many good wishes for your comfort and recovery from this side of the pond. You are certainly in my thoughts.

05 Dec 09 - 03:56 AM (#2781137)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Derby Ram

Please, please get well soon Ray.

Lots of love Keith Kendrick & Sylvia Needham

05 Dec 09 - 04:21 AM (#2781149)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Kevin Sheils

I knew Ray was at Whitby this year but, as is the way with festivals, our paths didn't cross there.

Sending my thoughts and best wishes.

I have great memories of Ray's visits to London over the years, and particularly some memorable late sessions at the National.

05 Dec 09 - 11:01 AM (#2781310)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Wheatman


05 Dec 09 - 11:25 AM (#2781324)
Subject: RE: Happy! - Nov 27 (Ray Fisher)
From: GUEST,Howard Glasser

Still trying to catch up ? --

I know you didn't finish your last year yet --

Our Eisteddfod this year was smashing -- aye -- even without you --

Enoch Kent, Norman Kennedy, Geordie McIntire and Alison McMorland --

Held up your end - kept it going -- did very well --

Someone sent this link along today -- I don't get to this sort of thing myself --

So I hope you see it -- bringing to mind "those good old days that's awa" --

Some in Assonet still ask about you -- "you got it!" --

Have you seen Tim Neat's new book on Hamish -- a nice bit of work --

"Howard, your birth In January, on a Tuesday,
in Brooklyn, NY makes you one of the rare few
able to receive the ancient powers of the Runes.
Magic is already written in your DNA.
The circumstances of your birth suggest that you
are quite probably a direct descendant of a Rune Shaman"...
    So wrote Bethea today --

Ray -- I will do what I can -- Howard

05 Dec 09 - 01:26 PM (#2781412)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: GUEST,Helen Howard

It is a long time now since I last saw you Ray,(we moved to Ireland,) it was at Whitby we sat and chatted about being a bit 'older ladies' with flashy cars,such a laugh! We put it down to being fellow Sagittarians! You are in my prayers, get well soon, also you must be near your birthday too, so Happy Birthday wishes when it comes.
Much Love, Helen

05 Dec 09 - 01:56 PM (#2781436)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Wolfhound person

Ray's birthday was at the end of November and unfortunately she spent it in hospital, but she was deluged in cards & flowers, I believe.

However, I spoke to Colin at lunchtime today and he says that Ray is on a full dose of supplementary feeding (they do it at nights). Their younger son, and daughter & families are around this weekend: if everything is OK on Monday she might come home then or Tuesday, but it'll be a long haul back for her to any sort of normal.

I'll keep supplying updates for as long as folk are interested. Please continue to keep her in your thoughts. It's been tough on Colin as well as he's not in the best of health himself.


05 Dec 09 - 04:31 PM (#2781549)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Folkiedave

Thanks Paws. Keep the stuff coming.

Like Kevin, I have memories of her at the National. At this year's Whitby I saw her twice. On one occasion she sang a spine chilling ballad at the ballad session. It was wonderful.

05 Dec 09 - 08:09 PM (#2781722)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Herga Kitty

On the subject of Ray at the National.... I heard that one year, when I uncharacteristically decided to have an early night, I missed Ray dancing the tango with John K with a rose between her teeth.... or did I just dream that someone told me that...?


05 Dec 09 - 08:34 PM (#2781737)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Susanne (skw)

I never was lucky enough to hear Ray live, but enjoy the recordings I've got. Get well soon, Ray, and start singing again!

06 Dec 09 - 05:29 AM (#2781942)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: GUEST,Ewan McVicar

I have known and loved Ray since she was a jazz singer in a vamp dress in Glasgow 1957 or so, and her big brother made her sing in his new group, telling Norman Buchan he couildn't get a girl singer so he got one of his sisters.
Ray, keep working on it, we need you.

06 Dec 09 - 05:35 AM (#2781945)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Folkiedave

The first time I saw anyone really take the mickey out of folk was at Cleethorpes Festival - one of the very first on the pier.

The highlight of the ceilidh was a woman's rapper team dressed as bunny girls in the full works, fishnets, push-ups and little white fluffy tails.

Ray was the Tommy in fill black evening coat, bow tie,stilettos and so on.

And Kate Atkinson did a tumble.

06 Dec 09 - 07:27 PM (#2782463)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Joe Nicholson

Hi Ray Maureen will bring her big glass to Whitby again full of the usual. Get better soon and we hope to see you there

Love Joe Maureen Nicholson.

07 Dec 09 - 09:18 AM (#2782855)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please

Hi Ray,
Only just saw the thread saying your've been unwell again "silly wumman! Ye need tae eat fur god's sake!" Glad to hear you're back on the mend and givin' in laldy. Lots of love Moira and Malc xx

07 Dec 09 - 10:49 AM (#2782906)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Diva

Very many happy memories of Ray at Newcastleton Festival over a number of years doing the official bits in the judging and then in the late night singarounds upstairs in the Unionist.....with the very out of tune piano..ready girls......ah one ahhh two..ahh three...all sing

Oh the games people play........

and know I know about the tango!!!!!!

07 Dec 09 - 02:34 PM (#2783099)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Wheatman

I remember the bunnies rapper but at the Guild Hall Newcastle for a Northumbrian Pipers do. I was with Sallport then, I think.

07 Dec 09 - 03:07 PM (#2783130)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Folkiedave

I hadn't realised they had done it twice. The little bunnies.

07 Dec 09 - 05:17 PM (#2783258)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: GUEST,Pat Ryan

Hope you're feeling better very soon.
Great to see you at Whitby this year.
Hope you are soon up & about & loooooking for a boooooking.
Lots of love
Pat xx

08 Dec 09 - 04:00 AM (#2783553)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Wolfhound person

I saw Colin last night and he tells me that her feed line insertion has an infection, and I'm not sure whether they can use it. She is beginning to sleep a lot, and is in a great deal of pain.

He is distraught, but is a very private person and is difficult to help effectively, though a few of us are doing our best.

I hope to see Ray again on Weds pm.


08 Dec 09 - 05:17 AM (#2783584)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: GUEST,Andymac


From the earlier news, I was assuming that she was well on the road to recovery. Still..this is just a wee setback. Come on Ray, we're all pulling for you...I'm goign to Whitby for the first time this year and after all the stories above, I hope to see you there.


08 Dec 09 - 05:51 AM (#2783596)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: maeve

Thank you, Paws.

Ray and Colin- You are both in our thoughts and prayers.


08 Dec 09 - 07:19 AM (#2783636)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Dave Hunt

Rae and Archie were probably the first singers I ever met - 48 years ago (1961!)- at Festival Late in Edinburgh - They were instrumental in kindling a passion for traditional music and song that has been the core of my life ever since. So very best wishes Rae
love ands big hugs xxx Dave Hunt (Dr.Sunshine)

08 Dec 09 - 07:36 AM (#2783645)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: maeve

Right: I'm going to spend the next several days listening to Ray's singing on the cds she gave me. I'll find several that speak to me most strongly and learn them by act of friendship, respect, and honor.


08 Dec 09 - 07:49 AM (#2783647)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Folkiedave

They were instrumental in kindling a passion for traditional music and song that has been the core of my life ever since.

There are so many that could say that Dave. Me too.

08 Dec 09 - 02:32 PM (#2783946)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: GUEST,Gordeanna McCulloch

Here's another one you've touched, helped and taught over the years. All my love and best wishes, Ray take it easy and let others take the strain for a change. We're all rooting for you.

08 Dec 09 - 02:35 PM (#2783951)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Pistachio

I've heard so much about Ray and wish I'd seen her at Whitby in the summer. I looked forward to her gig at Foresters Beverley on 30th Nov but we had to 'make do' with John O'Hagan. (A fine substitute)

Very best wishes to all.

08 Dec 09 - 02:54 PM (#2783975)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: GUEST,moira(flying cat)

lots of love and good thoughts heading to you Ray, You know everyone is thinking of you and if we could pool all our love for you into a parcel we'd send it up to help you get better. xx

09 Dec 09 - 12:17 AM (#2784374)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: GUEST,Marie Dufresne

I had the pleasure of hosting Ray & Cilla a number of times at The Chocolate Church in Bath Maine and the last time w/Archie as well.

We never got much sleep but we sure laughed alot !

Best wishes Ray--please get well soon -there is no one who has the perfect sense of a song than you- just knowing your there making everyone laugh makes up for the long time since last we met.

Good,good thoughts.

09 Dec 09 - 12:46 PM (#2784716)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Wolfhound person

I've seen Ray this afternoon, and although she's on antibiotics for pneumonia and the feed line isn't working entirely satisfactorily, she looks a little less thin than last week. She had a *VERY* bad day yesterday, and Colin feared the worst, but she seems to have stabilised for the moment.

I've passed on all the messages to the one above this and the various PM's I've had.

I think we all need to continue keeping fingers crossed / lighting candles / learning songs / applying to pet deities (whatever presses your buttons), and I'm sure she appreciates messages - so if anyone wants to send anything, use the address that's somewhere further up the thread.

She'll be in hospital a while yet even if improvement is steady.


09 Dec 09 - 12:54 PM (#2784719)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: maeve

Paws- Thank you very much for your contacts with Ray and Colin and your generous information posted here. It means a great deal.

They are continually in my thoughts.


09 Dec 09 - 04:04 PM (#2784849)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: GUEST,Enoch Kent..

Dear Ray,
         You'd know it is me if you could hear me... that damned rough Glasgow accent keeps following me around.
Before I heard you were 'no weel' I got a CD from an old Union Man on Vancouver Island British Columbia to remind me of him and the music we'd discussed while I was there.
Now who should appear among his favourites, singing, "Far Over The North ", but yersel'
Absolutely fabulous, so good that I went all sentimental and forgot why I left my homeland.
Then I remembered my description of Glasgow when I was describing my city to Canadians, " it's very wet and has no prospects "
We need you ,so get well,
Love, Enoch

09 Dec 09 - 04:10 PM (#2784851)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Wheatman

not a lot one can add, Dr Sunshine said it all. Gan canny bonny lass we are rooting for you!!!
Brian and Christine

09 Dec 09 - 04:20 PM (#2784864)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: GUEST,john greaves

Poor Ray, its just not fair, we all love and need you.
Hope for a speedy recovery, the world needs cheering up!


09 Dec 09 - 05:55 PM (#2784936)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: GUEST,EKanne

Dear Ray,
Was in touch with a pal from the early days in Glasgow -- Andy Hunter -- and he was most upset to hear what you're going through and asked if I could pass on his best wishes. Like everyone else on this thread, he has fond memories of good singing and some nonsense by the by!
And inevitably we went on to talk about Jeannie Robertson and the impact she had on you both -- good times to hold onto when it gets hard.

Love and best wishes,

10 Dec 09 - 02:47 PM (#2785562)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: GUEST,Steve Dawes & Helen Pitt

We are so sorry to hear that Ray is so unwell.

Her singing has been an inspiration to both of us and she is a very special person. We were unable to get to Whitby festival this year but hope to be there in 2010, and to see Ray performing there!

We send our heartfelt wishes for a speedy recovery.

Helen & Steve

10 Dec 09 - 05:50 PM (#2785710)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: The Sandman

get well soon.

10 Dec 09 - 08:03 PM (#2785797)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Dame Pattie Smith EPNS

Hiya Ray, I've heard you are bad in bed under the doctor with a shawl on. Please get better soon, lots of love from Wales. X Pat

11 Dec 09 - 05:55 PM (#2786448)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Wolfhound person

I saw Ray again this pm and passed on the latest batch of good wishes from this thread - she is quite overcome that everyone has bothered to write in, but is very happy to hear from folk.

Medically the news is mixed - the doctors are treating her pneumonia and another infection, and attempting to supplement her feeding as much as possible. She is awaiting the result of tests done on a suspicious lump found on her liver, but even if this turns out to need attention, nothing can be done whilst she has multiple infections.

Meanwhile she was having a good laugh with her friend Di, who also engineered a call from Cilla F which engendered much amusement.
She's cheerful, but in pain, and the news is not all good.It's a waiting game at present.


11 Dec 09 - 06:13 PM (#2786459)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Gillie

Sending you healing thoughts Ray, hope that you get though all these set backs and yes, laughter and sleep is the best medicine!
Clare (((((((Hugs)))))))

12 Dec 09 - 02:17 AM (#2786684)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: GUEST,Sharyn Staley NZ

Sorry to hear Ray is not well. Thoughts are with her for a quick recovery before Christmas and hope she'll be singing again soon

12 Dec 09 - 04:33 PM (#2787074)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: maeve

Have a good night, Ray and Colin. Your friends and admirers around the world are thinking of you both. We'll be here waiting in the morning light.


13 Dec 09 - 10:43 AM (#2787396)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please

Ray, you were a big part of my introduction to folk clubs in the late '50s-early '60s at The Liberal Club in Newcastle. Your amazing voice has been instantly recognisable on the radio ever since. Typing this in Bardon Mill on my way home from a gig I might not have been doing had it not been for the confidence you inspired in me as a youngster.
Keep laughing Ray - I remember you playing a guitar and singing at The Bridge a good many years ago. Your guitar 'strap' was actually a dressing gown cord with a tassle on each end. As you rocked gently in time to the song, the tassle dipped neatly in and out of someone's whiskey glass, Laurie's I think, slowly emptying it over the table. I never said anything, just enjoyed the sideshow!
Frank Lee.

14 Dec 09 - 11:58 AM (#2788099)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: maeve

Good morning, Ray and Colin. Here in Maine the sun is shining and the snow is melting.

I hope you both experience some sunny times today.


14 Dec 09 - 03:56 PM (#2788295)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Wolfhound person

Ray had a very bad day on Sat. but was better on Sunday, according to Colin at lunchtime today. They're still waiting for the results of tests (this week, hopefully) and the doctors are concentrating on clearing her infections. Her surgeon described her to Colin as "resilient", and is apparently happy with her 'progress'.

It's going to be a very long haul for both of them.


14 Dec 09 - 04:01 PM (#2788299)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: maeve

"Resilient" is good. Thank you, Paws.


15 Dec 09 - 03:25 AM (#2788590)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: GUEST,moira(flyingcat)

Paws, thanks for keeping us all updated. Please keep passing our love and good wishes to Ray and to Colin and the rest of the family. Moira and Malc xx

15 Dec 09 - 04:52 AM (#2788631)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Wolfhound person

100 (my first) and thanks to everyone who has / is contributing. It is helping both of them to know that lots of people are thinking of them.

I've watched Ray read every message when I take the printouts in, and she knows and remembers most of you, and is quite overcome with your kindness.


15 Dec 09 - 06:05 AM (#2788667)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: janemick

Get well soon, Ray. We havent seen you since one of the National folk Festivals some years ago, but we still talk about the hilarious night we had when you came and joined in with the session til the wee small hours. Jane & Pete Mickelborough

15 Dec 09 - 10:05 AM (#2788815)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Brian Peters

Me again.

Hello Ray, I'm still following your progress and hoping you're through the worst now. I saw a mention earlier on of the 'Black Hoose' on Barra, where Margaret and I spent happy times two summers running, many years ago. Happy memories. I understood the 'Mingulay Boat Song' much better after that!

Request list for next time we hear you sing:
Over Yonder Banks... Miller to my Trade... Waiting for your Valentine... Willie's Lady (THE version!).

Very best,

15 Dec 09 - 11:14 AM (#2788854)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: GUEST,EKanne

Well, if Brian Peters can put in requests in advance, so can I! So how's about The Bonnie Hoose o' Airlie, Eence upon a Time and The Lum Hat Wantin' a Croon? Or - even further back - Run, Come See Jerusalem!
Thinking of you both with love and best wishes.

15 Dec 09 - 10:36 PM (#2789373)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: KathWestra

Thinking about you, and continuing to wish you well. Hope the infections clear and that health and strength return.
All best,
Kathy Westra

p.s. I had a whole gang of bright red cardinals at the bird feeder today, and have instructed the lot of them to hang around until your next visit.

16 Dec 09 - 12:05 PM (#2789701)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: GUEST,Georgina Boyes

Ray's singing of "Willie's Fatal Visit" is peerless - so can I request that, please?

And a second performance of the Bunny Girls' Rapper when you're up and about?

Keep up the resilience!

Love - Jim & Georgina

16 Dec 09 - 12:24 PM (#2789707)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: DebC

Hi Ray,

Here's hoping that you have a speedy recovery and I look forward to hearing you sing again. Your rendition of Mill O'Tifty's Annie at the National in 2005 was amazing and it was good to connect with you there.

Happy holidays to you, Colin and the rest of your family.

Debra Cowan

16 Dec 09 - 01:54 PM (#2789761)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: GUEST,Stephanie Smith

I join everyone else in sending positive thoughts to Ray and Colin, and wishing Ray a speedy recovery. I visited them while in the UK in September and got to hear about Ray's trip to Whitby which sounded wonderful. We also did some reminiscing about Willie Scott and a road trip to several London area folk clubs with him.

Love and best wishes to you, Ray and Colin!
Steph aka Goldilocks

16 Dec 09 - 07:26 PM (#2789969)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: maeve

We're still here, Ray. With every stick of firewood hauled inside, every song I sing, you are in my thoughts and prayers.


17 Dec 09 - 04:26 PM (#2790684)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: maeve

I played my fiddle today, Colin and Ray. I reckon if Ray can work hard to get well, I can work on playing fiddle again. So, bow by bow...thoughts and prayers surround you and the rest of the family.


17 Dec 09 - 06:05 PM (#2790775)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: GUEST,Pat Ryan

Come on Ray. You can do it. Want to see you at Whitby next year. It's a long time since we met at Rotherham Folk Festival & Did the Highland fling. Memories of new Years at Archies' & at Cilla & Arties. Also remember Dranouter ?????

18 Dec 09 - 01:01 PM (#2791357)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: maeve

This sunny day makes me think of Ray's blazing, troublemaker-in-action smile. I'm hoping Ray and Colin and family are getting some rest when they aren't working together for Ray's recovery.


18 Dec 09 - 02:29 PM (#2791439)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Wolfhound person

I'm afraid I've just received the following message. Colin writes:

" I saw the surgeon today. Ray has a
terminal condition with the growth in the liver so we are trying to
arrange for her to be looked after at home by McMillan

(McMillan nurses are part of a UK charity that provides care for cancer patients, in case that's a UK thing)

I know no more at present: I'm trying to find the strength to ring Colin, and I'm clean out of words.

Paws / Julia

18 Dec 09 - 04:02 PM (#2791527)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: GUEST,wheatman

What desperately bad news our thoughts and prayers are with all.
Brian and Christine Kell

18 Dec 09 - 06:27 PM (#2791649)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: maeve

My heart is full. Thank you for telling us, Julia.


19 Dec 09 - 12:00 PM (#2792049)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: GUEST,marc marnie

Hi Ray,
It's a few years since we last met but whenever I think of you & your music it warms my heart. I wish you the very best.
Love & good wishes,

19 Dec 09 - 02:08 PM (#2792148)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: GUEST,Sheena Wellington

Ray, Colin and the family, you are in our hearts and prayers at this time. much love, Sheena & Malcolm

20 Dec 09 - 05:34 AM (#2792630)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: GUEST,Silas

Oh Dear.

My Father has just had his kidney removed due to cancer, he was just starting to recover and yesterday they found a growth on his lung.

Best wishes to Ray and the entire family, we know what you are all going through.


20 Dec 09 - 05:43 AM (#2792631)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: John MacKenzie

Oh dear, my worst fears are confirmed. There are times when the last thing you want to hear, that your fears are confirmed.
Knowing Ray, she will cope with this chapter of her life with the same spirit as she has lived it so far.
We love you Ray.

John MacKenzie

20 Dec 09 - 05:54 AM (#2792633)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: henryclem

We had a visit from Ray, with Di, not so very long ago at Swindon Folksingers Club and it was a real delight for everyone fortunate enough to be there to share their company and songs. Ray has been a good friend and inspiration to so many over the years and I would like to pass on to her not only my own gratitude for that, but also good wishes from Ted & Ivy, Eric, Luke, and all at the Swindon club.

We're all thinking of you and yours, Ray.


20 Dec 09 - 07:31 AM (#2792667)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Booklynrose

Ray our best wishes are with you.
We remember fondly your parformances in the U.S. and good fellowship at New York Pinewoods Folk Music Club events, your beautiful music and marvelous sense of humor.

20 Dec 09 - 07:37 AM (#2792670)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Booklynrose

Here is a link to a message sent this spring by Jean Ritchie thinking about end of life meanings. I hope others may find it heartening as I did.

The link is from the thread "is kytrad ok?" (no, she is also ill.)

20 Dec 09 - 08:13 AM (#2792687)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Cath

This is very sad. I have very fond memories of times spent with Ray when she has been to Holmfirth to sing.

20 Dec 09 - 10:48 AM (#2792769)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Surreysinger

Just wished to send my thoughts, best wishes and support(and those of my sister who is a great fan) to Ray and to Colin.

You wouldn't know it Ray, but you were one of the first people who encouraged me in pursuing the course of standing up in public and singing solo after I had made a contribution to a ballad session at the National Festival that you were a part of in 1999. I remember standing outside the Library in the Sutton Bonington complex immediately afterwards, waiting to get in while another workshop was going on. We were the only two outside, and you took the time to tell me how much you had liked my song. That meant a great deal to me at the time, and I spent the rest of the day in a pleasurable haze. It was only a small thing but it meant a lot, and was one of the stepping stones to my gaining increased confidence to stand up and share the songs that I love with others. Thank you so much for that.

Irene Shettle

20 Dec 09 - 12:08 PM (#2792826)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: wendyg

I am so sorry to hear about Ray. As others have said, a fine singer. And also a very kind person - went so far as to take me home one time when I had nowhere to stay when visiting her local folk club.

very best wishes.


20 Dec 09 - 01:00 PM (#2792885)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Anne Lister

So very, very sad to hear this. My thoughts are with the family.

20 Dec 09 - 06:05 PM (#2793143)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Herga Kitty

All best wishes to Ray, Colin and family, and thanks for good memories.


20 Dec 09 - 08:38 PM (#2793240)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: GUEST,Ed Rennie

Dearest Ray

You are an inspirational performer and have a peerless attitude. Sharing a stage with you, as I'm sure many will readily agree, is an unnerving experience. Your repost at the National to my revealing that my parents, like the chaps in Fair Flower of Northumberland, were a Scottish Man and an English Women, but without the prison bit. "So your some sort of Half Breed then?" Not so easy singing after that, but there's no-one in the world I rather play stooge to.

As I say, unnerving, but infinitely to be treasured.

All our love and best wishes to you, Colin and the Family.

Ed, Annie and Jacob Rennie

21 Dec 09 - 12:54 AM (#2793336)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please

Hi Ray

Hope you're feeling better. Best wishes from New Zealand for your health and for Christmas and 2010


Sharyn Staley

21 Dec 09 - 05:43 AM (#2793427)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: GUEST,Angie and Ken and all at Four Fools

Would just like to add our good wishes to Ray and say we are rooting for her as well. She has long been one of my favourite singers, and a very very special person.

Every good wish Ray
Angie and Ken

21 Dec 09 - 03:09 PM (#2793750)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Wolfhound person

I saw Ray this afternoon, and took in the latest messages, which she reads, and enjoys. The good news is that the antibiotics she's been having for two infections have been stopped and the feed line is getting some nutrition in her.

She's very fragile, but was nibbling cake and sipping coffee. Her doctor came round while I was there, and they're still going to do various scans, presumably to get a more accurate idea of the situation.

I hope to see her again on Christmas eve. I doubt she will be home before the New Year but I could be proved wrong.

Paws / Julia

21 Dec 09 - 07:49 PM (#2793954)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: GUEST,Stephanie Smith


Thank you so much for your updates on Ray. I'm so glad that there is some good news from your visit today. Obviously there is an enormous amount of love and caring for her on this forum. There are also many positive thoughts going out on her behalf on the Ballad Listserv and Facebook.

Ray, we are all here for you! Much love to you and Colin and family!

Stephanie aka Goldilocks

22 Dec 09 - 09:00 AM (#2794241)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Wolfhound person

One of the audience took this in October:

22 Dec 09 - 09:19 AM (#2794250)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: John MacKenzie

Nice one.

Still thinking of you Ray, as I do almost every day.


22 Dec 09 - 02:02 PM (#2794428)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: GUEST,Dave (Bridge)

Ray did a fantastic performance at the Bridge Folk Club 50th birthday party in November 2008 and subsequently as a guest with Di at the club earlier this year. Our thoughts go out to her and Colin

23 Dec 09 - 05:23 AM (#2794868)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: GUEST,moira(flying cat)

Hi Ray, We're so sorry to hear the latest news but there are no words to really express how we feel. We was so pleased to see you at whitby and when you did your booking at sheila's club. It was great to see you enjoying yourself again. You're such an inspiration to so many, me included. Unforgetable is probably an appropriate description. Malc and I send our love and best wishes to you and the family. We keep you in our thoughts xx

24 Dec 09 - 06:08 AM (#2795506)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: GUEST,Derek Schofield

As we move through Christmas Eve, my thoughts are with Ray, Colin and the family.
all best wishes

24 Dec 09 - 06:52 AM (#2795525)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Wolfhound person

The good news is that Ray is to be allowed home for Christmas Day itself - she has to go back to hospital in the evening. I hope to see her briefly this afternoon and I'll post again when I get back.

Their eldest son Duncan is staying over Christmas, and their daughter is to visit on 27th.

Julia / Paws

24 Dec 09 - 11:51 AM (#2795673)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Mick Tems

All the best to you and to Colin, Ray - here's an old fan who hopes that you'll get better soon! Your LP, The Bonnie Birdie, is a landmark that I'll treasure always; it really thrilled and influenced me to hear such a controlled, strong and gorgeous voice ring out loud and clear. I always look forward to your rare visits to Llantrisant Folk Club, your company and your delightful conversation - or maybe we'll come up and pay you a visit!

Mick Tems

24 Dec 09 - 12:02 PM (#2795684)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: John MacKenzie

Good news, thanks for passing that on Julia, and a special Merry Christmas to you, you certainly deserve it in my book.


24 Dec 09 - 02:14 PM (#2795786)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Little Robyn

Merry Christmas from New Zealand Ray!
It's 8:00am here and Santa has been already.
The 3 year old, dressed in Santa suit pyjamas, is just discovering the toys he left behind - Barbies, dresses and a scooter, and your birthday baby, now 4 weeks old, has just fallen asleep.
It's a perfect summer morning, the wind has died down, there's no sign of rain. We were singing carols outside at a friends place last night, not far from where you stayed with Pat and Frank and I was using my Tatay guitar just like yours.
Thinking of you all,
Have a lovely day at Whitley Bay.
Robyn, Mitch, Trina, Kali and baby Mickayla.

24 Dec 09 - 03:41 PM (#2795846)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Wolfhound person

Ray was quite cheerful in hospital this afternoon (it's still 24th here, Robyn!), but is going home mid-morning, and returning to hospital late afternoon.

Colin told me he and Duncan were going to cover the house in cards. Ray was concerned they wouldn't manage to cook the dinner "properly", but was looking forward to having a smoke in peace. (I know ...., but everyone, including me, agrees she should be allowed to do exactly as she likes.)

She's going to wear her tiara, and a hat with flashing lights, she says.
Although I didn't take in the last few messages due to rushing about, I told her messages were still coming in and that people round the world were all thinking of her, something she finds a bit overwhelming, but is very happy about.

I hope she has a wonderful time with Colin and Duncan, and then when Fiona comes up on Sunday, although she'll be back in hospital then.

I'll hope to see her again in a few days.

Paws / Julia

24 Dec 09 - 04:41 PM (#2795882)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: GUEST,Dave (Bridge)

Enjoy the DVD Ray. All the best from all at the Bridge

24 Dec 09 - 04:44 PM (#2795884)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Richard Mellish

On every occasion when I have seen Ray (rather than only heard her on record) I have been impressed as much by her wit as by her singing. I trust that her sense of humour will help her and her family through this difficult time.


25 Dec 09 - 09:20 AM (#2796216)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: GUEST,Andymac

Ach...I've been hoping for the best and worrying about the worst for the last few weeks, like so many of us have.. Here's hoping the doctors are wrong in their diagnosis.

Your audience and friends (same thing really) are just waiting for your next piece of inspired daftness...

Have a lovely christmas at home with the family around you...


ps. love the tiara and flashing lights image...

26 Dec 09 - 04:45 AM (#2796548)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: GUEST,Frank & Pat Scaglione

We are so pleased that you were able to spend Christmas at home. We are still thinking of you and sending lots of love.
Our porch has been re-named "Ray's smokotorium" in your honour. Remember how we used to sit in there and enjoy our nicotine fix? (except for Colin of course!)
Lots of love,
Pat & Frank
Haumoana, Hawke's Bay
New Zealand (on a warm and sunny Boxing Day)

26 Dec 09 - 06:12 PM (#2796909)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: GUEST,EKanne

To Ray, Colin and family,
Wishing you every good thought for what lies ahead. And with fond memories of all the lovely music,

Andy Hunter, Gordeanna McCulloch, Anne Neilson and Ian Olson.

27 Dec 09 - 11:02 AM (#2797256)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: KathWestra

Thinking of you and hoping your tiara (and the flashing lights) shone brightly for you on Christmas day, and that you were surrounded by much love with your family close by. Best wishes to you from Washington, DC.

27 Dec 09 - 12:34 PM (#2797308)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: RoyH (Burl)

Further good wishes to you Ray. I hope you'll get qwell and be singing again soon. All best for New Year to you, Coplin and family. Roy Harris, known on Mudcat as Burl.

27 Dec 09 - 12:38 PM (#2797312)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: GUEST,moira(flying cat)

It was good to hear they let you were getting home for the day and we hope you had a great Christmas day. I was beiginning to think you might have had to get a shovel smiuggled in to start the escape tunnel!!   xx

27 Dec 09 - 02:01 PM (#2797371)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: John MacKenzie

Tom Dick and Harry Ray, remember The Wooden Horse?
Hope you had a lovely day yesterday, and I bet you smoked a few cigarettes.
Nearly said fags there, then I remembered that Americans read this.

John ☺

28 Dec 09 - 09:39 AM (#2797735)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: GUEST,Tom & Meg Wilson

We've just got back from Meg's mams in Wales (computer free zone!) and have just caught up with this thread. We knew Ray wasn't well, of course, but this is terrible news.
Having known Ray for half a lifetime, we've too many good thoughts to single out just one.
I was with her a couple of months ago with our Pat (sharing a fag as usual) and we were talking about that special family thing we both shared and memories of singing together generally but at Christmas in particular - we hope you managed a few verses Ray!
Our thoughts are with you as well as Colin and the family. All our love, Tom & Meg

28 Dec 09 - 11:03 PM (#2798161)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: SaulBro

So sorry to hear Ray is not well.   We've known each other for a long time, though do not cross paths very often. One of my fondest memories is of Colin presiding over the Northumbrian Pipers' Society in 1975 (at the Tower FC, if memory serves), with Ray serving tea!

Warm wishes for a speedy recovery.

Saul Broudy
Philadelphia, PA

30 Dec 09 - 09:45 AM (#2799241)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: GUEST,moira(flying cat)

continuing to look in for updates. Hope your'e doing OK Ray. Are you getting home for New Year? xx

31 Dec 09 - 07:58 AM (#2799937)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Wolfhound person

Ray went home for Christmas Day and enjoyed herself for several hours.
I haven't seen her since but I gather from others who have that she was perked up by the whole experience. I and others think she is putting on just a little weight.

I spoke to Colin just now and she's coming home for New Year's Day as well. There was some suggestion of a 3 day home visit but Ray vetoed this herself for various medical reasons.
This time they won't have family around: I got the feeling both were a little nervous about managing at home just yet.

I'll update again as soon as I can: I've got a sniffle just now and don't want to pass it on.

Fingers crossed.

Julia / Paws

31 Dec 09 - 08:34 AM (#2799960)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: John MacKenzie

Thanks Julia, I've been thinking about Ray over the Christmas break, and hoping that her day of freedom from the regimens of the NHS, was a joyful one.


31 Dec 09 - 08:37 AM (#2799964)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Little Robyn

Happy New Year from New Zealand Ray and Colin, Julia and Barry.
We played out the old year - I played Flo'ers o' the forest for Ray, amongst other tunes and then we did the Auld Lang Syne bit - I played while everyone else sang and danced.
It's now after 2:30am and I'm off to bed.
For you it's still only 1:30pm on New year's eve.
Nite all,

31 Dec 09 - 10:26 AM (#2800071)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: GUEST,Mary Stewart (France)

Dear Ray,
I've just been on the phone to Adam McNaughtan who told me you were ill and he gave me the details of this site where I could pass on a message to you. The poor sowel was on the receiving end of some GBH "au téléphone" because I hadn't received our customary Xmas Card from him! I am to get another wan toute de suite!

Do you remember asking me once, at the Newcastleton festival, if I knew a fukan song or indeed a wurlitzer song?? When I replied in the negative, and keen to educate me, you hastily gave forth with,
"If a can help somebody as I pass along" followed by
"Wurlitzer one for the money, two for the show..." If only you knew the mileage I got out of relating that particular part of our conversation to all and sundry!

I've been living in France for quite some time now (about 20 years) and I don't get back over to the UK as often as I'd like but I have umpteen records, tapes etc; including yours, to keep my pecker up so I am still able to singalonga and enjoy the music.

I don't want to prattle on too long Ray. I just wanted to pass on a wee word to let you know I am thinking of you.

Mary Wigley (Stewart as was)

02 Jan 10 - 05:20 AM (#2801292)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: GUEST,moira(flying cat)

just checking in to see if there's any more news and to say we're still thinking of you. moira and malc

02 Jan 10 - 09:57 AM (#2801440)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Diva

Tiara....well I expect nothing less! I am thinking of having a dress code for the surviors session/singaround on Sunday night in the Unionist at Copshie....Ray knows of where I speak. I now have a vision of George Welsh wearing a tiara.......

What do you think Ray?

Kathy Hobkirk

03 Jan 10 - 03:33 PM (#2802364)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: maeve

Please tell Ray and Colin I'm sending my love from Maine.


04 Jan 10 - 04:45 AM (#2802789)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: GUEST,Andymac

On my way across the pond today but just checking in to see how you're wishes for the New Year...


05 Jan 10 - 02:14 PM (#2804160)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Wolfhound person

I went to see Ray today, and spoke to Colin as well, but it's not one of her good days. She was mostly lying asleep, but she held my hand for a bit, and I talked to her, although I don't think she really knew who I was or what she was saying. She wouldn't have been able to read your messages.

Colin told me she had a bad patch over New Year and wasn't able to go home after all (the weather was awful too, so perhaps it was for the best) but that she had brightened up on Sunday / Monday.

I remember when she was in hospital after her op. she had a day when she seemed to have given up on life. Today was like that.
She brightened up a fraction when Colin arrived, but only for a minute.

I'll hope I can pass on better news next time I see her.


05 Jan 10 - 02:23 PM (#2804174)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: John MacKenzie

Oh dear, what a shame she didn't get home as planned. It would have done her so much good.
Still thinking of you Ray.


05 Jan 10 - 02:43 PM (#2804189)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: GUEST,moira(flying cat)

Please continue to pass on our love and good thoughts. You're always in our thoughts Ray. xx

08 Jan 10 - 09:21 AM (#2806577)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Wolfhound person

Colin tells me (Fri lunchtime) that Ray is now much improved - I must have seen her at a low point. Almost back to her normal combative self, and starting to talk of home visits again.

Fingers crossed for further improvements.


08 Jan 10 - 09:49 AM (#2806596)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: John MacKenzie

Yaaaaaaay, go Ray!


08 Jan 10 - 10:39 AM (#2806623)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Brian Peters

Wish Ray a Happy New Year from me. Great to hear she's improving.

08 Jan 10 - 11:19 AM (#2806650)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: GUEST,Pat Ryan

Happy New year To Ray & Colin.
Lots of Love

08 Jan 10 - 11:42 AM (#2806669)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: GUEST,moira(flying cat)

fantastic news! Keep up the good work Ray! Hope you get home soon for a visit. M & M xxx

10 Jan 10 - 02:58 PM (#2808470)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Diva

Sending good thoughts etc from masel and from the guid folk o' the Holm


11 Jan 10 - 10:02 AM (#2809035)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: GUEST,GUEST: Brian Miller, Penicuik

All the Penicuik Millers are sending their best wishes and strong thoughts.

11 Jan 10 - 10:04 AM (#2809038)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: maeve

"...much improved"! Julia and Colin, thanks so much for this news. I needed to read something good today and am so grateful for every bright spot in Ray's spirits.


11 Jan 10 - 06:07 PM (#2809498)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: GUEST,Allan Carr, now in Philadelphia PA

Warmest wishes to you Ray, I've always appreciated your encouragement and kindness to me in the early days, and your great talent and humour are an inspiration always.

A' the Best from Allan and Jane.

11 Jan 10 - 08:38 PM (#2809603)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Tattie Bogle

Very glad to hear of the improvement: more good thoughts winging their way.

12 Jan 10 - 05:16 PM (#2810364)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Wheatman

Keep gannin bonny lass Brian and Christine

20 Jan 10 - 05:46 PM (#2817070)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Wolfhound person

I saw both Ray and Colin today, Weds 20th. Ray is brighter, and I think has put on a tiny amount of weight. She was bantering with staff, which is a good sign.

The doctors are talking of allowing her home, permanently, around the end of next week. This is immensely good news for both of them (although it depends on her condition then, obviously).

I told them that I needed to place an update for you all - please keep thinking of her, they both appreciate it that friends round the world keep sending good wishes.

I'll try and update more regularly, I struck a busy patch last couple of weeks, sorry.


20 Jan 10 - 05:50 PM (#2817080)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Herga Kitty

Thanks, Julia, just give her all our best wishes and love.


20 Jan 10 - 07:35 PM (#2817157)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: John MacKenzie

Good news, and I second the vote of thanks to Julia.


21 Jan 10 - 06:29 AM (#2817415)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: GUEST,moira(flyingcat)

So pleased to get the update and good to hear your picking up Ray. We think of you daily and send our love and best wishes to you all. Moira and Malc xx

21 Jan 10 - 08:00 AM (#2817460)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Folkiedave

Thanks Julia and that is great to hear.


21 Jan 10 - 09:03 PM (#2818147)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Thomas Stern

Ray has been inducted to the SCOTTISH TRADITIONAL MUSIC
Hall of Fame:
Scottish Traditional Music Hall of Fame

22 Jan 10 - 05:32 PM (#2818879)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: KathWestra

Still sending fond wishes from Maryland. Glad for the update (thanks, Julia!), and for the news that Ray may get to go home soon. Hospital stays are not very conducive to health! Kathy

22 Jan 10 - 08:31 PM (#2819012)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Susanne (skw)

Julia, thanks for the update. I think of Ray often and hope she'll be able to stay at home with her family and regain some of her strength. All the best!

23 Jan 10 - 03:56 AM (#2819182)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Wheatman

Thank you Julia,you are a star. I check this thread most days for news. Brian

23 Jan 10 - 05:33 AM (#2819219)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Little Robyn

"Around the end of next week" is just in time for the Auckland Folk Festival!
I can't believe it's 9 years since you were all over here.
About this time 9 years ago, Ray, Colin and I were just lounging around in a Rotorua hot pool while the rest of you were sight seeing.
Great memories!
Lots of love to Ray.

27 Jan 10 - 07:18 AM (#2822415)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: maeve

Hello, Ray and Colin. I'm thinking of you as I sit here in Maine. Blessings and laughter to you both...and family ...and friends the world over.


27 Jan 10 - 07:21 AM (#2822419)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: kendall

To stay healthy, stay away from sick people! Hospitals are full of them...get out now.

27 Jan 10 - 08:24 AM (#2822459)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: GUEST,Andymac

Great news...

27 Jan 10 - 10:10 AM (#2822559)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please

Dear Ray or whoever receives this,

Ray, Margaret and myself did a Radio 4 programme together back in 91 called 'Ballads of Britain'

I tried phoning Steph last night but she doesn't know where Ray is. I tried emailing Archie but his address kept bouncing back and I believe that he is away for the next three weeks

Please please get this to Ray asp if not sooner
and encourage her to click and listen listen to this:

These audio teachings are on-line and completely free

This man's teachings have brought healing to 100s of thousands of people in similar and worse positions.

I was recently received complete healing from in incurable medical condition through them. I just listened to what Andrew said, did what he said and received it. I have since, been able to help others to receive their healing.

You do not have to be a holy person or a Christian to adhere to this. This is for every one.

This might seem a bit daunting if not, too good to be true, to a novice.   But I am of the firm conviction that the living God wants everyone to be well and to prosper and there a certain things that a receipient needs to do in order to receive it.   We now have the absolute proof. I'd stake my life on it.

Andrew shows you how to receive by faith what God has already provided to everyone by grace.

Please give this a try and get Ray to get in touch with me asp.

Best wishes,


T: 01786 824563
M: 0777 600 4401

29 Jan 10 - 05:20 PM (#2824949)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Wolfhound person

Colin has asked me to post his and Ray's thanks for all the cards, good wishes and messages of support for them, from all over the world. He says they feel they should really reply to you all individually, but it just isn't possible.

Ray is still improving slightly in herself, but has contracted C. difficile, a hospital bug which is particularly tricky to shift. Until that's cleared (and they're working on it) the docs can't do some necessary tests and assessments. However once these are done, it may be possible for Ray to come home, which I know would make them both feel much better.

I'll post more as I have it. I hope to see Ray early next week: and, please, don't bother thanking me, it's their morale and well-being that is important here. They really do appreciate your continuing support.


29 Jan 10 - 05:28 PM (#2824957)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: John MacKenzie

Jeez, what a bummer. That particulat bug seems pretty rife these days.
Hope they soon get it under control.
Love to you Ray, I think of you often.


01 Feb 10 - 01:20 PM (#2827374)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: GUEST,moira(flying cat)

C diff usually happens because of all the anitbiotics and stuff that upsets the bodies natural bugs. It can be a real pain to shift but I'm sure it'll clear. You need to try to keep your strength up and keep your nutrition levels up. Keep cheerful ray, lots of love, Moira and Malc, xx

05 Feb 10 - 08:15 AM (#2830532)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: maeve

Good morning, Ray and Colin. You've been on my mind this morning so here I am writing to you again. Archie will be singing in New Hampshire and Maine within the next couple of weeks. I'll be glad to have a visit with him and listen to the concert performances.

I'm remembering Barra as well. I walked around the island in the rain the first time I stayed in a B&B there. The seals were just offshore from a beach on the western side, and I spent an hour or more singing and playing a tin whistle to them; with their calls and mine washing back and forth.

I am so grateful you have both been part of my music world. From the Cilla/Ray/Archie tour several years ago (The Folkway, Iron Horse, Chocolate Church, etc.) to the Edinburgh International Folk Festival (bagpipe conversations with Colin, and Ray belting out "W-o-m-a-n!) My life would be much poorer without Ray and Colin in it. Thank you both for the hours of music and conversation.

Joy be to you,

maeve, in Maine

05 Feb 10 - 12:27 PM (#2830738)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Wolfhound person

Thanks, Maeve.

I'll pass it on as soon as I can. The even better news is that Ray has a home day scheduled for tomorrow, to see how she gets on. If it works out, a meeting with medics is scheduled for next week, to sort out a timetable for getting her home permanently.
Although I didn't get to see Ray today (she had other visitors), I did see Colin about some bagpipe-y things, and he says she is much, much better in herself than she was a couple of weeks ago. Which in turn has raised his spirits immensely.

So fingers crossed for a good day tomorrow, and maybe she'll be home soon.


05 Feb 10 - 03:16 PM (#2830899)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Herga Kitty

Fingers and toes crossed....


06 Feb 10 - 09:01 AM (#2831318)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: John MacKenzie

Eyes too :)


06 Feb 10 - 09:58 AM (#2831363)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: GUEST,moira(flying cat)

brilliant news.xx

06 Feb 10 - 12:22 PM (#2831445)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Herga Kitty

Message forwarded by Sheila Miller from Di Henderson yesterday:

Just come back from seeing Ray.

She looks fantastic. Put 4lb on, C-diff gone, extra food to hand at last, and nursing staff finally listening to her

with regards to her Insulin levels…..Yippee

What a difference, and really looks and sounds her old self.

She tells me she is going home for the day tomorrow [Saturday ]

They are going to have a meeting with the Doctors and other staff on

Tuesday to discus the practicalities of going home for good


06 Feb 10 - 12:32 PM (#2831459)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: gnu

Great news!

06 Feb 10 - 02:30 PM (#2831555)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: GUEST,Helen PItt and Steve Dawes

What wonderful news. So glad to hear she is improving and looking forward to getting home at last. Please pass on our warmest wishes.
Steve & Helen

06 Feb 10 - 05:33 PM (#2831762)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: John MacKenzie

If I were the crying kind, I'd weep for joy.

07 Feb 10 - 02:17 PM (#2832276)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Wolfhound person

Colin tells me that Ray had a great day at home yesterday, was active all day, and managed their house stairs without any bother, which was one of the things the docs. were a bit concerned about.

So fingers crossed for Tues pm which is when the meeting to plan her return is.


07 Feb 10 - 02:47 PM (#2832305)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Herga Kitty

Thanks Julia - all best wishes for Tuesday!


07 Feb 10 - 06:25 PM (#2832520)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Jim McLean

One night a few years ago Ray came back to my house in London with Danny Kyle and she sang, as a special request from me, Yowie wi' the Crookit Horn. Give her my sincere regards and I hope to hear her singing it again, no one does it better.

08 Feb 10 - 01:55 PM (#2833111)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: maeve

What a splendid update- Good for you both, Ray and Colin!


08 Feb 10 - 03:29 PM (#2833216)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Wheatman

As always our thoughts and prayers are only 200 miles away. Brian and Christine

09 Feb 10 - 01:49 PM (#2834266)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Wolfhound person

Ray and Colin had a meeting with the medics today, and the good news is......she's coming home on Thursday!!!

Obviously there's still recuperating to do, but this will help them both so much.


09 Feb 10 - 02:00 PM (#2834271)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Little Robyn

Lots of love to them both from Robyn and Mitch.

09 Feb 10 - 02:06 PM (#2834276)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: maeve

Thank you for the brightest news I've had all day, Julia.


09 Feb 10 - 05:42 PM (#2834517)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: GUEST,moira(flying cat)

Hopefully you'll be home by now so welcome home Ray, such good news.Love Moira and Malc ((((xxxx))))

11 Feb 10 - 02:34 PM (#2836383)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Herga Kitty

I think Moira posted a day too soon, but I'm sure we're all hoping to hear that the return home has happened and gone well!


11 Feb 10 - 02:49 PM (#2836391)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: John MacKenzie

Oh she will be so pleased about that.
Best wishes Ray


15 Feb 10 - 04:53 AM (#2839593)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please

Mavis in Leicester I saw Ray many times in Whitby. I will never forget when she interviewed Vin Gartbutt the room was in uproar. I've never laughed so much. G|et well soon Ray.

15 Feb 10 - 09:13 AM (#2839810)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: YorkshireYankee

Good news indeed! Thanks for keeping us informed.

15 Feb 10 - 01:04 PM (#2840051)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: GUEST,Marie Dufresne

Great good news !!!

Ray,just remember to take it easy for a while--nomore hospital for you!

All is right with the world of music--so wish I could see you for myself.

Lots of good wishes from fans and friends in Maine

15 Feb 10 - 06:41 PM (#2840432)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Herga Kitty

The interview with(born in a bucket)Vin Garbutt was in the Resolution in 2000 and it was just sublime!


15 Feb 10 - 11:38 PM (#2840588)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: GUEST,Stephanie Smith

So very glad to hear this great news. All power and good wishes to Ray and Colin!

Love from Goldilocks in a snowy Washington DC

15 Feb 10 - 11:46 PM (#2840590)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Celtaddict

Keep up the positive progress and attitude, Ray! You are loved and appreciated by more people than you can ever know!

21 Feb 10 - 06:57 PM (#2846194)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: maeve

I'm thinking of you and Colin together in your own dear home, Ray.


22 Feb 10 - 11:54 AM (#2846717)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Wolfhound person

Ray has been home just over a week now. She's doing well, and managed to accompany Colin to the supermarket the other day. He tells me she is still gaining weight.


22 Feb 10 - 08:23 PM (#2847199)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: maeve

That is wonderful news, Julia. Thank you!


23 Feb 10 - 01:53 PM (#2847863)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: GUEST,moira(flying cat)

wonderful, thanks for the update. Moira

23 Feb 10 - 02:26 PM (#2847884)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: Herga Kitty

I'm so pleased to hear this!


26 Feb 10 - 06:30 AM (#2850619)
Subject: RE: Ray Fisher unwell: good thoughts, please
From: maeve

Good morning, Ray and Colin. You are still in our thoughts. I know you're enjoying being home, together.
