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BS: Put edit and delete capability w/ poster

03 Dec 09 - 10:31 PM (#2780182)
Subject: BS: Put edit and delete capability w/ poster
From: GUEST,hg

Max, if you are going to modernize mudcat please make posters have editing and deleting capability. The old is out, the new is in. We need this to improve the litterbox smell! If you can't put the BS away from the truly great stuff like the Grammy nomination, give us more control over our forum productions.

03 Dec 09 - 10:36 PM (#2780188)
Subject: RE: BS: Put edit and delete capability w/ poster
From: Rapparee

Or you could simply be more careful about what you post....

04 Dec 09 - 03:13 AM (#2780264)
Subject: RE: BS: Put edit and delete capability w/ poster
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

On other forums, where poster edit and delete are the norm, a new sport has sprung up, much beloved of the more blinkered posters.

It works like this:-

I post a blatantly inflammatory comment.

You respond in great detail, and with considerable vehemence, as expected.

I edit my post to something quite innocuous.

You look either a bloody fool, or a raving maniac.

Not the best of ideas. This forum, despite some fairly questionable exchanges, does generally stay within the bounds of reason.

It ain't broke! Why fix it?

Don T.

04 Dec 09 - 09:20 AM (#2780471)
Subject: RE: BS: Put edit and delete capability w/ poster
From: wysiwyg

Free will's a bitch.


04 Dec 09 - 09:28 AM (#2780476)
Subject: RE: BS: Put edit and delete capability w/ poster
From: Jack Blandiver

truly great stuff like the Grammy nomination

What the - ?

04 Dec 09 - 09:30 AM (#2780477)
Subject: RE: BS: Put edit and delete capability w/ poster

You have 100% control over your posts. Read them before you push the button.
If you screw up, apologize and move on...or not.

04 Dec 09 - 09:52 AM (#2780488)
Subject: RE: BS: Put edit and delete capability w/ poster
From: Crow Sister (off with the fairies)

By amazing synchronicity 'Grammy' rhymes with 'fanny'! So could be offensive to someone sensitive to that fact - especially if the word 'fanny' then reminded them to read that thread all about vaginal dryness.

Now shall I post this?


04 Dec 09 - 10:11 AM (#2780504)
Subject: RE: BS: Put edit and delete capability w/ poster
From: wysiwyg

Suibhne O'Piobaireachd, she's referring to the music thread about a trio of Catters nominated for a Grammy. It illustrates how a BS thread can lead a visitor right to the music section, which IMO is a good thing. (I guess she's worried that a serious music visitor might see our dirty laundry down here.) I don't have time to make a link-- maybe someone else can.


04 Dec 09 - 10:14 AM (#2780505)
Subject: RE: BS: Put edit and delete capability w/ poster
From: Jack Blandiver

What sort of poet are you that would rhyme Grammy with Fanny? Granny maybe... You must have put some away last night, CS!

04 Dec 09 - 10:31 AM (#2780521)
Subject: RE: BS: Put edit and delete capability w/ poster
From: MGM·Lion

Not perhaps a rhyme, Sweeney & Sister; but an assonance - or, as we say over this side, arse-onance: because over there 'fanny' means arse - I mean ass - instead of the word I got so castigated 4 calling 1 of u-guise - doesn't it??? -

Oh bum: or arse; or ass --- I'm getting confused. Think I'll go back 2 bed...

04 Dec 09 - 10:33 AM (#2780522)
Subject: RE: BS: Put edit and delete capability w/ poster
From: Crow Sister (off with the fairies)

Poetic license? Kinda not quite rhyming rhyme. It's what all the really classy poets do!

04 Dec 09 - 10:36 AM (#2780524)
Subject: RE: BS: Put edit and delete capability w/ poster
From: Crow Sister (off with the fairies)

Yeah, that's the one MtheGM! Assonance and consonance innit? Grammy is to Fanny, as funny is to fanny.

04 Dec 09 - 10:46 AM (#2780528)
Subject: RE: BS: Put edit and delete capability w/ poster
From: ToeRag

These people in the pit will go on talking.

04 Dec 09 - 10:48 AM (#2780532)
Subject: RE: BS: Put edit and delete capability w/ poster
From: Bill D

What Don(Wyziwyg)T said.... personal editing would be abused far too often. Serious mistakes can be fixed by Joe or another moderator.

04 Dec 09 - 10:59 AM (#2780540)
Subject: RE: BS: Put edit and delete capability w/ poster
From: ToeRag

Ah, there is the guard. Guard will you kindly
see that my comments are safe.

04 Dec 09 - 11:03 AM (#2780542)
Subject: RE: BS: Put edit and delete capability w/ poster
From: katlaughing

Not just a trio of Mudcatters, though they were the producers, there are several Mudcatters who contributed songs to the CD. Maeve just added the line-up to the thread about it.

I agree, would be true anarchy...can you imagine the "you said" "no, YOU said" that would go on?

04 Dec 09 - 11:32 AM (#2780561)
Subject: RE: BS: Put edit and delete capability w/ poster
From: Rasener

Put a Delete button on Guest hg threads.

Now what was this about Fanny ?

04 Dec 09 - 11:50 AM (#2780580)
Subject: RE: BS: Put edit and delete capability w/ poster
From: GUEST,hg

Oh well, I guess you all want the entire world to see all your kind words. Have at it.

04 Dec 09 - 11:53 AM (#2780586)
Subject: RE: BS: Put edit and delete capability w/ poster
From: VirginiaTam

funny is to fanny is alliterative

"Assonance, (or medial rime) is the agreement in the vowel sounds of two or more words, when the consonant sounds preceding and following these vowels do not agree. Thus, strike and grind, hat and man, 'rime' with each other according to the laws of assonance."
(J.W. Bright, Elements of English Versification, 1910)

I am with the league that does not want member editing. Not being able to edit our posts, means the history and meaning in the thread does not get muddled.

Don't see the need to worry about how random visitors will view Mudcat based on what goes on in the BS section. Either they will join or they will go away, after they have found what they were looking. Don't see how what happens in the BS section effects the music section.

04 Dec 09 - 11:54 AM (#2780587)
Subject: RE: BS: Put edit and delete capability w/ poster
From: Bill D

It is common in some 'live' chats to have an 'ignore' button beside each name, so you don't have to see their posts. That wouldn't be practical in a 'bulletin board' forum like this.

04 Dec 09 - 12:13 PM (#2780599)
Subject: RE: BS: Put edit and delete capability w/ poster
From: Crow Sister (off with the fairies)

"funny is to fanny is alliterative"

Not quite VT, consonance is consonantal repetition or consonantal rhyming, while alliteration (also a type of consonance) refers only to the repetition of the initial consonant.

Hehe, that'll learn ya to run through my posts with a red pen.. ;-)

04 Dec 09 - 12:19 PM (#2780604)
Subject: RE: BS: Put edit and delete capability w/ poster
From: Crow Sister (off with the fairies)

Actually I should have put it:
Grammy and fanny are to assonance,
what funny and fanny are to consonance. Don't think I made myself clear - but now this is all getting too much!

Bum, bugger, willy, nob...

Ah that's better!

04 Dec 09 - 12:46 PM (#2780623)
Subject: RE: BS: Put edit and delete capability w/ poster
From: Rasener

Cold bucket of water coming up

04 Dec 09 - 12:49 PM (#2780626)
Subject: RE: BS: Put edit and delete capability w/ poster
From: Bee-dubya-ell

If bandwidth were not an issue, the ideal solution would be to allow posters to edit their posts, but to archive the older versions and have them be accessible by clicking a button that says something like "This post was edited on 12/03/09. Click here to view the original version." That would allow responsible editing while preventing monkey business like what Don T refers to above.

04 Dec 09 - 12:52 PM (#2780630)
Subject: RE: BS: Put edit and delete capability w/ poster
From: VirginiaTam


thank you... i so needed a giggle and putting into my place. feeling bloody rotten.

Woke with a hangover and I didn't do anything to warrant it last niht. I think I am the Oh God of Hangovers that Terry Pratchett created in Hogfather.

My husband and my friend Crow Sister drink and I pay for it in the morning.

04 Dec 09 - 12:54 PM (#2780632)
Subject: RE: BS: Put edit and delete capability w/ poster
From: VirginiaTam

gee... i wish i could edit or delete my first post.


04 Dec 09 - 01:39 PM (#2780669)
Subject: RE: BS: Put edit and delete capability w/ poster
From: Jim Dixon

I sometimes use another forum where each member can edit or delete his own messages. I think it's mainly used to correct mistakes.

I haven't noticed the kind of "sport" that Don T describes above, but I suppose it's possible.

I see 4 possible defenses against this:

1. You can keep your own rhetoric moderate and reasonable, regardless of how you are provoked.

2. If your opponent edits his own posts to make them "innocuous", you can also edit (or delete) your response to them.

3. Posts that have been edited could be automatically marked "[message edited dd-mmm-yy hh:mm]". Posts that have been deleted entirely could be automatically replaced with "[message deleted]".

4. When you respond to something, you could start by quoting the exact statement you are responding to.

04 Dec 09 - 02:13 PM (#2780696)
Subject: RE: BS: Put edit and delete capability w/ poster
From: Crow Sister (off with the fairies)

Tam, for giggles you should join in with the re-Imagined village thread's silly made up stories we do there - a surreal mash-up of English culture. As an immigrant you would fit in perfectly! I think you should be the re-Iv's resident female equivalent of Dr. John. I see you with a top hat, mojo stick & wild woman coat. Or something, make up your alter ego and walk in out of the cold...

Don't worry, I have got all my own share of hangover today. And well deserved it is too.. :-/

04 Dec 09 - 02:41 PM (#2780729)
Subject: RE: BS: Put edit and delete capability w/ poster
From: Dave the Gnome

What about Russ Abbot's alter ego, Basildon Bond, and his secretary, Miss Funnyfanny?

We had a lewdness filter on a word processor once but had to scrap it when it wouldn't send any mailshots to Scunthorpe and Penistone Honest!


04 Dec 09 - 02:47 PM (#2780736)
Subject: RE: BS: Put edit and delete capability w/ poster
From: MGM·Lion

"Honest", eh, Gnomo? A gr8 folktale - Mudcat just the place for it!

04 Dec 09 - 02:54 PM (#2780748)
Subject: RE: BS: Put edit and delete capability w/ poster
From: Rasener

Gnomo is correct as Scunthorpe when broken down is S cunt horpe and the filter would pick up on that.

And Penis tone

Well what more can i say LOL :-)

04 Dec 09 - 02:56 PM (#2780752)
Subject: RE: BS: Put edit and delete capability w/ poster
From: Will Fly

My own forum has a delete/edit facility - no-one has ever used it as far as I know. That's because the one and only rule of the forum, which is always followed is: Respect your forum friends.

04 Dec 09 - 02:58 PM (#2780754)
Subject: RE: BS: Put edit and delete capability w/ poster
From: MGM·Lion

Yes, thanks, Villan — I did get it; I'm not all that fucking thick despite all appearances. just that I have heard that tale 9000000000 X & I think it's bollox!

04 Dec 09 - 03:01 PM (#2780757)
Subject: RE: BS: Put edit and delete capability w/ poster
From: Rasener

It really isn't in the Uk MtGM

04 Dec 09 - 03:01 PM (#2780758)
Subject: RE: BS: Put edit and delete capability w/ poster
From: ToeRag

I don't care much about it, but I'm obliged to you for the imformation; it will be a resource, if other things fail.

04 Dec 09 - 03:02 PM (#2780760)
Subject: RE: BS: Put edit and delete capability w/ poster

Wel i aint never herd it an i stil doan get it. I doan wunt kno edit thing cuz i doan need it.    CLETUS

04 Dec 09 - 05:26 PM (#2780869)
Subject: RE: BS: Put edit and delete capability w/ poster
From: s&r

Changes of name are confusing - they apply to previous posts as well as current posts so that replies naming a poster don't make sense


04 Dec 09 - 05:27 PM (#2780871)
Subject: RE: BS: Put edit and delete capability w/ poster
From: Joe Offer

Well, if you make a mistake on a post, post a second, corrected message immediately after. The volunteers are supposed to know that they delete the earlier duplicates, leaving the corrected one - but it's a good idea to ask me or Mick or one of the volunteers to delete the message you didn't want.

04 Dec 09 - 05:56 PM (#2780892)
Subject: RE: BS: Put edit and delete capability w/ poster
From: ToeRag

You seem to take a great interest in your friend's welfare; there are very few persons who would take upon-themselves such a responsibility, merely to oblige a friend.

04 Dec 09 - 06:02 PM (#2780902)
Subject: RE: BS: Put edit and delete capability w/ poster
From: Bill D

"Changes of name are confusing "

indeed! I see why in a 'few' instances, but some folk seem to make it a game, and I'd love to see it limited in some way.

04 Dec 09 - 10:43 PM (#2781041)
Subject: RE: BS: Put edit and delete capability w/ poster
From: GUEST,hg

Max, "No, you will all revise history and I can't have that!" The Great Oz has spoken....arf!arf!

05 Dec 09 - 12:38 AM (#2781076)
Subject: RE: BS: Put edit and delete capability w/ poster
From: Joe Offer

Of course, if we DID have the ability to edit messages, one would have to be logged in for both the posting and the editing. I've never seen a discussion forum that allows editing without being logged in. That would be a problem.

And as I said above, we're happy to accommodate people who need a message edited. Just post the entire corrected text in a later message, and let us know about it. In other words, hg, as in your previous request thread - you can have what you want, but not exactly on your terms.
I have to say, though, that I hate editing requests that ask me to make numerous changes to a message. Then I have to decipher what the person wants, and go looking for the place to make the change. That makes the job a lot easier for both of us.

Oh, and as always, please give specific information when you write about a thread or message. Threads should be referred to by thread titlen (and number, if you find it). Messages by name of thread, name of poster, and date and time of message.


    Since the original question has been answered and as we don't allow threads discussing Mudcat policy, I'll close this one.