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BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways

14 Dec 09 - 03:06 PM (#2788252)
Subject: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: VirginiaTam

Why am I surprised?

I forked over £600 for my daughter's flight to the UK this Christmas and BA cabin crew (the highest paid in the industry) decide to go on strike, causing the cancellation of flights and skuppering holiday travel for a million paying customers.

Just praying that her flight on 17 Dec. is not effected by the strike action which actually starts 22 December and ends 2 January. BA says this can effect flights 48 hours on either side of the dates. Her return may be messed up though.

Boggles my mind that these guys always opt to strike when either myself or a family member is travelling with them. Am I unlucky or just plain stupid for booking with them?

14 Dec 09 - 09:23 PM (#2788486)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: Rapparee

They have tapped your phone and computer and are watching you through your computer monitor. They read your mail and listen when you talk to neighbors or anyone. Late at night they peek through your window and make sure you're asleep in bed. They know when you are sleeping, they know when you're awake...

Wait, that's Santa's elves, not BA.

For a while every time we wanted to go to Ireland the Irish Posts went on strike.

15 Dec 09 - 02:17 AM (#2788566)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: Rasener

I just find it incredible that these people going on strike can do so at a time that is most important for most families.

They get 0 out of 10 from me.

I hate BMI Baby, but I am now glad my daughter is on BMI on Sat 19th Dec and returns to Holland on Jan 4th 2010. Never thought I would say that.

15 Dec 09 - 02:45 AM (#2788576)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: VirginiaTam

OK... so I need all the positive Mudcat energy focussed on getting Hilary here. she flies on 17 Dec from Atlanta Georgia, which should be in good enough time for her not to get bumped.

Glad your daughter will be with you Villan. :~)

15 Dec 09 - 03:06 AM (#2788580)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: Rasener

Positive thoughts here VT and hope it works out for you as well.

15 Dec 09 - 04:56 AM (#2788633)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: eddie1

I'm supposed to be flying Heathrow - Hamburg on 19th Dec and back on 3rd Jan. Fortunately it won't be the end of the world if there is a delay but I do reckon this action is not going to create a lot of support for BA staff from the flying public. Or maybe it's a complete coincidence that they're striking at a time when people all over the world want to be with family and friends? Probably they didn't notice that Christmas comes right in the middle of the dates they've chosen. Maybe!


15 Dec 09 - 05:23 AM (#2788644)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: Rasener

Are they that thick ?

15 Dec 09 - 05:26 AM (#2788646)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: jacqui.c

Good energy for Hilary's safe arrival VT.

If you want to blackmail your boss what better way to do it than make his customers so angry that they go elsewhere next time. That will concentrate the mind of management, in order to avoid the PR disaster that cancelled flights would bring.

It's possible that the employees have a valid complaint but, in the present financial climate, I would be considering myself fortunate to have a job at all. Push too hard and that might not be the case.

From the news last night it seems that long haul flights may be safe as not all staff will be on strike. It's the domestic and short haul that will bear the brunt and, to some degree, there are alternatives, such as they are - road travel, trains, coaches and ferries for short overseas trips.

Good luck to anyone who's booked with BA this holiday.

15 Dec 09 - 07:32 AM (#2788710)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: Bonzo3legs

We have always had excellent service from BA, especially in Club Europe. I recommend Monarch for the usual places in Spain. We may try Aerolineas Argentinas for the next trip to Buenos Aires.

15 Dec 09 - 07:43 AM (#2788715)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: bubblyrat

It's nothing to do with them being greedy---the strike is over the fact that BA have asked their cabin crews to take a 30 % cut in pay,as the airline has suffered (so they say ) a substantial (millions) loss this year. Not an unreasonable request,you might think,in these difficult times ? However, the staff concerned are unwilling,and,as stated on TV this morning, unable,due to the standard of living to which they have become accustomed,to accept this admittedly somewhat Draconian solution to their employer's monetary predicament.
          I gather that,although a majority were very much in favour of Strike Action,the staff members concerned would have preferred to defer such action until after a government review of the situation,due to occur in February.Some have ,indeed,expressed concern at their Union's decision to inflict all this disruption on the public at such a busy time,ie over the Christmas Holiday period . So, the people to blame are the "Bolshie" Bosses of the trade union concerned,who,like so many TU Officials, are demented with power and don't give a shit about you,me,Joe Public or anyone else. Not a good PR move for Trade Unionism, is it ? The Bastards !!

15 Dec 09 - 08:04 AM (#2788728)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: John J

My daughter flies as cabin crew although not with B.A.

She tells me that B.A. cabin crew are paid up to twice the going rate, plus B.A. crewing levels are higher than others.

Cabin crew on other airlines are keen to work for B.A. because it's seen as a well paid, cushy number.

I can't comment on B.A. wanting to cut cabin crew wages by 30%, although I believe they want to reduce the number of cabin crew on flights by one. Crew numbers are subject to CAA regs, there is no question of infringing these regulations.

I don't know what else is going on with B.A. and their cabin crew, I imagine there must be more to force a strike. This is the only information I've heard from within the industry.


15 Dec 09 - 09:19 AM (#2788778)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: Rasener

Whatever, if it brings BA to its knees, then I hope they won't mind too much if they all lose their jobs. Would serve them right if that happened. Plus less planes, less pollution.

15 Dec 09 - 09:23 AM (#2788780)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: Rapparee

I've gotten to the point where I don't like flying anyway. It's combat travel these days. A berth in steerage would be better, although not a fast.

15 Dec 09 - 09:23 AM (#2788781)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: maeve

Tam, I hope all goes smoothly to bring your daughter to you for Christmas and then back home safe and sound in time for her job.


15 Dec 09 - 11:51 AM (#2788877)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: Bonzo3legs

Whatever, if it brings BA to its knees, then I hope they won't mind too much if they all lose their jobs. Would serve them right if that happened. Plus less planes, less pollution.

Obviously not a traveller!

15 Dec 09 - 12:01 PM (#2788886)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: Rasener

Can't afford it

16 Dec 09 - 09:27 AM (#2789609)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: Rasener

So it could be resolved - maybe - possibly.

What do those people who hav erebooked flights with other companies do?

16 Dec 09 - 09:49 AM (#2789623)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

The BA staff at Gatwick already get paid less than those at Heathrow, have done for a long time. It's at Heathrow where the trouble started, from what I heard on the radio yesterday...

16 Dec 09 - 11:23 AM (#2789687)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: Folkiedave

British Airways have two scales pre- and post-1997. One is a well-paid job with good allowances. The other isn't.

When people strike someone usually suffers. But strikes are never one-sided and there was an overwhelming ballot in favour. I believe the management are as much if not more to blame. Willie Walsh has foregone his bonuses this year. Not especially difficult when you are paid £700,000 a year. And unless he is totally different to most bosses he'll be giving himself plenty of perks.

Now I happen to be in favour of people having well-paid jobs with good pay and allowances, especially if they have to spend periods away from home, I have worked away from home and it ain't much fun. I would certainly want a lot of compensation for doing it.

I do not like to see people hurt by strikes - but I certainly dn't want to see only one side blamed.

16 Dec 09 - 12:22 PM (#2789705)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: Lonesome EJ

Whether the BA employees have a legitimate grievance or not, this much is clear: Thay have timed this so as to do the most damage possible to the airlines and to their customers. This could have been slated for almost any other time. The fact that the union will penalize those who are travelling to be with their families for Christmas says volumes about their selfishness and disregard for those upon whom they depend for a livelihood, their customers.

16 Dec 09 - 12:57 PM (#2789724)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: folk1e

No one goes into a strike to gain money!
Given that (untill today) BA were unwilling to even talk about a settlement there seemed little scope fore manoever.
Even today BA are persuing a court action to prevent a strike!
Not exactly one sided is it?
Even allowing for "voter irregularity" cited by BA there was a majority of 7-1 in favour of strike. Given that a strike is intended to cause maximum inconvenience to the buisiness what better time to call it? Especially if it causes your bosses to sit down and talk!

My last point ....... would the CEO be willing to give up 30% of his 700K sallary (and the rest of the board)? ....... I thought not!

16 Dec 09 - 01:14 PM (#2789733)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: Folkiedave

The timing of this strike was engineered by the managment. They hope to get the public against the strikers.

Seems like it might be working.

16 Dec 09 - 02:08 PM (#2789773)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: McGrath of Harlow

Takes two to tango. When you get down to it the general pattern in strikes is that the strikers are responding to some action taken by management attacking their wages or conditions of work. And more often than not, as folkiedave said, the timing is engineered by the management.

16 Dec 09 - 02:18 PM (#2789782)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: Rasener

Why would the management want BA to get in such problems? That doesn't make sense to me.

16 Dec 09 - 02:59 PM (#2789806)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: McGrath of Harlow

Why would they want to cut their wage bill by by 30%? Hard to fathom that, isn't it?

16 Dec 09 - 03:19 PM (#2789816)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: Folkiedave

They have to make cuts despite huge (£1 billion) profits in previous years. The easiest way is to cut staff and staff working conditions. Then you make the staff look like it is their fault. You achieve a short term objective, and because you have reduced ordinary staff to low wages it should stay with you longer.

There is a problem. If low wages for everyone were a good idea, Rotherham would be paradise and South Kensington would be a slum.

16 Dec 09 - 03:52 PM (#2789837)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: Lonesome EJ

It always amazes me when people display such ignorance of how business works. A company that is losing money can borrow for a short term to try to correct the problem. But creditors will not lend money to a company whose losses are escalating and uncontrolled. Now how can you cut losses? You have two ways to accomplish this: Increase cash inflow through increased market share, or by reduction of costs. Increasing your market share to gain additional profitability would work, except that airlines are competing for diminishing market share, which leads to lower fares and lower profit margins. And so the principle tactic becomes cost cutting, which includes laying off workers and cutting pay for those who remain. It should also include sensible compensation adjustment for executives. Those who insist on no change in the status quo are helping to send their companies down a path to bankruptcy. Then they will be forced to apply for airlines jobs elsewhere (in a market where the the supply of workers exceeds the demand for labor, which forces down wages), or learn a new skill.
Here is an excerpt from France24, an independent online international news service.
BA last month revealed that net losses quadrupled to 217 million pounds in the group's first half, or six months to September.
On Monday the airline said that its pension deficit had ballooned to 3.7 billion pounds (4.1 billion euros, 6.0 billion dollars), a 76-percent increase compared to the level in 2006, causing the airline to seek a "recovery plan".

In the face of this, the BA crews vote to strike during the airlines' most profitable time period? Short-sighted to the point of complete stupidity. As thousands of Flint Michigan workers learned, no one's union contract guarantees them a job in an industry on the skids. Finger-pointing at who might have been to blame for the bankruptcy of BA will be cold comfort at that point.

16 Dec 09 - 04:45 PM (#2789874)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: Teribus

From the figure the Company is in trouble, no great surprises there as over the last few years lots of national carriers have been in serious trouble.

As LEJ says it is a problem that has to be recognised by both sides and tackled with logic and reason. Management have merely stated the stark facts and presented what they think has to be done, the union side has just given them a blank no.

Fair enough go on strike, lose one of the most profitable periods of the year, that most certainly will not help, and yes your former passengers will remember. If they do not resolve the problem and costs have to be cut by 30%, then they reduce flights, fewer planes, fewer routes, require less staff so those members of staff get laid off. BA keeps flying and can possibly be resurrected at a later date. They may even take on new personnel, probably this time they will be sensible enough to take them on through an agency.

16 Dec 09 - 05:38 PM (#2789898)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: VirginiaTam

companies in trouble shouldn't keep paying the ludicrous salaries and perks and bonuses etc. to the upper circle and sticking it to the workers.

though i don't know if i like to think of BA cabin crew as workers in the same sense that baggage handlers and cleaners and ground crew and desk clerks are workers. not saying they don't have it hard, but the heathrow crew are very well payed by comparison.

wish they had not chosen the christmas period to do this.

i did read some comments on grauniad from BA workers from other departments who are cheesed off at "spoiled" cabin crew. they had made the 30% savings as requested by head office but cabin crew refused, which pushed the company to enforce measures against them.

so who voted in the Unite ballots? was it only cabin crew? do other BA workers belong to the same trade union?

16 Dec 09 - 05:39 PM (#2789900)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: McGrath of Harlow

I don't think many workers would object to "sensible compensation adjustment for executives" as a way of reducing costs, and showing goodwill. That should mean that pay and perks would be on the same level as other employees.

So far as I am aware this has not been proposed by BT management as part of their proposals for cutting costs.

16 Dec 09 - 05:43 PM (#2789905)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: Folkiedave

Cabin crew voted. I believe it was an 80% turn out and a 90%+ vote. Remember how hard it is to get a legal strike in the UK.

Pretty good figures I'd say.

Some people do well being employed by an agency. Most people do badly.

16 Dec 09 - 05:51 PM (#2789912)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: Folkiedave

I meant to mention. When the banks go on strike - by not lending money on occasions when they might have done and have government backing to do so - why does not one single newspaper ever lead with the word "STRIKE"?

16 Dec 09 - 06:06 PM (#2789921)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: McGrath of Harlow

"A reasonable man gets nowhere in negotiations." Words of "Slasher Walsh", BA boss, and a former union activist till he changed sides.

Easy enough to see why he did that.

From The Times in June this year:
"Willie Walsh, the chief executive of British Airways, will receive an inflation-busting pay rise taking his salary to £743,000 this year and could gain a further £1.1 million in deferred share bonuses."

16 Dec 09 - 06:19 PM (#2789930)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: McGrath of Harlow

Actually it's not that easy - why should any sane person want more than enough money to have a comfortable life for themselves and their family? And that only needs a small fraction of that kind of money.

16 Dec 09 - 07:43 PM (#2789977)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: EBarnacle

When the execs and admins take equal proportionate cuts in both personnel, perks and salary, perhaps there would be les likelihood of labor action.

16 Dec 09 - 07:46 PM (#2789980)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: Lonesome EJ

No argument here that ridiculous compensation rates for CEOs are just that...ridiculous. Unfortunately, Walsh's pay is scrimpy compared to what some other CEOs make. CEO compensation is often spliced into generous stock incentives for achieving short term profit goals, even at the risk of terminal long-term damage to companies. The culprit is the Board of Directors who promise stock holders quick gains, and CEOs who clean up by securing those gains.

But to play a blame game while your employer goes down the crapper is non productive. The first order of business is to plug the leaks when the ship is sinking and before you have to swim.

16 Dec 09 - 08:01 PM (#2789990)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: McGrath of Harlow

And the first leak to fix should be the money leaking to the executives.

17 Dec 09 - 12:41 AM (#2790110)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: Lonesome EJ

McGrath, Walsh makes 743,000 pounds per year according to you. Did you see that they had lost 217 million in the first 2 quarters? His pay, no matter how grossly overpaid he may be, is a drop in the bucket. The bottom line is you ain't gonna balance the books cutting executive salaries.
Having said that, I agree that Walsh should share the burden. Let's say the pilots are asked to take a 30% pay cut. Damn right he should expect to take the same cut, for the good of the company and in the interest of fairness. Sacrifices should be made across the board by all employees in the interest of safeguarding the hand that feeds them.

17 Dec 09 - 02:49 AM (#2790137)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: VirginiaTam

it is not just the CEO salaries - private and public sector industry/organisation are all top heavy with high paid management and directorships.

Look at local authorities. Everyone complains that LA staff are over paid and have it too good pension wise... but really it isn't the foot soldiers delivery the services. It is the management. Essex is stil restructuring, juggling high level posts and still advertising for heads, directors and managers while saying they will cut "back office" staff in order to make savings.

Who is going to do the work, I wonder, when we are all gone? I'll tell you who... Local authorities are outsourcing.

IBM, ExcelCare, etc.... private companies that do not care a fig about the service they provide, only the money they make.

Our tax money at work, lining the pockets of public sector managers and big corporations.

17 Dec 09 - 08:34 AM (#2790273)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: McGrath of Harlow

£743,000 minus 30% still leaves the man absurdly rich. It's not the same thing when the basic pay is £14,000, which this cabin crew member gets: (see .

Drastically cutting executive pay (and other bloated rewards for greedy peopleat the top) might not make much impact on costs - but it would make "We're all in this together" meaningful - and that surely is something that any organisation in trouble needs to have.

17 Dec 09 - 10:52 AM (#2790347)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: Bonzo3legs

Don't forget Higher Rate Tax and National Insurance, which takes a hefty chunk for the hideous brown - never mind, it's be the hideous Cameron soon!!!

17 Dec 09 - 11:24 AM (#2790372)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: folk1e

As predicted .... it "aint gonner hapen" ..... the court has ruled the strike to be illegal!
........Whie's move!

17 Dec 09 - 12:48 PM (#2790460)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: John J

My daughter (who flies with another airline) earns £13.5k pa, + flight pay + commissions for on-board sales = around £18.5k pa.


17 Dec 09 - 12:59 PM (#2790478)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: McGrath of Harlow

The link went missing in my last post - here it is: "British Airways: why I voted to strike"

This lopsided court ruling marks a pretty shameful day for democracy.

17 Dec 09 - 01:40 PM (#2790529)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: Bonzo3legs

This lopsided court ruling marks a pretty shameful day for democracy

No - it puts union thugs in their place, and many folks' Christmas will not be ruined.

17 Dec 09 - 01:48 PM (#2790541)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: Rasener

I don't agree with you.
Thankfully many families will be re-united at Christmas, and if you can't see the sense in that, well I just do not know what to say other than BAH Humbug.

17 Dec 09 - 02:22 PM (#2790568)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: McGrath of Harlow

You might like the result of the court's decision - but it overturns an overwhelming vote by the workforce, on very questionable grounds.

A few hundred people who had been bullied into taking "voluntary redundancy" were included in the ballot.

Whichever way they voted it couldn't have made any difference to the result - but that was the excuse used by the court to overthrow it.

17 Dec 09 - 02:49 PM (#2790582)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways

I agree with McGrath. It also means that once the union arrange the next ballot BA only has to sanction more voluntary redundancies and back to court they go for a further injunction. They cannot win and democracy becomes total manipulated. Cabin Staff may receive above average pay for their industy if you include allowances but no greater than the average for the UK- and they are not the ones who have left a huge whole in their pension fund and created a reputation for double dealing wordwide. Perhaps also this is an opportunity for us to thank everyone who has to work over holiday periods so the rest of us enjoy a break -it is shameful to suggest they are greedy whether one agrees with the strike or not.

17 Dec 09 - 03:05 PM (#2790593)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: Jack the Sailor

>>Thankfully many families will be re-united at Christmas, and if you can't see the sense in that, well I just do not know what to say other than BAH Humbug<<

You talk as if BA were providing some unique and magical service. Isn't it more like "Many families will not have to make other arrangements?

17 Dec 09 - 03:08 PM (#2790596)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: Rasener

Well I never. I am not religious, but you lot make me totally ashamed.

17 Dec 09 - 03:16 PM (#2790602)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways

But you always said you religiously supported Aston Villa Les!!!

17 Dec 09 - 03:31 PM (#2790627)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: Jack the Sailor

LOL!! What about the many families of cabin crew getting their holidays ruined by wage cuts?

17 Dec 09 - 03:34 PM (#2790630)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: Rasener

So what.They have a job

Guest LOL

17 Dec 09 - 03:39 PM (#2790636)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: Jack the Sailor

So someone having to book a flight with another airline gets their Christmas ruined, and that is a terrible thing but someone losing 30% of their 14,000 pounds a year deserves no sympathy because they still have a job?

Perhaps you need to work a little on your Christmas spirit?

17 Dec 09 - 03:44 PM (#2790644)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: VirginiaTam

ok ok... I am the one who is greedy. I have lost one daughter and have not seen this daughter since summer of 2008 and then only for a couple of days. Prior to that more than 2 years.

I have been missing my own country and my family.

So....yes I need to see her, hug her, hear her.

Yes yes yes... I am needy and greedy.

17 Dec 09 - 04:09 PM (#2790668)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: Rasener

Sorry Jack I do not agree with you, so can we please leave it at that. I hav eno wish to start a personal attack on you.

I hope you have a nice Christmas around the people you love so dearly and hope you can be a bit considerate for other families who just want the same.

17 Dec 09 - 05:33 PM (#2790749)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: Lonesome EJ

A lot of us are having Christmas tightened up by pay and benefits cuts. That doesn't mean we won't make a merry one out of it. I feel more sorrow for those who have lost jobs than I do anger for the blows I have taken. And I will hope for, and wish to all of you, a Better and More Prosperous New Year.

17 Dec 09 - 05:56 PM (#2790766)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: Rasener

>>Yes yes yes... I am needy and greedy. <<

No you are not VT. You are human.

17 Dec 09 - 05:58 PM (#2790767)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: Jack the Sailor


You are saying that I am not considerate. I am considering BOTH those who would be INCONVENIENCED by a strike AND those who will lose 30% of their income without it.

You have been implying that those who do not agree with British Airways management are wish people a bad Christmas.

I certainly wish TAM and her daughter a Merry Christmas and whether there is a strike or not I pray that they will get together. On the other hand, coincidentally, I have recently been informed of a 30% drop in my contracts for next near and the prospects for replacing that income do not look good.

I wish my problems were as trivial as an airline strike. But I'll suck it up and appreciate what I do have. On the other hand I won't begrudge those aircrews what little leverage they do have in trying to hang on to what they have.

17 Dec 09 - 06:12 PM (#2790779)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: Linda Kelly

Sorry guest was me without my cookie. Greed is a difficult thing to quantify I guess -I see bankers and politicians as greedy and some-BBC journalists who challenge these people but a the same time rake in public money to the tune of millions a year Mr Paxman. But I don't see someone earning an average wage and threatened with cuts and job losses as greedy.Its a difficult argument to have weighing up the disappointment of someone not seeing their family at Christmas against the prospect of those losing jobs or taking paycuts which threaten their homes and family life. It isn't up to me to decide which is more or less worthy .I hope everyone here has a great Christmas and is reunited with friends and family and that anyone here under threat of losing their jobs or wages ends up with a secure and happy 2010. Merry Xmas.

18 Dec 09 - 03:11 AM (#2790984)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: Backwoodsman

Nice one Linda, I'm with you, absolutely.

Villan, these BA employees aren't social-workers, it's not their responsibility to ensure that people living apart are able to play Happy Families at Christmas. They're not paid to be social-workers, they're paid to wet-nurse and butt-kiss passengers on flights - that's all. They're people already on low-ish incomes whose cunning, manipulative employer has manufactured the timing of this situation in order to rob them of a third of what they have, and to have a sure-fire means of turning public opinion against them when they object and try to fight back. Seems like BA have fooled a lot of gullible people.

But it looks as though they'll be working anyway, thanks to the courts, so families who are travelling will have Christmas together, which of course is good. Let's hope The outcome for BA's workers is equally happy in the end.

Happy Christmas everyone.

18 Dec 09 - 04:08 AM (#2791002)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: Rasener

They are lucky to have a job these days Backwoodsman as is everybody these days. I just happen to think they could have gone on strike at a different time than Christmas.
I certainly don't support the big fat cat salary grabbers if thats what you think.

18 Dec 09 - 04:22 AM (#2791007)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: Backwoodsman

Villan, I agree about jobs, but the timing was clearly carefully and cynically manipulated by BA in order to get people like you on the company's side. Otherwise, why not leave it until after Christmas to announce these huge pay cuts? I'll tell you why not - because they wanted The Villan and his ilk to start wailing about how unfair these horrible greedy-bastard BA employees are, and how lucky they are to have jobs.

We live in the Free Market. If someone is selling tomatoes, they will ask what they consider the best price for them and, if what they're offered is below what they're prepared to sell them for, they won't sell them, and no-one will force them to.
Why shouldn't people sell their time and labour on the same basis? What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

But I don't suppose we'll agree! Nothing new there! LOL!

All the best to you, Mrs. Villan and The Villanettes for Christmas, see you in the New Year (for Mary and Anahata probably, and deffo for Jez & TBP's!).   :-) :-)

18 Dec 09 - 04:37 AM (#2791011)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: Rasener

>>But I don't suppose we'll agree! Nothing new there! LOL!
<< Indeed LOL

See you in the New Year and best wishes to you and Mrs Backwoodsman as well. Hope you have a good time. :-)

18 Dec 09 - 05:45 AM (#2791052)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: John MacKenzie

They broke the rules governing a strike ballot of union members.
Now it doesn't matter what way you cut the cake Kevin, if an argument or a decision is based on a faulty premise, then the whole thing should fail.
Curate's egg situations are only for cartoons.
I am amused at the almost total disappearance of the normal left wing socialist tenor of Mudcat, when it comes to something which might inconvenience us, or our friends!

18 Dec 09 - 08:52 AM (#2791139)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: Bonzo3legs

They are lucky to have a job these days Backwoodsman as is everybody these days. I just happen to think they could have gone on strike at a different time than Christmas.
I certainly don't support the big fat cat salary grabbers if thats what you think.

When I was made redundant for the second time in 2002, I didn't have a sulk saying "They are lucky to have a job these days", I just got on with it and did a 750 letter mail shot (boy could I have done with a letter folding machine!) in order to take anything that came up - which it did. So I didn't need the patronising peabrains at the dole centre to find me a job, anyway I wear the wrong uniform for the dole centre!!!

18 Dec 09 - 09:09 AM (#2791154)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: kendall

I just added another "No fly" airline to my shit list.

18 Dec 09 - 11:05 AM (#2791244)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: Rog Peek

"lucky to have a job!" As far as I'm concerned, luck has nothing to do with it. People are losing their jobs because of fat cat greedy bankers and financiers together with incompetant money grabbing politicians. Workers argueing amoungst themselves over who should take cuts in pay, who should feel lucky to have a job and who should and should not be inconvenienced diverts attention from the real villains of the piece and plays right into their hands.


18 Dec 09 - 11:21 AM (#2791253)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: GUEST,John from Kemsing

Surely the way to negotiate and, at the same time, not antagonise and inconvenience the paying public is to devise a means whereby the service is kept going but no money is collected for the fares. Issue "you owe us" notes, perhaps, to be squared at a later date. That is not stealing, just delaying payment. When I was in France I experienced strikers on the motorway "peages" letting the traffic roll, free, gratis and for nothing under the eye of "les flics".

18 Dec 09 - 11:23 AM (#2791254)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: kendall

There are plenty of "brown" sandwiches to go around.

18 Dec 09 - 12:18 PM (#2791301)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: Lonesome EJ

We live in the Free Market. If someone is selling tomatoes, they will ask what they consider the best price for them and, if what they're offered is below what they're prepared to sell them for, they won't sell them, and no-one will force them to.
Why shouldn't people sell their time and labour on the same basis? What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

In a free market, a company who makes ketchup has the freedom to find the grower who provides the best tomatoes at the most competitive price. A grower has the right to get the most he can for his tomatoes. A tomato, like airline labor, is a commodity in a "free market". No grower can hold the ketchup maker to a captive price, and no ketchup maker can hold a grower to same. If they can't come to agreement on price, both are free to seek other growers or manufacturers. That, Backwoodsman, is how the free market works.

18 Dec 09 - 01:19 PM (#2791379)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: Backwoodsman

Isn't that what I said?

18 Dec 09 - 02:19 PM (#2791435)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: Rasener

You did indeed BWM, but not everybody reads other peoples posts.

Never mind,at least Lonesome EJ agrees with you :-)

18 Dec 09 - 02:34 PM (#2791444)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: Jack the Sailor

There is no market of Tomatoes trained and ready in BA policies and procedures with reliable work records and background checks in place that they can go to for such a short period. There may be strike breakers that they can hire for MORE to do the job until the union breaks. But that isn't free market either. Is it?

EJ I'd like to see people with your idealism go back to the times of Dickens when the principles you support were in common use. What was your favorite part? Indentured labor or debtor's prisons? ;-)

18 Dec 09 - 03:04 PM (#2791477)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: John MacKenzie

I haven't laughed so many since I were a children.
Anybody would think business practices had changed Jack.
Here's the scoop, nothing has changed, it's still a buyers and sellers situation.
Just that nowadays the oppressor is just as likely to be the oppressed.
"O wonder!
How many goodly creatures are there here!
How beautious mankind is!
O brave new world,
That has such people in't!"

18 Dec 09 - 03:44 PM (#2791506)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: Lonesome EJ

I was talking about the "free market" principle that Backwoodsman was describing, Jackthe S. It's pretty ridiculous to talk about a free market, especially in this case, since there isn't one in existence that I could name. Most capital markets are subject to government regulation and workplace protections. I don't in fact believe that a "free market" with laissez faire capitalist behavior is desirable.
What Backwoodsman implied was that the BA crews had a right to strike to maintain salaries because of free market principles, which is not true. In a free market the workers will sell their tomatoes to the buyer, or walk away. They won't threaten to picket the buyer's market until he agrees to pay the value they have determined their goods are worth.
Jack the S said "There is no market of Tomatoes trained and ready in BA policies and procedures with reliable work records and background checks in place that they can go to for such a short period". That's true, and that's why a strike can work. But it has little to do with free market principles. It's a threat to cost the company more in lag time, hiring, and training, than the savings of the salary cuts would gain. This is a sensible approach with a healthy company. With a sick company, it's akin to suicide, and to do it at Christmas will insure that the strikers get almost no support from the public.

By the way, I'm not a big fan of indentured labor or debtor's prison, but I do think the Pillory is underused.

18 Dec 09 - 03:57 PM (#2791522)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: Folkiedave

I wonder if anyone would care to comment on the disatrous launch of Terminal 5 and how that cost BA a fortune.

I know someone who was there to test the systems before launch. The tests showed it wouldn't work. It didn't work. BA staff got the management out of the fertiliser as I remember.

I wonder if BA management hedged against rising fuel costs? As I understand it most airlines did and BA didn't.

Faults on both sides you could call it. Perhaps if the management told us how much their bad decisions cost the company we might judge the workers' case a little more fairly.

18 Dec 09 - 04:02 PM (#2791529)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: Rasener

Time for BA to employ lap dancing stewardesses. That will bring the punters in.

Oops mustn't be sexist.

Time for BA to employ lap dancing stewards as well. That will bring the punters in.

18 Dec 09 - 04:18 PM (#2791536)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: John MacKenzie

So Dave, on the basis of wasted money, should servicemen refuse to fight for their country, based on all the money the MOD has squandered?

18 Dec 09 - 05:15 PM (#2791593)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: GUEST,weerover

Many (most?) people in the UK take out a mortgage the extent of which means they do not have a great deal of disposable income after all the essentials. A 30% cut would therefore mean that some (again, most?) might not be able to make their mortgage payments, and therefore run the risk of losing their homes. What other tool than industrial action do people have in these circumstances to resist the imposition of such severe cuts? I am not unsympathetic to those who suffer because of strikes, and indeed have missed out on part of a holiday myself in the past because of same, but there is no point in industrial action which has no effect on anyone.

What are the chances of the CEO losing his home?


18 Dec 09 - 05:19 PM (#2791595)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: John MacKenzie

If they lose their jobs,[a distinct possibility], how then will they pay that mortgage?

18 Dec 09 - 06:28 PM (#2791651)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: McGrath of Harlow

They broke the rules governing a strike ballot of union members.
Now it doesn't matter what way you cut the cake Kevin, if an argument or a decision is based on a faulty premise, then the whole thing should fail.

There are 12,700 members of the relevant section of the union. 80 per cent of them voted - that's about about 10,260. And 92 per cent of those voted for a strike - that about 9,400.

Apparently 900 of those voting had agreed to take voluntary redundancy by the time the vote was taken. Still employed by BA, but working out their notice. That means that even if every one of these voted for strike action, and that vote doesn't count, there were 8,500 legitimate votes for the strike, and only about 1,000 against.

Of course for all anyone knows it might be that the votes against the strike were in fact mostly people who had taken redundancy and shouldn't have been voting in the first place.

However you cut the cake, an overwhelming vote was overturned by a court looking for a loophole. British Guided Democracy rules OK...

18 Dec 09 - 06:37 PM (#2791655)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: Folkiedave

So Dave, on the basis of wasted money, should servicemen refuse to fight for their country, based on all the money the MOD has squandered?

Frankly - yes.

How the MOD gets away with wasting billions of our taxes on failed procurement exercises I will never know!

By the same token, if the banks after a load of reckless speculation by highly paid staff cause loads of people to lose their jobs who do you think should get the sack? Front line bank staff on fairly standard wages?

18 Dec 09 - 07:26 PM (#2791689)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: kendall

You like old tired sayings? Whats good for the goose is painful for a gander.

Also, in regard to those strikers at this time of year, "You can ride a good horse to death."

19 Dec 09 - 12:23 AM (#2791779)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: Jack the Sailor

I do agree that free markets are very rare is any civilized society.

I'm sorry EJ,

I don't know of a market that works the way you describe. A Ketchup maker has to manage his supply chain or else he'll go out of business. If he just shops for price he will before too long lose customers either due to supply or quality problems.

The issue in my mind for BA is that for the strike vote to be that definitive at this time of year, management has not managed the situation. Whether its a poor strategy by the union or not is for them to decide. I suspect that they know the situation better than you or I do. It is not up to me to assign blame. But in modern labor relations I do know that the management holds almost all the cards.

Whether its a public relations problem for the union or not is subject to debate, But I will point out that the threat of a strike has got people like us following their plight.

19 Dec 09 - 07:26 AM (#2791889)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: Bonzo3legs

I wonder if anyone would care to comment on the disatrous launch of Terminal 5 and how that cost BA a fortune.

Just teething problems I suspect. Having stayed at the Sofitel overnight (almost)we passed through terminal 5 over the August Bank Holiday for an early flight to Geneva, and the word superb came to mind for service and organisation. I recommend Giraffe for breakfast airside.

19 Dec 09 - 07:27 AM (#2791890)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: Bonzo3legs

Errm......Giraffe is the name of the eating place of course!

19 Dec 09 - 07:42 AM (#2791899)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: John MacKenzie

Kevin, you can't win the Derby, if you start the race at Aintree, and everybody else is at Epsom!
Yes they voted by a clear majority for strike action, although most of those who voted did not envisage a strike of that length or on those particular dates.
So the union shot itself in the foot big style, and may find they get a smaller majority/turn out next time they hold a ballot.
Those people pay their dues, and they should expect their union to represent them efficiently.

19 Dec 09 - 08:09 AM (#2791914)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: kendall

Greedy unions have put more than a few businesses out of business.

19 Dec 09 - 05:48 PM (#2792330)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: McGrath of Harlow

"they voted by a clear majority for strike action

And that was overturned by a court acting dishonestly.

19 Dec 09 - 06:32 PM (#2792378)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: Jack the Sailor

>>Greedy unions have put more than a few businesses out of business. <<

Really? Can you name one? Certainly GM and Chrysler come to mind but If we had universal health care they'd be on an equal footing with Toyota and Honda and Ford is doing just fine and until the bailout screwed over the unions at GM and Chrysler, the big three always negotiated very similar contracts.

There do seem to be plenty of crooked people running unions but they seem more interested in skimming than closing down employers.

19 Dec 09 - 07:19 PM (#2792401)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: John MacKenzie

I WAS NOT dishonest. the ballot was illegal FFS

20 Dec 09 - 07:04 PM (#2793189)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: McGrath of Harlow

The dishonesty lay in the fact that the judge, Mrs Justice Laura Cox, clearly made the judgement on the basis of the unfortunate impact she envisaged a strike having on BA and on would-be travellers. The relatively marginal flaw in the balloting process, which could not possibly have made any difference to the result, was transparently used as an excuse.

Otherwise of what relevance to the legality or illegality of the ballot were her words in her judgement: "A strike of this kind over the twelve days of Christmas is fundamentally more damaging to BA and the wider public than a strike taking place at almost any other time of the year"?

Seamus Milne in The Guardian got it right: "...there's not the slightest question that those mistakenly balloted half-way through taking redundancy could have changed the result. Instead, Mrs Justice Cox has made a transparently political decision to skew the balance of power still further in favour of BA's recklessly incompetent management."

21 Dec 09 - 04:47 AM (#2793402)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: John MacKenzie

Methinks there may be partiality to be perceived on both sides.
Motes and eyes Kevin.

21 Dec 09 - 06:49 AM (#2793448)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: GUEST,Kendall

Jack, I speak of businesses here in Maine, not the big ones. Herman Shoe comes to mind.

21 Dec 09 - 10:07 AM (#2793523)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: Bonzo3legs

The dishonesty lay in the fact that the judge, Mrs Justice Laura Cox, clearly made the judgement on the basis of the unfortunate impact she envisaged a strike having on BA and on would-be travellers.

And quite rightly so.

21 Dec 09 - 10:19 AM (#2793533)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: John MacKenzie

Why is the union not appealing the judgement then?

21 Dec 09 - 12:25 PM (#2793631)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways

"The needs of the many outweigh those of the few." (Spock)

21 Dec 09 - 07:22 PM (#2793932)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: McGrath of Harlow

On the other hand the needs of the few outweigh the wants of the many.

21 Dec 09 - 08:37 PM (#2793975)
Subject: RE: BS: tis season to be greedy: British Airways
From: GUEST,999

If people did their best to avoid travel via BA when their prices are low--and let them know why in writing--, you'd go a long way towards forcing them to drop their prices when they do take advantage of folks. (Teachers get friggin' nailed because their holiday time just happens to coincide with the rush to go places and they pay OTT to get anywhere.) You can bitch all you want, but if you suck up to them when they offer basement prices, they will thank you by f*&k*&g you in the ass at peak season. And that's what they're doing.